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Lennart Johnson

- "Sleep Servers" put the system to sleep by using servers. They can be very efficient.

- Combining hydro, wind and solar energy there is a possibility to replace nuclear, coil and
fuel generated energies, but these can be very unreliable.

- Green grids - What are they?????? an organization that is dedicated to maximize energy
efficiency on data centers.

- What is GPU??? this is the graphics processor unit

- What are accelerator boards???? they pro

- Liquid Cooling is making its way back into computing. This is because water has a very
high heat capacity.

- The heat that is being generated by the use of super-computers and data centers is being
employed in heating up lukewarm waters into hot waters, therefore recovering the energy
that was wasted/used in using these machines.

- Memory is the most power-hungry part of the system (other than cooling and power). A
lot of work can be done with respect to its efficiency.

1st Talk - Capping brown energy consumption

-this paper was the winner of the best paper of the conference-

David King

The talk was about scheduling, pero como que me perdí un poco…

el habló demasiado bien***

utilizó la parábola de una cebolla; BACANO, eso se puede usar en el futuro.

hayan aydin

he proposed that when using multi-core systems, you can put one or more of these cores to
sleep and optimize energize consumption.

- what are cpu frequencies??? the speed of a processor (3.2 gHz)

- What is CVFS??? a way to share a disk between systems

Lennart Johnson - PRACE

what are HPC's???? high performance computing

Andre Younge

he spoke about cloud computing.

he was excellent!!!!

the guy before him spoke about computational grids

the guy after was very very goodddd. Consult ittt

he developed an aim where the computers of a network can be accessed as buddies. its
pretty cool!


Daniel Molika

He compared the results obtained by running identical tests on different x86-64 processors.
The tests involved integer operations as well as floating point.

- fpu??

- alu (utilization)??

- single node systems, multi-node systems???

- He only worked with single-node systems.

- He decided to use all cores and have identical work on every core

- what is multi-thread and single-thread??

- cache levels??

- What is movdqa, movaps, movapd??

- DVFS (p-states)…frequency scaling???

- c-state in processors??

- x86-64??

- acpi ?

Bhavishya Goel (bobby)

la verdad no se le entendió muy bien a este tipo, estaba que se cagaba del miedo

- PMC???
- He is running some benchmark tests on processors as well as the previous guy.

Vijay Anand no bueno

- all cores run at the same frequency for his experiment.

- What are actors in computing??

- What is parallel computing??

His presentation was very bad. not interesting.

- What are Embedded Systems?

Kirk Pruhs

- He spoke on how to know which task should be scheduled to which core in an environment
where you have heterogeneous processors and numerous tasks.

- if a schedule is bad, it could be for two reasons:

- the system is overloaded

- the scheduler is not working properly

Is there a scheduling algorithm that is never going to screw up??

- what is scheduling in computing??

- what is a greedy algorithm?

Prof. Adam Meyerson of UCLA (good)

This talk was about smartphones. On how their main problem is battery life.

On these phones, cellular signal is always available, in theory, but wi-fi is sometimes

The idea is to make the wi-fi connection a smart connection, and it will only turn itself on
periodically to perform certain tasks.

The goal here is to maximize the amount of packages sent through the wi-fi connection in
the smallest possible time.

- What is a Markovian Model?

- what is the golden ratio?

- tcpip?

El Alemán (sorting Talk)

- Joulesort ?? what is it
- 25% of commercial energy is used in sorting

- what are ssd's solid state drives??

Jukka K. Nurminen

Using bit torrents through mobile phones has been done before and is very smooth, but it is
also very energy costly. This is why he is proposing a new way to make this possible
without using as much energy.

When it comes to wireless communication, the higher the bit rate, the more energy efficient
that it is.

So what he proposes is a bittorrent download through a proxy.

The proxy would get the file (or part of it) from the peers (pc users, ideally) and it would be
pushed to the phone from here.

The proposed medium to serve as a server is the typical home router. These routers are
already being turned on and used widely in homes, so therefore virtually no additional
energy would be needed in this case.

Student Forum

- Thread Migration - Enable a scheduled task to be performed on one thread until it

becomes hot and then the task is moved to another core.

- Power proportionality: This is an ideal situation where power and performance are directly
related. The more power you use, the higher the performance and vice versa. In this
fashion, when your computer isn't doing anything then the power used should be zero. THIS

- When a computer is idle, memory still consumes about 45% of its total power
consumption. This has a lot of room for improvement. One of the students states that full
bandwidth is rarely needed in memory and that this should be taken into consideration
when improving their power consumption. What he did what that he allowed his memory to
oscillate in ten point between 200 GHz and 800 GHz and test the performance vs. the power

He also proposed the OS to allow you to choose the power performance on your memory to
change dynamically to maximize power efficiency.

Thomas Scogland

- Accelerators (GPU's) are being listed in the 500 green list because they are gaining
popularity when increasing performance and power efficiency.


Power Management in Multicore Systems on Chip

Radu Marculescu (chip efficinecy, Carnegie Melon)

a multi-core processor has a heterogeneous structure that is divide into a number of

islands. Each island has its own pair of voltage and frequency and is connected to other
islands by a clock and a frequency converter.

The idea is to find a sweet spot when it comes to multicore processors, where the
processors has the right number of islands and therefore the right number of voltages and
frequencies within itself.

This problem can only be solved by the use of heuristics because the results cannot be

- What is VFI???

- NoC??

Adam Wiernan (Caltec)

Data Centers

The two most significant improvements have been engineering ones (hardware) :

• Cooling efficiency
• Distribution efficiency

but why haven't there been any algorithmic improvements?

he was talking about dynamic capacity provisioning.

in other words, data centers are usually keeping all of their servers and machines on
continuously w/o needing to do so. They can predict approximately how much traffic they
will have at given times and therefore plan accordingly how many stations to use.

- What is 3-competitive??

- What is cap and trade or cap&trade???

Makek crobak. great guyyyyy!!!! very simple but very clear language. used viewer and plain

processor: power = cvf^2 (or something like it)

he was talkig about aram (adjustable ram) and how it can be more energy efficient.

Repasar los sorting algorithms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fui Li

he claims that on shutdown, temperature on the processor (limiting to this case) should not
be changed abruptly since this will shorten the lifetime of the chip.
-What is thermal cycling on processors??

Adam Meyerson.

the speed at which a task is completed is directly and completely dependent upon the
nature of the task.

Running two cores costs less than twice the energy of running one core.

he claims that the kind of task scheduled to a given core should be carefully considered
because this will have a direct impact on the task's completion time.

- what is an online and an offline problem???

- What is cache and cache levels?

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