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2018-19 2018-19 Projected 2019/20

Community Account balance on 1st April 4386.01 4434.28 883.35
SLDC Parish Precept 1189.61 1189.61 1200
SLDC Precept parish grant 10.39 10.39
Parish Field Rent 200.00 200.00 200
Electricity North West Limited Wayleave (for 2017) 26.31 50.00 26.31
VAT refund 600 0
New Hutton Wind Farm Community Fund 850.00
Total income 1426.31 2300.00 600.00 1426.31

Insurance 270.00 257.60 270
CALC annual subscription 140.00 137.00 105
Hire of Institute 150.00 90 150
GDPR 0.00 35.00 35
General expenses/paper/ink/postage/parish plan 80.00 12.65 120 120
Internal Audit 70.00 60.00 70
External audit 250.00 0
Election costs 0 Payable in 2020/21
Training courses 50.00 0
Parish field - repair of fence 200.00 200
Contingency fund 100.00 200
Items for broadband installation 2779.93 1147 0
Hire of micro-digger 1555.01 1555.01 0
Fuel for micro-digger 256.74 256.74 0
Total Expenditure 3121.75 5093.93 1357.00 1150.00

Community Account balance 2690.57 1640.35 883.35 1159.66

Section 137 max spend in 2018/19 = £2187.73 (£7.57x289 electors)

Electors Oct 2018 = 289
Rate = £7.57 ??

Business Saver Account on 30-10-2018 = £511.19

Budget should have a contingency fund of 25-100% of the annual gross
budget. If the reserves are more than 2.0x the precept, the external
auditor will require an explanation.

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