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MPM2D0 MOCK TEST! Allotted time: 70 minutes!

1. Determine if the relation shown in the given table is linear, quadratic, or neither. Justify your choice. 

x  -15  -10  -5  0  5 

y  -48  -36  -21  -3  15 

2. Fill in the blanks in the table below regarding the key properties that are identified below for the 
given graph. 

Property Name  Property on Graph 


  (1.528,0) & (10.472,0) 


Axis of Symmetry   

3. Describe the transformations/translations that are applied to y=x​2​ to get the following quadratic 
relation below: 
y =− 15 (x − 18)2 − 15  
4. When a vertical compression occurs on any quadratic relation, is there a translation of the 
5. Sketch the graphs of the following quadratic relation on the given coordinate grid with the necessary key properties and points. 
y = -1.5 ( x + 6)​2​ + 10 
6. Expand and simplify the following expression: 3 ( x - 5)​2​ - 2 (3x-4)(3x+4) + 1  
7. Factor each expressions as much as possible: 
a) ​3x​2 ​( x - 14 ) - 42x ( x - 14 ) 
b) -8x​4​y​6​ + 24 x​5​y​6​ - 16x​6​y​6 
8. Determine the vertex of the quadratic relation given : y = 5x​2​ - 55x + 7 
9. Solve the following quadratic equations using the most appropriate method. Leave answers to two decimal places if necessary. 
a) 5x2 + 180 = 60x b) 8x​2​ = 96x c) x​2​ - 5x + 2 = 4x - 3 
10. As a grade 7 project, Maneet decided to sell figurines of De Brazza’s Monkeys made out of homemade Playdoh, paperclips, and googly eyes. After selling 32 of them at a price of $10 each, she 
figured out that for each $0.50 reduction in price, she would sell 2 more figurines.   
a) At what price will her sales be at a maximum? 
b) At what price will Maneet’s revenue be $288? 
FMSS decides to erect a monument of Carl Friedrich Gauss, the “prince of mathematics”. The site chosen is a rectangular patch of grass measuring 100m by 60m. Before construction, Ms. Sheahan 
decides that there should be a path of constant width paved around the perimeter. The path should not cover an area more than 10% of the grass. What is the maximum allowable width of the path, 
rounded to the nearest tenth of a meter? 
12. ​SOLVE​ The length of a new school is 160m greater than its width. The total area is 3500m​2​. Find the dimensions of the rectangle, to the nearest hundredth of a meter. 
13. ​SOLVE​ ​To commemorate the importance of triangles in our lives, a triangular plot of land is being built as a right angle triangle with the following specifications: One leg is 7 meters longer than 
the other leg. The hypotenuse is 3 meters longer than twice the length of the shorter leg. Find the length of the three sides. 

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