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Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 1


The Art and Science of human attraction

5th Edition – Revised and expanded

By Wellington Rodrigues, B.Ms. C. / Ct. Hy.

Copyright 1998 – 2003, Wellington Rodrigues – All rights reserved

This Electronic Book (e-book) is protected under the Copyright laws of the United
States of America. It CANNOT be reproduced nor distributed in part or as a whole
without written permission by the author. Nor can it be installed in more than one
computer, nor shared. Violators will be fully prosecuted.

(Attention: The links to download your 2 FREE bonus e-books are located in the resources
section at the end of this course)
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 2


-INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................- 3

-HOW TO USE THIS COURSE.................................................................................................. - 10

-WHAT IS PERSONAL MAGNETISM?........................................................................................- 13

-THE BENEFITS OF BEING A HUMAN MAGNET......................................................................- 18

-THE 3 PHASES OF OUR PERSONAL MAGNETISM PROGRAM............................................- 23


I-BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUMAN MAGNET.......................................................- 27

II-SELF-IMAGE - MAGNETISM STARTS WITHIN.....................................................................- 33

III-PROGRAMMING A MAGNETIC SELF IMAGE......................................................................- 37

IV-BELIEF SYSTEM, YOUR REALITY MAP ..............................................................................- 40

V- MODELING MAGNETISM – THE AMAZING POSSIBILITIES..............................................- 44

VI-EXERCISES FOR THE FIRST PHASE.................................................................................- 52


I-THE WEAKNESSES OF HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY.................................................................- 54

II-HOW OTHERS PERCEIVE YOU...........................................................................................- 62

III-EXERCISES FOR THE SECOND PHASE............................................................................- 67


I-ELIMINATE THE FEAR OF PERSONAL INTERACTIONS.....................................................- 69

II-RAPPORT...............................................................................................................................- 74


PERCEIVED AS AN EXTREMELY MAGNETIC INDIVIDUAL...................................................- 84

IV-ATTRACTING THE OPPOSITE SEX....................................................................................- 94


VI-METAPHYSICAL ATTRACTION...........................................................................................- 117

VII-ATTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES........................................................................................- 124

VIII-FOLLOW UP - BUILDING A STRONG NETWORK............................................................- 128

IX-THE PERSONAL MAGNETISM-MIND PROGRAMMING TAPE..........................................- 130

X-EXERCISES FOR PHASE 3..................................................................................................- 134

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 3


Dear Student,

Welcome to the fascinating world of personal power, covert hypnosis and

irresistible magnetism!

The time has come for you to learn a series of very powerful behavioral
reprogramming techniques and practical attraction strategies that will allow you
to get whatever you want in life, from virtually anybody.

At this exact moment, somewhere in the world , there are people using
these same skills to sell their products, seduce the opposite sex, get a raise,
avoid a traffic ticket, or even manipulate a whole group of unsuspecting followers.

These amazing techniques, which are used by a few leaders and master
minds, will significantly enhance every aspect of your personal life at the moment
you start applying it. And, by the time you conclude this course, you will be more
than able prove it for yourself, for it is designed to help you acquire:

• Self-confidence
• Personal Power
• Charisma
• Magnetism
• Attractive power
• Persuasion skills

There is no doubt that knowledge equal power, and, the more you know
about yourself and others, the better your chances to succeed in all areas of life.

Here I will not only give you the knowledge, but I will also guide you, step
by step, on how to develop a priceless power that will take your interpersonal
experiences to a new level, a level of control, influence and hidden persuasion.

This revealing course will represent for you the difference between an
existence of frustration and anonymity, and one of power, success, popularity
and accomplishments never dreamed of before.

Many people, just like you, who have never been able to project attraction
power, magnetism or self-confidence, are enjoying the amazing benefits gained
from wisely applying the strategies taught here on a daily basis.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 4

And I can guarantee, without a shadow of doubt, that success will be

yours as well, if you just take the time and put the necessary effort to study and
practice what I will be sharing along these priceless pages.

Personal magnetism and persuasion power are the most valuable set of
skills you can ever learn. It can make you rich, loved, popular and very happy.
There’s no doubt about it.

Beauty, luck and degrees can take you so far, but without the incredible
ability to “enter other people’s minds” and manipulate their thoughts and
emotions, you will be missing the opportunity to make the most of your precious

Please do not underestimate the seemingly simplicity of some of the

techniques taught here. Keep an open mind, relax and enjoy learning, as if you
were discovering or being taught a fascinating secret that you have waited a long
time to acquire. In reality, that is what this course is all about; a secret skill that
will change your entire life, forever.

To master the powerful techniques I will share along this course, you do
not need to have previous knowledge of hypnosis, persuasion nor NLP. The
techniques are simple, and the basic requirements for your success with this
program are:

• The burning desire to improve your life

• Commitment to grow better and stronger each day
• Dedication to practice until you master this art

I will NOT confuse and bore you with neither “100-step procedures”, nor
“canned pick up lines” or just “positive thinking”. Rather, I will give you the
principles behind this hidden science, as well as techniques that will allow you to
see almost instant results.

Through this practical and easy-to-follow course, you will be learning how
to greatly improve your professional, social a nd love life.

All this can be quickly accomplished by simply applying some of the best
techniques available for the development and projection of an extremely
magnetic and powerful personality.

The work in this book is backed up and reinforced by several decades of

investigation in the fields of Behavioral Science, Hypnosis, NLP, Mind
Programming and Psychology.

Governments and media have been using some of this knowledge to

influence public opinion. Marketing companies use it to make you buy whatever
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 5

they want. Clergymen use it to keep their flock faithful and willing to obey. Why
is that so? Because they know that the human mind has some weaknesses and
pre-programmed habits that can be controlled with the right signals and symbols.

Invaluable research, all over the world, encompassing different social

classes and age groups, led specialists to conclude that human beings can be
very predictable in their reactions to specific external stimuli. And, what is even
more important to us: They can be easily manipulated by those who know how to
push the “right buttons”. Enters the magnetic individual.

It is a known fact that our body language, the eyes, facial expressions,
voice tone, and even our stress level, can clearly broadcast our inner states,
degree of confidence, attitudes and motives to those around us, causing them to
react accordingly.

What most of us don’t realize however is that these signals can be

manipulated to our advantage under different circumstances.

In general, people’s automatic reactions toward us can be positive

(liking/attraction), neutral (ignoring), or negative (disliking/repulsion), depending
solely on the signals that we project through our minds and bodies during an
interpersonal interaction.

In this book you will be learning how to project the precise “power signals”
that make a powerful individual stand apart from the average Joe and impress all
those who crosses his or her way. These signals will enable you to be perceived
in an extremely positive and attractive light by virtually anyone.

Why am I so certain about these claims?

Because it is proven that each and every one of us has a subconscious,

almost intuitive way of perceiving other people’s character just by the manner in
which they carry themselves. We usually prejudge others based solely on that
“gut” impression.

We will fear, like, despise, or feel completely attracted to someone, thanks

to this built-in perception-mechanism. A mechanism that, almost blindly, reacts to
the external triggers activated by other peoples’ minimal verbal and behavioral

You have certainly heard about power postures, penetrating eyes,

hypnotic voices and extremely confident attitudes. These are some of the
characteristics that magnetic people can easily project to the external world.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 6

These same characteristics are the triggers that activate memories,

feelings and pre-conditioned reaction habits in other individuals’ minds. Everyone
will react to such signals in an almost predictable way.

Human beings, as a species, have been conditioned into a set of socially

acceptable, inherited responses to certain signals and symbols. These pre-
programmed responses include our reactions to behavioral and non-verbal cues
projected by other individuals.

In order to assure survival, primitive men had to be capable of defending

his territory, recognizing potential threats and securing his well-being. Therefore,
it was important for him to develop the ability to judge the intentions of others of
the same species based on their behavioral signals.

Similarly, most animals have a set of specific “rituals” for attracting mates,
flirting, defending their territories and imposing respect and leadership. They also
know how to recognize these signals in others of the same specie. The process
is basically the same for us, animals of a higher order called human beings.

This inheritance, in part acquired from our ancestors through evolution,

and in part programmed in our brains through childhood, enables us to
unconsciously “recognize” someone’s character, motives or attitudes, based
solely on the behavioral “signals” that he/she projects.

Although this perception, or recognition, can be distorted some (or most of

the) times, the average person has no way to escape these unconscious
reactionary habits.

Most people will just react blindly to external stimuli. This is what makes
them predictable and easy to manipulate, as we will see later.

Those who know how to use and project the right signals, at the right time,
have an incredible power in their hands. The power to enter other people’s minds
and control it at will. They are generally the ones who lead the crowds, or
manipulate them.

As a society, we have an evident hierarchy of power. This power,

however, is not exclusively dictated by an individual’s social, political or financial
condition, but by his/her strength of character and attitudes when dealing with
other people and circumstances.

Our character is what defines the degree of power each one of us

possesses. It is the characteristic that has separated leaders from followers since
the birth of mankind, as we know it.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 7

For manipulative purposes, money is undeniably the first visible power

that moves the human being (at least in capitalist societies). Then comes sex,
followed by aggression (violence). However, we cannot underestimate the power
of a strong willed and magnetic personality.

Highly magnetic individuals can easily influence and persuade wealthy

people, getting a share of their money. They can attract the opposite sex without
much effort, and even overcome aggression with strategic words and effective
negotiation skills.

A case that illustrates this point very well is the amazing history of
Rasputin, the Russian mentalist.

This mysterious and controversial character was able to exert control and
influence over a great part of Russia’s governmental circles in the beginning of
the 20th century.

Although completely asymmetrical in terms of physical appearance, poor,

alcoholic and illiterate, Rasputin was able to “hypnotize” the leaders of a country
and enjoy all the benefits associated with it. Glamour, fame, sex and power.

A highly magnetic person can indeed influence, control, or even move a

whole nation at his/her will. We have had clear examples of this fact throughout
history. On the negative side, we have seen men like Attila, Napoleon, Mussolini
and Hitler.

People like Moses, Jesus Christ, George Washington, Lincoln, Gandhi,

Mother Theresa and Princess Diana, on the other hand, are examples of those
who have used this power to bring freedom, hope and positive changes to our

The empowering attitudes and characteristics of these historical

personalities have literally hypnotized hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of
people and made other world leaders bow before them.

It’s wise thus, to conclude that the power of personal magnetism

conquers, and can be superior to, all other forms of external manipulative power.

An insatiable curiosity about the subject, coupled with a deep desire to

know the secrets of magnetic people and help my clients change their lives for
the better, led me to investigate this fascinating topic thoroughly.

In my relentless attempt to find the cutting edge information on personal

magnetism, I was frustrated to realize that just a few pieces of it were actually
made available to the pub lic in general.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 8

I, myself, had to research through many books, articles and course

fragments to learn and develop a workable method.

Throughout this course, my main goal is to put all the parts of the “big
puzzle” together in a concise, easy to understand, and practical method for

Unfortunately, to this date, not much has been written about personal
magnetism and covert hypnosis as a practical “science”. Most of the information
available so far only touches the surface of this broad and rich subject.

As I have said, you can find some scattered pieces here and there, like
rapport workshops, body language courses and persuasion programs.

Rest assured that the information contained here encompasses all

aspects of personal magnetism and attraction, including self-suggestion, mind
control techniques and subconscious programming exercises to go along with it.

This book is a result of years of personal research, practice, and real-

life/trial and error experiments.

My “laboratory” was the street, clubs, parties, churches, supermarkets.

Places where people like you and me gather and meet.

My subjects were people from all walks of life, from housewives to

executive officers of big corporations, and most of the times the techniques
taught here were successful to accomplish the results I desired.

My first criteria for research in any field of my interest were to make sure
that whatever technique I learned worked in real life, when I most needed it. It did
not matter to me if a Mexican medicine man or a conceited psychologist taught
such techniques. My basic questions were:

Does it work?

Can it be easily taught? And

Can it be reproduced by others with the same results?

I have been a student in the fields of behavioral science, subliminal

marketing, hypnosis, mind programming and motivational strategies for the last
16 years of my life. Now I have the pleasure to share with you the results of
almost two decades of research and personal experience through my program,
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 9

Don’t go on a date…
Don’t make a sales call…
Don’t make a business presentation…
Don’t try to convince someone to your point of view…
Don’t give a public speech…before you finish reading this book. It can
increase your chances of success by at least 75%. This is my personal
guarantee to you.

There’s really no mystery in the art of magnetism and irresistible

attraction. Its mastery just requires a basic understanding of human behavior and
people’s built-in reactions and responses, as well as disciplined practice of the
following program.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to make this subject easy to understand and

practical to all my readers.

Enjoy this course and use the techniques taught here to empower your

The author.
August 2003
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 10


Our personal magnetism training program consists of three equally

important phases, as follows:

• In the first phase, you will learn how to completely change your self-
perception (self-image/belief system), as well as to condition new thinking
habits into your mind to project yourself as a magnetic and assertive

• The second phase consists of an understanding of the instinctive

psychological needs, weaknesses and perceptions of human beings, and
how these can be manipulated through verbal and physical (body
language) stimuli.

• Finally, the third phase is the practical application of these skills and
strategies in the real word. That is when you will be putting your newly
acquired skills and knowledge to practice and observing the feedback you

I’ll first show you how anyone can recondition his/her mind and create new
and self-empowering behavioral habits by taking advantage of the human brain’s
natural learning and conditioning process. This section is the building block for
your progress and usually neglected in most rapport or seduction training

This first phase is essential, since our inner processes play the most
important part in the development and expression of the desired abilities. Without
a positive and empowering self-image, no canned persuasion lines nor complex
“leading and pacing” or rapport techniques will ever work, for deep inside you will
be sabotaging your results.

Thinking and behavioral habits are nothing more than learned skills,
acquired by past programming, and they can be formed or replaced, according to
our individual needs and goals.

The empowering behavioral habits and thinking skills of magnetic

individuals can be easily learned and modeled by anyone willing to put the
necessary effort into it.

The second and third phases will give you the priceless knowledge and
principles which will enable you to make magic happen in your interpersonal

Some of these techniques are well known among NLPer’s, super

salespeople and hypnosis enthusiasts. Now you will learn not only the
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 11

techniques, the “how”, but also the principles behind it, the “why”. This will enable
you to better adapt to any situation and eventually create your own repertoire of

To make the best use of this program, follow the guidelines below:


Don’t try to “jump” lessons in order to learn faster. It will NOT work. You
must understand and practice each point before advancing to the next.

In case your curiosity is stronger, read the whole book, and then get back
to the beginning and start following the instruction and exercises in the right


Some of them may appear too simple at first. Do not underestimate any

My students have experienced maximum benefits by following this system

in the exact order given in this book.

Without disciplined practice, the theory contained here will be in vain. You
will be just wasting your precious time and money.


For some practitioners it may take a few days, for others a few weeks.
Like with any skill, its development depends on how much you are willing to put
into it.

We have designed this course to give you the necessary skills for the
development of personal magnetism in just a few weeks of training. You can use
it at your own pace as you wish.

One thing is certain, though; if you know how to read, and make the
minimal effort of practicing these techniques, you WILL see results. If I weren’t so
sure of it, I would not bet my reputation on it.

Each and every student who really applied this course has experienced
positive results. Why shouldn’t you?
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 12


Keep your practice for yourself, please. This way, people around you will
not get defensive, nor will try to discourage you.

Whenever you become proficient at this art, have fun letting your peers
wonder how you have changed so fast, so radically. And, if you want to help
somebody, produce positive results in your own life first, then tell him to buy a
copy of this book.


You will only know how much you are progressing if you use these
techniques in your everyday life . Only then you can have feedback and adjust
your strategies until success becomes a conditioned habit.

Do not hesitate to try it. You have already paid for this book. Make your
investment worthy by applying the techniques taught here and reaping the
maximum benefits from it.

You will feel happy, powerful and irresistible when you start seeing the
results, be it in the form of heads turning towards you, or people going the extra
mile to cooperate with your goals.


After finishing this course, you will have acquired a series of skills and
strategies that will give you power over people. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

It is your sole responsibility how you use these techniques. Please respect
all people and never use this knowledge to hurt anybody. Remember that what
goes around, definitely comes around, sooner or later.

I can not be by your side nor dictate how you should use these skills;
however, from experience I feel the need to let you know that negative
manipulation is not worthy. Let your consciousness dictate how far you should
go. And yes, there IS positive manipulation, as you will learn later. Bear with me.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 13


We have all had, at one time or another in our lives, the opportunity to
come face to face with people who seem to emanate a natural “aura” of personal
power, magnetism and charisma.

It might have been in the form of an irresistible member of the opposite

sex who made us fantasize for days, a hypnotic public speaker who could bring
forth our emotion and enthusiasm, or a super salesperson from whom we ended
up buying something we didn’t even need at that time.

These fascinating individuals seem to have an innate ability to cause a

positive impact anywhere they happen to be. They can easily attract, create
rapport, persuade, and cause a lasting good impression on anyone who crosses
their way.

Magnetic people rarely go unnoticed at social gatherings, and usually

become the center of attention wherever they are. In some seemingly strange
ways, these individuals are able to become popular and outstanding without
much effort. They appear to have something that surpasses the “normal
everyday mortals”.

What is the real secret of a human magnet? What do you think? Is it…




We have always tried to find justifications or excuses in order to explain

their amazing attraction capabilities and popularity, without taking the time to
analyze their common points and shared characteristics.

What is their secret? The truth is: THERE’S NO SECRET AT ALL. That is,
once you learn how to do it yourself. Until we don’t know a specific set of
principles or skills, its mechanism may seem like magical to us. It happens in
every area of life.

Personal magnetism, as we will be studying here, is the sum of:

• A set of positive , empowering inner and outer attitudes

• Verbal and non-verbal communication skills

• Goal oriented behavioral habits

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 14

• Some basic knowledge of the human weaknesses and emotional needs

These skills and traits can be easily learned and modeled by anyone
willing to put the necessary effort into it. Nobody is ever born with such skills; it’s
a learned behavior that can be developed at anytime if you have the right
techniques at your hand’s reach.

Most people still make the mistake of believing that personal magnetism is
a rare characteristic possessed only by some lucky individuals , a god given,
almost supernatural capacity. However, I have good news for you:

You have, at this exact moment, all the raw material necessary to develop
an extremely magnetic and attractive personality.

All you need is to learn how to expand and use your unexplored skills and
abilities to project self-esteem, personal power and an irresistible character.

These skills can be developed by study, observation and modeling, and

reinforced by practice. That’s what we will be doing together along this course.


Here you will learn how to sharpen the resources you already have to
project personal magnetism.

Every move you make and every word you say, are already producing
some specific results and triggering reactions from those around you. Through
this course you will be taught how to move, talk and behave in order to obtain the
positive results that you want to produce.

Here you will find simple, yet effective, strategies which will enable you to
become a master communicator, using your thoughts, eyes, your body, speech
and attitude to cause a powerful impact on anyone who comes in contact with
you, anywhere.

We can also define personal magnetism as the sum of the characteristics





Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 15

-A positive and empowering self-image is the first and essential characteristic of

magnetic people. With an empowering self-image, comes the positive attitude
and self-confidence that makes you stand apart from the “average Joe”.

No matter how good you look or how much money you happen to have, if
you can’t project an aura of self-assurance, your choices of success at
interpersonal interactions will be very limited.

Without an empowering self-image, you won’t be able to project charisma

or the so-called power personality. People seem to feel this “aura” around
magnetic individuals, and it makes them respect, admire, trust and allow
themselves to be persuaded and/or manipulated by those who can project it.

We can easily notice the difference between a weak, insecure person, and
one who is self-assured, empowered and poised. There are some verbal and
non-verbal signals that clearly differentiate both and hit certain buttons in other
people’s minds.

Since most people out there live in an automatic response mode, these
signals immediately activate their unconscious reaction-reflexes, like a click-on
and click-off button.

-Assertiveness is the ability to communicate your thoughts, feelings and ideas in

a clear way, without any fear of what others may think or how they will react. It is
being yourself and proud of it.

To be perceived by others in a different way, you must first change your

self-perception, and then be willing to take risks and clearly impose your ideas
and ask for what you want.

Assertiveness has nothing to do with aggressive ness, as some people

may think. It is the opposite of shyness and a weak personality. Magnetic people
project this trait by having the courage to say what they mean and mean what
they say.

-Rapport skills Are the strategies that will allow you to bond with virtually anyone
you want.

To positively attract, persuade or influence somebody, you must cause a

good impression. After finishing this book you will know the KEY factor to create
rapport and make others like you for “no apparent reasons”.

-Acting as if means going from theory to real life experimentation, practicing each
new behavioral habit and magnetism techniques until it becomes natural for you.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 16

To become different you must act in different ways. There’s no way

around. People respond and react to yo ur attitudes and behaviors. Changing
your attitudes and behaviors will automatically change the way others perceive

There’s nothing supernatural, it’s just cause and effect!

The science of personal magnetism made simple :

In the early days of hypnosis practice, many people believed that its
trance-like phenomenon was produced by the practitioner’s power and control
over helpless subjects.

It was even rumored that hypnotists could transmit some kind of magnetic
fluid, which affected their patients, creating a state of sleep-like trance and

Nowadays we know for a fact that the “power” of effective hypnosis

consists primarily on the subject’s willingness to cooperate and follow the lead,
and the therapist’s ability to manipulate words and symbols effectively.

The way in which the subject perceives the hypnotist, what he/she expects
from the experience, his/her previous conditioning, etc. are essential elements
influencing the outcome of the hypnotic experience. As a Certified Advanced
Hypnotherapist, I can confirm that by years of research and practical experience.

There’s no such a thing as a magnetic fluid or metaphysical power

emanating from the hypnotist. The real power behind hypnosis lies in the
practitioners’ ability to make himself be perceived on a positive light, and
successfully communicate suggestions, both verbally and non-verbally, to their

The same explanation is accurate for personal magnetism.

Many people tend to believe that a magnetic individual can transmit

certain amount of power and magnetism in a supernatural way. It can be true to
some extent, and we will be exploring some of these techniques here. However,
the power of magnetism is primarily a result of the practitioner’s ability to
manipulate words, signals and the conditioned responses programmed in other
people’s minds.

The way he or she behaves, acts, and communicates, is the key to the
power behind personal magnetism. It is definitely not an inherited trait or a
paranormal ability.

Therefore, for a final definition:

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 17

Personal magnetism is the art of attracting, creating rapport and building lasting
bonds with other people.

The “human magnet” has the ability to gain rapport and bond with anyone,
in any situation. He/she is a master of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Anyone can recondition his/her mind and create new behavioral habits
through the brain’s natural learning process. Behavioral habits are nothing more
than learned responses.

In this course you will learn the best techniques to reprogram new, goal-
oriented behavioral habits that will make you be perceived as an extremely
attractive and mesmeric person.

You probably won’t believe the results at first. I didn’t.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 18


During my several years of research and experimentation with personal

magnetism, subliminal persuasion, hypnosis and rapport techniques, I have had
the opportunity to see some incredible results and improvements in the lives of
those people who were willing to try for themselves the techniques taught along
this book.

• I’ve seen shy individuals become extrovert and sociable in a matter of


• Unassertive people transforming their whole attitudes and reactions to

everyday interactions easily.

• People with low self-esteem changing into enthusiastic and empowered


the list goes on and on.

When my clients and students try for themselves these simple mind
reprogramming and behavioral change techniques, they usually get surprised
with the amazing outcomes. They do not believe, at first, in the quick results
experienced out there.

They usually say:

“It was so easy…

if I just knew this a few years ago, I would not be where I am today...

...I would not have lost that opportunity

...I would have been able to start a relationship with the person I loved back

Each time I hear these comments, I realize how important it is for

someone to develop a magnetic and assertive personality.

I feel great for being able to help these people find an easy way to achieve
this goal and free themselves from a limiting life.

I can dare to say ‘easy way’ because this is what my method for
behavioral reprogramming and self-empowerment is all about. Simplicity. I have
cut through all the non-sense that abounds in pseudo-esoteric and seduction
literature nowadays.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 19

I have made this fascinating topic clear for anyone who desires to learn
and apply it quickly. My goal is to teach you a fast and simple way to produce
positive results in your life.

But, why is it so important for you to develop personal magnetism?

The answer is:

Because in every aspect of your life, you have to interact with people,
develop good relationships and motivate others into taking action, whether you
like it or not! We are literally selling ourselves each and every day.

“Man is not an Island”. We live in communities; we do depend on each other.

Every day of our lives we are interacting with people in different degrees.
From the newspaper delivery boy, to the vice-president of our corporation, we
can’t avoid running into people. They seem to be all around. And we depend on
these interpersonal contacts to live our lives to the fullest and prosper.

Try to imagine, just for one moment, what would happen if one day you
wake up and find out that you can’t watch the news, because the TV crew didn’t
go to work that morning. When you try to tune in to your favorite radio station, the
same thing happens, no programming.

As you walk outside to buy milk, bread and newspaper, you find all the
groceries are closed. On your way back home, you notice that your gas tank is
almost empty, but, as you stop by the gas station, you don’t see anybody there,
nobody left home that day.

You do not receive your mail; nobody collects your garbage, no radio, no
TV, nowhere to go for food, etc. What would you do in a situation like this?

The above experience surely sounds like a nightmare for those addicted
to the commodities of modern life, like a twilight zone episode, right? But, do you
really know what makes all these commodities we take for granted possible?

Other human beings just like you and me.

If you were to live isolated, you’d have to find a way to build your own
shelter, hunt for your own food, protect yourself against predators, etc.…just like
your ancestors did in the past. Your life would be much harder if you could not
count on the help and cooperation of other people.

I have had the pleasure and opportunity to experience, first hand, the
advantages of developing a magnetic personality and being able to cause a
powerful impact on others.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 20

Soon after I started using the personal magnetism techniques taught here,
my everyday interactions took a whole new dimension. Suddenly, the people
whom I came in contact with every day started treating me positively different.

Positive feedback came from everyone, everywhere. The grocery clerk,

the bank tellers, my co-workers, etc. People from all classes responded to my
new power strategies in the same cooperative way.

I even started getting discounts at the grocery around the corner, enjoying
special attention from the bank cashiers, and receiving tips and inside
information that would save me valuable time and money. Besides being treated
very well by most people and noticed by the opposite sex in a whole different

This experience showed me that the individuals whom we interact with

everyday could be a source of enlightenment, help, pleasure and opportunities
when we most need it.

You cannot underestimate the power that persona l magnetism has to

make your life easier and more enjoyable. Not to say that it can catapult you to
riches faster than any college degree or skill. You will be the one most likely to
get a promotion/raise or be invited to a golf course by your boss.

Now, knowing that in all aspects of our lives we depend on others to get
what we want and need, why not make these interactions even better and more
productive by developing a magnetic personality and causing a great impact on
everyone we meet on a daily basis?

There’s a HUGE difference between just “getting along”, and causing a

great impact on others, though.

Personal magnetism will influence and improve every area of our lives, as

In order to have a fulfilling romantic relationship, you must attract

someone whom you really like and feel good with. If you have a high level of
personal magnetism, this task becomes very easy; by the way, you can be
irresistible to the opposite sex (and it has nothing to do with physical looks).

In order to have a producti ve and rewarding social life, you must attract
people who fulfill your needs and give you a sense of belonging. If you develop
personal magnetism, you will be able to attract individuals from any walk of life,
whenever and wherever you desire.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 21

In order to achieve financial success, you must attract the right

opportunities; to attract opportunities you MUST first attract the PEOPLE who
hold such opportunities. There’s no other way around.

As you can see, it’s essential for you to be able to attract the right people
in your life, create rapport with them, and benefit from their company, talents,
opportunities, etc.

In one way or another, we are all salespeople. It does not matter if we are
selling a product, a service, an idea or our own image. We’ll always need the
help, cooperation and opportunities that other people have to offer.

If you are able to create a positive impression and powerful impact on all
the people who cross your way every day, your life will definitely be much easier
and enjoyable.

Personal magnetism, contrary to what many people may think, is not just
about sex appeal or the attraction of love partners. It is primarily a way of using
communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal) that can help us in every
aspect of our lives.

A magnetic and assertive personality will give you the ability to

communicate better with your spouse, your kids, co-workers, your boss,
subordinates, and clients (and yes, even your in-laws).

If people like you and feel attracted towards you, they will be ready to go
that extra mile. They will be glad to help and cooperate with you in any situation.

Just think for a moment, whom would you help more promptly? Someone
you like, who causes a good impression on you, someone that makes you feel
good, or an individual who causes you repugnance and treats you poorly most of
the time?

To whom would you offer a good opportunity? Who would you invite to
your home often? Who would you trust more?

We are naturally attracted to those who make us feel good, important and
at ease. And you too can develop the ability to bond with and create a lasting,
positive impact on anyone you desire.

I would like to make one point clear before we continue. This course is not
about manipulating or controlling others for your own selfish benefits. There are
many good uses for personal magnetism and rapport techniques.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 22

Each person is responsible for how he/she uses the information contained
in this course. Remember that we must always respect the free will of our

My goal in this book is to provide the reader with tools to improve his life
and relationships, as well as protect himself against those who use these
techniques to manipulate and control.

If you follow the lessons and PRACTICE each exercise with dedication
and discipline, I can guarantee that success will be yours.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 23


The science and art of personal magnetism, as I teach it, can be divided in
three equally important phases as follows:



I’ll briefly explain each one, so you know what we will be doing along this

-The mental phase is the most important one and consists in the reprogramming
and management of your Self-image and Belief S ystem.

If you happen to have been conditioned into a poor self-image since

childhood (as most people did), you can’t possibly project a personal atmosphere
of power, magnetism or confidence.

You must first make a radical adjustment on your self-perception in order

to be perceived differently by others. Believe it or not, people can feel your
“vibration” and your mood.

Soon I’ll teach you how to remake your self-image and build a whole new
attitude towards yourself. By doing so, you will be able to easily project an
attractive “energy”, instead of a repulsing one.

Your belief system, as related to the subject of this book, includes how
you perceive other people , what you think about different individuals and
interpersonal interactions in general.

Most of us do not act, but just react to external impressions and signals.
The way we perceive others greatly influences on how we react to them. And we
perceive them based on our pre-programmed stereotypes and biases.

Many people, for example, have the tendency to see authoritative figures
as stronger, wiser and powerful, without ever realizing that these people are just
normal human beings, like anybody else. Others discriminate their fellow human
beings based on color, race, religion or life-style.

Our attitudes reflect on those we fear or discriminate, making them feel it

and react accordingly.

We must definitely make a belief shift and learn how to view others with an
open mind and in an unbiased way, in order to avoid prejudging or being
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 24

-The physical phase of personal magnetism deals with your body language and
your physical actions. That is, how you walk, talk, shake hands, the way you
physically behave when interacting with others.

We all have a subconscious conditioning that makes us react to people

just by the way they look, move and talk. Once you learn what causes people to
be attracted to others at a subconscious level, you will be able to use this
knowledge to cause an excellent impression on anybody you want, effortlessly.

Non verbal and behavioral signals, although seemingly invisible, counts

more than words. And if you are not congruent at this level, no matter what you
say, you won’t be able to influence or attract others as you wish. Period.

-The interpersonal phase of personal magnetism involves “ACTING AS IF”. That

is, using all the mental and physical magnetism techniques in your everyday
interactions. We all start at this level. Nobody becomes a human magnet just by
studying the theory. We need real-life practice and experience.

To achieve excellence in the art of personal magnetism, rapport and

assertiveness, you must practice constantly and learn from each new situation.

There is no such a thing as: “When I master the techniques I’ll be able to
get results”. If you do not practice from day one, how come you will ever master
it? So, we start by “acting as if” we were already magnetic, until it becomes a
conditioned habit.

If you were expecting a magical formula that would turn you into a walking
magnet overnight, you came to the wrong place. Actually, you won’t find it
anywhere, because it does not exist. Some of the techniques taught here can
indeed change your experience in a matter of days, but still, you have to practice
it in the real world.

To conclude, in order to become a master in the art of personal

magnetism you must work on the three levels mentioned here, the mental, the
physical and the interpersonal.

Once you master the techniques and strategies in these three levels, you’ll
have a set of tools that will provide you with personal power, magnetism and
control over any situation.

Again, THERE ARE NO SECRETS! It is simply a matter of knowledge,

discipline and commitment to become better and greatly improve the quality of
your life and relationships.

If you are still in doubt about my claims, just try these techniques for
yourself; just “pretend that they might work”. You must already have spent
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 25

hundreds of dollars in single bars, dressing and make up, just to find out that it is
NOT the most important factor in becoming successful or attracting new and
exciting people.

Now that you have the right formula in your hands, do not waste it. Make a
serious commitment with yourself and start living the life you have always wanted
to live.

There’s nothing to lose by practicing my system, but a whole new life of

power, confidence and opportunities to gain!

I am waiting for your testimonials and feedback.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 26

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 27


Personal magnetism, rapport and persuasion skills contrary to popular

belief, does not come pre-programmed on anybody’s genetic code as a gift from
God. It is in no way a built-in characteristic possessed only by some lucky

We are all born equal, with similar brain structures and the inherent
potential to become whatever we desire in life through the use of our creative

We agree that there are indeed some visible differences between

magnetic and ordinary people. However, these differences are primarily mental
and behavioral, rather than physical or genetic.

In this chapter I will share with you the elements that produce a human
magnet and make them different from others.

All magnetic individuals possess some common characteristics that

differentiate them from the average person. It however doesn’t imply that they
are any smarter, prettier or richer than you are. They just use different strategies
to produce the results they are after.

You must have had the opportunity to meet impoverished or average

looking people who could attract and persuade almost anybody they wanted,
independently of their financial or physical conditions.

Below we will study each of the important characteristics these people

possess and project to the external world.

As you study these important characteristics, try to bring to your mind

some magnetic individuals whom you actually know personally or from TV, and
make a comparison. You will be surprised to discover that they possess some or
all of the attributes listed below.

I have compiled this list of characteristics after interviewing and modeling

several magnetic people. As you will learn later on, modeling can help you to
literally clone someone’s skills and abilities, adapting it to your own repertoire.

This chapter is NOT intended to teach you how to develop these

characteristics. We’ll be doing that later on. By now, just study it with attention
and reflect on each point. You must know what you want to become.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 28



Magnetic people are extremely self-confident. They have self-love and are
capable of honestly recognizing their strengths and limitations when
circumstances call for it.

For this reason, they don’t have to pretend to be anything they aren’t, nor
look for other people’s approval. They just know what they want in life and are
focused on getting it at any cost, instead of wasting time looking for consent.
These people are self-sufficient and assume responsibility for their own desti ny.

This self-confidence, again, comes from the capacity they have to

recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and work to improve their character
and abilities each and every day.

To acquire this kind of self-confidence, you must, first of all, love and
accept yourself for who you are, acknowledging that you are a unique being and
have something different to offer. Something that nobody else in the whole world

You must recognize, once and for all, that you won’t ever be able to
please everybody, every time. For this reason, there’s no need to try being

No matter how good you are there will always be someone who may
disapprove of you in some way or another. So, why bother?

Be yourself, and keep your head high at all times. It’s good enough to be
the best YOU can be, do not try to fit the stereotype of what OTHERS want you
to be. There’s only one like you in the universe.

Self-confidence is just a matter of attitude. You don’t buy it, you don’t find
it “buried inside your being”.

Cut through the metaphysical non-sense and start to act with confidence
in every situation. Just pretend that you are confident. It is just a matter of
training a new habit in your brain and nervous system.

“We all feel automatically attracted to people who project confidence and self-


Magnetic people don’t like to wait or to rely on others to move ahead and
act. They take the initiative and seek for whatever it is that they desire.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 29

These individuals are usually leaders in their fields and get promoted
faster than others. They are not necessarily the smarter ones, but they surely
have one important ingredient to success: The guts to take initiative.

The human magnet does not think twice before taking action or making a
decision. He does not have to worry about other people’s opinions.

When we dare to take initiative, under any circumstances, we send a sort

of subconscious message to those around us that says: “I am capable and brave
enough to take risks a nd even make a few mistakes”.

Those who don’t possess this courage, follow the leaders as much as the
flock follows their guide. Followers never get much out of life.

I used to be a follower before I learned the art and science of personal

magnetism. And let me tell you sincerely; it is not worthy to spend your energy
and precious time being the shadow of someone else.

One day I decided to be the captain of my own life and take the actions
that I chose to take, instead of waiting for approval from other people. It paid

I’m not saying that I did everything right from that point on, but at least I
was proud of myself and in control of my own boat. Not to say that I got much
more respect and admiration from those around me.


What do you think of someone who is never sure about what he wants?
Do you like to be around people who always leave important decisions in your
hands and try to escape responsibilities? I don’t.

There is just one group of people that love weak characters, and those are
the manipulators.

Some politicians, priests, pastors, Madison Ave. marketing executives and

sect leaders love to guide a flock of weak minded, indecisive people.

The magnetic individual is capable of making fast and clear decisions. In

order to do this, he must be willing to take due responsibility for his actions.

The power of decision distinguishes a leader. It does not matter if his

decisions fail to produce the desired results; the most important is that this
person takes risks and moves forward fearlessly.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 30

If we study the life of the world’s most successful people, we will find that
they have made more mistakes than the average Joe. That’s how they managed
to become successful.

Mistakes couldn’t keep them from trying again and making other decisions
until they reached their goals.

“ If you don’t want to make any mistake, just sit still and don’t do anything with
your life”



We are naturally attracted to those who make us feel good and at ease.
We usually say that a person who is always projecting a good sense of humor,
smiling, and treating us nicely, is pleasant and charismatic.

On the other hand, those who ignore us or treat us with indifference are
perceived as repulsive and arrogant. The magnetic individual has the innate
ability to make anybody feel good and important, in any situation.

This characteristic, as we will see later, is like a magic wand that can open
all doors. It is not hard to be nice to others. People like to be treated well, with
politeness and respect. They like to be heard and praised. That is just common

Once you start treating others as you would like to be treated, miracles will
occur in your life. The secret is to use the Golden Rule and always ask yourself:
“if I were that person, how I would like to be treated?”

Do not keep anyone out of this Golden Rule, no matter if it is your driver, a
shoe shiner on the street, a waitress or the president of your company. They are
all equal.


This is one essential factor. If a magnetic person wants to keep his

influence over others, he must be honest, keep his word and act with integrity.
We all admire and respect those whom we can trust.

No matter how magnetic you become, if you are not honest and
trustworthy, sooner or later people will perceive it and your reputation will go
“down the drain”.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 31


To accomplish anything in life, we must be willing to take risks. This is a

basic characteristic of a human magnet and what differentiates him from the

In a social situation, for example, he does not hesitate to approach others,

start a conversation or expose his viewpoint.

In business situations, she has the courage to expose her opinion, ask for
opportunities and present her product or service with confidence and

They surely know that another secret to success is the ability to take risks
and hear rejections and criticism a few times.

“The magnetic individual, being confident of himself, never takes a rejection

personally nor feel bad for hearing a NO occasionally.”

Soon you will learn how to eradicate unjustified fear from your life.



A magnetic person uses more of her personal space. That is, she is a
master of body language manipulation, congruency in words and gestures, and
has the ability to communicate her message with the whole body.

The average person, not knowing how to use congrue nce and body
language to his advantage, wastes the opportunity to cause a strong impact on
those around him.

If you ever had the patience to hear a politician or an evangelistic

preacher giving a public speech, you know very well what I’m talking about.

These people spend a great deal of time learning how to effectively use
gestures, congruence and body language to deliver their message in the most
powerful and impacting way they could.

They know what causes people to perceive them as authorities and use it
to easily manipulate their followers.

Body language mastery and congruency are essential to cause a positive

impact and push the right buttons in other people’s minds.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 32



There’s nothing more contagious than enthusiasm and a passion for life, a
project or a purpose.

A motivated and enthusiastic person can convince others to do almost

anything. This is one of the secrets of the “super salesperson”.

We love to be around passionate and energetic people. They give us that

psychological lift by being so positive and committed to their goals.

This kind of person can make a company prosper or turn a loosing team
into champions just by spreading his enthusiasm.



All of the above characteristics come together to create this ability. The
human magnet knows what motivates, attracts and influences other people, and
can use this knowledge to his advantage.

Rapport or affinity is another magical key that can open people’s minds
and make them extremely attracted to you. This skill is priceless as you will see
later on.

If we put together all the characteristics shown above, we have the recipe
for the human magnet. It’s not hard for us to develop such skills and adopt it as
part of our personality. After all, what is the personality? It is just a mask, as we’ll
see in future lessons.

As much as an actor can easily change his character for each new movie,
you can definitely change your scripts at will.

The affirmations, techniques and strategies taught in this manual will help
you develop these essential characteristics in no time. But first, you must start by
changing your self-perception…
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 33



Do you remember what the strongest trait of highly magnetic people is?

It is their attitude about themselves, which includes the way they think and
their daily self-talk.

One thing that I have noticed in most persuasion, seduction and

magnetism programs, is that this extremely important part is usually neglected,
which is a big oversight.

Why? You cannot expect to develop a magnetic and persuasive

personality if there’s a set of negative self-concepts buried in your subconscious
mind. Period.

Here we will follow the right order of development, teaching you how to
empower yourself first by reprogramming your subconscious mind, which is like
planting the seed. Then we’ll teach the actual magnetism techniques.

Trying to apply canned persuasion or seduction methods without first

working on your self-concept will be, at least, frustrating. We cannot put new
wine in an old barrel.

If you have tried unsuccessfully to acquire empowering habits before, now

you have the answer why. The most important point was left out; your inner make
up and conditioning.

Magnetic individuals have high self-esteem, an empowering self-concept

and, the most important; they don’t seem to worry about other people’s opinions.
Magnetic individuals are happy for just being themselves.

So, my priority, when developing this course, was to find how they
developed and maintained such attitudes, and how I could clone it to anyone
willing to reproduce their results.

My first observation was that Personal Magnetism is not a byproduct of

physical looks alone. It surely can help, but is far from being the most important

We all have seen unattractive people (according to our own concept)

dating or having a lasting relationship with very good-looking members of the
opposite sex or being the center of attention at a party or business situation.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 34

Magnetic people definitely have something that differentiates them from

the masses. They have an empowering, strong self-image.

Their self-image may have been fostered since childhood, or they may
have learned how to improve it along the years. You too can and will learn how to
easily develop a super- empowering self-image.

No matter how you feel about yourself at this point, your self-perception
can be completely changed at will. The process will be much faster for you
because I have extracted the essence of what goes on inside the minds of
magnetic people.

Your physical body, behaviors and actions are nothing more than
reflections of your current self-image. What you think about yourself becomes
your persona l reality. And we can say, without a shadow of doubt, that your self-
image limits how much you can do, be or have in life.

Without a radical change in self-perception, you cannot produce significant

results in your efforts to develop a magnetic personality.

We all possess a set of pre-programmed self-concepts; these concepts

can be positive in some aspects, but dangerously negative in others. It all
depends on our past experiences, and the programming created in our brain as a
result of those same experiences.

How was our “original” self-image formed?

The answer is: By suggestions received from external agents and believed
to be real. These agents could have been our parents, teachers, friends,
relatives, the media, etc.

A child does not have the ability to rationalize and sort out the information
that reaches his brain from the external world, neither enough reference to
question the validity of the data received.

On the other hand, his parents, or any adult for that matter, are seen as
authorities, strong “giants” who must know what is true, good and right.

They feed, protect and care for the infant, therefore if they say that
something is true or not, “they might as well be right, after all, they are adults and
supposed to know a lot about life”.

As he grows, the child starts to form a concept about himself and the
reality around him. A concept that might be positive and empowering or negative
and frustrating, depending on his early experiences and the resulting
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 35

This self-concept can be the source of low self-esteem, a weak personality

or even self-hatred, what causes the person to develop self-defeating behavioral
habits, like shyness, withdrawal from society, rebellion, addictions, etc.

To give you an example of how important your self-image is in shaping

your life, I will share the case of one of my personal magnetism students.

This young man, whom I’ll call “Bob”, first came to me because he was
tired of being rejected and treated poorly by most people.

Bob was unable to keep a stable relationship with the opposite sex, and,
at his office, he was never treated fairly by his co-workers. He had approached
the threshold of desperation and wanted to develop an attractive and powerful

At the very beginning of our program, by the way he answered a few

questions; I realized that he had a strong self-image problem, and that it was
certainly limiting his life to a great extent.

He engaged in what we call “self-sabotage” due to the lack of a positive

attitude towards himself.

After working on Bob’s self-image evaluation, it was clear to me that his

self-concept wasn’t the best one in the world. His self-image affirmations
included phrases like:

“I have a weak character”

“It’s very hard for me to communicate my feelings and needs”

“No matter ho w much I try, I can’t feel attractive enough”

“My body is unattractive”

“I don’t think I’m worthy of anything good”

His poor self-image was the result of some negative suggestions given to
him during childhood and adolescence. Those traumatic experiences still
reflected on his present actions and behaviors after years.

After having learned about Bob’s self-concept, all I did was to give him a
new set of positive, goal-oriented affirmations to replace the ones that were
limiting his choices (I will give you the exact same phrases soon).

Within a few weeks of following my program, Bob was able to see some
positive results and started to develop a better self-concept, something that he
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 36

had tried several times before without success. All he needed was to learn better
strategies and develop the right mental attitude.

Since people reflect our own self concepts and beliefs, Bob realized that
he was the one repulsing them all the time due to his self-repudiation and internal

As you change your self-concept to an empowering one, you will also see
amazing results in a matter of days. This is a cause-effect principle that works
anywhere, for anybody.

Shifting your self-concept can be as easy and natural as changing diets or

a dressing stile. You won’t be doing anything different from what you already do
every day, but just applying the power of directed mental effort to a worthwhile
end result - The result YOU want to experience!

You already possess a self-image and a belief system, whether you like it
or not, which can be working for or against you. We will just focus on changing
the original programming stored in your brain to set the odds in your favor. It is a
natural reconditioning process.

Soon I will give simple affirmations that will reprogram a brand new self-
image in your subconscious mind, one that will be congruent with your goal of
acquiring personal magnetism.

Remember that these phrases were elaborated from researching and

modeling the inner talk of extremely magnetic people. After some practice, you
will have the same “software” that they have, running in your own brain.

This new self-concept will greatly improve every aspect of your personal
and social life as it has done to all my dedicated students.

So, before you start seducing, influencing and bonding with anyone,
practice the following exercise. It will surely improve your chances of success
and give you the edge over those who are not aware of it.

Let’s get ready to work…

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 37



Your self-talk can reveal a great deal about your personal concept or self-
image. We think by creating words, images and sounds in our minds. Your brain
has been originally programmed by experiences that contained specific sensory
signals in the form of words, images, tactile sensations and sounds.

The self-concept you formed is a result of those previous experiences and

is reflected primarily through your self-talk. So, there is where we have to go to
change your inner make up.

To enjoy the maximum benefits from the following exercises, it’s very
important for you to realize that the only point of power is the HERE AND NOW.

Whatever it is that may be programmed in your brain right now is just a

matter of specific images, sounds and feelings from the past. At the moment that
you decide to feed new information to the brain, it has to replace the old

Your mind cannot hold two opposing concepts at the same time. One
concept will overpower the other, and the one that is most cherished will always

The following exercise is designed to help you replace old, limiting beliefs
about your self-image with new and empowering ones.


For the purpose of developing an attractive and magnetic personality, the

following affirmations are very effective.

I have modeled the self-concepts of very magnetic people, asking them

which phrases they repeated often in their minds, especially when they felt most

I used these phrases myself and taught it to all my students. They were
carefully designed and modeled from successful people to help you reprogram
your self-concept and improve your self-image.

These affirmations are an essential part of our program and must be

practiced with discipline and conviction. You create your personal reality, and this
creative process starts in your mind.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 38

Your subconscious mind works on the suggestions given to it on a daily

basis, always adapting your character, and even your physical body, to the
mental images you hold of it. There’s no way around.

Now, you are the only person who can choose what enters your mind at
anytime. From now on, you will learn how to give yourself suggestions that will
empower your life, instead of limiting ones.














The phrases above will help to affirm your self-worth and uniqueness, as
well as your innate ability to attract the right people into your life.

They should be repeated at least twice a day for 3 consecutive weeks.

After that period, you can review them twice or three times a week, until you feel
that these affirmations are an integral part of your self-concept.

To facilitate your practice, you can either write these affirmations on a

separate sheet to read aloud, or record on an audiotape and listen to it just after
waking up and before sleeping. When writing or recording, you should repeat
each phrase three times for better results.

To take the most advantage of this self-suggestion exercise, you must feel
the reality of the affirmations being dictated, as if they really described the person
that you are today. Do not think of it as describing the person you want to be in
the future, but feel as if you are this person now.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 39

Enter the state of your desire fulfilled and live in it while you do the

Feel the emotional content in each of the phrases, trusting your mind’s
ability to replace the previous limiting beliefs with these empowering affirmations.
Your subconscious will do the rest.

Why and how it works?

Simply for the reason that you will be following the same conditioning
process that has created your original self-concept.

Whatever you believe to be true about yourself is just a byproduct of

previous conditioning. Nothing more, nothing less. If you analyze your self-talk,
you will probably find yourself repeating phrases like:

“I am not worthy”

“I have a terrible personality”

“I can’t do this or that”,


Your self-concept is stored in your brain in the form of affirmative phrases.

By replacing negative phrases with positive ones, you will be literally
reprogramming your sub -conscious mind.

This first set of phrases will create the ground for the expression of
personal power and magnetism in your life, giving specific suggestions to your
mind on how to perceive yourself from now on.

Do it, for the sake of your progress - Repeat each affirmation until you can
feel a deep conviction, until you can incorporate these desired characteristics to
your personality. This exercise, simple as it appears, is the very foundation of our

If you succeed to reprogram your mind and live the reality of these
phrases, everything else will be much easier.

Actually, I can dare to say that those phrases alone could change your life
100% if practiced in the right way.

But yes, we have more, much more, because besides changing your self-
image, you can also change how you perceive the world around you...
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 40



We all perceive the world through the screen of our beliefs or concepts
about reality. Your life can be fulfilling, joyful and exciting, or limiting and
frustrating. It all depends on the quality of your beliefs and generalizations about
people and the world in general.

Much like with our self-image, the belief system was programmed in our
biocomputers by past experiences. We think, behave and act through our set of

If we make the analogy with a computer system, your beliefs can be said
to be the software that runs your brain. Your behavior and actions are the just

If our beliefs are empowering and healthy, our behavior and actions will
reflect it and we will be able to deal with the circumstances of life in a sane and
flexible manner. If, however, our beliefs are mostly negative and limiting, our
behaviors and actions will reflect it as well, causing conflicts and suffering
throughout our lives.

To be able to project personal magnetism and attract whomever you

desire into your life, the first step you must take is to reprogram your self-
perception (exercise 1). The second step consists of changing how you perceive
those around you.

We usually limit our lives to a great extent by avoiding certain situations in

which we could meet new people and make important acquaintances. We tend to
wrongly anticipate how others will act toward us based on our pre-conceived
beliefs and bias. The ironic thing is; we’re primarily judging ourselves.

In order to develop personal magnetism, you must definitely change your

concepts about other people and social interactions in general. If you don’t, they
will sense your negative signal at an unconscious level and react accordingly.

What do you think about other people in general?

• Are you sociable?

• Do you enjoy making new friends and attending social events?
• Do you feel comfortable in the presence of authority figures?

We can be very sociable with some specific people (those within the limits
of our comfort zone) and introvert or discriminating with others.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 41

Do you have any kind of discrimination against a specific group, social

class, race or culture? What do you expect from other people? How do you
perceive those seemingly different individuals?

I have had clients who used to nurture concepts like the following:

“I can’t trust other people”

“They just want to take advantage of me”

“Nobody cares about me”

“People are greed and selfish by nature”, etc.

By having this kind of beliefs, you will just perpetuate negative situations in
your life. You think through your belief system, and you usually see what you
expect to see through the dark glasses of your limited perception.

This is the danger of nurturing negative generalizations about other people

and specific situations. Your mind will block out any data that goes against your
expectancy and your concepts will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

To be able to attract and positively influence others, you must have a

healthy set of beliefs about social situations and people in general.

If your beliefs about people are negative, you will definitely reflect it in your
actions and behavior. Those around you will notice your attitudes, through your
behavior and actions, and will feel repulsed by you or treat you poorly (that’s
what I mean by self-fulfilling prophecy).

Following you’ll find the right affirmations to change the way in which you
perceive others, and automatically project a positive and friendly “aura”. As in
exercise #1, these phrases were elaborated after the thinking of magnetic





Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 42







Similarly to the self-image affirmations, these phrases should be repeated

twice a day, with conviction and emotional content. I suggest you to record or
write them right after the self-image affirmations in the order given here.

By practicing this new set of self-image and general beliefs, you will be
giving your brain specific directions to change old and limiting sub-conscious
programs that may keep you from having a healthy relationship with yourself and

Your concepts will gradually become more flexible, opening the doors to
new opportunities in your life.

It’s a very simple process that requires just a few minutes a day. And it’s a
lot cheaper than psychotherapy.

You must understand, for the sake of your progress, that your brain is like
a sponge which is always absorbing suggestions from the world around you, be it
positive or negative.

By feeding the brain with empowering affirmations, you will be using a

natural reprogramming process. The only difference is that, at this time, you will
be in charge of what enters your mind and choosing how to perceive your world
independently of what you were taught in the past.

Be always flexible and don’t prejudge those you do not know or people
who seem to be different from you. We have a lot to learn and benefit from
people from all walks of life.

A magnetic individual treats everyone equally and is far above racial,

social or religious differences.

Learn, from now on, to have an open attitude. Do not prejudge others
based on race, color, social status, physical appearance or intelligence. Be
impartial and mentally transmit love and sympathy to all those who crosses your
way. This attitude will make others react accordingly.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 43

At first, you will notice that those who used to treat you in a negative way
will cease doing it. Later on you will be able to easily attract anyone, without
much effort to do so.

This will happen because you have fixed the problem at its root, you own

Again, those people out there just reflect your beliefs about yourself and
about them. As you change both, the external change is inevitable; you will
literally feel like you’re living in a different world.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 44


To become the kind of person you have always desired to be, you must
think, behave and act as if you already were that person.

The statement above may compel you to ask:

“How can I think, behave, and act like someone that I don’t know? I have never
learned to act in empowering ways before.”

By disciplined practice of the affirmation exercises given in the previous

chapters you’ll be already thinking like a human magnet. Those exercises alone
can gradually change your behavior, for the software will be installed. But there’s
another good trick, actually an excellent shortcut to behaving and acting like a
magnetic person almost immediately. It is called MODELING.

MODELING is the fine art of observing what successful people do to

produce specific results, and reproducing the same patterns and strategies in
your personal life until you experience a similar feedback.

The technology of modeling was brought to light by the geniuses of

Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the developers of Neuro Linguistic
Programming (NLP).

Imagine, for a moment, how different your life would be if you could just
walk into a lab and clone someone else’s persuasion skills and attraction
strategies. What If you could, in a matter of days, tailor other people’s success
tactics to your own repertoire, being thus able to reproduce their internal states
and physical abilities at will?

What and who would you choose to clone? The motivation of a talented
public speaker, the charisma of a famous movie star, or the rapport skills of a
super sales person?

Cloning an individual’s success structure opens new realms of possibilities

for us and makes learning new skills much faster, if not instantaneous. There’s
no doubt that many people would pay a fortune to be able to plug into some
machine and “become like” their chosen success model just by inputting some
coded information into their brains.

The good news for you is; this possibility already exists, and it’s not
necessary to visit a lab, nor even pay a penny to be able to clone success. It is
not a commodity available just to the rich and famous like most modern
technological gadgets.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 45

This chapter will introduce you to the exciting subject of modeling, a very
powerful technique in our personal magnetism repertoire.

Fortunately, I became familiar with this important learning factor at a very

early age. I had my first contact with modeling when I was around 12 years old.

Back then, I was privileged enough to have a very skilled Karate Master
who was also a mental science practitioner. Although I doubt he had any
knowledge of NLP at the time, he surely knew how to transfer some of his inner
success strategy to his students.

One day, for example, when I was kicking and punching the sand bag, my
Master approached me, noticing my frustration for not being able to “explode with
power” like others did. He just asked me to close my eyes and imagine that I was
hitting a huge concrete wall, instead of thinking that I was hitting a 300 pound
sand bag.

In my first attempts, I wasn’t able to get the feeling of it, but after a few
minutes of practice, I could finally visualize and feel that my kicks were much
more powerful. That was something that I thought would take several months,
maybe years to be able to reproduce, and there I was, in just 20 minutes, hitting
the sand bag like a pro! And that was just the result of a change in my inner
representation of the experience, nothing more.

I was amazed to realize that just by changing one thought in my mind I

could multiply my hitting power. That was the piece of inner strategy that my
Master gave me. He surely had many more representations running inside his
brain. Unfortunately, back then I did not know NLP, for if I knew what I know now,
I could easily model and reproduce more of his mental and physical skills.

Another episode from my early life was when I took guitar lessons. My
instructor used to advice me to imagine myself being one with the instrument, as
if my fingers were connected to the cords. When I asked him how he felt when
playing, he told me that during a solo, he felt like he was having an orgasm.

Those phrases indicated what he was literally representing, or visualizing

inside his own mind during performance, and they helped me to improve my own
practice as well, for again, I was modeling someone’s success strategy.

If you notice the words used in the examples above, you will realize that
they characterize internal processes. Imagine, feel, visualize, thought. These bits
and pieces of internal representation, coupled with the kinetic patterns, come
together to form the complete recipe for any set of skills, including personal
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 46

If we can gather as much information as possible about what goes on

inside somebody’s mind AND in their physiology when they are performing any
task, we can model or clone those states, being thus able to somehow reproduce
their strategies at will.

I have observed that some of the best teachers or sport trainers are those
who can transfer not only their physical skills, but also their internal strategy for
producing results. I have experienced it first hand in Martial Arts as well as in
Guitar playing.

It was several years later that I was introduced to NLP through seminars,
books and tapes. I realized right away that I had done some “unconscious”
modeling in the past, but now I had the technology to do it in the right way and
get the most benefit from the experiment.

That was an exciting discovery that led me to become a modeling

enthusiast. I started trying to model many different skills and behaviors from
others, what reinforced my belief in the power of this technique. I specialized in
observing magnetic and charismatic people, and reproducing their behavior.

To accomplish this, I studied excellent public speakers, super salespeople

and flirtation masters.

I discovered that their internal structure consisted of the characteristics

studied in a previous chapter (BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUMAN
MAGNET), coupled with positive programming affirmations similar to the ones
I’ve used to develop exercises 1 and 2.

Even though each individual has a different visualization tactic, these

strategies may vary in mode, but are similar in principle.

As for example, a public speaker once confided to me that he always had

the habit of seeing, inside his mind, the audience as a group of kindergarten kids.
All along his presentation, he was seeing the real people in front of him, but in his
mind he was “pretending” to be chatting with young children.

This man could give a 1 hour speech to 5,000 people with the calmness
and poise that we talk to our best friends over a drink. I tried his inner strategy
technique and felt very at easy speaking in front of large groups more than once.

After learning from him and other success-models, I discovered that the
principle behind their strategies is very simple, as follows:
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 47

Powerfully magnetic people use all their internal resources to improve

their chances of success and minimize stress. Be it inner talk, simulated
visualization or alteration of perception, they find a way to change their
perspective and focus on their goals.

It is amazing how just a slight change in your inner representation or body

language can affect your performance and other people’s perception or
impression of you.

Again, the previous exercises will take care of the inner strategy. You can
couple it with some mental exercises as the public speaker mentioned above did.
Here I will teach you how to model the physical characteristics of magnetic
people as well.

What you have to do to be successful at this practice is to find a good role

model, thoroughly study him/her, and reproduce his/her strategies until you are
able to reproduce similar results in your personal experience.

That is how we actually learn anything in life, by observing and modeling

those who already do things we would like to do.

To learn how to drive, play tennis, solve a math problem, etc. you must
model someone in the first place. They already have the formula; all we do is to
put the ingredients together in the right order as they do.

Be advised, though, that the modeling of personal magnetism strategies

has nothing to do with faking or imitation. It is the fine art of observing and
reproducing specific inner states, behaviors and actions that can help you reach
your goals faster.

You have been modeling others since you were born, otherwise you
wouldn’t have learned anything in life.

Now, do you know anyone who has a magnetic “aura”? Someone who is
pleasant, confident, enthusiastic and attractive (independent of physical looks)? It
can be a friend, a relative, co-worker, or even someone that you have seen on
TV or in the movies. Your model of excellence doesn’t have to be a close
acquaintance at all.

Modeling by itself is the simple act of observing how that person acts,
his/her body language, facial expressions, voice tone and attitudes toward
others. From there, you will just have to reproduce his/her basic behavioral
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 48

You will be surprised to find how much you can improve your character
and impact on others just by modeling someone who is already magnetic and

And there’s one more thing; in most cases, just by reproducing someone’s
physical strategy, you can enter into a state of mind similar to his or hers. That is
amazingly true!

This pheno menon can be compared to dressing on a new and beautiful

set of clothes. Just the fact of being wearing it, makes you automatically feel
better and more attractive , right?

Modeling the physical strategies of a master magnet will be just like

“dressing” his or her part, and it will actually enable you to enter the same inner
sates they experience on a daily basis.

So start observing, from now on, how magnetic people carry themselves
to the minimal detail. How they act towards others, how they treat their fellow
human beings, and how they behave under different circumstances.

You will soon find out that they all have a set of similar characteristics and
behavioral habits that make them stand far apart from the average Joe. Besides
the inner characteristics studied earlier, they also possess some similar physical


1- Find someone who can be a perfect model of personal magnetism, attraction

and charisma to you.

It can be anyone from your friendship circle or someone you see on TV,
alive or dead, as long as you can observe him/her in action and study his/her
minimal behaviors and mannerisms.

2- Write down what makes that person attractive to you.

Is it his smile, facial expressions or body language? Is it her attitudes, how

she deals with people? Her voice tone and self-confidence? Study that person
thoroughly until you track all the characteristics that make him/her be like he/she

3- After you have a list of the noticeable characteristics that make that person
stand apart from others, try to find another model of magnetism.

Observe this other person and you will discover that he/she in some way
possesses most, if not all, of the characteristics of your first model.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 49

You can go on and on, if you wish, studying the body language, behavior
and actions of as many magnetic people as you want. They will always have
some common characteristics.

4- After you have observed and recorded the characteristics that make your
model stand apart from average people, all you have to do is to incorporate
his/her mode of excellence.

Follow the guidelines below:

Pretend that you are that person just for a few moments.

-How would you think?

-How would you perceive and act towards other people?

-How would you interact with others if you were your model of magnetism?

Feel, see and hear how it is like to be that person, even if just for a few
minutes. Enter his or her body. Use the same body language as she does, smile
and talk to people as she does, use a similar voice tone and enthusiasm level.

Remember that you won’t be imitating anyone, but only applying the same
behavioral strategies that your model unconsciously uses to produce successful

For a few moments each day, pretend that you can enter that person’s
body. Just do some role-playing, like when you were a child and could easily
incorporated Superman, Batgirl or any other childhood Super Hero. Talk like your
model, move and stand like him, reproduce his gestures and facial expressions.

After having done this in the privacy of your room for a while; adapt these
characteristics to your own style and try this exercise in the real world, observing
the reactions of those around you. Just pretend that you have incorporated your
model and reproduce her characteristics in different environments.

After some practice, it will become natural for you to act and behave with
the same ease as your model does. You will notice that, behaviorally, you have
become like your model of magnetism and are getting the same responses.

Personal magnetism is in great part a matter of attitude and perception. If

you can manage to make people perceive you as magnetic person, they will
believe that you are indeed magnetic.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 50

Why? Because we all have a set of pre-programmed stereotypes

(Symbols) that make us just react blindly to the data coming from the “outside
world”. We perceive the “symbol” and automatically “fill in” with the meaning.

There’s a stereotype for powerful and magnetic people on everybody’s

mind. It includes their body language, poise, manner of speaking, etc. (we will be
talking more about this later on). If you fit the characteristics for that stereotype,
they have no choice but to perceive you as magnetic.

Have you ever heard that just by wearing a tie and suit a man is perceived
as having a better lifestyle and higher pay? The same thing is true for your
attitudes and mannerisms.

People will judge you primarily based on how you carry yourself. This
judgment is founded on their previous experiences and a general social
agreement. Within the first few seconds after they meet you, they will search their
minds for a stereotype in which you can fit, based on several factors.

If you reproduce the signals associated with magnetism, attraction and

charisma, that’s how you will be perceived. You will understand this point better
after studying the next chapter. By now, start doing the modeling exercise.

After a few weeks of practicing modeling, and as a result of the successful

experiences, your brain and nervous system will adopt the behavior that you
have modeled and it will be a natural part of you, your own personal style.

In previous chapters, I gave you phrases that model the inner talk of
magnetic people, here you have the techniques to incorporate their behavioral
make up.

If you put both together, you will definitely feel a power you have never felt
before. It is like following the recipe for a cake, put the ingredients together, and
the results will be guaranteed.

Modeling can help you develop success strategies faster than anything
else. Tha t is because you will be learning from someone who already produces
the results you desire to produce in your own life.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just reproduce your model’s internal
and external strategies until you can create the same results.

“We become like that on which our hearts are fixed”

Elbert Hubbard
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 51



How does your model of personal magnetism stands, walks and moves?
How is his/her body posture? What calls your attention in his/her body language?


What’s most attractive about your model’s voice? The tempo, pitch, tone.
Is his/her voice congruent with the message he/she wants to convey?


How does your model express enthusiasm? How can he/she make it


Observe your models’ smallest movements, the graciousness of his/her

body language.


The face is our business card. How does your model look like? Not in
terms of beauty, but the way in which he/she uses the facial expressions and
eyes to convey different kinds of states and/or emotions.


Observe and model his/her breathing rate in different circumstances as


Modeling can greatly improve your life. After some practice, you will be
able to do it naturally and acquire any characteristic or skill you want. The results
can be only enjoyed through personal experience, no words can say how much
you can improve through the practice of modeling, but I can assure you that it is
well worth the effort.

Do it, until you get the feedback you want.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 52


For the first phase of your personal magnetism training, I want you to focus on
the exercises given in this section. Following are the guidelines:

- Practice the self-image and belief system reprogramming exercises at least

twice a day. Use a tape recorder or read the phrases for yourself, always with
conviction, knowing that these suggestions will replace any negative conditioning
you may have.

- Start observing magnetic people. Make notes about their most important
characteristics. How they behave, their body language and facial expression,
how they treat other people, their attitudes, etc.

- Incorporate some of your model’s characteristics, use it, and observe how
others react to you.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 53

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 54


The second step on the road to the development of personal power and
an irresistible magnetism, is the understanding of how the human mind works,
and how we can use some of it’s “weaknesses” in our favor by manipulating
other people’s perceptions.

Along this chapter you will learn how people unconsciously respond to
certain universal symbols and signals. Knowing how to manipulate some of these
common “reaction triggers” is one of the keys for easily attracting, persuading,
and influencing others.

Be advised that all marketing experts and many mass manipulators use
such built-in weaknesses to control your decisions, desires, tastes, etc. There are
many manipulation triggers, but most of them are based on the principles
exposed here.

To understand how these triggers work, e

l t’s first become more familiar
with our unexplored universe, the human mind.

The human mind can be divided in two sections as follows:


The conscious section of the human mind is the “reasoning”, “logical

thinking” and decision-making aspect. When you are fully awaken, like now, your
conscious mind is at work, receiving impressions through the five senses,
apparently “ana lyzing”, “reasoning”, sorting out and comparing data, etc.

Through the conscious mind we perceive the world around us and react to
it based on our past conditioning, preconceptions and judgments.

It is important to make clear that the conscious mind is extremely limited. It

can be compared to a temporary memory (RAM, in computer’s language), a
reference tool for sorting data and dealing with the present moment, the here and

Our most important mental, emotional and biological processes take place

The subconscious is the section of our minds which really controls all of
our reactions, responses, memory, learned abilities, skills and biologic functions
such as heart beat, breathing, hair growth, hormonal balance, etc. This section of
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 55

the mind is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to our health (both physical and

psychological) and survival.

Every conditioned response is a result of habits pre-programmed in our

subconscious mind, be it positive or negative. Our belief system, that is, what we
believe about our reality, is composed of a set of conditioned responses created
by past experiences. So is our self-image, or what we believe about ourselves.

It is very important to know that:



Even when you think that you are making decisions, reasoning or
expressing yourself, it is your subconscious mind, with its pre-conditioned
responses, which is in charge. You make decisions; take actions, and judge
circumstances, based on your subconscious conditioning. There’s no way



Without going further into the subject of mental conditioning, which is not
the topic of this course, I want you to know that this trait of human nature gives
us the ability to easily manipulate other people’s behaviors.

By predicting how people will react to certain universal signals, and using
these subconscious reactions in our favor, we can drastically increase our
chances to control the outcome of any interpersonal interaction.

By learning how the human mind works and how to manipulate it, many
political, religious and social leaders are able to gain easy control over the
crowds. Unfortunately, many take advantage of this knowledge to his/her own
benefit and use it for negative purposes.

In this lesson I’ll share with you some very important concepts that will
provide you with the keys to manipulating other people’s perceptions at will. How
you will use it must be dictated by your consciousness.

The word manipulation may sound a little harsh to you at first. However,
we cannot forget that one basic characteristic of our species is the ability to
manipulate others to get what we want.

Since we are born, we learn that in order to eat, feel safe, or enjoy our
mother’s caressing we just have to cry or burst in tears.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 56

After a few successful experiences, we “intuitively” know that at our first

signal of distress mom will rush to our cradle and lift or feed us.

From them on, every time we feel in a bad mood, we just have to start
screaming and there comes the sleepless mother to the rescue. This is our first
successful experience with manipulation. We have just learned how to get other
people’s attention and have them give us what we want.

A young child knows very well how to soften his parents’ hearts just by
acting out that sad or upset look. They are experts at manipulating adults with
hugs, sweet words and kisses, especially before revealing something wrong they
did behind their parents back.

Manipulation is also commonplace among couples. A special smile or

touch from our spouse can “melt” us instantly. When one of them is upset, the
threat of moving back home with the parents is another common form of (harsh)

Salespeople, politicians, marketing professionals and priests, are another

undeniable example of straight manipulation of peoples’ feelings, fears and

By these examples you can conclude that manipulation is used constantly

by those around you to make you forgive someone, feel pity, buy a new car, vote
for an unknown candidate or give up your spiritual freedom.

As with everything in nature, there are certainly positive and negative

forms of manipulation. By positive manipulation I mean that which won’t cause
any damage to other people. That’s the one we will discuss here.

The weaknesses of human psychology

1- The human mind has an automatic, learned mode of response, without regard
to conscious thinking. We usually react to external “signals” based solely on
conditioned reflexes.

There are some built-in automatic responses recorded in the human brain
and nervous system. These responses are like instincts inherited from society.
We do not consciously perceive its influence over us, but are indeed controlled
by it.

If, for example, someone smiles at you, you’ll probably think that this
person is being kind or approving of you in some way. If someone frowns or
make a “bad face” at you, you will automatically think that he or she is
disapproving or being angry.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 57

We seldom take the time to rationalize the situation. The emotional mind
takes over and, based on pre-conditioned habits, reacts accordingly.

Some signals, like smile, handshake, frown, etc. are universal “triggers”
that go beyond language or cultural barriers. Just signals that have the power to
affect us and change our emotional state. For most of us, it does not matter if the
other person is faking it or not. We just react blindly to the incoming signal.

Most of us (I could say 95 to 98%) just react unconsciously to these

signals, letting a simple facial expression, gestures or certain words affect our
moods in one way or another.

If someone taps you on the back or shoulders, you react positively. If

praising words follow the taps, your reaction will surely be much stronger.
Conditioned response. You don’t think rationally, but just react based on past

For the purpose of this course, you’ll soon learn that there are some
specific signals that can automatically broadcast magnetism and personal power.

As you have learned before, people already have a stereotype for

magnetic individuals, and, just by incorporating this stereotype, you’ll
automatically be perceived that way. Remember that these subconscious
responses are above the level of rationalization on most human beings.

2- People like to feel important and get attention.

Most people would give their lives for some attention.

Children cry, make noise, scream or “monkey around” to receive attention

from their parents or little friends.

Teens get involved in trouble, become rebellious, dress in “hype”

costumes and join gangs for the same reason.

Adults put on make up, wear designer clothing and jewelry, and buy fancy
cars with the same goal in mind; GET ATTENTION FROM OTHERS.

We are always looking for approval from those around us. Be it in the form
of positive comments, praises, recognition, etc. When we find someone who
gives us his/her positive attention, we automatically like and feel attracted to that

If someone makes us feel important, approved and needed, we will most

often do anything to please that person, just to feel more of that rush of good
feeling. Just to continue feeling important.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 58

This weakness is constantly targeted by marketing gurus. They usually

associate their products with status, coolness, or any other characteristic that
makes people feel important or get some attention from their peers.

3- The human being fears being rejected.

This weakness is derived from the second one. And it states that most
people spend more time thinking about how to get approval and avoid rejection,
than on being themselves.

Why? We must belong. To belong, we must be accepted. To be accepted,

we must follow the rules and be liked by those around us. If we are rejected by
those with whom we try to associate, we will feel like failures.

Rejection, in pre-historic times, meant certain death for our forefathers,

and today it means social and moral death to us. That’s why we will do almost
anything to avoid rejection. Even if that means blindly following an authoritative
figure, or going against our personal values to please our peers.

This unconscious reaction is above the rational level in most human

beings as well.

4 - Most people rely on “external authorities” to make decisions, think and even
act for them.

People are often afraid of “looking bad”, making mistakes or wrong

decisions, all this due to the fear of rejection and disapproval. Thus, most people
will gladly have others deciding and even taking action for them.

For the majority, it is better not to risk making any decision or taking
action, than doing something wrong.

If you observe people who project an “aura” of personal power and

magnetism, you’ll discover that they are starters, action takers, and decision

They do not fear making mistakes. Why, they don’t care about others’
opinions. They do not depend on external approval to feel good about
themselves, for this reason, they bravely take risks.

This is the kind of people who get promotions and achieve the highest
positions in their companies or careers. The other ninety-five percent of the
population gladly follow these few “starters” and “shakers”. It’s much safer.

There’s a subconscious part of us that looks for external authorities to rely

on. Those who know how to do it can easily manipulate this part.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 59

Average people will be glad to follow orders and guidance from those they
perceive as leaders. They have no choice. The price they pay for avoiding
rejection is submission.

5 - People need to be loved.

This is one of the most powerful strategies you can use to attract and
influence others in a positive manner. All of the tools given here for persuasion
and magnetism are incomplete if you fail to show a sincere interest for peoples’
well being and respect their feelings.

The best communicators, leaders and persuaders are those who respect
their fellowmen and treat them with love and compassion.

As an example of the power of unconditional love, I had the opportunity to

know a very magnetic guy who was not physically attractive at all, neither rich.
However, he was extremely popular. Girls hanged around him all the time, his
boss and co-workers loved him, most people liked to be with this guy.

His secret was that he treated everybody so nicely and politely, that we
had no choice but to like him.

He followed some eastern religion that taught him to see the divinity in
anybody he met, to see everybody as an extension of God. He showed true love,
because when he was talking to you, he would act with all the love that he
believed God has toward his creation. That was his approach, and it worked very

Most people are looking for unconditional love and kindness, keep it in
your mind when you approach anyone.

Study these five principles and meditate on them often. These are just
some “weaknesses” that you can use to get through most people. There are
others, yes, but for the purpose of this book these are the ones you need to
know. With this knowledge alone, you will be able to understand and manipulate
others as you wish.

Knowledge of the “weaknesses” shown above can be used to powerfully

influence others. But, as with anything, it can be directed to good or evil

The water can save your life or kill you. Likewise, you can apply this
information to harm and cheat over others or you can use it to create fulfilling
relationships, cause a positive impact on the life of those around you and
accomplish your goals in an ethical way.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 60

The best approach to this matter is to follow the ancient advice: “Don’t do
unto others what you don’t want them to do unto you”.

We can certainly accomplish our goals and be magnetic without hurting or

negatively manipulating others. That’s what I always teach my students.

It is rewarding to be able to positively influence others while showing

respect, sincere love and concern for their well-being. Do not try to play with
other peoples’ feelings and never disrespect their rights as human beings.

Nowadays, mankind is hungry for sincerity, unconditional love,

understanding and respect. Using this approach, you will be able to attract and
cause a positive impact on everyone you meet, as well as create lasting and
productive relationships.

Now that you are familiar with the above psychological “weaknesses”, you
may want to observe people around you. Notice how they react to external
signals and use the positive-trigger signals to cause a good impression
everywhere you go.

To take advantage of the human weaknesses mentioned in this chapter,

your behavioral strategy must include things like sincere praising, when the
situation calls for it, as well as attention, approval and positive comments.

Observe how people react to it. You’ll be surprised at how popular you can
become just by manipulating these simple “socially conditioned reflexes”. And
this is only the beginning.

Many magnetic people do this unconsciously every day. Knowing the

mechanisms behind it, you’ll be able to do it at will, as well as protect yourself
from those who use these strategies for evil.

People react to certain pre-conditioned signals. You have just learned

some of the most important psychological weaknesses that virtually everyone

Using this knowledge in your favor

If you have been doing the modeling exercise, you should already be
familiar with some basic characteristics of magnetic people. They are masters at
the art of gaining rapport and making others feel good around them.

People respond to signals in the first place. They react to your posture,
attitudes and behavior. If you want to cause a positive impact on others without
even opening your mouth, start by adopting the posture of an extremely confident
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 61

• Walk with your head high, chest expanded and a confident facial
• Look at people straight in the eyes as if saying: “I’m confident, I know what
I want and I will get it!”
• When talking to someone, always project a clear, paused, and firm voice.
• Be congruent in your message and use your whole body to communicate
it without vacillation.
• Try, for a few days, to smile sincerely at those you meet.
• Find reasons to make good comments and praise people around you,
elevate their egos. Now you know why they dress fancy and buy
expensive toys; to be noticed and get attention. Give them what they want
• Project honesty, sincerity and enthusiasm when talking to others. This will
make them perceive you as a leader.
• Become a real leader and a self-starter. Show your willingness to take
charge when the situation arises and demonstrate that you are not afraid
of making decisions.
• People need leaders to impulse them into taking action. Let go of the fear
of approaching others and asking for what you want. Confidence is the
essential trait of a human magnet.

You have to wake up to the fact that every person is just a human being
like yourself. They do have the same fears, doubts, emotions and feelings that
you have.

People react to what they perceive and are always trying to protect their
egos. If you can manage to make them perceive you as a magnetic, authoritative
and strong character, someone who feeds their emotional and psychological
needs, they will react accordingly and be more than impressed by you.

Soon we will study some specific strategies to attract others, touch their
egos, and make you become an extremely charismatic individual. This chapter is
just the foundation for the practice section. Understand it and everything will fall
into place later on.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 62




To me, the above sentence is more valuable than many books written on
the subject of human behavior. Shakespeare would definitely make a good living
as a Psychotherapist. At least, he said something that makes sense.

Just think, for a moment, about a famous Hollywood or Broadway star that
you know and admire. This person, as an actor, has the amazing power to make
you laugh, cry, fantasize and fear. However, when the production ends, he is a
totally different individual.

The mean villain is, in real life, a loving and friendly person. The street
hooker is a caring wife and mother. The depressive kid is, in reality, a bright and
energetic young man.

The power of ACTING is what makes these people look completely

different from what they are in real life.

Good actors and actresses have the innate ability to adopt any personality
they want when performing. They can put on a "mask" and manipulate our
emotions at will.

Similarly, we, as actors in the stage of life, are constantly acting out a role
and getting reactions from people around us. Some individuals out there could
even win an Oscar.

The difference between a famous actor and us is that (besides getting

paid very well), when the production ends, they change their masks, leaving all
the traits of the character behind.

We, however, maintain the same old mask throughout our entire lives,
even when we’re getting a negative response from those around us. Nobody
even cares to think about the possibility of changing characters once in a while.

Which role are you playing in the stage of your life right now? Are you the
grumpy, arrogant guy, the seductive Don Juan, the wealthy entrepreneur, the
frustrated housewife, or the successful and attractive businesswoman? You are
the only one with the power to decide who you are and change the role at will.

Think, for a moment, about your life as a motion picture, your role as part
of a script, and people around you as co-stars. Who is writing your script? Who is
producing your movie and selecting the co-stars? It only depends on you.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 63

You can certainly choose to give the power of your production to external
circumstances, past experiences and other people (there are lots of people out
there willing to be the directors of our lives). Or you can decide to be an
independent producer and create your own "movie", choosing a different role, the
story and co-stars.

Think about how different your life could be if you faced it as a movie
production. What if you knew that, just by changing your character, you could
cause a completely different impact on yourself and others? Life would seem
much more flexible and enjoyable, right?

It is definitely possible to change your script. And it’s possible because life
is an illusion. Yes, we live based on stereotypes and appearances. We don’t see
people as they really are, but only what they project.

We have all changed characters before. Every radical change that you
produce in your personality (mask) can be compared to a change in your life
script. It includes the changes you will soon be experiencing by using the
techniques taught in this course.

When you actually decide to change your mask, you will start feeling and
acting differently. Soon the people around you will notice that difference and
react accordingly. They have no choice.

To have hands-on proof of what I am talking about, you should try the
following experiment:

Go out to a bar, nightclub, or any place in which you have the opportunity
to meet strangers. When you get there, act as a negative, depressed and boring
person. Stay away from others, mimic a depressed face, speak in a negative
tone with the waiters, keep your head down and adopt the body language of a
dejected person.

Notice the reaction of those around you. How do they respond to your
role, how do they treat you?

The next day, go to a similar place, but this time, act as an outgoing and
confident person. Smile to everyone, say a healthy good evening to the doorman,
be polite to the waiters and praise their service, approach people and speak to
them in an enthusiastic tone of voice. Look up; pretend to be confident and
magnetic. Compare the reactions you get in each situation.

Now, can you imagine the different impact you will cause on people
around you on each occasion? If you try this simple experiment, you will discover
for yourself that most people react primarily to your role, not your Being.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 64

In the first situation, people will tend to avoid approaching you. The waiter
will treat you poorly and the opposite sex won't even notice your presence.

In the second experiment, you will definitely be treated in a whole different

way. People will notice and feel attracted by you. They will enjoy your company
and respond positively. You may even end up with a nice date for that night. No

To prove this point, I have tried these experiments myself. There is

nothing better than personal experience to prove the validity of a point. The only
way for you to feel the radical difference that acting in a different way makes, is
trying it for yourself. No words can explain it.

It is unfortunate to notice how many individuals apparently attract

mistreatment. Everywhere they go, they seem to be treated poorly or even
roughly by the waiters, the taxi drivers, the store clerks, etc. If you have this kind
of experience often, pay attention to how you treat other people.

If when walking into a restaurant, you don't even look at the doorman’s
face, don’t respond to the waiter when he greets you, and talk to him as if he
were a slave, how would you expect to be treated?

People are constantly trying to change their circumstances and produce

different results in their lives; however, most of them do not try to change their
everyday behavior. They expect others to change in the first place. That is not
the way. Keep doing the things you have done before and you will keep getting
the same results.

Now, remember the people who cause a positive impact on you, those
that you find pleasant, interesting, and nice to be with. How do they behave?
How do they treat you? Do they smile often?

At my neighborhood’s Postal Office, there is a very cheerful and polite

young man working as a teller (which is rare in post offices nowadays). Every
time I have to do my shipping, I literally pray in line to be helped by this guy.

This remarkable teller greets everyone with a broad smile and an inspiring
good morning. He seems to be happy all the time and always try to make the
customers feel good. We even forget about the huge line we had to go through
after talking to this pleasant gentleman. I am pretty sure that most customers feel
the same as I do toward him.

On the other hand, the majority of his co-workers treat you as if they were
sentenced to death row. They don’t make any effort to show some politeness and
can probably shoot you if you complain about something. The nice teller should
be hired to teach the new ones good attitudes.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 65

You probably have had similar experiences (Yes, even if you live in a big
city). It may be the grocery manager across the street, the bus conductor, a
fellow co-worker, or a personal friend. Someone who always makes you feel

What is the secret of these pleasant and magnetic people? Acting their
roles. Simply that, as much as you are acting yours right now. They just have a
different script.

It may be that their past experiences have conditioned them to behave

that way. Maybe they just learned that by acting differently they could get better
responses, or they may have read this book before you did.

You too can be perceived in a totally different manner. Do not make the
mistake of thinking that people are inflexible. We all can act a different role at will,
and others will automatically react to our signals as much as we react to theirs.

In the beginning, “acting as if” will sound a little superficial to you. “Can
acting in a different way change my inner make up?” - You may ask.

Acting as if you were different is another way to practice the art of

modeling, and, as human beings, we are experts at it. Otherwise, we would not
have learned anything in life.

How does a child learns how to walk? By observing grown ups and trying
to model them. We use the same process to learn how to speak, read, spell, etc.

Think about everything that you have learned so far. You had to model
someone. A tennis instructor, a math teacher, a swimming coach, etc.

You had to discover how they did the things you would like to do, think in
the same way they thought, and model their physical movements and mental

That is how we learn, by modeling. How do you learn how to cook a

French dish? By following a cooking instructor or a book. You must have a
reference to model and follow their success strategy.

Any habit is a learned response. Mental states and emotions are a result
of habits as well. You may have acquired, for example, the conditioned habit of
feeling afraid every time you had to introduce yourself to strangers. It may had
been modeled it from someone you knew, or developed due to a negative
experience in the past. It does not matter to me, the important point is:
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 66

You can acquire any behavioral habit or skill if you model someone who already
has it, and practice until it becomes a conditioned reflex in your nervous system,
a part of you.

If someone suffers from fear of meeting new people, she has to find what
is the opposite polarity of that behavior, concentrate on that polarity, and model
examples of people who act as she wants to act. By following these steps, soon
she will be projecting the desired traits.

You must become a real life actor/actress. Use your imagination and open
your mind to new experiences. Life is simple, and one day, after passing to the
other side, you may regret not having “acted as if...”

Everybody is literally acting a script they have learned. If you want to be a

Don Juan, you must act like one, if you want to be perceived as a confident and
strong person, you better act as if you were that person.

Whatever behavior you learned from your past experiences dictates your
personal script. But hey! You DO NOT have to be a slave of your own
conditioning. Put your mind to work in your favor.

Forget about how mom and dad acted and start being yourself. If you
don’t know who you are, just create it and train it into your brain and nervous
system! It is much better than to be replaying somebody’s else movie all your life.

I challenge you to try it by yourself, for your own sake. Go out there and
smile to people, treat everybody you meet as if they were the most special
people you e ver knew. Their response will amaze you.

Choose a role, the way you want to be perceived from now on, and act on
it. That is the only way for you to become what you really want.

People perceive you by the signals you project. Project powerful, positive
signals and they will react accordingly.

Up to this point I have been teaching you how to change yourself and how
others react to your projected characteristics based on their built-in conditioning.
The following part of this course will delve deeply into the actual techniques you
can use to reach your goal of becoming a human magnet.

Keep in mind that a thorough understanding of the principles behind the

techniques is essential for you to reach a peak level and reap all the benefits
from our training. So always come back to the first two sections of this book and
make sure you comprehend it.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 67


- Use all the “weaknesses” of human psychology in your favor. From now on, I
want you to treat people differently. Smile more often, show a sincere concern
about their well-being, praise (when they deserve it), and show your willingness
to take responsibilities. Play the role of leadership.

Just by doing this, you will cause a positive impact on all those around you. Your
spouse, co-workers, friends and superiors. Do not hesitate to make good
comments and be gentle to those around you. Be prepared to experience the
amazing results.

- Continue using the affirmations with conviction and enthusiasm.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 68

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 69


Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? If so, don’t feel bad about it; we all
have had this embarrassing experience before.

Sometimes, during the most important situations in our lives, we seem to

lose control. The ghost of fear happens to get in the way and spoil all our plans
and efforts to make a good impression.

To become masters of personal magnetism and attraction, we must

definitely learn how to deal with and tame this important feeling.

Oh, yes. Fear is indeed a very important and useful ally. Sometimes it can
even save our lives. The trouble comes when we can’t differentiate between
justifiable and unjustifiable fears.

Let’s say, for example, that you are taking a nice walk in the countryside.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere, a hungry bear jumps in front of you and makes
you feel like a Big Mac about to be devoured. Should you fear this dreadful
situation? You’d better do it. Otherwise you will end up being a “bears’ happy

The situation mentioned above is a good example of justifiable fear and

how important to human survival it can be. This same fear, or survival instinct,
keeps you from jumping in front of a running bus, swimming in a shark infested
beach, or standing at the top of a skyscraper with no protection bars around you.

Fear makes us cautious and responsible. It is a natural reaction that exists

in all species. We are even born with it pre-programmed in our brains. It is said
that a newborn fears darkness, loud noise and falling.

All other fears, however, are acquired throughout our lives due to
experience and conditioning. A newborn cannot fear a bear or a lion. He still
doesn’t have enough experience to formulate a concept about such wild animals.
Neither can he fear a shotgun or a sharp knife pointing at him.

As we grow up, personal experience will indicate what should be feared

and avoided in order for us to preserve our lives and keep on with the human
species. It’s a very natural process of learning and survival, and thanks to it we
are still alive and kicking on this planet. This is the function of justifiable fear.

Now, during our early lives we may also be conditioned to fear some
neutral or harmless things and situations that don’t threat our survival or well-
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 70

Unfortunately, a toddler can’t rationalize an event as most adults can. So,

as we grow up, we are subject to the suggestions given by mom, daddy, the
people around us, the press, the movies, and society in general.

Most of our unjustified or irrational fears are inherited from our parents and
those adults closer to us. They are our models of what a grown up is supposed to
be. Thus, if daddy never fights for his rights because he is afraid of what will be
the reaction of the people around, Junior may acquire that same behavioral habit.
After all, “daddy knows best”.

If mom or Uncle Joe tells Junior to run away from the school bully, he will
most certainly end up running away from every strong person who crosses his
way throughout his life.

If you run away from a harmless situation or avoid facing a challenge, you
don’t risk walking home with a black eye, sure. But mom and Uncle Joe would be
much more helpful if they had taught Junior how to fight for what he wanted and
face challenges. At least he would be able to occasionally give others a black
eye, besides feeling much better about himself.

When we decide to take real action out there, we must be prepared to

face fear straight in the eye. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that brave people
don’t have any fear. They do, as much as you. The only difference is the way
they manage it.

If a lion is running after you, fear is certainly your best ally. But, on the
other hand, if you fear approaching other people, talking in public, or asking your
boss for a raise, it will be your worst enemy.

Unjustified fear can paralyze you and keep you from taking important
decisions and actions in your life. Unless you know how to rationalize it, fear will
be your worst obstacle.

People usually waste unique opportunities to get ahead in life or get

involved with someone they really like because of the fear of taking the initiative
or being rejected.

It’s a sad fact that you may have experienced first hand in your own life.
And, unfortunately, some opportunities never come back.

So how can we tame fear and use it in our favor? We just have to
recognize it and challenge it with logical thinking. We can use the power of
rational questioning to control unjustified fears.

Let’s suppose that you should ask your boss for a raise, speak in public,
or invite someone who you are interested in to go out. What is keeping you from
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 71

doing it? Is your boss, the audience or the person you feel attracted to big brown
bears or wild lions? I doubt it.

They are human beings just like yourself, and the most they can do is say
NO straight to your face or disagree with you.

What did you lose by hearing a two -letter word? At least now you know
that you should start looking for another boss or a new date.

Another example: You are in a party and notice that a beautiful person is
looking at you with an invitational smile. What in heavens keeps you from
approaching that individual? Why fear has to get in your way once again?

In this case, we are again dealing with the fear of rejection, which is
unjustifiable. The most you can hear is a “thanks, but no thanks”.

A rejection will not take one of your arms or legs away as a lion would. So,
why not try? You can be lucky and even impress your friends driving around town
with that stunning guy or girl. If you don’t dare, you have no way to know.

If you fear being rejected, it is a sign that YOU don’t accept or approve of
yourself in the first place. The problem is inside your head, not out there. When
you develop self-confidence and love yourself for who you are, rejections won’t
hurt you a bit.

It seems to be easier said than done, but if you start challenging your
fears, you will realize that most of them just hold your life and progress. When
you acquire the courage to face them, you will regret how dumb you were in the
past by allowing it to control your actions.

One thing is for sure; as you start conquering your unjustifiable fears, you
will move ahead and up in life much faster. People will start respecting and
admiring your courage and assertiveness as well as feeling attracted to you.

The best method I learned for dealing with any kind of unjustified fear is
the “magic question” below:


If whatever action or decision you want to take do not represent a threat,

or won’t cause a major damage to your life, it’s worth the try.

By threat or major damage I mean putting in risk yours or other people’s

physical well being.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 72

If your decision or action involves the destiny of others as well, you must
let them know about it before you do anything. As long as the outcome don’t
cause any negative turn in yours or their lives, you should ignore the fear and go

Neutral situations are those that won’t change your life for worst if things
don’t go as you planned. And, if everything works, you end up better than before.
Again, under these conditions, it’s worth trying.

If I ask you what’s the worst thing that can happen if I jump from a 45 store
building without a parachute, you will come with a straight answer, right?

However, if I ask what is the worst thing that can happen if I make a few
sales calls, or approach someone I like, or demand my rights, you won’t be so
straight in your answer. What can be gained surpass any risk.

From now on, start observing your reactions to certain situations that
cause you fear. Ask yourself if this fear is justifiable or not, and think about all the
benefits you can get by taking action regardless of those butterflies in the

As you start taking productive actions and challenging your fears, you will
become even more confident and your self-esteem will raise very, very high. For
then you will know that you are the only one in control of your own life.

As an exercise, I want you to start thinking about some things you fear;

• Is it talking assertively to your boss or co-worker?

• Is it inviting people to dance or have a drink at a nightclub?
• Is it saying NO, when you want to do it without feeling guilty?

Make a list, and after you have it, incorporate your model of magnetism
(see chapter on modeling) and go out there and DO IT. Pretend you are the most
audacious and courageous person in the whole world. Keep the magic question
in mind.

Start with the less challenging tasks and build up gradually. You have no
idea of how good it will make you feel after a few successes.

Most of my personal clients and students literally change their lives when
they start practicing the fear-elimination thinking. Some of them tell me that they
get addicted at challenging the situations they have dreaded before. The most
important part is that they have fun in the process, first by realizing that the things
they feared the most were mere illusions, and second because they start getting
what they want easily.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 73

Unjustifiable fear is an illusory enemy that lives only inside your mind.
Cast it out of there and it’s gone for good. I guarantee it.

There are many tricks you can do in your own mind to alleviate fear and
even transform a dreaded situation into a humorous one.

Remember the public speaker I mentioned in a previous chapter? He

surely had a good way to deal with the fear of public speaking. It is what they call
reframing in NLP. I’ve tried his technique in several different situations besides
public speaking. And you can do the same.

It is funny and relieving to visualize everyone you meet or desire to

approach as small children. Think of them as people like you, no matter how
much money they have or how good they look. You may find that they have the
same fear as you do, with the difference that you have a good strategy to deal
with it.

Play with you mind, it’s free and funny. See your boss as a toddler in
pampers before entering his office to ask for a raise. Visualize the person you
want to approach for a romantic proposal as a tiny child and you as a powerful
giant. Or imagine the cold calling prospect as an old and dearly friend of yours.

There are many things you can do to relieve the stress and fear of a
situation and these tricks will make you project a poised and relaxed attitude,
which will impress whoever is on the other side.

To be successful with the techniques in the following chapters, you MUST

let go of unjustified fear.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 74



According to the Dictionary, rapport means:








One of the best-kept secrets of magnetic people, as well as leaders and

manipulators, is their rapport-building skills. They know exactly which hot buttons
to push to make people feel strongly attracted, charmed, and almost hypnotized
by them.

Would you like to be able to attract and build a strong rapport with virtually
anyone you meet, in just a few minutes? It is easier than you have ever
imagined, and it is one of the biggest tricks of charismatic people.

You too can do it, if you just follow the magical formula that we will be
discussing throughout this chapter.

The formula is very simple, and virtually any human being can use it and
reproduce the same results of the masters of attraction and manipulation.

The magic formula for bonding to and attracting anyone you can possibly
imagine is:



Magnetic people are masters at this art. They can easily approach
anyone, anywhere, start a conversation and create an immediate connection.

Before you know it, you feel as if you have known them for centuries. They
seem to mysteriously bond with you better than your siblings or closest friends.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 75

How can they possibly do it? Do they have any paranormal magnetic
power? In most cases they don’t. You will certainly learn how to develop this
extra-sensorial power in a coming chapter as well, but you don’t necessarily need
it to magnetize mostly everyone you want.

You can attract others easily by simply following the magical bonding
formula revealed above.

Do you think I’m exaggerating? In his book “Influence, the psychology of

persuasion”, Robert Cialdini, a foremost researcher in the area of persuasion and
manipulation writes:

“One researcher who examined the sales records of insurance companies

found that customers were more likely to buy insurance when the salesperson
was like them in such areas as age, religion, politics, and cigarette-smoking

The masters of conscious rapport building use this knowledge to their

advantage. They are, first of all, good observers; they understand the
weaknesses of human psychology (the ones we have studied before) and know
how to use it to their advantage. And, most importantly, they posses the uncanny
ability and flexibility to adapt to anyone they want to attract.

To understand this concept better, stop for a moment and think about the
people you like to be with, your best friends, for example. Who are they? What
are their personal preferences, hobbies and viewpoints?

You will be surprised to discover that those around you, the ones you
really like to be with, have some or many things in common with you. It may be
the same hobby, sports preference, entertainment choices, lifestyle, religious or
political ties, etc.

We are always attracted to people who have some, or many, things in

common with us. There seems to be a natural rapport, an unexplainable
connection at some level.

Now, what do you think about people who are completely different from
you? Those who lead an entirely different life style, or those who have opposite
beliefs, habits and preferences?

They don’t sound so attractive to you, right? If you had a choice, you
would prefer to deal only with individuals who belong in the first group (the ones
who have similarities with you).
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 76

This happens basically because people in general want to be safe. They

want to feel a sense of belonging, of easiness, familiarity, and avoid stretching
beyond their comfort zone.

The best way they have to accomplish this goal of being safe and in
“familiar territory” is by hanging around others who are somehow similar to them,
people who do not pose many challenges to their beliefs, ideas or tastes.

It would be wonderful if we could just meet people who share our same
preferences, life stile, beliefs and opinions. However, we live in the real world.

People are different and not everyone will have a natural feeling of rapport
towards you. In this case, you have to create it; you must somehow adapt to their
comfort zone and make them feel “safe” and familiar around you.

This way the chances of them liking and feeling attracted to you increases
by almost 100%. Why, because they will feel a sense of familiarity with you, and
that is all you need to have them open up their defenses, whatever they are.

The term familiarity is a derivate from the word family, and what does
family represents to our subconscious minds? Love, trust, protection, harmony,
bonding and complicity.

To exemplify the power of this concept, I’ll share with you another case
from my clients’ files:

A young man came to me a couple of years ago trying to find a “cure” for
his lack of success with the opposite sex.

In his specific case, the girl that he dearly loved for quite a few years
ignored him, even thought she was single for most of the time he knew her.

This guy was quite attractive, doing well in college, and had a bright future
ahead in his father’s prospering company. He was literally the “dream bachelor”
for most girls in his neighborhood. Many of them would give all to have a date
with him, but his beloved one just did not pay any attention to him, no matter
what he did.

The problem was that the girl he liked lived a gothic life style. She dressed
most of the times in black outfits, had her hair dyed in red and green, and loved
to go to gothic nightclubs.

My client, on the other hand, was the perfect image of the American
businessman. He wore suit and tie most of the times, behaved like a lord, and
refused to mingle with “junkies”, as he used to call them.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 77

It seemed like they lived in totally different universes, and that’s what kept
him from having any luck with the girl. Without common points to create a bridge
between them, the situation would never improve.

My advice to him was to be a little flexible and use the secret formula for
rapport discussed in this chapter. He assured me that he really loved this girl and
was willing to do anything to catch her attention and love. That’s what he did.

This guy started to dress a little more informal. He bought a few pieces of
black clothing and made sure to start walking by his dream girl while dressing in
a gothic-like style (usually on weekends).

As if by magic, she started to give him more attention and spent more time
hanging with him in the neighborhood’s park. He accepted her invitation to go to
a gothic party on a Saturday night, and that day they had their first “official” date.

Last time I heard from them, they were making plans to get married.

Now, there’s one important thing to emphasize here. This guy DID NOT
convert to the gothic lifestyle.

After they moved together, the girl felt it was all right for him to dress up as
a businessman most of the time. And he also agreed to allow her to keep on
wearing her preferred outfits.

He used the secret of rapport to get to her, make himself attractive and
conquer her attention, trust and love. That is it. Once she felt in love with him, he
did not have to act it up anymore.

Developing a common point between him and the girl he loved was the
attracting bond in this case and many others I have in file. This is what I call
“building the bridge”.

This skill is extremely important to sales people as well. I have helped

many of them to develop this “attractive power”. And, since we are all sales
people at one level or another, we MUST know and apply it.


By creating common points, you can create rapport with virtually anyone.

To build a strong rapport, you must, first of all, carefully observe the
person you want to attract. It can be easily done in any environment or situation.

The observation process becomes much easier when you are invited to
their house or when you have some previous information about them. But you
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 78

can also create instant rapport with someone you have never seen before, at a
party, a public transportation, etc. Below I’ll give you some specific examples.

Let’s analyze each situation separately:

Creating rapport with someone you don’t know

To create rapport in a first encounter, you must observe the person you
wish to attract and find something about him or the immediate environment to
comment on.

Observe what the person is wearing, if he/she has some accessory on,
their physical characteristics or something that gives any indication of personal

Remember that, according to the human weaknesses studied earlier,

people love attention. They also like to feel important and safe. Use this
knowledge in your favor.

Ask a question that demonstrates your interest or admiration for the

person you wish to build rapport with.

The following phrases are just an example of opening comments that you
can use with anyone. They are very good for two purposes:

1) Starting the conversation, and

2) Creating instant rapport

A-Comments about a specific accessory or object:

-“I really loved your watch, it seems so unique!”

-“Hey, that’s a nice tie you’re wearing sir, I have been looking for something
similar, do you know where I could find it? ”

-“That’s a fine piece of jewelry ma’am; you definitely have a great taste!”

B-Comment about something the person is reading:

-“Excuse me Sir, would you recommend this book?”

-“Do you have an interest in Greek mythology?”

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 79

-“I’ve heard a lot about this author, how you like his book?”

C-Comment about a specific subject:

-“I couldn’t help to notice that you are carrying a tennis racquet, I have always
wanted to learn how to play it, are you a professional?”

-“I saw this new MP3 player being advertised on TV, how good it sounds?”

D-Comment about the environment:

-“It’s my first time in this town, would you recommend a specific place to…?”

-“Is it your first time in this kind of convention? How do you like it?”

E-Comments about the other person’s characteristics (Be honest with these

-“You have beautiful eyes; I wish mine were the same color!”

-“Your accent sounds European, am I right? Which country you come from?”

-“Hey, I can see that you work out, Are you a personal trainer?”

These are just a few examples of simple, everyday phrases, which follow
the magic formula of creating common points among the two of you.

With these simple, yet powerful opening phrases, you are showing
appreciation for the other person and, in some cases, asking for his/her opinion
about a specific subject. The key here is to make him/her feel important/admired/

With phrases like these you are basically saying: I like what you have/what
you do/how you look, I respect and value your taste/opinion/choice.

Use your imagination and always be a good observer. From now on,
search for things in other people or the immediate environment to make a good
opening comment about.

You can rest assured that a good opening comment, that is, one that
touches his/her ego, will cause an instant sensation of rapport between the two
of you. And most importantly, it WILL NOT sound like a canned pick up line,
because it is not in any way audacious, malicious nor offensive.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 80

You don’t have to do it every time, though, but just with those you have an
interest in starting a conversation with or attracting. But, for practice purposes,
observe people on the train, bus, at stores, bars, everywhere.

Become a master at finding positive things to comment about people, the

environment, or something he/she has. Find ways to make him/her feel
important, appreciated and connected to you at some level.

The opening phrases shown above are neutral. That is, they will in no way
offend or make the other person feel uncomfortable. They will perceive you as
kind and pleasant for using these approaches. That is because you will have
somehow touched their egos and built the bridge.

After the opening comment, let the person talk and just flow with it, always
aware that you have two ears but just one mouth. As you listen to him/her, you
will be able to gather more information about his/her tastes or preferences and
build on that to extend the conversation.

When you already know that the person has a specific taste or hobby,
your task becomes much easier. All you have to do is to ask triggering questions
about it and let the person do the talk.

Everybody like to talk about themselves, you just have to give them
permission by asking key questions.

I know what I’m talking about. Since a very young age, I have mastered
the art of listening and giving my full attention to others.

I have been in situations in which I gave all my attention to someone, only

listening and asking right questions to stimulate him to talk even more about
himself or a subject of his interest.

After a few days, I heard from other friends that these people perceived
me as an excellent, pleasant person, and that they had a great conversation with
me. In most cases I barely opened my mouth!

What did I do to captivate these individuals? Nothing, I just listened and

gave my sincere attention to them.



If you have to follow just one advice from this book, keep the above
phrase in your mind from now on.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 81

By giving people the opportunity to be listened and feel important, you will
be a “great company” to virtually anyone and perceived as very charismatic. This
is one of the best ways to create a bond and common points between you and

Just listen, let them talk about themselves, and ask questions that will
make them feel even more accepted, admired and important.

As you listen to the other person, nod your head and make congruent
comments. Always act as if you were talking to the most important person in the
whole galaxy and he/she will be attracted to you as a bee is to honey.

To create this kind of rapport, you don’t have to be dishonest or go against

your values. No matter how different the other person seems to be, there’s
always something that you can find and use to create a great interaction.

In the experimental phase of this program, I tried these strategies with

almost everyone whom I came in contact with. And let me tell you, it worked
every single time.

Living in New York, I have had the opportunity to meet people from all
over the world, and I found out that another great way to create rapport and
make people like you is by showing interest in his/her country, city or culture.

We all have a regional pride, no matter where we come from. We love

when people ask about our hometown, country, language, culture, etc. By doing
this, they are showing interest in our roots. Use all these points to create rapport.
Be creative.

Other thing people love to talk about is their accomplishments. Whether

the person has become a multimillionaire or just scored four touchdowns in a
high school football game, they love to find people who are willing to hear about
their feats.

It makes them remember the good times and feel worthy. By touching
these hot buttons you will be making them feel good about themselves in the first
place. It’s a win-win situation that won’t hurt anybody.

Creating rapport in other circumstances

As another example, let’s say that you have a job interview with the
president of a company in which you desire to work. Your goal is to get the
position you have dreamed about for months.

Do you know what will most influence his final decision? Right, the level of
rapport you can create with him.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 82

In this scenario, it would be great if you could gather as much information

as possible about him. If possible, call his secretary or a friend of yours who
works for the company and ask all you can about this person.

Which brand of cigarettes does he smoke? What brand of whisky he

drinks more often? Does he have a preferred dressing style? Those who
watched a movie called “THE NET”, with Sandra Bullock, know what I’m talking

The villain, who tried to kill the young woman during the whole movie,
used this strategy to attract her and gain her trust. He made it appear that they
had similar interests; he smoked the same brand of cigarettes she used to, and
masked some characteristics she liked in a man. CATCH!

If you know your “target’s” hobby, nationality, personal taste in clothing,

etc. you have a great weapon in your hands. But even if you can’t have this
information beforehand, you can still find, in his/her office, clues to his/her
personal tastes.

Do they have pictures of a vacation resort over their desk? Do you see
any indication of nationality, a preferred sport, a hobby or literature that can give
you clues?

You must become an avid observer, an information gatherer, always

looking for the best openings to comment on.

The goal here is to make people perceive that there exists common points
between the both of you and that you have a sincere interest in some aspect of
their lives. This will create that sense of bonding that brings down most barriers
and defenses.

You may also be invited to someone’s house. In this case, the situation
will become much easier to handle.

You will see, all around their home, indications of personal taste. The
furniture, pictures on the wall, his/her sound system, photos of their families and
their countries, etc. Be creative and ask the right questions, always using the
magic formula.



1- Be a good observer.

2- Show an interest for something they do/have/like

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 83

3- Ask questions that will stimulate them to talk about themselves

4- Make them feel important/needed/admired


Use the topics below to start a conversation with someone you don’t know or
to improve a conversation already in progress:


Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 84




There are many ways for you to attract, influence and “magnetize” other
people. In this chapter we will discuss some further techniques that are proven to
make you be perceived as a magnetic individual, as well as create a strong bond
with those you want to persuade.

We will start with a common situation that happens to everybody, a social

gathering where you don’t know the other attendants.

Let’s suppose that you are at a party by yourself. Across the room, you
can’t help to notice a group of very interesting people having the time of their

Or you may be at a training seminar and, during the break, all action and
good talk is concentrated on a specific table, other than the one you are sitting.

How can you penetrate these groups and become a part, or even the
leader of it, in a matter of minutes?

Just use the following strategy and you will never be alone in the corner,
wondering how to join a group, again:


The first step is just a matter of common sense. If the group happens to be
talking about Quantum Physics and you don’t even know what an atom looks
like, you’d better stay out of it or just approach to listen and nod your head.

Before joining a group, it’s wise to know what they are talking about. You
should be careful and make sure they are not having a private business or family

When you see that it’s all right to join, just walk in with a confident posture
and a gentle smile on your face. If they all stop talking to look at you, don’t be
embarrassed, just introduce yourself confidently a nd say something like:

“Hi! Sorry for the interruption, I was wondering if I can join this pleasant
conversation, by the way, my name is ….”

(If you think you don’t have the courage to do it, just ask yourself the “fear killing
question” - Part 3, Chapter I)
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 85


After you have joined the group, identify the leader. Every group has one.
The leader is usually the person who does most of the talking and in some way
controls the flow of the conversation.

This person will be the one who seems to be more knowledgeable, more
enthusiastic or authoritative. If the leader approves of your joining the group, the
others will (unconsciously) approve it as well.


Pay attention to what he/she is saying and show your approva l by making
direct eye contact and nodding your head in agreement with whatever he/she
says (as long it does not go against your principles or values, of course).

This behavior will create reinforcement. That is, the leader will soon be
directing his/her attention to the person who gives him/her more of a positive
feedback (more about reinforcement coming soon).

Remember that everyone loves attention and approval, no matter how

smart they look or the position they hold.


Once you have penetrated the group and created some rapport with the
leader, start asking questions or making comments that will cause him/her to feel
important. Feed his/her hunger for recognition.

If he is talking about his last skiing trip to Upstate New York, for example,
say something like:

“Skiing seems to be a very exciting sport, how long have you been doing it? Are
you a professional, or just do it for fun?”


From that point on, just start talking and giving your opinion about the
subject being discussed.

Congratulations! You have joined the group. You are not alone in a corner
or an empty table anymore.

If you use congruence, create rapport with other members of the group,
and show enthusiasm, you can even become the leader and redirect the
conversation. The stronger personality always gets the lead.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 86

With the techniques taught here, you will KNOW how to make yourself
attractive to any individual or group. You will be several steps ahead of those
who just do it unconsciously.



Another very powerful technique that can be used to create instant

rapport, without you even having to say a single word, is MIRRORING.

It consists of observing people’s postures, movements, breathing pattern,

voice tone, etc. and matching it with your own body.

Mirroring actually follows the principle of creating common points between

you and the person you wish to attract. In this case you will build the bridge by
creating kinetic similarities.

If you observe people in rapport, you will notice that they seem to be in
physical harmony with each other. They usually hold a similar posture; replicate
each other’s movements, match the voice tone, and even have the same
breathing rhythm.

If one uncrosses the legs, the other unconsciously follows in a few

seconds. If one of them leans forward, the other automatically does the same
thing; they smile together, look at each other. They are in complete rapport.

On the other hand, people who are arguing or disagreeing in some point,
behave completely different. While one has his hands dropped to his sides, the
other has his arms crossed. One leans forwards, the other moves back to keep a
distance, etc. They clearly display a lack of rapport and disagreement through
their body language.

This gives us clues as how to create a strong rapport through the use of
our body language alone, without even saying a word.

Try it for yourself; you will be surprised at how powerful this strategy can
be. The next time you have the opportunity to talk with someone, discreetly
mirror him.

Adopt a similar posture, breath in the same rhythm, move your head and
limbs in synchrony with him.

If he crosses the legs, for example, wait a few seconds and do the same.
If he moves his torso or head forwards, follow him. Use similar hand gestures
and facial expressions when talking.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 87

In a few minutes the unconscious message to this person will be: “I’m just
like you, you can trust me”.

This is not magic my dear students, but just the application of good
physical rapport strategies. We do it unconsciously almost everyday. Now you
know how to do it consciously and whenever you want.

Things to mirror:

Body posture

Facial expressions

Voice tone

Hand movements

Breathing pattern

A word of caution: When mirroring, never try to imitate every movement

the other person does. Be discreet.

Wait a few seconds after he crosses his leg and then do it naturally. Mirror
his behavior and body language in your own way. If he smiles, smile back in a
way that is natural for you. Do not try to do things exactly like he does, but do it in
a manner that shows that you’re unconsciously in rapport. He has no way to
know that you are fabricating it on purpose.


I have already introduced you to reinforcement when I thought you how to

join a group. It is a very simple technique that works most of the time, no matter
where you are. I have successfully used reinforcement many times to gain the
attention of the leader in the following situations:

• Social meeting with friends

• Business meeting with my company’s crew and CEO
• Courses and seminars that I attended
• Any kind of group conversation

Reinforcement is the technique of giving positive feedback to the group

leader (boss, teacher, authority, etc.) to shift his/her attention to you.

In a class, meeting or any kind of group gathering, the person who is in

charge scans the group frequently to find out who is giving her the most positive
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 88

The speaker usually starts directing her attention more often towards the
listener who creates the strongest reinforcement.

As an example, let’s say that you are participating in a seminar or class.

To start creating reinforcement, just direct all your attention to the teacher, when
he looks at you during speech, nod your head in agreement, with a light smile,
looking into his eyes.

Show an expression of amazement at what he is saying. Demonstrate,

through facial expression and body language, that you are interested in the
subject and that you admire that person.

If allowed, ask some question that will stimulate him to go deeper into the
subject of his presentation.

In most cases, after a few minutes, that person will act as if there are only
you in the room, directing most, if not all, of his attention towards you.

Why? Because most people who don’t know this technique just act
normally, showing little interest or even looking bored. Even those who are
interested in the subject don’t know how to create this reinforcement at will. The
few, who know it, do it unconsciously.

You may have noticed when you were at school, that sometimes the
teacher seemed to have a favorite student, someone to whom he directed most
of his attention. If you go back and think about that situation, you will certainly
remember that this student was unconsciously giving the teacher the strongest

Try the reinforcement technique and people will be amazed at how fast
you can get the attention and admiration of your boss, teacher or any
authoritative figure.


To cause the most positive impact during communication, you must use
your whole body to convey the message. Your postures, gesticulations, voice
tone and enthusiasm level must be in synch with the message you are trying to
get across.

Why? Because researchers have found that during communication, the

order of importance to cause a positive impact is:


• WORDS 7%
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 89

Incredibly, what you say actually doesn’t count as much as how you say it.
That is, how you use your body and voice to convey the message. Probably this
is the reason why politicians who don’t have anything useful to say can
magnetize entire audiences and get their cooperation.

To develop congruence, try practicing different gestures and voice

tonalities in front of a mirror as you speak. Again, use your role model as an
example of congruence. Study the gestures and body language of powerful
speakers when they give a presentation, and also observe magnetic, attractive
people when they are talking with someone individually.

The way you use your body to present a message can cause a great
difference on how it impacts people.

By observation you will notice a great difference between a dynamic

speaker, who keeps his audience excited, and an ordinary one, who makes you
feel like sleeping. The secret is in how they act when speaking.

Practice saying the phrase “good morning”, for example, in different

tonalities. With enthusiasm, sadness, indifference and seriousness. You will be
amazed to discover that just a slight change in voice tonality, or a light smile
while you’re talking, can cause a totally different impact on your listeners. If you
add an empowering body language to the equation, the results will be even

Whenever you meet someone, from now on, greet her with an enthusiastic
voice and a sincere smile. When talking about something exciting or trying to
persuade the other person, use enthusiasm, confidence and energy in your voice
tone, as well as a congruent body language.

Show a contagious enthusiasm. Few people can resist someone who is

confident and enthusiastic.

Using your eyes

The eyes are one of the most powerful mediums of personal magnetism. If
we pay attention to it, we can perceive if someone is shy, insecure, or even lying
to us.

During a conversation, when we are doing the talk, looking at our listener
directly in the eyes indicates confidence and sincerity from our part.

When the other person is talking, it shows our attention and interest in the
conversation. During flirtation, repeated eye contact means an invitation to get
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 90

Avoid staring directly at someone’s eyes all the time, though, as it can be
disturbing or annoying to the other person. Move your sight to the bridge of
his/her nose and look at other directions occasionally.

The habit of looking at other people’s eyes is essential to cause a good

impact on them and show that you’re a sincere and attentive listener. We’ll talk
more about the e yes when we study flirtation.

To conclude, use your whole body congruently to transmit magnetism and

attract the other person. Carry yourself with an erect, confident posture, use
gesticulation and voice tone with congruence, and look at your target’s eyes
frequently, always showing attention and making him/her feel important to you in
some way.


As I have said since the beginning of this book, we subconsciously

perceive other people’s behaviors, postures and character and react accordingly.
We have a socially agreed-upon stereotype for different personality types.

You can easily recognize a shy and introvert person just by the way she
carries herself. Similarly, there are some physical and behavioral signals that
represent a relaxed, magnetic and charismatic individual; the ones taught in this
section are examples of it.

As a rule of thumb, people always prejudge others based solely on the

perception and interpretation of these stereotypes. Thus, by modeling and
adopting “power signals”, we can reproduce the same results achieved by those
who are already perceived as magnetic.

The secret to becoming a human magnet can be resumed in two simple






By modeling a magnetic person, you’ll be automatically using power

postures, gestures and attitudes. These generally include, but aren’t limited to:
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 91


• Erect spine
• High head
• Expanded chest
• Confident walk
• Confident eyes


• Congruent use of gesticulations when talking

• Soft, harmonious, relaxed but decisive movements


• Pleasant and confident smile

• Extrovert and daring personality
• The ability to listen
• The ability to make others feel important, liked, admired
• The ability to make fast decisions and take responsibilities
• Leadership and charisma
• The control of fear and insecurity

How many of the above characteristics you already posses?


A few people who read the first edition of this e-book wrote me with one
concern in mind. They asked me which type of clothing; jewelry and accessories
should be used to make them more attractive.

Well, I have noticed that many authors try to establish a set of dressing
and behavioral rules when it comes to succeeding at creating rapport and
attracting other individuals. However, there’s no way to generalize these rules.

The way you should dress, and even behave, depends solely on the
situation and the kind of people you want to attract or influence.

Wearing a neat suit and tie may work very well in the corporate world, but
you wouldn’t be as successful if you were to meet some Harley Davidson bikers
or gothic groupies.

In this book I give you the essence of the Art. You will have the good
sense to adapt these techniques to different situations.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 92

When you take advantage of the basic human weaknesses and rapport
techniques taught here, dressing and physical appearance can become

I know that it’s “scientifically” prove n that beautiful and neatly dressed
people do get better attention and treatment by others. However, as I have
mentioned before, physical beauty will only take you so far. It’s not a guarantee
that others will feel attracted or influenced by you on a deeper level or long term.

In the end, your attitude toward yourself and others is what really counts.
Please look nice, clean and groomed, but remember that it makes just an initial

The way you carry yourself, establish rapport, and treat others afterwards
is the frosting on the cake. And again, you have to somehow adapt to each
individual or group you want to attract.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 93



Mankind ha ve always dreamed and fantasized about the so-called “love

portion #9”. A magical substance with the incredible power to make us irresistible
to the opposite sex and give its possessor the ability to attract anyone at will.

Unfortunately, we still don’t have something of this nature available, but

you can certainly multiply your chances of success by using the personal
magnetism strategies taught along this course.

This section will focus specifically on the subject of romantic attraction;

however, keep in mind that all previous lessons can be applied to this area as

Eliminating the biggest obstacle

Before entering the main subject of this chapter, let’s talk about the
number one factor that keeps people from approaching others, thus limiting their
love and sex life. It is the fear of rejection.

We usually disguise this fear and call it shyness or reluctance, but the fact
is; most people have a strong fright of being rejected. This negative emotion
keeps them from approaching others and becomes a self-defeating imbalance.

The crude fact is: No matter how good you look or how enthusiastic and
magnetic you are, you cannot please everybody all the time. Period. Under some
circumstances you can fail in your attempt to attract or influence someone.

As an example, let’s suppose that you are in a party and feel attracted to
someone who seems to be available. Surprisingly, as you decide to approach
that person, using your best strategy, he/she politely denies your invitation to
dance or have a drink. What to do now? It can happen to anyone (even me!),

And why are we all subject to rejection every once in a while? Because
people have their motives.

You have no way to know if the person who has just “rejected” you is
deeply in love with someone else, had a serious argument with his/her spouse,
or is just feeling depressed that night.

That’s why we cannot make the mistake of taking a rejection personally.

Never think that the problem is with you. 90% of the time it’s not. Especially if you
have been using the personal magnetism strategies taught in this program.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 94

What makes a magnetic person stand apart from others is his/her ability to
handle rejections or temporary setbacks. They never take a rejection personally
and are conscious that every once in a while it can happen.

Have you ever wondered why the so-called “school bully” or the
“audacious girl” are most often surrounded by “followers” and usually attract the
opposite sex easily, no matter how they look or how they behave? It happens
because they are daring and over-confident, what is called the ALPHA male or

One of the strongest characteristics of these people is being fearless.

They move ahead to get what they want and know how to handle rejections,
sometimes in a sarcastic manner, usually making fun of the person who rejected

I’m not suggesting you to become a bully, but to reproduce and adopt one
of their characteristics, which is the courage to act even under the risk of being
rejected, and the ability to handle it with logical thinking.

If you go to a club, party or social gathering, there will certainly be several

people with whom you can choose to start a conversation or flirtation. What if you
approach one person and are supposedly reject by him/her? Should you blame
yourself and be miserable throughout the night? Not really.

All you have to do is to take that as a learning experience and start looking
for someone else to approach.

That’s right. It’s just a matter of statistics. If you approach ten people, you
will have nine more chances of getting a positive response than if you approach
only one and run home crying.

People have the constitutional right and freedom to deny your invitation to
dance or talk. It does not mean that you have a problem. Probably THEY have

Take rejection as a learning experience and don’t ever allow it to put you
down. If you don’t give up and keep on trying, you will certainly, as in most cases,
find someone special, someone who really deserves your company.

If you cease trying, you have no way to know if you could find the right
person that night. The bottom line here is: NEVER TAKE A REJECTION

With this out of the way, let’s get back to work.

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 95

Attractive characteristics

If you take the time to read any relationship survey, you will find that what
most attracts both men and women in a partner are the other person’s attitudes
and behaviors. Yes, physical looks can help, but it is just good to cause a first
visual impression.

You can have the sembla nce of a Tom Cruise or a Sharon Stone, but if
you treat others with a terrible attitude, are arrogant and selfish, it will cause
people to be repulsed by you in a matter of minutes. They will not put up with you
for too long.

One exception to this rule is the case of people with low self esteem,
those who accept being verbally or even physically abused by a partner for some
deep psychological reason, or have a secondary gain from putting up with that

“Normal” people, however, have a limit to what they can take from others,
and if they are not happy with the partner as a whole, they may start looking for
someone else.

Below you’ll find some basic characteristics rated by singles (both men
and women) as very important when it comes to romantic attraction. By
projecting these characteristics, what will you be doing?

If you don’t know the answer yet, go back to the first page and start
reading this course all over again. If you answered that you will be making
yourself perceived as an attractive individual, you’re right.

The characteristics sought after by most singles are:




4-Good humor


Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 96

Let’s study each one separately:


This is absolutely the number one trait that most people expect from a
partner. They must feel that the potential partner is confident, mature and willing
to take risks. They want to be around the “Alpha” male or female, that person
who makes them feel secure.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that only women want men that
makes them feel secure. The man also needs someone who makes him feel safe
and stable. The aspects of this security need may vary from one gender to the
other, but it is definitely the first and foremost trait sought after.

By developing an empowering self-image (exercise 1) and using the

rapport techniques taught in earlier chapters, you will be able to express this
characteristic constantly.

On the first approach, for example, you must demonstrate, through words
and body language that you know what you want and is willing to do whatever it
takes to have it. Act as if you are totally confident and you will be perceived as if
you were.

Avoid showing nervousness or insecurity when inviting someone to talk or

dance and, whatever you do, DON’T BEG. Approach your prospect naturally
without giving the impression that you are desperate or “dying” to date him/her.

Always be aware that there are thousands of single and available people
around, so, you don’t have to beg for attention, put yourself down or knee over
his/her feet. If they don’t correspond, move to the next one available.

Project confidence by speaking congruently and keeping an assured

posture. Have a firm but pleasant voice tonality and, when looking at the other
person’s eyes, mentally say that you appreciate him/her and are sure about

Confidence is a sure-fire turn-on for most people. Nobody wants to be

seen around a weak individual. We always look for people who can make us feel
better than we are, and we’d give our li ves to be close to those people.

You too can become one of those few guys and girls who look like a
“human power plant” by projecting extreme confidence.

And NO ladies, projecting self-confidence WILL NOT make you lose your
femininity and sensuality. On the contrary, a sexy and confident woman can
attract more men than she can handle.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 97

Just study some famous movie stars and sexy symbols. Both men and
women project sexuality AND confidence. The list is long, but just think about
Sean Connery, Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, Angelina
Jolie, Will Smith, Bette Midler, etc, etc.

Some of these celebrities are gorgeous, you may say, but again, physical
looks is a matter of personal taste, and a great attitude will usually make you be
perceived as more attractive, and it’s cheaper than plastic surgery.

You can go ahead and make a list of people that you think are physically
unattractive, however get lots of attention and are disputed by the opposite sex. I
bet you know many of them at campus, at your office or in the neighborhood. Pay
attention to their level of self-confidence.

It’s definitely not a matter of physical looks, but just projecting the traits
that people are subconsciously looking for, and giving them what they want in
terms of ego-gratification without lowering your standards.


Always be yourself (your magnetic self, that is). Don’t ever exaggerate on
your praises if you don’t really mean what you say. Whatever happens, don’t lie
to the other person nor say things to impress him/her unless you can back up
your words.

Even if you are planning to be with someone just for that night, be sincere
in the way you talk about him/her and about yourself.

Most people don’t appreciate someone with an over inflated ego.

Remember that they like to talk about themselves and be heard in the first place.
If they want to know about all your feats, they will surely ask.

Use the magic formula for rapport (creating common points) and let
him/her talk. They will feel as if they have known you for centuries.

Find things to comment about the other person; make him/her feel desired
and important, however, do it sincerely. It will just save you from future problems.
Most relationships that start based on lies end up in a negative way.


In order to project this trait, you just have to be a gentleman or a lady and
show some class. Nowadays, it is getting a little harder to find polite people (at
least in the Big Cities, no offense).
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 98

We definitely appreciate those who know how to behave in any situation.

We know that they won’t embarrass us in front of others, and their company will
project a good impression on anyone.

By being polite with the opposite sex, we demonstrate our respect for the
individual and those around us.

Be discreet during your approach. Don’t try to do anything that may call
negative attention to both of you.

If you are drunk and think you can’t control yourself, avoid approaching
your target, as it can definitely cause an instant repulsion (Unless, of course,
he/she is drunk either).

If you do not know how to behave in certain situations, which is normal,

just use the modeling technique. Rent a movie that portrays scenes of social
situations like the one you’ll get involved; visit some place in advance, etc.

Observe how sophisticated people behave in these places, how they talk
(tonality), how they eat, how they sit and stand. It is just a matter of modeling and

4-Good humor

Everybody likes to be around good-humored people. Why? We associate

them with the good feelings they project.

When we smile, we automatically feel relaxed, in a positive state of mind.

Smiling triggers “pleasure states”, and we automatically associate those states
with the person who caused us to feel it.

Always try to project a cheerful, good-humored personality. Make the

other person smile and feel relaxed in your presence. However, don’t exaggerate
on your jokes or make fun of your partner. You can be fun to be with without
offending anyone or making a clown of yourself.

Take any opportunity to make a good, healthy joke and make your partner
laugh with you (not at you).


After the initial approach, you want to use all the resources possible to
strengthen the bond between you and the other person. To do it, you must let
them know tha t you care. Nobody likes to be treated or perceived just like a
trophy or sexual object.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 99

Most people are starving for love, care and comprehension. Your
responsibility as a good companionship is to make the other person feel that
he/she is truly needed and loved.

A simple act like showing interest about some aspect of his/her life or
helping them cope with a problem can greatly strengthen the feelings they have
for you.

Remember that your partner is a human being just like yourself and has
emotional needs as well, including feeling loved, appreciated and cared for.


You must have heard that enthusiasm is contagious. It is. We love people
who show a passion for life and the willingness to do whatever it takes to
accomplish their goals.

We are naturally attracted to enthusiastic people because they cheer us

up and transmit empowering feelings. They remind us that anything is possible if
we just try hard enough and keep a confident attitude towards life.

Show passion through your words, gestures and actions. Be cheerful

when time is right and demonstrate that you live for a purpose. This will make the
other person trust you and perceive you as a committed individual.

Nobody wants to be around a negative, frustrated person. We all, at some

level, want to relate to those who can lift us up and are models of success.

Enthusiasm demonstrates success. Even if you still don’t have what you
want in life, enthusiasm shows that you are confident about getting it.

We have just seen some of the characteristics that most people expect to
encounter in a partner.

Think about someone whom you have fallen in love with. You will find that
some or all of these characteristics were present in that person.

If your love faded at some point, you can be sure that it was because you
could no longer find the trait that attracted you to him/her in the first place.

That is why it is very important for us to be congruent from the beginning if

we want to develop a good relationship with someone.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 100

Never try to be somebody that you know you are not. Don’t keep
promises, give praise or commit to something if you are not really sincere and
willing to follow through.

Let the other person know that you are sure about what you want and,
specially, be honest. As you know the person that you have approached a little
more, you will become familiar with his/her needs, desires and expectancy.

If your goal is to build a lasting relationship, be willing to sacrifice a little

and flexible to adapt to his/her concept of a healthy relationship. One essential
point in any relationship is open communication.

In the next paragraphs we’ll go deeper into the subject of flirting and
attraction, but remember that the above qualities are essential if we want to be
perceived as magnetic and desirable by the opposite sex.

Translating body signals

This section will give you an EDGE in terms of flirting and attraction. Once
you learn the “covert mating signals” taught here, you will be able to recognize if
your target has any interest in you, and even trigger positive feedback from those
you want to attract.

This method gives you the advantage of knowing that the other person is
open to be approached and it will dramatically decreasing your chances of being

Some methods for sexual attraction or dating just teach you how to
approach others and “cough up” a canned phrase out of nowhere. Here you will
learn the subjective signals that give out their degree of interest in you. After you
know it is ok to approach, you can move in with more confidence. This means
that the odds will be in your favor, and you will decrease the chances of rejection
to a minimum.

Please follow me and pay close attention on the next few pages, for this
knowledge is worth more than gold for those who know how to take advantage of

People will usually let you know that they have an interest on you through
body language and non-verbal cues alone. If you are a good observer and know
what to look for, it will be very easy to discover “covert invitations”, as well as use
them in your favor.

Since immemorial times, human beings, and most species for that matter,
have developed certain “flirting rituals”. In the animal kingdom, from insects to
mammals, we find clear evidence of “attraction signals” which leads to mating.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 101

Psychologists have defined flirting as “the capacity we have to

automatically turn our actions into sexual semaphores signaling interest in the
opposite sex”. These signals can be as predictable in humans as they are in
other species.

Researchers have discovered that the flirting behavior is deeply

embedded in our instinctive minds, making it very easy to be perceived and
understood by those who know the right signals to look for.

Both men and women have a pre-programmed set of non-verbal cues,

which gives out their intention, and level of attraction. The good news is that we
can reproduce these signals at will, triggering predictable reactions in others and
measuring their degree of interest.

As much as a confident and extrovert behavior will broadcast personal

magnetism, some simple non-verbal cues, like repeated eye contact, lip licking,
crossing and uncrossing of legs or a straightening of the body, will send a strong
“attraction message” to our target.

Each sex has its own set of universal flirting strategies; however, it usually
follows the sequence below:


This is when we first take notice of the other person. It involves the first
eye contact, pupil dilatation and an automatic change in posture.

People will usually expand their chests and breathe a little deeper. Their
cheeks will blush and their eyes will open a little wider. They will instinctively try
to show that they possess strength and fertility by broadcasting these “subliminal”

Nine out of ten people will give out their intention at the first visual or
verbal contact. They will show a mix of surprise, excitement and amazement
when meeting a potential partner. Their attention will definitely shift to their target,
which will take them to the next step...


This phase is represented by repeated eye contact and subtle movements

mimicking sexual metaphors, like lip licking, crossing and uncrossing of the legs,
taking an object to the mouth, etc.

They will start placing more and more of their attention on the target and
checking the feedback to see if they get a positive response that signals a
permission to follow up.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 102

Men will usually tighten or loosen their ties (a sexual symbol) and/or hold
their belts with the thumb, having the other fingers discreetly pointing at their
reproductive organs.

Women will expose one side of their necks, put on lipstick, touch their hair,
cross their legs, etc.

Both might light cigarettes, laugh louder, make wider movements, and
keep looking back to their chosen target. They may also slowly, almost
imperceptibly, turn to each other’s direction (if the environment allows), and show
signs of excitement, just as children trying to show up.

All this is done with the sole intention of attracting the attention and
recognition of their potential partner.


After repeated eye contact and body metaphors have signaled a “green
light”, the couple will usually advance to the next phase, which is finding a way to
approach and talk to each other.

In most cultures, it is still the role of men to do the first approach; however,
in the US and other open-minded countries, women are doing it more often.

The first signals you must look for to decide if it is safe to approach are the
recognition messages, like repeated eye contact or occasional smiles.

The first words will generally be an introduction or a comment about the

immediate environment. It is used by both sexes to “break the ice”.

The person who does the approaching will generally show little signs of
nervousness, like a flushed cheek, some trembling or fast-talking. Only those
who have learned self-control strategies, like the fear management technique
taught in this book, can hide these nervousness signals.

Both parties will broadcast even more sexually embedded signals as they
approach to talk. Their pupils will be dilated, breathing will be deeper and eye
contact and lip licking more frequent.

Usually people tend to look at their partners face as a whole when closer
together, instead of just staring into the eyes.

They will take turns appreciating their partner’s mouth as he/she speaks,
the forehead and the hair. As the talk continues, they will start to relax and act
more naturally.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 103


Then finally comes the synchronized and exciting dance of touching. In

this phase the couple will find covert ways to move their bodies closer.

If seated at a table, for example, they will slowly bring their hands together
by touching the objects at reach, like an ashtray or a glass. The dance goes on
until their hands “accidentally” touch.

If standing, the woman will fake taking an imaginary dust out of the man’s
coat or fixing his tie. She will also touch him when he says something that makes
her laugh.

Men will caress the women’s hair and/or face, hold her hands or fake
cleaning the extra lipstick in the corner of her mouth. The bottom line is: They will
both find subtle ways to get their subliminal sexual signals across and get closer
to each other.

This is not to say that people just think about sex when approaching each
other. We must understand that the struggle for survival and reproduction of the
species is part of our instinctive nature.

In order to preserve mankind, we must assure our survival and

procreation. This unconsciously leads us to broadcast signals that symbolize
sexual power and fertility in the first place.

Keep in mind that some of these signals are broad generalizations and
may not be accurate every time. The situation and environment can also dictate
the order and degree of each phase.

You can, for example, meet very shy people who will avoid eye contact,
no matter how interested on you they might be. You can also find a few fools that
will try to provoke you just for fun. If you are in a church, the other person may
avoid being so provocative, etc.

Always use good sense. Whenever you detect the flirtation signals, and
think that the other person is worth your time and effort, approach him/her with
the opening phrases and rapport techniques taught in previous chapters.

Using these unconscious mating signals in your favor

By using the attraction formula we have just seen (attention, recognition,

talk and touch), you will be able to easily perceive when someone has an interest
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 104

on you, but most importantly, you can apply these flirting and attraction signals
consciously to magnetize him/her.

People react to signals. This is the key to manipulating their responses. By

using the natural flirting strategies that are programmed in mankind’s instinctive
mind, you will automatically broadcast “attraction triggers”. Let me explain each

The eyes

You can use your eyes as a great flirtation tool, without saying a single
word. To know if you have a chance of approaching an individual, make the first
eye contact and observe his/her response.

If the other person looks at you straight in the eye and keeps it fixed for a
few seconds, he/she has probably shown an initial interest on you. If the person
repeats the eye contact often, he/she is inviting you to get closer. We can say
that this is true most of the time.

If you are close enough to the other person, try to observe his/her pupils. It
usually dilates when we show an interest towards something or someone. To
make your opening move at a distance, after a couple of direct eye contacts,
smile lightly to the other person. If he/she smiles back at you, chances are that
you have attracted him/her.

The Attention Phase:

You should, in the first place, call your target’s attention through eye
contact or body language mirroring. Let him/her know that they have been

When the other person looks at you, breathe deeply, expanding your
chest. Discreetly widen your eyes and slightly raise the eyebrows.

See how long he/she will keep eye contact and, most importantly, if
he/she follows your non-verbal cues by mirroring your movements (widening of
the eyes, deeper breath, eyebrows movement).

Even if the distance keeps you from noticing their signals, you will now
that you are being corresponded if the person repeats eye contact often.

The Recognition Phase:

After you have established the ground through eye contact and have been
responded positively, use your body to deepen the rapport.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 105

Position yourself in a way that you can face each other easily. The eye
contacts should become more frequent.

At this point, if you’re a man, try some trigger signals like fixing your tie or
touching your hair. If you’re a woman, cross your legs, show a side of your neck
or fix your lipstick. Do this in a non-vulgar manner and check the feedback.
Observe if the other person is also using sexual metaphors more frequently, or if
eye contact have increased.

After having a positive non-verbal response, you should smile lightly to the
other person. A returned smile will signal the permission to approach. Keep in
mind that their smile may sometimes simply indicate a gentle response to your
signal. You will measure their real degree of interest ONLY in the next phase.

The Talk Phase:

After you finally approach your potential partner, use some of the
strategies taught in the rapport section. Use congruency in voice, gestures and

During the talk, observe each detail of his/her face as if you were admiring
the most beautiful piece of art ever created.

Ask questions which will stimulate the other person to talk about
him/herself. Give your full attention and show sincerity and respect towards
him/her. It will multiply the feeling of attraction they have for you.

The Touch Phase:

Allow the circumstances to dictate when touching should be initiated. If

you use the strategies taught here, your partner will most probably give the
permission by touching you first.

Remember that this initial touching dance shouldn’t be intimate. He/she

may try to brush a small feather from your dress, hold your hand to admire a ring,
or fix your tie. These are just excuses for them to get closer.

The real message they are (unconsciously) trying to convey is: “I feel safe
and connected enough to penetrate your personal space, and you can do the

When the other person is too shy, you can take the initiative. Always be
discreet and use covert touching like the ones discussed in this section. As an
example, discretely hold his/her hand to appreciate a ring or watch.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 106

Remember that you are leading the flirting game and trying to elicit
responses from your partner in the form of positive feedback. Take your time and
do it right b y studying their minimal reactions.

If you keep the touching game safe and respect limits, they will have no
reason to feel offended.

Flirting is an exciting game, especially when you know the mechanism

behind it. Go out there and start observing people. Use the techniques taught in
this chapter, incorporate the basic characteristics of attractive people, and you
will never be without a date again.


• Start the flirting game by broadcasting a magnetic attitude and interest in

your target through eye contact, body language and covert signals.
• Make eye contact frequently and observe the response.
• After a few successful responses, smile lightly to the other person.
• Approach with opening rapport phrases and make the other person feel at
• Use subliminal “mating” signals to reinforce the attraction.
• Show your interest and sincerity toward the other person.
• When time is right, use “covert touching” to increase your intimacy.


You can observe these signals to discover if the other person has an
interest on you or use it to broadcast your own interest.

Always use good sense and be aware that these signals may not be
accurate in some cases. The best way to perceive someone’s interest on us is
still through repeated eye contact and positive facial expressions .

• Loosening or tightening the tie (men)

• Expanded chest (Both)
• Straightening of the back (Both)
• Lip licking (Both)
• Widened eyes (Both)
• Raised eyebrows (Both)
• Lightening a cigarette (sexual metaphor of taking an object to the mouth)
• Exposing a side of the neck (women)
• Crossing of the legs (Women)
• Positioning the body to face the other person (Both)
• Looking at the other person while smiling or nodding (Both)
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 107

• Touching the hair (Both)

Flirting can be a fun and exciting game. Take it lightly and enjoy every
phase of it without allowing anxiety or fear to take a hold of you.

As you become familiar with the techniques taught in this course, and
experience “small successes”, your confidence will grow to a point where you will
just project a charismatic and attractive personality to all people around you.

There’s something that goes far beyond physical looks when it comes to
sexual/romantic attraction, and that thing is MAGNETISM. By projecting a high
level of confidence and modeling powerful characteristics, you will be making
people experience a natural feeling of attraction towards you. They may not know
where it comes from, but you definitely do.


As you must know by know, I have spent many years of my life

researching human behavior and attraction signals.

To do this, I’ve gone to bars, nightclubs, observed classroom behavior,

talked to people in all walks of life, etc. I still do that on a constant basis, but I
also have a way to research and observe people’s flirting and attraction
strategies without even leaving my cave. I watch dating shows on TV.

Yes, that’s right guys, don’t laugh at it. Those shows can make you an
expert on flirting signals and teach you what not to do on a date!

One that I watch the most is “Blind Date”. When time allows, I try not to
miss this show, for it portrays people on the spot, trying all they can to impress
and attract their dating partners.

“Shipmates” is another TV show that I catch sometimes. As much as in

“Blind Date ”, it puts couples together and let them play the flirting game.

Besides being fun, these shows are great for us, personal magnetism and
attraction students, for it confirm the most important theories exposed in this
book. Most of the times, it shows us what NOT to do, for the majority of couples
don’t bond and end up feeling repulsed by each other.

A while ago I had the opportunity to watch an interesting edition of

“Shipmates”, where a couple is given a dating cruise trip and try to bond under
different circumstances. The bachelor, in this case, was a very good-looking guy.
Tall, green eyes, fit body, etc, all the physical characteristics that women
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 108

supposedly look for in a “perfect mate”. And the girl was a stunning blond, who
was in search of a man physically similar to the guy in question.

They seemed to be physically perfect for each other, but the affinities
stopped there, on the physical level. As soon as they got together and the guy
opened his mouth, I saw that there would be no match in that encounter. I would
bet my fortune on that.

I am very good at “reading” people’s mind through their body language

patterns and non-verbal reactions alone. And the way the girl acted showed that
she would rather be on a dentist chair than besides this clueless fellow.

The problem with this specific couple was that the guy was a non-stop
talker and had an over inflated ego. To the point that the girl stopped him in the
middle of a conversation and said:

“Aren’t you going to ask anything about myself?”

BANG! That was like a punch to the nose, and we, who study attraction
strategies, would understand that question immediately.

There was that stunning blond in front of our Don Juan, dying to talk about
herself, her desires, needs, wa nts, etc, and for not knowing our little secret of
bonding, he lost the opportunity of having a VERY pleasant trip, and who knows
what else.

The guy did not know that one of the best strategies to bond and attract is
to shut up and let the other person do the talk, stimulating her to talk even more
and creating a sense of rapport, unless they give us the “permission” to talk by
asking their own questions.

And let me tell you, most people fail on that strategy. Reason with me;
most of us love to talk about ourselves and our interests, right? Right, so that’s
why this formula works almost 100% of the times, because others like to do it as
much as we do!

Now, being personal magnetism students we must LEAD an interpersonal

encounter, and most of the times leading means to just listen to the other person
and build their excitement and rapport by stimulating them to inflate their egos
with the right questions. Everybody likes to go on an ego-trip, you just have to
drive them there.

The bachelor in this case could have started a beautiful relationship with
the lady, he was what she wanted physically. you remember me saying
that good looks are fine just for a first impression? There was the proof once
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 109

again. When the man started talking she felt unconscious repulsion and started
showing that in her body language, eyes and responses. I rest my case.

If this guy knew attraction strategies he could have acted in time and
turned the game in his favor, but not everyone knows what we know.

So, next time you have a date, please use our secret in your favor. Let the
other person do the talk, find their “hot buttons” and PUSH those buttons. If
he/she talks about their love for classic music, should you shift the subject to
heavy metal? Hell not, unless you want to get rid of them. Keep stimulating them
to talk about classic music. Hey, invite them to a concert, or say that you would
love to hear them playing a piece in the piano for you.

The bottom line is: stick to the basics. If you do this there’s no need for
pre-canned flirting lines or making an effort to keep their attention on you. And of
course, it works the same for men and women
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 110


Once you have learned the basics of personal magnetism and how to
approach and create rapport with mostly anyone, it is time to develop strategies
to make you a super-salesperson.

This part can be skipped by now if you are not in the sales industry;
however, I can assure you that the tips given here are extremely useful no matter
what you do, for in one way or another we are ALL salespeople.

In a job interview you’re trying to sell yourself to the person in front of you.
The same happens during a speaking engagement, social encounter or dating
situation. So, it is obvious that sales skills are one of the most important
ingredients for success in business and life in general.

Here I will teach you how to “set up” your prospect and make him/her feel
as if THEY have a strong desire to buy whatever you have to sell. This will
radically minimize your efforts and bring down most common objections.

People generally DON’T buy things or hire services because they MUST
or HAVE to do it, but because they WANT TO. The exception to this rule are
some essentials, like gas, food and medical services, and even in these cases, if
given the opportunity, they will choose the ones they prefer.

Concluding, if you want to be the chosen brand or professional (or lover,

friend, employee), you still must make them WANT to choose you instead of the
guy next door. Once you make them WANT your product/service, things become
much easier.

Keep in mind that the strategies taught here can also be applied to a
printed ad, a brochure, flyer, or sales letter if you sell by mail order or the
internet. These are true and tested principles that will help you create sales
approaches that rock.


The primary thing you should know about sales and marketing, what I call
the first principle, is:

"People don't just buy a product or service, but the state (the emotion, ego
gratification, excitement, comfort, convenience) associated to it."

You can see this principle working in every successful marketing or sales
campaign. Otherwise, why should advertisers pay millions to have Michael
Jackson selling you Pepsi-cola?
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 111

Why should they create car commercials that resemble an action movie,
or take you on a wild "mental sex trip" while trying to convince you that certain
brand of perfume is the right one for you?

You don't buy toothpaste, but:

"Shine-clean teeth", or

"The sexy smile it will give you", or

"The Fresh mint breath".

You don't buy a 2002 BMW Model, but

"The car for the New Generation of Successful People", or

"The comfort and safety for your family", or

"The babe-magnet it will turn you into".

Can you follow me? During a commercial ad or presentation, the seller

doesn't want you to visualize yourself writing a check for $5,000 down payment
on a new car or signing a contract.

He will try to do everything in his power to make you see, in your mind's
eye, the excitement of driving through your neighborhood for the first time, or the
beautiful blonde that will be attracted by your status or the wife kissing you when
you get home with the new "family toy".


When you watch a commercial ad or read a sales letter, you don't

visualize yourself running to the nearest grocery store and buying the new,
improved, toothpaste. What will come to your mind is how shine your teeth will
be, how people will praise your beautiful smile, and how "fresh" your breath will

It happens to you and your neighbor across the street every day! Why,
that's what the "Wizards of Marketing" want to push into your mind. They want to
sell you the "Sizzle", not the steak. The benefits, not the technicalities.

In the battle for your mind, they can't persuade you with just logic or
statistics. There are hundreds of models of cars and toothpaste to choose from.
The company that manages to manipulate your thinking and emotions more
effectively will sell you first! There's no way around. And the important thing is;
these same principles work the same for a personal sales presentation.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 112

Claude C. Hopkins, the great advertising legend, says it better than

anybody in the classic "Scientific Advertising":

"Show a bright side, the happy and attractive side, not the dark and
uninviting side of things. Show beauty, not homeliness; health, not sickness.
Don't show the wrinkles you propose to remove, but the face as it will appear.
Your customers know all about wrinkles.

In advertising a dentifrice, show pretty teeth, not bad teeth. Talk of coming
good conditions, not conditions which exist...Picture what others wish to be, not
what they may be now."

Knowing these illuminating facts, why not use it in your favor to create a
killing sales presentation? Let's do it together:

First and foremost, find out what your product, whatever it may be, has to
offer in terms of financial benefits, ego-gratification, emotional satisfaction,
excitement, comfort, sexual appeal, etc.

It does not matter what you sell or market; you can always find a way to
put an irresistible "Sizzle" on it.

Always ask yourself the magic sales question:


For you can be sure that the first thing your prospects will ask is: WHAT IS
IN IT FOR ME? If you know how to answer that before they ask, you have
walked half way into a closed sale.

Bellow you will find a list of people's dominant wa nts. Your product or
service will definitely fulfill one or more of these. If it doesn’t, please find
something else to sell.

The dominant subconscious wants of people are:

• To be sexier • To make Money • To save money

• To feel good • To be right • To be healthy

• To be praised • To be successful • To be creative

• To have security • To be popular • To gratify curiosity

• To look smarter • To be important • To be better than

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 113

• To save time • To take advantage • To be appreciated

Knowing that, you should write down the psychological wants that your
products or services can fulfill. Focus your presentation, marketing campaign, or
sales copy on those points.


ADVANTAGES, ETC . Don't try to reason with them. Go straight to the point and
fill these needs before they have time to ask.

Follow this simple and magic formula (after have gained rapport through
the techniques taught in previous chapters):

1-List the irresistible benefits your product or service has to offer.

2-Have your client experience the strong emotions/states/excitement associated

with your product/service. This is best accomplished by telling success histories
from other clients and relating the benefits they are enjoying or have enjoyed
from using your product (If you use the right words, he will find a way to do it in
his mind).

One more (very) important principle: SEX SELLS. It always did and it will
continue to do so forever.

Sex is one of man's (and woman's, for that matter) basic instincts. If you
can come up with a sexual appeal for your product, it will definitely sell like hot
cakes. You can bet on it!

You can create a sex appeal for almost anything you want. They do it with
cigarettes, liquors and chocolate, just to name a few (have you ever paid
attention to Joe Camel's nose and mouth?).

Let me give you a few examples of catching phrases or ad headlines that

can be successfully used to give a sexual tone to some specific presentation or
marketing campaigns:

-Recipes book:
"Exotic Hawaiian Fruit Cocktail" or
"Seduce him/her by the stomach".

-Weight loss system:

"Lose the weight, gain the sensuality".
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 114

-Travel package:
"Indulge yourself in the exotic Caribbean resorts", or
"Meet beautiful, exciting people abroad".

Now, do some brainstorming and create the right "Sizzle" to whatever you
are selling with a touch of sensuality, whenever possible. Think up of phrases
that touch some human needs and desires, and try to create a couple of sexually
inducing triggers, if it can fit into your sales pitch.


• A catching, attention grabbing opening phrase that focus on your products’

greatest benefit and touch the prospect’s subconscious needs or

If I had to do it for this book for example, I would say:

“If my book could help you become one of the most popular, desired, and
magnetic person in town, would you be willing to try it risk free?”

Wouldn’t the above challenging question raise your curiosity and interest
in my produc t? I bet it would, because I’ve used this opening line before in
a couple of very successful ads, as well as personally, when promoting my
private sessions.

• An introduction that defines what your product/service can do for the client
(benefits, benefits a nd more benefits).

• Case histories and examples from happy buyers. This, quite often, makes
the prospect create a mental representation of him/her enjoying the same
benefits. That is almost the same as if we were to hypnotize him/her and
ask them to visualize certain scenes. The only little difference is that they
will think they’re deciding for themselves.

• Minimize all the chances of negative feedback by responding to objections

even before they arise. That is, if you know your product/service is costly,
tell them about the “very flexible payment plans” you offer, or the
incomparable quality, or your amazing success track with other clients.

It is very important to minimize all the possibilities of the prospect getting

in a negative thinking mode about price and quality, or doubt if he/she is
making the right decision. You do this by handling all possible objections
and reframing them positively, preferably before the y are brought to the
forefront by the prospect.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 115

• An unconditional guarantee (you, or the company you work for, must

decide the time frame for this guarantee - the longer it is, the most
trustable your offer will be to some suspicious prospects). Remember that
they like to feel safe and fear making wrong decisions.

• Mention any freebie or special ad-on, if you have any to offer the buyer. It
will increase the perceived value of your offer and give them the
impression that they are getting a better deal and taking advantage.

• Observe for positive feedback and excitement. When you see that the
prospect is excited about the product and has indicated that he/she would
be willing to try it, don’t waste more time, jump right away to the next

• A call for IMMEDIATE action. Don’t wait for him/her to dictate that time.
After you have given a hypnotizing presentation, just take out the invoice
book or contract and ask point blank:

-How many units/copies you want?

-Are you paying by check or credit?
-How you want to break the payment plan?

Mastering these essential points should give you an edge over other
salespeople and visibly increase your success rate. However, as with all the
techniques taught in this book, be aware that some people may not end up
buying from you.

They may not have the money to do it or other important priorities may be
causing their delayed decision. The same rule applies here: “Do NOT take a
rejection personally”. Just move on to the next prospect with confidence and the
arsenal of strategies you have learned.

One essential characteristic of successful salespeople is their ability to

hear NO and keep on moving, until they reach their goals.

The next chapter will go one step beyond and show you how to develop a
“magical” power that will literally hypnotize any person you want to attract.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 116



There is a realm of human potential that is still little known and scarcely
used by the majority of mankind. That is the metaphysical aspect of our lives.

Most of you must have heard that we barely use a small percentage of our
potential; some say it’s o nly around four to ten percent.

Don’t you have the curiosity to delve deeper into this little known aspect of
your own Self, and find how much your life could improve if you raised this
percentage in your favor?

In this chapter I will introduce you to some very unorthodox techniques.

You may not even believe at first that it is possible to accomplish the results I’ll
suggest here, but practice will be your best proof and confirmation of the power
that exists inside each one of us.

Our thoughts have power, and this power can extend beyond our
immediate environment, that is, our physical bodies, and affect or influence
someone at a distance.

Yes, it does not sound like mainstream science, but nevertheless, it is a

fact that can be proven by anyone willing to p ut a little effort into it.

If you can’t believe nor agree with the theory exposed in this chapter, just
pass it by. It is not required for you to be able to become a magnetic individual.
The techniques taught previously will be more than enough to help yo u
accomplish this goal on a physical level.

This chapter is really intended for those who have the curiosity to explore
their inner potential and see “how deep the rabbit hole can go”.

If you are one of those who do not believe in this metaphysical nonsense,
and are sure that this is just a bunch of pseudo-religious superstition, do not
proceed. It won’t work for you anyway.

With that in mind, let’s continue with our subject.

The human mind produces a form of energy. Little is know about it at this
time, but we can say that it may be compared with radio waves or some form of
electro-magnetic force.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 117

Everyday there are millions of signals and waves passing through our
bodies. These signals and waves are invisible to us, but it does not mean that
they don’t exist. We just can’t perceive it with our limited physical senses.

Thought is a signal that can travel in time and space, and, if correctly
directed, it can influence other people at distance.

Believe it or not, at this exact moment, there are many individua ls using
their thoughts consciously to affect some results in their or other people’s lives.

It’s a known fact that during the cold war the government of two nations
employed “paranormals” to do many espionage tasks through remote viewing.

I read an article by a famous psychic in which he said that he was even

asked to try using mind power to stop a pig’s heart. I wonder what the folks
behind this were planning for him to do!

During my research for this book, I could not avoid coming in contact with
this subject. It was nothing new for me, though, since I have been a student of
New Thought and Mental Science for several years and have experienced first
hand the power of focused thoughts and intent.

In this chapter, I will share with you some very simple, yet effective,
techniques that will enable you to start using your thoughts to affect or influence
others at a distance.

I have used it myself, and all I can say is that it worked for me. However, I
can not guarantee your immediate success, because, unlike the strategies taught
before, the techniques in this chapter require a lot of discipline and, what is more
important, the belief that it is possible.

Here we will be walking in a somewhat unexplored territory, and I will be

very honest with you. Most people do not have the ability to use these
techniques. It is primarily due to past conditioning, religious or scientific
background, which can be translated in two words, doubt and unbelief.

In my research I found that the people who were successful with mind
power techniques had some kind of child-like perspective and expectancy. They
did not question whether or not these techniques were scientifically sound. They
usually approached it like a fun game.

Actually most things become easier in life when we face it as a game, an

exciting challenge for growth and evolution. The same is true for mind power
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 118

To start, I want you, from now on, to believe that your mind/brain
generates thought energy, and that this energy can be extended beyond your
physical body.

This is the core belief that will enable you to apply covert hypnosis and
mental magnetism.

The exercises that follow will guide you on how to direct this force to your

Exercise 1: The Magnetic Cloud:

This technique works wonders for me, every time I try it. The clients to
whom I taught the magnetic cloud reported great results as well.

To start chose someone you wish to attract or magnetize. Notice that

when I say attract, it does not mean only the opposite sex. You can use this
technique with your boss, a co-worker, a relative, etc.

No matter what distance you are from your target, as long as you can see
him, imagine a bright white cloud covering that person from the top of his head to
the bottom of his feet.

Try to really SEE it in your mind , as if you were seeing with your real eyes.

In the beginning it may be hard for you to visualize clearly. Don’t worry;
practice will make you better at it. Just try the best you can in the first few
attempts, think about the cloud covering his/her body. Make it realistic for

Now you should fill this cloud with the most loving feelings that you can
elicit. You can do that by mentally saying phrases like:

- I love you

- You’re a wonderful person

- I admire you

- I send you love, peace and happiness

- You are a perfect being, etc.

With practice, you don’t even have to mentally repeat any phrase, but just
to visualize the cloud and extend positive, loving feelings.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 119

If you have the chance to look at the person’s eyes while visualizing, the
results will be even stronger.

Very simple, right? Does it really work? Let me share a personal

experience with you.

A little while after I learned the Magnetic Cloud technique, a good

opportunity to try it in real life came around.

I had just started working in a new media company and was scheduled for
a general meeting with the CEO and staff.

Fellow workers had warned me that this lady was a “devil in human form”.
And in fact she was very cold and arrogant, taking every opportunity to put her
employees down in front of everybody else.

At this meeting, there were about ten people from my department in the
meeting room. They all acted and looked like little sheep in front of a hungry wolf.
I myself, knowing personal magnetism strategies, was calm and poised.

I positioned myself facing her from certain distance, where I had the
opportunity to look straight into her eyes. As soon as she started talking, I started
creating the white cloud around her body.

I extended loving thoughts towards her, looking into her eyes all the time.
In just a few minutes it seemed that she was directing most of her attention to
me, however, when she looked at my eyes, her facial expressions changed, she
would even smile lightly.

At the end of the meeting she came by, tapped my shoulders, and
congratulated me for the “great work I was doing for the company”.

You may say that it can be a coincidence, however that was not what
other employees thought. They looked amazed at me, wondering how I could
attract so much of her positive attention and even “earn” some kind words from

I have helped people use this simple technique to tame their bosses,
attract mates, fix their kids behavioral problems, magnetize cops to avoid traffic
tickets, etc. Once you try it you will become addicted.

You will know when it is working because the other individual will usually
act differently towards you, even thought he may continue acting negatively
towards other people in the same environment. Try it and let me know your
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 120

After you get results, try using the magnetic cloud to influence someone at
a distance, remotely, someone who is not in your environment.

Exercise 2: The Covert hypnotic command:

This technique requires a little more practice and mind control, since you
will be trying to elicit some response from the other individual.

I suggest that you first become proficient at the Magnetic Cloud exercise,
since it creates the foundation for the Covert hypnotic command.

If you master this technique, you will have developed a very powerful
capacity. Be careful on how you use it.

A covert hypnotic command is just a way for you to mentally project

thoughts to other people’s minds, eliciting desired behaviors.

Imagine how powerful this technique would be for a sales person, for
someone interested in attracting a lover, or for a leader. The possibilities are
unlimited, but again, its mastery requires hard work and discipline.

To practice the covert hypnotic command, you should start with simple
tasks. The next time you catch a bus or subway, focus your attention in one
individual. DO NOT stare at her, just focus your mind and look at her when she
can’t notice it.

After you have a good image of her face, you can even close your eyes,
imagining that you are seeing her. At this point, mentally project commands like
the following:

- You feel sleepy, you can’t help falling asleep...

- You ARE sleeping...

Repeat these command many times, looking at her occasionally. Mentally

imagine that this message is penetrating her mind, KNOW that it is being
transmitted, as if she could hear it.

Hold a mental image of that person sleeping. Observe her reaction, for a
few things may happen if you are successful:

- She may start yawning

- She may start feeling uncomfortable

- She may look at you more often

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 121

- She may fall asleep

All of the above reactions are common, because you will be in some way
trying to penetrate her consciousness.

If she has some degree of sensitivity she may get uncomfortable or even
change seats, without knowing what is annoying her.

One more common response is yawning. The person may try to avoid
sleeping for some reason, but will show through body language that she is
getting drowsy.

Remember not to stare, as it can be impolite.

The same day that I am writing this chapter, I had to take a train to the
city. In my way back I tried the covert commands just to inspire me writing after a
fresh experience. I accomplished it with two people.

Sometimes even I get surprised with the results, and I can’t help but
wonder how much power we are wasting due to limiting beliefs and “traditional

By now you may have guessed that covert commands can be used for
much more than just putting people to sleep, there are already good pills for that.

You can use basically any command you want, like:

- You respect me

- You like me

- You want to obey me

- You want to buy this product, etc.

The important here are the basic rules:

1) BELIEVE that it can be done (sorry folks, but it comes with practice and
positive results, I can’t convince you of that).

2) REPEAT a specific command many times, with a strong and authoritative

“mental voice”.

3) VISUALIZE the target acting out your command.

4) FEEL as if you would feel if the person really followed your covert command.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 122

5) PRACTICE over and over until you get the expected results. It may not
happen in the first few times, but don’t give it up. After experiencing positive
feedback you will be grateful to yourself for your perseverance.

Keep in mind that sometimes even if the person receives your command,
he can decide not to follow it for any number of reasons. In this case, he will still
get the thought and mentally fight or oppose it.

Covert commands work pretty much like subliminal messages. The person
receiving it has more chance to follow thru than if he were receiving a direct voice
command from you.

Why, because he will think that the thought came from his own mind, and
not from an external source.

We usually do things because we WANT to do it, not because we HAVE

to, or MUST do it. Therefore, if your target feels that his own mind generated the
desire to sleep, to like you, or to buy from you, he will be more susceptible to
follow through.

Try saying aloud to someone that he is sleepy, or that he likes you. He will
always have the choice of consciously rejecting your command. Covert hypnosis
surpasses his conscious thinking and induces the target to believe that he is
generating the thoughts.

This chapter gave you a couple of very advanced techniques that will give
you JEDI-like powers. Just imagine the possibilities and try your best to master
these simple but powerful mind control tricks. It’s fun, and it can work if you work
at it.

You can be sure that there’s a lot of people applying these techniques
everyday to get what they want from others.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 123



At this point of our training, you should be aware that we are not trapped
by a limiting self-image and the world out there is just a reflection of our beliefs
about it.

We made clear that it’s easy to change your “mask” at any time you wish
and, consequently, change people’s perception of you.

Now what? It is time for you to put this knowledge in action and start
searching for whatever it is that you want out there.

Personal magnetism isn’t just about attracting sex or people, but attracting
the right individuals and opportunities to your life.

There’s only one more thing we must review before you start experiencing
positive results using the power of magnetism;

In order to succeed in most aspects of your life, you will need the help,
support and respect of others.

In order to gain help, support, respect, or even part them from some of
their money, you must attract and create a lasting bond with those people.

It does not matter what your goals in life are, to accomplish them you will
need other people to help you get there. No man is an Island. Don’t agree with
me? Try to live by yourself, for a few months, in the middle of Sahara’s desert.
There will be no newspaper delivery, no TV (!!!), nowhere to go to fill your car’s
tank, no grocery to buy your potato chips, etc.

If you want to be a successful businessperson, you must sell something

(even if it is your own image); you must have people buying whatever you have.

If you want to be a priest, there must be someone to listen to your

sermons. If you want to be a writer, there must be people willing to publish and
read your book (I don’t know which one is harder to find).

Anyhow, we need others for whatever we do, and to be really successful,

you’d better learn how to get along with, attract and influence others.

If you have purchased this manual, you are probably looking for ways to
improve some aspect of your life. You might want to learn how to build fulfilling
relationships, or make more money, or find a rewarding career. They all involve
one (or both) of these two things: OPPORTUNITIES AND MONEY.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 124

Now, I’ve never seen anybody attracting money or opportunities from thin
air. To attract both, you’ll definitely need to attract the people who have it in the
first place. And let me tell you something, there are plenty of opportunities out
there. All you have to do is look for the people who have it to share with you.

I’ve learned from personal experience that to be successful at anything

you must find and learn from people who have already succeeded in that area.

Some of the biggest mistakes in my life were the result of associating with
the wrong people.

No matter what others tell you, judge a man (or a woman) by the results
they produce, not only by their words.

Well, words are cheap; anybody who knows how to talk can promise you
heavens. However, it’s a little harder to find people who back up their words and
do as they say.

For God’s sake, avoid associating with people who talk too much and
produce little results. They will try to, at least, take advantage of you. There are
plenty of successful people doing and having whatever you would like to do or
have. Attract and join those people!

If you wished to learn how to play tennis, who would you look for to teach
you? A good player, I hope. Now, why in heavens would you associate with a
loser to start a new business or accomplish any other goal? That makes no
sense to me.

I may risk being repetitive, but it’s a very important lesson. Do not believe
people just for what they say, ask for concrete results. If they have it, they will be
glad to share it with you. This is the easy way to identify those who you wish to

How do you identify people who can be helpful to you? First, you must
know what is it that you want to achieve. Then, you must look for those who have
the resources to help you along the way. Third, and most important, you must
associate with those people and be clear about your needs.

Simple right? Now, to associate with people who can help you in
accomplishing your goals, you must be like them. This may confuse you a little,
but don’t give up yet, this is one of the most important things I have learned from
successful individuals.

Go out there and look for a group of successful people. You will be
surprised to notice that, as a rule, they walk, work and party in bunches.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 125

Losers are the same; they seem to attract each other. Why, they “vibrate
at the same frequency”. They talk about the same subjects, meet at the same
places, dress alike and search for the same goals.

It’s highly improbable for you to find a millionaire drinking beer with a blue-
collar worker at a dirty downtown Pub. He will most likely be drinking imported
wine with others of his kind at a luxurious place. He will be talking about fancy
cars, expensive vacations and the many millions waiting for him on his next deal.

If you want to be like him, you have to “vibrate at the same level that he
does”. That means, “speaking his language”, dressing like him, drinking whatever
he drinks, etc. Soon you will look like one of them and they will feel attracted to

The next step is to ask them for opportunities. If you know how to play the
rapport game, you might end up working for one of them or even playing golf

Do you remember that we are merely players in the stage of life (God
bless Shakespeare)? If you start acting like the person you want to be, people
will start believing you. Soon it will be natural for you to behave like that. Don’t
worry; if you don’t like what you have become, you can always change it.

If you want be a priest, you’d better visit the church a couple of times each
week, hang around other priests, talk like them, study the same subjects they
study, etc.

To be accepted by a group, you must be like them, there’s no way around.

That will make them trust you and share whatever they have with you.

Ok, you can continue to be your “old self” if you want, but be aware that
you’ll get the same response from others.

This book is not about creating multiple personalities or faking something

that you aren’t to please others. What I want you to understand is that in some
occasions you’ll have to jump out of your comfort zone and project the
characteristics that others will find attractive.

FAMILIARITY is the word here. When someone feels familiar to you, they
lower their barriers and perceive you as a friend, a kind person, just because you
somehow look like them.

The more common points you can find between you and the people you
wish to attract the better. You can still have a personality of your own, but be
smart enough to know when to use powerful rapport techniques to get ahead in
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 126

life. Knowing how to mingle with the people who can give you whatever you want
is one example.

One of the greatest opportunities in my career, for example, came during

a psychotherapy related seminar. There was a bunch of people like me all over
the place. All I had to do was to open my mouth and ask for opportunities; within
a couple of weeks my life took a whole new direction.

Now, I don’t think this would happen if I were in a lawyers’ meeting or a

bus drivers’ convention. Of course not! To accomplish what I wanted, I had to
mingle with people that had what I wanted and thought like me in the first place.

The formula is:

Decide what kind of people have or do what you want.

Find out where you can meet them.

Create Rapport with them

If you’re already good at what you do, they will invite you to join the club, if
not, they will be glad to teach you, as long as you “vibrate” as they do.

Using the rapport building techniques taught in this course, you will be
able to attract anyone you wish. Just make sure you are wasting your neurons
with worthy people. It always pays back.

If you have developed a pattern of attracting only losers in your life, take a
serious look at yourself. Were have you been hanging out? Who do you
associate with? Who you feel comfortable with?

You have to raise your standards and decide who is worthy of your time
and company. I can assure you that by doing this you will find better
companionship and live a much more productive life.

Again, opportunities are all around you. All you have to do is to FOCUS on
the people that may take your life to a higher level. If you hang around losers,
you will be a loser. If you hang around winners, that’s is the direction you’ll be
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 127



It’s not enough to attract the right people in your life. This is only the first
step. To build strong and lasting relationships, you must cultivate and nurture it,
as much as a gardener does with her flowers.

What do you think about that person who calls you only when he is in
trouble, or wants to ask you for a favor? Not very nicely, right?

Well, you may be doing the same thing with some of your acquaintances.

People are undoubtedly the best resource you can have in life. Never
underestimate anyone you know. As long as you can have a give and take
relationship, hold on to it. You never know when the car mechanic around the
corner or your friend’s brother, who happen to be an attorney, will be handy.

Let’s suppose that you have ten friends right now (most people have more
than that), and each one of them also have ten acquaintances. Just there, you
have a potential network of 110 people at your reach. And these 110 will multiply
to thousands!

In this network you can probably find professionals from different areas.
It’s good to know that you can always grab your phone book and find the number
for the person who can help you at that moment or at least give you a good and
trustworthy referral.

To cultivate and grow your support network, start from where you are right
now. Make a list of all the people you know personally. They don’t have to be
close friends.

Include all the people you get along with and those you meet once in a
while. List the members of your family and your spouse’s family, yo ur co-workers,
fellow churchgoers, etc.

After you have built a good list, make a brief analysis of their potential
assets. That means, who they are, what they do, what they have (that you know
about) and whom they might know.

You will find out that you have a potential network, with people from all
walks of life, waiting to be activated right there.

Having finished the list, find out how close you are to these people right
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 128

• Do you meet often?

• Do they invite you to their house?
• Do you know their spouses and kids?

The secret to having a network at your service any time is to let them
know that you are there and willing to give some of yourself as well.

• Call the people in your list occasionally, even if it is just to say hello.
• Ask for their birth dates as well as their spouses and children’s.
• Find out when their important dates are, like wedding anniversaries,
graduations, etc.

Now all you have to do is to always keep them aware that you care.

• Spend a couple of dollars a month sending birthday and holiday cards.

• Call them every once in a while just to say hello.
• Invite them to a barbecue on your backyard.
• When you read something in a newspaper that might be of their interest,
send them a copy of it.

The bottom line here is this: People are your most important asset. A few
dollars spent every month cultivating these contacts can mean lots of
opportunities and help when you most need it.

Your network will remember you as a caring, concerned, friendly individual

who has an interest in their well-being. And whom you think they will remember
when they have a good opportunity to offer?

Try it for a while and you will see how enriched your life will become.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 129



The following text consists of a specially designed, powerful mind

reprogramming exercise intended to insert positive, goal-oriented suggestions
into your subconscious mind.

If you wish to use it, the script should be recorded on an audiotape and
heard at least once a day for the first 21 days and two to three times a week after

It is not essential for you to record and listen to this tape, but in my
experience with hundreds of clients, it was proven over and over again that this
sequence greatly increases an individual’s confidence and ability to apply the
Personal Magnetism techniques taught along this book.

Read the whole text, and if you decide to record it, follow the instructions
given between ( ):

This self-programming exercise contains powerful suggestions that will

reprogram your subconscious mind and help you to reinforce a magnetic
personality. It can be the “frosting on the cake” to transform you into a human

Remember that the text in between ( ) should not be read. It is just for
recording instructions.


I am in a very comfortable position, totally concentrated on the exercise that I am

about to start…(wait about 10 seconds)...for a few minutes, I will forget about
everything around me and focus my mind on the words that are being said…(wait
about 10 seconds)... With each phrase that I hear, I relax a little
more…relaxing… closing my eyes…and forgetting everything around
me…concentrating in this wonderful exercise…in case of an emergency, I’ll be
able to wake fully and take any needed action…

I can feel my feet relaxing…a smooth sensation surrounds my feet…as if they

were melting away, disintegrating…(wait about 10 seconds)…This wonderful
sensation raises through my legs…as if my legs were relaxing…all the
muscles…relaxing …(10 seconds)

And now, I can feel my hips and abdomen relaxing…little by little…lighter and
lighter…(10 seconds)…and this wonderful sensation is rising to my chest area…
I can feel my torso and my legs completely relaxed…(10 seconds)
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 130

And now, I can feel this pleasuring sensation extending to my

shoulders…arms…and hands… as if my shoulders, arms and hands were
melting away…disintegrating…it’s a refreshing and relaxing feeling taking over
my whole body…(10 seconds)

And now I can feel my neck and my head relaxing…all my facial muscles…my
jaw…my eyes…my scalp…it’s as if all my body becomes lighter…completely
relaxed…(10 seconds) and each time I repeat this exercise, I can relax
faster…it’s very easy for me to relax… and it feels very good…(10 seconds)

At this moment, being completely relaxed, I visualize a white cloud covering all
my body…from the tip of my toes, to the top of my head…it’s a refreshing
sensation…as if the cloud was cleaning all the negative suggestions and
conditioning that may exist in my subconscious mind…I feel that all previous
negative conditioning is being erased by this cloud of pure light and energy…(10
seconds. Imagine the cloud cleansing your aura)

And now, I visualize a very pleasant place, a place that attracts me and makes
me feel good…relaxed…(At this point, imagine some place where you might
have been before or seen in a movie. A place in which you felt good and relaxed.
It can be a beach, a mountain, a lakeside, etc. The important is that this place
brings you good memories and relaxing sensations ) …At this place I feel in
harmony with the universe…one with the universe …and now, I can “see” this
place in my mind’s eyes…”listen” to the sounds of this place with my mind’s
ears…”feel” the temperature on my skin…It’s wonderful (20 seconds)

And now I will reprogram my subconscious mind for the development of a

magnetic personality…it’s very easy…and, each time I repeat this exercise, the
suggestions penetrate deeper and deeper into my mind…before I even notice, I
will be projecting these new characteristics…and my life will change for better…

…From now on, I can feel myself causing a positive impact and attracting any
person, in any circumstance, wherever I might be… I can project an aura of
power, magnetism and irresistible attraction…and people all around me can
perceive this aura…they feel attracted to me not knowing the cause of this
attraction…I have the ability to transmit, through my mental states and actions,
an aura of irresistible magnetism…

…When I look at other people’s eyes, a bioelectric magnetic power passes from
me to them… They feel attracted…my eyes can penetrate deeply into their
subconscious minds, transmitting power, sincerity and an irresistible magnetism.
(Now, Imagine yourself transmitting magnetic energy through your eyes. As if it is
a white light coming out of your eyes and penetrating deeply in the other person.
Take a couple of minutes.)
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 131

I am able to easily create rapport with anyone…the opposite sex perceive my

attitude of self-confidence and sincerity during communication, I’m able to cause
a positive impact on my listeners …people can perceive my attitude of
leadership, and see me as a strong and attractive being… Everyone likes to be
around me…

I can recognize the positive part in each human being and I love to start new
relationships… I love to be around other people…I love to be able to cause a
positive impact in all the people that approach me. It’s wonderful…from now on, I
am a walking magnet…I am a positive magnet and able to attract anyone I want

(Take about 5 minutes to visualize yourself in different situations, imagine people

being attracted to you; create in your mind a synthetic experience in which you
transmit magnetism and personal power. Use different scenarios, people and
situations each time you repeat this exercise)

And now I will go back to my fully awake and conscious state…bringing back with
me all the wonderful feelings experienced during the visualization exercise.
Assured that each day these suggestions penetrate deeper and deeper into my
subconscious mind, transforming me in the person I wi sh to be from now on…

Five…I can now feel my legs and feet getting back… four…I feel my arms and
hands…three…I feel my torso, chest and abdomen …2…I feel my neck and my

Each time I repeat this exercise, the suggestions will go deeper and deeper into
my subconscious mind… ONE…and now I open my eyes…feeling very well and


When recording the text, talk in a slow, monotonous hypnotic pace. You
can have a soothing background music playing if you wish.

Never listen to this tape while driving or operating a machine, please!


The people who practiced this exercise for a few weeks have reported to
me that besides the obvious effects of making them more confident and
magnetic, the tape also changed other aspects of their lives. Many reported less
anxiety and stress, others have alleviated “chronic” migraine headaches, back
pain, insomnia, etc.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 132

The reason for this is that deep relaxation and visualization exercises take
you to an “alpha” level, in which the whole body relaxes and activates its own
healing power.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 133


- Use all the rapport building techniques with people you meet. Observe their

- Use the personal magnetism techniques during flirtation. If you are already
engaged, develop the characteristics described to strengthen your relationship.

- Make a list of all your acquaintances and network. Call them, ask for important
dates and start cultivating the contacts.

- Record the text for the mind programming exercise and listen to it at least once
a day for the next 21 days, after that, use it twice or three times a week.

- Continue using the self-image and belief system affirmations, you can do it
before or after the self-programming tape.

- Review this program every couple of months. You can always find new things
that you oversaw the first time.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 134


I would like to close this book by saying that, no matter what you were
taught, you can definitely be, do and have almost anything that you set your mind

The world out there is responsive to your toughs, behaviors and actions.
People react to signals, and now you know how to project magnetism at will.

You have just learned that personal magnetism is composed of a series of

characteristics that anyone can easily deve lop and express. You are as capable,
worthy and important as any person who has ever been born in this planet.

Dare to be better than you are now and improve your life a little each and
every day. Live it to the fullest and never waste the opportunity of making new
friends. Always ask for what you want, people have no way to know until you are
clear about your goals. Approach the people who interest you and create lasting

Don’t waste one more moment of your life worrying about what others will
think. Each person has his own life to deal with. You are not the center of their
universe and their opinions about you just have the power that you allow it to

Be willing to make the most of your existence without fear. You certainly
don’t want to live a miserable, limited and frustrating life. And all the resources to
make it empowering, fulfilling and worth living are inside yourself.

Use the techniques taught here with dedication and commitment. Read
this course again every couple of months. You’ll always be able to grasp
something that you missed before.

Practice all the exercises, specially the suggestions and the mind
programming tape. They will help you in creating a magnetic consciousness,
which will be perceived by those who come in contact with you. You have a lot to
gain by following this course - Your own freedom and happiness.

God Bless You,

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 135


Here you will find some great online resources that can be a good addition
to the reading of this book.

FREE BONUSES - As promised, here you have the two FREE bonuses:

BONUS 1 – The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism – By Theron Q. Dumont

This classic from 1913, although written in a very formal style,

gives you some useful exercises for generating what the author calls “nerve
force” (known nowadays as KI), and shares some good mental influence
techniques, similar to the magnetic cloud and covert hypnosis. A must read for all
Personal Magnetism students. Click HERE to read online or download it

BONUS 2- Practical Mental Influence – By William W. Atkinson

Written in 1908, this book follows a similar line with “The art and
Science of Personal Magnetism”. Another great reading material for those
wishing to understand more of the vibratory force of Thought-Waves.
Click HERE to read online or download it

These books are a courtesy of our affiliate partner PsiTek Ebooks

Other (paid) resources in the following page

Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 136


This e-book by my friend and fellow seduction specialist Joseph

Plazo will help you to unleash irresistible attraction within anyone... using PURE
MIND POWER! It isn't NLP or speed seduction. It's subtle psychic influence over
the emotional centers of the brain. Learn how to induce interest... control and fan
the flames of attraction with your will alone... inflame others with amazing
fascination. Psychic Seduction melds the worlds of science and the occult,
ranging from modern brainwave states, neurolinguistic anchoring and
chakra/aura manipulation. Psychic Seduction is uni-sex, applicable to any
situation and extremely powerful! Click HERE to learn more

Joe “Mr. Fire” Vitale’s website

A great website with many illuminating articles on the topics of hypnotic
marketing. I highly recommend this resource for those interested in copywriting
and sales persuasion.
Secrets of Personal Magnetism Revealed © 1998 - 2003 by Wellington Rodrigues – All Rights Reserved 137


Wellington Rodrigues is a foremost Brazilian specialist in

the fields of Hypnosis, Personal Magnetism, Peak Performance Strategies and
Motivational Training.

His extensive Background includes Certification in Parapsychology, a Bachelor

Degree in Metaphysical Science and Certification as Past Life Regression
Specialist and Hypnosis Instructor by the Hypnodyne Foundation.

Wellington's innovative techniques encompass the best of Hypnosis, Behavioral

Science, NLP, Mind Programming, Motivational Training, Meridian Therapies and
his Personal System of Meta-Reprogramming.

In 1987, he was one of the youngest Brazilians to be certified in Parapsychology

by the “Institute Mind Power of Brazil" under Professor Fausto Oliveira, a
nationally renowned teacher and author of many books on Mind Programming
and Self-development, including the national bestseller "Meu Anjo"(My Angel).

On March 1997, Wellington was appointed "Ambassador to Brazil" for the

Hypnodyne Foundation and the Hypnosis International Board of Registration.
The highest title ever conferred to a Brazilian in the field of Hypnosis.

Nowadays Wellington specializes in Mental Science, Meridian Therapy (EFT)

subliminal persuasion techniques, and Clinical Hypnosis. He lives in Queens,
New York.

To Contact the Author, write to:

Visit the Website at:

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