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Nowata Star



A006 Medical experts give flu fighting tips
Clip Rainbow Fleet Child Care your shot and practice smart UHFWRU&DUULH:LOOLDPV´7KLV
66% Resource and Referral Execu- ÁXSUHYHQWLRQ SUDFWLFHVµ season brings its own set of
tive Director, Carrie Williams, Crawford said, “It is especial- challenges, as sickness is eas-
and Dr. Steven Crawford, pro- ly important for those who are ily spread at child care facil-
fessor and chair at the Uni- going to be visiting family for ities. We want to give child
versity of Oklahoma College the holidays and those who care providers and parents the
of Medicine’s Department work around the more vul- tools to combat this.”
of Family and Preventative nerable members of our com- More tools for classroom
Medicine, have joined to re- munity, like the elderly and prevention can be found
mind parents and child care children.”
ÁX DOO VHDVRQ 7KLV UHPLQGHU tion, frequent hand washing )RU PRUH WKDQ  \HDUV
comes in time for National DQG WKH UHJXODU VDQLWL]DWLRQ Rainbow Fleet has provided
,QÁXHQ]D 9DFFLQDWLRQ :HHN of toys, classroom items and innovative child development
1,9:  KHOG 'HFHPEHU  frequently touched objects is programs to families and
 encouraged. child care service providers.
HPSKDVL]HV WKH LPSRUWDQFH both children and care giv- Fleet helps families locate
RI WKH ÁX LPPXQL]DWLRQ DQG ers are urged to stay home if quality child care options and
other healthy prevention prac- displaying symptoms, since, assists child care providers
tices. Data from recent years according to the CDC, the with a multitude of services
rates decline dramatically af- day before symptoms are dis- nical assistance as well as
ter the end of November, al- played and as long as week age-appropriate activities and
though health care profession- after becoming sick. curriculum. Rainbow Fleet is
DOVVXSSRUWÁXLPPXQL]DWLRQV “A large part of our mission an equal opportunity provider
and prevention throughout the at Rainbow Fleet is promot- and employer. For questions
holiday season and beyond. ing the health of Oklahoma’s or more information, call
“It is never too late to get children,” said Executive Di- 

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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