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Tlede Lynx | Chapter 2: Programming and Calibration 2 Programming and Calibration This chapter discusses how to configure each program block. f 1 4 se | | oem = | ose | | ouree | i eal 7 —F i Meta a (as bed Sale Type Tone and ‘contowrs | [arte Dip | (Er we me (ibaen] — [_vesancunte | am eee Pasoword | en i =—! ee C=] Le | = =) = =| = wor] ate | ae a “Linearity [taro —) = Cas] ‘Stability Supt = sxnows | = Note: Shift Adjust appears only when a DigiTOL junction box is selected. ONLY PERMIT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL TO SERVICE THIS EQUIPMENT. EXERCISE CARE WHEN MAKING ‘CHECKS, TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS THAT MUST BE MADE WITH POWER ON. FAILING TO OBSERVE ‘THESE PRECAUTIONS CAN RESULT IN BODILY HARM. (3/99) 2-1 METTLER TOLEDO LYNX Terminal Technical Manual = General Program Block Information Keystroke Functions Please rele tothe section in Chapter Aled Alphabetical and Special Character Enty for more information on entering alpha-numeric data and editing data stings, 22 (3/99) This section provides general information on keystroke functions, navigation Procedures, reset to factory procedures, and program block access. Throughout the manual we make a distinction between key names and commands. Key names such as ENTER are presented in all capital leters and bold type. Commands such as "select" are presented in lowercase leters and in regular type. For example: "Press SELECT ...”— means to press the SELECT key on the key pad. "Select an option..." — means to use the SELECT key to display an item, then press ENTER to use that item, ‘The following keys are commonly used when configuring the program blocks. Numeric keys are used to input numeric entries such as threshold values and scale capacily. These keys are also used for alpha-numeric entries. The SELECT key scrolls forward through a lst of choices. As the SELECT key is Pressed, programming items are listed and appear in the display area. The SELECT key can also be assigned a specific function such as to toggle between net and gross weight. See the Application Environment Program Block for details ‘The ENTER key completes a response. Press ENTER after you have used the ‘numeric keys to input data or used the SELECT key to display an option, ‘The ESCAPE key exits the current location. The parameters you have configured prior to pressing escape are saved when you exit. Each time you press ESCAPE You exit back to the previous level of setup. You may have to press ESCAPE Several times to return to a desired location. The CLEAR key clears the previous current entry and allows you to re-key the response. The ZERO key allows you to back up in the current program block and return to the previous step if you are in the first two levels of setup. The ZERO key scrolls. backward through a list of choices. The FUNCTION key moves the cursor one character tothe right allowing you to change one character in a text sting such as a literal without clearing and feentering the string MEMORY moves the cursor one character tothe left allowing you to change one character in a text string such as a literal without clearing and reentering the string Navigating Within a Program Block Reset to Factory Reset to Factory returns all setup parameters to thelr original stings. Yu cannot rest a single value or specity only a few of te sub-block values. Chapter 2: Programming and Calibration ‘General Program Block Information Navigation within program blocks is the same from block to block. The following information helps you find, select, and configure the areas you need. 1. Press SELECT or ZERO to scroll through the available program blocks. ‘When the desired block is displayed, press ENTER to open it. 2. Proceed through each step in all program blocks to configure all parameters the first time the LYNX terminal is programmed. Program blocks contain sub-blocks that handle specific areas of functionality The SELECT and ENTER keys toggle and confirm parameter option selection. ‘ter you have configured one sub-block, the terminal automatically proceeds to the next. When you finish the last sub-block in a program block, the terminal proceeds tothe next program block. You can exit your position within a program block by pressing ESCAPE at any time. You may need to press ESCAPE Several times to exit setup mode and continue to normal operation. Cursors under the display indicate your position within a program block. The following chart describes the cursors relative to block postion. | Arrows Block Position 1 Arow ¥__| Indicates you are in Setup Mode top level 2 Arrows ‘vy _| Indicate you are in a Program Block 3 Arows vv _|Indicate you are in a sub-block 4 Rows -v¥¥w__| Indicate you are configuring an element within a sub-block ‘The Diagnostics and Maintenance block has a Master Reset option that lets you reset all parameters in all blocks including or excluding Scale Interface. Reset to Factory is discussed in detail in the section entitled Diagnostics and Maintenance Program Block at the end of this chapter. ‘Appendix 7 lists the default values for all program block parameters. To reset the program block parameters 1. From within the Diagnostics and Maintenance program block, press ENTER at the Factory Reset prompt. 2. Respond to the Sure? prompt. Select ¥ of N to continue with the reset ‘operation, then press ENTER. The terminal responds with the prompt Rst Cal? N (3199) 2-3

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