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Gnome Throwing Rules

simple set of rules for the Pathfinder RPG Table & Modifiers
regarding gnome throwing, its techniques,
technicalities advantages and caveats. Having a The table bellow depicts the throwing of an unencumbered
gnome to throw around can be of great gnome, to be accurate in your gnome throwing calculations
advantage to all party members. use the modifiers below.
If your character is on friendly terms with the gnome to be
thrown, please ask first, as it is rude to just fling a fey fellow Gnome throwing quick reference
across a room without their permission. Also consider if the
throw could be fatal, as some gnomes are all to eager to help, Strength Lift (lbs.) Distance (ft.)
despite their own limitations. 1 10 0

Before throwing a gnome 2 20 0

The gentle art of gnome throwing can come in use in many 3 30 5

different situations. 4 40 5
When to throw a gnome 5 50 5
When you want to reach an object at the other side of battle 6 60 5
field. When you need to reach a high window on a wall you 7 70 5
can't climb. Or to prevent the evil wizard from completing a
ritual. 8 80 10
9 90 10
When NOT to throw a gnome
When the landing or crash may result in a gnome death. Or 10 100 10
to see if the ahead dungeon corridor is full of nasty traps. 11 115 15
12 130 15
Gnome Aerodynamic Factors
13 150 20
Things to consider when gnome throwing are:
14 175 20
Weight 15 200 25
Between 32 lb. and 43 lb. for an adult gnome. The average
gnome weighs 37.5 lbs. 16 230 30
17 260 30
Thrower's Strength
Strength modifiers add to the distance (and amount of 18 300 40
gnomes that can be thrown) 19 350 45
Willingness 20 400 45
An uncooperative gnome is harder to hurl and can be less
aerodynamic. If the gnome is unwilling to be thrown, only
one gnome can be thrown at a time.
Gnome Cohesion One arm throwing
After 4 gnomes it can be hard for them to stay together If the thrower is using only one arm multiply feet by x0.5.
during launch and when airborne. This is why to throw more Encumbered gnome
than 4 willing gnomes the thrower must use a net, rope or
some other device to tie the gnomes together. If the gnome carries heavy equipment multiply feet by x0.5
for every 35 lbs. of extra weight.
Unwilling gnomes Running Throw
An attacker can Grapple a gnome and throw him in the same If you have at least 10 feet to get a running start you get a
action. bonus of +5 feet to the throwing distance for every 10 feet of
If the gnome is able to move he can do a break free attempt your speed.
at +4. Success results in the gnome prone, adjacent to the
thrower. Thrower Size
Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. Small ×3/4,
Tiny ×1/2, Diminutive ×1/4, Fine ×1/8.

The Gentle Art Of Gnome Throwing

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