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Nurses : “Good afternoon mrs.

Patient : “Good afternoon too ners”

Nurses : “My name is nurse intan, I am take care of mrs, in 2 pm until 8 pm, what is your
name mrs?”

Patient : “My name is mrs, ratih”

Nurses : “Okay mrs, ratih. What of my arrival here was to help you, to move to a
wheelchair because it’s you have a schedule to the doctor room.”

Patient : “Okay ners”

Nurses : “Well, mrs I need to help you to move to a wheelchair. I don’t worry I would
have to help you, before that I am going to help the mrs to a sitting position, after
that I need to help you to walk into a wheelchair, don’t worry I’II help you mrs. ”

Patient : “Okay ners, I believe you.”

(Doing Action)

Nurses : “How does it feel mrs after can sit in a wheelchair?”

Patient : “I feel better ners”

Nurses : “Okay mrs, I’II take you to the doctor’s room to be checked by a doctor, yes

Patient : “Okay ners”

(after the doctor’s room)

Nurses : “Okay mrs, an examination has been completed, now the mrs ratih a break to
make sure he was more good one, if you need me can call me yes.”

Patient : “Okay ners, thank you for you help me”

Nurse : “Okay mrs ratih. Good afternoon mrs”

Patient : “Good afternoon too ners”

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