The Date in English - Writing and Spelling: 1. General

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The date in English – Writing and Spelling

1. General
How to say the year

You write You say

1900 nineteen hundred
nineteen hundred (and) one
nineteen oh-one
1995 nineteen ninety-five
two thousand
twenty hundred
two thousand (and) two
twenty oh-two
two thousand (and) ten
twenty ten

You normally split up the year in tens.

1985 is split up in 19 and 85. (You say: nineteen eighty-five).

From 2000 until 2009 the year is normally not split up.

 2000 = two thousand

 2001 = two thousand (and) one

The word and is often left out. From 2010 on the year is split up again.

2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).

2. Writing and saying the date in British English

rule: day – month – year

Day Month Year

You write: 1st January, 2010
You say: the first of January twenty ten
Note: The two letters at the end of the number and the comma are often left out.

3. Writing and saying the date in American English

rule: month – day – year

Month Day Year

You write: January 1st, 2010
You say: January (the)* first twenty ten

* The definite article ›the‹ can be left out.

4. Sample sentences and the correct prepositions:

 I was born in 1999. (Use in with the year.)
 I was born in August. (Use in with the month.)
 I was born on 12th May, 2000. (Use on in the complete date.)

5. Abbreviations BC, AD, BCE, CE

Sometimes BC or AD is added after the year.


 1060 BC (ten sixty Before Christ)

 1060 AD (ten sixty Anno Domini) – This is Latin for in the year of the Lord.

The abbrevations BCE or CE are becoming more and more common today.

 1060 BCE (ten sixty Before the Common/Current/Christian Era)

 1060 CE (ten sixty Common/Current/Christian Era)

 1060 BC = 1060 BCE

 1060 AD = 1060 CE

6. Note
It is common to use numbers instead of months.

British English
 13-11-2010
 13/11/2010
 13.11.2010

American English

 11-13-2010
 11/13/2010
 11.13.2010

If you write 4/8/2011, it is the 4th August 2011 in Britain, but it is April 8th, 2011 in the

Which is correct?"She was born in

August." or "she was born on August"

Only the month is concerned, so use in. If there's a date, use on.

 In August.
 On August 21, 2010.

Prepositions for dates are reported as follows -

 Dates are reported in English as being in large units like century, decade, era,
epoch, period, etc, and also parts of a day -- morning, afternoon, evening; on
individual days; and at individual times, plus at night. English Language & Usage
Stack Exchange

Example: The event occurred in the twentieth century, specifically at 03:43 Greenwich, in
the early morning on August tenth, in 1952.

More examples -

 over the weekend

 during the night
 between sunset and sunrise.
 Events circa 1950

Don't forget to use... []

in + month or year- In March, In 2003

on + date (with the year or without it) or day of the week- On April 2, On March 3,
1999, On Saturday

at + clock time, midnight, noon- At 3:30 p.m., At 4:01, At noon

Remember also...

in + season- In the summer, In the winter

in + morning, afternoon, evening- In the morning, In the evening

at + night- At night

To your question -

Which is correct?"She was born in August." or "she was born on August"

Since the period only refers to a month, the correct preposition to use is in, viz. “She was
born in August.”

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