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The charge of the light brigade

Practice 1
1. 600
2. The commander/the captain
3. the commander had made a
4. a) remember them and mention
their deeds to the younger
b) built monuments to remember
them and help their family

Practice 2
1. Light brigade
2. Stanza 2 line 7 Theirs but to do
and die
3. Cannons and guns
4. Response : No, wars are
Reason: Men/Humans have the
intelligence to sit and discuss
to overcome disputes

Practice 3
1. Horses
2. The battle is intense
3. The soldiers are brave and
4. Moral Value: we must have
the courage to face danger
b. Be brave and focus on
your mission
practice 4
1. The line means although the
soldiers received a wrong
instruction that may lead to their
death, none of the soldiers felt
2. Stanza 3 line 5 “ stormed at with
shot and shell
3. Courage
4. i. death
ii. Sufferings
Practice 5
1. in a valley
2. their commander had given a
wrong command and may cause
many soldiers to die
3. in stanza 3, many Light Brigade
soldiers had died due to the
intense battle
4. prediction: the soldiers fought till
their death and only a handful
Reason : The enemies are
strategically positioned and well
equipped compared to the British

Practice 6
1. the Light Brigade soldiers are
commanded to fight the
soldiers who are strategically
positioned, well equipped and
bigger in number
2. stanza 2,line 5 and 6 “theirs not
to make reply” and “theirs not
to reason why”
3. ‘Forward the Light Brigade’
4. Response: Yes there is.
b. Discuss in United Nation

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