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Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

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A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on

circulating acute-phase protein and cytokines in gastric cancer
Michel C. Mocellin*, Ricardo Fernandes, Thayz R. Chagas, Erasmo B.S.M. Trindade
polis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Graduate Program of Nutrition, Nutrition Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Floriano

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Background & aims: Chronic inflammation is related with cancer and leads to worsening prognosis in
Received 15 November 2016 cancer patients. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) supplementation has been proposed as adjuvant
Accepted 8 May 2017 treatment in cancer due anti-inflammatory properties. In the present meta-analysis, we pooled ran-
domized clinical trials (RCTs) assessing the effects of n-3 PUFAs (from fish oil isolated or added in an
Keywords: immunonutrition formula) on inflammatory markers in gastric cancer.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed in Medline, Scopus, Cochrane library, Sci-
Eicosapentaenoic acid
ence Direct and Web of Science, besides GOOGLE Scholar and a hand searching of reference lists, through
Docosahexaenoic acid
Stomach neoplasm
July 2016. We pooled the effect size from individual studies using a random-effect model and carried out
heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses.
Results: Nine trials (698 patients) fulfilled the entry criteria and were included in the synthesis of the
systematic review. Eight were carried out in surgical patients and one in patients that received
chemotherapy. Four used only fish oil as intervention and five used an immunonutrition formula. Global
meta-analysis demonstrated higher albumin (7 studies, SMD 0.28; 95% CI 0.07, 0.48) and prealbumin
(4 studies, SMD 0.56; 95% CI 0.12, 1.00) concentrations, and lower IL-6 (2 studies, SMD 0.71; 95%
CI 1.15, 0.27) and TNF-a (2 studies, SMD 0.92; 95% CI 1.58, 0.26) concentrations in patients of the
intervention group as compared to control group. However, total protein, transferrin and CRP concen-
trations were not improved by n-3 PUFAs supplementation.
Conclusion: This study provides evidence that n-3 PUFAs supplementation from fish oil or added an
immunonutrition formula has favorable effects on inflammatory markers in gastric cancer patients
undergoing surgical procedures.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-a and IL-1b can serve as growth and
survival factors that act on malignant cells [3e5]; induce an acute-
The association between cancer and inflammation is recognized phase protein response by hepatocytes and changes in metabolism
more than a century ago and well discussed in scientific literature. [6]; stimulate angiogenesis, tumour progression and metastasis
In gastric cancer the chronic inflammation has a key role in carci- [4,5]; cause chemoresistance and increase the toxicity to anti-
nogenesis, and most tumours, if not all, secrete molecules that cancer drug or radiation therapy [5]; contribute with cachexia-
activate inflammatory cells promoting an inflammatory status [1,2]. related to cancer [6]; and also, maintain tumour-promoting
inflammation in a kind of vicious-cycle [4].
The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), especially eicosa-
Abbreviations: CI, Confidence Interval; CRP, C-Reactive Protein; DHA, Docosa-
pentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), have been linked to
hexaenoic acid; EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid; GPR, G-Protein Receptor; IFN, Inter-
feron; IL, Interleukin; NF-kB, Nuclear factor kappa B; PPAR, Peroxisome Proliferator-
numerous beneficial effects on cancer such as anti-inflammatory,
Activated Receptor; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; RBP, Retinol Binding Protein; pro-apoptotic, antineoplastic and anti-catabolic properties [7e10].
RCT, Randomized Clinical Trial; SD, Standard Deviation; SMD, Standardized Mean Regarding their influences on inflammation related to cancer, there
Difference; TNF, Tumor Necrosis Factor. is a previous meta-analysis showing a reducing action of n-3 PUFAs
* Corresponding author. Graduate Program of Nutrition, Nutrition department,
on several inflammatory markers in colorectal cancer [11]. How-
Health Science Center, University Campus e Trindade, Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, 88040-900, Brazil. Fax: þ55 48 3721 9542. ever, in gastric cancer, there are many published clinical trials
E-mail address: (M.C. Mocellin). assessing the effects of n-3 PUFAs on inflammatory response with
0261-5614/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
2 M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

discrepant results. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to by patients diagnosed with gastric cancer by an histological tech-
systematically review the evidence on the effects of n-3 PUFAs nique; 5) n-3 PUFAs offered in capsules (EPA and/or DHA isolate or
supplementation on inflammatory markers in gastric cancer pa- fish oil) or liquid diet enriched with these fatty acids (cocktails with
tients, through a pooled effect size from all studies and from spe- n-3 PUFA plus antioxidants, glutamine, arginine or nucleic acids
cific subgroups. were not excluded); 6) control group that not received in parallel n-
3 PUFAs supplementation or the amounts of n-3 PUFAs was much
2. Materials and methods less than intervention group (we included studies which control
group received a placebo without n-3 PUFAs, i.e. a supplement of
We planned and performed this systematic review and meta- the paraffin; or, a control/placebo formula with nutritional char-
analysis in accordance with Cochrane Handbook for Systematic acteristics similar to the intervention formula with the exception of
Reviews of Intervention [12] and Preferred Reporting Items for the amount of n-3 PUFAs present); 7) assessment the effect of n-3
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis statement [13] to answer the PUFAs on any biomarkers of our interest (acute phase protein, cy-
following question: does n-3 PUFAs supplementation in gastric tokines and/or eicosanoids).
cancer alter circulating biomarkers related to inflammatory
response? The protocol of this study was registered on PROSPERO 2.3. Data selection and extraction
database (registration number: CRD42016037283).
Records retrieved by search strategy in databases, except
2.1. Literature search GOOGLE Scholar, were exported to a reference manager software
and those repeated were quantified and excluded. One investigator
A systematic search of published literature was conducted in (MM), initially screened the records by title analyzing. If it was very
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Medline, unlikely to be relevant, the abstract was not assessed. Records with
Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct to identify all relevant titles denoting relevance had their abstract read and, those
trials until July, 14th 2016. We used search terms, keywords or potentially eligible, full texts were assessed to confirm entry
medical subject headings relating to the groups of PICO acronym criteria. This selection process was performed two times by the
(patient, intervention, comparison and outcome): Patient (P) e same investigator. When eligibility was not clear by data presented
patients diagnosed with gastric cancer: (Gastric OR stomach OR in the article, original authors were contacted by e-mail to obtain
gastrointestinal) AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR malignan* OR more information. If there were doubts about the eligibility and we
tumour OR tumor); Intervention (I) e n-3 PUFAs: (“fish oil” OR “n-3” did not have return from authors clarifying our doubts, the article
OR “unsaturated fatty acids” OR “eicosapentaenoic acid” OR EPA OR was not included in this systematic review and meta-analysis.
“docosahexaenoic acid” OR DHA OR “marine oil” OR “krill oil” OR The following information about the methodology and contin-
omega3 OR “omega-3” OR “omega 3” OR PUFA OR “u-3”); Compar- uous data for specific outcomes were extracted independently from
ison (C): standard diet or placebo/control supplement, or none the eligible articles by two investigators (MM, TC) and were
(omitted in the search strategy); Outcomes (O): circulating acute registered in a predesigned data extraction table: study identifi-
phase proteins (“acute phase protein” OR albumin OR “prealbumin” cation (authors and publication year); country; blinding; random-
OR transferrin OR “retinol binding protein” OR RBP OR CRP OR “C- ization technique; number of patients in each group that were
reactive protein” OR ceruloplasmin OR fibrinogen) and/or others randomized, dropped and malnourished; number of male and fe-
biomarkers of inflammatory status (Cytokin* OR interleukin* OR male; mean age; anti-cancer treatment; n-3 PUFAs supplement
inflammat* OR “inflammatory markers” OR “inflammatory mediators” data (dose, formula, time and route of administration); n-6:n:3
OR eicosanoid* OR prostaglandin* OR leukotriene* OR chemokine* OR fatty acid ratio of control and intervention supplements; antibiotic
TNF OR “tumor necrosis factor” IFN OR interferon). use during the study period; and, results of inflammatory bio-
We combined the search terms using Boolean operators (OR was markers concentrations (mean and standard deviation). Divergence
used to combine search terms from the same PICO's group and, data from two investigators were discussed after new consult to the
AND, to combine search terms from different groups). Also, we used original article and if no reached consensus, a third investigator
truncation symbol (*) to find all multiple word endings and spell- (ET) resolved it.
ings, and, quotation markers (“ ”) to force the database match a To obtain data for meta-analysis from articles that mentioned
term exact enclosed by this symbol (search for exact phrases). No effects on inflammatory markers without reporting numerical data,
filter was used and in the Science Direct database we added the we contacted the authors by e-mail. For continuous data presented
term “clinical trial” to refine the search. in median and interquartile range or minimum and maximum
Additionally, reference lists of eligible studies and topic-related values, we estimated their mean and standard deviation by the
reviews were also manually searched to find others relevant trials. equation proposed by Hozo et al. (2005) [14] (if the original author
GOOGLE Scholar was also searched with a reduced strategy did not provide it by e-mail). Studies were excluded of the meta-
[(“omega-3” OR “n-3 PUFA” OR “fish oil” OR EPA OR DHA) AND analysis (only used in systematic review synthesis) when data
(“gastric cancer” OR “gastric neoplasm” OR “stomach tumor”)] and were not possible to estimate and the data could not be obtained
only the first 10 pages of results were reviewed. The number of from the authors.
articles reviewed in this database were not counted in the total
number of records retrieved, because the search mechanism not 2.4. Risk of bias assessment
permit a combination of all variations of the intervention, clinical
setting and outcomes terms performing a precise search strategy. Risk of individual study bias was assessed using the Cochrane
Collaboration's tool, version 5.1.0 [12]. The tool comprises seven
2.2. Entry criteria domains to evaluate the risk of six known bias and other unknown:
1) adequacy of sequence generation and, 2) allocation concealment
Trials were included if they met the following criteria: 1) (selection bias); 3) blinding of participants and researchers (per-
controlled or randomized clinical trial carried out in humans; 2) full formance bias); 4) blinding of outcome assessment (detection
articles published (published abstracts were not included); 3) bias); 5) incomplete outcome data (attrition bias); 6) selective
language of publication in English; 4) study sample composed only outcome reporting (reporting bias); and, 7) other potential sources

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11 3

of bias (others bias). Two independent investigators judged the risk

of bias into each domain as low (þ), high () or unclear (?) risk
(unclear was attributed when the article did not provide sufficient
information to conclude about the presence or absence of bias).
Disagreements between investigators on judgement of bias risk
were resolved by discussion after consulting the conflicting infor-
mation in the article, until consensus was reached.

2.5. Statistical analysis

We conducted independent meta-analysis for those outcomes

more investigated in the studies included (albumin, prealbumin,
transferrin, total protein, CRP, TNF and IL-6) using STATA vs. 13.0
(StataCorp LP, Texas, USA) from mean and respective SD quantified
after supplementation ended (if the study was designed to measure
the outcomes at various moments after supplementation, we used
the measured value on the day that supplementation ceased or the
first value measured after the end of supplementation). Effect sizes
between treatment and control groups for outcomes were calcu-
lated based on standardized mean differences (SMD), since the
measurement units for each biomarker varied within studies, using
Hedge's g statistics and pooled by random-effects meta-analysis
models (this model was applied due the differences in the design
and patients characteristics of included studies). We considered
significant a p-value for SMD test <0.05. For interpretation of
the effects sizes from SMD we adopted the thresholds proposed
by Rosenthal (1996) [15]: 0.2 small, 0.5 medium, 0.8 large and 1.3
very large.
Heterogeneity was considered significant when p < 0.1 on the
chi-square test or I2 > 50%. Subgroup analysis was carried out to
assess potential sources of heterogeneity, and, sensitivity analysis,
to verify the influence of each study on global SMD (made only for
pooled analysis from each outcome). Publication bias analysis was
Fig. 1. Flow chart of the literature search, screening, and selection process for eligible
not performed because the minimum number of studies for the trials.
implementation of this test (10) was not achieved [12].

3. Results
control group (the reason reported by authors to dropout 23.1% of
3.1. Search results patients from this group was “incomplete data”). None of the
studies applied intention to treat analysis.
From the literature search, 2057 records were retrieved (71 from Two RCTs were double-blind [17,22] and a third [20] reported
CENTRAL, 690 from Scopus, 881 from Science Direct, 210 from Web that only researchers were blinded. All comprised patients of both
of Science and 205 from Pubmed). After exclusion of repeated ar- sexes and a pool of cancer stages. Mean age of participants was
ticles, 1631 records were screened and five met the entry criteria. similar among the RCTs. Only one [22] was performed with patients
Additionally, four studies were found from other sources (search in undergoing chemotherapy treatment, while the eight remaining
GOOGLE scholar and reviewing the references of important origi- RCTs [16e21,23,24] were carried out in surgical settings.
nals articles and reviews about the theme), totalling nine studies Details of n-3 PUFAs supplementation protocol used in each RCT
included in our systematic review and meta-analysis. The complete are described in Table 2. Five trials [16e18,21,23] used an immu-
flowchart is shown in Fig. 1. nomodulatory diet enriched with n-3 PUFAs, arginine and antiox-
idants (besides these immunonutrients, one [16] added glutamine
3.2. Trials characteristics and four [17,18,21,23], ribonucleic acids). n-3 PUFA from fish oil
without others immunonutrients was used in four trials
An overview of study design and demographic parameters of [19,20,22,24]. Equal number of RCTs (n ¼ 3) administered n-3
patients enrolled in the eligible nine studies [16e24] is shown in PUFAs orally [18,22,23], enterally [16,17,21] and parenterally
Table 1. All were randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published from [19,20,24]. In studies where n-3 PUFA was offered orally, amounts
2005 and conducted in Europe [17,19e21] or Asia [16,18,20,22e24]. of EPA and DHA were similar for all patients, while in studies where
In total, 355 patients were allocated to intervention group and 343 n-3 PUFAs were offered parenterally or enterally, dosages of EPA
to control group. The sample size (excluded the losses of follow-up) and DHA varied among patients within the same RCT because it was
ranged from 26 [20] to 231 [18] patients. Four studies [17e19,24] established according to the individual body weights or energy
had losses of participants during follow-up: in three [17e19] the requirements.
proportion of losses was balanced between intervention and con- For those studies with surgical patients, in six [16,17,19e21,24]
trol groups (main causes were: death [17], surgical and feeding n-3 PUFA was offered at postoperatively period (5e7 days), and
complications [17,19], withdrew of consent [17,19], not fulfilled in two [18,23], pre-operatively (5 or 7 days). Use of antibiotics
criteria of permanence in the study [18] and randomization of non- during the study period was reported in five [17,18,21,23,24] of
eligible patients [18]); and, in one [24], losses occurred only in eight RCTs in surgical patients.

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
4 M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

Table 1
Basic characteristics of the randomized clinical trials included in the meta-analysis.

Trial (Year) Country Blinding Randomization technique n randomized: n n male: n female n malnourished Mean age,
analyzed (% dropouts) (%)a (years)

Chen et al. (2005) [16] China NR NR 20: 20 (0.0) NR NR NR

20: 20 (0.0)
Farreras et al. (2005) [17] Spain Double Random number table 33: 30 (9.1) 17: 13 5 (16.7) 66.7¥
33: 30 (9.1) 15: 15 8 (26.7) 69.2
Klek et al. (2005) [19] Poland NR NR 36: 30 (16.7) NR 16 (51.6) NR
35: 30 (14.3) 16 (48.5)
Okamoto et al. (2009) [23] Japan NR Block randomization 30: 30 (0.0) 20: 10 NR 66.9
30: 30 (0.0) 22: 8 70.9
Makay et al. (2011) [20] Turkey Researchers Computer-derived 14: 14 (0.0) 7: 7 NR 59.5
block randomization 12: 12 (0.0) 10: 2 61.7
Fujitani et al. (2012) [18] Japan NR Randomization by 127: 120 (5.5) 97: 30 4 (3.1) 64b
minimization with 117: 111 (5.1) 84: 33 1 (0.9) 65b
an algorithm
Marano et al. (2013) [21] Italy NR NR 54: 54 (0.0) 34: 20 33 (61.0) 66.6
55: 55 (0.0) 37: 18 30 (54.0) 65.1
Wei et al. (2014) [24] China NR NR 26: 26 (0.0) 15: 11 NR 50.5b
26: 20 (23.1) 11: 9 59.0b
Nemati et al. (2015) [22] Iran Double NR 15: 15 (0.0) NR NR NR
15: 15 (0.0)

Abbreviation: NR e No reported; Bold and italic type corresponds to control group. No italic and non bold type corresponds to intervention group.
Significant difference between control and intervention group (p < 0.05).
Criteria for diagnostic of malnutrition: Klel et al.: any of these parameters: weight loss (last 3e6 months)  10%, body mass index  18 kg/m2, serum albumin
concentration  3.2 g/dL; serum prealbumin concentration  15 mg/dL; total lymphocytes counts  1200/mm3; Farreras et al.: >10% of lost body weight; Marano et al.: no
reported; Fujitani et al.: subjective global assessment.
Values are median.

A placebo supplement without n-6 or n-3 PUFAs was used in results about the nutrients intake/infused during the follow-up
one study [22]. In this trial, Nemati and cols (2015) [22]offered to period. Still, in these RCTs, four [16,19,20,24] did not report
the control group a supplement containing paraffin. In another RCT important information about the surgery procedures that could
[18], control group did not receive any supplement. The remaining influence the outcomes. Baseline characteristics (demographic and
seven studies [16,17,19e21,23,24], the formula offered to inter- clinical) of both groups investigated were not provided in four RCTs
vention group containing high dose of n-3 PUFA was replaced by a [16,19,22,23], which does not guarantee the comparability of the
formula rich in n-6 PUFAs that was offered to control group. We groups into the RCTs.
emphasize that in Chen's RCT [16] the intervention group received a
supplement with more n-6 PUFAs than n-3 (n-6:n-3 ratio ¼ 3.4:1), 3.4. Effect of n-3 PUFA on biomarkers of inflammatory status
while in all other studies, intervention group received a formula
with more n-3 than n-6 PUFAs (n-6:n-3 ratio  0.9:1). Considering the individual studies, we observed a small number
of studies that described statistical differences in circulating con-
3.3. Risk of bias assessment centrations of albumin [22], prealbumin [16,19], transferrin [16,22],
total protein [17] and retinol binding protein [23] between study
The assessment of risk of bias in the included studies using the groups after n-3 PUFAs supplementation (Table 2).
Cochrane tool is shown in Fig. 2. None of RCTs included was free of One study for albumin [23], prealbumin [23], total protein [23]
potential bias. Although they are randomized trials, only three and RBP [23], and, two for transferrin [22,23], did not present in
[17,18,20] reported the technique used to generate the random the article the mean values and/or respectively standard deviation
sequence. Regarding allocation concealment, none provided clear for these outcomes and we were unable to contact authors to
information to judge as adequate. Double-blinding design was re- obtain these data. Thus, meta-analysis was performed with seven
ported in two studies [17,22], but was not mentioned who was RCTs for albumin; four for prealbumin and transferrin; and three
blinded (participants, researches or statistician). In Makay's trial for total protein.
[20] only researchers were blinded. Low risk of reporting bias was Global meta-analysis of data from included RCTs showed a sig-
attributed for all trials, except for Okamoto's RCTs [23], where re- nificant increase in albumin levels (SMD ¼ 0.28; 95% CI ¼ 0.07, 0.48;
sults for some outcomes were not provided (albumin, prealbumin, p ¼ 0.008; Fig. 3 and Supplemental Table 1) and in prealbumin
transferrin and retinol binding protein). In the long-period of (SMD ¼ 0.56; 95% CI ¼ 0.12, 1.00; p ¼ 0.013; Fig. 3 and
supplementation in Nemati's trial [22] (6 weeks) the compliance on Supplemental Table 2) with presence of heterogeneity (Chi2
n-3 PUFAs supplements consumption (10 tablets/day) was impor- test ¼ 0.063; I2 ¼ 59.0%), in favor to intervention group, while for
tant, but was not assessed. In these same study, the nutrients transferrin and total protein, there were no significant results
consumption from foods and beverages was assessed during the (Fig. 3; Supplemental Tables 3 and 4), but with substantial het-
trial and shown a significant lower consumption for control group erogeneity. When the RCTs that assessed albumin were stratified
at the end of week 6 for energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein and the there were significant effects for: RCTs with surgical patients with
majority of vitamins and minerals, what could explain the positive n-3 supplementation at post-operative period (SMD ¼ 0.24; 95%
effects found in intervention group for the outcomes assessed. CI ¼ 0.02, 0.45; p ¼ 0.030; Supplemental Table 1); in double-blind
In RCTs performed with surgical patients, due to infusion/con- RCTs (SMD ¼ 0.59; 95% CI ¼ 0.16, 1.01; p ¼ 0.007; Supplemental
sumption monitoring of the diet enriched with n-3 PUFAs during Table 1); in studies with lower than 50 patients enrolled
the hospital stay by researchers, the compliance probably was (SMD ¼ 0.36; 95% CI ¼ 0.02, 0.69; p ¼ 0.037; Supplemental Table 1);
secured. However, only one [17] of the eight surgical RCT's shown and in RCTs that offered n-3 PUFAs from fish oil alone (SMD ¼ 0.34;

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11 5

Table 2
Characteristics of the n-3 PUFAs supplementation protocol and outcomes assessed in included clinical trials.

Trial (year) Antineoplastic EPA þ DHA, g/d Time and period of Formulation Route of Content of Outcomes
treatment supplementation administration n-6:n-3 in control

Chen et al. Surgical NRa 7 postoperative days Immunonutrient- Enteral 5:1 j 3.4:1 [ prealbumin,
(2005) [16] enriched and high IL-2, transferrin
protein liquid diet 4 albumin
(arginine, Y IL-6, TNF-a
glutamine and n-3
Farreras et al. Surgical 4.2b 7 postoperative days Immunonutrient- Enteral 6.8:1 j 0.7:1d [ total protein
(2005) [17] enriched liquid diet 4 prealbumin,
(arginine, n-3 PUFAs albumin, transferrin
and RNA)
Klek et al. Surgical 0.2 g/kgc 7 postoperative days Fish oil Parenteral 6.6:1 j 0.1:1 4 albumin
(2005) [19] [ prealbumin
Okamoto et al. Surgical 3.1 7 preoperative days Immunonutrient- Oral 3:1 j 0.7:1 4 prealbumin,
(2009) [23] enriched liquid diet transferrin,
(arginine, n-3 PUFAs albumin,
and RNA) total protein
[ retinol binding protein
Makay et al. Surgical 0.2 g/kgc 5 postoperative days Fish oil Parenteral 7:1 j 0.1:1 4 albumin
(2011) [20]
Fujitani et al. Surgical 3.4 (2 g EPA þ 5 preoperative days Immunonutrient- Oral 0:0 j 0.8:1 4 CRP
(2012) [18] 1.4 g DHA) enriched liquid diet
(arginine, n-3 PUFAs
and RNA)
Marano et al. Surgical NRa 7 postoperative days Immunonutrient- Enteral 6.6:1 j 0.7:1 4 albumin,
(2013) [21] enriched liquid diet transferrin,
(arginine, n-3 PUFAs total protein
and RNA)
Wei et al. Surgical 0.2 g/kgc 6 postoperative days Fish oil Parenteral 7.4:1 j 0.2:1 4 albumin,
(2014) [24] transferrin, total
protein, prealbumin
and retinol binding
protein, CRP,
Y IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a
Nemati et al. Chemotherapy 3 (1.8 g EPA þ 6 weeks Fish oil Oral 0:0 j <0.1:1 [ albumin, transferrin
(2015) [22] 1.2 g DHA)

Abbreviations: NR e Not reported; RNA e ribonucleic acids; 4 no significant difference between the intervention and control groups after intervention; Y e significantly
lower than control group after intervention; [ e significantly higher than control group after intervention.
Total amount of infused diet was determined according to the weight of the participant considering 35 kcal/kg in the study of Marano et al. and 30 non-protein kcal/kg in
the study of Chen et al..
The amount corresponds to total omega-3 of the diet considering the volume administered (mean) from the third postoperative day.
The amount corresponds to fish oil only, not to n-3 PUFAs.
Control group received a diet containing n-3 PUFAs. The amount of these fatty acids provided by the formula from the third postoperative day was 1.7 g/day.
Estimated content.

95% CI ¼ 0.03, 0.65; p ¼ 0.032; Supplemental Table 1). No hetero- the heterogeneity can be explained by blinding and random
geneity was observed for all subgroup analyzes. sequence generation (Supplemental Table 4).
Meta-analysis for prealbumin showed an important heteroge- Sensitivity analysis for albumin, transferrin and total protein
neity in pooled effect sizes. This heterogeneity may be attributed meta-analysis showed that removing a single study included in
to: number of patients enrolled in each study; different formulas pooled analysis for each parameter, there are no significant changes
containing n-3 PUFAs offered; route of n-3 PUFAs administration; in combined effect sizes. This does not apply to prealbumin meta-
and report the use or not of antibiotic during the study period. analysis, where after removing the RCTs of Chen et al. [16], Farre-
Interesting, in subgroups without heterogeneity (RCTs with 50 ras et al. [17] or Klel et al. [19], the effect size loses significance
patients; that offered an enriched-diet with n-3 and others (Supplemental Fig. 1).
immunonutrients; enterally; and trials that did not report the use Only two RCTs assessed the effects of n-3 PUFAs on cytokines
of antibiotics) the combined effect size was significant in favor to [16,24] and on CRP [18,24] (Table 2). All studies were conducted in
intervention group to increase prealbumin levels (Supplemental surgical patients, but others characteristics (dose, route of admin-
Table 2). istration, control formula, time and moment of n-3 PUFAs supple-
Regarding the effects of n-3 PUFAs on transferrin and total mentation) were different among them. Meta-analysis was
protein concentrations, both global and subgroups analysis did not performed only for IL-6, TNF-a e CRP (Fig. 4). The findings showed a
show significant effect sizes, but subgroup analysis suggest that significant reduction in favor to intervention group for IL-6
heterogeneity from RCTs that assessed transferrin can be explained (SMD ¼ 0.71; 95% CI ¼ 1.15, 0.27; p ¼ 0.001) and TNF
by the number of participants and by the report the use of antibiotic (SMD ¼ 0.92; 95% CI ¼ 1.58, 0.26; p ¼ 0.006), without sig-
(Supplemental Table 3), while in RCTs that assessed total protein, nificant heterogeneity.

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
6 M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

supplementation in comparison with control [11]. Regarding the

action of n-3 PUFAs in improving the concentrations of negative
acute phase proteins, we did not find other meta-analysis that
demonstrated a beneficial effect on these outcomes.
The improving effect of n-3 PUFAs on albumin, prealbumin, IL-6
and TNF-a has a biological basis. The mechanism may involve an
inhibitory action of these PUFA, especially EPA and DHA, on acti-
vation of Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) e pathways mediated by
activation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-g
and binding with G-protein coupled cell membrane GPR120 from
n-3 PUFAs intake and incorporation in membrane phospholipids
[29]. NF-kB is one of the most important transcription factor
involved in up-regulation of the genes encoding inflammatory cy-
tokines (e.g. TNF, IL-1 and IL-6), and is activated in a signalling
cascade triggered by extracellular inflammatory stimuli [30]. In
addition, TNF-a, IL-1b and IL-6 play an important role in acute
phase inflammatory response, inducing an increase on hepatic
production of proteins designated as positive acute phase proteins
(e.g. CRP, serum amyloid A and fibrinogen) and decreasing the
production and circulating concentrations of proteins designated as
negative acute phase proteins (e.g. albumin, prealbumin, trans-
ferrin) [31]. Therefore, the findings of our study are theoretically
plausible, because the reduction on TNF-a and IL-6 with n-3 PUFAs
supplementation may be the causes of increase on albumin and
prealbumin concentrations.
Two other reasons that could explain our findings are: 1) n-3
PUFAs reduces oxidative status compared to other fatty acids and
consequently, reduces the NF-kB activation from this pathway [32];
and, 2) n-3 PUFAs, especially EPA, prevents muscle and weight loss,
contributing with maintenance of serum albumin levels in cancer
patients [8,10].
Controversially, conclusions from meta-analysis were not
consistent with those from individual analysis of the included
Fig. 2. Summary of risk of bias by Cochrane tool. (þ) Low risk; () High risk; (?) studies (systematic review synthesis), where few studies showed
Unclear risk. significant differences on biomarkers concentrations between
intervention and control groups. The traditional way to perform
Adverse effects on n-3 PUFAs intake were not observed or re- statistical analysis for find differences between study groups after
ported in all trials. Unexpected outcomes related to n-3PUFAs an intervention (based in means comparisons) not provide the real
supplementation were observed in one RCT [21]: Marano et al. practical and clinical significance of the finding. For denote with
demonstrated a lower total counts of CD4þ T-cell in intervention more visibility the practical and clinical applicability of an inter-
group than control at the end of the study. Despite this finding, they vention have been encouraged the clinical trials makers to calculate
did not observe a significant impact on immune response, since the “effect sizes” of the finding. Even if there is no statistical dif-
complications and infections after surgery were less observed in ference considering the mean and its variance, a certain treatment
intervention group than control. may have better results than the control which may reflect in a
small, but significant effect size when the RCTs are combined in a
4. Discussion meta-analytic model (we observed this fact in meta-analysis for
albumin and prealbumin). Other reason for report effect size in
The present meta-analysis from published RCTs provided evi- RCTs, besides provide the practical consequences of the findings for
dence that n-3 PUFAs supplementation had a significant improving daily life, it allows researchers to present the magnitude of the
effect on concentrations of albumin, prealbumin and cytokines effect in a standardized metric which can be understood regardless
(TNF-a and IL-6) in gastric cancer patients. of the scale used to measure the outcome [33].
Our findings are consistent with other meta-analysis that Results from open-label or single-blind RCTs included in this
demonstrated reduction in pro-inflammatory biomarkers after n-3 study showed a nil effect of n-3 PUFAs on outcomes, while results
PUFAs supplementation in diverse clinical conditions: CRP, IL-6 and from double-blind RCTs demonstrated a significant pooled effect
TNF-a in chronic non-autoimmune diseases and non-obese sub- size (Supplemental Tables 1e4). In the same way, trials with
jects [25]; IL-6, IL-1 and TNF-a in chronic heart failure [26]; adequate random sequence generation demonstrated a significant
thromboxane B2 in subjects with high risk of cardiovascular disease effect size when combined in meta-analysis, while those with
and leukotriene B4 in unhealthy subjects and in rheumatoid “unclear” sequence generation, did not show it. These facts enhance
arthritis [27]; and, CRP in hemodialysis patients [28]. In cancer, is of the claim that the findings found in this study are due to n-3 PUFAs
our knowledge only one meta-analysis (performed by our group) supplementation and not to bias related to the methodological
assessing the effects of n-3 PUFAs on inflammation in colorectal design e at least, was not due to performance, detection and se-
cancer. In this study, we demonstrated lower concentrations of IL-6 lection bias. Blinded studies (the ideal is to blind the greatest
(global analysis) and CRP (subgroup of studies performed in pa- number of individuals as possible e participants, researchers and
tients undergoing chemotherapy) and higher concentration of al- statisticians) provide the best estimates of an intervention/treat-
bumin (global analysis) in patient's group that received n-3 PUFAs ment impact [34]. In addition, an adequate sequence generation

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11 7

Fig. 3. Forest plot showing standard mean difference (SMD) and 95% CIs for the impact of n-3 PUFAs supplementation on albumin, prealbumin, transferrin and total protein. The p-
value presented in the figure refer to Chi2 test for heterogeneity.

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
8 M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

Fig. 4. Forest plot showing standard mean difference (SMD) and 95% CIs for the impact of n-3 PUFAs supplementation on IL-6, TNF-a and C-reactive protein. The p-value presented
in the figure refer to Chi2 test for heterogeneity.

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11 9

and concealment of allocation are other essentials approaches that The basal nutritional status of the patient could influence the
minimize the risk of bias in RCTs. In the current meta analyses/re- concentration of some biomarkers assessed in this meta-analysis
view, only three described an adequate technique to generate the after n-3 PUFAs supplementation. Thus, it would be necessary to
randomization sequence and none described concealing in the separate the malnourished patients from those well-nourished,
allocation. Although not evident in our analysis, some studies and so, to evaluate the impact of supplementation in each group.
demonstrated that the beneficial effect from an intervention was This analysis can not be done because the originals articles not
exaggerated in accordance with methodological characteristics: provided results considering the stratification by nutritional status.
open label studies have a range of 13e17% exaggeration of inter- Of the nine studies included in this work, four presented the
vention effect estimates, on average, than double-blind RCTs; number of malnourished patients. We can observe (Table 1) that
adequate/unclear sequence generation have 5e11% exaggeration the proportion of malnutrition in control and intervention groups
than adequate; and inadequate/unclear allocation concealment was similar in each of these four studies, what suggest that the
have 7e30% exaggeration than adequate [35e37]. For these results found in this work may not be influenced by nutritional
empirical evidences, we alert to researchers for their future studies status of the patients.
be well designed to avoid bias, as well as, provide sufficient The nutrients consumption could be another potential
methodological detail (in the article or in trial register) to ensure confounder of the results found in this work. But, eight of nine
reproducibility and judgment of adequacy on processes adopted. studies included were performed in a hospital setting, where the
In sensitivity analysis for prealbumin, removing any of the dietetic ingestion is standardized.
studies included in this analysis, we observed a significant change Strength points also can be observed in the present study:
on the pooled effect size. When the RCTs of Chen et al. (2005) [16], extensive literature search; we estimated the numerical data (mean
Farreras et al. (2005) [17] or Klek et al. (2005) [19] were removed, the and SD) in one article [18] from a validated equation (when
combined effect lost significance, and when Wei's RCT was removed, possible) to avoid losing it in the meta-analysis; subgroups analysis
the effect went from a medium size to large, and the heterogeneity for methodological characteristics that could explain heterogeneity
disappeared. This change occurred due mainly for influences of the among included studies; sensitivity analysis to assess the effect of
trial of Wei et al. in the combined effect size (we can observe in Fig. 3 individual studies on pooled effect size, that demonstrated that
that Wei's RCT was the only study that presented a lower mean for none of the studies when removed altered the conclusion of the
prealbumin in intervention than in control group, pulling the analysis (exception for prealbumin e discussed earlier).
combined effect for the left side of the graph e “intervention re- In conclusion, the supplementation of n-3 PUFAs in gastric
duces prealbumin”). We identified two causes that could explain cancer has a potential effect on increasing the levels of albumin and
this discrepant effect for prealbumin from this trial: losses occurred prealbumin, and decreasing the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6
only in the control group, justified by “incomplete data” (Table 1); and TNF-a. In accordance with the studies published until the
and, of the four studies combined in this meta-analysis, all were moment, it seems prudent to advise the use of n-3 PUFAs from fish
carried out in surgical patients, but the RCT of Wei et al. was the only oil isolated or from immune-enriched diet in replacement a for-
that reported the use of antibiotic at post-operative period. mula containing large amounts of n-6 PUFAS at post-operative
We can cite some reasons that may confuse the conclusion of period for patients submitted to gastric resection surgery for
our study: 1) use combined of n-3 PUFAs with arginine, glutamine improve these parameters. It appears that offering n-3 PUFA orally
and antioxidants in most of included RCTs (these immunonutrients or enterally could result in better concentrations of some
have anti-inflammatory action that could amplify the effects of n-3 biochemical parameters evaluated than parenterally, however,
PUFAs on inflammation [38]); 2) use of control supplement rich in there is a low evidence to support this claim. Nevertheless, other
n-6 PUFAs in seven RCTs (previous studies have demonstrated that well-designed clinical trials need to be conducted, especially in
n-6 PUFAs play an opposing role with n-3 PUFAs in the process of chemotherapy patients, to confirm our findings.
inflammation that could overestimate the effect size arising n-3
PUFAs supplementation [39]); 3) use of antibiotic in a moment of 5. Directions for future research
the study period (when it was used, the trials did not show sig-
nificant results from n-3 PUFAs supplementation e it appears to be Based on limitations of the studies included in this systematic
an effect canceler); and, 4) different anti-cancer treatment applied review and meta-analysis we suggest that researchers take careful
(surgical and chemotherapy). We emphasize that the biggest effect in adopt and describe with more details several procedures to
size for n-3 PUFAs effects on albumin was provided by Nemati's RCT improve the methodological quality and ensure the reproducibility
that not used control formula containing n-6 PUFAs (it was the only of studies regarding the use of n-3 PUFAs as intervention in surgical
RCT with more than one week of n-3 PUFAs supplementation, be- patients:
sides to be the only RCT carried out in patients receiving chemo-
therapy), and the patients enrolled in the control group consumed a) Describe the method used to generate the random sequence;
significant lower amounts of energy, carbohydrate, fat and protein, b) Describe the method used to ensure the allocation
besides the majority of minerals and vitamins during the follow-up, concealment;
important facts that confuse the actual effect of the intervention c) Described the procedures of blinding (if applicable);
tested. However, removing this study of the analysis, the effect size d) Implement a control group that not received any type of fatty
was reduced but remain significant in favor to n-3 PUFAs acids, specially n-6 PUFAs, or standardize the profile of lipids
supplementation. on both intervention and control formulas where the n-3
Other limitations include: low number of studies assessing the PUFAs amounts is the unique difference;
effects on n-3 PUFAs on cytokines and CRP (despite the large effect e) Collect and describe data about the surgical procedures such
size found for IL-6 and TNF-a meta-analysis, we suggest caution in as surgical time and blood loss during operation;
its interpretation); some studies did not provide numerical data f) Describe the use of any medicine used before, during, and
(mean and SD) to include in a meta-analysis (we tried to contact the after the surgery, especially anti-inflammatory and antibi-
authors of these articles, but neither returned); all studies pre- otics drugs;
sented risk of bias; and, the publication bias was not assessed due g) Implement a technique to ensure the compliance in the n-3
the low number of included studies. PUFAs consumption such as to determine the fatty acids

Please cite this article in press as: Mocellin MC, et al., A meta-analysis of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on circulating acute-phase
protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),
10 M.C. Mocellin et al. / Clinical Nutrition xxx (2017) 1e11

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protein and cytokines in gastric cancer, Clinical Nutrition (2017),

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