Flat Sheet

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Nutec flat sheets ate manufactured trom aeombination of Portland cement, slica and organic fibres, ‘and do not contain any asbestos fibres. nose materinis nave conkiderable sirengih in ther own right and will not deteriorate wilh ago, EVERTE has over tho yours estabished « toputalion for producing outstanding queaity flal sheets which have boon used in a wide tange of exlernal and inteinal applicators. Inthe lale eighties and after extensive research, EVERITT launched its range of Nuloc flat sheets. he registered name for procucts manutactuee witroul asbestos as «cay material Ihis development has tesuted innovative new precucts which not only have silat choracte‘isties {0 fibre cement fal sneets, but are superior in many ways, Nutce fal sheels are available in medium ang high densily material and in plain ‘and mocium densiy textured finishes. offering @ wider cho'ce for innovative applications. he 1 partition boad.t offers major advarnlagos over con stance to biological altack, nfional malerials in terms of strength and Insumereary Nutec flat sh sare: * An economical all purpose building board which is unctfected by mos! ideal for intemal and exlernal use in cimost any application ‘© Relatively igh! in weight and can be supported on light gauge metal frames or ligh! timber structures. These factors facilate casy handing and erection and are major benefts or piojocls whore low mass construction s an importen! faclot Non combustible and provide perfect protection agains! tying spars. Resistant te conosion ang ce unatfected by ulliaviolet light, Designed to have good thermal properties when compared with other building matters, Manufactured fo the highes! internal qually standards and complance is ensured by strict qualily assurance programmes in Ihe production process as well as shingon! testing in our laboratory All Nutec Flat sheets comy a SABS mark for complance fo the specication SANS 803, Nutec fle! shoels are supplied in their natura’ colour. bul ere compatible wi large variely of isl applied coatings and pain!s Ths will low the dosignar an almost limitless combination of colours and textures for external and inteinal apolications. re.and therefore Ihe sheets are best painted with a pure cierylic PVA paint. Where it isintended to use oll or aly paints ts essential to prime the sheet with an alkailesstant secret In ths instance both faces of the producl should be sealed Use only high density sheets for exteina fal sheet fercados whore tho surface Is fo be painted Index Conaral Design Criteria Nutec Mechanical ang Prysccal Properties Nutec Mechanical anc Physical Properties Fire Rosislance - locr/caling Sysloms, Fire Resistance - Nuloc Boards in Wall Systems Acouslical Insulation Handling ard Slorage. General installation Guidelines Product Range Application Possbiities + Recommended Uses of Nutec flat sheets Ping Detais Special Fascia Boards Timber and Steel Fiamework Flush Jointing Wall Ting. Nutec Sheets in Shutteting Applications, ‘Access floor System Genaval nfommalion Facades and Cladding Accesorios Fang Dotals Joining Systom Genotal infomation or Tongue & Gtaove Board Blof Quanthies Company - Contact Details “4 15 8 19 21 2 28 39 40

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