Shear Transfer in Reinforced Concrete - Recent Research PDF

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Alan H. Mattock
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

Neil M. Hawkins
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

Shows how concrete strength, shear plane

characteristics, reinforcement, and direct stress
affect the shear transfer strength of reinforced
concrete. Fundamental behavior of test specimens
under load is reported, and hypotheses to explain the
behavior are developed. It is concluded that
shear-friction provisions of ACI 318-71 give a
conservative estimate of shear-transfer strength
below the stated limit of 800 psi. A design equation
to develop higher shear transfer strength
is presented.

Test program 4. Direct stresses acting parallel and

transverse to the shear plane.
Shear transfer across a definite plane The influence of the first three fac-
must frequently be considered 'in the tors has been studied in tests( 3 ) of mon-
design of precast concrete connec- olithically cast "push-off" specimens as
tions t1 2r . A continuing study of the
f seen in Fig. 1(a). Tests( 45 ) to study the
factors affecting shear transfer strength influence of direct stresses acting paral-
is in progress at the University of lel and transverse to the shear plane
Washington. Factors so far included in were made on the "pull-off" and mod-
the study are as follows: ified push-off specimens shown in Figs.
1. The characteristics of the shear 1(b) and 1(c) respectively. In all cases,
plane the shear transfer reinforcement
2. The characteristics of the rein- crosses the shear plane at right angles
forcement and is securely anchored so that it can
3. The concrete strength develop its yield strength in tension.

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 55

Type Aҟ Type BҟTy C
Pҟ Shear Transfer P

it Iҟ̀



-- —i— —


(a)ҟ (b)ҟ (c)

Fig. 1. Shear transfer test specimens: (a) push-of}; (b) pull -off; (c) modified push -off

Additional reinforcement is provided mal stress. The test program is sum-

away from the shear plane, to prevent marized in Table 1.
failures other than along the shear The specimens were subjected to
plane. The length and width of the monotonic loading to failure. In all
shear planes were 10 x 5 in., 12 x 43/a cases, slip along the shear plane was
in., and 12 x 6 in. (approx. 25 x 13 cm, measured, and in some instances the
30x12 cm, and 30x15 cm) in the lateral separation at the shear plane was
push-off, pull-off and modified push-off also measured. Cracks were marked on
specimens respectively. When loaded the faces of the specimens as they de-
concentrically by a force P. the shear veloped. Detailed data for Series 1 to 6
along the shear plane is equal to P in have already been published( 3 ). The
the push-off and pull-off specimens. In data for Series 7 to 10 are summarized
the modified push-off specimens, the in Tables 2 and 3. For convenience, the
concentric force P produces a shear ultimate shear strengths are expressed
force P cos 0 along the shear plane and as average shear stresses vu, obtained
a compressive normal force P sin 0 by dividing the ultimate shear force
across the shear plane. Six different V2, by the area of the shear plane bd
values of 0 were used to give different (d is the length of the shear plane and
ratios of shear stress to transverse nor- b its width).

Table 1. Test program

Test Specimen Number

series Description type of tests

1 Push-offҟtestsҟofҟ initiallyҟuncracked A 13
specimens.. Reinforcement ҟ sizeҟ con-
stant,ҟspacingҟ varies.ҟ f ° 4000ҟ psi,
f50 ksi.
2 Push -off tests of initially cracked spec- A 6
imens.ҟ Reinforcementҟ sizeҟ constant,
spacing varies. f,ҟ 4000 psi, f, o50 ksi.
3 Push -off tests of initially cracked spec- A 5
imens.ҟ Reinforcementҟ sizeҟvaries,
spacing constant. f',,4000 psi, f;50
4 Push-off testsҟ ofҟinitiallyҟ
cracked A 5
specimens. Higher strength reinforce-
ment, f,,.-; 66 ksi.ҟ Reinforcement size
constant, spacing varies. f4000 psi.
5 Push-offҟtestsҟ ofҟ initiallyҟcracked A 5
specimens.ҟ Lowҟ strengthҟ concrete,
f2500 psi. Reinforcement size con-
stant, spacing varies. f50 ksi.
6 Push -off tests of both initially cracked A 4
and uncracked specimens. Dowel ac-
tion destroyed by short rubber sleeves
on reinforcement across shear plane.
f'4000 psi, fy,50 ksi.
7 Pull-off testsҟ ofҟ initiallyҟ
uncracked B 6
specimens.ҟ Reinforcementҟ sizeҟand
spacing varies. f,5000 psi, f 9 ,50 ksi.
8 Pull-off testsҟ ofҟ initiallyҟ cracked B 6
specimens.ҟ Reinforcementҟ sizeҟ and
spacingҟ varies.ҟf,,5000ҟ psi,ҟ f=50
9 Modifiedҟ push-offҟ testsҟ ofҟ initially C 6
uncracked specimens.ҟ Reinforcement
sizeҟ constant,ҟ spacingҟ varies.ҟ Angle
9 varies (0, 15°, 30°, 45 0 ). f5500 psi,
f=52 ksi.
10 Modifiedҟ push-offҟ testsҟ ofҟ initially C 10
cracked specimens. Reinforcement size
constant, spacing varies. Angle 0 var-
ies (0, 15 0 , 30 0 , 45°, 60 0 , 75°). f'4000
and 6000 psi, f=52 ksi.

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 57

Table 2. Test data, Series 7 and 8

Reinforcement Concrete
Number of yield point, strength,
Specimen Reinforcement stirrups f9 f pf,-, v.,
number* bar size (2 legs each) ksi psi psi psi
7.1 #3 2 49.5 4850 384 851
7.2 #3 3 49.5 5120 576 908
7.3 #3 4 49.5 5050 768 974
7.4 #2 2 56.0 5410 193 567
7.5 #2 3 56.0 5070 289 609
7.6 #2 5 56.0 5100 481 846
8.1 #3 2 49.5 4850 384 697
8.2 #3 3 49.5 5120 576 888
8.3 #3 4 49.5 5050 768 925
8.4 #2 2 56.0 5410 193 521
8.5 #2 3 56.0 5070 289 572
8.6 #2 5 56.0 5100 481 746

*Specimens of Series 7 were initially uncracked; specimens of Series 8 were

cracked along the shear plane before test.

Characteristics of the shear plane. these cracks formed, there was a rela-
Mast( 2 ) pointed out the need to consid- tive longitudinal movement of the two
er the case where a crack may exist halves of the initially uncracked speci-
along the shear plane before shear is mens. This was due to rotation of the
applied. Such cracks occur for a variety short concrete struts formed by the di-
of reasons unrelated to shear, such as agonal tension cracks, when the shear
tension forces caused by restrained transfer reinforcement stretched. It was
shrinkage or temperature deformations found that if a crack exists in the shear
or accidental dropping of a member. plane before the application of shear,
Certain shear transfer test specimens then the slip at all stages of loading is
were therefore cracked along the shear greater than when such a crack does
plane by the application of transverse not exist.
line loads, before application of shear A crack in the shear plane reduces
loading. the ultimate shear strength of under-
Slip was measurable from the begin- reinforced specimens (Fig. 2). The de-
ning of the shear test for the initially crease is greater in the push-off speci-
cracked specimens. However, no move- mens than in the pull-off specimens.
ment occurred in the initially uncrack- The shear strength of the initially
ed Type A specimens until diagonal cracked specimens is not directly pro-
tension cracks became visible at shear portional to the amount of reinforce-
stresses of from 500 to 700 psi (35-49 ment. Because of the observed weak-
kgf/cm2). These cracks crossed the ening effect of a crack in the shear
shear plane at an angle of from 40 to plane, most of the subsequent tests
50 deg. They were each about 2 in. were made on initially cracked speci-
(5 cm) long, spaced 1 to 2 in. (2% to 5 mens, in order to obtain lower bound
cm) apart along the shear plane. After values of shear strength.

ti Table 3. Test data, Series 9 and 10

Reinforcement Concrete
yield strength,
Specimen Angle 0, Number of point, f, f, pf, o-, pf3, +o- , v, Failure
number" deg. bars"' ksi psi psi psi psi psi type"'
9.1 45 10 52.4 5500 800 2460 3260 2460 S
9.2 30 12 52.2 5500 956 1480 2436 2560 S
9.3 15 12 52.3 3940 976 406 1382 1515 S
9.4 0 12 53.7 3940 985 0 985 1389 S
9.5 30 8 51.0 6440 623 1655 2278 2870 S
9.6 30 4 51.0 6440 312 1600 1912 2770 S
10.1 75 6 51.8 3450 475 3220 3695 862 C
10.2 75 6 52.0 4390 476 3920 4396 1049 C
10.3 60 8 51.8 3450 632 2780 3412 1610 C
10.4 60 8 53.0 4390 648 3060 3708 1770 C
10.5 45 10 52.7 4630 805 2265 3070 2265 S
10.6 30 12 52.0 4630 954 1250 2204 2165 S
10.7 15 12 52.4 4020 962 387 1349 1445 S
10.8 0 12 53.7 4020 985 0 985 1115 S
10.9 30 8 51.0 5800 623 1490 2113 2590 S
10.10 30 4 51.0 5800 312 813 1125 1410 S

1. Specimens of Series 9 were initially uncracked; specimens of Series 10 were cracked along the shear plane before test.
2. All reinforcing bars were No. 3's arranged in pairs crossing the shear plane.
3. S = shear; C = compression.



+ i

Series Iҟ

/ҟ Series 7


Uncracked i//0.
/ /ҟ o
300 °
/ /ҟ
Series 2
/ҟ i+ҟ Initially crackedҟo
sooҟ+' /ҟ
(psi) in shear plane

tooҟ ,/Series 8
/ҟ Initially cracked
f^ 4000 psl
WO j, in shear plane
fy - 50 ksiҟ

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800
pfy (psi)

Fig. 2. Variation of shear transfer strength reinforcement parameter pf y, with and

without an initial crack along the shear plane

Iҟ Iҟ
Iҟ i

l00 ° -

Series 3ҟ °
00 Bar size varies,ҟ +
spacing constant
>ooҟ + 0 -

300 °ҟ
Series 2 -
(psi) Bar size constant,
spacing variesҟ -
300 0 /ҟ

Foo /ҟ -
f^-4000 psi, fy^50ksi
!00 -1ҟ Specimens initially cracked -

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

p fy (psi)

Fig. 3. Effect of stirrup bar size and spacing on the shear

transfer strength of initially cracked push-off specimens

Characteristics of the reinforcement. way in which p is changed does not
The reinforcement parameter pf,, can affect the relationship between shear
be changed by varying either the rein- strength and the reinforcement para-
forcement ratio p, the reinforcement meter pf,
yield strength f, or both. Also, for a In the tests so far discussed the shear
given shear plane the reinforcement ra- transfer reinforcement had a yield
tio can be changed by changing the strength of about 50 ksi (3500 kgf/
bar size and/or the bar spacing. In cm2). A group of push-off specimens
Fig. 3, the results of tests of Series 2 was therefore tested in which the rein-
and 3 are compared to determine forcement had a yield strength of 66
whether the way in which the rein- ksi (4640 kgf/cm2), to check whether
forcement ratio is changed has any ef- the relationship between v 2 and pfy
fect on the relationship between ulti- was independent of fy , and also to check
mate shear strength and the reinforce- whether it was possible to develop the
ment parameter pf,. In Series 2, p was yield strength of this higher strength
changed by varying the stirrup spacing, steel. It was found that for given val-
the bar size (No. 3) (9.5 mm) being ues of pf, the specimens with 66 ksi
constant. In Series 3, P was changed by steel had slightly higher shear strengths
varying the bar size between '/s in. than the specimens reinforced with the
diam. and No. 5 (3.2 and 15.9 mm) 50 ksi steel. This appears to indicate
while maintaining a constant spacing that at ultimate strength the higher
of 5 in. (12.7 cm). Fig. 3 shows that the strength steel stirrups developed a stress

Series 2
fc''- 4000 psi
1000ҟ 0ҟ

Series 5, f2500psi

fy = 50 ksi
Specimens initially cracked

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

p fyҟ

Fig. 4. Effect of concrete strength on the shear transfer

strength of initially cracked push -off specimens

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 61

greater than their yield point, i.e., strain closely for the tests of initially un-
hardening had occurred. This is quite cracked push-off specimens reported
possible, as the yield plateau of the here, and also for tests of larger initial-
higher strength reinforcement was con- ly uncracked composite push-off speci-
siderably shorter than that of the in- mens reported by Anderson< 7 ). In the
termediate grade reinforcement. It push-off test, direct compressive stresses
therefore appears conservative to as- exist parallel to the shear plane, and
sume that the relationship between pf,, these were taken into account in the
and v,4 is the same for higher strength calculation.
reinforcement as for intermediate grade Using this method of calculation, an
reinforcement, provided the yield analytical study was made of the influ-
strength does not exceed 66 ksi. ence on shear transfer strength of direct
stress parallel to the shear plane. From
Concrete strength. The effect of varia-
these calculations it appeared that if a
tion in concrete strength on the shear
direct tension stress existed parallel to
strength of initially cracked push-off
the shear plane, then the shear transfer
specimens is illustrated in Fig. 4. The
strength would increase more slowly,
specimens of Series 2 and 5 were iden-
as pfy was increased, than in the push-
tical in all respects except for concrete
off test where a direct compressive
strength, Series 2 having 4000 psi (281
stress exists parallel to the shear plane.
kgf/cm2) concrete and Series 5 hav-
This conclusion was disturbing from the
ing 2500 psi (176 kgf/cm2) concrete.
designer's point of view, since in many
For values of pf, below about 600 psi
practical situations there is a direct ten-
(42 kgf/cm2) the concrete strength
sile stress parallel to the shear plane. It
does not appear to affect the shear
was therefore decided to study this
transfer strength. For higher values of
problem with pull-off tests using speci-
pf y the shear strength is lower for the mens of the type shown in Fig. 1(b).
lower strength concrete. The concrete
The shear is applied to the shear plane
strength therefore appears to set an
by a concentric tension force acting on
upper limit value of pf., below which
the specimen through steel brackets
the relationship between v,, and pf„ es-
bolted to longitudinal reinforcing bars
tablished for 4000 psi concrete would
embedded in the specimen on either
hold for any strength of concrete equal
side of the shear plane. In these speci-
to or greater than the strength being
mens a direct tension stress exists paral-
considered, and above which the shear
lel to the shear plane, the average in-
strength increases at a lesser rate for
tensity of which is about half the inten-
the concrete strength being considered.
sity of the applied shear stress. In the
This change in behavior is discussed
push-off specimens tested previously, a
direct compressive stress existed paral-
Direct stress parallel to the shear plane. lel to the shear plane, the average in-
In an earlier report( 3 ) a method was tensity of which was equal to that of
proposed for the calculation of the the applied shear stress.
shear transfer strength of initially un-
The ultimate shear strengths of the
cracked concrete. This was based on
pull-off and push-off specimens are
the average shear and normal stresses
acting on a concrete element in the compared in Fig. 5. For initially un-
shear plane, and made use of the fail- cracked specimens, the pull-off tests
ure envelope for concrete proposed by gave lower shear strengths than the
Zia( 6 ). This approach predicted the re- push-off tests, indicating that a direct
lationship between v,, and p f,, very tension stress parallel to the shear plane

200 Push - off tests,
Push-off tests,
1000 Series 2 & 3 ^" o o _

o .
(psi) +0'
600 0 +Z
'Pull-off tests, -+o
Series • PuII-off. tests,
Series 8ҟ -

200 400 600 800ҟ
0ҟ 200 400 600 800 1000
p fy (psi)

Fig. 5. Effect on shear transfer strength of direct stress acting parallel to the shear

is detrimental to shear transfer strength parallel to the shear plane may be ig-
in initially untracked concrete. How- nored in design for shear transfer, if the
ever, the reduction in shear strength ap- design is based on the relationship be-
pears to be due to a reduction in the tween v,, and p f, obtained in tests of
cohesion contribution of the concrete, initially cracked specimens.
and the rate of increase in v,, with in-
crease in pfy is approximately the same Direct stress transverse to the shear
in both the pull-off and push-off tests. plane. The effect of compressive
This indicates that the method of calcu- stresses acting transverse to the shear
lation proposed earlier( 3 ) is faulty and plane was studied in Series 9 and 10.
cannot be extrapolated to the case of Modified push-off specimens were used,
the pull-off test. as shown in Fig. 1(c). The depth of
For specimens cracked along the the block-outs in the specimens was
shear plane before being loaded in adjusted so that the length of the shear
shear, the shear strengths of the push- plane joining their ends remained con-
off and the pull-off specmiens are es- stant as the angle 0 varied. A system of
sentially the same for any given value rollers on the top of the specimen per-
of p f y. This is important practically, mitted separations to develop, even for
since it indicates that direct stresses relatively large applied loads. The spec-

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 63

Series 10
Initially cracked,
/Modified push-off tests
^lҟ x
Xҟ x•
Concrete failureҟ
envelopeҟ ^•^"ҟ̀ ^-
1500ҟ Series 9
vҟ ^•-O° ;^+ Uncracked,
°ҟ ^' ° ҟModified push-off tests
(psi)ҟ /ҟ .F
o o^X
1000/ d'ҟ ^•X+
' °°ҟ''+
,ҟ Untracked,
+ҟPush-off tests

500Initially cracked,
Push-off testsҟ f° 4000 psi
fy = 50 ksi

500ҟ 1500ҟ

(arNX + p fy)ҟ
Normal stressҟ (psi)

Fig. 6. Effect on shear transfer strength of direct stress acting transverse to the
shear plane

imens of Series 10 were initially crack- 0 of 30 deg. or less, failure occurred

ed along the shear plane, while those with a continuous crack propagating
of Series 9 were initially uncracked. through the diagonal tension cracks,
Failures were characterized by a along the shear plane. Deformations de-
shearing action along the shear plane veloped rapidly after diagonal tension
when angle 6 was 45 deg. or less, and cracking, at a rate which increased con-
by a crushing failure across the plane tinuously with increasing load, but de-
for 6 of 60 or 75 deg. The deformations creased as 6 increased. The slips at
of the initially uncracked specimens failure were in excess of 0.03 in. (0.76
were extremely small until diagonal mm) and the separations were large
tension cracks developed across the enough to indicate yielding of the rein-
shear plane at about 60 to 70 percent of
forcement when 6 was 30 deg. or less.
the ultimate strength. As in the push-
For the specimens with 0 equal to 45
off specimens, these cracks formed at an
angle of about 45 deg. to the shear deg., separations did not develop rap-
plane. They were about 2 in. (5 cm) idly until immediately prior to failure.
long, and between 1 and 2 in. (2 1/z to For the specimens with 0 of 30 deg.
5 cm) apart. In specimens with angle and having differing values of pf9, the

load-slip relationships were not influ- ON + pf was greater than 0.3 f f, and
enced by the value of pfy until immedi- the ratio of ONw to pfy was simultane-
ately prior to failure, ously greater than 1.3. (An initially
Significant deformations of the pre- cracked specimen having ON5 /pfy
cracked specimens occurred from the equal to 2.6, but with ON, + pf v of
commencement of loading. The initial only 0.2f ' developed a strength almost
stiffnesses were almost identical for 0 identical with that of a simple push-off
ranging from 45 to 75 deg. When 0 was specimen having pfy equal to 0.2f.)
between 0 and 45 deg., the initial stiff- Further investigations are needed to
ness increased with both 8 and the val- define completely the effect on shear
ue of pf . When shearing failures oc- transfer strength of the ratio of o- Nx to
curred, the ultimate slips were similar pf, of direct tensile stresses acting
to those observed in initially uncracked transverse to the shear plane, and of
specimens. Separations began to devel- applying the shearing force after the
op rapidly at three-quarters of the ulti- direct stress has been increased to its
mate load, for 0 between 0 and 30 deg. maximum value.
For. 0 equal to 45 deg., separations did
not develop until immediately prior to
collapse, while for angles 0 of 60 and Hypotheses for behavior
75 deg. only contractions occurred.
Separations at ultimate were as large Shear transfer behavior of initially un-
as 0.06 in. (1.52 mm). cracked concrete with reinforcement
The ultimate shear strengths of the normal to the shear plane. External
modified push-off specimens which had loads are assumed to cause a shear
shearing type failures are compared in stress v along the shear plane and di-
Fig. 6 with results from the push-off rect stresses 0Ny and o- Na parallel to
tests of Series 1, 2 and 3. In this figure and normal to the shear plane, respec-
the data from Series 9 and 10 are nor- tively. As loading begins the concrete is
malized to a concrete strength f of uncracked; the transverse reinforce-
4100 psi (288 kgf/em2), the average ment is unstressed and therefore
concrete strength of the specimens in does not contribute an additional direct
stress across the shear plane.
Series 1 and 2. The values of applied
normal stress o-Nx and of v,., were mul- Several short diagonal tension cracks
tiplied by the ratio 4100/f.. The total will occur along the length of the shear
normal compressive stress across the plane and inclined to it at an angle a
when, under increasing shear, the' print
shear plane is assumed to be equal to
cipal tensile stress in the concrete be-
o + pf,. Also shown in Fig.' 6 is a
comes equal to the tensile strength of
failure envelope for concrete with a
the concrete. The angle a will depend
cylinder strength of 4100 psi. The in-
upon the particular combination of v;
trinsic shape of this failure envelope
o-N and ^^„ existing at the time of
was obtained from biaxial tests of con-
cracking. In push-off tests without,addi-
crete reported by Kupfer, Hilsdorf and
tional externally applied direct stress
Rusch( 8 ). The assumption that ONx.
a is usually about 45 deg..
may be added to pf, when estimating When the shear load is further in-
vu can be seen to be conservative for creased a truss action develops, as
all values of °N• Furthermore, under shown in Fig. 7(a). Diagonal struts of
certain conditions, the shear strength concrete are formed by the y short, paral-
can be as large as the intrinsic strength lel diagonal tension cracks. When'4the
of the concrete. This occurred when shear acts on the truss, the struts tend to

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 65

Shear Plane

C - Compression
Appliedҟ in strut
Appliedҟ a, shear, V

shearҟ --V

N T Iҟ
Cҟ V
T 'N

Externallyҟ V' I T+N

V' - Shear
in strut
applied forceҟ,`y

N TI IT N a x^

ReinforcementҟV oy,xly'

Diagonalҟ / ^\
tension cracksҟ y
(a)ҟ (c)

Fig. 7. Shear transfer in initially untracked concrete

rotate and so stress the transverse rein- Consider an element of concrete

forcement. Because the diagonal struts lying in the shear plane, at the middle
are continuous with the concrete on of the thickness of a strut. With refer-
both sides of the shear plane, there will ence to coordinates x' and y', the
be both compression and transverse stresses acting on the element will be
shear in the strut. The applied shear is as shown in Fig. 7(c). They comprise
therefore resisted by the components of a campression a-y acting parallel to the
the strut compression and shear forces direction of the diagonal tension cracks,
acting parallel to the shear plane, as and shear stresses r' 5 ' oriented as
shown in Fig. 7(b). shown. Because the faces of the strut
The reinforcement crossing the shear formed by the diagonal tension cracks
plane will eventually develop its yield are unloaded free surfaces, o- x is zero.
strength A„ffy, provided a failure of The pairs of values of a' and r,,, at
the concrete does not occur first. Fail- failure of the concrete can be obtained
ure will finally occur when the con- from the failure envelope for the con-
crete struts fail under the combined crete using the geometrical construc-
action of compression and shear in the tion shown in Fig. 8. A succession of
struts, while the reinforcement contin- Mohr circles is drawn tangent to the
ues to develop its yield strength. failure envelope. The intersection of

any particular circle and the T axis If a =45 deg., then
will define the point (o-', r''), since
^= 2 (1a)
a-„ is zero. The diametrically opposite —Txv
point on the circle must therefore be
the point (o- v . , T''), where a,' and a'v =2 + Tx (2a)
T y are a pair of stresses corresponding
to failure of the concrete.
The state of stress in the element on Tye —
-- 2
0-^ (3a)
the shear plane can also be expressed
as o-, o- and rxy with respect to the Since pairs of values of cry, and T5
axes x and y, normal and parallel to the corresponding to failure of the concrete
shear plane, respectively. These stresses can be obtained as shown in Fig. 8, it
can be stated in terms of and TX y is possible to calculate values of max.,
-y and Txy which correspond to failure
as follows:
of the concrete.
(TX = cr y,' sin2 a — 2Tx sin a cos a (1) Now at failure, o- is the direct stress
acting across the shear plane as a re-
o-y = cry cos2 a + 2 T' sin a cos a (2) sult of the shear transfer reinforcement
T ^. 71 = —^- sin a cos a being stressed to yield, plus any ex-
+ r '!, (cos t a — sin e a) (3) ternally applied direct stress (TN;ü act-

Concrete failure envelope

Combinations of oy.and txlyl

corresponding to failure.


Fig. 8. Derivation of combinations of may, and Tx,, which cause failure

of the concrete

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 67


Calculated; K = 1.0 , a 45°


/' ••ҟCalculated; K=0.84,x.=45°


Test data, Series I,

Initially uncracked

0 500 1000 1500 2000

pfy (psi)

Fig. 9. Comparison of calculated and test shear transfer strengths of

initially uncracked push-off specimens

ing across the shear plane at failure, stress o- is zero or small, the con-
i.e. crete struts must rotate slightly in order
to strain the transverse reinforcement.
Avd+ a-N.x — pfv + O N.x (4)
^^— bd
This causes the ends of the diagonal
tension cracks to propagate parallel to
Where A„f is the total cross-sectional the shear plane for a short distance.
area of shear transfer reinforcement, As a result, the shear stress in the strut
and f its yield strength. Also, -r, is the is increased locally to a value higher
shear stress in the shear plane, at the than the average shear stress v 14 based
center of a strut. We may then write, on the total area of the shear plane.
Failure then tends to shift from the
vu — bd
v — KTxy (5) shear plane •to a parallel plane con-
taining the ends of the cracks, and oc-
Hence if a=45 deg., then vu = curs when the locally higher shear
—Ko-y /2 and p f + o- = (o /2 stress reaches a critical value. The di-
r'5') . The value of the coefficient K agonal struts at each end of the shear
would be 1.0 if the shear stresses were plane may be incomplete, depending
uniformly distributed across the strut, on the exact location of the diagonal
and could be as low as 0.67 if the shear tension cracks. In an extreme case this
stress distribution across the strut were could reduce the total effective cross-
parabolic. When the external normal section resisting shear by an amount

equal to the width of the shear plane of the shear stress. The diagonal tension
multiplied by the projected length on crack angle a which corresponds to this
the shear plane of a single diagonal is 52 deg. This increase in the crack
tension crack. Both of the foregoing angle from 45 to 52 deg, would lead to
types of behavior can be expected to a reduction in calculated strength of
result in K becoming less than 1.0. about 10 percent, other characteristics
Using Eqs. (1) and (3) it is therefore remaining the same. The actual reduc-
possible to calculate pairs of values of tion found in the pull-off tests was
(p f, + o-) and v2, corresponding to greater than this, indicating that the K
shear transfer failure, provided some value is less in the pull-off specimen
value can be assigned to the coeffi- than in the push-off specimen. The ex-
cient K. The actual distribution of shear tension of the ends of the diagonal ten-
stress across each strut will probably sion cracks parallel to the shear plane
be intermediate between the uniform was more marked in the pull-off tests
and parabolic distributions. In Fig. 9 than in the push-off tests. For a given
the calculated relationship between v, applied shear, this would increase the
and pf,,, corresponding to an average local intensity of shear stress in the
value of 0.84 for K and the assumption pull-off specimen. This increase would
that angle a is 45 deg., is seen to be in result in failure at a lower average
reasonably close agreement with results shear stress, corresponding to a reduc-
obtained in push-off tests of initially tion in the value of K.
untracked specimens in which w, was
zero. Also shown are the relationship Shear transfer behavior of initially
between v,, and pf0 corresponding to a cracked concrete with reinforcement
value of 1.0 for K, and the failure en- normal to the shear plane. When an
velope used in the calculations. The initially cracked specimen is loaded in
intrinsic shape of the failure envelope shear, slip will occur along the shear
was obtained from biaxial tests of con- plane. The faces of the crack are rough
crete reported by Kupfer, Hilsdorf and and hence when slip occurs, the crack
Rusch( 8 ). Use was made of data re- faces are forced to separate. This sep-
ported for a concrete having a ratio of aration causes tension strains in the re-
tensile to compressive strength corre- inforcement crossing the shear plane.
sponding to that of the concrete used The tension force so induced in the re-
in the push-off specimens, (f1/f' — inforcement is balanced by an equal
1/12.33). compression force acting across the
The results of the modified push-off crack. This compression force produces
tests in which the ratio of o- ,x to p f„ is a frictional resistance to sliding be-
greater than 1.3 agree reasonably well tween the faces of the crack, thus op-
with calculations assuming K = 1.0. In posing the applied shear. The relative
this case the ends of the cracks do not movement of the concrete on opposite
propagate parallel to the shear plane, sides of the crack also subjects the indi-
and therefore the total cross section of vidual reinforcing bars to a shearing
the shear plane acts to resist the ap- action. The resistance of the bars to
plied shear. this shearing action, sometimes referred
In the pull-off specimens a direct to as dowel action, also contributes to
tensile stress existed parallel to the the shearing resistance.
shear plane at the time of diagonal ten- In an under-reinforced shear plane,
sion cracking. The intensity of the di- the separation of the crack faces is
rect tensile stress was half the intensity eventually sufficient to strain the rein-

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 69

forcement to its yield point. At ulti- p f ^. Direct stresses parallel to the shear
mate strength therefore, the compres- plane will not affect either the friction-
sion force across the crack is equal to al resistance to sliding along the shear
the yield strength of the reinforcement plane, or the dowel effect. Hence a
A,ffy . The frictional resistance to shear change in this longitudinal direct stress
along the crack is then equal to this from tension to compression does not
force multiplied by the coefficient of affect the shear transfer strength in this
friction for concrete. In addition to the case.
frictional resistance to shear, there is In a heavily reinforced shear plane,
also shear resistance due to the dowel or one subject to a substantial exter-
action of the reinforcement crossing the nally applied normal compressive stress,
crack in the shear plane, and the re- it is possible for the theoretical shear
sistance to shearing off of asperities resistance due to friction and dowel ef-
projecting from the faces of the crack. fects to become greater than the shear
It is hypothesized that the frictional which would cause failure in an initial-
resistance to sliding and the reinforce- ly uncracked specimen having the same
ment dowel effect are the principal physical characteristics. In such a case,
contributors to shear resistance. This the crack in the shear plane "locks up"
view is supported by the fact that for and the behavior and ultimate strength
values of pf greater than 200 psi (14 then become the same as for an initial-
kgf/cm2), the slope of the curve relat- ly uncracked specimen. When this oc-
ing v,, and pfy is equal to the coeffi- curs, the shear strength becomes de-
cient of friction between formed con- pendent upon the concrete strength,
crete surfaces measured by Gaston and whereas before it was independent.
Kriz ( 9 ) . Further, when the dowel action This change in behavior corresponds to
was destroyed in two initially cracked the change in slope of the v,u /p f curve
push-off specimens (Series 6), the shear for 2500 psi (176 kgf /cm2) concrete
strength dropped almost to that which in Fig. 4. In Fig. 2 it can also be seen
could be provided by friction alone. In that at the highest values of pfy , the
these specimens the reinforcement be- strengths of both initially cracked and
came kinked at ultimate, and hence a initially uncracked specimens are the
component of the reinforcement force same.
acted along the shear plane. It is In a moderately to heavily reinforced
thought that the excess strength of shear plane, diagonal tension cracks
these specimens above the frictional may form at angle a to the shear plane,
resistance was due to this kinking ef- but failure still occurs by sliding along
fect. the crack in the shear plane at an ulti-
The concrete strength does not ap- mate shear strength less than that of the
pear to affect the shear transfer strength corresponding initially uncracked speci-
of an initially cracked under-reinforced
specimen. This is consistent with the
shear strength being primarily devel-
Shear transfer in design
oped by friction, since the coefficient of
friction is independent of the concrete
Section 11.15 of the ACI Building
strength. The behavior hypothesis also Code, ACI 31871( 0 ), allows design
explains why the shear transfer strength for shear transfer to be based on the
of initially cracked pull-off and push- "shear-friction" hypothesis proposed by
off specimens are the same for the same Birkeland(') and Mast( 2 ). This is a sim-
value of the reinforcement parameter plification for design purposes of the

Specimens initially cracked
1400 O —ff = 4000psiҟ O
Push—off { • —f'e = 2500psi ҟ
Pull — off A — f = 5100psiҟO
1200 0 O/

1000 0/0ҟ


/ o v„ = pfyr(
800 • •-
p V„ = 800psi
600 op
pQҟ Limit for ff = 2500psi, (0.2fc)

0ҟ _ A Vf fy
b d N = pffy

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


Fig. 10. Comparison of shear transfer strength calculated using the

shear friction provisions of ACI 318-71 with measured strengths of
initially cracked push -off and pull-off specimens

hypothesis for the behavior of initially other factors. For a crack in monolithic
cracked concrete described above. In concrete, p. is taken as 1.4. For conser-
the shear-friction approach, it is as- vative calculation of strength, the shear
sumed that for some unspecified rea- transfer strength is limited to 0.2f' or
son a crack exists in the shear plane. 800 psi (56 kgf/cm2) whichever is the
The shear resistance is then assumed to less. The shear-friction equation may
be developed entirely by the frictional be written as
resistance to sliding of one crack face
over the other, when acted upon by a Avrf,
v, = bd .µ =pfyl-. (6)
normal force equal to the yield strength
of the reinforcement crossing the shear but not more than 0.2f' or 800 psi.
plane. A fictitiously high value of the In Fig. 10 the shear transfer strength
coefficient of friction p. is used to com- calculated according to Eq. (6) is indi-
pensate for neglect of dowel action and cated by unbroken lines and is com-

PCI Journal / March.-April 1.972 71

Specimens initially crackedҟ0
O - fy = 4000psiҟ *Oҟ
1400 Push-off { • - Z = 250opsi 0
Pull-off A-fc' = 510opsiҟ 0
1200 Modified {O - ff = 4000psi
Push-off • -fc = 5800psiҟ 0 0ҟ
ҟ limit,
1000 0 0 0ҟ •
Vu 0
800 • •
(psi) 0 A! limit, fe' = 2500 psi
600 OA
LQ Equation (7)

400 vu = 200psi + 0.8(pfy + o-Nx)

but not more than 0.3fc,
minimum (p fy + oj,^) = 200psi
I 1 I

( pfy t ONx )ҟ

Fig. 11. Comparison of shear transfer strength calculated using Eq. (7)
with the measured strengths of initially cracked push-off, pull -off and
modified push-off specimens

pared with the measured strength of Design Handbook( 11 ) suggests that this
all the initially cracked push-off and reinforcement may be designed using
pull-off specimens tested in the pro- Eq. (6), providing that itt is multiplied
gram reported here. It can be seen. that by (300 /p f y + 0.50) when •p f 5 ex-
the provisions of ACI 318-71 yield r a ceeds 600 psi (42 kgf/cm2). This pro-
conservative estimate of the shear trans- posal is indicated by the broken line in
fer strength of concrete cracked along Fig. 10. It can be seen that this pro-
the shear plane. However, it is also posal is in accord with the trend of the
clear that shear stresses considerably in experimental data for concrete strengths
excess of the arbitrary upper limit of greater than 2500 psi (176 kgf /cm2)

800 psi (56 kgf/cm2) can be devel- and for shear strengths less than about
oped if appropriate reinforcement is 1300 psi (91 kgf/cm2). A deficiency in
provided and the concrete strength is this proposal is that no upper limit on
high enough. Section 6.1.9 of the PCI either pf,5 or v, is specified.

1200ҟ -

1000ҟ -

° •ҟvu 800psi
• ' O
• •O
pSlҟ °ҟ •ҟ •ҟr•ҟ imit, fr= 2000psi

600ҟ ҟ• a • ^^^`^
0 00•* •ҟ
fc = 2000psi

•ҟAS'o ^J Equation (7)

400 ©ҟ
a °ҟS®.0ҟ -
limit, f"= 2000psi
g °o'° o° o ' Equation (6) • - Nuii/Vu ° ^/2
° ® o °°^ҟ N= 1.40 °-
^^ҟ = 3/4ҟ -
200ҟ OEҟ -I--ҟ
(Shear- o -ҟ ..ҟ = vl
X - ҟ =5/4
Circled ppints, corbels with stirrups

0ҟ 200ҟ
100ҟ 300ҟ
(pfy + a-NX ) _ (pfy – N„/bd) psi

Fig. 12. Comparison of the shear strength of corbels calculated using Eqs. (6) and
(7) with the measured strengths of tested corbels

An alternate approach, simpler to ap- with the measured strength of all the
ply in design, would be the use of the initially cracked specimens tested in the
following equation for shear transfer program reported here and is seen to
across a crack in monolithic concrete be a lower bound to the data. Eq. (7)
is slightly less conservative than Eq. (6)
v,, = 200 psi + 0.8 ( pf5 + o-,,) (7) for (pfy + a-,,,) less than 333 psi (23
with the restrictions that v,,, shall be kgf/cm2) and slightly more conserva-
not more than 0.3 f' and (pfy + o) tive for values of (p f5 + ON) between
shall be not less than 200 psi (14 kgf/ 333 and 572 psi (23 and 40 kgf/cm2),
cm2). 0N, is the externally applied di- the limit of applicability of Eq. (6) ac-
rect stress acting across the shear cording to ACI 318-71.
plane, taken as positive for a compres- The results reported here validate
sive stress and negative for a tensile Eq. (7) for values of (p f y + ON) up to
stress. In Fig. 11, Eq. (7) is compared 1400 psi (99 kgf/cm 2), when 0,, is

PCI Journal / March-April 1972 73

zero or compressive. The results re- 2. Higher shear transfer strengths
ported by Kriz and Raths( 12 ) for corbels than the upper limit of 800 psi (56
subjected to shear and to tension forces kgf /cm2 ) specified in ACI 318-71 can
in the direction of the reinforcement, be developed if appropriate reinforce-
indicate that there are a wide variety ment is provided and the concrete
of conditions for which Eq. (7) is also strength is adequate. Such reinforce-
valid for values of t e,,, which are ten- ment may be proportioned using Eq.
sile. In Fig. 12 Eqs. (6) and (7) are (7).
compared with data from Kriz' and
Raths' corbel tests. In plotting Fig. 12,
Concerning fundamental behavior.
v,, was taken as the nominal shear stress
at yield of the tension reinforcement, 1. A pre-existing crack along the
or at ultimate strength of the corbel shear plane will both reduce the ulti-
if the yield of the tension reinforcement mate shear transfer strength and in-
did not occur. In accordance with Kriz' crease the slip at all levels of load.
and Raths' findings and as required by 2. Changes in strength, size, and
Section 11.14 of ACI 318-71, the re- spacing of reinforcement affect the
inforcement ratio p was taken as (A8 + shear transfer strength only insofar as
A h)/ bd when shear only acted on the they change the value of the reinforce-
corbel and as A 3 /bd when both shear ment parameter pf, for fy :66 ksi
V,, and tension N,, acted on a corbel. (4640 kgf/cm2).
In this latter case, Jrx = N,1 /bd. It 3. In initially cracked concrete, the
can be seen that, providing the limita- concrete strength sets an upper limit
tions placed on them are observed, value for pf9 below which the relation-
both Eqs. (6) and (7) yield conserva- ship between v, and pf, is indepen-
tive estimates of the ultimate strength dent of concrete strength. Above this
of corbels. (The corbel tests considered value of pf, the shear transfer strength
included specimens for which the ratio increases at a much reduced rate for
of the tensile stress o- to the shear lower strength concrete and is equal to
stress v,, varied from 0 to 1.25, and that of similarly reinforced, initially un-
for which the ratio of moment acting cracked concrete.
on the corbel to the shear times the
4. Direct tension stresses parallel to
effective depth at the column face
the shear plane reduce the shear trans-
(a/d) varied from 0.11 to 0.62. The
fer strength of initially uncracked con-
maximum value of (pf,, — Nw/bd) was
crete, but do not reduce the shear trans-
514 psi (36 kgf/cm 2 ), and the maxi-
fer strength of concrete initially cracked
mum value of p f, considered was 700
in the shear plane.
psi (49 kgf/cm2).
5. An externally applied compres-
sive stress acting transversely to the
shear plane is additive to pfy in calcu-
lations of the ultimate shear transfer
strength of both initially cracked and
Concerning design. uncracked concrete.
1. Within their range of applicabil- 6. The shear transfer strength of ini-
ity, the shear-friction provisions of ACI tially uncracked concrete is developed
318-71 yield a conservative estimate of by a truss action after diagonal tension
the shear transfer strength of reinforced cracking. Failure occurs when the in-
concrete whether or not a crack exists clined concrete struts fail under a com-
in the shear plane. bination of shear and axial force.

7. The shear transfer strength of ini- 4. Chatterjee, P. K., "Shear Transfer
tially cracked concrete with moderate in Reinforced Concrete," MSCE
amounts of reinforcement is developed Thesis, University of Washington,
primarily by frictional resistance to slid- Seattle, June 1971.
ing between the faces of the crack and 5. Vangsirirungruang, K., "Effect of
by dowel action of the reinforcement Normal Compressive Stresses on
crossing the crack. When large amounts Shear Transfer in Reinforced Con-
of reinforcement, or sufficient external- crete," MSCE Thesis, University of
ly applied compression stresses normal Washington, Seattle, July 1971.
to the shear plane are provided, then 6. Zia, P., "Torsional, Strength of Pre-
the crack in the shear plane "locks up" stressed Concrete Members," Jour-
and shear transfer strength is developed nal of the American Concrete In-
as in initially untracked concrete. stitute, Vol. 57, No. 10, April 1961,
pp. 1337-1359.
Acknowledgments 7. Anderson, A. R., "Composite De-
signs in Precast and Cast-in-Place
This study was carried out in the Struc- Concrete," Progressive Architec-
tural Research Laboratory of the Uni- ture, Vol. 41, No. 9, September
versity of Washington, Seattle, It was 1960, pp. 172-179.
made possible by the support of donors 8. Kupfer, H., Hilsdorf, H. K. and
to the Structural Concrete Research Busch, H., "Behavior of Concrete
Fund at the University of Washington, Under Biaxial Stresses," Journal of
and by the Bethlehem Steel Corpora- the American Concrete Institute,
tion who donated reinforcing bars. Vol. 66, No. 8, Aug. 1969, pp. 656-
References 9. Gaston, J. R. and Kriz, L. B., "Con-
nections in Precast Concrete Struc-
1. Birkeland, P. W. and Birkeland, tures—Scarf Joints," Journal of the
H. W., "Connections in Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol.
Concrete Construction," Journal of 9, No. 3, June 1964, pp. 37-59.
the American Concrete Institute, 10. "Building Code Requirements for
Vol. 63, No. 3, March 1966, pp. Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-
345-368. 71)," American Concrete Institute,
2. Mast, R. F., "Auxiliary Reinforce- Detroit, Mich., 1971.
ment in Concrete Connections," 11. "PCI Design Handbook," Pre-
Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 94, ST6, stressed Concrete Institute, Chica-
June 1968, pp. 1485-1504. go, Ill., 1971.
3. Hofbeck, J. A., Ibrahim, I. O. and 12. Kriz, L. B. and Raths, C. H., "Con-
Mattock, A. H., "Shear Transfer in nections in Precast Concrete Struc-
Reinforced Concrete," Journal of tures—Strength of Corbels," Jour-
the American Concrete Institute, nal of the Prestressed Concrete In-
Vol. 66, No. 2, Feb. 1969, pp. 119- stitute, Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb. 1965,
128. pp. 16-61.

Discussion of this paper is invited.

Please forward your discussion to PCI Headquarters by July 1
to permit publication in the July-August 1972 issue of the PCI JOURNAL.

PCI Journal / March-April -1972 75

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