Phase Change Compounds and Power Plant Ash For Thermally Efficient and Cost Effective Building Materials

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Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No.




LUCICA ANGHELESCU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu-

Jiu,Faculty of Engineering, Geneva3, 210152, Târgu-Jiu, Gorj, ROMANIA
BOGDAN DIACONU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu-Jiu,Faculty
of Engineering, Geneva3, 210152, Târgu-Jiu, Gorj, ROMANIA

ABSTRACT: Phase change materials are substances with a high value of latent heat which is capable of storing
large amounts of heat by melting; the heat stored during the melting process is released through solidification.
Phase Change Materials (PCMs) store energy by changing phase from solid to liquid (melting) and releasing
heat by changing phase from liquid to solid (solidification). Phase change materials provide a large heat capacity
over a limited temperature range.

KEY WORDS: materials, storage, compound

1. INTRODUCTION for over half of the fuel consumed, with

Interest in renewable energy has 60% of emissions being attributed to
increased rapidly throughout the world, an lighting and heating these buildings.
example of this is the U.S. Government's The amount of energy in terms of
Million Solar Roof Initiative whose sunlight reaching the earth's surface in a
objective is to install a million solar roofs year is approximately 1000 times that
by 2010. However there are several major obtained from burning all the fossil fuels
problems with harvesting solar energy; it’s extracted during the same period [3].
availability is unpredictable, intermittent Consequently the use of solar power in
and is often subject to interruptions due to residential buildings has enormous
changes in weather. Due to this a form of potential for reducing CO2 emissions.
thermal storage is required to match supply Thermal storage can be accomplished
with demand. either by using sensible heat storage or
At the 1992 conference on climate latent heat storage. Sensible heat storage
change, the United Nations Inter- has been used for centuries by builders to
governmental panel concluded that a 60% store thermal energy, but a much larger
reduction in the use of fossil fuel would volume of material is required to store the
have to be made in order to freeze the level same amount of energy in comparison to
of CO2 emissions by the year 2005. This latent heat storage. This fact is illustrated
will have a major affect on the way in figure 1. Calcium chloride hexahydrate is
which fuel is currently being used, forcing a PCM and at its melting point it can
a higher reliance and use of alternative and store/release 190 kJ of energy. To store
renewable energy sources. This has the same amount of energy water would
tremendous implications in the residential have to be heated to 45°C and concrete
building sector as currently they account would have to be heated to 190°C.

Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2013

Phase change materials are used in a The most popular application the is heat
wide range of applications - from storage system integrated into a renewable
thermally stabilized suits to building or heat recovery system used for space or
insulations and extraterrestrial space process heating, air conditioning or
applications. refrigeration.
Heat storage is required when a shift consumer, and ultimately reducing the
occurs between the moment of availability need for new utility power plants.
of energy and the moment of PCMs are solid at room
consumptions. Energy is stored in PCMs temperature. When the temperature
using a variety of methods and coming becomes warmer, PCMs liquefy and
from a variety of sources: waste heat, absorb and store heat, thus cooling the
excess refrigeration capacity, night-time house. Conversely, when the temperature
refrigeration, co-generation facilities, etc. drops, the material will solidify and give
Energy is released the next day (or off heat, warming the house. By
whenever needed) for air conditioning, incorporating PCMs in the building
process cooling, or process/residential envelope, they absorb the higher exterior
heating. PCM solidifies inside PCM-filled temperature during the day, and dissipate
spheres or cylinders installed in large the heat to the interior at night when it is
tanks. PCM Thermal Solutions Thermal cooler.
Storage Systems generate energy cost Properties of PCM that are desirable for
savings and environmental benefits by residential use include: (1) A melting
using low cost off-peak electrical energy. temperature above 25°C (77°F), (2)
PCM Spheres can be installed around the material is low cost, (3) not toxic,
world in schools, hospitals, airports, office corrosive, or hydroscopic, and (4)
buildings, churches, government offices commercially available in sufficient
and industrial plants. quantities for producers to incorporate into
ordinary building materials.
2. CLASSIFICATION AND Researchers have identified a
number of materials that meet most of the
specifications. For example, paraffin
compounds (linear crystalline alkyl
Spheres of various diameters (75
hydrocarbons) are commercially available
mm is most common) can be installed in
from petroleum refining or polymerization.
almost any shape or size of storage tank
Some manufacturers have demonstrated
fiberglass, steel, concrete, atmospheric or
processes that successfully incorporate
pressurized; above grade or buried.
paraffin beads into wallboard. However,
Flexibility is the key to the application of
more research is needed before the
PCM-filled containers in retrofit and new
technology can be marketed.
construction situations where thermal
PCMs can be broadly classed as Organic
storage was not possible before. In
and Inorganic.
addition, PCM containers can be placed in
existing tanks formerly used for storage of
)2.1. Organic phase change materials
other materials.
Phase change materials (PCMs), currently
Organic Phase Change Materials
under research and development, can
(PCMs) can be Aliphatic or Other
smooth daily fluctuations in room
Organics. Users rarely specify the use of
temperature by lowering the peak
Organic PCMs. LatestTM can offer Organic
temperatures resulting from extreme
PCMs in low temperature range. Organic
external daily temperature changes. PCMs
PCMs are expensive and they have average
reduce home heating or cooling loads,
Latent Heat per unit volume and low
thereby producing energy savings for the
density. Most items in organic PCM range
Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2013

are combustible in nature. They also have a cooling. However, impurities also
wider range of Melting Point. Some promoted nucleation of undesirable
customers specify organic PCMs and we hydrates leading to stratification. Experts
offer them as per PCMs as per their on crystallography have managed to
requirement. You need specify the desired identify the “Preferred Crystal Nucleation”
Melting Point only. method. It consists of a “Cold Finger” that
nucleates and promotes the growth of
2.2. Inorganic phase change materials. desired crystals and “Detoxification” or
“Selective Elimination” whereby any
Inorganic Phase Change Materials impurity that promotes the growth of
(PCMs) are generally Hydrated Salt based undesirable crystals is removed. The
materials. Hydrated salts have a number of current methods of Phase Change Material
hydrates and an anhydrous form leading to (PCM) manufacturing are like the new
stratification of material and loss of Latent generation “Combination Drugs”.
Heat recovery with time. Hydrated salts The main parameters of phase change
also have a sub-cooling tendency. Old materials are:
generation PCM manufacturers managed - heat of fusion – the amount of heat
to add performance-enhancing agents. required to melt 1 kg of phase
These additives do help in delaying the change material, expressed in kJ/kg
degradation of PCMs for say 100 cycles or - duration index, the interval of time
thereabout. However, they do not address required to change the phase
the basic reasons due to which sub-cooling In table 1 are listed a series of
and degradation happens. Earlier commercially available phase change
researchers emphasized that it is beneficial materials
to use impure grades of base material as it
promotes the nucleation and prevents sub-

Table 1. Phase changing materials commercially available

Melting Grade of Useful Latent heat Latent heat in Specific
point PCM range useful range gravity
o o
-50 C Freezer Salt -60 to -40 C 325 395 1.3
-23oC Freezer Salt -30 to -15oC 330 380 1.2
o o
-16 C Freezer Salt -25 to -05 C 330 380 1.02
o o
-50 C Freezer Salt -60 to -40 C 325 395 1.3
-23oC Freezer Salt -30 to -15oC 330 380 1.2
o o
-16 C Freezer Salt -25 to -05 C 330 380 1.02
4oC Preservation 00 to 10oC 105 135 1.4
o o
8C Solar 15 to 21 C 175 210 1.5
21oC Solar 18 to 24oC 175 210 1.5
o o
30 C AC-Backup 22 to 36 C 210 250 1.4
o o
31 C AC-Backup 22 to 36 C 210 250 1.3

2.3. Phase change slurries This technology has been used by others to
Effective heat exchange with the embed PCM material into wall boards for
PCM requires a large surface area to houses and into concrete. Phase change
volume ratio in the PCM heat exchanger. slurries are obtained by dispersing a
One way to achieve this is to break the microencapsulated PCM (particle diameter
PCM into small particles and wrap each 5-20 m) with a heat carrier fluid (e.g.
particle in its own heat exchange surface. water).
This process is called micro-encapsulation.

Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2013

Thermal behavior of phase change – heat release cycle is depicted in figure 1.

slurries subject to a complete heat storage

Stabilization of temperature Cooling (PCM in liquid phase)

Heating (PCM in liquid phase) Water

Water and PCM temperature

Solidification of PCM

Melting of PCM

Heating (PCM in solid phase)

Cooling (PCM in solid phase)


Figure 1. Time dependence of the components temperature in a phase change slurry

2.4. Building materials 2.5. Power plant ash addition

enhanced with phase change in building materials
compounds. The main disadvantage of phase change
Incorporation of phase change compounds is the high cost, which results
compounds in building materials in expensive building materials. A trade-
increases the thermal mass of the off solution is addition of fly ash together
construction element. Thus, it with the phase change compound. Fly ash
damps off the temperature provides good characteristics such as
variations and improves the quality compression strength, low thermal
of the indoor environment. Not conductivity and high specific heat
only does it maintain a constant capacity [5]. In such way, addition of
indoor air temperature but also phase change compounds and fly ash will
keeps the exterior walls from significantly improve both thermal
getting too cold, which affects the characteristics and the cost of the final
thermal radiation exchange construction material.
balance. The following systems
were implemented successfully:
 Microencapsulated phase 3. CONCLUSIONS
change materials in concrete
 Macro-encapsulated phase Phase changing materials are a
change materials in bricks convenient alternative for energy storage,
 Building elements impregnated especially integrated into renewable energy
with phase change materials applications such as solar. Heat storage
accomplished through usage of phase
changing materials correlates the
Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2013

consumption of energy with the 3. Zubair, S., Al-Naglah, M.,

availability. Phase changing materials can Thermoeconomic Optimization Of A
be used in application such as: Sensible-Heat Thermal Energy-
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 Conditioning of buildings, such as Cycle, ASME Journal of Energy
'ice-storage' Resources Technology-Transactions
 Waste heat recovery of the AMSE; pp: 286-294; Vol. 121
 Off peak power utilization 4. Mónica Delgado, Ana Lázaro, Javier
 Heat pump systems Mazo, Belén Zalba, Review on phase
 Space applications change material emulsions and
microencapsulated phase change
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