Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory Book

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Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory Book


Language Arts


Title – Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory Book

By – Tatia Williams
Primary Subject – Language Arts
Secondary Subjects –
Grade Level – 4th
Note Takes at least 5 weeks to complete.

General Unit Objective: The learner will evaluate and comprehend Will and the Chocolate Factory and
apply the knowledge to writings of their own.

I. Reading/Literature
A. The student will read and learn the meanings of unfamiliar words.
— Use phonetic cues to decode meaning.
— Use knowledge of word origins; synonyms, antonyms, analogies, and homonyms; multiple
meanings of words, sentence structure, and context clues.
— Use word-reference materials including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.
B. The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of literary forms to include fiction
and nonfiction, biographies, and historical fiction.
— Explain the author’s purpose.
— Make, confirm, and revise predictions.
— Describe how the choice of language, setting, and information contributes to the author’s purpose.
— Compare the use of fact and fantasy in historical fiction with other forms of literature.
— Explain how knowledge of the lives and experiences of individuals in history can relate to
individuals who have similar goals or face similar challenges.
— Use text organizers, such as type, headings, and graphics to understand text.
— Formulate questions that might be answered in the selection.
— Identify the stated, inferred, or paraphrased main idea.
— Make inferences using information from texts.
— Paraphrase content of selection, identifying important details.
— Write about what is read.
— Identify elements of literature, such as plot, character, setting, types of language, point of view, and
— Make inferences, note details, determine cause and effect, summarize and paraphrase content,
and draw conclusions.
— Support fact and opinion with relevant details.
— Connect to personal experiences.

Ongoing Factory Book Lesson

Materials: 6 colored pages staples together in book form. During the course of the reading students
will be given a rubric (see attached) to follow to create a Factory book based on the Story.
It will contain:
— A Cover designed by the student of the outside of Wonka’s factory
— 4 rooms from the novel and a paragraph on them
— 1 room self-designed by the student for an imagined candy to be made and a paragraph on them.
Procedures: Throughout the reading of the novel following readings about the 4 rooms the teacher will
direct students to work on the factory book in-class and follow the rubric that is stapled at its end. The
teacher will go over the rubric prior to beginning.

This is an ongoing plan that will take over 4 weeks to complete.


The Wonka Factory Book

— The book contains a cover self-designed by student with picture of the factory.
— Pages 1 through 4 will contain a paragraph about each room in the Wonka Factory.
— A picture of each room will also be on the page.
— The student can chose to write on notebook paper and cut out and glue into the book.
— The last room will be designed by the student to create their fantasy candy. This page will also
contain a paragraph describing it.
— A paragraph is described as having 6-8 sentences. It will also have indention, proper spelling, and
proper punctuation.

— The book will be graded as a whole using the following rubric.

________ Master Inventor-The book is complete and shows an understanding of the novel. The
paragraphs are complete and meet the form rules above.
________ Inventor-The book is mostly complete with some understanding of the novel. The
paragraphs will be proper length, but may contain some punctuation errors.
________ Beginning Inventor-The book does not show understanding of the novel and fails in proper
paragraph format.

— Also each page will be graded on a regular % scale as process continues. If student completes
paragraph and picture/then revises any errors a grade of 100% will be given.

— Extra Credit:
________ Extra effort in artwork/neatness ( 5 points per room)
________ Internet or magazine pictures used in a collage (5 points per room)
________ 3-d model of factory (5 rooms)(replace any Charlie grade with a 100 see teacher for
further instructions.)

E-Mail Tatia Williams!

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