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1.Transform the verbs into negative and interrogative :

I play football.
I don’t play football.
Do I play football?

a)She cooks dinner.

b)They drink coffee.
c)We have a house.
d)Mary studies English.
e)They like vegetables.
f)We buy food from the supermarket.
g)People are kind.
h)Paul and Jane ride the bike daily.
i)Mother goes to work early.
j)Grandpa reads the newspaper on the porch.
2.Fill in the sentences with DO or DOES :

a) _________ she pack every time she goes abroad?

b) _________ they drink coffee every morning?
c) ________ she sleep every afternoon?
d) _________ we always help our mother ?
e) _______ you sometimes swim in the pool?
f) _______ she often go to the cinema?
g) _________ it always rain in winter?
h) ________ he play on the computer a lot?
i) _______ you always sing so much?
j) _______ Mary go shopping twice a week?

3.Fill in the sentences with DOESN’T or DON’T:

a) She _______ do her homework every afternoon.

b) They __________play the piano every day.
c) We ________ sing in the choir.
d) He ________ read a book every week.
e) They _________ write letters.
f) Mother __________ play with the dog.
g) Our aunt __________ wash the dishes every afternoon.
h) Father _________ cook dinner.
i) James _________ go to church.
j) Our grandparents _________ believe in Santa Clause.

4.Put the verbs in the Present Simple Tense:

a. Your dad ( wash) ____________ the car every day.

b. He ( not drink) _____________ tea.
c. His friend ( read) ___________ the lesson every class.
d. Her cousin ( write) ____________ letters.
e. Mary ( not sleep ) _______________ in the afternoon.
f. Our parents ( give) ___________ us money to spend.
g. Mike and John ( not eat) _________________ oranges.
h. They ( take ) ____________ us to football matches every Sunday.
i. ( like)________your parents ________ watching TV?
j. (swim) ________ he __________ in the pool?
5.Choose the correct verb:
a) She _______ pretty.
are is am
b) They ________ drink milk.
don’t doesn’t do
c) My aunt _______ dinner.
cooking cooks cook
d) His father __________ the car daily.
wash washing is washing
e) They never _________ tennis.
don’t play play doesn’t play
f) Jane _________ with the toy.
plays playing playes
g) We _______ the room every day.
cleans cleaning clean
h) I ________ at a school.
working work works
i) You _________ eat fruit.
doesn’t don’t do
j) I __________ a coffee machine.
haves have has
6.Use the information from the table to make sentences like the one in the model:

Person Activity How often

Mary play tennis usually in the school
Paul get up sometimes late
John have breakfast every morning in the kitchen
Michael watch TV never in the evening
Raul read a story often in his room
Andrew listen to music always in the living

Model: Mary usually plays tennis in the schoolyard.

a) ……………………………………………………………..…………………………
b) ……………………………………………………………..…………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………………………………………
e) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
7.Make up sentences using the Present Simple tense and the cues in the table and the

8.00 get up
9.00 have breakfast
9.30 go to work
12.00 have lunch
14.15 wash the car
18.26 return home from work
John 19.45 have dinner
20.00 watch TV
21.00 go to bed

Model: John gets up at eight o’clock.

1) __________________________________________
2) __________________________________________
3) __________________________________________
4) __________________________________________
5) __________________________________________
6) __________________________________________
7) __________________________________________
8) __________________________________________

8. Answer the questions :

a) What time do you go to school?

b) How often do you play chess?
c) What is your hobby?
d) When do you have breakfast?
e) How often do you watch Tv?
f) What do you usually buy from the shop?
g) What does grandfather usually buy from the supermarket?
h) What does your mother usually buy from the supermarket?

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