C C W S: Hillers and Hilled Ater Ystems

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Chapter-1 Introduction to Chilled Water Systems

၁.၁ What is heat? 1-1
၁.၁.၁ (Heat) 1-2
၁.၂ Unit of Refrigeration 1-2
၁.၃ Sensible Heat 1-3
၁.၄ Air Conditioning System 1-4
၁.၅ Decentralized Cooling and Heating Systems 1-6
၁.၅.၁ System Characteristics 1-6
၁.၅.၂ Decentralized System (Advantages) 1-7
၁.၅.၃ Decentralized System (Disadvantages) 1-8
၁.၆ Central Cooling and Heating Systems 1-8
၁.၆.၁ System Characteristics 1-9
၁.၆.၂ Central System (Advantages) 1-10
၁.၆.၃ Central System (Disadvantages) 1-10
၁.၆.၄ 1-11
၁.၇ (Design Considerations) 1-11
၁.၇.၁ Cooling and Heating Loads 1-11
၁.၇.၂ (Noise) (Vibration) 1-12
၁.၇.၃ (Space Considerations) 1-12
၁.၇.၄ Central Plant and Equipment 1-13
၁.၈ Chilled Water System 1-14
၁.၉ Overview of Chilled Water Plant Rooms 1-15
၁.၁၀ Circuit (Naming of Circuit) 1-16
၁.၁၁ Chilled Water Distribution System ႔ Chilled Water Circuit/Loop 1-17
၁.၁၂ Condenser Water Loop ႔ Condenser Water Circuit 1-17
၁.၁၃ Air Distribution System (Circuit/Loop) 1-18

Chapter-2 Vapor Compression Fundamental

၂.၁ Refrigeration (Vapor Compression Cycle) 2-2
၂.၁.၂ Refrigeration 2-2
၂.၂ Refrigeration System 2-4
၂.၂.၁ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle Process 2-5
၂.၂.၂ Principles of Refrigeration 2-6
၂.၂.၃ Refrigeration cycle state 2-7
၂.၂.၄ Pressure-enthalpy (P-h) chart 2-8
၂.၃ Refrigeration System (၄) 2-11
၂.၃.၁ Evaporators 2-11
Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၂.၃.၂ Compressors 2-11

၂.၃.၃ Condensers 2-11
၂.၃.၄ Expansion Devices 2-12
၂.၄ What Are Refrigerants? 2-13
၂.၅ Refrigeration System 2-13
၂.၆ Low Pressure Side and High Pressure Side 2-14
၂.၇ Performance Of The Standard Vapor Compression Cycle 2-15
၂.၈ Actual Vapor Compression Cycle 2-16
၂.၉ Cycle Analysis and Calculations 2-16
၂.၁၀ Cycle with Subcooling and Superheat 2-19
၂.၁၁ – - 2-22
Table A-11 Saturated Refirgerant R134a Temperature Table 2-30
Table A-11 Saturated Refirgerant R134a Temperature Table (Continued) 2-31
Table A-12 Saturated Refirgerant R134a Pressure Table 2-32
Table A-13 Superheated Refirgerant R134a Table 2-33
Table A-13 Superheated Refirgerant R134a Table (Continued) 2-34
Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for HFC-134a (SI Units) 2-35
Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for HFC-134a (English Units) 2-36

Chapter-3 Vapor Compression Cycle Theory and Calculation

၃.၁ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle 3-1
၃.၂ Reversed Carnot Cycles 3-1
၃.၃ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycles 3-3
၃.၃.၁ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycles (၁) 3-3
၃.၃.၂ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycles (၂) 3-4
၃.၃.၃ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၁) 3-5
၃.၃.၄ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၂) 3-9
၃.၃.၅ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၃) 3-12
၃.၃.၆ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၄) 3-14
၃.၃.၇ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၅) 3-15
၃.၃.၈ Ideal Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၆) 3-16
၃.၄ Ideal Cycles Actual Cycles ႔ 3-17
၃.၅ Practical Considerations and COP 3-18
၃.၆ Refrigeration and Heat Pumps 3-20
၃.၇ Actual Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle 3-22
၃.၇.၁ Actual Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle 3-24
၃.၇.၂ Heat Rejection by A Refrigerator 3-25
၃.၇.၃ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၁) 3-26
၃.၇.၄ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၂) 3-27
၃.၇.၅ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၃) 3-30
၃.၇.၆ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၄) 3-31


၃.၇.၇ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၅) 3-32

၃.၇.၈ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၆) 3-34
၃.၇.၉ Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle (၇) 3-35
၃.၈ Cascade Refrigeration Cycles 3-36
၃.၈.၁ Compound Systems 3-39
၃.၉ 3-39
၃.၁၀ Problems 3-44

Chapter-4 Refrigerants
၄.၁ Refrigerant 4-2
၄.၁.၁ ႔ Refrigerant 4-2
၄.၁.၂ Halocarbon 4-2
၄.၁.၃ Azeotropic Refrigerants 4-3
၄.၁.၄ Zeotropic Refrigerants 4-3
၄.၁.၅ Organic compound 4-4
၄.၁.၆ Inorganic mixture 4-4
၄.၂ Refrigerant Color Codes 4-4
၄.၂.၁ CFCs ႔ 4-4
၄.၂.၂ HCFCs ႔ 4-5
၄.၂.၃ HFCs ႔ 4-5
၄.၃ Refrigerant 4-7
၄.၄ Refrigerant 4-10
၄.၅ Nomenclature 4-11
၄.၆ Refrigerant 4-13
၄.၆.၁ R-11 Trichloromonofluoromethane - CCL3F 4-14
၄.၆.၂ R-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane - CCL2F2 4-14
၄.၆.၃ R-22 Monochlorodifluoromethane - CHCLF2 4-14
၄.၆.၄ R-500 (R - 152 a + R - 12) (CCL2F2/CH3CHF2) 4-14
၄.၆.၅ R - 502 (R - 22 + R - 115) (CHCLF2/ CCL2CF3) 4-14
၄.၆.၆ R-744 (Carbondioxide CO2) 4-15
၄.၆.၇ R-717 (Ammonia -NH3) 4-15
၄.၆.၈ R134 a R407C 4-15
၄.၆.၉ R407C 4-16
၄.၆.၁၀ R404A 4-16
၄.၆.၁၁ R290 Propane 4-16
၄.၆.၁၃ R744 ( (CO2) ) 4-16
၄.၆.၁၄ Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 4-16
၄.၆.၁၅ R-718 4-16
၄.၇ Equivalent R-11 4-17
၄.၈ Virgin Refrigerant and Reconditioning Refrigerant 4-17
၄.၉ Selection of Refrigerants 4-17

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၄.၁၀ Refrigerant (Selection of the Right Refrigerant) 4-19

၄.၁၁ Refrigerant - HFC-134a 4-19
၄.၁၂ Positive Pressure Refrigerant 4-22
၄.၁၂.၁ Smaller Footprint ( ) 4-22
၄.၁၂.၂ ) 4-22
၄.၁၂.၃ ) 4-22
၄.၁၃ Refrigerant Safety Group 4-23
၄.၁၄ Safety Requirements 4-23
၄.၁၄.၁ (Thermal Decomposition) 4-24
၄.၁၄.၂ Leakage Detection 4-26
၄.၁၄.၃ (Safety) 4-26
၄.၁၅ (Green House Effect) 4-27
၄.၁၆ (Ozone Layer) 4-28
၄.၁၆.၁ (ODP) 4-30
၄.၁၇ 4-31
၄.၁၈ (UV Index) 4-32
၄.၁၈.၁ (UV Index) 4-33
၄.၁၈.၂ 4-33
၄.၁၉ 4-33
၄.၁၉.၁ 4-34
၄.၂၀ 4-35
၄.၂၁ 4-35

Chapter-5 Heat Exchangers

၅.၁ (Fundamentals) 5-2
၅.၂ Heat Exchanger 5-3
၅.၂.၁ Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 5-3
၅.၂.၂ Plate Heat Exchangers 5-4
၅.၃ Heat Exchanger (Components) 5-6
၅.၃.၁ Shell and Tube Components 5-6
၅.၃.၂ Plate Heat Exchanger Component 5-7
၅.၄ (Application) 5-8
၅.၅ (Selection Criteria) 5-8
၅.၅.၁ Thermal/Mechanical Design 5-9
၅.၅.၂ Thermal Performance 5-9
၅.၅.၃ 5-9
၅.၅.၄ (Pressure Drop) 5-9
၅.၅.၅ 5-9
၅.၅.၆ (Cost) 5-10
၅.၅.၇ Serviceability 5-10
၅.၅.၈ (Space Requirements) 5-10


၅.၅.၉ Steam 5-10

၅.၆ (Installation) 5-10
၅.၆.၁ Control 5-10
၅.၆.၂ Piping 5-10
၅.၆.၃ Pressure Relief 5-10
၅.၆.၄ Flow Path 5-11
၅.၆.၅ Condensate Removal 5-11
၅.၆.၆ Insulation 5-11
၅.၇ (၇) 5-11
၅.၇.၁ Heat Exchanger Tube Diameter 5-11
၅.၇.၂ Thickness of the Tube 5-11
၅.၇.၃ Heat Exchanger Shell Diameter and Tube Length 5-11
၅.၇.၄ Tube Corrugation 5-11
၅.၇.၅ Tube Layout 5-12
၅.၇.၆ Tube Pitch 5-12
၅.၇.၇ Heat Exchanger Baffles 5-12

Chapter-6 Overview of Chillers

၆.၁ Chiller 6-1
၆.၁.၁ Vapor Compression Chiller Versus Absorption Chiller 6-2
၆.၁.၂ Electric Chillers Vs Non-electric Chillers 6-2
၆.၁.၃ Engine Drive Chillers 6-3
၆.၁.၄ Steam Turbine Driven Chillers 6-3
၆.၁.၅ Air Cooled Versus Water Cooled 6-3
၆.၁.၆ Gear Drive Versus Direct Drive 6-6
၆.၁.၇ Open Drive Versus Hermetic 6-6
၆.၁.၈ Fixed Orifice Versus Float Valve 6-6
၆.၁.၉ Falling Film Evaporator Versus Flooded Evaporator 6-7
၆.၂ Factors Affecting Performance of Refrigeration Systems 6-7
၆.၂.၁ Evaporating and Condensing Temperatures 6-7
၆.၂.၂ Effect of Condenser and Evaporator on System Efficiency 6-8
၆.၂.၃ Operating Speeds 6-8
၆.၂.၄ Chiller ႔ Coefficient of Performance (COP) 6-9
၆.၂.၅ 6-9
၆.၂.၆ (Reliability) (Maintenance) 6-9
၆.၂.၇ 6-10
၆.၂.၈ (Field Serviceability) 6-10
၆.၂.၉ (Stock Availability of Spares) 6-10
၆.၂.၁၀ Performance Specifications: 6-10
၆.၃ 6-11
၆.၄ Positive Pressure Machine (R134a) Negative Pressure Machine (R 123 Chiller) 6-12

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၆.၅ Chiller 6-14

၆.၅.၁ Defining Chiller Performance Requirement 6-14
၆.၅.၂ Economic Evaluation of Chiller Systems 6-15
၆.၅.၃ (First Cost) 6-16
၆.၅.၄ (Annual Recurring Costs) 6-16
၆.၅.၅ Procurement Strategies 6-17

Chapter-7 Condensers and Evaporators

၇.၁ Heat Rejection 7-1
၇.၂ Condenser 7-2
၇.၂.၁ Condenser 7-3
၇.၃ Water Cooled Condensers 7-4
၇.၄ Air Cooled Condensers 7-6
၇.၄.၁ Air Cooled Condenser (Advantages) 7-7
၇.၄.၂ Air Cooled Condenser (Disadvantages) 7-7
၇.၄.၃ Application ၊ Selection and Maintenance of Remote Air Cooled Condensers 7-7
၇.၄.၄ Air Cooled Condenser Controls 7-8
၇.၅ Evaporative condenser 7-9
၇.၅.၁ Basic Operating Principles 7-9
၇.၅.၂ Common Configurations of Condenser 7-9
၇.၅.၃ Forced-Draft, Axial Fan Condensers 7-9
၇.၅.၄ Induced Draft, Axial Fan Condensers 7-10
၇.၅.၅ Forced Draft, Centrifugal Fan Condensers 7-10
၇.၆ Evaporative Cooling 7-10
၇.၆.၁ Evaporative Condensers 7-11
၇.၆.၂ Cooling Towers 7-12
၇.၆.၃ Water Cooling 7-13
၇.၆.၄ Capacity Control 7-13
၇.၆.၅ Capacity Ratings 7-14
၇.၇ Methods of Refrigerant Feed 7-14
၇.၇.၁ Gravity Feed Operation 7-14
၇.၇.၂ Recirculated ႔ Overfeed 7-15
၇.၇.၃ Flooded Evaporator 7-15
၇.၇.၄ Direct Expansion (DX) 7-17
၇.၈ Evaporator 7-18
၇.၈.၁ Evaporator 7-19
၇.၈.၂ Dry Expansion Type 7-21
၇.၈.၃ Forced Through Type Evaporators 7-21
၇.၈.၄ Pump Circulation Type Evaporators 7-21
၇.၈ Evaporator 7-18
၇.၈.၁ Evaporator 7-19


၇.၈.၂ Dry Expansion Type 7-21

၇.၈.၃ Forced Through Type Evaporators 7-21
၇.၈.၄ Pump Circulation Type Evaporators 7-21
၇.၉ Evaporator Fan Liquid Cooling 7-21
၇.၁၀ Types of Refrigeration Evaporators 7-22
၇.၁၀.၁ Evaporator 7-22
၇.၁၀.၂ Bare Tube Evaporators 7-23
၇.၁၀.၃ Plate Type Evaporators 7-23
၇.၁၀.၄ Finned Evaporators 7-23
၇.၁၀.၅ Shell and Tube Evaporators 7-24
၇.၁၁ Condenser Small Temperature Difference 7-24
၇.၁၁.၁ Condenser Approach Temperature 7-25
၇.၁၁.၂ Evaporator Approach Temperature 7-26
၇.၁၂ Water Box Design Pressure 7-27

Chapter-8 Capacity Control of Refrigeration Systems

၈.၁ Compressor Control ၊ Chiller Control and Chilled Water Plant Control 8-1
၈.၁.၁ Individual Compressor Capacity Control 8-1
၈.၁.၂ Individual Chiller Control 8-3
၈.၁.၃ Chilled Water Plant Control 8-4
၈.၁.၄ Capacity Control for Varying Loads to Provide Better Efficiency 8-5
၈.၁.၅ Refrigerant Flow Control 8-6
၈.၂ Refrigerant Control Devices 8-6
၈.၂.၁ Hand Expansion Valve 8-7
၈.၂.၂ Constant Pressure Expansion Valves ႔ Automatic Expansion Valve (AEV) 8-8
၈.၂.၃ Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TEV) 8-10
၈.၂.၄ Thermal Electric Expansion Valve ႔ Electric Expansion Valve 8-13
၈.၂.၅ Electronic Expansion Valves 8-13
၈.၂.၆ Capillary Tubes 8-14
၈.၂.၇ Capillary Tubes and Restrictor 8-16
၈.၂.၈ Float Valves 8-17
၈.၂.၉ Low Pressure Side Float Valve 8-17
၈.၂.၁၀ Lower Pressure Float Valve and Switch 8-18
၈.၂.၁၁ High Pressure Side Float 8-19
၈.၂.၁၂ High Pressure Float Valves 8-20
၈.၃ Safety Controls 8-21
၈.၃.၁ Safety Cutouts 8-22
၈.၃.၂ Interlocks 8-22
၈.၃.၃ Chiller Control Load Limitation Control 8-23

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

Chapter-9 Refrigeration Compressors

၉.၁ Positive-Displacement Compressors 9-3
၉.၂ Dynamic Compressors 9-4
၉.၂.၁ Centrifugal Compressors Function Based on Principles 9-4
၉.၃ Open Compressors ၊ Hermetic Compressors Semi-hermetic Compressors 9-4
၉.၃.၁ Open Compressors 9-4
၉.၃.၂ Hermetic Compressors 9-5
၉.၃.၃ Semi-hermetic Compressors 9-6
၉.၄ Performance 9-7
၉.၅ Ideal Compressor 9-8
၉.၆ Actual Compressor 9-9
၉.၇ Volumetric Efficiency 9-10
၉.၈ Compressor Efficiency ၊ Subcooling Superheating 9-11
၉.၉ Total Heat Rejection 9-12
၉.၁၀ Compressor Protection 9-13
၉.၁၁ Testing and Operating Requirements 9-16
၉.၁၂ Compressor Selection Criteria 9-18
၉.၁၃ Comparison Between Four Common Type of Refrigeration Compressors 9-19

Chapter-10 Auxiliary Devices

၁၀.၁ Control Devices 10-1
၁၀.၂ Receivers 10-1
၁၀.၃ Filter Dryers 10-3
၁၀.၃.၁ Dryers 10-4
၁၀.၄ Accumulators 10-4
၁၀.၅ Injection Capillary 10-5
၁၀.၆ Low Pressure Control Valves 10-6
၁၀.၇ Distributors 10-6
၁၀.၈ Suction to Liquid Heat Exchangers or Gas/Liquid Heat Exchangers 10-6
၁၀.၉ Pre-coolers 10-7
၁၀.၁၀ Mufflers 10-7
၁၀.၁၁ Solenoid Valves 10-7
၁၀.၁၂ Check Valves 10-8
၁၀.၁၄ Service Valves 10-9
၁၀.၁၅ Expansion Valve (Bypass) 10-9
၁၀.၁၆ Vapor Charging Valves 10-9
၁၀.၁၇ Liquid Charging Valves 10-9
၁၀.၁၈ Purge Valves 10-9
၁၀.၁၉ Suction Strainers 10-9
၁၀.၂၀ Liquid Sight Glass 10-10
၁၀.၂၁ Oil Separators 10-10


၁၀.၂၂ Oil Rectifiers 10-11

၁၀.၂၃ Oil Coolers 10-11
၁၀.၂၄ Purge Units 10-11
၁၀.၂၅ Vibration Absorbers 10-12
၁၀.၂၆ Crankcase Heaters 10-12
၁၀.၂၇ Relief Valves 10-12
၁၀.၂၈ Safety Devices (Pressure Switch) 10-13
၁၀.၂၉ High Pressure Switch (HPS) 10-13
၁၀.၃၀ Low Pressure Switch (LPS) 10-14
၁၀.၃၁ Condenser Pressure Regulators 10-14
၁၀.၃၂ Oil Pressure Switches (OPS) 10-14
၁၀.၃၃ Fusible Plugs 10-15
၁၀.၃၄ Safety Valves or Relief Valves 10-15

Chapter-11 Chiller Starters

၁၁.၁ Chiller Starters 11-1
၁၁.၁.၁ (Purpose of Starters) 11-1
၁၁.၁.၂ Starter Drive 11-4
၁၁.၃ Electro-Mechanical Starters 11-5
၁၁.၃.၁ Across the Line Starter (ACL) ႔ Direct On Line(DOL) 11-5
၁၁.၃.၂ Star-Delta ႔ Wye-Delta Starter (Closed Transition) 11-6
၁၁.၃.၃ Auto Transformer Starters(ATS) 11-7
၁၁.၄ Electronic Solid State Starters 11-8
၁၁.၄.၁ Electronic Solid State Starters Overview 11-8
၁၁.၄.၂ Electronic Solid State Starters Starting Current Profile 11-10
၁၁.၄.၃ Electronic Solid State Starters Benefits 11-10
၁၁.၄.၄ Electronic Solid State Starter Recommendations 11-11
၁၁.၅ Variable Speed Drive(VSD) 11-11
၁၁.၅.၁ Variable Speed Drive 11-11
၁၁.၅.၂ VSD Starting Profile 11-14
၁၁.၅.၃ Variable Speed Drive Benefits 11-15
၁၁.၆ Demand Charge 11-16
၁၁.၆.၁ Demand Limiter 11-17
၁၁.၇ Motor Torque Speed Curves 11-17
၁၁.၈ Safety Controls ၊ Accessories and Options 11-18
၁၁.၈.၁ “ – w V ” 11-18
၁၁.၈.၂ “ –H V ” 11-19
၁၁.၈.၃ Safety Controls 11-19

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

Chapter-12 Oil in Refrigerant Circuits

၁၂.၁ 12-1
၁၂.၁.၁ Oil in Refrigeration System 12-2
၁၂.၁.၂ General Classification of Oils 12-2
၁၂.၂ Requirements and Characteristics 12-2
၁၂.၃ ႔ (Moisture and Air Contamination) 12-5
၁၂.၄ Oil Separators 12-7
၁၂.၅ Oil Circulation 12-8
၁၂.၆ Lubricating Oils and Their Effects 12-9
၁၂.၇ Oil System for Compressor 12-11
၁၂.၇.၁ Reciprocating Compressors 12-11
၁၂.၇.၂ Rotary Compressors 12-11
၁၂.၇.၃ Centrifugal Compressors 12-11
၁၂.၇.၄ Helical Screw Compressors 12-11
၁၂.၇.၅ Scroll Compressors 12-11
၁၂.၈ Promoting Oil Return 12-12

Chapter-13 Reciprocating Compressors and Chillers

၁၃.၁ Introduction 13-1
၁၃.၂ (၃) 13-2
၁၃.၂.၁ Enclosed Motor ႔ Hermetic Compressors 13-3
၁၃.၂.၂ Semi-Hermetic Compressors 13-5
၁၃.၂.၃ Open Compressors 13-5
၁၃.၃ Reciprocating Refrigeration System Components and Accessories 13-6
၁၃.၃.၁ Cylinder and Cylinder Arrangement 13-6
၁၃.၃.၂ Arrangement 13-7
၁၃.၃.၃ Piston and Piston Ring 13-7
၁၃.၃.၄ Cylinder Block and Piston 13-8
၁၃.၃.၅ Connection Rods 13-8
၁၃.၃.၆ Valves and Valve Plates 13-10
၁၃.၃.၇ Crankshaft 13-10
၁၃.၃.၈ Crankshaft Seal 13-10
၁၃.၃.၉ Suction and Discharge Valves 13-11
၁၃.၃.၁၀ Crankcase Heater 13-11
၁၃.၃.၁၁ Liquid Receiver 13-11
၁၃.၃.၁၂ Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger (LSHE) 13-12
၁၃.၃.၁၃ Filter Dryer and Strainer 13-13
၁၃.၃.၁၄ Reed Valve Plate 13-14
၁၃.၃.၁၅ Service Valves 13-15
၁၃.၄ (Compression Process) 13-16
၁၃.၄.၁ Clearance Area 13-19


၁၃.၄.၂ Multi- Cylinder Compressors 13-19

၁၃.၄.၃ Cooling and Protection 13-20
၁၃.၅ Compressor Efficiency 13-22
၁၃.၆ Reciprocating Chiller 13-23
၁၃.၅ Compressor Efficiency 13-22
၁၃.၆.၁ Types of Reciprocating Refrigeration Systems 13-25
၁၃.၆.၂ Liquid Overfeed Reciprocating Refrigeration Systems 13-27
၁၃.၆.၃ Real Cycle of a Single-Stage Reciprocating Refrigeration System 13-28
၁၃.၇ Reciprocating Refrigeration System Oil Lubrication 13-28
၁၃.၇.၁ Strainers ၊ Lubrication and Crankcase Heater 13-29
၁၃.၈ Capacity Control of Reciprocating Compressors 13-29
၁၃.၈.၁ Cycling (on/off) With or Without Multiple Compressors 13-30
၁၃.၈.၂ Cylinder Unloader 13-31
၁၃.၈.၃ Hot gas bypass 13-32
၁၃.၈.၄ Speed Control 13-33
၁၃.၈.၅ Return Water Control Leaving Water Control 13-33
၁၃.၉ Reciprocating Compressor Startup Sequence 13-33
၁၃.၁၀ Reciprocating Refrigeration Systems Testing Standards 13-34

Chapter-14 Screw Compressors and Chillers

၁၄.၁ Screw Compressors 14-1
၁၄.၁.၁ Single Screw Compressors 14-2
၁၄.၁.၂ Twin Screw Compressors 14-4
၁၄.၂ Screw Chillers 14-5
၁၄.၃ Screw Chiller Refrigerant Circuit 14-8
၁၄.၄ Screw Compressor 14-8
၁၄.၅ Capacity Control 14-12
၁၄.၅.၁ Slide Valve 14-14
၁၄.၅.၂ VSD Controls 14-15
၁၄.၆ Oil System 14-15
၁၄.၇ Power Up to Starting 14-17
၁၄.၇.၁ Trane RTHD screw chiller Power Up to Starting 14-18
၁၄.၇.၂ Stopped to Starting 14-18
၁၄.၇.၃ Normal Shutdown to Stopped 14-18
၁၄.၈ 23XRV Water Cooled Screw Compressor (VSD) 14-20
၁၄.၉ Air Cooled VSD Screw Chillers 14-22

Chapter-15 Centrifugal Compressors and Chillers

၁၅.၁ Dynamic Compressors 15-1
၁၅.၂ Centrifugal Compressors 15-3
၁၅.၂.၁ Centrifugal Compressor Theory 15-8

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၁၅.၂.၂ Centrifugal Chiller 15-10

၁၅.၃ System Components 15-10
၁၅.၃.၁ Evaporator 15-10
၁၅.၃.၂ Condenser 15-10
၁၅.၃.၃ Vessel Pass Arrangements 15-10
၁၅.၃.၄ Flash Cooler 15-11
၁၅.၃.၅ Orifice Plates or Float Valves 15-11
၁၅.၃.၆ Variable Orifice 15-12
၁၅.၃.၇ Purge Unit 15-12
၁၅.၄ Water Cooled Centrifugal Chiller 15-14
၁၅.၅ Performance Rating Conditions 15-15
၁၅.၆ Centrifugal Compressor Performance Map 15-17
၁၅.၆.၁ Centrifugal Compressor Map at Variable Speed 15-17
၁၅.၆.၁ Velocity Components 15-19
၁၅.၇ Surge of Centrifugal Compressors 15-19
၁၅.၇.၁ Two-Stage Compressors Surge Less and Later 15-21
၁၅.၇.၂ Prevention of Surge 15-22
၁၅.၇.၃ Rotating stall and Surge of Centrifugal Chillers 15-22
၁၅.၇.၄ Impeller and Vane Diffuser Stall 15-23
၁၅.၇.၅ Vane Less Diffuser Stall 15-23
၁၅.၇.၆ Compressor Surge and Stall 15-23
၁၅.၈ Capacity Control of Centrifugal Chillers 15-25
၁၅.၈.၁ Required System Head at Part-Load Operation 15-27
၁၅.၈.၂ Capacity Control Using Inlet Vanes 15-27
၁၅.၈.၃ Inlet Guide Vane (Pre-Rotation Vane) 15-28
၁၅.၈.၄ Capacity Control by Variable Speed 15-29
၁၅.၈.၅ Comparison Between Inlet Guide Vanes and Variable Speed 15-30
၁၅.၉ Oil System 15-30
၁၅.၁၀ Functional Controls and Optimizing Controls 15-31
၁၅.၁၀.၁ Chilled Water Leaving Temperature Control 15-31
၁၅.၁၀.၂ Condenser Water Temperature Control 15-32
၁၅.၁၁ Sequence of Operation of A Typical Centrifugal Chiller 15-32
၁၅.၁၂ System Balance at Full Load 15-33
၁၅.၁၂.၁ Evaporating and Condensing Temperatures at Part-Load Operation 15-33
၁၅.၁၃ Typical 19XR Components 15-35
၁၅.၁၄ Turbo Compressors 15-41

Chapter-16 Scroll Compressors and Chillers

၁၆.၁ Rotary Compressors 16-1
၁၆.၂ Scroll Compressors 16-2
၁၆.၃ Scroll Compressor 16-5


၁၆.၄ 16-6
၁၆.၅ Two Step Capacity Control for Scroll Compressors 16-8
၁၆.၆ Scroll Compressor (Advantages) 16-9
၁၆.၇ Sliding and Rotary Vane Compressor 16-10
၁၆.၇.၁ (Advantages) (Disadvantages) 16-11
၁၆.၇.၂ Capacity Control 16-12

Chapter-17 Chilled Water System Configurations

၁၇.၁ Chilled Water Plant Basics 17-1
၁၇.၁.၁ Chilled Water Temperatures 17-1
၁၇.၁.၂ Effect of Chilled Water Temperature 17-2
၁၇.၁.၃ Effect of Chilled Water Flow Rate 17-2
၁၇.၁.၄ Condenser Water Temperature 17-2
၁၇.၁.၅ Effect of Condenser Water Temperature 17-2
၁၇.၁.၇ Effect of Condenser Water Flow Rate 17-2
၁၇.၁.၈ Chilled Water and Condenser Water Flow Rates 17-3
၁၇.၁.၁ Chilled Water Temperatures 17-1
၁၇.၂ Single Chiller System 17-3
၁၇.၂.၁ Single Chiller System Advantages and Disadvantages 17-4
၁၇.၃ Multiple Chiller System 17-4
၁၇.၄ Parallel Chillers System 17-5
၁၇.၅ Primary Only System 17-5
၁၇.၅.၁ Primary Only System with Common Header 17-6
၁၇.၅.၂ Primary Only System with Dedicated Pump 17-9
၁၇.၅.၃ Primary-Only System 17-9
၁၇.၆ Primary - Secondary System 17-10
၁၇.၆.၁ Dedicated Pump and Manifold Pump (Common Header) 17-10
၁၇.၆.၂ Dedicated Pumps at Production Loop or Primary Chilled Water Circuit/Loop 17-12
၁၇.၆.၃ Bypass Line ႔ Decouple Line sizing 17-13
၁၇.၆.၄ Bypass Control Problems 17-14
၁၇.၆.၅ Production Loop/Circuit ႔ Primary Loop/Circuit 17-15
၁၇.၆.၆ Secondary Loop Flow Control 17-16
၁၇.၆.၇ Secondary (Demand) Flow Primary (Supply) Flow ႔ 17-20
၁၇.၆.၈ Secondary (Supply) Flow Primary (Demand) Flow 17-20
၁၇.၆.၉ Secondary (Supply) Flow Primary (Demand) Flow 17-22
၁၇.၆.၁၀ Primary-secondary system 17-22
၁၇.၆.၁၁ Primary/Secondary System (Disadvantages) 17-23
၁၇.၇ Variable Flow Primary 17-24
၁၇.၇.၁ Variable Primary Flow Only (VPF) Advantages 17-25
၁၇.၇.၂ Variable Primary Flow Only (VPF) Disadvantages 17-26
၁၇.၈ Condenser Water Circuit 17-26

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၁၇.၈.၁ Refrigerant Head Pressure Control 17-27

၁၇.၈.၂ w 17-28
၁၇.၉ Low Delta – T Syndrome 17-29
၁၇.၉.၁ Low Delta- Δ 17-29
၁၇.၉.၂ Chiller Performance 17-30
၁၇.၁၀ Series Chiller System 17-30
၁၇.၁၀.၁ Advantages and Disadvantages of Series Chillers 17-31
၁၇.၁၀.၂ Series Counter Flow 17-31
၁၇.၁၁ Chiller Staging 17-32

Chapter - 18 Chillers Performance Rating

၁၈.၁ Chiller Efficiency 18-1
၁၈.၁.၁ kW/RT 18-2
၁၈.၁.၂ Coefficient of Performance (COP) 18-2
၁၈.၁.၃ Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) 18-3
၁၈.၂ Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) Non Standard Part Load Value (NPLV) 18-4
၁၈.၃ Performance Characteristics and Efficiency Ratings 18-5
၁၈. ၃.၁ Performance Issues 18-5
၁၈.၄ Chiller Efficiency Ratings 18-6
၁၈.၅ Cooling Capacity Formulae 18-7
၁၈.၆ AHRI Conditions Vs Low Flow Conditions 18-8
၁၈.၇ ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1.2004 18-10
၁၈.၈ Air Conditioning Codes & Standards in Singapore 18-11
၁၈.၉ International Air Conditioning Codes & Standards 18-11

Chapter-19 Design Processes and Chillers Selection

၁၉.၁ Plant 19-1
၁၉.၁.၁ Determine Requirements 19-1
၁၉.၁.၂ (Design Processes) 19-1
၁၉.၂ Chiller (Chiller Sizing) 19-4
၁၉.၂.၁ Chiller Plant Design Consideration ႔ Chiller Selection 19-5
၁၉.၂.၂ Chiller Selection – Chiller Sizing (Chiller ) 19-6
၁၉.၃ chiller 19-7
၁၉.၃.၁ Chiller Plant Retrofit Considerations 19-7
၁၉.၃.၂ Peak Load ႔ Maximum Load 19-8
၁၉.၃.၃ Off Peak Load 19-8
၁၉.၃.၄ Night load 19-9
၁၉.၃.၅ Weekend load 19-9
၁၉.၄ 19-10
၉.၅.၁ Cooling Load Chiller 19-11
၁၉.၆ Water Cooled Centrifugal Chiller Technical Data 19-13


၁၉.၇ Summary of design considerations for refrigeration systems 19-15

Chapter-20 Efficiency and Energy Saving

၂၀.၁ Chiller Efficiencies 20-1
၂၀.၁.၁ Chiller Efficiency 20-1
၂၀.၁.၂ (Potential Energy Efficiency Measures) 20-1
၂၀.၂ Single Stage Chiller 20-6
၂၀.၃ w (Major Causes) 20-7
၂၀.၃.၁ Chilled Water – Low Delta T Syndrome 20-7
၂၀.၄ Energy Efficiency 20-9
၂၀.၅ 20-13
၂၀.၅.၁ Chilled Water Reset 20-13
၂၀.၅.၂ Chiller ၌ Refrigerant 20-14
၂၀.၅.၃ Refrigerant (Leak) 20-15
၂၀.၅.၄ Supply Temperature 20-15
၂၀.၆ Efficiency 20-16

Chapter-21 Servicing and Maintenance

၂၁.၁ Pressure Testing 21-1
၂၁.၂ Vacuum Drawing ႔ System Evacuation 21-2
၂၁.၃ System ႔ Refrigerant (Methods of Charging) 21-3
၂၁.၃.၁ Superheat Method 21-3
၂၁.၃.၂ Subcooling Method 21-3
၂၁.၃.၃ ( ) ႔ (Vapor Charging) 21-4
၂၁.၃.၄ ( ) (Liquid Charging) 21-5
၂၁.၃.၅ ( ) Refrigerant (Charging by Weight) 21-7
၂၁.၃.၆ Trouble-Shooting of Charge Conditions 21-8
၂၁.၃.၇ System Refrigerant 21-9
၂၁.၃.၈ (Leak Detection) 21-9
၂၁.၄ Chiller Commissioning 21-10
၂၁.၄.၁ Chiller Pre-Commissioning Check Procedure 21-11
၂၁.၄.၂ Pre-Commissioning Checks 21-11
၂၁.၅ Chiller Testing and Commissioning 21-12
၂၁.၅.၁ Commissioning Procedure 21-12
၂၁.၆ Start Up Report 21-14
၂၁.၇ Maintenance Requirements for Chillers (Regularly Scheduled Maintenance) 21-15
၂၁.၇.၁ Recommended Chiller Monitoring Points 21-16
၂၁.၇.၂ Periodic Maintenance Chiller Log 21-17
၂၁.၇.၃ Maintenance Requirements for YK Chiller 21-18
၂၁.၇.၄Maintenance Requirements for YT Chiller 21-19
၂၁.၇.၅ Maintenance Requirements for YR Chiller 21-20

Chillers and Chilled Water Systems ႔

၂၁.၇.၆ Maintenance Requirements for YS Chiller 21-21

၂၁.၇.၇ Maintenance Schedule 21-22
၂၁.၇.၈ Tube Cleaning 21-22
၂၁.၇.၉ Annual Shutdown 21-22
၂၁.၈ Long Term Maintenance 21-23
၂၁.၉ Overhaul 21-23
၂၁.၁၀ Troubleshooting 21-24
၂၁.၁၀.၁ Detecting and Correcting Problems 21-24
၂၁.၁၀.၂ Trouble Diagnosis Chart 21-27

Chapter-22 Water Treatment

၂၂.၁ Closed Loop Chiller Water System 22-2
၂၂.၁.၁ Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Fouling 22-2
၂၂.၂ Open Loop Condenser Water System 22-4
၂၂.၂.၁ Scale Formation 22-4
၂၂.၂.၂ Inside Corrosion 22-4
၂၂.၂.၃ Fouling 22-4
၂၂.၂.၄ Biological Fouling 22-5
၂၂.၂.၅ Microbiological Controls 22-5
၂၂.၂.၆ Corrosion Rate Controls 22-6
၂၂.၂.၇ Water Quality Parameter Controls 22-6
၂၂.၂.၈ (Cost) 22-7
၂၂.၃ Water Treatment for Chilled Water 22-7
၂၂.၄ Chemical Treatment and Cleaning 22-8
၂၂.၅ Makeup Water 22-9



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