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1. Define marine insurance and types of marine insurance.

Marine insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or
property by which cargo is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and final
Type of marine insurance:
 Marine cargo insurance: covers export- import goods carriage by sea and related-
reasonable costs
 Hull insurance: covers material loss of or damage to hull and machinery, a portion of
costs for collision liability, and other reasonable costs.
 Protection and indemnity insurance: provide cover to shipowners against third- parties
liabilities in connection with the operation of vessels

2. Present the risks that the fuselage insurer is liable under the general rules on air insurance 1991 of
Vietnam - QTC 1991.
According to the 1991 rule of Vietnam liability of the fuselage insurer is stipulated in two
conditions of insurance:
Term A - cover all risks and Term B - cover all losses.

Term A - risk insurance

- Under this condition, the insurer is liable for compensation:
+ All or part of the damage to the aircraft caused by accident (including missing aircraft) during
the insured period.
+ Necessary and reasonable expenses in the event of an emergency which the insured has
suffered due to acts intended to insure the safety of the aircraft, but not exceeding 10% of the
insured value of the aircraft.
+ Expenses for damage assessment are the responsibility of insurance

- Exclusion of insurance in the following cases:

+ In the case of natural wear and tear, decrease of the quality, breakage, failure or malfunction
occurs within any part of the aircraft as a consequence of the above phenomena within that
+Damage to any part caused by permanent destructive effects.
+ If the above circumstances cause a sudden accident to the aircraft will be compensated
according to the full provisions of Term A.

Term B - Total Loss Insurance

The insurer shall be liable for all actual or estimated total losses incurred by the aircraft due to
accidental incidents (including missing aircraft) during the insured period.
3. Nêu khái niệm và phân tích bản chất của bảo hiểm.
Definition: A contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes in
exchange for a fixed sum called premiums, to pay the other party called insured a fixed amount
of money on the happening of a certain event.
Nature of insurance
i) Insurance provides financial protection against a loss arising out of happening of an uncertain
event. A person can avail this protection by paying premium to an insurance company.
ii) Insurance is the risk transferring from the insured to the insurer
iii) Insurance works on the basic principle of risksharing.
iv) The business object in the insurance sector is risk.
4. Trình bày các rủi ro trong bảo hiểm hàng hải
• Probability or threat of a damage, injury, liability, loss, or other negative occurrence, caused by
external or internal vulnerabilities, and which may be neutralized through premediated action.
• Marine risks are the risks that occur on the sea/ the risks of the sea/ the risks related to an ocean
Types of risks
1.Base on the causes
- Acts of God: vile weather, thunderstorm and lightening, tsunami, earthquake, flood, volcanic
eruption, etc.
- Perils of the sea: ship striking upon the rocks, ship sinking, ship collision, colliding with
iceberg or other objects
- Risks caused by Social- political actions: war, SRCC (strikes, riots, civil, commotions)
- Risks caused by particular actions of people: thieve, robber
- Risks caused by other sources
2. Base on the insurance technique
a) Insured common perils: the risks that are normal insured in original insurance clauses:
• Main risks:
- Stranding: a vessel is stranded when, in consequence of some accidental or unusual occurrence,
she comes in contact with the ground or other obstruction, and remains hard and fast upon it. The
vessel needs an external force in order to getting off the stranding.
- Sinking
- Fire or explosion
- Collision
- Jettison: To throw part of the cargo or gear of the vessel overboard to lighten the load and save
the vessel. The owner of the jettisoned goods is entitled to a "general average," i.e., the loss is
shared by the owners of the vessel and the owners of the cargo which was not thrown away.
- Missing: British law: 3 times of ship’s itinerary in normal conditions (no longer than 6 months,
no shorter than 3 months)
* Auxiliary risks: theft, rain, leakage, breakage, dampness, heating, hooking, rusting
b) Relatively Excluded Perils: risks that are not included in standard insurance clauses: War,
c) Absolutely Excluded Perils: risks that are not insured in any circumstances:
• loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured
• ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-
matter insured
• loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of
the subject-matter insured
• loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured • loss
damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by a risk
insured against
• loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers,
charterers or operators of the vessel
• loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or
nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter
5. Trình bày các cách phân loại bảo hiểm.
1. Based on the mechanism of insurance operation:
a / Social insurance means the insurance regime of the State, of social organizations or of the
company, aiming to subsidize employees in case of retirement or sickness. Including: social
insurance for employees; unemployment insurance; Health Insurance…
b / Commercial insurance: is a type of insurance aimed at business nature, profit.

2. Based on the nature of insurance:

a/ Life insurance: Insurance for life and life expectancy of people
Include: BH trọn đời, BH sinh kỳ, BH tử kỳ, BH hỗn hợp, BH trả tiền định kỳ ...
- BH sinh kỳ: is the insurance for the life of the insured for a period of time. The insurer must
pay the insured amount to the beneficiary if the insured person still lives up to the time agreed
upon in the insurance contract.
- BH tử kì: is an insurance operation for cases where the insured person dies within a certain
period of time, whereby the insurer must pay the insurance money to the beneficiary if the
insured dies within the prescribed time limit. as agreed in the policy.
- Mixed insurance is a combination of life insurance and death insurance.
- BH trọn đời: is a life insurance for any insured person who died at any point in his or her life.
- BH tả tiền định kì: is an insurance for an insured person who has lived a certain period of time;
After that period, the insurer must pay the insurance premium periodically to the payee as agreed
upon in the policy.
- Associated investment insurance
- Pension insurance

b/Non-life insurance (BH phi nhân thọ):

3. Based on the insured object:

a / Assets insurance: subject matter is property: money, valuable papers ...
b/ Responsibility insurance: the subject matter is the civil liability (trách nhiệm dân sự) of the
insured for the third person or for the product.
c / Human insurance: the subject matter is human or parts of human body or related issues such
as life expectancy, life, health, accident

4. In accordance with the law: voluntary insurance and compulsory insurance.

According to the Law on Insurance Business 2000 Revised 2010, compulsory insurance
A / Civil liability insurance for motor vehicle owners;
B) Insurance of civil liability of the air carrier against passengers;
C / BH trách nhiệm nghề nghiệp for legal consultancy activities;
D) BH trách nhiệm nghề nghiệp of the insurance brokerage enterprise;
E) Fire and explosion insurance.

6. Rủi ro phụ trong bảo hiểm hàng hóa vận chuyển bằng đường biển là gì, bao gồm những
rủi ro như thế nào?..(marine cargo insurance)

The sub risk in marine cargo insurance is the accidents happen which is not related to marine
disasters that can occur at sea, on land, in the river, occurring during transportation, Delivery,
loading, unloading, storage, preservation of goods. There are risks: tear, breakage (vỡ), rust,
denting (bẹp), bending (cong), steaming, odor (maats mùi), harmfulness, contamination, contact
with other cargo, rainwater, malicious acts (hành vi ác ý), hooks, thief, non delivery ...

- Steam (hấp hơi) is the escape of water from the goods themselves, the means of transporting
the goods to the goods when the goods are in the hold, the container is poor ventilation ...
- Harmfulness (lây hại) is badly damaged goods from other goods or means of transportation
- Contamination (lây bẩn) is dirty goods, leading to poor quality.
- Rusting ( rỉ sét) of metal goods that is contaminated by weather, rain, sea water or the other
- Crane hook (móc cẩu) is a shortage of goods due to hook process while loading and unloading
goods at the port causing tearing packaging

7. Trình bày rủi ro loại trừ trong bảo hiểm hàng hóa chuyên chở bằng đường biển theo ICC

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