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NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA. ne JUL 27 PH #55 COURT IN THE DISTRICT cont Gru JENNA KAY SCOTT, § APPLICANT 8 ¥ tp 4 § 26% sonra DISTRICT Bei y § RESPONDENT § BELL COUNTY, TEXAS TEMPORARY EX PARTE PROTECTIVE ORDER, On July 27, 2018, this Court heard the Application for a Protective Order filed by JENNA KAY SCOTT. Appearances JENNA KAY SCOTT, Applicant, appeared in person and by attorney and announced ready. Record A record was waived by the parties with the consent of the Court, Findings ‘The Court finds that all requirements for a Protective Order have been met and that this Court has jurisdiction over the parties and this action. The Court further finds that the Applicants have shown that the Application for a Protective Order should be Granted and that granting this Protective Order is necessary to prevent future family violence by (i (UBER and is in the best interest of the Applicant and those to be protected in this Order. The Court finds that family violence has occurred, was committed by S——I//., and family violence committed by SUM s likely to occur in the future, The Court therefore GRANTS the Application for a Protective Order as tof ‘TEMPORARY EX PARTE PROTECTIVE ORDER Page 1 ‘The Court further finds that JENNA KAY SCOTT and are in a dating relationship that began in August 2015., and are therefore intimate partners as defined by 18 U.S.C. Section 921(a)(32). The Court further finds thar NINE represents a credible threat to the physical safety of JENNA KAY SCOTT and her family members and pets. Protected Persons IT IS ORDERED that the following persons are protected by this Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order: (a) JENNA KAY SCOTT, a resident of Bell County, TX. (6) JONATHAN SCOTT, a resident of Bell County, TX (c.) KAREN SCOTT, a resident of Bell County, Texas ORDERS TO PREVENT FAMILY VIOLENCE ‘The Court finds that the following orders are necessary or appropriate to prevent or reduce the likelihood of family violence. 1T IS ORDERED that, in accordance with Section 85.022 of the Texas Family Code, any license to carry « handgun issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 411 of the Texas | Government Code 10S is SUSPENDED. IT 1S ORDERED that JER is prohibited from the following: (@) committing an act against any of the Protected Persons listed above that is intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault or that is a threat that reasonably places those persons in fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault; (b.) communicating directly with any of the Protected Persons listed above in a i threatening or harassing manner; (©) communicating a threat through any person to any of the Protected Persons , listed above; (.) communicating in any manner with any of the Protected Persons listed above or a member of the family or household of any of the Protected Persons [.isted above, except through JENNA KAY SCOTT'S attorney, Counselor to be named by the Court, or a person appointed by the Court. The Court finds that good cause exists for this prohibition; ‘TEMPORARY EX PARTE PROTECTIVE ORDER Page 2 (c.) _ engaging in conduct directed specifically toward any of the Protected Persons listed above, including stalking or following, that is reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment or embarrass the person; (£) _ possessing a firearm, unless is a peace officer, as defined by Section 1.07 of the Texas Penal Code, actively engaged in employment as a sworn, full-time paid employee of a state agency or political subdivision; (g.) harming, threatening, or interfering with the care, custody, or control of a pet, companion animal, or assistance animal, as defined by Section 121.002 of the Texas Human Resources Code, that is possessed by or in the actual or constructive care of any of any person protected by this Order; and Kpowd Locanor (h.) going within 50 yards of any’6f the Protected Persons listed above, (.) Contacting in any manner whether by telephone, email, or in person the Dean ‘or anyone associated with the Master's program at UMEBB in which a protected person is enrolled or has been enrolled including forwarding any video of any protected person currently in his possession or subject to his care, custody and control. ‘The Court finds that good cause exists for which the personal information, including prohibited locations referenced above, of JENNA KAY SCOTT should be exeluded from this, order. IT IS ORDERED that the personal information regarding JENNA KAY SCOTT shall be excluded from this Order, and the Clerk shall strike all such information from the publie records of this Court and maintain @ confidential record of the information for Court use only. Duration of Order ‘This Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order shall continue in full force and effect until twenty (20) days from the date itis signed, or until further order of the Court, Notice of Hearing IT IS ORDERED that the clerk shall issue notice to MINE, Respondent, to appear, and said Respondent is hereby ORDERED to appear at_7* /S__ MDB-M. on Asc. 15; 20 Sat the 264 _ District Court of BELL County, in Belton, Bell County, ‘Texas, Texas, for a hearing on JENNA KAY SCOTT’s request that the Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order be made into a final protective order. Warnings to Respondent ‘TEMPORARY EX PARTE PROTECTIVE ORDER Page 3

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