What 20you 20should 20know 20about 20liquid 20thermal 20expansion PDF

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PLANT SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT bd ied What you should know about liquid thermal expansion Decision flowchart aids in correct thermal relief valve requirements S. NOROUZI, Sazeh Consultants, Engineering and C Construc tran; Tehran and S. RAHIMI MOFRAD, Petrofac Engineering and Construction, Sharjah, UAE between process valves may cause limicing effects, bu it P pe rupture due co thermal expansion of blocked liquid could produce unaeceprable c sequences, especially with dangerous liquids. Most references provide proper guidelines rding thermal expansion relief valve tequitements; however, there is no straight forward method to specify when a thermal relief valve (TRV) is required. Furthermore, in the absence of a stepswise approach, sometimes the TRY is provided based on the {uid’s volume or nature (hazardous or flammability} while check ing thermal expansion's initial requirements has been mistakenly neglected TRV requirement. Fg, | js « simple flowchart represent ing questions regarding decisions for a TRV requirement for 1 specific pipe oF equipment. Equipment refers to any process volume including differene cypes of heat exchangers, ai cool crs, vessels and pumps that satisfy the liquid therm initial requirements. The decision flowchart consists of three boxes. Box I checks the ial requirements needed for initiat thermal expansion, while Box 2 investigates existing safety measures, design provisions and other alternatives that may be utilized instead of TRVs. The consequences of equipment/pipe rupture on human health, safety and environmental aspects, ‘equipment integecy, and economical and operational cost fol~ lowed by ruptures, are reviewed in Box 3. IFany of these con sequences are nor tolerated, then a TRV should be provided 10, direct the exeess blocked liquid to the confined volume such as another vesel or flare network Each question in the decision flowchart is described below in greater detail 1. The system is considered completely liquid-flled at 9 greater volume. For a ewo-phase system with ower liquid fraction, and gas syste ‘can absor’y the increase in liquid volume due co thermal expan- sion, Small vapor or gas pockets ean disappear upon h a TRV is nor usually required because existing gas ig due 0 compression andor solubilization. In contrast, multi-compo- nent mixtures with a wide boiling range can have suficient vapor preset rect coming comply iui ile The gd the sapor pocker volume is sufficient for liquid expansion.! 2. Process plant piping (on-plot piping) is not normally bMocked in, but storage or trinspore piping sections are regularly due o heating should be estimated to determine if shut in during normal operation. This is why few process lines have TRVs, ay [1-18 te system competi al of gid? not | 2 l6the line o equipment normaly blocked in or operationalemergency purposes? 3.18 the heating system temperature higher than operating liquid temperature? ee 4:1 the estimated al pressure lower than the sytem sin lis? 51s there any other orm of pressure safety device on Any | proiactod system? es | 6.15 there any administrative operating procedure, reliable system ost operator for dang the Hau ator ‘he system is bockoa in? 74s thre any roiion prevrtng tho tight blockage ofliqia? 4.4 here any weak pont inthe syst where expansion coud be rived without any major consequence? —— a — he igi eta ton oc corrosive? 10s the quid combustible or explosive? A114 the qu environmentally harm? 10° | 12:1 tne quid highly volte? 13s the pipetequipmentin ries need of sevice from a plant operation viewpoint? 4.1 he ppe/eqipment size 0 large tat me rupture cost snot tolerable? any yes {TRY nt ote ize eral een Wl oc TMV eteqe She eng sd rane aie Ket ut ‘gn wi et TR ett see Ho pe ks axa Home poses ‘Seubert tg rire cree Exception. Process lin lower tha ‘or equipmene that handle fluids ambient temperature are exceptions, In this case the answer to question ewo is yes, whether liquid blockage is normally done or no (sn, ote (in, toe) ——$$_h— >_> ¥ Ded Cosad vale ye 3-ay wae Ded Chock valve Pe Open vale fd ate valve 3. The heat source can be internal or external. An internal ing coil, heat ing jacket, heat tracing, sole radiation, radiation ftom flares and ambient temperature are external heating sources. Unlike steam and hot fluid tracing, electrical tracing isnot considered a heating heat source is usually a chemical reaction. A be ce the temperature is maintained by a control system, The maximum temperature expected from solar heating is usu ally about 60°C-70°C. A'TRY is not required if fuid temperacure is greater than heat so liquid wich relatively high operating temp keep its temperature instead of he: increase the metal surface temperature to a muuch higher tempera- cure depending on flare gas flowrate, dist External fire is not considered a heat source ifthermal expan- sion is studied fora system consisting of only pipes. The fire case is a heat source if the system includes liquid-Full equipment. In this cas, ifthe liquid’ initial boiling point at is lower than the fie temperature, an external fice leads to three sid thermal expansion, owo-phase relieving and vapor re caxe—liquid vaporization). From a pressure safety temperature, This is because blocked re tends to cool or g. Flare heat radiation can ice from» the flare and eving pressure valve (PSV) sizing viewpoint, a PSY sized for the vapor relieving, stage is adequate because the first two stages are short transient periods. If the fils boiling point is very high, the relief device should be sized only for thermal expansio 4, Inestimating pressure rise duc to thermal expansion, equa: tions recommended in API-521 section! are used. The API relation needs many design parameters, If parametets are tunknoven, the allowing simplified equation may be utilized: aut, -1) P=P a @ When calculating final pressure, the fi be known, The heating source temperature can be considered the final emperature. Generally. TRV will pop up long before liquid temperature reaches the source temperarure. In other words, a 5°C-10°C increase in liquid cemperauure is suflieient to increase nal emperature needs to the pressure from operating to design pressure, For example, the 3 | movemmen 2008 \*voROCAABON mOESSING PLANT SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ise about 4 bats for each 1°C increase in water blocked in eemperature at 20°C as per Eq, 3 caleulation: aixo “(14 ange fc) _ sale a ce! 5. The roquited relief rate due to liquid thermal expansion is very small, so if another pressure safety device is provided to protect the system fom any other emergency ease, it will relieve the presse by pop-up actin. ‘the liquid trapped between block valves isa nor mal practice done by the operator within the process pl a TRY is nor normally provided for on-plot piping, If there is any specific requirement for liquid draining, it should be clearly mencioned in shutdown or maintenance procedures. Draining 10% liquid volume is enough co prevent thermal expansion Conversely, storage area piping oF liquid transport lines (off-plot piping) due to the operation «ype ane! accessibility imitation are regularly blocked in without liquid draining. Uslizing lock-open (LO) valves can be considered a reliable preventive device since this valve type is locked in the open postion during operation and,

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