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Puerto Galera NHS-

School Grade Level 10

Dulangan Extension
LESSON Teacher Mr. Herbert J. Magango Learning Area Science
PLAN Teaching Date January 8, 2019
Quarter Third
and Time 10:40-11:40 AM

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the
nervous and endocrine systems
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to
reproduce and survive
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies & 1. describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these
Code feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis; S10LT-IIIc-36

Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive, Endocrine, and Nervous

A. References
1. Teaching Guide pp. 144-158
2. Leaners’ Material/
pp. 182-210
3. Additional Materials from
LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or ELICIT:
presenting the new lesson Describe or explain the function of the following hormones involved in the
regulating process of female reproductive organ/ menstrual cycle:
1. Luteinizing Hormone
2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone
3. Estrogen
4. Progesterone
5. Pituitary Gland
B. Establishing a purpose for the ENGAGE:
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Why do people sweat?
the new lesson What do you think is the effect to us of sweating?
D. Discussing new concepts and EXPLORE:
practicing new skills #1 1. Nervous System Working Together with Endocrine System to Maintain
E. Discussing new concepts and Homeostasis (powerpoint presentation)
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to EXPLAIN:
Formative Assessment) Group Activity: Provide explanation to answer the given questions.
1. What might happen to a person whose nervous and endocrine systems
fail to maintain homeostasis?
G. Finding practical applications of 2. Suppose a boy skipped his lunch for the day. How will the hormones
concepts and skills in daily living (glucagon) from his pancreas help his body to cope when his blood
sugar level drops below normal?
3. Suppose a girl ate too many sweets such as candies and chocolates.
How will the hormones (insulin) from her pancreas help her body cope
with a possible blood sugar level rise above normal?
4. How do the nervous and endocrine systems respond to an increase in
environmental temperature to achieve homeostasis?
5. How do the nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems perform their
coordinated functions in various functions such as pregnancy and
childbirth, menstrual cycle, breastfeeding, and sexual intercourse?
H. Making generalizations and SUMMARY of the LESSON:
abstractions about the lesson  Homeostasis is the state reached when each part of the body functions in
equilibrium with other parts. This is attained through the regulation of the
bodily functions by the endocrine and nervous systems.
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE:
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Maintaining a stable internal condition regardless of external environment.
Examples include fever and vomiting.
A. homeostasis
B. telekinesis
C. alveoli
D. epidermis
2. A body system that controls and coordinates all body activities through
electric impulses/messages between brain, spinal cord and nerves.
A. endocrine system
B. nervous system
C. reproductive system
D. digestive system
3. A body system that controls growth and homeostasis by secreting
hormones from glands.
A. skeletal system
B. nervous system
C. endocrine sytem
D. integumentary system
4. Most bacteria that cause sickness in humans grow best at 98.6oF.
Sometimes a fever is the body's response to the bacteria. What is the
reason for developing a fever?
A. To lower the temperature of the body to kill the bacteria
B. The increase the temperature of the body to kill the bacteria
C. To allow the bacteria to take over
D. To make you feel miserable
5. Hormones and secretions of the nervous system are chemical messengers
A. store genetic information
B. carry out circulation of materials
C. extract energy from nutrients
D. coordinate system interactions

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Principal IV

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