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Ds and Catering Neil Wood Tourism and Catering Workshop Contents Tourism today What's your job? Hotel facilities Reserving accommodation Writing a CV IT and the travel industry Who's who in hotels and restaurants Welcoming customers to a restaurant Explaining the menu At the airport Package holidays Facilities at a resort Respecting cultural traditions Giving tourist information Booking a ticket Dealing with money Checking in to a hotel Tour guide commentaries Tour itineraries Alternative holidays Dealing with complaints Tips for travellers Describing a festival Health and safety abroad Adventure holidays Ecotourism Marketing and promotion Glossary Tourism today Before you read 1 Work in pairs. Tell your partner which count ‘you most want to travel to and why. Reading 2 “Travel Tips’ is a website where people can get information or advice about travel and holidays from travel experts. Match the questions (1-3) with the answers (a-c). 1 I'd like to work in the travel industry when, eave school, What advice can you give me? 2 Im doing research on popular tourist destinations, Do you have any information? 3 My ftiends are going on a package holiday to Greece, but I donit want to spend two weeks sunbathing on the beach. I'm eighteen, and I want a different kind of holiday: Please help! 2 Gites like London, Pars, and Venice are vary popular places for sightseeing. The pyramids in Egypt and the Great Wal of China are important {outst attractions. They racoive thousands of HEM och yoar. Howover, LEME today are ahrays looking for new destinations tis now possible to visit Antarctica, to take holidays undor the 888, and even to go on holiday in space, Los of companies off organized tours with FEI These are fiento places famous fr thar art and history, like Italy or Eaypt. Or what about ‘an agverture hoiday - trekking or scube-dving? Wilde hoideys, wth actives from birdwatching to whale-watching, ere popular but can be expensive. Or you could choose independent ‘rave. lt of young people go backpacking around the world after they finish their education. You need to decide which part ofthe travel industry you want to workin, tr you ike people, ‘you could work or an itine, looking after DEESORMEE in the oir or on the ground. Or you could work n & hotel, where you would meet and ‘every day. Ifyou ike the business side more, think about working for a tour oparetor ‘the people who organize holidays) or a travel agent (the people who sell them to [SSI if you went to travel, you can become a tour leoder. SERIE tourism an cacting Vocabulary 3 Complete the definitions (1-6) with the PEELED swords in the text. 1 ____ buy produets or services 2 stay in hotels. ‘travel in planes, trains, buses, or boats. 4 ___ take groups of people on organized holidays. visit particular places or buildings. 6 —___travel to places on holiday. 4 Match the holiday activities (a-f) with the pletures (3-6). a sunbathing 4 scuba-diving b sightseeing e whale-watching © trekking 1 backpacking 33 Speaking 5 Workin pairs. 1 Make a list of some popular tourist destinations, in your own country or from around the world. 2 Describe the places on your list to the class but dont say their names. The other students have to guess the places and say whether they would like to go there. This is a city in Maly. It's very beautiful. Its got ‘canals and gonclolas instead of streets and cars + (Answer: Venice) Get real ‘Work in groups, Use maps, the Internet, or reference books to find out as much as possible about an unusual or strange destination. Report back to your class. Choose the top three unusual destinations for a class ‘tourist | information board’

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