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DataPower XA/XS/XI appliance

New in version 3.8.0

© 2010 IBM Corporation

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New 3.8.0 features

� DataPower® option for Application Optimization

– Intelligent Load Distributor
– Self Balancing
– Web 2.0
– Web Application Security Enhancement
� MQ Enhancement
� zKeys support
� Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
� Microsoft® WCF integration
� Tivoli® Security Policy Manager Integration
� Many many more…..

** Note : Not all features are apply to XA, nor XS

2 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This list contains a snapshot of the new features and improvements that were made to the
existing functionalities. You will see “DataPower option for Application Optimization”,
“MQ Enhancement”, “zKeys support”, “Online Certificate Status Protocol”,
“Microsoft WCF integration” and “Tivoli Security Policy Manager Integration”
separately. In this set of slides, you will see all the remaining new features and
enhancements for firmware release 3.8.0.

380DataPower.ppt Page 2 of 43
Support for remote DPA

� Use a xformbin action to transform the binary data.

– Before 3.8.0 you need to specify a local dpa file as the WTX map.
• Like “tx-map local:///MyMap.dpa”
– Now, you may specify a remote dpa file as the WTX map instead.
• Like “tx-map”
• The dpa file will be fetched from the hosted server and be used to do the binary

xi50(config action xformbin_txmap)# show

type xformbin

input INPUT

tx-mode dpa


output trx-bin

xi50(config action xformbin_txmap)#

3 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

To do the binary transformation, like from XML to binary or binary to XML, you need to use
the xformbin action and specify a DPA file as the WTX map.
Before release 3.8.0, a DPA file under local directory is used in the xformbin action. Now
you may specify a DPA file at remote server instead. It will be fetched from the remote
server to do the binary transformation.

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Support for remote DPA (continued)

� Only http:// and https:// are supported.

� To reduce the time of fetching files from remote hosts, you may enable the document cache
for DPA files.

xi50(config xmlmgr default)# show

admin-state enabled


maxdocs 200 documents

size 1000000 bytes

policy *.dpa protocol 0 128

user-agent remote-dpa-https-user-agent [up]

xi50(config xmlmgr default)#

4 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Only two protocols are supported – http and https. The other ones, like ftp, mq, and so on,
are not supported
The DPA file will be fetched for every transaction. However, the map does not change
often. So to improve the performance, you should enable the document cache for DPA
files. Then it will be fetched and cached.

380DataPower.ppt Page 4 of 43
DataPower Oracle RAC support

� This provides High Availability when Oracle Database is used

– Current solution
• Multiple SQL data sources
• Load balancer for health checks
• Copied rules for different data sources
– Problems
• Adds unnecessary complexity
• Wastes existing HA solutions

5 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Oracle database high availability

� RAC is Oracle's version of DB2/Z Sysplex

� Uses clustered nodes with shared storage
� Requires little DataPower configuration
� First step towards general HA

6 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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RAC example - Topology

7 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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RAC example – DataPower perspective

Normal database connection RAC connection

Database ID
(Oracle SID) ServiceName

8 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The left side is DataPower's pre-3.8.0 perspective of an Oracle database; referenced

using SID. The right side is DataPower's perspective of an Oracle database using
ServiceName. The difference is in the Oracle configuration; to DataPower the only
difference is the connection information (SID versus ServiceName).

380DataPower.ppt Page 8 of 43
RAC example – Behind the scenes

RAC connection


9 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The ServiceName is a layer of indirection in the Oracle configuration to map a single

logical service to one or more database nodes. This service can be an alternate naming
scheme, a RAC connection, or something else.

380DataPower.ppt Page 9 of 43
RAC configuration

� “Oracle Identifier Type” is new

� Only available for Oracle
� Default is SID
� SID = database instance name
� ServiceName = database service name; extra level
of indirection
� ServiceName can be used for non-RAC
configurations as well

10 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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RAC configuration - Caveat

� Depending on the RAC configuration, DataPower may need extra info

� “AlternateServers” configuration parameter
� Just a list of nodes in the RAC

11 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The “AlternateServers” configuration option may be necessary to explicitly tell DataPower

about other nodes in the RAC. This option is a comma delimited list of database hosts,
where each host is a colon delimited list of the following fields: HostName, PortNumber,
and SID or ServiceName.

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Ability to customized deployment policy

� Deployment Policy editor helps you configure the property to be affected

Before 3.8 New in 3.8

12 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Before 3.8, users had to manually enter the configuration property that they wanted the
Deployment Policy to effect. They can now use a dropdown list to choose the appropriate

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SOMA modify-config improvement

� SOMA modify-config can now update properties that are a vector of complex properties with
an index
– BaseWSDL is an example of a property that is a vector of complex properties with an
index (WSDLSourceLocation)
• The modify-config operation uses the index to determine what to add and what to
– There are two other types of vector properties, both of which will have all their members
replaced by a modify-config. This is the same behavior as before 3.8.0
• Vectors of complex properties without indexes
• Simple vectors: The property contains a list of values.

13 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Before 3.8, you could not use the SOMA modify-config request to modify configuration object properties that are a vector
of complex properties.
The most common configuration object property that you might be frustrated in trying to modify, was the BaseWSDL
property of WSGateway objects.
The BaseWDL property of a WSGateway is a vector of complex properties. Before 3.8.0, a vector of complex properties
would be always replaced by a SOMA modify-config request. Now modify-config will merge the elements of an indexed
vector of complex properties with the existing indexed vector property elements.
Resulting configuration from applying previous SOMA request before 3.8.0
<WSGateway name=“myWSGW">

<!-- properties omitted -->


<!-- BaseWSDL is a vector was REPLACED -->

<WSDLSourceLocation>local:///b.wsdl</WSDLSourceLocation> <!– index -->




Resulting configuration from applying previous SOMA request in 3.8.0

<!-- properties omitted -->


<!– a.wsdl from the original config -->

<WSDLSourceLocation>local:///a.wsdl</WSDLSourceLocation> <!– index -->




<!– b.wsdl added -->

<WSDLSourceLocation>local:///b.wsdl</WSDLSourceLocation> <!– index -->




380DataPower.ppt Page 13 of 43
New all-domains CLI command

� all-domains {enabled | disabled}

� Allows Admin or other administrator to enable or disable the admin state of all the domains
on an appliance.
� Default domain is not affected
� Would be useful in problem determination or resolution scenarios where one or more

domains is interfering with the operation of the appliance.

14 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The new all-domains CLI command allows an administrator to enable or disable the admin
state of all the domains on an appliance. This new command would be useful in problem
determination, where one or more domains is interfering with the operation of the

380DataPower.ppt Page 14 of 43
Better support of IMS messages > 32K using segmentation (1 of 3)

� Pre-3.8.0: Administrator responsible for configuring processing policy to handle segmented

IMS™ messages (segment headers, protocol tags, and so on)
– Tedious, difficult to extract payload to work with
� 3.8.0: Segmentation is automatically configured if the IMS Connect object indicates it is
– Result: only IMS payload is present during policy processing; more straightforward to

15 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Better support of IMS messages > 32K using segmentation (2 of 3)

� Configuring using Web GUI

– Objects -> IMS Connect -> (Add or
modify existing)
– “Maximum Segment Size”
– Segmentation
• ON when value between 1-32
(size in kB of request segment
payload sizes)
• OFF when = 0 (behaves as pre­

16 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This is an example of the page in the WebGUI where message segmentation can be
configured. It can also be configured using the CLI

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Better support of IMS messages > 32K using segmentation (3 of 3)

� If both back end and front end are IMS

– Both back end and front end objects must either have segmentation ON or OFF,
otherwise the configuration is not valid and will result in runtime errors
– The Maximum Segment Sizes do not have to match, but they must both be zero or non­
• Valid: front end= 32, backend= 10
• Valid: front end= 0, backend= 0 (default)
• Invalid: front end= 0, backend= 10

17 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Support for IMS-LLLL response header (1 of 2)

� Some responses from IMS contain an initial 4-byte LLLL header, the total response
message length
� Pre-3.8.0: these responses resulted in errors, as DataPower did not accept them
� 3.8.0: a toggle is included in the IMS Connect object configuration to specify whether to
expect this header

18 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Support for IMS-LLLL response header (2 of 2)

� Configure using WebGUI to expect LLLL response header

19 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This is an example of the page in the WebGUI where the LLLL Response Header could be
configured. It can also be configured from the CLI

380DataPower.ppt Page 19 of 43
Up to 175 custom log categories are now supported

� Before 3.8.0 the limit was 32

� The Custom log category has to be unique across the entire appliance.
� The same category can not be used in multiple domains.

20 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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WS-Proxy support of non-HTTP backend (1 of 3)

� The goal was to make WMQ, WebSphere® JMS and Tibco EMS more usable as back end of
� Before 3.8.0
– WMQ, JMS and EMS could be used as WS-Proxy backend only using dynamic routing
(action or service variable)
– DP specific protocols (dpmq://, dptibems://, dpwasjms://, mq:// and tibems://) were not
supported for endpoint binding in actual WSDL file.

21 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The goal is to provide the support without using dynamic routing, and to provide a way to
express the support in the wsdl.

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WS-Proxy support of non-HTTP backend (2 of 3)

� WMQ, Tibco EMS and WebSphere JMS become a first-class citizens both in WS-Proxy
wizard and on WS-Endpoint Rewrite Policy object screens.
� WS-Proxy wizard has been changed to show only properties relevant for selected
protocol, that is, Queue Manager if dpmq:// is selected or WebSphere JMS Server if
dpwasjms:// is selected, and so on..
� WMQ, EMS and JMS protocols are supported for service binding in WSDL:
<service name="ActivityServices">
<port name="ActivityServicesSoap" binding="s0:ActivityServicesSoap">
<soap:address location="dpmq://QM/?RequestQueue=Q1&ReplyQueue=Q2"/>

22 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

In 3.8.0, WMQ, Tibco EMS and WebSphere JMS becomes first class citizen in WS-Policy
wizard, and they can selected from the WebGUI.
In addition to that, the given protocol can be expressed in the wsdl directly.

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WS-Proxy support of non-HTTP backend (3 of 3)

� Screen capture of the WS-Proxy WebGUI support

23 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Support Tibco EMS map messages (1 of 3)

� JMS Messages: byte, text, object, stream and map.

– JMS Specification says:
“Map Message - a message whose body contains a set of name-value pairs where
names are Strings and values are Java™ primitive types. The entries can be accessed
sequentially by enumerator or randomly by name. The order of the entries is undefined.”
– Tibco EMS extends this definition to allow nested map messages and arrays of Java
primitive types.
� Map messages converted to/from XML for multistep processing.
� JMS Message type is controlled by the value of “DP_JMSMessageType” header which
should correspond to one above.

24 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This feature allows DataPower to convert the map message to XML format, for future

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Support Tibco EMS map messages (2 of 3)

� Map messages scenarios

– Front side handler
• Map message is automatically converted to XML conforming to Datapower Tibco
EMS Map Message XML Schema.
• Header “DP_JMSMessageType” is set to have value “map”.
– MPGW back end, results action or dp:url-open extension function
• Message should conform to Datapower Tibco EMS Map Message XML Schema.
• Header “DP_JMSMessageType” is to be set to have value “map” by processing
policy. Otherwise message will be treated just as text or binary data.

25 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Here is an example of a message converted to XML with this feature :

<!-- nested map message #1 -->
<Field name="map1" type="map_message">


<Field name="int_array" type="int_array">




<Field name="stringy" type="string">This is a quick brown fox.</Field>




<!-- one short field -->

<Field name="shorty" type="short">5146</Field>

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Support Tibco EMS map messages (3 of 3)

� How Tibco EMS map messages flow

26 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The green box is the Tibco EMS server with the blue one being the DataPower appliance.
The message is converted to XML in the DataPower for processing and the output will be
converted from XML to a format that is understood by Tibco EMS.

380DataPower.ppt Page 26 of 43
Tibco EMS and WebSphere JMS transactions

� Goal was to provide the same level transactions support that exists for WMQ
� Visible changes
– URL Opener parameter “Transactional” - makes EMS or JMS call as part of transaction.
– URL Opener parameter “Sync” - performs COMMIT after Send operation.
� Other changes
– Transacted JMS session is shared between FSH, back side and processing actions to
provide guaranteed “once-and-only-once” message delivery.
– Error handling coupled with transaction semantics, var://service/error-ignore to commit
transactions in case of error.

27 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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New version of XMS library

� New version 2.0.0 of XMS library for WebSphere JMS connectivity.

– Many issues were fixed, much more stable
– Does not support WebSphere Application Server V7, need to wait for V2.1.0 of XMS

28 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

There is also an improvement in performance due to this upgrade.

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JMS session allocation for transaction

29 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This provides a transaction semantic which covers both the front and backend. This
guarantees the message will be delivered. This should be similar to what MQ provides in
its transaction support.

380DataPower.ppt Page 29 of 43
TCP window scaling

30 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This provides a way to turn TCP window scaling. The default value is on.
Some of the network environment may require this setting to be off. This provides a way to
turn off TCP window scaling.

380DataPower.ppt Page 30 of 43
HTTP headers retention policy (1 of 3)

� DataPower suppress the following HTTP headers for outgoing traffic:

– Accept-Encoding (regardless of compression)
– Range
– TE
� “headerretention-policy” prevents such header suppression

31 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

You can modify the policy from both WebGUI or using CLI command.

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HTTP headers retention policy (2 of 3)

WebGUI -> Network -> User Agent -> Header-Retention Policy

Screen capture of Header-Retention policy

32 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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HTTP headers retention Policy (3 of 3)

From command line interface (CLI)

xi50# co; user-agent

xi50(config user-agent default)# headerretention-policy http://server1/* Accept-Encoding

33 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Support for ICRX token (1 of 3)

� What is ICRX Token

– Identity Context Reference eXtension (ICRX)
– z/OS® Distributed Identity Propagation (IDID)
– It is a CICS® requirement to integrate with a z/OS SAF/RACF® application’s client
• A SOAP Message sent to DP to do Authentication or Authorization
• Convert the user identity context to ICRX token.
• Wrap up the ICRX token as a WS-Sec BST.
• The output WS-Sec message is then sent back to SAF/RACF client.

34 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The ICRX token is used to support the Distributed ID Propagation among different IBM
It is for kind of a similar scenario using LTPA. DataPower is put in between of other
applications to do the security or token conversion.
The ICRX is a a binary contains IDID, both are defined by z/OS RACF development team.
The ICRX, as a WS-Sec token, is then base-64 encoded and wrapped as a WS-Security
Binary Security Token.

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Support for ICRX token (2 of 3)

� How to use it ?
– Configure an AAA Policy as usual for access control
– Use the new PP method to convert the token to ICRX

35 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The AAA identity, authentication, resource and authorization processing are working for the access control
purpose to consume the input message/token.

Then the authenticated user information, called as mapped-credential in AAAPolicy, is then converted by the

new Post Processing step into an ICRX token.

Here is a sample of the WS-Security message for ICRX :

<wsse:Security soapenv:role=“testRole" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"
<wsse:BinarySecurityToken wsu:Id="ICRX-4dffa842-b59c-44c8-9010-b7d92fe0e633"



<-- Message body goes here -->


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Support for ICRX token (3 of 3)

� Customization
– The ICRX is generated with the User DN and Realm, which are un-escaped UTF8 string.
– User DN is from the AAA mapped-credentials, attempted as the following:
The <username/> element value, Programmable
Or the certificate's subject DN if the authentication was "validate-signer".
Or the SSL client certificate's subject DN if the authentication was "client-ssl".
Or the X509 BST token subject DN value if the authentication was based on the BST token extracted from EI
Otherwise, the string value of the whole mapped-credential will be used, such as the "zosnss“, “ldap”
– User Realm is from the AAA config or mapped-credentials, attempted as the following:
The "ICRX Realm" setting, if it is not empty. One static value per AAAPolicy
Or the value of the <realm/> element in mapped-credential, if it exists. Programmable.
Or the value of the <configured-realm/> element in mapped-credential, if it exists
otherwise, ICRX realm is an empty string.

36 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The IDID contains the DN and Realm, both have un-escaped the UTF8 hexpair into byte
as required by RACFMAP command. For example, the sequence {‘\\’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘\\’, ‘C’, ‘D’}
actually is {0xAB, 0xCD} in the IDID.
The User DN info from DataPower is LDAP DN format, not X.500 format.
The ICRX will generate the ICRX with out-of-box AAA methods as defined as the above.
You can also use the Map Credential method to customize its output, then DataPower will
get the programmable result for the User DN or User Realm.

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Flow control

� What is flow control

– Streaming in DataPower enables a MPGW to start flowing the message to the backend
before the whole message is read from the sending client.
– However, before 3.8.0, even messages that were streamed would cause memory growth
proportional to the message size, potentially causing an OOM for GB-sized file transfers.
– An MPGW can be configured for flow control which allows file transfers of arbitrary size
with no memory growth.

37 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Flow control helps streaming of large document in DataPower Appliance without incurring
a memory growth on the appliance.

380DataPower.ppt Page 37 of 43
Configuring an MPGW with flow control

� Flow control is only available if the

Request/Response type is Non-XML
or Pass-Thru
� Both Front and Back side must be set
to Stream Messages
� Allow Chunked Uploads must be set
to on (Advanced tab) 

38 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

This screen capture shows the bottom of a Multi-protocol Gateway configuration page with
required attributes highlighted.

380DataPower.ppt Page 38 of 43
How to troubleshoot flow control

� During a large file transfer monitor the memory usage with the CLI command “show mem”.
Once the transaction is started you should not see any growth in Memory Usage.
Unauthorized access prohibited.

login: admin

Password: *****

Welcome to DataPower XI50 console configuration.

Copyright IBM Corporation 1999-2009

Version: XI50. build main.178176 on 2009/10/05 15:01:08

Serial number: (unknown)

Notice: startup config contains errors.

xi50# show mem

Memory Usage: 45 %

Total Memory: 3110924 kbytes

Used Memory: 1425987 kbytes

Free Memory: 1684937 kbytes

Requested Memory: 438672 kbytes

Hold Memory: 242305 kbytes


39 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

During a large file transfer monitor the memory usage with the CLI command “show mem”.
Once the transaction is started you should not see any growth in Memory Usage.

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Support of DELE command in transparent mode

� FTP server front-side protocol handler

– Added support for deleting files in transparent mode
– RFC 959 DELE command
– Must be enabled in configuration

40 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

You now have the ability to delete files in FTP with RFC 959 DELE support for FTP front
side protocol handler in transparent mode. The DELE command must be enabled in the
FSH configuration.

380DataPower.ppt Page 40 of 43
Support of DELE command in Transparent Mode (continued)

� SFTP front-side protocol handler

– Added support for deleting files in transparent mode
– SSH_FXP_REMOVE command support
– Must be enabled in configuration

41 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

The ability to delete files with SFTP front side handler was added by enabling the
SSH_FXP_REMOVE command. This must be enabled in the FSH configuration.

380DataPower.ppt Page 41 of 43

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42 New in version 3.8.0 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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380DataPower.ppt Page 42 of 43
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43 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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