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Dyslipidemia [NCEP Risk Factor for CHD: AGE {male 45, female >55), Smoking, DM, Farmiy history MDL <4Omg/al MT, Gender: male> female Drugs that increas cholesterl: Beta blockers, Protease inhibitors ‘Statin equivalency 38% LDL reduction Rosuvastatin (2 Smg)=Atorasatn (10mg) Simvastatir(20mg)-Lovasatin( Omgl-Pravatatin4Ome)>Fluvastatin(Bdmel=Ptavostatin(2me) “atorvastatin [liitor) Roswastatn (Crestor) lovastatin (Lescol, Lescol xt) Lovastatin (Mevacor, Altocor, Altopreve) Pravastatin Pravachol) ‘Simvastatin (Zocor) Ptavastatin(Livato) 3 indications ‘Myakias Liver cisease Myopathy Alcoholism Lower doses if C<30, except Lescol Rrabdomyolys Pregnancy GtX por Hepatotoiity Breast feeaing Increase bleeding with Warfarin Increase gos by 10-20% Di with 384 inhibitors 10mg af (max 8oma/doy) Token without regards to time of day Ceéuetlomiodpinesatorastatin) Binz ad (max dOme/day) Renal impairment or on Gemfibro Asians: Sg a ox (ax 10me/4ay) 2omg/43y) 20mg QS ax 80mg/) 20mg ed with evening ‘Mevacor with mal ‘meal (max some/day) “Take st bectime _ltopreve: ER 20,40,60mg * Combo: AicorlovastatineNlain) ‘40mg (ax BOme/ Ey) Less drug interactions 20.40mg/day QS fax Don't give w/eycasporine/topid ‘aomg/aay) Max 10me/éay with ditiazem _ . ees yjonn(simastatins etme) ‘e/ay (x malay) 7 onal impaiement ESRD Ime/eay (max | 2me/4ay) Constipation - Bowel Impaired absorption of fat sloaing obstruction vitamins A.D.)

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