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Designing Computer Based Training CBT

Reflection– Dianne Carroll-Smith

In this project the instructional strategy for the RLO was a tutorial. The tutorial

would present the purpose of the 7 Principles of Good Teaching to the intended

audience. It would go on to describe the 7 Principles and the indicators for each. The

learners would have an opportunity to practice and identify what they learned during the

tutorial by completing a quiz successfully. The tutorial can be used as an on demand

type of training. Learners are required to achieve 100% on the quizzes within the tutorial

to move forward. If less than 100% is scored the RLO will return to the section the

learner struggled with to review the information again.

When creating my project I had to make a decision on what tool to utilize. There

were some really interesting options to consider but ultimately I decided it made the

most sense to use Articulate Storyline because our college had a subscription to it and it

was something I could continue to use after this course and apply the concepts from

this course to future RLO’s. In regards to the design, I decided to keep things clean and

simple for user interaction. I also was purposeful in the selection of “people” in the RLO

to have a diverse representation in the tutorial.

Accessibility components were considered in creating this project. The consistent

use of design that would adhere to all of the standards of the Section 508 Rehabilitation

Act were utilized. Items such as all images will have alternative text, videos will have

synchronized captions, color will not be the only way to convey information, learner will

have control over the timing of content changes, graphics, movies and objects will avoid

strobing, flickering or flashing and per the US Department of Health & Human Services
fonts choices will be limited to: Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica,

and Calibri. Font size choices of a 12 to 14 point font was utilized and bold and italic text

was limited and was not used to convey meaning. The buttons used had a description

and image to communicate their action.

Interface design and visual design principles were incorporated into this project

by using methods to enhance the content being shared with the end user. Consistent

design and color choices were used to help the end user easily navigate and also to

connect with the information.

Assessment methods of quizzes throughout the RLO with a final quiz provided

the learner with an opportunity to practice the learning along the way and then show

comprehension in a final quiz. The quizzes throughout the RLO would circle back to the

appropriate section if the learner answered incorrectly. The RLO would move forward

when the learner was able to complete the quiz successfully. Upon successful

completion of the RLO the learner would receive a digital badge that can be displayed in

our LMS of Canvas.

Utilizing the usability test was very helpful. I completed the assignment after the

end of the course so was not able to work with another student in our class. I did work

with one of my co-workers to complete the usability test. She provided very helpful

suggestions and insight from a learner’s perspective. She was a great choice for the

usability test as she was the intended final target market and end user for the RLO.

Being able to open the RLO was an issue for her. It was found that she could open it in

Internet Explorer or FireFox but not Google Chrome. This is something I have to
investigate further to see what the best way to share the RLO with others would be and

how it possibly integrates with our LMS.

An instructional designer needs to be able to focus on the outcomes of the

learning. Communication is key. An instructional designer needs to be able to effectively

communicate with the SME and other stakeholders of the project. The instructional

designer needs to have an awareness of the process of analyzing, designing,

developing, implementing and evaluating. This process will ensure the final product will

be effective and throughout using the ADDIE instructional design model.

Some significant ways I will expand the use of CBT in my current position is to

incorporate CBT into the current courses I teach. I do not currently have these types of

interactive learning objects in my courses and I feel it can enhance the learners

experience and add more than the reading of textbooks, articles and viewing videos. It

really will pull the learner in to engage with the learning.

Valuable concepts and ideas gained during this course were the need to

consider ADA and accessibility in my courses. This was something I had heard of but

had not actively checked and implemented into my courses. I tried a screen reader with

one of my courses and realized by how just adding an image description can be so

helpful to someone using a screen reader.

The most valuable and interesting activity during the course was learning how to

make the information from the Modules 1-4 Design Document and Module 5 Storyboard

come to life in Articulate Storyline. It was a bit challenging to try to learn the new design

tool along with the concepts of the course but I was able to make it all come together in
the end. I also found the RLO flowchart to be a great visual map of the RLO. This

helped in the creation of the storyboard and functions of the RLO.

This course will impact my instructional design by helping me to plan out a

project more and incorporate a story board as well as the design document. It brought

an awareness to really take the time to plan prior to launching into production of an

RLO. I will also utilize the Usability Test prior to launch. It has also make me consider

ADA and accessibility concerns with instructional design.

Some questions I have about designing and developing computer-based training

involve the functions of Articulate Storyline and how to have the use experience be the

best possible implementing the RLO’s into our Learning Management System of

Canvas. How will the RLO’s come into Canvas? How will they integrate with the Canvas

grade center? Does internet speed impact the user experience? Are there other tools I

can use with our LMS other than Articulate Storyline? These are just a few of the

questions I have regarding further design and development of CBT and SCORM


To obtain answers to these questions I will connect with the IT Department and

the Curriculum and Organizational Development team at NTC. I have also began to

follow the Articulate E-Learning Heroes Community for additional information

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