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NIM : 171160031


Discourse markers
A. Understanding of discourse markers
A discourse marker is a particle (such as oh, like, and you know) that is used to direct or
redirect the flow of conversation without adding any significant paraphrasable meaning to
the discourse. Also called a pragmatic marker.

In most cases, discourse markers are syntactically independent: that is, removing a marker
from a sentence still leaves the sentence structure intact. Discourse markers are more
common in informal speech than in most forms of writing.

B. Discourse markers function

 Connecting an idea with another idea.

 Fill in the blanks in a narrative making it easier for listeners to stay focused.
 Tool for the speaker / writer to facilitate the delivery of different topics.

In general, discourse markers function to control oral and written communication that we do.


Introduce yourself
Ulwan : Hello…
Rafi : Hello…
Ulwan : My name is Ulwan. What’s your name?
Rafi : My name is Rafi. Nice to meet you.
Ulwan : It’s a pleasure. This is a great event. Do you think so?
Rafi : Yes, I do. By the way where are you from?
Ulwan : I’m from Depok.
RAFI : Ooh Depok. I come from Kediri. Do you know Kediri before?
Ulwan : No, I don’t.
Rafi : Kediri is about three hours from Surabaya.
Ulwan : Ok. Now I already know Kediri from you. Thank you.
Rafi : You are welcome.
Ulwan : hello...
Rafi : hello...
Ulwan : Nama saya Ulwan. Siapa namamu?
Rafi : Nama saya Rafi. Senang bertemu denganmu.
Ulwan : Dengan senang hati. Ini adalah acara yang keren. Apa kamu punya pikiran
yang sama?
Rafi : Ya benar. Ngomong-ngomong dari mana asalmu?
Ulwan : Saya dari Depok.
Rafi : Ooh Depok. Saya dari Kediri. Apa kamu tahu Kediri sebelumnya?
Ulwan : Tidak, saya tidak tahu.
Rafi : Kediri sekitar tiga jam dari Surabaya.
Ulwan : Ok. Seakarang saya tahu Kediri dari kamu. Terima kasih.
Rafi : Sama-sama.



Canada: the place to live

Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care-
system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada
has high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and encouraged
to continue studying at university. Finally, Canadas cities are clean and efficiently managed,
and they have many parks and lots of space for people to live.As a result, Canada is a
desirable place to live.

For detail :
1. Main idea : Canada is one of the best countries in the world
2. Supporting sentence : First, Canada has an excellent health care-system. All Canadians
have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has high standard of
education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and encouraged to continue studying
at university. Finally, Canadas cities are clean and efficiently managed, and they have many
parks and lots of space for people to live.
3. Concluding sentence : As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
4. Summarize : The health care system in Canada is amazing. For example, if an American
wants to have an appendectomy, he must pay more than $ 55,029.31. These costs will be
much cheaper if this process is carried out in canada. And there are many beatiful natural
scenery in this country. And also Canada is a country where experts make people laugh.
Comedians like Seth Rogen, Jim Carrey, and Mike Myers prove that Canadians have a good
sense of humor. Apart from their kindness, canadians are also able to make people laugh.

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