Manual Mack

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$ERUIIt frliltltllt


¡NTFODUGTTON .., ,. ,,., .1
advlsry Labels .2
Seruice Pbcedúres ánd Tool Usage . . .3
setoice P€aullons summary . . . . . . . . .
VISUAL ¡DENTINCANON , , . , , , f1
Engi¡e lnlomalion Plale ,. 't2
Engina Sarial N únber ldentillcallon ,12
En q ine Com ponenls .,..,,
Lubrication Sys1em . . . . . . . .22
cÉñkésé vénlilar¡ón ,25
Fue|Syslem .. ... .. ......... . .26
Exháust P.esure Govemor IEPG) .31
PowerLeashr* E.SlneaEke.... _32
Ailrnake Sysleñ.............
Tufbochafgef . ... ... .. -. .. .. . .35
cool¡nq system .35
Engiñé i¡a.ágémenl sysleñ . . . .36
cofiltPoNENT LOCATOB .. . .
cNciNE SYMPTOM D|ACNOS|S . .......
T'oubreshooli.g Tec ¡flque ..
NoÉe and vrbÉfon
Spec¡al Tools . . . .-. .. .. .. . .. .
Camshalt Sensor Oepth, Check
camshaftrhinq, check . . .. .. .50
C€nkc¿se Venril¿lion, Ch¿.k
CyllnderHeád, PréssurcTesr,.,.... ,51
Cyllndér Ljner and Pislon Wear, Check .52
EGR Cooler Prcssu€ Tesl
Enginé Comp.éñion, Tes1 . . . . . . . . . .
FlywheelHousinq Funoul, Check .... ,57
OilCooler, PresuéTesl. .. .. ... -. . .58
Focker arm, check ,59
Th€moslai Chéck..... .... ..,..., .61
Válvé Guidé Wéar. Chéck . . . . ...
Spécial Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . .
Oil Level Chek . . . . . . . . . - . . .
Oil and Fil¡er Cha¡ge Procedure .65
C€nk€e Venlilation Sysl6m -.-. .65
Fuál Fille¡ Chanoe .. ...... .66
Speia|Too|,,,.,.,,,,,.,,, .64
coolantD€in outtets.....,.. .64
coolanl Filter . -. ... -.... ... .63
Ge¡eal lñlomatlon ..... ....
Automalical y Tsnsjonéd Svslem
ENGINE FEMOVAL..,. ,., .72
SpeclalTools...,.... .72
GeneEllnstruclions...... .73
Bémdd . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .73
Speial Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G€neE nrlruqors
Móurlirglhe F!'neona FepanSland ........
Cyhnder Head (Valve) Cover Fen@al . . . . . . . . . .00
/ TnqineWinnq Harñess qemdd ..... ........ .al
rimi.g Gea. Cover FemoEt a2
Camshatl Gear a¡d Vibralion Damper Remdd - . a3
FockerArñShafi Femoval ... . ... .83
va ve Yoke (849e) Fenoval .s5
Cdrshaf Femova .s5
Unil lrieior Fer oval
S'anerFemoval .49
rrhaJslP¡6sure Goveñor (EPC) Retrovd ..... _49
Turb@l^a'qe' Fenov¿l .91
-rhaJslMa¡lold Bemoval ......... -.
Oil Tilter Varve HousrnO Beño€t . . . . . ,93
Coolañr a.d PJrp l.rer Housmgs R¿noval
Cool'nq DuclCover ¿nd OilCool€r RéFovár
Dnve Be ls at
F¿n Hub B6mová1 . . .
nelA¡'Pehéal6/Sp¿cffFemovál ..... .96
C6nkcae Ventirát on (cCV)
Sepa6to¡Femovat .
Fue Linés ánd Filld valve Housinq Fem@d .. ..
FFCU ánd Cooling Pla,e Femoval...... .94
nlér ¡rán''old Removal
Tandem Pump (Fue and Power Sbonnal F¿movál
Air Compresor B€moval . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Flywheeland Pilot B€arinq Removal ..,... 101
Pow€r Take-Or (PTO) Assembly Removal . 102
FrwheelHousing Femoval ,.,. ,... .... . 102
Canksháft RearSeal Fémovál 103
Timinq G€arTrain Femoval ... 103
Timinq Gear Plale Femoval . . . 104
Allenalor and Feinoera.t Coñpressor R¿moval 105
Thémosial añd Cóvér Féñd,l
Coolarf Pump Removal . . . . . . . 106
Cyind€rHéad Femoval....,.
C@nkshaft Vibra¡on Damper and Fan Puney Bemovar 109
CEnkshaft Frcnl Cover Femovar . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 110
cánkshait Front seal Rémovál 110
ol Fill Pipe ánd Dipslick Réiaiñór R6ñoval . . . . . . . , 110
oil Páñ Rérfóvál 111
Fonl Engine Suppon Bemoval 112
Block Sl¡ffener Plale Femoval 112
OilPump Bemoval , 113
P¡sion and Connecling Fod Assenbly Bemoval . . . . . 113
Ma¡n Bea ng Cap FemMl . . . 114
C€nkshaft Feñoval 115
Toolsand Equipmenl........ 116
Plslon Cooling SpÉy No2zle Rem@d . . . . . . . . . - . . 117
cytinder Liner R€mMt 117
Bl@k Cleanlng añd lrepecuon . f1a
Counleóore lnspelion and Creanins -... ..... -...
LiñerHelght M€asur€m€¡l.... 119
-........ -.
Cyllnderlinerlnstallalion... 120
Flwhesl Rinq G€ar Replacémenl .. 121
Coñnedirg Rod
- Pis'on Ois¿serbly , . , . .
Piston lnspoclion áld Cleañi g
Pdon Bng lnsp€clion€nd Beplacemear ,.. ..... 124
Coñnectirg Rod
-Pimn Asembry., ,... .. 125
Tml> ¿nd Equipner l ...
lnlerand Ertuusl V¿ ve Bemoval ............ lsl
Cylind€r Head Clean ng and ..... 132
Valv6Guid€ Feplacemen!....
Valv€Sprino Inspeclion .,....
lnjoclor Sreeve Fep acement . . 135
E-ap¿¡sion Plug Feplacement .
Valv€ |nspection. .. .. .. .. .. . ..
Válvé lnstá lár¡6n

ól;;;*;r-.. .. .. .......
Focker Arm Shatt A*ehbly . . . . 1,15

Disá*émbly .. .
Assombly .. ... .... .... ..... 150
Oil Cooler ñecondilionlng 152
spectatToots .. ... .... 153
Geneallnslruclions.... 154
cr¿nkshan lnbtrllalion
Main Bea ng cap hstallalon .159
Pdon át Corneclrg Fod Assenb y lnralar o. . .. .161
O,lPuúp ¡nd B ocl $ rener Plale lnralanon
OlPuúpPpesandSrar.erlrsialalion . .. .165
F onrtrq ne suppofl l¡slallaro .166
LÉnkshafl Froñl cde.a¡d seal lnslallaxon .165
I nngcea Pl¿le lnslallarlon
Cylité¡He¿d lnsl¿l dlion .169
Cdmsh¿n lnslaldlion
InngCFd l€n lrsÉllaron .173
Unh ln;€nor lnsra l¿rion
Valve Yoke (Bndse) hstalLalion
Bockér a¡m shaft ánd Eñgi.e BÉié lnstállá1ion. -.
Flwhgél Housino lnslállalion . . .142
c¡anksh¿ft Rear seal lnslallalio _144
Flwheel and Pilot Bearinq lnslallalion . . . . . . . . .135
oilPán lnslallalion ...... .. .. .137
oil Filler Pip6 md Dipslick Pip¿ lnsiallárion .......
Power Tak8'Of lnsla lalion . . . . . . . . . . 139
Timing G€arcovér lnslaLhnon........
coolant Pump lnslslblion . . . . . . . . . . . 192
coolaff Pipe lnsral¡aron 193
Otl Cool6r and Cooling Ducl Cover lnstallation _ .,._. .
Oil Fillér Housing lnsrallalion ,.
.,.,............... -... -.
tx¡ausl Manfold rnslallalloñ
Turbtrh¿rqér'n,lelláro. .198
ErhdJsl PrFs,Jré Góvernor (EPO) l-slal'¿trol ....... ... .199
Sr¿rrér lnrGl aiion
An CompFsor lnstallaho. ,201
-dndén oJrp (rue ¡.d Power Sr"e ,ns) lr\ralrarion ,202
lnlér Manfotd tretattattoh .203
Tngir Eehea€rsp¿Fr lnsr¿Ia.on...
EECU and Cool€r ,rr¿llalion
FuelLnes ard TillérPousi! lnsalal'on ... ... ... .205
Cr¿nlcdse Venlil¿ on Sepd6lo
Cr¿nkshaf Vb?ronOamper ¿nd.ánPul€ylnq¿ll¿don .
alemalor and Feilqe'anr Corpressor lnslall¿dor
Wting Hame$ lnsrafálioñ . . . . . . . . . .
Cfinder Head (Varv€) cov€r lmral]á on .210
Fa. Hub a¡d Dnv6 aéft lnsiallalion .... .211
Fenoving Engine fom Engin6 Stand . . . . . . . . . . .212
Filte6 and Mis@llaneoos compo¡ents lñslá talion .213
GeneE¡ l¡slrucüo¡s . .
lnstallalion .. .... .

REPATR |NSTFUCT|ONS. PAFT 2 ,. ,. .. .. .. .. . .. .. _217

.219 Steps . . . . . . . . . . .220
PÉssure Sdlory V¿lv" Ferov¡ .221
O'l lherrosrarV¿rvé Rep'acemerr . .... .222
SpeL'dl lool\ .. .223
Sedllnsll¿iior ,224
Spe( dl lool, .. .226
NeoP FnP S"¿lFemov¡| . .. .. .. . .224
NeoP Fne c"¿lllslall¡ibn .. ..
I ellon@ S"¿l Feñoval ... .. . .224
lel'or@S.¿rrnsrarr¡lon ...
CCV Sep¿ErorFerov¿t
CCV SFp¿Etor rns¡rt¿ oo1 .231
otLPUMP R¡PLACFME\'(rN CHASSTS) . .... .231
SpecEl loo s , ... .. . _231
OilPump Bemoval . . .232
O'lPurp l.sla4¡ion .232
Tml, "rd FqJFns I
P€ im arySlep. 236
CopperSleeve RFmov¿l .... .. ,236
Copoer Sreeve tTta t¿rio. . . . . . . ..
Tin¿lS eps ....
Cle¿nrno and I'
Fin¿ .. .
STEM SEAL . .. .. ,
AelrndrySleps ...... .250
SedlR.móval . .. . .250
Se¿lllsl¡llaxor .250
Tin¿lS¡eps .. .. .251
FEPATR |NSTFUCÍ|ONS, PART 3 . . . . _....... _...... .253
Sp€ci¿l l@|s ... .. .. .. .. .. . .254
vatu€ ánd Unil lnielor Adius¡menl . . , , , , , , . , , , . , , , . . , . . .256
Chéclinq ano Adiubling TimiT Gear Bdck¿sh . .. .. .. .. .. . .262
Fi rer Elemem lnslarlaron . . . . . .26s
Eng'ne Lub c¿ron SysFm .265
TLóochárq ... .. .. .. .. ... .266
Cooling Sr€rém
TuélSysém... .266¡e Operalioral Clecl .264
OeneÉl .263
Bunrn chek . .
Maleial a1d Dim¿ñsionaL D¿'¿ .. .270
Ensin€ComponentTorqueSpocilicatiohs (C¡iücal F6lene6) .. .276
St¿nd¡rd Bolland \ulToque V¿lues ...... ....... ....
Gasheldnd SeálFedce .. .. .. 305
Lxb canN añd Sesl,nrs
Speá Tools lo¡ Engine Overhául
Do NOÍ ús sta¡ing flu¡d (ethet) on engitus
[200 EA] equ¡ppe.¡ wl¡h an inlét ñúilol.r aí¡ h@W
éléñent. An exp¡oslon @uLr oeú. Faílure to
,@.1 lhis d¿nset my ¡eulI ¡r we
p@nal ¡nlury ú .r@b.

frc opl¡onál lan dn€s ar6 ailabls On/Of and

e aclualed. The electrcn¡cally
actuatad v sous rán d!ñé is precisely conlrolled
by the Engine Electonic c¡nlrcrunil iEEcu).

Tlhing gears hount on lhé réár of thé M P8

improving lhe ll@ ot coo inq airarcund th€ lfo¡I.
Special seruice inslruclions apply lo the €nshaf
position sensor Thé nounling plale, ¡dle. and
camshaft geá6 are mark€d to lacililal€ propér
inslallalion. The ai comp€ssor dd@ qéar
moshos wilh lh6 double idler inslead ot lhe
aux¡liary idler as oñ lhe M P7 eno n6.

Anolher feálub of thá MPo is the rear engine

power lake oli {REPTo ready) lhal is géar dnwn
lhmugh lhelminq gea¡lÉh. An optionalPTO
with d ve gear, bea ng and housinq can bé
Thé ¡¡AcK MPB (Euo3) is a 13ljlér (800 CID)
enginew¡lh eletronlc uñil i.jecto6 and an
dhausl préssuré governor(EPG) ior engine Thé mkér an shalt is held in place by €mshaft
b6kino. Thé oplionál Pow6rl6áshrM énginé beá no cápscrss. Thé€ are specialinstruellons
compession b6ke ls available ln emblnalloñ lor inslalling the cmshatt beár nq caps and lhe
wlhlhe EPG lor inc€4ád enqine bEking rockér arm €han duinq sruice.
pelormance. The engi.e coñlbfms ro Euro 3
A slifener plate lastens tó lhé bonom oi lhe
cylind¿r block lo ensue block slrenqlh and
A wide range ol the cure¡n hnsmission rigidity. Th6 éngine can be used wnh axte fomrd
of6 nqs, includ nq manual, auloñaied manúal or axle back vehiclos by virlue of optional oil
and autoñatic, Én bé leamed wilh the MPa. pans. The e¡gine lan is ñounl€d high or low
dependi¡g on v€hicle @nligu€lloñ.
Diaqnoslic héip can be lound inihe Premtúm
Teh loor (PTr). To obtáin PTI, conlaot yo( local Thé MPB uses unli njéciorc. rhé unit injector
incorpoÉlés lhe pump, vdw and i¡jécloi lls
inle mal solonoids tast, precise conlotof
The enq¡ne weighs approximálély 1 145 kg luel delivery into the cylinder The unii injectors
(252a b,) dry (w¡th aú ómpressor. wirhout oil ár€ áncased by r¡e várve mvef and not qposed
c@lánl srale r, ian, alternalo r ánd clutch). lls lo lhe hoal of éxhausl system ñmpon€nls.
design inc udes a óne-piece cyllnde I head, a
sinqle @ñead camshañ,1h€é orlour rocker Fuel pases lhough two liltere, one of which
arns pefcyllnde¡, unit injectore añd no push@ds. sepaEtes waier iom lhe tuel. High pGssurc luál
Monclee[¡ sleel pislons arc ñadé in one piécé. in the uñit injedofs is créáled via lhe rccker ams
with rclle¡ toll@e6 in mnsla dned conracl
Beplacing i¡jeoloF Equ¡res a specilic pmédure, 2. DO NOT srind lhe injector coppei sblMs,
€nd iñstállalion @quires that lhe EECIJ b6
proqfaññed lo €6gnizé @da@menl iniecloB. hslallthe cEnkshatt ma¡n béarino caps
Cleanino ¡niector boés réqúirés a special tool. adodiñg lo ma¡ked assembty nuñbel
Conneclino rod caps MUSÍ BE haled io
Slándard equipmenlon lhe engine hc¡udeslho lheir fespectire connécling rcds due to the
exháust préssur€ gowr¡or (EPG) which ulilÉes a 'l@clu@d ma¡uiacturhg"procáss used.
shutter in the oxhaust pip¿ aler lhe turbooharger Al$,lh¿ 6d caps can be inslalted onty one
Ior e nq¡ne bEk¡¡q. The EPG canbécombined My becaus€ of lhé difeE.@ in spac¡ng
wilh lhe oplional PowerLéashm ensins belween scréw hórér ál éach siri. . he
comp@ssion b6ke lor addilional G¡st ¡n
d¿c¿l¿Elio¡ and bEking.
DO NOT use lhe liiting eye on ihe ttywhet
houshg whén lilting lhá ánqine/lransmission
TheE ate mu l¡ple des¡qn vafial¡ons ol thé
Powe[eash enSi¡e bEke ufl]zing a 3iocker assembly 10 an angle gÉater lhan
válv¿ lÉin or a 4{dkér valvé Irain. The varialions
fequie a d¡tbrent camshan, spedal éxhausl cy indér head instal ation reqlires t@e ng
qlve rccker arms and yokes (bridges), an oil the head onlo lhe gaskel us ng the
conlrolEtu6 and wning harne$. Exhausl valve alignmenl screws and washéB al rhe sides
clearance lor Powe[eash¡H equipped engiñes is of lhe head and bl@k. The heád musl b€
pulled back ro the mounting plale us¡nq
scews ¡nsened lhrouoh ihé plale. Pressed
Unique colors and lhe appearance ol thé Élvé bossés in lhe gasGi keep lhe head from
dé( filléG and ¡oqo labels distinqulsh the MPB making lull contacl wilh lhe qaskei slflace
ñom olher eñgines inrhe MACK lin¿. a¡d Pre@nl dámage lo lhe élasloner
s6áLi¡g ri¡gs as lhe head slid€s inlo
PMntivé óainbna.cé is imporranl lo gel lhe
mosl fon lhe MACK túPa €ngin6 ¿nd lo ensu@
many yea6 of re iable, 1roubl+lree opeálióñ. Dó NoT use sla ingnuld(erher)on6nsines
Fefer lo the curerf TS494 Mainlénan.e and at heaier
eqúipped wilh án inréi manilold
Llbri@lion manual lor ehedulos and

R¿pai inslruclions n lhis manual d6al wilh

Éñoval, indanánon, disa$embly¡ assembly T¡É use o¡ sta lng 0ui.1 (et¡Et) on ensires
selup and adjuslments ól MPa mmponenls equíp,ed with .n ¡nlet ñanllold ¿it h¿ál.¡
e¡emút ¡s prchibiléd- an *p¡osloi @ut.t
TheG ar€ reslriclions @ncerning lhe reuse of ofur tbllúe to t@d lhis dangs may resttt
@ ain hsleners- Retur lo curBnr 6pecilicallo¡s ih $vere pe@na¡ lnluty or déáth.
bull6tins and lhe sPEclFlcaTtoNs s€clion ot
lhls ñanual ior d€raibd inlormation. A. The MPgengi¡e usesá numbérólOfirgs
lorseálinq v¿ ous lluidioinls andlubes ltis
Seruice Precautions Summery essenlial lhal.* o{ings ot the @recl
málBrial be used whéñev6rioints a€
d¡sassembléd and reássémbr.d
Followi¡q isá summarylistolthe DO añd DON'T
issues apply¡ng ló MPa 6nqine seryice.
1. DO NOT machine lhe cylinder head tor
6lean-up s¡nce this will chüge injector
deplh, lhereby afecting €missions, lt wil
also upser the abir¡ry ro oredry adjusl
liming géar backl4h.
MP8 EURO 3 ENGINE MODEL . ¡raximumloque

Engine Information Plale

The engire inlormarion plare is locared on th6 rop
ol lhe 6ylinder head (El@) covei This prate
lnclude6 inlormalion con@rning the foll@ing
l¡addilion to ihé iniormarion plate, lhere ls
. Engine model and emisions l@l another labe ón the cylind€r h 6ad (vahe) @ve r
Th is add ilio¡a I label lists lhe chass¡s num bér,
6ñgine sé al numbér á¡d Especlire barcodes.

$n€ Mooa I ñ;;6;ñl

moP vssn, a mm- l
kffioú. lh ¡
MrD PmER F -dro - il
Mm Pes';;-r -* l-
-q ".,^ gl
otsPúEM€ú L
rz! b I
ssDu f #m]r
€MsrswE, f E l

Engine Ser¡al Number ldentificalioñ

ln addilion 10 rhe engi.e inlo.mation ptate on lhe
cylinder head cover, the enginá is also identilied
by lhá énqine se¡ial number laúped inro lhe
cyli¡der block. This seralnumber¡s located on
lhe block lefr sde at thé lonr jusr bélów rhe lnlet
MACK MP8 EURO 3 ENGINE Main réalu€s ol rhe cylinder had are:
[200 EAI . lnle gEl th e rmoslat housins

Sepahie chañbérs lor axháust and in¡et at each

cyllnde r make lhis a'crosslloü d6sign. Th e luel
cha¡nel, d lled ircm fonl10 rear, connects with
gr@Bs máchinéd a@und each injalor openlng.
A plug ál lh€ Éá¡ ot lh€ cy ind6r head seals lhis


fháéngin6 has án ovéñéad €mshaft and ockér
am shalt in supporl oi lour valves p€r cylind€L
fhe camshaft rides on seven journals w¡lh a
béanng cap ánd suppoñblock (s.ddle) al each
poinl. fh6 b€a¡inq inserls (sh¿llsi, beannocaps
and suppo¡l blocks are replaceable.

lllhe ongine is €quipp€d wnh EPG exhausl b6ke

only, there arc thee cams for each cyliñde¡,
in.luding inréI, injeclion and qhacl, Each valve
bcker ah drives two wlres via a pinles voke

To 5c@mñodate thé low cab lomard design, lhe On some engi¡es, ih¿ EPG éxhausl brake is
inlel ma¡itold is oo¡ligured dife€nl¡y lor the used in @mbination wnh üe PN€rLéGhfr
convénliona¡ véBUs th¿ lM cab loNád chassis. énqine b6ke. Wilh lhis conigu6llon,lhe eñqhe
The ai¡ lnlél ibm ihe charge air c@ler is at the cañ háve thre6 or four €ms Jbf ea6h cylinder
font ol lhe inlet ñan¡lold on the @n@ntional dependlng on the P@erleashrM ant €
ch6sis, bú near the rear of the manifo d on lhé

Engine Components

r n 3' \hi€ \br€ (s' dse) lr.adrusmen'shm

F¡q!É4_cll¡nd4H..d'ilhv.lÉsandcanshaÍ | 4 sh m Feb nnq*
Exhausl valw yokes nclude a shim ór
adjusrñenr. Fépraceábt€ vdw suidesand se¿ts
are made of a lovéd esl kón ¡nd srpél
€speclively, A¡li/álvé guides htu ot s@ts.
Exhausl valres haw doublá vdre sprhgs.

Rolle6 in Ihe ends oflhe rocker arms enlact lhe

c¿m shah The @nl¿cts wirh Lhe yokes h¿v6 ba

rhé Émshaft s h;uclion-ha¡dened fm,nq

m¡rks lor válve and qeclor ¿diuslméni ¿F
Jocaled on lhe llanqé lotuad oi the No. 1
cáñshafi jóurna . Th€e mafks ae lor adiust¡¡s
valve clearancé. They do not appty io cámshafi

Cañshaft lhrusl w6heF are tnteqht on thá No 7

joumal bearng. sñoórh @talion ls ensu€d by
m6áns ot a vibralloñ dampe¡ oñ ihe camshaf
gear Téelh on lhe damper ¡f$eáct wilh the
camshall pc¡lioñ sBnsor lo¡ input to th€ EEcu.
.r %M Yoré (B' dss)

3. Lowsf Beainq c4 6upood)

Timinq ma¡ks on lhe cúshal p@ide lorBN€
ánd iniécior adlustmént. t¡oMrlóásh iñclúd6s
ls owñ eleclron¡c conlrcl Oo@ned by divers
c¡oi@ ihouqh a swilch ne4 lhe sleering wheel,
This @nlrol mounls on lhe cy indér head
be¡r¿én lhe No.3 and No 4 cylind€r rockBr
ams Thé o¡í¡q hainess lncludes addll¡onal wlre



| 2. 3ro.{ srirleE Pr#

Main bearing caps are made oi nodular casl úo¡

CYLINDEBBLOCK machined l€elhér wnh üe cylinder block. Car
al¡q¡m€nl slols in lh€ block and tabs on lhe caps
The cyliñder bloc( is made ol casl lbn. For
ensufe prcpe¡ alagnment at ¡nstallalion. Each cáp
increased cylinder block rqidúy and noise a¡d
is marked wilh its localion beginning wilh No. I at
vibdtion 6duction, a stéel sttfend plale atlaches
lh€ lront. Cap Nos. 4 ánd 7 a@ unique and arc

The maln and p¡slon lub cal¡nq channels ae

Th€ block includes cylinder line6 lhal @nlacl lhe
drilled longiludinally lhrcugh lhe block These a@
plugg€d ál lh€ lmnr ot lh€ block. Thé main coolarf dú4try (wet I né6). Th6 cásring shapé
lollo@ lhe co¡lours ol lhe cyliñdeÉ lo inc€as
chañnel opens ¡nlo a est ¡n channel lhat
riqidily and redu@ noise,
supplies oillorhelim¡ng geaB. The pislon
eo ing channel is cover€d by lhe liming gea.
H@d ro Bloct Arlgnmenl CYLINDER HEAD GASKEI
The cylinder head qasket is nade of on6 Di€ce oi
s heel sr€é wirh vu l@ nized elaslomer séáls oh oil
a¡d c@lant @ndufs. Thá des gn ót the engine
a¡ d head gskel requires a u ñiqu€ pocédu € ror
inslállar on ol ihé cylinder head,

fhe scrss a¡d MsheB át the sid€ guidé rhé

head inrosideto-side alig.ment as lt s tatd óh
the gásket ánd block. Screws pased lhróuqh the
1lm¡n! gear mounling plale hto thé head pullthé
head inlo alignmenl lore and ail. Small, slamped
bosses on the g6kel hold lhé h€ad clear ol lhs
seals and all@ [ lo glide a.curalely ¡nto position
ágainst lhé mounling plale du ng i¡slallalion.
Tightenihq lhe head bolis llatlens lhe bosses on
lhe qaskel. For lhis reae¡, a nd head Aaskel
musl be insralled whénévér thé héad is rémMd.

| 3 cyfidef Brod

Three eews a¡d washeF inslalled at the side

(two inlhe bl@k and on6 in the head) allgn lhe
head foñ side lo side al asseñbly. Fore and afl,
rhé héad is aligned by co¡racl wilh the liming

fhe head ¡s al¡gred wílh lhe tiñ¡ng gaar plale by
súaws passed lhough the naunl¡ng plale ¡ñlo
lhe húd and t¡qhlúe¿ swely. I is ertrcnely
¡npanañl lo rcñúe lhe* súews befoÉ
aÍúpüng b tma|e lhe cyl¡ndet head hon lhe
blóck. Fá¡lué fo h@d th¡s Édian nay rcsu¡t k
swrc danage lo ¡he tiñing geat pkte and orhét
The ctinder block lses repla@able wel cyl¡nder The oil pán is pláslic or s1e€l wilh a lhrca¿ed pluq
d€€@, The lower end ot e&h de* is sealed lor dEinino. fhe plaslic pán has á grco@ i¡ lhe
againsl rh6 block wilh lh€é élaslomár dngs. Thé mounnng ilange which accepts a molded
úpper end ls sealed wllh a rlng ol EPDM olastomér g6ker for a 6eal, The sleel pan is
elasromer siruared di€.ily under rhe slede eded wlh a gaskel on lh€ oil p llange.
collai This desiqn cools lhe upper seclion oa lhe Trenty-lwo spnng-loaded *rews clámp lh6 pan
sle@ beter be@u6e lhe arca of @olanl

Thé lo@r seals afe litred ¡n gboves in the

cylhder block, The botom seal ¡s ol a diltéEnl
maten¡l and ll!órcsenl violél iñ mlorto
dislinguish ir lóm lh6 interñed¡ale sels.

The oil pan hcludes an oilleü/t€mpéEture

sen6or wnh connecior fhe iillef túbe ánd dipsrick
FrquE 12
- o¡hder Li¡or.¡d sat. moun¡ng pons a@ also @mponenls ol lhe oil
| 3. LMers.:rlnq uiiq
Gh.$ I übn (PuDla)
Oll pans wilh lh€ sump al the
lont or at the rear
a€ available io aeomhodal8 dré foMd or
The @r maln €p (No. 7) i.cludes an áftachiñq
poinl lor lhe lube pump. Thrusl washeB io coñrot
The cEnkshan is dbp loroed sleél and inducrion
hardénéd. h hG s@n journals wiih repla@ablé ¿ri¿l mmménr srGdd e rhe 6nr€r iournar (cap
beadhgs. Five mFized epl&ement beainq No.4). The romaninq aps (N6.11,5 ¿nd 6)
oplions are availáb é to aeommodaré cEnkshaft a€ numbefed io faclilale cofecl a$emb¡y.


A Tellon@ seal b€arina dirécllv on lhe cBnkshall

llanqe is used al the fo¡t ol thé crankshall. Thé
flonl soal has an ouler lell ing which seres as a
dusi c@[ at the Éár ol rh€ cfankshaf is arclhef
seallhal beaF direclly on ihe ñachinád sulfa@
ot the cránkshaí geai Addnionally al the éar,
there is a góoÉ in lho r6ar cEnkshail llange lór
an Oiing whi.h forms a seal betweoh üe llanqe

Whenever the krer main bea ng caps aé
inslalled in lhe enqlne block,6nsu@lhe owe¡
nain bea nq cap is installed iñ lh€ samé l@alion
ól lhe 6nqiné bl@k as remored, Ats, ensure lhai
the arrani¡q hafk (boss) on lhe b€ring Ép
aliqns wilh lhe ñark (bos) on rhé engine block.

| 6 cü dne RodBo\:
| 7. conEüis Rod&ariñs cap
¡'droBcf chs RodB€'rc'
I a LrPPe
I ,Oe co1€.ú0 Fod
i WÉ.P¡1

ConóecÍng rcds a@ lo.qed sleel and a€ uséd in

combinalión with on6-pi¿c6 tüóñósiéeiD steél
pistóns. fhe beanng caps are attaohed wilh lour
M12 capscrss spaced lo prrenl misalignménl.
Th6 óds añd €ps are m¿de by á facloé"
pr@* ihat requkes a cap be assembled wilh ils
orlginal od. N4er anempl lo us€ mlsmaich€d

The pislon is fin¿d wilh lhee nnas. ln lhe lop

goow ¡s a @ñpressloñ rlng wllh a "keyslone
c@ss seclion. ln lhe second grcove,lhe
mmprésion ring has a réctangular cro$
secl¡on. ln ihe th¡d grco@ ¡s a sprlng loadéd oil

r P.roic@ io Noz. l3 oog4irqvar6

O¡l f@ lor ihe pision
6óliño sysrém is @ntrclled IIMINGGEABS
by two va¡@s, ¡he openlng vd@ suppli6s oii ánd
The tlmlng géa6 are l@led al lhé r6af ol lh6
th¿ conlrol Elw balan@s the oil lt@ lo the
p¡slon oolinq.hánñéL fhé pislon c@ling nozre engine Backjñs up lh€ gea6 is a plale: a 6 mm
(1/4 inch) rhi.k sreer sheer atrach€d ro the
is aligned so lhal the óil jst hls lhe und€Gide oi

The advantages of lhls 6rliqudión ဠno@

prtris€ nmingl f4er @mponenis ánd lM6r


e. P.*efráéofr Ga (opriondJ

fhe pwer sieerhg/luél pump gáar, rhe air fhe camshaft oear faslens lo lhe hub oñ thé énd
mmpe$orqeerandlhe PTo oearafe no iminq ol lhe shaf- A vlbdtion damper also athches ió
¡€Is. The pump¿ndcompressorqeaÉlaslen tó thá hub oulboad ol lhe 96ár Téeth on the
$en @specliE @mponéñts. rhé pump qed is dañp6r acluale lhe Émshafr positión sensór
d wn by lh€ áuxiliaryidlergear The mmpressor The geaf ¡s drivén via rhé adjustable idter
qear is driven by lhe double idler geai

The dóubl6 idler dri@s the adluslabt€ idterand

lhe qear us€d lo d ve lhe Dower take o¡1, if so
equlpped. Th¡s ¡s parr or i¡á 'REPTo-Feadl
féalu€. A PTO un¡t with drlvs g6ar is subslituled
lor a cowr on lhe llwheel hous¡óq.
DANE BELTS Each beft us€s an aulomalic lénsioner rn lie
hlgh position, v¡41 in Figure 13, ther6 aré ¡ro
Thls enqihe cañ be cohiigured to accomhodale
idler pulleys in the primaia loop: o¡e behreen the
eilhd the @nve¡lional cha$is or lhe low cab coolanl pump pulley and lhe tension idlerilhe
loead (LCF) desiqn, Dependinq on lheEhicle, olher bétween the cankshaft pul ey and thé fa¡
the hn locarion may be high or low on ihé rán

Iwo poly V bells drive the fonl engioe

vis 2 in Figure 18,Ihé ¡dler
ln lhe low posiUon,
bénreen the d¿ñpef a¡d lan pulléys ts omiltéd.
accessores. The ourer, primary belr (10 or
l2 Íbs) dives lhe coolanl pump and lan hub rom
a pulley on lhé c€nkshali llange nested in the Lubrication System
vibElion damper The inner, se@ndary bell (six
riL\s), driveñ by the cEnkshatl vibralión damp6r, A g€aFtypé pump at the rear of the enq¡ne,
d¡@s the alternalor ánd r€irio6ant coñpréssr dr¡ren by the c6nkshaft g@r, draws lub¡icanr
fom lhe oilDan a¡d suppliBs lhá s!61ém. Oil
fows lfom thé ouñp thóuoh lhe dislr bdion
houshg to the lilrefs, ro a gallery ar rhe fighr side
otlhe enqineseryinq the cBnkshaft jounals.lo a
galléry at th6 léft sid6 serying pislon lubriÉtion
and eol¡nq, lothecyl¡ndef head and fockershall
du6l (Elre @ker and camshatl) and back lo lhé
oilpan. Thé syst6m incLud6s crankssé

TM JulLnow fftéB and a by-pá$ lillér máinlá¡n

cléáñ lubflcañl- A sén$r ln lhe oll pan mohito6
fluid le@|. There ¡s an oil c@ler imme6ed ln
engine coolánl inside lhé coolanl dudcover

A slrai.era¡d pickup tube lead the lubn€ into

the pump. Forlhe axle lo ardólpan,ihe
strainer¡s mounled ón a shonlube h6ld n pac€
by a b@ckel allached to lhe distrtbution holsihg.
Forrhe axle back mode , a longlúbe wilhour lhe

There are lhree lih€G, oné by-pa$ and tvo The Educing vdw maintalns @nstanl sysl€m o I
lu l-llow, atached lo a hous¡ng mounted al lh¿ pressu¡e. Thé sisly mlvá p@venls excessi@
lo@rrightsid¿ ollhéengine. Oilllowlhóughthe p€ssu G d uring pef¡ods ol h io h viscosiry. The oil
lillers ánd lhé lubri€lion syslem is @nlro led by cooler lh6rmoriái v¿lve prMntsof Írom €nrennq
the @oeru¡rrL rMms rothe setpont.The
overllow valw all@s o'l to by-pss the flter il it
becomés clogqed. T¡e openins valve prsenls oil
ton mwing lo lhe piston @ot¡nq oultels unli the
. OilCool€r fhemostal Valve syslem eaches the sl prssue The conlol
valve @qulales Ihé oil llow lo lh€ pisron cooling
. Owrl N Valre. Full-Flów Fillé¡
. OpeninS Valve, PislonCoor¡ng
. conlrolva@, Piston coolins
Crankcase Vent¡lation opén spaces are ducred iho;h á pipé üal
opens to thá almosphere ¡ear thé bottom ol the
l-ubri@nl becomes a ñisl in many arcs ol the
e¡giné as rhe @su I ol lhe motlon of the parts
(e.s., bcker ams, pisrons, c¡ankshatt, €mshaft ThB c€nkc4é renlilaiio. (ccv) slslém
and rocker shalt). Ihé misi ridés the dctts ot alr sepafát* lhe oily m sl t@n lhe gases by
and olher g4es lhal circútate in thé open spaces cefnrifugal lorce. Thé oil €lurns to the oil pan.
in lhe engine. To praent pressure buildup, th€ Thé rémainder e$apes lo the álmosphárá.

A iurbine ih the CCV separaior, drive¡ by a smat Thé opéñ port conrecls to a lube leadinq lo lhe
sl@am ot oll slr kino its lins, spins ár high speed. bottom ot the onqine where bad d6lt draws lhé
The mixturé óf g4es ard o¡ y mlst lbpped in thé qases inlo lhe alñosp he fé.
€lve evef andihetming gear.ovef dElns onlo
lhé lop ót lhe center ol lhe lurbine and ru¡s down
onlo sd6Éldis rolaling w¡lh1he tuóine.
Separal¡on occú6 as lhe nixlure, tlu¡g outward
bylhé luóine, slikes lhe wa ls ol lhe ccv The
drop ¿ls ol mist c@les@ nlo a liquid ánd d@in
back inlo lhe oil pan along wilh lhe o¡¡ lhai dnv€s
lhe luróine. Thé q6€s aré lree lo leaE via a.
Fuel System

'5 wbré oir es cord i*ú \ (rnrd- ér, %eD
7 Ai BÉdv¿tls(!ro*skháfré.HMo,
's ^j@rn
seD(. Pod (P *uc cdussr
¿ s@ndaryüain) Fiher je supprPresu€s€ner
20 rp
Pad6, (oprioÉ)
e. un rni.dor 2r. shüon valv€ (dos úM
sdi@ rl€f Gnr@d)
22. On*w4 vár@ (Hand Prminq)
r r. Pmp sábry vd€ {P@uÉ R@utab)

fbe luel pump atlach6s ülh lh€ power sree ng

pump lo lhe itwheel houshq at the Éár l6i side,
It lums on rhé same shat as the power sléering
pump. Ih€ @mmon d ve gear mesh6 wilh the
aux¡ lary ¡dler driven b! th¿ cÉnkshaft gear Al
600 rpn, lhe pump dellw6 a miñimum 100 kPá
(14.5 psi), and al 1200 rpm, 300 kPa (,13.5 psD.
Al 400-550 kPa (5H0 psi), lhe gal¡ery requlalor
válve op€ns to conlrcl luél gallery p@ssue.
Fuel is dEwn by lhe suclion side ol lhe tuel pump FUE! F¡ITRATION
lroú fte tu€l lank inlo lhé ECU cooling plate and
enlefs lhe luei finer housl¡q. Fu€l pss¿s by the Primary and secoñdáry li[ e¡ements atiach lo
one-way .heck vdre wh¡ch p@nts lho unde6ideotlhe l¡lle¡ hlv6 housing. The
th€ bre€dinq
oltuolbackrolhe lue lank and into the pr¡mary housino, lo€léd at the font l@e¡ tsft sida ot lhe
tuelliiier Th6 tu€lb¿comés liheed by pa$lng ctlinder block, h6 an inlogEl hand-pr¡ñ¡nq
pump lor bleeding lhe syslem. Thé 30 nic@n
through lhe lilter media fom lhé oulslde lo the préJiltér (primary liller) also sepa.abs wal6r lrcm
cenlef of lhe pfima¡y luel l¡lle¿ The lúel léáws
the luel. Wat6r mlbcr8 in a cup on lhe bollom ol
lhe pr¡mary tiher and pases by a one-wáy úlvs
locred in $e rhreaded nlpple ot rhe pdmary l¡rrer lhe pre-lillel There ls á sensd lo kéép lE k ol
thé walff and signalthe EECU.
Thé luol llM lroñ lh6 liltér housing lo lhá
suclion side ol lhe tuel punp through an exlsrnal
tue line, Fuelbeómes p@$urized afer leav¡¡g A one-way 6heck valw toÉted in th6 tittsr
housing prMnls iuéltom daiñing back to the
lhé luél pump ánd lss back lo lhé fh* hous¡ng
tue tank when the eñgin6 is shut down. A160
lo €nter thé se6ndáry liftér Ths luel b€comes
included in rhe tuelliler hols¡no ¡s rheruer
l¡[e€d by passing thbugn the ti[er med]a foñ pfessuré $nsorjusr abwe rhe secondary liller
rhá oulsidé ro rhá cánrér ol rhé sécondary flrár
Th6 tuel leáv6s lhó se@ndary li lor and passas
by a¡ aulomatio air bleed valve which is lodled ¡n NOIE
lhé lhrcad€d nipplélór1h6 sécondary lillér Fuél
passes by ihe lúel pr6úfe séñ$r and then exits The collgclsd wat€r can be dumped on y
lhe llte¡ housinq lo enler lhe rear ot lhe cyli¡der while lhe engiñe ls noi tuññing, lh6 kéy is in
head lhrough an 6Íend lua lin6. Aft€r fu6l lh6 OA/posilion and lhe parkhg b¡ake is sel.
enleF lhe cyl nder head, il passes lhbugh lhe some lrucks a@ buill wllh a remole moúnted
lu€l gallory ol lh6 cylindér head lo conlinuous y tuel wáter sepaÉror ln lhis case, the luel is
delivertuelto allsix únn inleclórs. Fuelleáres rh¿ d6wn lhough lhe reñote nounled fher
cylinder háad aler passing by lhe luel preslre b6fo€ il .eches lhe ECU coold plate. On
égulator located at lhé léft lod comér of lhe lhe liller bas€, ihé mouniinq lo€uon torthe
cylinder h€d. Fuel is routed back róm lhe siandard pháry liLter ¡s blocked ofi with a
cylindér h6ad lo thé filter housing lhrcugh an
enernalluelllne io dell@r somé rátunluelback
inló lhe su.lion s¡de which qo6 io lhe irel pump.
Any ex@si€ luél nol ónsumed is bled ol
lh @ugh lh e de-aeEl¡on válve ánd thén, diracl¿d

FrquE 23 ln¡.dor DrasEm

- Unrr
This snq¡né usés dolblé solenoid unil injecloF. The luer pump préssu zes $e óalery do ihátruel
Un ike systens lhal rcquké sspá rushes lnro each injetor when il opens. Gallery
ior deÍrenng, pre$u z¡nq ánd lnleclins, this ún ir pressu@ is ¡egulaled by a válv6 rhal deliveB
i¡jelor cómbines these tunclions. fhese éxc€ss luél back lo lhe tank.
inielo6 pr€cisély cónlról lha ruel deliwry
beeuse ol the Mo solenoids. Th6 so enoids, Copper sleqes, actino as coolánl iackers, line
pump and nozzle ae in a sinq e body iñ crose lhé bolroms ot lhe injeotof bofes. Eñgine cmlánl
crrcúlales aroúnd l¡es¿ de*s aiding lhe
po@s ol conlrolling ini€clion l€mpéBlue.
Th€ injéclor t. sel in a p€ssurizéd iuel gallery
where the luel teñperatoe is @nsiant. Uniloh There 6ro rour phass ro rhe injeclor c,ycle ol
Iuel teñpehlue meáns uniform quanlily in each ope €lion. fhese include:
¡njeclion which ñeans unibrm pMer oulpul irom

. Pfess!re dbp phásé


FsuE24 uñtr rnt¿dóI- F atds.i¡rPh¡s

F¡ll phasé (A): Ouringrhel¡r¡nq phasé,lhe pump Sp¡ll phase (B): The spill phase beqins when the
piunqer is on ils way up, lhe @mshan bbe is camshall obe ior@s ihe rocker árm lo pu€ h the
pa$inq its hiohesl poinl md rhe @cke¡arm is on pump plungardown, The tuel€. n@ llow
its My loward lhe €dshaft báso circl€. fhe luel thouOh thé luel E vá, lhmugh lhe holes h lhe
El€ is open, allowi¡g luello llow lnto the unii unil injeclo¡ and out ihóúqh lhe luel gallery. fhe
iñjdlor Jrom lhé lówer luel gallery Fuel ft@s ¡nto spill p hass conlinues as long ás the tuelúh€ is
ihe cylinderhead and lhe unil inieclor pump
6flinder Filliñg conti¡ues until lh€ pump plunge¡
reach4 irs upper posrrlon.

FiquE unr rnl¿cbr hjer¡on and PressuE oED Pha€6


hjécrion pñase (C): The injecr on phs€ besins

when lhe luel € w clos6s. The cahshaf lobe NOTE
and rccker am coñt¡nue to press down on lhe
puñp piuñger and injeclion occu.s as lhé palh Ihé diñe¡slon by wh ch the i¡leclor óozle
lhouah üé fuo¡ va w closes. The injeclion phase dlends lrom lhe head is crilica . This means lhat
conlinues as ¡onq as lheluel€lve isclosed, machiñino lhe h6ád in any wáy lhat chánqes this
nózzb énension ls ñot pemilled.
PE$ure drep phásé(D): The l¡Fcno¡ phase
ends whe¡ the tuel valve opens and prcssuE in
lhé unil injéclo¡dops bélow lhé nozzlB opening
p6súre. The fuél flo$ thfoúgh ihe open i€l
val@, lhrolgh lhe uñil injeclor holes and oul
lh.ough the luél galléry Noré rhal the luél €lvé
pcliion (cl6ed or open) deterh nes when the
injecl¡on phasebeginsand ends. Thelimedurinq
whlch lh€ tuél Elre i5 closéd dalerminés lh¿
amouñt ol luel ¡njecied ai each pump sloké.

Unn inj¿cloB aré cal€goriz€d and 6ded wlh

Égafd lo lole€nces. wheneEra únit inieclof is
replaced, lhe eplacement ¡njeclor [iUSl be
p@q@mmedlorlhe cylinder i¡ whi6h il is
insla léd. This is done by pogEmming EECU
páÉñete6 using tho VCADS po or lhe Premium
Tech fool (PTl) ro ser ¡rlé.rol rr¡D parañerers
wilh lhe lÍm codes marked on lhe injeclors.
Exhaust Pressure Governor (EPG) System

horGml svdsm

The qhausl pE$ue @gulalor (EPG) is placed To meel ihe uryhg corfól áir n¿6d3 of the
h dlrect @nnecton with the tuóiho housi¡g of áxhausl brake, lhe engine electronic conlol unil
lhe tuóocharqer, and has lwo tasks: sénds a Puh6 widlh Modurated (PwM) signalo
. when idlinS, lhe engi¡e ls kept warm by the AVU valve, wheré lhe siqnál pulsá w dth (s a
p€rcénlage) deremines Ihe oulpú ai prosufo lo
créannq a báck péssu.6 in thé qhausl

. when lhe a@e eElor pedal ls eleased, lt Figuc 27 shM lhe silualion du ng normál
ácts ás an dhausl bBke. d vi¡g. Wh€nñe AVU vdre is ¡ot receMnQ
elecric curenl, ihe shdl6r (2) is complete y open
The qiausl pre$u€ regulalor conslsis ol a and lhe qhausl is f@ to pass.
shuiérhoúsing (1). a shdrér (2) and ap¡eunallc
cylinder (3) as sh@n in Fisuro27. Compre$ed
an is bken lom lhe veh¡cte aar system and
@nroned by án air valvé unit lAvU), which is
ávaiable in lrc ÉÍants lorlurbocha.qeFwith
or wilhout wasle gares {acruaroF) respecrtuéry.
The avu válvé consisls básically ot a solenoid
Elve, an air €lÉ dd a p¡inl€d {i@uil boad. h
@gulales lhe pessure sleplessly wlhin lh6 0.5 ro
7.5 bar Éñgé. Th€ EN€ has a bulll-ln reducing
€tue, which rol€s¿s ditfeern pB$ures ior the
respeclive anoúnts ol bdking.
Powef Leashrr Eng¡ne Brake

Thé 6ngin€ cañ be equipped with a

Po@rLéásh engine bhke syslem lo assisl in
sl@i¡g lhe vehiole when n*sary Thé systém

. Exhausl od@r árm o¡ dháúsl and blake

. ExháGt valE yokes (bridSes)

There arc multple delign Efialions o1 lhe

Powe¿edhrM €nsin6 brake ulilizing a 3-@ker
valvé lfain or a 4-fockef El@ l€in.

Witi lhe s-rccker P@é €6hüd6¡gñ,the
dhausl rokér ams @nla¡n a power pi6lon and
non reiufn Elve lo acluale rhá dháusl €l@s iof
e¡gine braking. Th€ lh@ rocker a¡ms ae
posíionéd on the shalr (fbnt ro ba6k) in the odér
ol ¡nlel, injeclor and exhausl. Bolh lhé in el añd
éxhaust rcck€r srms éach dri@ the vdre paks
Fiqu6 23
-P 6l€a3h'¡ Í3.F.cbr) comDonsr3
via a pinless yoke (bridse).

L Adiudñañr shin
lil 6é ahácr va c

Thore aé two smáll lob6s on each ol th€ orhaust

cams ¡n áddition ro rhe regu lar robe. Thén
ocalions are limed lo opeñ lhe exhalsl valves al
thá 6nd of tr ¿ induclion slrc k¿ and m med iately
béloé TDC oñ thé 6ñpr6ssion srok€ wh6n
engine bfaking is act¡hted,

The exhaust Mk6r áms ará slurdiér lhan

sta¡dard a¡d afe eqúlpped Mth blade springs to
mainlaincleaBncebelweenlhe rol¡erandúenro
small 6rÉ lobes when PowefLeash is nol
acli€led. Vdw cloa@nca adjuslm¿nt is
accompfsned lhbugh rhe use ot shhs atiached
lo the lop ot lhe valve yoke.
Wilh the 4jock€r désiqn. lhe qhaust rccl@r arms Pow6rl66hrü opecllon depends oh eil of lhe
conla¡¡ a pump p¡lon h additión lo lhé pówer lollowlng onditons which must ex¡st
pislón and no¡-@lurn valve. An additional "brak6"
rock€r árm, wolking in combinalion walh lhe
exh¿ust rockd am, dn€s lhé pump pislon io¡
. AcceleElor pedál rél$sed
. Ensinespeed abóvé 10m lpm
. Clutch ped¿l r€l€6€d
. Boad speed ábóve 5 kflh (3.1 mPh)

. T€nsm¡sslon ln 9€r
r oilrempeÉtuÉ ábo@ 60'c (1,ro'F)
. chafse aúpfessúe berow50 kPa (7.25 psD

On lh€ cylind€r hoad, lhe oil conllol valve

connects lhe o¡l pasaqés in thé h¿ad and mckár
shafi. Thé cont@l valve reduces the o¡l pre$úÉ
in the bck6r shaft 10 100 kPa (14,5 psi) when
PowerLeashrr is nót á.Jivá1é.1

F¡€uE 2e Poturl.$hr¡ {}nocke4 comF¡enrs

3 Déómpresrdlóbá I L Serinq
I ii E,h¿!dLobe

Atéáchcylinder, lherc isalourlhcamlo d velhe

brake ¡ocker am. This cañ @nta¡ns lhe chárging
and d€omo.e$lon lobés which are timed lo
ópen lhe exhaul valves al the end ol lhe
indlclio¡ slrcke and ¡nmed¡atéty betb€ TDC on
lhe cómp€ssion 6l@ke whe¡ englne bdking is

Wilh lhe 4-rocker desion, it is lh€ €ng¡n6 bráke

rccker am lhal is equipped wnh á blade spriñg.
He.e, the pulPosé is ro keep the oller in @ntact
wiih the lourth "b€ke"can.
When lhe a@eléÉtor pedár is rel6s6d (and rhá
PowerLeash silch is O/9, lhe eleno¡d opens
állowing sm¿ oil to éscape th.ough a smal¡ porl.
Reduced sprino pr6ssuÉ mdés the oislon,
opens lhe passage lo lhe ócker shan ánd
inceases lhe oil p€ssu¡e. The sysleñ opeñs the
exhausl valve du nq induclion and again
inmediabt b€roÉ rDC on the .omp¡e$ion

The engine slo$ becaue lhe exlÉ wlume

under compression lakes mo€ powerlo
comp€ss¡ a¡d es€ping p6suÉ iñ thé
combustioñ stfok6 reduces lhe po@r oulput. A
silch on lhe inslrumenl panel all@s the driver
lo enqage or diséngágé Powé[éashfr.

ll the ABS syslem beomes acl¡w, il

aulomalically disables Powe¡Leash . ll lhe oil
lemp6nlur€ so6s bdMss'C (131'F),
PorefLeash cannot be acl¡valed, A wam¡ng
lámp ón lhá inslruménl pán€l llashs if lhé d rer
atenpls lo acliÉte I uñder this @nditioñ. Air lntáke System
A pod n lhé cyliñdér héad állóG a-éss to lhé Fresh at erfeÉ ihe intake áboB lh€ back ol lhe
o¡lpassaqeway- The plug can be reñoved a¡d á cab, Plaslic duol rcfk leads the a¡r to lhé fLlér
qauqe and hose 4sembly insened lor use dunng
*séñbly ñounr6d o¡ the bulkh@d underlhe
hood. An iñp¡€gnal€d paper fher pBÉnts
iorcign panicbslom pa$¡nqlhroloh. Thé
aséúbly dgsign permit6 the additlon ol a s@nd
tlller if ñeeded in €xlr6mé €nvironments.

a eñbinálion pÉsu@^empe€lure sensof

mouñted oñ lh€ pipe bB¡deen lhe i ller hous¡ng
and lhe lufb@hafgér aleds ths dri€r il rhe lilleB
ñé6d cplacémenl bebre the sch€dul€d s€frice.
Thé brsk€ syst€m ai comp€ssor álso dáws
fesh, clean ak floñ this samé pipe.

Turbocharger A housins conta¡niño animpelür, shadseats.
bsa ng ánd pulley anaches lo lhé móuntinq
The lurbocharQe¡ ls ol Map Widlh Enhancement
plale. Thé bean nq is a pe rmanently lub ¡icaled
d¿sign, which ñeanslhatthe alr iñ1ak6 is dividád combinallon óll€rand ba lbearing. Betwe¡ lhe
inlo trvo áBas (an inne¡ and an ouler afeaJ shafr sels and lhe bearino, lhe€ is a ventiláted
connecied by a ring-shaped gap. Thls spacewhich le¿ds ¡lo a ducil behind rhépulev
lurtocharqer d4ion eñsur€s eficiéncv al bolh fhis állówq inr.'n'l lé'k< r. hé dprédéd
ow and hioh rolallon speeds.

F¡oure 33 cm¡6nt twdé4 sFbm comDoneds

| 3. cooranr tume Moünrino

lr.ErhausrPre$úa I Pbb
I GMrnor(Ere)
Cooling Sysleh This is a piston typ6, tutLfe lhe¡mosial wilh
pislon, bu b, seala.d housi¡g ln a sinqLe
Tho coo ing syslem incorpohtes a beltdnvén assembly. Coo ani llows co¡tiñuously, eilher back
@olantpuñp mounred on rhe iont ot ihe ehgine lo the púúp, or lo rhe radialor and bad{ to thé
on the qhl. lt also uses a pislon-lypé themGtál PUmp.ll has lower pressu¡e dop.ompafed to
housed in lhe lronl ol lhe cyl¡nde¡ head and a lan oiher lypes. The lhemostal is mounled on the
w¡lh visous or ai¡-op6ráréd d ve ñounied abow to¡l ol lho cylinder head,
lhé cEnkshaflpurley. Acmlanlcondilioner (l¡ltel)
attached lo th¿ pump housinq 1i lérs impuntus
lom lhe coolánl and €léGes suppteme.lal
ooJanl addilives ior system prctéclion.

'rhe back ot the coolanl (ware4 pump, with ils

ducts lor dislribuli¡g coolanl, is a sepaElé
casting attachéd lo lhe clli¡def block.
ENGINE COOLING FAN Engine Manaqemenl System
The coollng ian (Fiqu€34) runs v¡a a visus or
air-óperated driw rhrough whi6h tan speed is ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT
elecrrcni@lly conrrclled by rh€ EECU. Wirh (EECU)
p€cisá EECU control,lan sp€6d is mnlinuously
adjusied lh response to seveál interelated
inilúences. fhis makes tor eliclenl @olinq wilh

The e¡giñe úanaqemérn syslom module, ds

known as lhe Enqine El4tronic Control Onn
(EECU). i. locared on ihe leil side oi lhe engine
jusl below the inlel mánifold. Thé EECU is cooléd
by tuelcirculariñg rhrouqh a pláte attached ro rhé
cder ol lhe unil, Theluel@mesfom the lank on

Alqorilhms, called ñaps, are programñed in the

EECU so thal il sn ranslate sensor data ¡n1o
l2 conn*br 0o EEcu) acl¡on. fb6e ñáps enáblo lh€ EEcu lo fsivé
status iniormalion ircm lhe senso6 and send
lunclional dala lo the acluatoB so lhey can
s im últáneously áss um e lhé p.op€r posruré for th e
Olher hn drive oplio¡s in.lude On/Of Fan
Clurches and Elecrronically Modulared Fan saiesl, mosl elfleie¡t opeÉtloh ol the ongine in
Drives. B€ferto Enqin6 C@l ng S6fric6 i¡ánual,
7-002, tof a complele desÚlpllon ol all awilable
Due to the EECU sell-learn¡ng capábiity il is
ne@6sary lo resel lhe learned EEcu psamélérs
aftd sgryicing 6ome engi¡ejeláed conponents.
fh¡s all@sihe EECU lo learn lhe n4
compone¡l! behavior Allof soruictng is
complele. pelom lhe 4Learned Dala Besef
located in lhe Funclion Grcup I menu on the Pc
sénsoG on lhe engine p@¡de lor ól€clronic
mnlol. Ths f gures lhal tollow show lhe l@l¡ons
ol the dev¡ces on lhó létt ánd qhl sides oi lhe


ware. L*r tn tuéMtér epádo4

F5n sFad {o¡ry r qr pFd Rih v roú! bn)

danr Ld s¿nsor (in s,Dansion E
ceranr remp€ú'u€ (ar rrcnr sdse or cyrnder hsd)
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ¡d¡er Tens¡onet
A belt lensio¡i¡s devi@ des¡oñed io naiñiain
oplimum lension underEryi¡g englne spéeds
an odof e$, cooness qas Eulling ircm
in@mplete @mbusiionot trydrcca,bonq lound in
diesel lluck exhausli poisonous lo humans and ¡nrake A¡r Temperaturc and Húmidiry sénsor
Mouñred in rhe áir inrake beloeen rhe air cleaner
a¡d lhe lurbo @mpE$or housing, delecls
El€clron¡c Unir hjetor (EUl) odside an bmp€atu¡6 and humidily and rclays
Conl@n€d él€ctronicany by the EECU, there is
these values lo lhe EEclJ.
one álé.tronrc ünn ¡nieclof lor each cy inder ól án
€nqiñé. a unir i¡jecror incoQo@rés th€ pump,lhe Oxid* ol N¡tbs€n (Nox)
¡nlecror nozzle and rwo so enoids in a s¡ñqle body. High lémp¿.alur6s and préssures of cómbuslion
Acluatéd by the camshall üa oc(er arms wilh ptuducé oddes oi n¡tógen (Nox), whe¡
mll€rloll@e6, el@foni6 unil injecloB of€r combuslionlempealureex@eds 1372'C
pfec¡se tuel mere nq using a pfo@ss called '€le (2,500'F), oxygén and nilos6n combirc in larqé
quantilios to lóh Nor. By themséN€s, Nor
eñisslons a¡e ¡o gfear hazafdr hower, when
Eng¡re Elstrcnic contrer unil{EEcu) mied wirh lhe ghl amounl of Hc !n rh€ ajr, Nox
A micrcprccessorbs€d @ntroller usualty willcombine iñ thé pfe*ne ol súnllqht to lofñ
mounl€d on the éngine bl@k. on rhe MPs
e¡g¡ne, a @oling plale mounls on lhé su¡lacB ol
lhe modul6, A tub€ on lhe plate conducls tuel
dEwñ lloñ lhe lank on ils way lo lhe pump A muhnbb€d b€lt d6iqn inmrcorát6d into th6
béfo.e beiño D.esunzd Th€ tuél acls as lhe a@essory dlve ben ard pulley af€ngenentat
mor¿ff. wiihlho MACK v MAcle rv svsrem, rhe rhe ircnr ot rhe enqine.
EECU eñlóls luelliming and de i@ry hn
opefa! on. engine pbréclion lunclions and 6ngin6
a lype ol bcker am with áñ d e ñóunled ó116r
rhar fides on (or tollows) a camshatr robe. Ihe
rclling mofon ollhis désign povides inc@aséd
Chémlcal compounds mmposad only ol carbon load €pacily wilh léss lriction than lhs llal-fácéd
and hydroqen. Gaso¡iñe, diesel tuel and molor o¡l fockef afm desig¡, Foller lorlo@fs prov¡dé rhe
a€ aLlqamples ol a@ry la$e g@up or ockér an I fi¡nq acr¡on for lhe ele6lronic unil
trydmcarbons. Th6 largésl surc€ ol ini6clor, inlai¿ ánd €xhausl valves and qhausl
hydócaóons is peloleum.

véhiclé Elécironic Contd Unn OECU)

A oear runnina b6tw6n a dnv na and a driv¿n A microprccessorbased conl¡ol er, emetines
gear lo make lhe d¡l@n gear biale ln the same @lered ló ¿s a modul€, mounled in rhe @b.
d rcclion slhé d vi¡q gear inside the pa$enQersidé dash panel. Wilh t¡e
MACK V-MAC lV syslem,lhe VECU coñrols
engine spe€d, c.uise @nlrol, ac@$ory relay
coñrob, ldle shúldmn and fip €co¡der
t200 EAI
The localions of primary component 6señbllos
or rhe MPB engine a¡e ide¡lllied in rhe
illuslÉlions conia néd in lhis séclion.

h¿. R¡sh6r& v¡€* {FDnr t

2. Exhad P¡éss€ G@rDr (EPG)


n.¡ H€rdr vld G 16d). collH

5. Fetlqeff' ompésor (Pád Mouio

For rh€ 6nvénlion.! ch*sis, lhé áir inlol is ar rhé
loht ol the i¡let manifold which Is lhe
con,iguElion shown ¡n F gure 33. For lhe low cab
loBard (LCF) chssis, lh6 ai¡ inl6l s local¿d néar
ENGINE SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS Beforé Troúb¡éshool¡ng Beglns

[2oo EAI Belore lrclblesh@tng b6gins, obsere all shop

The Vehic e Managene¡l and Cóñtrol

(V-MAC lv) syslem moniroF eng¡ne luncr¡on ánd
d¡splays á .odé whén a lault is detected. The No¡se and V¡bÉtion
@d6 €n b6 obs€ryed o¡ lhe inslrumenl panel or
lhrouqh an életronic dlagnoslic toó|. An
explanalion ol the lault cod6 can bs lound in
vcADs, Gu ded Diagnorics or rhe Faurr code Notse is thé nañe wé oiv€ lo v bElion lhat
tvlanual. &218. Guid€d Diagnó51i6 also in.ludes úrllales us lhrough our eaÉ. lrbrarb, can b6 tu l
symplom-basedlroubloshooling. fo oblain T€ch w¡lhoul be ng head. Enqire ope€l¡on can €use
Tool, coffacl youf l@l MACK dealel vibálion á¡d ñoi* throughoul á véhiclá lhál we

fhé Ttrh Tool prdidBs compl€ls syst6m

d¡agnosl¡cs. Fof more ¡ntormalao¡, see manual abñómd noisés ánd vibÉlions suggésr lhar
9371 or lhe Tech Tool web site Fepair somelh¡ng is ¡ot working pop6rly or s nol
informal on is á@ilabl€ in lhe r€€pect @ enolne assmbled prcperly. A damaqed dr¡veshaf can
service manuals and floñ the tüacK Elecibnic óause abnormál v b.álion. A loose laslener allo$
lntoñaüon Syslem (ElS). EIS is easily acesed lwo suriaces lo fub or slap toaglher causino
u¡usual noise in ¡espoñse lo lhe v¡bátlon.
ge sure lo d¡*úss noise and vibElion issles wilh
Troubleshool¡ng Techn¡que the dri@i ll is imporlanl lo di$o@r uñder what
mnditions th€s€ occu. l¡aybe a l6t drlve wft be
Talk 10 lhe vehicle opeElor, Learn hd the énolne necessary lo lañillari2e youfséll with thé details
opealed béfofe ir lailed, Ask aboll the ol the drÑeis slory. Ewn so, it will pobablv bé
mainlenance schedule and the lu6l, eolanr and necessarylo slaf lhé diagnostic prccess with á
lubrienl used. Begin by anemptlng lo delermhe guess as 10 ihe nalure ol lhé dificu ry
wheiher anylhing hs happéned rccenltlhal
@uld poinlloihe eleclrelsysteñ, bul which is
nol rélal€d lo lhé éleclonic ónllol qstem.

Depénding ón lhe @hicle coniguGtion, á

probl6m may bé cau*d, orinllue¡@d, by
maltu¡cl¡ons ¡¡ oiher whicl6 mmponénrs. Be
suré ló inspec! lor unus ual condilións amonq lhe
batleries, ri€s, dles. l@i¡er, bodyb!¡tder
adaplalions and olher possib liti€s. Consu¡r
sp¿cilicsérui.e nlormalion resourcesaccording
lo the cóndlio¡s obséred. Fuelwaxing,lor
exan ple, ca n cause syñ ptoñ s éasily mislaken
lor olhsr €ngine p@blems.

lf poss¡b e, recreat€ lhé pbblem in an

envnonment siñilar b lhal desc bed by the
whicle operator Fun thé eñginé at lha
lempé€lu€ al whichlhe symptom occuf€d.
Eng¡ne problems cán be éléctriÉ1, mechanical or
a combinalion ol the n{o. Eleclri€l and eleclrcnic
problems wi l, lor lhe m6t pail, causé laull @des
lo b6 sér in rhé v-MAc system.
Thé tablé be @ afbrds an opponun¡ly to make
nole ol valous ¡ffluénc6 disturéd whiLe
inwrigaüng lhe prob¡eñ and órganizé rhouqhrs.
ll ls made ior you lo use d you ee lil-


rÉ of chas* s*Bion (ai'?)

rr{é or d'ñéi3 si {mab aid

l, lhe solulioñ do€s nol bscomé evidenl in lhe

@u6e ol @mpleli¡g lhe check llsl abové, usé
Tech Tool to inv6sligáre tunhe.
ENGINE CHECKS AND TESTS cylnder Liñor and piston weai cheii
EGR Cooter, Pcssu€ Tesl
lÍclúd¿d ¡n rhis €éclion are rhe toll@ing engine
Eñginé cómpe$ion, Ter
. Cámshaft Sé¡s¡ Depth, Check Flt{h@l Housing Funoul, Che.k
. Camshait fming, Check Oil C@|e., Pre$ure T6l
. Cmkcae Venlllallon, Check
. cylinder Head, Pressuré Tést
Valve Guide Wear, Check

Special Tools

searnq Prab tu MP7 c'rhds Héád


PG*uEc oe¿dHG6s(a4rd'l

Fbvh*rrum n0 r@rlor MP7 Eneins

*@ Drd rú¡dóf {Esmi.l}

cy iidef N4d Liftre roor (E$6nrial)


Fshá.rrúhi@ rooriof MP3 and MPl0

cañ6halr s.rsd D€prh Gruq6 (Av,iab €)

@@ s@
Camshaft Sensor Depth, Check Trql_'lén lhe thumb $rew to ¡scur6 the
innerpart ollhe gauqe.
The siqnalfoñ üle cámshaft sene¡ musl Caelu¡ly Gm@ the galge lrom rh6
dceed 0.5 rcll in ofder to slart lhé éñgin6. ll the canshall señsor bor¿ and obsefve lhe
slgñal is l@, chéck üe deplh sefling ol lh€ localion ot sieps belwéeñ lh€ innér and
sensof lofowina lhis p¡ocedu€, outer pódions ol rhe gauge (Fisurs 40):
1 . Réñóvé thé plug fom lhe lltryheél housins . Bolh steps be ow lhe surfacé ot
ánd instal th6 approp ale tlywheel tur¡¡ng ihe gaug6 = no shins Equired.
lool, 39S6356 (MP7) ó¡ 43400014 {¡lPg and
. Oné slsp below lhs sulace ot the
gauge = o.e sh¡m fequ¡red.
2. Check lor proper camshán position sénsor
. Bolh geps ab@ lhe sulae ol
d€ance using lhe $reor deplh gauge,
48400031- lo dálamine if shims áre ths qauq€ = lso shims @quircd.
fequÚed ior sensor depf..

3- hst6ll th6 emshatl posilion sen$r with thá
a. Rótáté thé €ñginé until a looth ol lhé appfopriate shim(s) and ns ojing, seure
Émshait ioohed whéel is aligned wilh lh€ sénsorwith a boll and plug ln lhá

b. lnsé 1he deplh gauge inloftó s€nsor

boÉ unlillhé ouler pan ot lhe qauge is
lully sealed aqa¡nsl thé limi¡g gear

c. Loosen lhe lhuñb screw ol lhé gáugá

a.d plsh lhe jnnff pat ot the gauge in
u¡lil il @ntacls a toolh of lh€ loolhed
CamshaftT¡mihg, check Crankcase Vent¡latlon, Check '
1. Femove lhe cylinder head (vatue) cover 1, Check lhe inlet pipe io lhe CCV sepaElor tor
oillilm, oilreidúe a.d panicbs, F€more
2. Chek the camshaf v¡bralion damper fo¡ any accuñulaied oil and did párlicles Jlom
damage io lhe pulse wheel pins.
3. Chec* the pulse wheel mounling for seure,

4. Turn thé enqlne crankshatl so thal lhe TDc

ña¡k on lhe camshail @@ponds lo lh€
narks on lhe camshaft béárinq €p No. 7
(MP7) or @mshafi béarlng ép No. I {MPB
and MP10) and the fywhee¡ TDc nalk "(f is
opposile lhe poinler on ih¿ llyvhoel houshg.
5. To ehsu€ ihal lhe camshan is mrgclly
insialted, compléts a ml@ l¡fl check on lhe
inlake Elv6s of cylinder No. 1 .
. Támpoanly adiust the No, 1 inlet@ckér
árm, al lhe valre yoke, lo z¿fo l6h.
P6¡l¡on a dial indicalor ¿t lh€ inl6t
Elvé yoké lor lh6 No. I cYlinder
Bámove lh6 CCV sepahtor fbñ the engine.
P€l@d rhá di¿l indicalor ánd fesel lhe
3. WiltL the s€paElor r6mowd, rotát€ lh6
turbine by ha¡d. li should olate eas¡ly. ll it
Turn the enq ine ln rhe normal diecrion does nol olale €sily, repl&e lhe separaio¡
ol eng¡ne olalion on€ lull olalion 1ó'd
and past to the ma¡k 6 degrees (atte¡

The dial ¡ndicaiorlrel €ading should

b6 apprd márély 1 .6 a{-03 hm
(0.06 r0.0r ¡rch) lof MP7 and MP3 of
La a0.03 mm (0.05 a0.01 inch) ror
i¡P10. This €ading indicales á
erectly l¡med €mshaft.
R*dlústihe cylinder No, 1 lnlél € @s

ll lhé camshál is oné roólh oul ól limé, rhá diál
ihdicator eadinq wll beapprdimably0.T62 ñm
{0.030 ¡¡ch) oul ol speclicalion and should
qpe¡ ene a Jáull code lor üe camshall sensoi

6 lnsl¿llrhecylinderhead(v¿lve)cóEr
4- Check the oil nozlé in lhe CCV base lo¡ d¡rl
and any a@uñuláed oily d6posils. clean
lhe nózle as required. ll unáble to cléañ lhe
nozl6 suficiénllyj repla@ lhe complete
CCv *paÉlór assombly.

FisuE oir ftozre (s€p€Éror sase)

- Fqur€ 41
- $'[nq PHB rrcbn.d frlpiér)
r. sed¡no Pd6 (celinq l3.c.ndionDis
ll lhe oil nózzle be@mes clogged, lhe oil Pons) I lTh€mosrar Housinql
pressu€ s reduc€d and lhé lurb ine does nol

Conneci lhe pressur€ gáugé, 9996662, to a

su lablé áir 6upply. Co¡net th€ pr$suré
Cyl¡nder Head, Pressure Test gauge hos lo lhe conneclion d¡sc on the
cylinderhead- Adlust lhé pcssu€ lo
(Cylinder Head Removed) 100 kPa (14.5 psi) usng lhé conlrol€ re.
close fie sbp valve lo¡ l!!o m¡rules. The
The lollow¡¡g p@edúre applies for MACK MP7,
MPa and MP10 engi¡e cylinder heáds. Whilethe
proced u re is lypical, lhe sealin g lools req uúed w¡ll Lowerlhe pressur€ in lh€ cy inder head by
be diferenl ior each lüP éñqiñ€ sériás.
ádjusing lhe knob on lhe pr€ssu€ gáuge
1. Clean lhe @nlád surlac6s on ihe cylinder

. séarins prares,9990105 (MP7),

93096s6 and 9998266 (MPB) or
9990164{MP10), o¡lo lh6 cvlinder
h6ád .ooianl po ns usiñg cylinde I head
bo[s and Ml6nuls
. Co.n€.londi6cj 9990107, in pcilion
on lhe thermoslal housinq bore
. Pluo, Ml2x1.5, in lhe tempeEture

Sealiño plalé, 48a00215, on lhe side ol

Aftach lhé cylinde¡ head |tfiing lool. 9. L@e. lhe pressle ii lhe cy[;ér héá?d by
85109035, to lhs cylind€r h€ad. adjusling lhe knob on lhe pre$oE qauOe
5. Using á hoisl owér lh€ cylind$ h€ad inio a
@ntáiner suiiable lbr lhs pr€$ur6 16s1. Fill 10. Using a hoisl, @m@ the cylinder head lom
the conrainer wdh 70'c (153'F) warer
Rsmm lh€ s€aling plales and @n¡ecUon
d¡sc lom lhe cyl¡¡der head. us¡no
compressed air, bl@ rhe warer ol rhe
cylindor h¿ad and oul ol allthreaded hol4,

usé úté
úilh lhe fúel paseg¿s lo tuké M
that tu diñ qte6
the f@l 6ramels. Dht ún
@u@ the unl ¡nj@¡ots to be damged.

Cyl¡nder L¡ner and P¡ston Wear,

Thoroughly clean lhe cylinder l¡ners and pislons
before in6peling and measurinq, To lhoroughly
chtrk 1br c€cks, r€mo€ ths cylindér liñer lrcm
lhe cylinder block. Mark lhe position ol the
cylinder liner in lhe cyinder bloc¡< beiore
€mding il ¡l can bé inslalléd in lhe same
Wilhrhe pressuregauge @ñnécled lo anaú p¡silion durino assembv.
supply and lhá @nn@lion disc on lhé
cyllndef head, €€lullyopen the galge

Sel thé p.ésure lo 50 kPa (7.25 psi) and

hold thé pfess!é for one mlnule.
Ráise lhe p¡e$u€ to 150 kPa (21 .3 psi) ánd
close the slop valre, Allerlwo m¡nules,
chéck for a dóp in pF$urá áñd turany air
bubbles lorñiño aóuñd lh€ cylinder h€ad.

A dop in pressure and ihe appearance or alr
bubblés indicalés a Leak(s) in rhe ñolanl, luel ot
oil passaq€s. Thá surce ol lhe leak(s) musl be
tound and lhe cyl¡nder head éoaired o¡ rcplecéd
1. Check lhe cy inder liner lo¡ cácks, páying
special ánenlion lo lhe liner tlange. The
siandard dy6 pérelEnl or Maqnallu¡d
melhod en bé used tot ch€cking.
2. Meásúre th6 cylinder linér wea. wilh a
cylinder bore qauqe. Th€ bore size
ot lhe cyli¡der liner€n be used as a
Eferene meásurémé¡l


4. ll wear is gealer thañ 0.05, o.1 0 mm
(0.002-0.004 in.h), use a coñplete ri¡e¡kll
(cylinder liner, pislo¡, piston rings, piston pin
and cylindei l¡ner seals). Also considé.
énqine oil corsumDtion 10 deterhihe wh€n
to rep aca lhé cylinder liner

Pislons and cyliñdér lin€B áe ava lable fom
slock only as malched pans and should noi be

lnspect the pislon ring qrcoves, lands, skirt and
3. Measu¡e the cyJind6r lin$ al Top Dead comblslio¡ bowl lor w6ar, sufi ma*s, deep
Cenler (TDC), at Borom Dead céñér scralch6s. c.acks and blow-by. P slons are NOT
(BDc)and ala colple ol pos¡tio.s in repai€ble. Discard wórn ordamaoéd p¡slons.
belween. al each poinr, méásue in lwo
dtections engine crosswise and Bngine AcaurtoN
Do not stanp ot ügÉve an the fOP of the
pislan, Failue la h@d rhb caut¡on ñay esul k

To énsufe lhal pislons afé r6insialléd into the

sam6 cyl ndérs, lhe pislons múst be laqg€d w lh
the corespondino cvlind¿r numberwhen
removed duri¡c disássemblv.
EGR Cooler, Pressure Tesl
(Not Applicable for MP8 Euro 3
1, check ins¡de ihe 06 ¡ntét porl. tt build-up oi
s@i is seen, perform lhe EGR eoler
cleaning pDoedu€ belo€ checking lor

2, Lubr @re rhe ojings on rhe c@la¡1 inrel

ánd outlát po¡l plugs wilh a suilablé Oiing
tubn€nt lnslall lhé pluqs ánd cap on lhé
EGR coolei lns.1alllhé plugs oñ ihe EGR
@o er.oolanl in¡el and oullel pon6.lnsiall
lh€ couperonrhs pluq and co¡nécl lhe
qauqe lo lhe co uplér
AcaurroN llalaQe enoúghco ainsrcannol bé oblained,
Do NOT overt¡üten ihe hs¡qe6 on the plugs lhe EGB @oler cañ be tesled w¡lhoul belnq
iñmeGed iñ wátér by using lhe 16l p ugs
lncludedwiththekit, ma00216'5,losea lhe gas
oullel po . The EGF @oler coe can lhen bé
lllled wllh watéf and tésréd by applying al¡
pEsure lo lhe coolánl oull6l porr as shwn in
Figurc 51. When using lhÉlehn¡qúé, th€ 60lér
ñ! sl b6 téstéd in rh¿ up qht position.
To ease thé instállalion of ü1e test plog, coat
rha inside ot rhe hoséwith a suilabre oiing

| 7. eees333

3. Flll a @ntáin€r w¡lh enough water 10 cover

4. Lower ihe EGF @ol€r inlo the @ntainer ol

waler a! room teñpedtu6 (orilllhe.ooler
có.é wirh waler see NoTE).
5. Appry a¡r pfe$oé (240 kf¡a I35 psil) to lh6
EGB.ooLer Mainlain lhe pre$ure lor
l5 minules. ll lhe EGR @oler is leaking
internally, iheó wi I b€ a stéady sl€am ol Oñ engin* i:ded wílh PowerLaathN, secute ¡he
bubbles comlng f¡om the 96 iñl€t or oullél p¡Rtore ¡n the acket ams w¡th tubbet bands ot
openings, lf a sleady slream oi bubbles l¡e staps so thé pistme do rcl dbp ú¡ whú tha
áppéáB, réplae rhó EGR cooler @.ket aMb¡y is t¡had. Pistons and ackeÉ aE
mlched toge¡het, Fe¡lute údiú
¡o h@d this

NOfE nñY rcsúft k tuté Mp@nt danage.

¡t lhe cooler is be¡ng leled wilhoul beinq

immeBed n waler, look insidé lho gas inlél po¿
ll bubbÍas ar€ sé6n,lhs 6oler is l6s}ing
¡nleóally and musl be feplaced,

A slream ol bubbles seen cominqf@m aound
the pluos in e ther ot lhe coolant ports lnd¡cales
lhal lhe Oiinqs may be damaqed. flhis islhe
casé, GmoB lh€ pluqs, inspecl tho Ojings and

6. Lilrhe EGF @oler ol¡ ol rhe @nrainer and

reúoÉ the pÉssure testiñq equipmenl.
Dump the waier llom lnside the EGR c6lér
and lhen use @mpre$ed air lo @mow any
r€maining wálár lom lhB coolé¡ co€ ánd

Eng¡ne compress¡on, Test

(on Vehicle)
v6fit suspecled eaks in rhe cy¡inder head or
block by pÉssure leslinq báfo¡€ cpl¿cinglheee
Donor úse Maqnatlu$ nspe.lionsalons as
2, Femove tho PowérLeashi¡ (eng¡ne bÉre)
.ontfol Elve ii so equipped.
B€forá poeedinq wilh lhe tests, ook for c@lanl
slains afound rh€ s€a ing plugs on lhe cyl¡¡def
head, Check lhat lhe plogs are nslalléd pbpeny Ac^urroN
¡s very ¡npoftant lo l@sen lhe n *et am shaft
l. Femore lhe cyllnder head (Élvé) m€r ássenbly un¡lúnly acrcs lhe úntple¡e shait.
Laosúkg fhé .ocket shall a*nbly úñeÉnly
lnsiall thé apprcp ate liíing t@1, a5109050 rcmole danet switch lo ihe
(¡¡P7),3s1o9250 (MPB) or 85109035
(MPlo), oó the óckér arm 6sembly.
Locen the rccker arm shai un¡iomiy
acro$ thá mmplele shan. Femove lhe AcaurtoN
Do nol tuñ lha sla¡let notot lü lúger than
Bémm lh€ unn injecroB a¡d clean the 15 s@ds al a tiñe. Wa¡I 60 sécands belore
coppér dé4s I nesarv.
5. lñsrall an adaprer, J 47363, in each ot rhe
9. Connscl th€ @npression gauqe, J 6692 B,
lo lhe adapl$ on thé list cy¡indér Crank lhé
6. Fefi thé rcckar am dsémbly lo lhé éngine. engine w¡lh lhe reñole slarter sitch u¡til
lhe n&dl€ on l¡e compessio. gauge slops
lnsrall lhe Powe[eashn @nl@l valve and
mov¡ng (maxlñun comp.éssion). Rdord
oi tub6 b¿twéóñ thé Éñe and lhé rocker
and repe! lor all @ma¡n¡ng 6y l¡ders.

. Lubf¡cale áód a$emble lhe seals on

Femore the screM lor the F¡orerLedh'"
each end oi lhe oillube.
. lnse.l lhe laqer end ol lhe oil lube in
11. Femo€ he conlrc¡ valve and lhe oillube
bétweéñ the valvé and lhé rockér ám shaft.

. Maké sure the oil seal is in place al rhe

hsiall ft€ lninq tool, 85109050 (MP7),
35109250 (MP3) of 35109035 (MP10), on
botom of lhe Elve a$embly,
lhé mkér am a$embly. Lo6en lhe rocker
. Posilion lhe vdre a$embly on lhe aim shalt unilormly @ro$ lhe @mdele
mourfing plal€ and insenlhé Íéá ¿nd shatl. Femo@ t¡e @ker áñ shal

. using a lolque wfeneh, fqtfeñ the Remove lhe J 473&3 adapteÉ lfom all ol lh€
atláching scrss accotding lo
lnstálrlhé unil inje.lo6 using nd O rlngs
ánd new séáling washéB.

Connecl the wiÍng hámésslólhe unil

16, Caretully lower thé Mkér arm shán

17. R€move lhe lifting tool lóm thé rockér arm

I ii" It ls very
assñbv m¡¡otñtv
Í@ker am shaft
inpodanl to t¡ghlen lhe rccket atñ
¿crass the @nD¡ete shat
T¡ghtú¡nq Mevent ñn @use danage to the

1 3. fghleñ th6 mcker arm shatt scrss iñ 1bé

1 L lnstall lhe Pow€[€ash¡H @nlol vatve and

oillube belween lhe Élve and fi¿ rcckár
am shafi naking slre lhe seá ing fings a6
dfeclry posilioned befofe tigifeninq the
To chmk d¡.| runour, aitach thé ¡tal qauge
A CAUTION lo ihe lltfh6él using the magóetic bas€ and
posilion ils lip ag¿ ins r rhe outer f ange
the o¡l tube ¡s ¡nslalled ¡mrrec y w¡th ke large
0ranemission ñounl¡ño súfl¿€l .l lhe
érd k the @n¡bl Btue and lhé ffiaI end k ¡he lly{heel housing. set lhe d¡al gáuq6 ro zé@.
rcckét am shaft, oil l@ks wi¡| @t. Ih¡s nay
ca@ oll slaMlio, in ¡he rocker arns whiú ún Rotale lh€ iywheel a.d note the indicáléd
runoul al a miñimuú ol lour localions aóund
lhe oúer llange ol the housinq. Compare the
nol€d runoul wilh the spec¡fied áxial tunoul
20. Tlghlén ths mnlol valve sc@s accodinq
10sp4il¡cal¡on and lhen connect lhe wning
harness lo lhe EN€ assembly.
21. Adjusr rhe vdre and rhe unir anjectof fockefs-
22. lnstallrhe cylinder head cowr
23. Bleed lhe iuelsyslem,

Flywheel Housing Runoul, Check

(Clutch Removed)
N \


1. Cléan lhe llywheel a¡d llywheel houslng.
2. Bemrethe plug lom lhe tlywheelhouslnq
and install lh€ appopdaré llywhéel tuhing
tool, 9996956 (t\¡Pl or a3a00014 (¡rP3,

Frsues Túd¡ns Frywh4r (üPa shom, ryprc.D
5. To chéck bd¡ál ruñour, pcilion lhe lip oi
the dial gauqe againsl ths inner llange ol lha
ilywheel housinq. Rotále the fyrvheel añd
nole lhe indi€led ru¡oul, again al a
minimum ot lour lmarions aróurd lhe inner
llanoe ol th€ hous¡na. Comparé lhé nol€d
fuñoú wlh the sp¿cifed adial rúnout

3. Adiusl lh6 pr6ssur6 oauq¿ reduclion valre

knob únl¡l the pfessué gaúqe heedle is al

Connecl lhe pEsure gauge a$embly to

lhe fin ng on lhé clamp. Leér lhé oi cooler
inlo a bath ol wát6r Ths mler l6mp€Elur6
should be at app@ximarery 70"c (160'F).

| 2. Máon¿r c Sráñd,

6, ll lhe runoul klues a¡e out ot specflcatloñ,

check lhé naling surhcé ior rhe ll¡vheel
hóusi¡q againsl ihs éngin6 block and lhé
mal¡ng surface lor the fyluheel on ihe
cankshaft- Do lhis belorc rcplacing the

7. Bemo@ the ilylheel turninq lool a¡d 5. lnc€as¿ lhé pEsure to 250 kPa 135 psi)
@inslall rhe pllg in theiywheerhousinq. usinq ihe reduclion valve knob and check lbr
airbubbles emerqrnslmmlheoilcoolei The
iósl peiod should lar lor al leasl oná
O¡l Cooler, Pressurc Test
L Cleanlhecoolanlsideoilheoil.oolerwitha
watéFsoruble de greasing llu id. F lush lhe oll
side of the oo ¿r with degrcasing solvenl.
Air bubblés emelging l¡om lhe oil cooler andicate
2. lnsiall rhe c amp lools, 9996a45, making a leak. The oi coolgrshould bé replaced,
sure thev aré pmperlv sealed,
Rocker Arm, Check 3. Push down on lhé rdkér ;rm so $at any o¡t
iilm is iorced olt of thé upp€r side ot the
Sél thé dial indl@1or to éo.
Make slre lhere is clea€nce béh!één lhé rdké. Posllion a pry bar di@lt u.d€r lhé rmker
áñ tolléE and l¡e camshan whe. peformins afm inüe sháll a@a. Pry lhe fockéf áfñ úp
th6 follMlng r@ker am bshing and rol er and nole the readiño on lhé dial indiGtor
Thé naximum clea€nce állów€d b6¡r¿én
lh€ rockér arm a¡d shafl is 0.1 mm
(0.0039 ¡nch).lflhe cloa.ancB is a€alér,
ROCKEF AFM BUSHINGS réplacé lhe @ker arm and check thé shalt
1. lñslalllhe approplale llywhée¡ tuñlng tool,
9S96956 (MP7) or 88300014 (MPB and
MP10), and lurn lhe enoine unlillhe
camshan b h a postlion whére lhe óckér
am tol er being 6h4ked is on the b4e
circlé of lh€ camshaÍ lobe. Make sure lhat
there ls cleÉnce ben eeñ thó roll6r ánd

lh€ rockér árm @l er musl
ol lhe emshaf lobe and
6crew backed of (p¡eload

2. Posilion lhe máonelic s1and, 9999696, and

dial indi€lor, 9969876, $ lhal lhe 1¡p ol the
¡nd¡caior ¡s on top ol lh€ rock€r árm abwe
lh6 middle oi lhe @ker am shait bushina

6. Fepeal lho chéck on all oiher octer arñ


1. Usinqlhellywheellurñiñqlool, 9996956
(tvlP7) or 38600014 (MPB ánd MPl0), lurn
lhe englne unlillhe camshatt ¡s ¡n a position
wheE lhe rocker añ oilér béing ohecked ¡s
on lh6 b*é cicle ol lhe camshaft lobe.
'éa@ 2. Make sure lhere ls deaÉn€ bélween the
fockeram m l* and rhe.áñshafi roh€
\:l NOTE
To check tho ini6clor, the rccker am rotter ñust
be on lhe base circlé ol rh€ camsháft lobe and
the injéclor adjuslinq scr4 backed ofi (pr6load
Forare rhe rcller a few lu¡nss rhat rhe oil s. Adiusl th¿ lip or lhe diari¡di@tof so $ral is
l¡lm belween l¡e rcller bushing and shaft is hor¡zonlal lo the ce¡tér ol thá ollei Zerc lhe
lór€d out. ll thé rcll$ jams, s or
rcuqh, lhé roc*e¡ s¡m should b6 r€plaBd.
Check lhai lhe Lp oi lhe d¡al
p@-rensioned and can more

6. Plácé a *éwd wrb€rwéénlhé rcckérarm

añd lhe rol er Caelully pry the rorlér oui as
fa¡s po$ible and nole lhe value on lhe d al

l,se @e whén prykg or prñ¡ng on lhé allér ¡o
aw¡d danage lo the suna@ ol the roler

4, Pla@ lhe dial indicalo¡, 9989876, inio lh€

maqnolic sland, 9999696, añd p6ilion lhe
magnelic sland as lsel 6 posslble on lhe
7. Using á blunl objecl, pess lhe rollér in 5s lár 9. Fepeal lhe check on all olhér rocltár á¡m
6 posslblé. Nol¿ lhe eading on the diat ólle¡ bushings as necessary.
¡¡dicalol The máximuñ cléáBncédlMd
be¡reen lhe oller bushing añd shaft is
0.1 mm (0.0039 inch),Itlhe cleaEnce rs Thermostat, Check
qfeáter than this, €placá lhe oc¡<e. a.m.
Wilh lhe lher6oslal reñowd lDm lh€ énoina,
ch@k ils opoÉlion as follorcl
1. Chdk io be sue thal the thermostal c oses
Iully' This can b6 doné by holdinq il up 10 lhe
lighr ro vefit rhal there ¡s no v¡s¡bre qap at
lh6 opéning poinr. lf the ihámoslal does nol
c ose Propely rop,ac6 il.
Add walef to a su¡iab e conia¡ner and warm
rhé mlerro 75'c (167.F) With the water
wárm€d, immefsé rhs lhemoslal in lhe
waier use a p¡ee ol w¡re áttáched to lhe

a. When replacing a ocker am, úbncale the

nq rcck$ arm ollér bushing with clea.
enqlne of. ose an o¡lcú and iñsert thé
noz¿é inro rhe oil channel pasege. Fotale
the follefwhile lub Éling and checklhaioil
cóm¿s our on borh s¡dés or thé forrer

3. Ailer al least 30 s€conds. check lhal rhé

lhermciar is sr¡rr crósc.r
Now warm rhe wáter ro 1oo'c (212'D. aftér 4. Usins lhé dial indi€tor 9969676 añd ñolder
arl4r 30 se@rds ar rhe boillnq point, 9S9S696, placé thó lip of the dial i¡dietor
chéck lhái lhé lhánoslal has ópéned againsl lhe edge ol lhe valv6 dis. M@e the
ápprdlnaréry 16 mm (0.63 inch). rr lh6 vdw back and lorlh lalefal y ¡n lhe diietión
ihermoslal has noi opened, ¡t must be ot lhé iñlak¿/qhausl por15. Nole lhe
replaced. A good thermoslal slarls lo d6e measú¡ed va ue and @mpar6 it wiül lhe
al apprcximarery 92'c (198'F) and is lurry ac@piable w4r lim¡t specllied for lhé
clcéd ár áppdiñal¿ry 82'c {r30'D.

HeuÉ 6',¡ rhmosr (h€r

Valve Gu¡de Wear, Check

5. Fepeal Step 4 to check att klw qu¡des.

Replacé lhé vdw guides il lhe measured
l. Freñove ihe oil seals fom lhe Elve guldes. válues d@ed lh6 acc6prabb wear limit,
2. Mounl rhe cylinder head on a suliable
3nqin6 sland using lh€ cylinderhead
adaplef plale J 47364.
3. lnslall ard valre into lh6 quido so thar lh6
e.d ol lhe valve slem is ewn wilh lhe wlw

Spiclal Tool

Oil Level Check

when check¡ng o¡l lMis, lhe @h¡cle musl be
parked on ls€lgrchd. Componénls musl bé

Thé bésl limé to ch€ck oil ldél is whil6lhá ángtné

is COLD (pdor to starii¡g at ihe beginñlng oi the
wo¡k day, or atler lhe whicle hG sal
apprd már€ly 2 hou6). al no.mál opáfaljns
tempéfature (engr¡e o¡ tempeárute abow ao'c
f175'Fl), oillMlcan bé checked l5minu1er

Failurc to M¡t a su4¡ciút añomt al t¡re (2 hoüs
¡f éngire oít tenpéntuE js betow 80r [175'F])
ot 15 ñkulés I o¡l ranpantu6 is above gA'C
[175"FI w¡n t$un k añ k&tuhte d]pslJck

For a.curár6 oill*l @dings, thedlpstL* mut

be insened lully inlo rh6 dipslick tube. The lwel
musl be close lo lhe FULL l¡ne (al léasl bélw€én
th6 LOw and FULL lnes) on lhe dipslick, but
musr NOI6xێd lhe FULL line.
Oil and Filter Change Procedure Crankcase Ventilation Sisteín
t2r9 EVI The c6¡kc6á €nriration (ccv) sysrem
sepaElor is ñol ¡€paiBbl€. ll lhe@ is apparenlly
This €nginé is €quipped wilh imprcved spln-on ñuhy opeEl¡o¡, perlom thésó iñsp€clións betore

1. lnsp€crlhe sepaBtor ¡ntet ho* ánd

DISPOSABLE SPIN-ON OIL FILTEñ conneclo6 át thé wlvé cwer and al lhe
BEPI¡CEMENÍ sepaÉlor Refrow any obslrucl on. oil li m¡
chanqe otland replace ollflte6 usina lhé @id!e and panicles,
2. lnspdr lh€ sépaElor outlet hose and
1. B ún lhe eng¡ne u fni I ¡ornal opeÉl¡ng
coñneclol Rsmd€ any obslruclion¡ oillilm¡
lempeBlu€ is reach€d. Then, shut ofl rhe residue and paftc es.
enqin€ and drain lhe oi b€fors lh€ 6noin€ 3. Femo@ l¡e separalor and alieúpt lo turñ
lh€ tuóine manually. ll il d@s nol lum
eas¡ly, replace the s6paÉtór.
2. Thoóughly cléan lhe afea afound lhe llllefs
4. Ílh6lurbinslurns €asily inspedand clean
3. Using lilter w€nch 9998487 or equiválenl,
remm lho spin-on flters and wipo the flter 5, Fea$emble lhe sepa€lo¡ áñd lhe hoses.
mounring ba@ cl4n,
6, ¡tlau[y operalion @nlinues, codhue lau]l
4. F¡lleach lilterwith 1.9lite6 (2 qlans) otlhe lracing wilh Guidéd Diagnosli.s.
spelliod engi¡€ oil. DO NOT all@ ány
conlaminanls lo e¡ler lhe iilte6 while lilling.
5, Appty a liln of clean eng¡ne o¡r lo lhe sealho
gaskál on éach nw lilléi
6. lnslall lhé ffieF and righrén 3/4 lo 1 lum
afef the gaskel co¡lacts the b6é.
7. Fil the cEnkc6e wllh the recoñneñded
énginé oi . ll lhe engjne is equipped wilh a
BEPTO u¡lt, add on6 additionál quafi.
g. Starl the éng ñe ánd ch€c* fo. leaks. Run
lhe enqine for approximaiery fve m¡núes,
thén shul it of and ccheok the oill@1. Add

Usé of ánylhing other than genu¡ne MACK titl€6
ñáy €us6 damage and vo d rhe engine Mranly-
Change liliers amording lo lhe rccomñended

FuelF¡lter Change
Becaus€ of ie buildup or tuel Mxing shich €n
[231 BA] cloO luelfilt€6, il may bé necessary during
4iremely @ld wealher to rcduce thé limé or
FILTER DESCBIPTION mileage inleNal belween luelflter chañaos.
Be carelul lo pre@nl lore¡gn matter ol any kind
Two lilleB ensurelhal cean, waleness tuel
ircm énlá nq lh€ lillác du rg5eruice,
rcaches lhe €lecl@nic unil inioclors. Oná is a
lu |-llow fitér, thé olhér is a wáler sepahtlno lnsralLn tu€llillers dry
pfe-ilter with á ttuspafent cúp lo collecl and
dEi¡ lhe walei A walerin-luel sene¡ inrorms lhe
d wr of dcéssi€ áccumulalion iñ ihe cúp. The w'térSépár.i¡ng PéF¡herReplaceme.l
war€r s6pará11ñg preiiltef is in the'sucllon side'
ol the luel circuil, ll is a spln-on lype wllh one end To replace the waler separa¡ing pre-lilter:
ol ils @sing lhréáded lo !éceiB lhé cup. 1. Disconnecl the eleci¡¡€l €ble.
Thetullll@ main tiller is on lhe hEssure side" 2. Make sure lhe lllter casing is thoroughly
ot lhé circuil. ll is álso an éasily r6pláced spiñ-o¡ 6leaned. ll nor a¡@ady done, wash rhe afea
Iilter fhe €sing complelely enclGeslhe lller abund thófit6rñóunting adaplé! wilh a
elémenl. This li rer is Bred ár 3-s micons. su¡lable elÉ¡n and blów dry with

3. Wüh a suilable @nlainer ln place lo collect

spillage, opén lhe lifling and dEin the liltei
4. UnscÉw and €mo@ lhe Mler 6up.
5. Usinq afller wBnch, em@lhe fne¡'lon
thé nounliñg bá.két and dis@rd il salely.
6. Apply a thin film ol clean engine oi¡ to the
sealing gaskei ol lhe ñew lilt6r
7. Scr4 lhe nN dry lilt€¡ in da@ and lighlen
an addllionaL 3/4 lo 1 lurn by hand aller lh€
g6k€t conlacrG the ba*.

Alt€r lill€r inslallalion, operate the háñd p¡iñ6r to
1¡ll lhe tuel tllteG b6loré anámpli¡g to starl the

a. Sc€w ihe water cup inlo th6 t [6r c4ing,

4 Assmbt
Fu¡l-Fl@ Ma¡n Filler Báphc;eñ¡ :
To épla€ th6 tull-llow main li¡ter:
fhere is a new styte prej¡ner with a
repped4@n diamerer ar rhe botom lirte.
of rhe L Maks su@ lhe liller esing ¡s thoóughty
The ¿adi¿FsMe lille¡ has st€ight sides with a cleaned. ll nol ak6ády done, wash lhe a€a
la€er bottoñ diám6t6r which rcqun6s an adaple¡ arcundlhe liller ñounting adaplér wlh a
to atiach lhé luelÁ@tér sspaÉtor b@l lo lhé suilable elrenl a¡d bld dry wlth
li[er W¡en reptac¡nq ihe pB¡ous stÉ]ghtstded
tiller with lhe cwe¡t slepped-down @rsion, the 2. Put a suilable conlainer in p áce to coltect
adapler is nol usd. Hower, do nol discad lhe
adáptér ás it €n b6 u*d sho¡ld iMntory ol tho
€arlle Éstb n ler slill be ava¡lable. Using a lille¡ wrench, remde lh€ ñltsr
cdinq rom lhe mounlinq brackel and
It nse$ary replaco ¡he lul -flow main lihe¿
See lh€ follNing instruclions. Apply a ihin lilm ol cl€an 6nQin€ o¡l lo lhé
sealing qasker ol the new lirrer
Connécr lhs €l€ct cál cáb 6.
5. Scrw lhe n4 dry llller ln place añd tighlen
11, Slal lh€ €naine and run al idls lor fiw an addilional 14 lo 1 lum by hand aner $e
m¡nutes to fll lhe l¡llef wi¡h tuel. gasket @ntads lhé b¿ss.
ll necésary bp ms lhé wal€r 6epaBlinq
pE-nlei see rhe preced¡nq instfucrions.
Siarlhe engine and run át ldle lorfw
mintfes lo lill t¡e liller wilh tuel.

sewe enghé .kñage nay be caused by
atenpl¡.@ lo piñe ¡he tuel sysm using an
auxitiary pmp ü by app¡y¡ng at vessurc h the
f@l knk. Ihese téchnk@s nay .le6tfoy @a¡s
¡hat pt*n¡ l@¡ hóñ leák¡N kto ¡|E úank@se,

Special Tool

cmrad Firk' wrcn.n (a€ihnE

Coolant Drain Outlets NOTE

Exlra oull€ls provids comni€nl dráin silés lor For Auslralia, engines are
use düing mainlenan.e and olhef pfocedures c@lanl lillei VCS.oolanl

Coolant Filter
The 6ólaft lilter áttachés to lhé back of rhá 1, c¡ose the shut-oll Etve on the cootant puñp
c@lanr pump housiñg. lr fesembles a spin-on oir
lill€r The lill¿r elenenland c6inq a@ rcpla@d
positon.lhe pin on lhe shul-olf

Place a suitable @nla¡ner bdM th€ fltér lo

3. Usinq li[er wench J 4€061 or equivalént,

unscrew the I ll€r and dlscafd ¡t salely.
Apply a lighl l¡lm ol coolañl on lhe lace ol lhé

5 Scr4 the néw liller on lhe threaded n¡ppte

slendinq lbm lhe mouñtingfange.
6. Usins lhe lillérwGnch, tiohren üe iilter one
lu I lun afer lhe qasket 6ñtácls rhé bsé.
7. Opén lhe shul-olf val@ on ths coolanl pump

Ch6ck tor any coo an! leaks.

DRIVE BELT REPLACEMENT The lowe¡ tensioner tor lhe fan ánd @oianl pump
is mounled on lhe c@ ant pump housing. lh¡s
AND TENSIONING lénsioner appli€s its load mrrrercl@{a/be, The
[216 AA] upper lens¡oner tor the állornator (and El g€Enl
@mpE$or it $ equipped) is mounled on rhe
áLl€mátor b€ckéI. Thá lensioner applies ils load
Genehl lntohation iñ a @!ñleeticl lse dnéc'/.ion.

The seryice lilé ol lha múlli-qod€ b6lls is

6nsid6fably impfo@d def otbd systems and Aulomatically Tens¡oned System
arlM ihe lse ot hlgher hoFepowe¡ cooling lans,
All MPB enqines a@ equipped wilh mu[i-gmoB INSTALLATION
Swing lhé l€mion$ to lhé tuLly sprung posilion
and wlihoul hrce, us¡ng ben lemloner iool,
J 41392, pla@ lhe bell overlhe pulleys, Oo nol
ln thá dúal nulti-gtuo@ drl@ bell afE¡gemenl, álLow lhé lénsion$ lo snáp agáinsl ils slops. Do
thé lan drire and coolanl punp a@ d.i€n dicclly hot pry the belt @r a p¡lley.
foñ the c@nkshali pulléy by á 10- or 12j b
mulu-qfoove bell- The aliefnator and lhe alr TENSIONING
conditioning @mp€ssor (il equipp€d) ar6d €n
ol lhé cankshalt pull6v bv a six rib multi oroo@ No lensioning adjushenl is ¡equired. On@ lhe
belt (F¡qlre 72). Tao automalic lensio¡e6 are rénsionér b feléséd ága nsr rhé be l, lhé bélr is
used. one lor lhe lan dr¡vá a¡d ona for lho llghiened to optlmuñ tens¡on áuloñatiÉl¡y at all

Thé 6ndilion of lne bell and iensioner should be
checked ahen Pelo¡ñing ptMrfi v¿
mainlenance inspeclions. Belt lenslon ldels
nééd not bé chécked as long 6 lhe lensioner ls
h qood 6nd¡tioh añd theb is no did6ncé ol a

I 2. LcF (¡¡rA AGr¿iB)


sÉdd Tools

General lnstruclions 3. Usingúe oil i lrer wrcnch, 99934d7 or

equi€l¿nl, €nové lhe oillillers.
NOTE 4. Using a suilab e li ler wrench, €mde lhe
B€lor6 reñwing lh€ 6ngin€, máké 5. t sing the molantlillé¡wench, J 48061 or
equ¡pmeff a€ ¡nspecled lor salely equiwlenl, €move lhe oolant fhér.
6. Oiscoñnecl the intet áir heater il pr6sent.
It lhe veh¡cle ¡s eqúipped wlth air
It ls qood práclice lo sleam clean lhe engine Using NC rel geranl e@ery and
lo remove foad g me, ge6e and oil belofo recyc i¡g eqúipde recóvér bé
sla.1ino Mlk. stéáñ cleánhq lhe eñq¡ne
and engine área allos more delailed oiscoñnel lhe ¡/C compreser
insDetion and inprcved wo*manshio diMhálge hGé al lhé ónné.ion¡éar
Prevenl moislu@ l@m enlé nq lhá ai inlaké
syslém. It mo slu.é enl6fs rh€ systeñ, make Discóñnéct th6 A/C lin6 at lhé
súre rr rs fem@ed (dr¡ed) bebfe rhe engine

Locale and d¡senqaqe lhe elecla€l

Prryern lhe sleam cléáning nozlé lrcm connéclü l@m lhe binary pe$ure
sp6y¡ng dlreclly oó any eleclon¡c sitch on lh€ rec€¡v€r/dry€L
@mponenls and @nn*tio¡s.
Loóalé an d disongágé lh 6 €lé.t cál
Avoid the use oi any causlic or @r@iv€ con¡eclof lom the lorpésufe cutoul
swirch in rhe ¡Jc fetiqe¡anr rine.

1 . Posillon lhe vehlcle on a llai, l*l

suface S. Di6connecr and €mo@ lhe upper Edialor
wilh ámple mlk spa6 abund lhevehicla. lube lrom lh€ enginé.

2. Aop y lhe pa*ino b@ke and bl@k lhe

L Dlsconñecl thá cab héalé¡ and luel héaler
wheels io preveót lhé veh¡cle lloñ noving. coolanl relurn linés lrcñ lhe rad ator ls€r
Obserue all slely p€.aullons.
Dis.onnécl and emore lhe lorer €d¡ator
3. Disconnecl lhe bafiery neqalive (gound)

11. Réñov6 lhé .hálgé ai c@le¡ in el lube añd

F¡emow lhe charqé an coolér óullel lube

l. RémoElhe hood On cab oler enghe 13, Dis@nnet the Ediator tan if et€clmnicatty

2. Place suilable conláináre beneaih lhe

e ngine and dfain the oil and coolanl. open NOTE
lhe coolanl dEin Élws ¡n lhe block and the
The adialor and inler@oler assemb y is heavy
and dificu l to handle. Próvide a suilable lilllng
NOfE device a¡d a heLper to supporl ir salély dur¡ng

ll aÉilable, use the coola¡t extractor, DBT2V700,

lo €mM @olanl lrcm lhe engine

14. Fem@ lhe radiator ánd charq€ án mobt 16, It equipped, rem@ ihé éxháu$ bÉdiet lhe fwh@l housiro.

The fan assembt ls h4W áñd dificull ro handl¿. P@vide a conlainer to collecl powér stéé ¡g
obtai. ssistance to support ¡t salely dúdnq

17. Bémov6 thá powé¡6léé ng hces.

15 Bemove rhe la¡ .5sembly.
Disco¡ntrl lh€ dhálsl syslem lrom the
D¡sco¡nect electrl€l @blgs or wir6s
fo preEnl lluid leaking t¡om lhe assmbly,
slore il ho¡izonlally la.é ddn (hub
'an llang¿ up) or Di€connecl or rem@e a I olher ¡lems
attáched to ihe l@e or @b lhal rculd
plMnt eng¡ne émML such ás:

W q. Hydaulic hoss or lubing

a Ac^u¡toN
: Cow the @|ve ñé.Í¡aniú and gear ta¡n w¡¡h a
l \_!\\_J _]_
(' su¡table .lolh ot
and debis f@n
stnlat @wríng
the enake.
p@ent .litt

BqJ673_vl'cou.F¡nonrcft3¿mblysbhge NOIE
ProvidÓ a tansmissjon ja6k lo supporl trté
lEnsmiss¡on when disonnécted lom the englñ6.

22. wilh lEnsmisslon jad< ¡¡ place, r6mwé lhé Femo@ i¡s scrM that s;cuie lrie rear
srews afla.hing ihe lEnsmission to the engire support bdcké1s ló rhe fame

a. ll a manual lEmmis6ion. make @rtaiñ 25. Remove lhe bolts thal $cu€ t¡é lont
the clutch linkaq€ and bBckets have enqine support lo lhe fame cGsm€mbér

ll a¡ aulomalic tránsmission, make

certa¡n ihe torqúe coMrter áftóss
parel and rhe rofque conwrter ha@ While remv¡ry the eng¡re, Mlch lot
obs¡tucl¡ús lhal ñay ints¡ére, sudl as engine
and clÉs6¡e @np@enlq bÉ.kels, .larrps and
olhet parE sü anaúeó lo the eng¡ne. Fa¡turc tó
AcaurroN heed lhis autiú nay rcsúll in .évarc danagÉ to
Oblain a helpet and prcvjde a
lha éryke and other @npúúts
as gina l¡hinq t@L J 47o3a,
eng¡ne aleu dvinq túoval, 26. Ushg the lifting ddicé ánd lhe aid oflhe
helpe¡, emde th6 gnqino lrom lhávéhicle.
23. Atach lhe engine lifing lool, J 47034, lo lhe
énglne. secuélhe éñgine lifting toóllolhé
ro¡r ol lhe cylinder head and to the rcar at
lh6 llwhe€l housino.
Belúe a¡temptkg to túove
ü.Lte that
lha bla¿k,
cylkdet héad
srcws holdkg tha
had agalnst lhe liniDg geat Nunl¡.g p¡aÍe ha@
b@n En@ed. Failwe la h@d lh¡s úúiú may
aI bofts ú.1 p¡ñs in lIÉ hlting lool * esul¡ k sewrc danage lo lhe engine and o¡het
'lE@ posft¡one.I pt¡ú to Movitg thé
engin.l¡ú tlE dta$É. Ft¡tute to ptope y
lÉlal a bo¡.s an.l p¡ñs ol lhé úEítu Lifting
l@l @ ¡*ulf 1n peBond lnluty ot tlealh.

MACK MP8 Euro 3 Engine
[200 EAI
Spec¡al Tools

dd o{'6f vadoug ussg (aÉiauo)

ui.r HokrDdñ foors (E€$ ia)

ud hj*,ü PRMim srews (Eser d)

unir Inieb tu,e seannq pruq {Essnrian

0 )

Dorers {Lufnq roors br b¿ rdnq G*f



cffihar ufrre Baf {E$adial}



EnsiE Bdhq r.or (k.diaL)


oy iñdef Head úlrinq ro{t tEssedtar)


ú ii'
H€lr.Dúry uni hiádof Pur ar

Eisine sbd adapror P are tava rab é)

cÉnksrrafi Liftins r@r (EsdiaD


General lnstruct¡ons Mounling lhe Engine on a R¿pair

[2r0 EN]
This $clion includés s¡ep-try-slep procedu¡e tor
dls6embly or tho €ngine. AÍ4 clean¡nq ll the onqiné is 10 be mounled oñ a r6pai sland
compo¡enls, slore them wh€r€ lhév w ll cmain
by means ol a mounling plaie atached to lls tefr
clean unlilneeded lor reasseñbry.
side, l¡e mounl¡ñg sudaes mlsl be clear ol
Thá s€quéncé n wh ich conponents are removed
Ílom the enqine may ErV d€p€ndino on lhe lvpe
ot engine repair stand used. Ihe épan dañd
ldenlifed ior lhis pr@edu@ uses a mounllng
plalé attachád lo lh¿ l6f side of ihé éngine which
équnes lhe feñ@l oi @rlain lelt side
compone¡rs ro pfovlde space bf anachment ol
lhá molrtng plale, This musl b€ don¿ p.ior lo
mouñtiño the éñoine on the épai siand.

Fa¡lure to ñollow the sequer@ of opMrbns

may rcsull ¡n danágé to @mponénts or


lñ ordár to atlach lh6 mounlinq plale, J 48662, lo Locen lhe luél liné banjo liíings. Femore
the ¡ell s¡de ol lhe engine, thé iollowiñg the banjo tlnlngs, clamps ánd the ro¡l@ ng
componenrs musr de be femoved il presenr. tue line fom lhe side ol the eñginé.
l. Femde lhe dipsuck a¡d o¡llll plp€. . FuelElurnline EEcucoolins
plár€loji ler valve hous¡ng
2. Feñde thé cankcásé wnlilalion (CCV)
sepafalor and tub¡ng. . FuélErurn line
heád (ar
3. Tag thé el€c1ri€l cón¡scroE on lhe lsft sidé
ló )-lojill¿r valv€ housirg
ol lhe enq¡¡e lo lac¡lllale fecoóneci¡on upon . Fuélsupplyliné
- lifter Blve
housl¡g-lo-cylinderh€ad (ál r¿ar)
4- Unlock and femore lhe hafness end . Fuelsupplyand relurn lin6 fúel
@nne.lo6 arlached lo lhe EEcu. FemoE pumpro-Íiher Elve housing
the scr€ws fom the harn€ss €láin€r
9, Femrye lhe iiler housing a$embly,
clamps. The¡, push lhe conneclor locks
i¡ward and olale oulward lo diwnnel 10. F€mde the @oling plate and the EECU
bolh wnino ham@s€s fDm lh€ EECU.
11. anách lhá 6nginé mounr ng pláre, J 48662,
ioihe lelt side oi the engin6.
llsing a su¡lable hoist and the ápp¡opiátd
liting dsice, aliach lhe englne lo lhe épak

Cylinder Head (valve) Cover

[211 JBI
1 . RémoE lhe lasle¡ers and remove lhe
cánkcase vénli alion pipé.

use @e to a|oid dañaging lhe letñkal pks.

Unlock ánd sépaEte lhe exlernal wiring

hamess @ñneclo6 al thé úous junclions

Rém@ lhe clamps hotd¡ng the hamé$ tó

nemow lhé laslene6 securing the w¡r¡nq

har¡ess block ló lh€ cylind$ block Posillon
lhe harness block and l€ads oú-of-way,

¡ags ánd conlainére lor collecling
ddináqo al €ach ol th6 fol¡owinq

2. R€mm and sl aside lhé sp ng-loaded 5, A1 lhe top ol thé cylinde. head, disnnet
scr4s atiachhq the cyllnder hoád (@lvél úe wning hames at €mh unir.injector
c@r lo lhe cylinder head.

F4!É D - Disconnecrins H¿ms ar rn'€dor

6. lr so equipped, disonned lne harnes tom
lhe enghe b6ko conlol ElB,

3. Femow lhe der lom lhe cylinde¡ h@d.

Engine Wiring Harness Removal

1723 KN
1 , fo iacll¡lale @n¡eci¡oñ at reassembly, laq all
ham€ss mnne.!o6lo the €rious enqine
ensó6 ánd compon€ds pnor b
d¡sconneci¡ng theñ, Alsq note thé routing ot
lh€ ha.nés and leads tor proper installatloñ
7, Cullhe cable li6holdngthe harn¿ssro lhe
cylind€r h€ad and lhe e¡g¡ne b€ke control
2, lf not alredy dohe, unlocl and rcm@lhe
haness end connecloB atlached to rhe
EECU. 3. Caretully pull lh€ hamé$ though the hoté
ál rhe lon¡ ol lhe crlihder héad and emove
3. Unlock ánd sépaBle lhe connectoB at ihe
tho hamess lrom lhe engine.
Érious sénso6, enoi¡6 componenls and

4, Femove lhe clamps holding lh€ harnéss to

lhé cylinder¡ead and bl@k.

Timing Gear Cover Removal

1211 AAI
1 . Femde lhe mounl¡no last6ñ6r and cmove


2. Remove al¡ slÉps, P+lañps and oiher

@laine6 used io rerEin harnesses, oil
lines ánd coolanl lub6 lo lhe rear of lhe
englne. Thls wll¡ allow lhe support bÉckol al
lhe rcar ol lhe enqine lo be Émded.

5. Beñow lhe 6Ér from lhé engine.

6. Feñow and disard lhe élslomér s¿als

3. Femow the suppon backet tasteneG añd

reñóÉ lh6 réar supporl bGcket
Remd€ thé lcrws aftaching the tim¡ng
gear cder to lhe timiñg gear mounling plale
ánd cyrinde¡ head (Fioúfe31).

Camshatt Gear and Vibratioñ Bocker Arm Shaft Removal '

Damper Removal
[213 LPi
t213 DEI
NOTE On ehgines l¡t¡ed wi¡h the eng¡ne bake, úse
li lhe eno¡ñe is not betño mmplél€ly ntubet bands to tutak the p¡stús wnhk he
disa$embled lor deñaúl ahd only lhe cánshall rcckeF rhe ña¡d1 betueú lhee pistons and
is to be rcmryed, cEnk lhe enqine manually theh tackas must be nain¡aked.
(usins r¡¿ énginálumingrool 60800014) soihat ff lhe t@ket shafl ¡s Io b€ d¡sasmbld. the
the camshaft is positioned ai top d6ad cenler añet al rccket atn assmfly mst bé
fiDc) by al¡qninq rhe TDc mark onlhe €ñshaft nakra¡red. Make @ña¡n lhe @ls aE keü
wilh lheliming ma*s on lhe No 1 camshal tóge¡het. MarE cdlain the rccket arns are
identi ed so they en be Elútred lo hen oiginal

Fajlure to heed th¡s @ut¡on ñay esúft k sevete

1. Remdelhe ongine brake oil.ontrclvdw or

oll tlow adapler (ir so equipped) riom tie

1 . FemoE thé lasl€nére securing lhe llb€1io¡

damper and €ñshati gear to lhé camshait
2. Remove lhe vibrá¡on dámp$ l¡om lhe

3. Remow lhé gear lom lhe cámshaft.

on e¡qines withoulrhé engine b€ke, an oilflow
adapler s used in place of lhe oil ó¡trol varre. n
is mounled ln lhe sane loeiion on lha cylindér
head and provid6s oi 10 the focker shaft.

2. Rom@ thó scr€m ánd six eng¡né brake

plale spnnos (if $ equipp6d) ánachéd 10 thé NOTE
camshatr beafins caps,
Pislons and @ker arms aré
and should nol bé mixed

4- Beginning al lhe ce¡ler camshalt beadng

cap, begin l@se¡ing lhe Jasrene6 al eaoh
cap *nly iñ siagós, tollNing lhé sequene
shún in Figufe a7 u¡f¡l all lasteneb aré
cómpl€l6ly loósé, Oncé loosen¿d¡ @move

The laslereB tusI be loo@red eveñly, ln stages
and in @qu,@ to ptevat búd¡.g ü danagiñg

(1Fe0 (4tuD
3. It equipped wilh an engine bEke. ecu6 lhe
pislons in tho dhausl mk6r arms using
fubbef b€nds (or r¡e srhps) ro p@enr

5. Alrach the lifting too , a5109250, ro fie
6. Wilh lhé áid of an a$ista¡l, caélully
Ém@ lh€ shafi a$embly using the t¡li¡nq
1@1, Place ihe shaft assombly in a s€ure

Camshatt Removal
[213 CH]

h¿ r;- eó
| 2 Fodc' a'n shar'
S¿ tv ! |

Valve Yoke (Brldqe) Removal M f--ñB-.-""üf

[213 NVI lrl ¡--r rr- J- ri-
¿ -IL-

| 3 chshd upPf Bea¡in,

2. camhafi Lo*er h'¡nq I cáF

The cañshafl ¡5 h4vy. Do NOT attempt lo

femow the camshall w¡thout thé hélp of an
.ssislant or the üse ot a suilabló l¡ftinq
devicé. Fa¡lu€ ro hed thls warning may
F¡sorá Se R.mvins lbrveYorc lB dsé) resulr in pefsofal injufy and componé¡r
1. Máft lhe camshatl beariñg €ps (ir nor
Tag lhé yokes lo lac¡litale
laclóry márk€d or idenllied), so that they
1. reassembt in thé
locaiions frcm which they wee Émoved. can be Éinsialled in the o¡ig¡nal bearlnO

Bemow thé yoké6 ard sel lhem aside.

Rémove lhe remainino lasle¡eF {oulb@ld
sel) hold nglhe upper beari¡q caDs in pla@.

3. Usélh6 cam ca! cmMl lool, 85109980. in 6. Remove the bearinq ins¿ns {shérls) túi üe
comb¡nallon wÍh slldé hanñ6r¡ 9990013, lo camshafi lorer bearinq suppórG {saddles)
femove lhe upper beanng caps. fhé uppér andlhe upperbea ng eps. hspet ihé
bearing caps and l@er suppo¡ls (saddres) bea ng i¡séns¡ béa ng supporls and 6aps
m6t bé k€pr in séls and i.lheir respaí@ lor wear or danagé. R6plaÉ ú16 parrs ir
localions at reas6mbLy. excssive wear or damaqe exlsls.
4. Al€ch lhé riiling bar, S5109034, ro rhe
€mshalt bá¡réén lhé lobés and €¡étully
Éno€ lhé Énshalt fbm lhe cylinder head.

This prccedure preslnes thát lh€ camsháf lower
5. Ca€lully lift lho c¿mshaft and €€l il aside in bearing suppo s (saddle) aE in pla@ on the
a secue local¡on bl laler inspe{flon. crlinder head, h6ld ¡n posilton by guide sleeves. li
removed, lhe supporls ñust b6 mafk€d añd
LcaurtoN @luned lo lheironginal local¡o¡s alonq wlh lhé
6spectiw béa ñg .aps. ll ¡eqlired, fem@ thó
ll the @ñshah ¡s hol belnq reda@d, stand the beariñg súppons usins a pry bai Rem@ the
mshaft on and and stute ¡l ia pla@ t t No 7 reamosl support usino a sólt-fac€d mallel
sL.Ege. Use carc to aeoid .latugé Lt tE guida

Unit ln¡ector Removal 3. Renove lhe lasteneE scurino nie iniecto.

1221 GP1

/AcaurtoN ^caurtoN
Use hand toals to túove the klectatt Do NoT
Do NOT us a sleel tuapér or a sreel w¡té btush use ait trds d
the ¡rja.tot pu et shak. uskg an
lo clean ¡nje.:lot l¡ps. u@ deaning kiI J 42aa5. laols nay rcsúl ¡n damoe to canpmnE.
F¿ilúa to hée¿ thk @u¡ion nay Bult in evéE 4. P ace a pry baf, lool 999a511 of equiúleñ1,
iñ posilion underlh€ hold-down yoke or
lnieclor l¡p and prv up lo reñ@ the iniector

Fisurc s4
- Benovins h¡dof y[h Pry er
Use care when rem ovin o lhá u¡ il ir ieclor
bé@use lhe ¡njeclor hold down is ¡or seuréd
and mu d láll óf il not held i¡ p ace.
1. hjedo' Hord Dokñ Yob | 2 unl ñJeróf
5. lfthé inFcror cannol be remded us¡no ihe
pry bar, ¡nsialllh€ heavy.duly u¡it injecto¡
I fho¡oughly cean aroundihe unir ini€clors pullér, J 43922, oñlo á unl ini€clol Posilion
and chéck lo ensufe thal lhe engine ls lhe pulJet lolks i. the grc@s on the únn
coñPletelY dráined ol lué|. inteclor Secu16ltu pullé.by slidinq the lock
Tag lhe injectoG wilh lh6 cllinder number
collar down over the lorks holding lhe unil
belb¡e lheir removd lrom the cy inder h6ad. injeclor Rémove lhe inlector lrom th6
ll new injecrorc are nor belng insralled, ir is eyllnde¡ head bore usifg hand t@ts. The
esseñtial lhal rh6 onginal injecloB be iniectors musl be lifted our w¡th thet
€inslalled ir ihe cy lnde6 lDm which lhév

Í rhe nozle qasker (tlar washer) ¡s atrached ió
lhó iñiector, looson t wilh génrle pMng tfom a
lhin llal gaskel s¡apper blad€. ll lh6 gsk¿r is in
$e bonom ol lhe injecro¡ sreeve, ¡¡¡trarry allémpl
lo rámd¿ it wilh a nagnéi. ll lhis i5 unsu@eslul,
use á slandá¡d nd blád€ scr€wdriwr ülh a ong
ihin shanka¡d narow wldth blade to l@senihe
ga6kel. Lo€1e thé blade in lhe @cess be¡@en
th€ oulsid6 ol lh€ gask€t ánd lh6 inj€clo¡ d6M.
use the blade lo apply 1orce on lhe ouls¡de ol the
gaskel al ditte¡enl locálions abund lhé qaskái.
Coffinua lhis unlilth€ g6kel sepaales lDm lho
FieuEe5-unn hj..¡or Pun.4J 13s2

AcaurtoN 7, lnse lhe ¡njeclor inlo a poleclion slerye,

lÍ d6ss¡B @nbusrian ledkáge has Ésulled ¡n
the @ppet sl@ve bekg sluck-last ¡o the un¡I
jnjector ¡ry a¡bü, thé mit kjBctú tust bé
replaced. The ú¡d¡lión ¡s louñd when the un¡¡
¡n¡ec¡q ¡s Mowd and the @wq sbeve @n6

6. Remore and d¡sfd allinjeclof nozle

gaskers (Jlár washére) flom injedor nps or hiedor Pf.@ióñ srééE, 9.@4e
bonoms ol copp€r slewes. Also, rem@
FrquE s6
and dis€rd arlOjings and yoke screws, A. Í ñ6 inj¿cror is nor beinq installed
Ns iniéc1or nozl€ g6k6rs (flal wsh€c), ¡mmediately, ¡nsla I lhe proieti@ plug do
o ñgs añd yoke *f4s afe fequifed tor lhe unil i¡jeclor bore oa the .ylinder head to
pol€.t it lrcm debr s.

lf án inj¿ctornozlé gskér oal washe4 had been
used lor lhe seal joinl betw6en th€ inj€clof mppér
slese and rhe injector, discafd rhe used gasket
iññediátely after lha inj4lor s rém@d A used
gaskel must noi be reused. when lh6 ini€clor is
@novedi lhis qaskel may @me oul altached lo
the injector or il may Gmain in lhe bofion ot lhe

FEUE e7 rcraline h¡dor BoE Pbtéoitrc Ptuq


9. Rep$r lhe prccess lo reño@ rh€ r€m¿ining Exhaust Pressure Gove¡nor'(EPG)

Starler Removal 1. Disconnecllheánsupplylinetotheéxhausl
govBmor end 6over ffina.
1272 DHI
The $aner is held in place by nuts es¿mbléd
over 6rud6 installed ar rhe fonr rlghr sidé ol lhe

fhé éiártéf ¡5 héávy. Do NoT áttempt lo

rcnove lhe sl¡rter rithout thg help ol .n
a$¡stant or the use ol a sultable llll¡ng
ds¡cé. Fáilurc ro h€éd this wah¡ng may
rosult in p.Éoñ.I injury .nd ohponénr

L ll not ákéady done, disconneot lhe wú¡¡g

ha¡ness ffoñ lhe starter ñólór
2. Lo6en lhe nuis iasieñiñg lh6 slanér b lhe

2. Femove the exhaust clámp iróm the

Erha$l Pr€sure GoÉmor (EPG) housing

l2 a''.hiñq Nub

lhe slarler fóh lh¿ énglne


3. Loosen thé clámp and r€mm lh6 dhá@l 5, Separate lhe EPG hoúsins rron thé eihausr
pipe iom lhe EPG hoúsinq pipé and ubochaEer; lifi a¡d remólr th€
EPG unil from lhé engine,

4. Rámow lh€ q6ke1b6¡réén lhé EPG

hoGlng and éxhausi pipe.

Turbocharger Removal 2. B€mm lhe lurbehúge' orl supply the

1214 SCI

The lúrb@hárEér ¡s hdvy. Do NOT attempr ro

rcnde the turbochárgér wirhout the help ol
an ass¡stanl or the úse ol á súiláblé lift¡ng
dd¡e- Fá¡lurc to hed th¡s warn¡¡g ñay
Esult in péraonal ¡niury ¡nd @nponenl

fhotough cleañl¡ness ¡s rcgu¡rc.¡ snall patliclés
@n @ue severe b¡ü damge and @ñpúút
damge ¡l ¡nduc¡ad dunng hbh-speed opeat¡M,
B-p sute ¡a ptug lhe ¡nlet and tullel pot¡s úhile
handlkg ¡he t¿ó@haryef, A¡@, ap the o¡l lke
aqeninss to prcvent @ntankation.
FsuE ro5 Túrbo oir supet lins
1. FemoÉ lhe clamp t¡om lhe EPG -
the lurbocharq6r, f nol p@viouslv 3. Femovelheo rerurnlne(l@et.


4. Bemow lhe lorer oharge an pipe lom lhe Exhausl Mañifold Removál
turbocharg€r and midpipé suppon hslener
5. RémoB lhe luóocharqer llange moun¡nq

Thé dhaust man¡lold consisls of thr*

cást¡ngs th.t ar€ nor cbmped logetñer Thee
could séPa6lé únéxPetéd,yvhén lhé
anachlng screws arc rem@ed lóñ ths
cylinder h€.d. To p¡event peFonar lnjury and
damagé lo thé parls, iáké cáE to @ntrcl all
pl*es unüllhey can be sepaÉted safély.

l t + t t !

6. Lowd ñe turboc¡¿rg¿r áway from lhé

dhácr má¡ilóld and lilr ó!t.

2. Sél lhe 6pace6 and erews áside for

3. BéñoB lh€ dhaLar nanilold fom the

4 Bemow and disad lhe qhausl ma¡iiold

5, lnspecllhe qhausl ñanilold. llrhe@ are

signs oi efiausl leakage belw€€n lhe @sl
segmsnls ollhe manitold, €place lhe seals.

Oil Filler Valve Housing Removal Coolant and Pump lnÉt Houi¡ngs
t2f I EPI
[215 SW]
Póvid6 suiláb e €$ and coniaiñers lor collect¡ng NOIE
o¡l dÉhaqe al éách stéD.
Pbv¡de s¡itáb é cóntái¡á6 to @llecl coolant thal
mY es€Pe dulng removál pm€du@s.
1 . Rémo@ lhé scrss and €mow lhé oil lube
lrom lhe fonl ol lhé oil iillor housing and rh€ 1. B€nNé thé la6tene6 and €m@ lhe
c@llno ducl covei oisÉrd the oaskets. coolánt pips (byp6s) hoGing rrom lhe
.ylinder head, D¡scafd the fanqe seál dno.

ñsuE11o orfrb¿(arHochsFfo )
2. Rsmov€ lh€ scr€re and emore lhe o¡l lube
FIsof.11 2-upFc@r¿ Prp€(Bypá33)H.chq
belween lhe valve hoúsinq át lhé Bár and
lh6 ducl cder Dis€rd the gaskéls.
2. Remove lhe kf6ws and emove the puñp
i¡larhousing at the reár ot lhs @otañl pump,
Diserd the llanqe seaL inq.

FisuE 1r 1
- of ftb (ar Houane ñaD
3. Fem@ lhe last6n€6 and .emore the oil
t ller valve housino lrom the cylind€r block.

Cooling Duct Cover and Oil Cooler 2. Cárérully emow rhe edlom me pérr'ma*
qó@ i¡ thé.ov¿i D¡ead the seal h
[215 DW 2r9 EP]
To remde lhe oll c@let lhe c@ling ducl ¡:Mr
must be @m@d ñ6t, The oit c@ter ts aiached
lo lhe inside of lhe @oling ducl @@r


1. Fem@ the c@ting duct cover t¿s1eneB
and em@a lhe ducl (;ftr ánd óil cool6r
as6émblv from lh€ cy¡indor b¡ock.

Nólé lhé loÉtióñ óf all fásteñeb for @ssemblyj
diftéreñl lenglhs are used.
3, Femo@ and dis€rd lhe c@rlo pump


L Place the c@ling ducr cove¡ asembly on a
.¡ean @lk sudace. Remde th6 hsl¿ñ¿rs
and emm lhe tlow plale @ef¡ñq lhe oil

Drive Belis and Fan Hub Femoval

[232 HB]
R€mow lhe drivé belts, idle6 and hub bracket
froñ the lbrt ol lhe ongine asto lw6;
2. BémoB lhá oil óoler lasleneE and €mow 1. Renove lh6 tasrénéB md @mo@ lhe ian
théóoerlroñthéljML dri@ and coolant puhp beÍ tenslonerlmm
lhé coolanl pump housing.
2. Remove lhe hsieneG añd reñovs lh€
ác6s$ry drÚé bell lensioner lfom thé

3. Femove ánd s6l as dé üé dr E bélts.

3. Remowlhe oil.ooe¡sea inq oiing

gaskels bet¡rc6n lhé oil cooler and cover

| 1 ¡{esofy o' É Bdr

I PunD Be[ fens]onér
4. RenM thé f¿st6ne6 and l¿n húb b€cl@l
Mai( lhe @ble l@lions belo@.emMllo
lnlet Air Preheater/Spacer Removal ensure @recl inslallaton ar ¡é*sémby

t291 DRI 3. R€mov€ ánd dlscad lhe gaskét bghv€6n lhe

1. Femm the rásténé6 @cunng fie inlel spacef brock or prehearef ba* and rhe inler
adapl6r, spacer or prehealer, f e equipped,
r. ih. iñler má¡iióld.
Crankcase Venlilation (CCV)
separator Removal
1. ll ñol al€ady done, loosen lhe clamps and
disconnecl lhó i.lel and outlót hosés at the
ccv s€pa@tor Ron@ ihe feiaineF and

2. Femow lh€ spácér block fon ihe lnlel air
manilold. o( il $
equ¡pped, €m@ ail
pMf and gound €bl€s lfom th6 ¡nlétá¡r
p.eheabr and r6m@e the p€healer trcm

2. ñem@ lhe hsleneF and €moE ihe

separalor sséñbly lom lh€ cylinder bldk.

Fue¡ L¡nes and Filter Valve Housing

ll nol d@dy remo@d, remore the luel li¡es and

ilter valve housing usinq lhe lollowinc procedurc.

1. L@en lhe luel llne banjo finings. Fem@

rhe b¿nio liriings, (lamps ¿ndlh€ foltowing
luellnes fom rhé léfi sde olrheenqrne.

Bé sue lo capture the banjo séalinq washeb ánd
hollow s€ws while rcmoving lh6m.

. Fuelráum line EECU coolng

plale lojillor valve hous¡ng
. Fuel ¡elurn line cyl¡rder head (at
fonl)-to lill€r valve housing
. Fuelsuppy line
- lillervalve
housinoro cvrnd6¡ héad (al rear)
. Fuel supply and Elum lines tuel
pump-loJille¡ válve horsing
2. Femovelhe lillerEtuá housinq

EECu and Cooling Plate Removal


ll noi akeady done for mounling lhé énginá in lhe

epan dard, or it lhe e¡g¡ne is nol beiñq
complél€ly disssembled lo. o@rhaul and only
lhe EECU ¡s lo be rem@d, t€me üé EECU Ue cae to a@id danaeino lhe tenkal p¡re,
lollowing lhé p@du€ bel@.
1 . Unlock añd remwe lhe end @óneclors
2. Posilion lhe harne$ connectoF back out ol
aftached to thó EECU. Fémove thes¡e$
l@m lhe harn6s éláin6r clamps. Then,
push lhe @nneclof l@ks ¡nward and tuiát€ NOfE
ouload lo dikonrecr borh wilng hafneses
Póvid€ suil¿blé Egsand conl¿'n€u forcollecliñq

3. Femove lhe luól I n€s lmm lhe cooling plate lnlel Manlfold Removal
1. FémoE rhe two rop inraká ma;ifotd
mounring f¿srenefs and lnslall rwo ál gnme¡t
pins lo suppor rhe manilold dunno rcmd?1.
2. FemoÉ the €maining i¡let manitotd
mounling lasteñors. Using a plaric mallet,
ca€tully iap lhe manitold loos6 and r6mwe
itifom lh¿ cylinde¡ head,

R€mov€ lh€ sl€m and the cooling plale

5. Fem@lhe $¡4s and the EECUirom lhg

3. Using a shalp pick, fem@ the tubber seal

(molded gask6l) lom lhe qrode ¡n lhe intet
manifold. Di$ard lhe manifold seá|.

Tandem Pump (Fuel and Power Ah Comprcssor Removal

Steering) Removal CKI


& jl l

NOTE I 3. Moudinq sbd and Nd

| 1 Anc.ñpÉsr
Pr@ide suiiable ráqs ánd conta¡neB lor collecli¡g
oiland tue¡ d@inage al each slep. 1. Dtscoñnscl and r€md6 lhe @mp@s$r
Be suré locaplu€ lhe bánlosallngmhéBánd c@lanl l¡nes lbm lhe eng¡ne.
hollow srews while .emwins theú.
D¡$onnecl and remo@ lh€ @mpressor oi
1. It nol already done, remo@ lhe po@r
sree ng oir supp y and rclum inesfom lhe 3. While supporling lhe aircompresso(
landeñ púñp á¡d sól asidé. f€mov€ lhe fange nuls securing lhe
@mp€ssor lo thé llywhéél housing and
R€move ths fusl supply ánd r€lurn lin€s remde lhe @mp¡e$or lhs €notne.
fom lheile pump and sel as¡de. 'fom
3 Bemove lhe fasleners securing the puñp lo
thé f ywh€€l housing and remo@ lhe
la¡deñ puñp ás*ñbly lóñ lhe 6ngin6.

Flywheel and Pilot Bearing Removal FLYWHEEL REIIIOVAL PFOCEDUFÉ


ll th6 6nginé is nol b€ing omp elély Thé llywhel ¡5 héávy. Do NOI ateñpt to
disassembled lor d€rhaul and only the liming remde lhe lywhel w¡rhout the hetp oi an
qeafs a@ io be remded lor €placement, ñáke assisla¡t or lñe us ol a súit5blé l¡fting
su@ thar rhe camshali is *t ar Top Dead ceñréf d4¡é. Fá¡lure ro heed thls Mrning may
fiDC) tor lhe No, 1 cylirder, belore @mding lhe Ésult in p€fsonal ¡niury a¡d comporenr
nrvhéé|. ll not, pmcá6d as lollNs:
1. Usngtheengine badnq lool,9996956, bar
. Femwe lhe elainer screw and remde lhe
lhé éñoiné dd ñanúallv e that the 1

enqhe sPeéd sensorlom fié llwh€él

€mshaft TDC mark ls belweeó lhe lwo llnes
onrhe rcar @mshatl bea nq cap, The
fll vh6él w ll bó al 0' sith thé dañshán at

2, It p¡esent, émo@ lhe tEnsmission pilol

beaing using beari¡q enrador l@1,

2. The l¡m¡¡g geaB can nów ba rcmMd. Use

cáB ló nor @lale lhe geafs as th€y afe
being f€nN€d so lhat lhe @mshalt a¡d
cBnkshaf fema¡n ¡n lhé Toc posilion.

3, lóstall1rc l\¡10 x 100 screws in holes 1, ll equipped wilh lhe oplional PTO 6sembly,
opFosité éach oihér al thé outé¡ périmél€r of loosn and Gmdé lhé lasle¡eE se.u ng
.thé llywh€61- Thsss sc¡6m will b€ usd ás thá dsembly to lhe llywhe€lhousing.
handles to a¡d €mMl ol lhe fy{heel.
Rénów thé PTO ass€ñbly lom thé
Ilvwh eel ho usi¡ s and ser eide.
3. Bemove and d¡sÉfd the PTo houslno seal.

Frs!re 136 usdhsFV-h4l
Flywheel Housing Removal
Reñore lhe llywheel mounling fasléné¡6.
whlle suppo.ling the llywheel, ca@lully lap
1 . Feñove lhe tDvheel hous nq rasieneF
(iiem 2 i¡ FiquÉ 139) locared ar the lrcnl or
lhe illvheé|, all¿maling from side to side, lo lhe tinina qeáf plaie.
work it oí thé aligning dowel pin and €mo@
it lom lhe cBnkshaÍ llange.

Power Take-Off (PTO) Assembly

I }F}!hs N sins

2. Supporl lhé i yvrheel housing ánd rémm Timing Gear Tra¡n Removal '
lhe lasleneÉ al lhe @. ol lhe ly{heel
housiñg sdunnq lhé housing to thecylinde¡

l6 iúd6ñ Purp D¡i6

3 ¡ijúhbe bb' G¿r l7 arcóñpÉsrDfÉ

FrqrE 1r0
- Fhvh¿¿r Houinq F*mrc Íshom w¡h NOTE
TOqU¿ *qU¿E)
fo s¡mplit lhe re6smbly prcc6ss, awid roraling
3. Remóve lhe fwhed housi¡g. l! may be
lhe engine orliñi¡g ge6 whlle perfohiñg
ne@*ary to táp l¡ohlly on lh€ housing wilh ilñino oear 6ñ@ añd rcin6lallalion.
a solt mallel lo spa€le the housing ibm
lh€ liminq aáar plalé.
Crankshaft Rear Seal Removal
I2't2 JHI 1. Réñow lh¿ ¡ro Allen-head scÉws thál
scur6 th€ aear toüe cÉnkshatl llanqe.
With lhe llywheel housing r6mmd, use a d¡¡fl 2_ Uslng a suitablé puller, ¡em@ lhe
and hammef lo femde lhe old seal ffom thé
cánkshafl bóré in thá housing,
3. Remove and $t ásidé lhe lower (auxil¡áry)
idl$ geai Bemo@ ft6 soal rins lrom lhe

4. Remóv6 lhé 6ú Al en-head srsws (inner

6ifcle) secufing lhe intermed¡ate ¡dtef
geaFel hub to lhe cy i¡dar block a¡d
bmdé lhe g46el lrom lh€ €no ne.

Alternator and Retr¡gerarit

Compressor Removal
127'l cB, 264 DPI

1 arcomprsorMouñrins | 2. alisñmenr oowers,

1, Femore the ómpressor studs lrom the

liñiñg goar plal6. neno€ and discad lhá
ealing ring fomlhesluds.
¡nsial¡ the allgnment dowels, 9994267, and
light€n lhém lo spe ncatun. Thi6 sláp is
nemaryloensuE pbperalignmentof lhé
plale w¡en ea66emblinq the enoine.
3. While supponing lhe plale lo pr*d n fon
tálling, ém@ the fasl6ná8.

| 5. FsrnF6d comp'sr
NOTE | 6. Frenr Ens¡re supFn
I Mou inq BEcker
when thé riming gear plare is beinq Éñded, il
músl be dawn slraishr oul to arcid m@inq or
damaqinq the at¡qnment dowets. NOfE
For lhis p@cedue, lhe eng¡¡e ls o1ll-ól'chssis,
4. Fémove lhe plate foñ |ne enqhe. the lan d wandame*oryd vebetsáré
fémoved, Ihe altefnalor ha.né6s wúing ls
disconn@red, and rhe ¡LlC compGsot
felf¡Qeánt lin6 áré €m@d
1, Whi e súpporing úlá ahe¡nator, rem@6 th€
tusléneB and €ú@ lhs allenalor iEm the

Whi é suppo¡ling lhe refiq€Ent comp¡es$r,

Énovs lh€ lasleneF and €mde the
compres$r ffon ils mounúng pads on the
fonl éngine supporl ñountinq bEckel.
t213 EVI ll nol al¡eady done, r6mové üre 10 scr4s (A, B
and C in Figure 147) secuÍng the cylinder head
Acau¡toN to th6 liminq géar plate as lollows:

lf the aghe is rct beirg cñple¡ely

1. Rémove lhe fve sc@s ih@ugh ihe lñing
qear práte oñ €ilh$ sidé of rhe adjusrable
diessénbléd lar ovúhaul and anlv lhe cylkder
hed is lo be etuved, fhe six tuB A and B
wh¡d1 @cure ¡he t¡ñkg geat phte ¡o the cy¡¡ndet
h@d and the idrr uppet stús C stuing the
¡dlet geat hub to tl1é cyl¡rdú had MU9T BE
BEMoVED (Fbúe 147). Fa¡lute ¡o do & ñay
rcsult ¡n seveE damge ta the cyl¡ndq had and
athet úgine canpúants as lhe cylkdet héad is
rcNOVEd. SEé


2. Bar lhe eng¡ne over to aliqn a holé in r,\é

() adjusiabié idler gearwith the hidden sc€w
o lhrough lhe plale iñtolhe.ylinder head.


FiquEr4e Hrdd¿¡ s.@ {B.hind Gsd


3, Fem@ lhe lour upper $r4s in lhe BEIMOVING THE CYLINDEF HEA;
ádjustáblé idlér géar hub.
Wñh rh6 tming qear mount ng plate to cit¡¡dér
¡ead *ras émowd (a, B and c in Figufe 147),
p@ceed 6 bll@s lo émds fto cyrinder head,

FrsúE rs - uDp€r Forr ad¡u*bre rdr¿r G¿ar Hub

4. B€moE ány €siduál énqiné oil from lh6 F¡suB rsr

- cfinds Heád u¿md,r
'holldg beneath lhe camshafr lo pBent
oil lom running lnlo lhe @¡anl channels.

1. Femow lhe cyl¡nder h6ád bolls-

Usinq the cyt¡nder head titiiñg tet,
83800188, caelully remow and et asidé

3. Remow and di@rd lhé cylinder head

4, Attach cyl¡nder llnor hold-down l@lsj

9996966, lo lhe clli¡der block to kéép lh€
I n€6 tn place lempoEilv,


| 3 c6d3h'n fD

1, lf nol d@dy done, e ease ths l6nsion6rs

and rcmrye the dri@ belts-
RénM lhe tonl englne power iake-ofi
(FEPTO) unit, ir so equipped,
Rem@ ft6 f¿sléné6 and eñore lhe
cEnkshaft v bátloh dañper and lan pulley
Crankshaft Vibration Damper and
Fan Pulley Removal
t212 RB, RPI

When hand¡¡ng a úbh¿on dañper. be @ratul nat
.knage ¡he h@siag. Oqts k the odet
housing ñav t
detthadañper¡neÍlec @,
auskg an hnbala@ ahd v¡btat¡m ¡n the eng¡ne.
The vjbhlbn danpq amo¡ be rcpahe.¡

The lan pulley nesls wilbin the damper using rhe


Crankshaft Front Cover Removal

[211 JBI Apply gfease to the dlll bit to collecl meial .hips
whén drilling holes in lhe seal.

Usinq twó séLr-lappinq M5 $lM ol suilable

lóñqlh, ¿tlach lh€ cEnkshaf seal
fenowr¡nslaller, 4a300021, to thé sel.
Uslng lwo M10 s@s of su lábl6 l€nglh
lh@aded inlo lhe lapped hd6 in lhe
có*ñémbér ol lhé Bmow¡nsiallér,
Émde lhe @al and d¡sad lt
cteanihe seateat¡¡g suda@ ¡n lhe
cEnk6hat l@nr corer and l¡e sealing

Oil Fill P¡pe and Dipsrick Rerainer
P@vide suilable Eqs and coniaine6 ior @llecl¡ng
oildEináo€ al 6ách slep.

1. li not already do¡€, r€mov6 and sel aside

1. Whilé suppórling lh€ fónl cow¡, cmm thé
éighl lásteneG alacning lh€ cover lo th6

Femore lhé cEnkshaí t@nl cover trcm ihe

€nqins bv slid na il offlh€ crankshaí llanqe.

Crankshaft Front Seal Removal

[21r JBI
wilh lhe cEnkshan nont corer Bmov€d, use a
d ft and hammerlo remove lhe old edfomlhe

ll rhe engine is nol belng @mpletely

disássemdédlor ove¡haul and onlythe
cáñkshaft fonl séal is lo be Eplaced, emove
lhe sealus¡ng the foll@ing póc€duB.
1. Drirllwo3.smm (0.138inch) holes inihe
meial r¡m oi the fonl danksháll s6ál using
lhe holes ¡n lhe riñ ol lhe sear

Fem@ lhe relainer sd* noñ lhé dipslick 1. lr fE whicle is equippéd iith an óflionál
pipe flange and Em@ lhe pipe lrcm thé lransmission oil c@ler and nol anéady don€,
reno@ ths lansmisoion @o¡ef line b€d<et
nuts and sepaÉte thó bmckáls fem the oil
3. R€mow rhe hsreneF fom lhe oiltillplpe
moúnti¡g llañgé áñd r€ñov€ thé olllill pipe.
Remove l¡e $rews a¡d sp¡l¡gs scuÍng
thé óil Pán lo lhe c6nkase.

Thé oil lel ssns¡ néed nol b6 rcm@ed unl6ss

3. FemM and sel aside lhe oil pan,

F€mM ánd diEcád arry O-nng6 lou.d on

Reñovó thó élastóñér sd lrcm tha ojl páñ

and inspecl it. lf lhe *aL is danaged, lt ñust

Oil Pan Removal

1211 NBT

li the eng¡ne is in lhe vehlcle, pdide a lilllng
device lo Gsume lhe weighl ot lhe oil pan du͡g

Front Engine Support Removal

t299 GVI

C) 1\(]
6AC) O

Frqub re h!d, o'nh,nd c@v.r Ptpés (F6d

- sump shMñ)

2 PlnpoursrPÉ

Béñów thá fasr6né6 lom lhe pump oullel

(p¡esúre side) pip€ llans€ and r€mo@ lhe
pipe from lhe engine. Femore and disard
Fremove the fareneF ar rhe left a¡d nghr sides ol
lhé énginá suppon and @m@ lhe suppon foñ
lhe mounl¡ng báckeis al each slde ol lhe cylindor Remov€ lh€ lasleneB tom lhe cGsder
p¡pe llange and émóvé lhé pipé.

4. Remde lh6 rgmaining fasleneF secufing

Block St¡ffener Plate Removal lhe tife¡er plate to the cyt ndé¡ btock.

Thé inlél pipé wirh alonlsumpollpañ is toñOer

lhan théon€ with a Barsump oilpan,8o1h the
shoner a.d longer p¡pes atiach lo á bmck€r
mounl€d on lhé srifener fañe and ctlinder

1 . Bemow lhé supporr rcia¡n ng laslenefs and o o

@move the punp inlal pipe. Femo@ and
discad lhe sear ¡ing.
13 o it o

5. Wlh lhe help ol an assislant, romo@ lhe


Oil Pump Bemoval Piston and Connecling Bod'

Assembly Removal
[2r9 MU,219 NT]
lf thé engine is nol be¡ng @mp elety
1212 N\ 212 LPI
disassembl€d lor ovéñáuland only the oilpump 1. Rolate the cránkshaft e ihat the connedinq
is 10 be repla@d, instruclions are póvided in a rod bearing cap lor ihe désned cylinder is
sepa€le seclion enüiled "oll PUIüP posiiionéd ior easy remdal ol th¿ od cap
and rcinralling rhe oi pump wirh the enqine in
1. lr necessary lor a.cess to lhe oil púmp
mounling lasle¡ers, rol¿le lhe cránkshalt T¡re rod beadng Éps can be €moved in lhé
usi¡g engi¡e bari.g r@l 43400014, mmpanion cylindersets:Nos. 1 and 6,2 ánd 5,

2. Femovelhe iásleneBsecur¡¡g lhe oilpump

lo lhe No.7 main bea ng cap.

2. Femove the piston moling rozzle to prdeñt

il fom beinq dañaqéd.

FquEre or Puñp ( cb||.d on No.7 seaine ca!) 3. Femove the lour boLls and rcnove the

3. Ca@lully remove ihé oil pump lrom lhe 4. D scadlhelowerbearino inse (shell)i¡the

5. Usinq a suiláble lool, púsh up on lhé bonom

oi thé plston u¡lillhe rings are lree ol lhe
.ylinderliner. lhe upper inner su¡face of the
linér may hale io be scaped and cteaned il
thefe is excéssive ca fbon build- up lo máke I
eas¡er lo remow lhé pislon.

Z Femo@ and dis€rd lhe upper beari¡g

ins¿rl in ltl¿ conneci ng @d,
0. Répeal stéps 1 lhóuqh 7 lo ¡emove üe
Main Bearing Cap Removal
t212 HHI
@rectkg bd añd l¡ret dü¡ng etutaL Coñta.t
nay @ue danage to the tkq, NOfE
ma*ed, 8e sure to éllrn each
6. Frcm lh6 crt4indér déck, pull up lo rémové original lo@üon al ssembt.
lhe p¡sion and @nneclho bd lom lhe
éngine. Ma* lhe pislon assembly lo show
ils lo€tioñ in lh6 €ngin€ and sr it áside for
1. \Mlh thé énqine invenéd (crankcase side up)
on lhe €pair sland, loose ñ and Émore lh6
disassembly and lnspecl¡on (see ihé bolls sécu ¡ing the m ain bearlng caps.
PBOCEDURES s€clion)-

The connecli¡g rcd and bearinq €p á¡é a
mátchéd sét U6é care lo enslre lhal the
respeclive bé¿ring caps and mds a€ kepl

2. Usingpuller9990114,adapier9990262ánd Crankshafl Removal

sLid€ hammér 99S6400. rémM ánd s1
6ide lhe beárinq caps. I2't2 HPI

Th. cránkshafr ¡s éxrrémely heavy. Do NOI

attempl to rémdé thé cránksháft without thé
help ol an ass¡stanl or lhe úse ol a suirab¡é
l¡fting dév¡e. Fá¡lure ro heed üis w.¡n¡ng
ñay rcsultir sdere peÉonal ¡njury and

Ererci& extene cae when tiltkg atu novkg
lhe dantsháñ lo awjd str¡kkg ólher abj*ls. Nó
n¡cks, ffitch6, butÉ ot othet s¡gns ol d¡stess
@ ¡he burnb ot l¡ e¡s ate @ep¡able

1. Wih añ assistant and using lho cránkshaft

3. Fem@ and make nole ol lhe parl linjnglool, J 49002, lifi rhecEnkshafilo
on lhé inséns (sh€ls). DisÉrd rh6 r€m@6 il lmm lhe cylinder block,

ln addition to ihe main beaÍnq inserts, lhe No. 4
crankshatl journal inclldes lour lhrusl washer
inserls, an upp$ and lMér al éach sid6 ol lhé

F¡énóveanddisÉ¡d theuppermain béa ng
insens fron thá cylindef bl@k.

| 2. N0 4 eh Edrio cae

4. Rém@ áñd d scard lh6lhrusl washér



[21r DBI
Tools and Equipment

Handl€ *irh vai.w us (rib 25 mm hob)

rjrcf rn* rd 6 Pr* (a€irabr€)

Lim, HddDfrn fod tEsed d)

cyj¡úr Lrmf Pürhr (aEirabr6)


P¡ston Cooling Spray Nozzle Cylinder Llner Removál '

[212 NC]
t2r 9 RVI 1. lnsialllhecylinderlinerpuller,1ootPT6435
or equiváleñt, in posilion mr lhe cylinder

fo añ¡d dúág¡ng lhé suay nozlét reño@
beloe tñoving the l¡reb.

l2 mm, 6-poinl sockel on a
a ¡s besl 10 use a
300 mm (12 inch) €ir€ñsion to remow lhe nozzle

1. Reñove rhe pisron cooling spEy nozlé by

@movino lhe relainino Epscr6w
ca€tully pull oulwárd on thé spray nozzle lo
émde il lros thecyllnder block.
3. Fepe! sieps 1 and 2 lo femow lhe
rémaining spEy nozl6s-


Ae ^caurroN
te f,\e @gs oh ¡he pullét Leos dó nol
bét@d ¡he outs¡de d¡añetet ol the tker Fa¡|ue
to héad thís aúti@ nay resull ¡n @vere

Hooking puller leqs on lhé bóttom of rhé

cllindér liner, lighlen lhe cenler scrs on thg
1 Pisoi coorrc DEr l3.sDavNozrs plller unlil lhe iner @mes ot lhe

3. Femove lhe lin€r and puller ssembly fom

the cylinderblock. Then, rcñóve lhé pullé¡

R€péar lhé prccedure to remore ihe

cma¡¡inq cvliñder lin€rc


As án al!€mauw.lool Nos. 9992955, 9996394, NOfE
9996395 ánd 9996&5 in 6nbinalióñ, €n bB
Use a cleañiñq tánk larq6 énough lo
used tor oflinder liner renoval.
a.commodale lhe larlesl componóñt lo b€
cléanéd. Fillrhé rank with a suitable sol@nt.
Párts may b€ dri€d wilh compressed aii
Block Clean¡ng and lnspectio¡
The enginé should haw b¿6n lhoóughly stéán
cl€aned prior lo @mponeñt removal. li healt
accumurar¡ons oi dirr and g@ase afe srill preenr, Always use caudon whlle cleanlng pans wnh
sl4m clean lhe block as thoroughly ás po$ibló solvenls. F.¡lure io héed th¡3 warn¡ng Dáy
belore atiemplina lo cl€an with elvents. esult ¡n pé@nal lnlury.

1. ScEpe áóy remainino gáskél malé álroñ

cleáñiñq solvéñl is llañú.blé a.d ioxlc to üe Usinq a wire brush or roiary wheel, remove
ey€, s*ln and rsp¡Flory iract Skiñ and éyé ány rusl, corGion o¡ olh$ déb s lrcm lhe
p¡ot*tion il €qui€d. Arc¡d rep@téd or
trelongéd contact, u* only ln a
well-ve.riláréd áre¡. FailuE to hed rhis Clean all oiher crlindér block suláces wilh
wár¡¡ñq ñ¿y rcsúll ¡n sévéé péÉonal in¡úry. mineGl spnits orolhersuitable solvenl.
U8ing due care and eul¡on, deñ and dry
lhé cylindérblo.*wilh compressed ai[

Compe$ed air u*d lor clean¡ng can creále

áirborñé párl¡clés thát ñay éñtér tho ay€s or
¡rdrate the sk¡n, Prcssure mu$ nor exceed NO'E
207 kPá (¡0 ps¡). Eyé prcreci¡on ¡s requ¡re¡|.
u$ only w¡th étlectivé chip gúardirg áñd A complele d¡scuss¡on ol thé proper mélhods lor
pérsonal prctecdve equ¡pñent p.€cisión mésuri¡g and inspection is oulsid€ lh€
(gosslelsh¡eld, sldes, ércJ. Fa¡lue to hed scops ol lhis proc¿dure. H@we[ 4ery shop
thls wañ¡ng may résú¡l ¡n sevérc pérsoñál s hould be eq u¡pped wilh sláñda rd qauqes, s uch

as bore gauges, dial indicators, oulsid¿ and

i¡sidé micmmeleB, lhicknes gauqes and

Cleaning the cyl¡nder b ock is iñporlanl. whilé Check thé crlind$ block lor indi€tions ol
cléáni¡g lhe cyinder blo6k, caretully hspéct lh6 c@cking or coolañt eakas€. ll any damage is
a€as around lhe cup p ugs and lhe @olant ducl suspecledj use a slandard dt€ péñélÉnr lo
cover ll cup pluqs or pips plugs shów 5¡g¡s of delémiñé il cadc exisl A cGcked eylind6r b ock
¡eaking,lhey sho! d be replac€d. musl be fepla.6d ¿nd n@r reused,
Clean¡ngthe cyliñderbock is a good 1imé lo
inspecl ll for ca.ks or olher pcsib e dolocls lhál
may be rc4on lor rejeclion. Fefer lo lhe
TROUBLESHOOTING seclion lor iniormalion o¡
leslino fo¡ l€aks in lhocvllndér head and cvllnder
block. lt damaoé is nól lbuñd urfil alter thó €noin6
isasseñbled,lhe engi¡e musl be drsasseñbled

Counterbore lnspect¡on and 3. Feset th6 tp or rh¿ diar n¡icator ágainst rhé
hiqh poinl on the @nvd sufacé ot the
Clean¡ng cylinderliñer Measureánd record th6h€ight
of lhélin ledqe above lhe cy úderbtoch

Itlhe cylinder line¡ counle¡bóre surla6 shds

exe$ive piting or eGaon, fe6ut the
counleóore 4 Bquired, Shims are ava¡lable ¡i
thé ouñiérbo€ d€plh musl bé changed. Do nol
rásuria.6 lh. blo.k d..k

Th€ prccédur¿ €n be péforméd eilhérin or oul
ot lhe chass¡s. ll pericfmlng lhe pro@due ¡n the
chassis, be sure lo @@r lhe cEnkshaf and any
hol€s in lh€ cylind€r block lo pt@nt
ontam¡nal¡on fon máchhlnq ch¡ps.

L¡ner He¡ght Measuremenl

[212 NCI
To dererniñe llner he¡ghr abore lhe cyrinder brock
déck, p¡oÉed o lollows:
1 . rns€n a rcplácemenl llner (w¡tt'o!l sealing
dnqs) ¡nto tho cyllnde r bldk bore. s¿cu ré
lhe liner in pla@, using two hold-d@n lools, 4. Mesué añd record lhé height oi thé llner
l€dge above lhe otlinder block ddk al Jour
poinrs, 90 d€grees aparl.
2. ¡rounr nré dia indicalor, tool 99a$76, in lhe
holder, tooL 99S2479. Plae thé holder and 5. Calculate án déEqé heiqhl, using lhe
d ia! ndiqlor in posilio n across the top ol lhe h¡ghesr eco]1led measureménl and the
cy indef lin6l s€r lh€ üp of lhe dlal indi@lor measuemenl taken d¡aQonally acós lh€
aga nst lhe cyl¡ndef block deck and 260 thé cylindér bofe. checklhe calcualed height
di6l indicálór gáuge. againsl speclicalions- Then¡ cal.ulate the
rhi.kness ol rhe sh¡ñ(s) requirád, ir any. use
thé tuwásl pcsible number ol shims.
6. Using a marki¡q pen, markthe posi¡ón ot
lhe lherlñ lhé cylinder bore ior ¡nal
insrallaüon. Then, rem@ lhe lirerand
ádlustmenl spacer (f requrréd) from lhe
cyl¡nder block ánd p ace on a cléan work

7, Fepeal lhé p¡o6du€ lor lhe rema nlng


Cylinder L¡ner lnstallation

t212 NCI

3, Usinq liner irslallalion plate, 9S96599, and

handle, 9S92000. práss lhé I nér (wllh
spacer r, appoprraie) rnro rhe bo¡e uhrir

l.EPDM(Back) l3.YblPuDré)

1. Applylub canl (included in llner ki!) lo new

s€ls ánd inslall rh6m in tha louf ánnular
g@s, one under rhe fange ot the ryrlndef
lin¿r a¡d lhEé néa¡ lhé borom. The puQle
gasket ls insla léd in lhe l@est groove-
ll thé cyllndd llner is bélnq iñslall6d wlh a
spacer (shim), appt a 0.3 mm (0.03 i¡ch)
béád ol 342SX33 MACK-app@d sealant
io ihe coúntebore ledle in lho cylindar
block. Do NOT apply the selanl betwen
lh6 spa€r ánd lhé cylinder liner llange,

t1 cyr¡&¡ LiEr
4 Seou¡e ihe ine¡ in placá using nro Iner
hold-down t@ts, 9996966.

fhe lneE rusI be ksla éd and secued in piae
w¡thin 20 nkules ahet appllcat¡on ol the séala¡n


Flywheel R¡ng Gear Replacement

[21687-51 --[
1 . Heal lhe ring géar a6und tr1é out6r 6dgé

5. lnslall lh e heaied ngOearonlháangine

llyuheel. Lel lhe ring Oear ai cool naluÉ lv.

Usé a punch lo rcmove lhe ring gear ton

Use a steel btush to cléan lhe enq¡ne

Use @¡lian mI to hat the hg geat de6¡@ly
ot danage wll o6ut to the new r¡ng gear

4. Heal üe nM riñg géar with á torch or tn a

fufnae io 180-200oc (356-392'F). Héal
lhe oear w€nlv around lhe enlire surface. A
good lnd¡calioñ lhal lhe corcct tempeáture
ha6 been reached ls when brighr merál iurre

CONNECTING ROD AND ll is essenlial thal a @p and rod be ked b¿dhd

when reñoved lmm lhé anqine and when
PISTON BENCH PROCEDURES installed. Each ¡od and mp is ma(ed with
malching numbefslo idenlily lh€m ás a sér. al
Connect¡ng Rod * Piston assémbly ü€ numbeE musl appear side by sid6
and lhe nolches musl be aligned. Rele¡ lo
D¡sassembly Figure 1a0. Tag ihe sets on r€mowl so éach sel
@n be relumed lo lhe cylinderirom which I @
l2't2 LPI
Ns rods tor sruie adv¿ wilh caps altached. AcauTtoN
Thé cap must bé sepáÉled by holdlno lhe ñd in
a soft jawed vise ánd slr¡k¡rg lhe cap w¡lh a Do nol¡nsba danaged únnecüng rcd
rubbeFhced hammei Caré musl bé rakén lo a*ñw Fa¡lúe ¡o h@d th¡s ú¡i¡on nay te ll
pGvenl damaq€ to rh6 fod, cap ánd béánno
¡n se@te Mparent dañage.

Do NOÍ 6e a preunattuj ¡npa.x wench to
t¡ghlen @nrectkg tod frew' ll will danage he
ñat¡ng suná@s. Fajlure Ío heed lh¡s úúl¡ú nay
rcsuft k sMte únpüút daÚage.

1. Using snap ring pl¡e6, removelhe snap ring

al é@h end oi lhe w¡isl pin.
2. RemoE lhe w sl pin fom lhe pistóh and

| 2 fré dumb36 musr aq¡ee

I añd b€ aricned on rhe


visúally inspéct lhé conneoling rod lor l\{ist ánd
bend. Replace lh€ co nnectin g rcd iln*ssáry

Plston lnspect¡on and Cleaning

[2f 2 NPI

1. Usi¡g á suilablé pislon ring qpander,
rcmde the piston finqs.
2. C ean the plsloh ¡ing grooves, combuslion
bowl area and lhe s¡ap ring Oódés

Rmte a anbü. Ca¡ban leli in ¡he qrcoves
Ed@s tkg .leañtue and prcwnts praper

Be su@ that thé dean¡ng so¡veñ¡ ¡s apptóved tot

l3 w¡dPin sl@l and aluninun. lncmpal¡b|e saÚenE ñay

lnspect each @nnecliñO rod ánd cap for the

Fa¡|urc lo heed th¡s cau¡ion may result k sevee
following mndilions. It any fault appea6, éplace

3. Using a brass b¡ush and an approved

1. lnspect the co¡nocling rods lor nicks, cleanlnq solution, cléan lhe Dislons.
cGcks, signs ot owrheat¡ng and
unacceptáble bending and twisli¡g.
2. lnsped$e boll holés lorélonqato¡ and
Arcid damaQi.q rh6 prsroñs wh le (rean ng.
3, lnspecl lhe ñaling surlac€s b6¡réén lhe
connecling @d and cap ior coreci lit.
lnsp6cllhé bolt holes torelonqauo¡ ot
lnspecllhe pislon rinq groovos, tands, skid and
combuslioñ bowl lor wear, scuf ñafks, cacks
5. and bl@-by. Plsto¡s a€ NOT repaiabe. Discard
6. lnspectlhe wisl pjn bea ngsudaceinlhe wo¡n or damaged pislóñs.

7. lnspecl lhe cɡkshafi: joumal bearing AcauTtoN

sula@s oi lhe connectinq md and cap,
Do rcI sbnp ar engtave on he mP ol the
p¡slú. Fa¡tue ro heed Lk¡s eul¡an nay rcsuft in
lt ¡l is delemined thal any componénl is in
questio¡abe condll¡on, feplace it.

P¡slon Ring lnspection and RING END GAP ¡NSPECTION

Replacemeñt 1 Usingan inverled piston, pusha
inlo a cylinder lrner máking sure
[212 NVI
2. Usne ü chne s6 gaugés. measu re th€ gáp
OII AING GROOVE SIDE CLEARANCE béhdeen lhe rinq endr. Fétd to F¡n ard
INSPECTION ¿imtrs in lhe SPEC|F|CA'¡ONS sec¡ion tor
1. Usi¡g alhicknessg¿uge measur€oi dnO
oroové Éide(lea6¡€ 3. Fepoal sleps 1 and 2 tor éach nng.

Th¡s n.y
Do nol l¡E ot a¡nd.hbñe-otatéd D¡stú mú.
cause ke ch@e b tl¿t¡e ¡ésuhkó in
ho fa¡luÉ. Fa¡lurc ro heéd th¡E ca
¡n @we ehgine ¡lamge.


ldenrlñ@lion ma¡k'nqson thé ringsshoutd hce
lhe pislon lop Thé lteysion€ rinq qoes ú lh6 toD

Foll@ the d¡rections on each pislon r¡nq packéI.

lnsé.ra new oitcontrot¡¡ng in lhe

l¡s6rl a lhickness gauge betwáé. the

nnq añd upper lánd of rhe groow.
Record lhe meauement and compare
lhe roadi¡g with thé intormal¡oñ in F¡lt
añd ¿ii¡i¡s in the SPEC|F|CAT|ONS

1. To prMnl disbnion, use the proper ge Connectlng Rod Pisto¡i

p¡ston dhq dpander, lo insén fténg6in
Assembly -
Slagger the ¡ihq qaps so thát they a€ nót [212 LP & NPI
aligned and none ls direclly @rth6

Ae b lhal the pÉ¡o¡ and rcd asseñbl¡es arc
clar¡y ñatued wfth thet cvlkdét loca¡io¡. nEv
nLet be rétut@d to lhe eñe ctt¡nde¡ fton which
they wee tmovad. Faílue to heed th¡s @ut¡an
ñay rcsú k sqerc enoine damase.

1. lnsena snap ng in one ol lhe w¡st pin

2. ¡nsert lhe co¡nécting .od ¡n lhé pislo¡

Align lhe FRONT mark oñ lhe conhect¡ng rcd wilh
lhe ar@ on lhé p slon. Beler 1o Figure 140.


Usinga g€néousámounlolclean e¡gineoi a scfs wrh rour punch malks (A) mui b¿
oñ ihe wrisl pih and rod beárlno, préss lhé epla@d wilh a ns sc@.

lnsert a snap .ing ¡h the other wlist pin

Sél lhe a*ñbled piston 6ide in a clean

loÉlion u¡lil il is needed.
Repeai sleps 1 throuqh 5 lor eách piston.

Come.xitg tud @psctws an mly be rc-u#d
foúr t¡nes. Suew f@ds nüsl be pun hed at
each oveñaul to ¡ndiate ¡he nurnbe. ol tins
used, Fa¡tute b heed thís aur¡on nay t6ulf in
ñvére cmporent danaae.

Punch H6rks (Fepr#)

Uséd connécrinq rcd $rds musr be lighrv olred
o. th6 lhr6áds ánd undér lhe head. N4 erews
are coated dilh phosphate and oiland musl be

lf theÉpsctws ate ¡n@teclly as@ñtled ú
t¡ghtúed to an imct toque, lhe a*nb¡y
tusl be d¡$aded. Failuté to haéd th¡s @u¡bn
may etuu in sewe @ñponenl danaqe.


[213 EVI
Tools and Equiprnént

9 nn T¿p, uF silh 999329 (A!¿láb é)

e mm Bir. us w rh sss32s (a€ labr€)

resphscoñp'Nd (Eseúd)


úñ' r'ldd P6i*úñ she (ked d)

uri¡ rñi.tu 806 Garr6ry sgaring Rirss

ui r'tedo¡ erc searnq Pruq (EssiraD

0) ))l ll)

unr rnidof sr* Tao GsnriaD


unr rnlsrór sr.s F6ñ@r (Essnriar)

v¿iÉ ouida Fmúar rúr (a!:irábre)

Fleneer rlnie fod tEsniiaD


swaoins rool ror hdallins unir rnieror

saens Bir rof c.rp€r sre* (ani abra

unir hitu Bo,¿ creniñs K lÉsenÍaD


lnlet ahd Exhaust Valve Bemoval FEMOVAL PROCEDURE

1, Using lhe splng compBsor, 9990210,
[213 NB] compEss a va¡!€ spring s€l 10 aeéss lhe

GENEFAL INFOBMATION 2. Using a magnel, emo@ lhe keepeG lrom

The MP8 has a s¡ngle cynnder head, hllrs in thé
head and a sanqle oveñead camshan. The slngle 3. Rem@ lho @ w sp¡ing set.
ó¡ árm shan resis on lhe inboard end ol
sMn @ñshán béa nq caps. fhe sryénlh 4. UsinQ á suiláblé lool, @move lhe va¡@ slem
beíng ep also prdides a @nñectio¡ lor
ubrl@nl, The opllonal engine bÉke eleclonlc oll
conrol É w mnnecls lhe o¡l passaqes ir the
h65d and rocker arm shaf.

A copper sleeve and washer lines lhe boltom of

each injeclo. pon. An O{ing seals oach d6M.
an ope¡lng ln the dghl lfoñl cofner @elv€ the
lhermoslal, There are lhree special sc¡w6 and
w6h€re usod lo align lh€ cylindér hoad, lwo in
ihe block a¡d one in the cyllnder head. Vat@ seat
counle,bor6s are cur in lhe block 6id¿, Valve
quid€ pessed iñto p áce p¡ojet nom lhe upper

A gallery de ive6 iuel lo the inieclors and iuél

p6su€ régularor Thé inlel manilold ana6h6 lo
the left (drl@/s) sldo ol lh€ head: lhe éxhaust
manilold lo the riqhl side.

1 v¿rEsp,inqc.mpres, t, v'r€ sp'rry

Fof standafd ut on, rhe ql@ guide and séal afe

used al lhe inlel locationsswell as lhe qhaust

Cyl¡nder Head Cleaning and LJsing care and cadion al elllim¿s: l

lnspection 1. Fill a tank wfh á suilablé sólwnt.
2. lmm€Bs lh€ pans in lhe solvent to to6en
Cleaning lhe cflinder head is imporanl. While
cleaning lhe cyllnder head, ca@tully inspecl lhe
á€s áround thá Bxpánsion plugs and lhé 3. Sc6pe reñaiñinq gask€l malérial tDn lhe
molina ducl @€r ll lh€ cup o¡ pip€ pluos shd
slgns ot leak¡nq, they should be feplaced. The 4. Usi¡g a wire brush or olary wheel, r€md€
cfinder héad should also be inspeled tor oracks rusl and olherdebtis ircmthe cylinderhead.
or olher poss ble delecls lhal may be reason for
Eplacenenl. ll damagé is not louñd uñUl álter lhe 5. Finsé lhe cylinder héad ñaking 6urelhatall
engine is ssnbl€d, th6 cylinder head musl be surlaBs a¡6 cl65n añd fr€e of d6bns-
éñ@d, disa$embled and €bu l!aqain, 6. Usiño coñpréssed ai( ble dry thó cyliñdef


Check lhe cylinder head deck surlace lor
mlping, plninq ánd olher impédoclions.
Clsning slrent is lláññáblé árd loric lo lhe
¿y€5, sk¡n añd espiÉrory tfacr. sk¡n and eye
prctecrlo¡ arc rcquiFd, Arcid repeáred o¡
pElonqgd @rtaéI. U* orly ¡n a Mll
Do NOI nach¡re lhe cylindd haad. fh¡s w¡ll
úange Íhe qtereio¡ al ¡he ¡n¡ectot and úpset
Compressed alr used lor cl6n¡ng can creale
áiborné parr¡cl* lh.t may ánt6r thé €yé5 ór
kritaté thé skin. Prcssuré músl nol exceed
207 kFa (30 psl). Eye prctéctlon ¡s rcqlted,
Use only with éféérivé ch¡p guárd¡ng áñd
péMnd pbrecr¡ve equ¡pmenr
(soqslas/shiéld, qlove, érc.).

Velve Guide Replacement

[213 EPI
SPECIFICATIONS' se.lio¡ n)r d¡máñsi.ns
appli€ble to thó úLvá guides.

Wor¡ Etu€ guides may result in poor
valve lo seal conlacl, válv6 dámage or excessive

L lnspécl lhe E ve glides lor wear, damaoe,

Usinq a suiiable 9aug6, measure the iñs tde

Usinq a suitable qauge, meásu€ rhé valve

When recondilloning the cylindér head, it is
reohmoñd€d lhal all vdre quides be réplaced,
¿ Hyd,a! ic F¿m $0e72e I essP63
Pessoll the old va ve guides irom lhe lop
SEFVICE HINT orthá rylinder head usinq the press.
Clean lhe exhausr válve guide Cl€an all surfaces thomuqhty.
b6lore emoval, wilh th6 guidé
rctary brúsh lo p@enl sco¡lng
dhausl val@ guide boG.

1 Assémble lhe hyd rautic €m, 9a09729, p€s6

loo l, 99901 76j pu mp, 9996222, and vatve
guide remder, 9996263, on lop ot lhe

VALVE GUIDE INSTALLATION Valve Spring lnspection

1. Heal lhe cylinder hed wirh hor warer and ar
lhe samé timá coól Elvé guidé lo m nus l2f3 MBl
60 200'C C/6 323'D usiñg dry ic6 or
equ¡valent. Lubf¡€le cyllndef head ulve NOTE
guide bore belbre i.sralla1ion.
us¡ñq poie<fire qlMs, plaee a new ENe ll lhe inside sulace o,a splng coilis ouoh or
q u¡de i¡ posilion on lhe cylind e r head.
grc@d, il nusi be replaced,

Assemble ihe hydEul¡c Em, 9409729, press ll spring siEnqrh is norwithin spe.ilicarions, ir
1ool, 99901 76, pum p 99996222, an d lhé
appbpriale €lve guide inslállér (33300062
lor inl€l ánd dhaúst) on lop ol the c.yl¡nder Fo¡ indicalions ol oroovino or rouohness:

oil lhé outslde ol the guide beloe

1 lnspé.tlhé insid6 suláces ol éách spring

us¡ng lhe pfess Iool selup, press lhe Elw

2. Fbél üé inside sdfaces of éach sprinq 6f
guide inró irs borc lrcm thé lop ol the
3. Replace lauhy spf¡ngs wilh new ones.
4. Using a spfing resrer as show¡ iñ
Figorc 190, measure lhe efon requned b
¡t É e*nlhl ^cauftoN
lhal ¡he @rect valve g!¡de
irstalaüú lúl @aa00a62 bt klel and dhaus¡)
be u@dto kslal the cu ent wlve gu¡de. tfthe
i@re.t tod ¡s used, the vatve guide and @al
iretalledhéighlwillbe¡tu ecl a¡ú ñay t4ull k
peñatwe la¡turc ol the @ñponent'

6. Tho@ughly clea¡ a I dáb¡is fóm lhá w w

guid€s and surounding area.
lnstáll thé valves in ihe cyllnder head and
chek io¡ binding, l@seness and olher
@ndilions lhal may esuft in p@malu@ vd@

lnjector Sleeve Replacement

t213 GBI

The injeclor sleqe ls saqed ln plac6 in ils bore.

1. Removetheirjetorortheplug,9s93251,1o
a@ess the iniecrof s ee@ botron.
2. Fem ove and dis@fd rh e seallng washef in
lh€ bollom ol lhe @pper slewe.
3, lnsall lwo s4linq Ínqs lo prweni dúl fom
enle nqih6lu6l aallervwhén lhé mppér


This ensues lhal thenp ol lh6 copper slerye is
lappéd all the way lhrcuoh.

5. Lubficare lhé rip ol the I mñ lap with

6. fh@d the lap in smáll increments. Rehove

lhe lap and w¡pé off the grcas and @pper
dewe shavirgs. Apply lresh q¡6asé,
¡ei¡siall the lapping tool and thread ñoe ol
lhe.opper slee€. Conlinuélhis po@ss10
thr6ád lhelap alllhewaylhroughlhe.opper
dewe unli no @sislance is lell ad lhé lap
lurnsfreely.Tappina insmall incrementsand
Gmov ng the shavi.qs minimizeslhe
cháncé ol lhe sleeve luhinq in lhe cv inder
head, Ensure lhal the lap ls comptet6ty
NOTE lhrouqh the @pper slédé.

Two saling ngs ae requlred io cmr lhé luel

4. Adjust lhé g mm iap so Ihat it extends a

min¡muñ ol25 mm or I inch ldimersion A)
fom lhe end of lhé taopina lool.

Tigh¡én rhé sel scrw ot the eriraclor l¡ol b

sécufe lhe bolr. Maké sure lhal lhe sel screw
is sealed againsl lhe flat pán ol $e éxl@lor

11. Pla@ the exlfaclof iool with the bo l in10 lh6

injeclor bore. Make surc lhe oul on the
spind ¿ is báckéd of so lhar lhé rhreaded
end can bé mñpleiely iñslalled thmuqh the
@ppef sle4erip. Hand righreñ unrirrhe bon
boloms oll n lhe slésé.

Frqu€1e3 rapp¡ns ld4b slsvs

I 2 C'IiMÜHéú

R€mové the tap and iapp¡ng lool.

Using lhe chlp kcuuñ, remove anY
¡emainlng shavinqs fom lhé óppé¡ sléevé.
lnstalllhe extracror boh inlo lhé ánd oi rh6
dlEclor lool. Adiust ihe bolt unlil it exlehds wke sute lhe enñdot balt ¡s th@ded
app.d¡marely 22 mm (0.9 ¡¡6h) beyond the @nptete¡y ¡rna he cappet sl@@ beloE
end or lhé rod {dimé.sion a). anmpfina ro maw n at hé tip at the sleeve
ñay tuak ofi as it ¡s EnMd.

12. Screw the lnjeclor slerye reñovál tool,

9998253, complele y inlo lhe injeclor sleeve
and lh€n báck il oul l/2lum. Fem@elhe
de* by 1uñiñg the nLn while holding rhe
lhreáded sháñ ol lhe remóvál L'ól

Fqu€ 1e4
- ad¡usri4 copFr sr4€ frrdor Bolr

13. Feñove lhe lM sellng ri;gs lDni lh€ tuel

passagé. using the chip vacuuñ, rem@
any rcñarning déb s iróm rhe injector bofe.

14. lnslalltho ini¿clor bo€sealinq tool

FDue rs6 frsruinc rnido' slesv€
(J 42a35 25) lo protecl lh€ luél passáoé
- area and pfsent debf¡s tom enie ñ9. use
1 rnjedü s 6se Fenm' jr.riieddses the unit iniéclor hold d@n boll lo secure lhe
lool in lhe cllinder h6ád.
15, Us¡ng lh e injecto¡ bore cleanin g kil, cláán
NOTE lhé 6pper 6lede seal of ihe cvlindef héád.

Whenlhe copper de* is ¡em@d make súÉ NOTE

lhal lh€ éxlaclor boll is extended al leasl one
lhread beyond lhe copper sledé. ll ñol, ñákB The inielor bore *aling lool must be used to
.urc lhal no pa ot lhe @pper de* has broken pre@nt dirt from 6nl€rinq the luel pas*oe.

DoNI u* at loo¡s ¡o eñM @Wet sleMg at
dana@ to lhe iniedot bare @n t$ull.

17. Usiñg tha blush¡ .lean

opeñino in lhe cYlind6r

fr' \/

16. Usi¡g lhe bru6h. .lean lhe cylinder head F¡qum d - chn¡nq rñlebr np BoE
inieclor boré walls for lh€ copp€r d€M.
The injector bore sealino tool ñust be used to
pr4¡t débris lrom enle ñq lhe luel passaqe.
Wh€ñ €placing lhé coppe¡8ledes, il is
iñponañt to ch4k lhal lho dewé boG in lhe
cylinder head ¡s l@ foñ any caóon deposits or
olhár rásiduá (i.e., piéc* oi G¡ing, et6.) beiore
instálling a ne mpp€r dá@. Reclean ¡f

18. Using $echip vacuum, rem@é alldebris

lóñ lh6 coppér slee@ bofe.

Do nol ¿tl€mpl lo bl@ away debris usanQ
compressed air Dóing só €n rasull in eye iniufy.

19. Fem@the niéclor bo¡é sealing lool lrom

lhe cylinder head. Usingrhschip vacuum,
NOfE €move a.ry rcmaining deb¡is.

Thé inieclor sealing ioo mur be used lo

pfMnt debfis lrom ente ¡g lhe luel pa$aqe.

6. sc@ lhe sMsanq iip lhroush ihe cddpér

d€wé dd complelely inlo lhe swag¡ng tool
holder, 333001 96, untill slops (fingertight).
Ensure lhal lhe lool is tully s€aléd in lhá

Swaging bil @n bé ordé€d s a spáF p.rt if thé

7. Loosen th6 swaging blt

iFralling rhe roolln rhe

Fa¡ture to l@en the eagkg b¡t cú É ]t iñ the
bi¡ bako twisled ot baken.

Lubdcats ths swaoinq bil and lhe lhreads on

9 Caretult place the sr€we insallarion lool

lwirh new @pper deM aflached) iñto th6
unl ¡niedor borá ol the ctlinder head.
Ca€lully mow ths copper slerye downwad
inlo lhe injeclor bore so that lhé $áging bil
is quid€d inlo ihe injecfor tlp boÉ in tho
cyl¡nderbaád. Push downward on the
inslallalion lool usiñO hand lo¡cá io m@e the
copPér de4 dowñwád úntll it bonoms oul
on ihé injeclor deeE seal in lhe boilom oi
lhe injector boé. Use lh€ unil injéclor hold
down and boll 10 hold the lool ln position. fo
5. Thead lhe swaging bir @mp¡erely inro lhe ensu@ thal lhe @pper s e4 ¡s boltoñed in
lla ng lool unlil il 6lops (iinqe¡ liqh0. lh6 cylindér héad, tghlen lhe unil injeclor
hold down bolt io speilication.

Remow any oll fom rhe iniecior ho d dowñ bort
holes to arcid hydÉulic loc* lor this step and
when lhe injector is inslall€d.

1 1 , Femore lhe slse insiallárion rool flom thé

FicuE 205
- rni€dor ¿nd sred
12. Usinq brush, J 42aa5-9, a.d enénsion,
10. Fla€ ihe copper dewe by turning thá nul J 42435 1, ensu€ lhal the@ppers¡eqe
(1) .lockuise while holdinq lhe spindle unlil bore É clean. lñse¡l á néw wásh€r and the
lh€ swaqing bil hás béén pu lled @mplelely injeclor or a @alinq pluq,999a251.
Ihrough lhe copper sleeve.
AcaurroN ll th€ injeclor is nol be ng instal ed imñediat6ly,
Fá¡lurc ta hold ¡he sp¡nde an rcsutt in a rw¡s¡éd inslall the seal¡no plug inlo the i¡jecior bore to

Thá smging lip has lhree secrions ol mcreasi¡g
diamels R€sisrañe increases ás the Morna
lip adÉnces ihrouqh lhá holé. Cóntinue to pull
lhé lip lrtil il ¡s lee ol th€ hol6.

FslEm unr ¡n¡dor BoE ssn4 Ptu!

Expansion Plug Replgcement

[213 FPI Valve lnspection
The cyl¡ndef head he thÉe dpansion p uqs ol
L lrcpocl lhe vdv€ lor cEcks, pils and olher
@ndlfio¡s that ñáy causé impmpe¡

29 mm (1-9/64 or 1,142 inch)

- 2, lnspecl lhe slem ends ol lhe hh€s lór nicks
40mm(1-37164orl.575inch) and bu¡6 rhar may damage the seáls at
- 3. tüeasúe lhe válvó séál a¡gie.
Allare iGialled using lhe tollowlng procedure:
4. ¡¡€asuB EbE slem length and diameter
1, Clean lhe plug bo€ thorough y.
5. Discárd and rBpla@ damaged or won
2. Apply loclil@ 277 saler, or eqútuálsnl, 1o
lh6 6xpansion plug and plug bore,
3. Ustñg asdkét, éxrénsio¡ and a hammer,
pess lhe dpañsion plug inlo rhe plug boe
4, Fepeal sleps 1l lor éách ne plug.

Thé p ug shoúld be iGlalled llush to 0.503 mm
(0,020 iñch) bdethe sul¿ce.

rb d


fhe klel and dhaus¡ valw h&d dianelets are
dtfetút Take ate when inslall¡ng Íhe valves,
lncone¿¡ ¡ns¡a¡la¡¡on nay e
lt in eng¡ne Íailurc

1 . Using engine oil, lubrical6 lh6 Elve slems.

2. Slide lhesleñ back and forlh in ilsguide to

3. Using lhe appDpriale %l@ seal inslaller,

45112460. assembl¿lhé seals on |hé válv6

4. Drop a bottom washér, a spring sel and a

top Msher @er 6ach sl€m.
5. Usinq thespnno compessór. 9990210, to
compress the spr ngs, ass€mblérhe
keepeE on lhe slems.

ROCKER AFM SHAFT BENCH Rocker Arm Shaft Disassembly

Dis4semble lhe shaft and @mponenls as
[213 LP]
Descr¡ption 1. Mad<üo rock€rarns and b dg4 so lhey
can bé pút back h th6n o oiñal locations.

The MPB ocker arm shatl assembly i6 held in 2 Slid6lhá ro.k€r off rh. shelr
place by lhe same $rss lhal ho d lhé inbootd
ends of lhá .arehált béáring €ps. A spec¡flc
s€qu6n@ lor iqhiénino lhese screws is
desr¡bed ¡n lhe ENGINE TOROUE

lnspeclion 2. Lubri€te the shalt and ft; rcilkei arm

borcs. Then. slide lhé rockér am séis oñro
lhé sh¿ftaNodlne to the ñar[iñqs máde at

1. lnspel all cómpó¡énls of rhe @cker afñ

assembly lor damaO€ and éxcéssiw weai ll
lhe rcller does nol m@or binds, répláce

2. Check the vdre and pislon aclion on lllé

dháust ró.ker am6 ior any signs oi blnding.
R€placs as n6c6ssary
3. lñspet $é rcckér shal lor ga ling, s.oring
or ex@*ive wear R6p ac€ ás n€cossary

Rocker Arm Shaft Assemb¡y


The asembly pócedur6 lór lhé ro.kar am shall

1 , A@ñge lhe rocker arms an sels aeordlng tó

ihe ñalklngs ñád€ al disa$émbly.


The v¡bfáion dampéf ánd camsha¡ lini¡g gear
a@ *paEle componefts atiached 1o th€ shafi by
Camshaft lnspection
[213 CH]
libalion dmper can be
The liminq gear and
rémN€d whilo lhe emshal¡ remains o¡ lhe

AcaurroN 1. Pov¡de
and g€r
m€ñs ol @nto linq lhe damp€r
when lhe atehinq $r4s a€
Handle lhe @nshal¡ @teluly to awid béndkg ¡¡.
Sl¡ght but hanlul bendsm go mno¡¡ced. 2. R€move lh€ atl¡chinqscws.
Fáilue lo heed ds ñut¡ú coúd t$ull ¡n
üetutúE qsine h¡lúe. S6t ás dé lhé damp$ trd 96ár in a safá

3. L(Mr Esains cap (suDod)

l. ClÉn lhe camshalt lhobuoh¡y. The €mshafi can be inslalléd o¡ a irope y
inslalled cylinder hád bélor6 atlaching rh€ riming
NOTE ger and v¡bElion dampei

lf arry 6mpon6nr displá's

1 , Us¡ng two or lh¡ee ariachinq sclM, loosét
ssmds rh€ damper, gar and shalt,
scoÍng or eke*iw úear,
2, ¡.slall lh¿ @maindér ol rhe sc@ws l@sely.
2. lnspocl the amshall, lobes and louma s. 3. Tighleñ lhe s@s a@od¡ng 10 lhe
sequehce specilied h the ENGINE
s, lnsp@r lh€ Bmsháll oear ÍOROUE SPECIFICAf IONS seclion.
lnspect lhe vibralioh dahper


Sp;c¡al Tools

vdE sprno hrard {ah rdr.)


1. Rémow the end @Er lrcm abde lhe

2. RémM th€ bofts and lake oul lhe plu¡gei

3. Fem@ lhe seals (4, 20 and I9). Feier lo

4. Fem@ lhe sel scrs on lhe plunqer rod.

5. Placé lhe qhausl pfe$u€ gdefnor inlo a
pfess. comp@$ rhe 6p¡ing enouqh ro
€mow lhe @lw ké¿p€fs.

Do nol pr€ss mo€ lhan néés*ry to remdé the
k€6p6rs- Coñpr€ssing thé spnng lully en

L CIéán all parts áñd repláce any tlát áÉ

1. l¡6rá I rhe plunqer rod into
b€hind so a c6nlér lhe
¡¡slalla ¡s seal wlth thé
tacinq in6ide ihe housing.
and a n.w spnnq holder

RémM rhe plunger rcd, splng and shutter

Femore lhe bolls hold¡¡g the erer, h€at
shiéld and ecu ¡g llanqe.
L careiully rap our the spr¡¡q horder that
s€cu¡eslhésp nsandseal(9)(Foufe216).


2. Pll the plunoe¡ fod orfo dfifl999261o in a

p@ss. Using d¡ 11 999a225, pre$ on lhe
spring holdé. unlil it bolioms in lhe houslng-
Bemové lha plung6r md. Ch4k to make
sufe lhai lhe spr hg holder is coreclly

I 2. sprho

6. lnslaLl the sel screw into the ptunger rod.

Apply seaLanl lo lhé sl
scr4 beiore
inslalllng. Tiqhlen lhá sér sc@w to

lñslalla ns seal lnto lhe plunger rod and

inslall lh6 p unger Apply sealani to the bolls
3. lnstalllhe secúr¡ñg fance, heat shietd and and ughieh them lo speciñ.alion,
cwef. Tighlen rhe bolts to speciiioation.
lnslalllhe eñd ev6r using new *als, lvake
lnslalllhé shunér, sprlng and piunger od sure lhal lhe seal boioms ¡n lhá housing.
lnslall lhe seal with the t át s de lácing lh6
5. Compess the spriñg by hánd, making sure houslno. Tigtf€n lhé end .over botis 10
thalihe shufiershaft and pluhger rod ft
togeihe¡ a¡d lhai lhe p u¡ger rcd l¡ls
corcclly nto thé seal- slop applying
p€ssu.é il undue 6stance is len.lnstáll


Oil Cooler Recondit¡oning

[21s DWI
The or cooler cannol be ds$embled, Should il

t3 Frd PhE

MACK MPB Euro 3 Engine

- [200 EAI
Special Tools

Hadr¿ wrú3 lss (b2s nñ hor4,


L € HddDen rds (E$enriaD

Fnd ce, s@€r Frnq (EsnrÉ[


unl rñ]dor Pddion s ee€s {Essriat

PMn Rnq ftmpf6s, (bsnnd)

swsp Dar rndi¡aro, (Esedi¿l)


cffiMi úhq &r lEs*d ¿ )

B*dns c4 PGs rmr (EEgrE )

F sh¿d ru'nrno roor(EssrÉl)


c¿msh¿Ii se$r Depm Ges (Esda )

crindd Hdd Lih nq rd leediar)

rnjedton EoF creaijE Ki (Esdü )

3d rensione' Re €* rml (Esnr a )


hk$d rhns root {EssÍd)


General lnslruct¡ons Crankshaft lnstallatlon

t210 ENI f212 HP1
This sclion includes slePby-slep pDcedues lor
complélé 6a*éñblv ol th6 óraln6. Maior
componeñis thar @e lñspected and @erháuled Ths cEnkshalr ¡s hé.vy. Do NOT aliempl to
or repraced under the fespecrire bench lnstall lhe c€nkshalt wilhoul lhé h6lp óf áñ
procedue seclions oi lhis manual are Einslalled Gslsiani or the use ot a s(hable lifting
he re as 4se m blies. Screw lighl€ning séqu 6nc6s, ddice. Fá¡lüE io héed thie warn¡nq mav
rorsué sp€cifi€lióñs ard séalárt appllÉtbñ Ésuftin sere péend ¡njury and
pan€fns lbf majof component parls appeaf in lhis
s@r¡on and arso iñ rhe ENGINEToRoUE
1, Perlo ¡m a visu a insp€clion ol lhé cÉnksh aft
iournáls, block and bgaring eps lor siqns ol
wea¡ and/or damage- Che.k lhe back ol lhe
beanng br beadng si@. be
Failue to follow the aequén6 ol operations slamped as "STD" lor gandard, or wilh a
náy Ésult ¡n damage to compo¡ents or ¡umber¡nd¡caftglhe dersl2e of lhe

Cleanlhemainbea ng seals in lhe cylinder

NOTE block and inslállnw béaing insons
(shens). Lubd€ie ihe beadnq hsert
Aner cleanlng the componenls, slore them
whe@ lhéy will @main clean unlil néédéd lor
wh6n requiréd lor inslálling componenLs, be
The bean ng shells should ¡ol be ri@led on
sure to u* crean engi¡e o I ot rhe apprcved
lu b

Do nol reus6 Ma bo[s. Lubncab lh€ads,

whefs and undef screw heads wllh clean
éngi¡é oil dcépt a6 nored.
Do ¡ol lub cálé .mred bohs.

F@ñ tenpealure vul@nizins (BIV) sgalanl
cures in 20 minules ol exposure lo lhe
ahosphere ll il should cuB béto€ assembly ol
maling componenls, reñó@ il and applv lresh.

Frsué223 Ma¡n A..finq lupFd

| 2. Eeaíns

Lubrcaté thá th@ads ol thé rásr6ie6 with

d@n eng¡ne oiland jnsen in lhe caps.
Position the No. 1 bea ng€p@¡théNo
c€nkshatljourñalandsla lhecap*res
th€ lht€aded ho es ¡n the cylnder bt@k.

tüake suro lh€ beannq €ps aé @rdlv fined
(se malklnss oñ lh6 €p).

Using á pl6l¡c mallet,lap lh€ b€a no caD


F¡ ] J
down unlil il conlacls Ihe mach¡¡ed

6. Tighlen lhe.apscrem f ng€rlighl,

Ma¡n Bearing Cap lnstallation

f212 HHI
1. C¡ean the bo@ lnlhé beárinq cap ánd
ol rhé l@r bea¡¡nq,
2. lnslall lhé bea.lnq in the b@Ínq .ap. The
bearinq ñGt b€ ircralléd dry

Lub caré the b€d¡g tnsert súfaces with ctáan
r No 1M¿inssinscap I , capah¿óms
I c,rws
R6peal lhe abde stéps lo. lhe bea¡ng €p
Nc. 2.3,5,6 and 7. fhs c€nlér bearind
cap, No. 4, is insratted tate[
L Using a torq@ w@nch, tighten lhé bea nq
c.p.cras according lospec¡t¡€ttoñ.

':- -"'/4 | NOTE

\\--) t Thrust washefs á16 sléél wilh a bfonze
facing. Thé hclng has oil q@oves cut ¡n1o

Use slandád rhick¡ess lhrustwasheG

FsuÉ 225
- Mah B4 ñs CdptBb d'on(Lmet

Pla.é thé uppér thtust washe. sections in

pos¡tion ¡n the cylind6r bl@k ar lhe cenler
bering lo@1lon. fhe steet stdé ot lhe thrust
washs ra@s ihe block. The bbnze side
la€s üs cEnkshaft. This app i6 lo bolh
upper and l@er thrusl Msh¿r s€clions.


t2 No,4 Main Béa'iú Cao

11. us¡¡g a lorque wfench, tghlen lh6
cápsÉw6 ac@'ding ro speciti@r¡on.
Using a suilable pry bar, move lhe
cÉñkshafl towád thé lórf or Ear ol lhe

lJs¡¡g the pfy bar, m@ lhé cdnkshafr in the

R¿lár lo allo@ble c@nkshaft end ptay totehñcos
under F¡¡s a¡d ¿iñ¡ts in lh€ sPEclFlcalloNs

10. Posilion lhe lower f)tusl ú6hér s€crions ón

lh€ cé¡lá¡ béa ng.apwllhlhe bónzesid€
heing the c¡ankshaít and a$emble the €p
and capscrews ¡n lhe enoiñé block.

Lub¡icate lhrusl Mshor seclions wfih engine oil

14 Usiñq á ñagn€t c bas indicalor lool wilh ils Piston and Connect¡nd Rod¡
lip agáinst a cÉnkshall euñtémeighl,
check cÉnkhatl end play as iollM. Assembly lnstallation
a, ser the dial indi@rof ro @ro. [212 NB 212 LP]
b. us¡ng the pry bar, mow lhe dañkshall
endwise and read lhe indicalor PISTON AND FOD ASSEMBIY
c. f eñd play is out ot specidcai¡on, 1. Rótáté lhé cÉnkshaft so lhat the ¡ournals 10¡
@m@ rhe rhrur washeE and insrall Ihe No. 1 ánd No 6 cylindéB ae al Botlom
w4he6 ot suilable lhickne$ lo meel Dead Ce¡ler (BDC),

fhe thi¿kné* oftha rtuus¡ washets k lhe búkg
cap ñúsl nalch the lh¡c*ñ$ al ¡he lhrus¡
MsheE ¡ñ ¡he blark. Be tuE to pul thé btunzé
beanrs óa@ asainst ¡he úankshalt. Falúe to
h@d th¡s aúuú nay resull ¡n @v* cñoúql

us¡nq á loqoe wfen.h w¡th thé @@t

lhru6l @sher 6eclions in place, lighlen all
b6ánng cap capsrws a€ording lo

Reched( the eñd play to be súre thal the

thrusr MsheF hare been insralled corccrly
ánd lhal end play is within sp¿ciliEtion.
Rotal€ th€ crankshaft by hand sMEl
olalio¡s lo rer¡t lhal lhe bear¡ngs ha@
be€npopé y insloll€d and rhar lhé Fsuré 22e
- N.. l cyrñd.' {cBnklh¡n d BDc)

Apply a ligh¡c@lofclean engin€ oilto üe

pislon ánd rjnqs. Check lhal lhe paston dno
gaps are equally displacéd around lhe
circumlerence ol lhe pislon át a 12o-deg@e
r€lalionship lo one anolher
Apply a lighl c@l oi clean engina oil to the
lnside suffá6 ol the pigon rinq @mpressor

Carelu ly cleañ lh6 béaring contact o¡ the

connecli¡g fods and bea ñg caps. alsq

Position a nN upper bear¡nq insert hlo lhe

connecl¡nq rod. alignrhé rab in the bearing

s. Uslns lhe rns coñpréssor, s!¿e úe pjston

NOTE and rcd a$embly ¡nlo lhe cyliñd€r unlil lhe
comp€ssor @nlacts the top ol lhe llñér
fhé bearing sizs is lound on lhé báck ol lhe
fhe arcw an top ol the p¡slan 4d lhe ñtd
FRONT oD tha Mnacting @d ñust be le¡ng the
ltút ol the eng¡ne. IhJs ensútés thdt tha ntch ¡n
¡he ¡awet iñolt,\e ski d@Bthep¡ston@tihs

6. Apply a llghi @al ol.¡ean eng¡ne oll lo lhe

Apply a liqh¡ @al ot clean engine oillorhe
i.slde suda@ ol thó cylindóf lin6r
T€mpor¿rily r€mm lh6 pr€s lool, 9996966,
when lhe pisto¡ ¡s lo be anslalled. Be¡nsiall
thé prcss lools whén lhé pislon ¡s in pcilion.
| 2. Fisron Fins comprcs$¡
I rot

10- Máke suBthé coñneclinq fod isat¡qnedw¡lh

lhe c€nkshafjournal-

1. Fblon Riñq como€sel I 2. Pfs Tor, sM6


11. Whils Gina a hammer handle lo push lhe 13. Ensúr€ thal rhé .orcct €p É litrdd lo lhé
p¡slon lhrouqh the iool, ápply pEs6uré lo lhe @rect coñn€cliry rcd (reter rothe mafks).
¡ng comp@sso¡ l@l lo málrnáiñ conlacl wilh
the cyl nder linei Conli¡ue pushinq th e
plslon ontil thé top r ng hás pasáed into the

r4. lnsrall lhe lasreners and nghre¡ lo

r1 /A

r. Pcron F¡nq Gnpres' t2 Phbn


Do ñot lsee@¡ve fo@ o, lhé pistü. Hiü
rcsista@ ¡ndiates an ¡@tect¡y aüqñed rins.
Benaw tha p¡stm asnw cürcct the
prcélú, añd lhú elreeñ i¡. Máke ture the | 2. Atehiio cs.rews
úmp6sü túl rcñaire in @ntacl v¡lh lhe
cyhhdet sleM until ¡he pbton c¡eaB the toat. 15. Bepeat the above sleps to lnstalt the No 6
Failue lo heed lh¡s eu ón nay bsuft ¡n eree
16. Folate lhe cránkshaft so that the journats tor
lh6 No 2 and No. 5 cyllnders ac ar bonom
12. Lubf¡cale the cáñkshall b€a ngansensañd
dead cént€r and installthe No.2 and No. 5
cEnkshailioumals wilh €nqiné oil. pislons foll@ing lhe abo@ steps.

i7. Forare rhe cEñkshaar so rbar rhe journals bf

lhé No, 3 and No 4 cfiindéB arc al bonom
. d€ad cenbr and nslall th6 No. 3 ánd No. 4
p¡stons, aga¡n tollo{,lng ihe abde sleps.
13. lnslall all pistóñ c@lingnozlés using tw
lasteners, T¡chte¡ the fasteneG io


Fhrr¿ á6 Prsron coolrns llozlé lnd¡lrdion 2. lofque tlghien prmp fasteneG to

lr PÉbn coorinq Noz é

Oil Pump and Block Stiffener Plate

[211 DD]

o C
NOTE i\3 oI O
Clean lhe oilpump mounl¡nq surla@ ol lhe @ar
nain beáring cap béforo installino the ñéw oil

oilpumplo lhe rcarmaln

and install the punp lasteneE.

Thé eng¡n€ sr¡íening |rame has sharp édgés
The cEnkshan may need lo be @lated io allow that car c¿us€ ¡njury. To p¡event ¡njury, wÉr
a@6$ lor lhe oil punp la6leñeG. protect¡ve gtoves whén handt¡nq.

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