Drugs D20 Modern

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Addiction Drug addiction is another sad facet of life in the wastes. When a user becomes addicted, they must consume that drug every 24 hours. If the drug is not taken, the addict immediately suffers the withdrawal symptoms of said drug until they take it again. To break the addiction, the addict must go cold turkey, requiring a Fort save (DC 30) each day for a week uniil the ddiction js broken Srould thar person ever consume that drug again, the process starts new. Any cured addict in the presence of that same drug must make a Will save (DC25) to void taking it again, while anyone stil addicted must pass a Will save (DC30) to avoid taking it, Buffout Price 200 Buffout is the steroid of the 21st century, increasing the muscles’ ability to work rue to stereotypes, users of Buffout suffer from moderate mental handicaps during use (as well as excess body acne, violent mood swings, and finy litle baby lege) Grams the user +2 Strength, Agiliy, and +3 Constitution (granting the user the extra hit points from a higher Constitution). These effects last 24 hours. After this period ends, the user suffers -2 to Strength and Dexterity, and -3 Constitution. This effect lasts for 48 hours, and no amount of sleep will speed up this process. There is a 25% chonce each time this drug is used that the user becomes addicted. Originating on the west coast of the former United States, jet has become the drug of choice for junkies everywhere. Formulated from the fues of brahmin dung, jet is easily menufaclured, and stored in cheap inhalers, meaning it rakes in huge profits for sellers Inhaling a hit of jet grants fe user +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, and an extra 10ft of movement er round for around 5 hours. After this time Ras lapsed, the user loses | Strength, 1 Dexterity, and moves at 10ft less per round than normal for about an hour. Each time Jet is taken the user has a staggering 90% chance of becoming addicted: Psycho Price 400 Psycho is a concoction of chemicals similar to met amphetamines and steroids. It is highly addictive, and has very harsh after effects, despite its euphoric high. Grants +3 Strength on Dexterity and gives the user a Damage Reduction oP 5: Unfortunately, they also softer a-3 penalty to their Intelligence. There is a 30% chance each time this drug is used, the user will become addicted. Lasts for 6 hours, and after use, the user will suffer a -3 to their Strength and Dexierily. These effects will last for 12 hours, or afier 8 hours of sleep. Rad X Price 300 An effective anti-radiation drug. Works by blocking the lymph nodes ability to absorb radioactive particles. Was sold by the ton to peracid public and a government waiting for nuclear death. Each pill taken grants a +2 bonus to Fortitude checks, but only when warding off radiation. (Up to a bonus of +10) Healing Powder Price 100 Effects A powerful healing drug made from a mixture of plants. Cures 148-1 points of damage, but the user suffers mild hallucinations, incurring al penalty to their actions for an hour after use.

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