PS8 4PeopleToolsI

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PeopleTools I 8.

4 Testout June 3, 2002

1. When you click a content reference link in the navigation, what appears in the
target area of the screen? D
A. A menu
B. A page definition
C. A component
A. A search page
D. None of the above

2. If you create a saved search, all logins will be able to use it. B
A. True
B. False

3. In PeopleTools 8.4, developers can test the components they develop with a
browser or with the PeopleSoft Windows client. B
A. True
C. False

4. Which of the following is most likely to be a PeopleTools table in the database?


5. In PeopleSoft, what is the characteristic relationship between parent a child

tables? C
A. Parents and children share the same key structure
E. Parents have one more key field than their children
B. Child tables have the exact same key structure as the parent, plus at
least one more key
F. Child tables have exactly one more key than their parents
C. None of the above

6. If the date today is 12/11/3000, which of the following is the current effective
date? B
A. 12/11/2999
G. 04/14/3000
B. 12/12/3000
H. 12/10/3001
C. None of the above

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

7. Translate values are store in the same table, regardless of which field is being
validated. B
I. True
J. False

8. When validating with tableset sharing, the control table holds the prompt values
and is always keyed by the ___SETID___________ field.

9. Which of the following is not one of the eight steps of development in

PeopleTools 8.4? D
M. Define fields
A. Build SQL tables
B. Create page definitions
N. Register components
O. Create menu definitions

10. Translate values are entered as a part of the ____FIELD______________

definition. A
P. Field
Q. Record
A. Page
R. Component
B. None of the above

11. Which attributes of a field definition are consistent wherever that field is used? C
S. Keys, alternate search keys, length, type
T. Length, type, field defaults, prompt tables
U. Length, type, long name, short name
V. Length, type, long name, short name, search
A. Prompt tables, and field defaults

12. Which attribute determines if a field will appear in the results list on a search
page? E
W. Key
X. Search key
A. Alternate search key

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

Y. Duplicate order key

Z. List box item

13. In a record definition, what is the difference between a key and a search key? B
AA. A key is a part of the record key structure; a search key is not
BB. A key does not appear on the search page unless it is also a search
A. A key is a required field; a search key is not
CC. All of the above
B. None of the above

14. If you build a record definition RECORD1, what is the application data table
name by default? D

15. A prompt table edit field can be configured to appear on a page as a drop-down
edit box. A
GG. True
HH. False

16. You can recognize levels on a page by: C

II. The presence of scroll areas
JJ. The presence of grids
KK. The presence of scroll areas or grids

17. Level 0 on a page is always associated with the: B

LL.Primary record
MM. Search Record
A. Primary component
NN. Search component
B. Secondary component

18. A related field must be associated with ________E___________.

OO. A group box
PP. A grid
A. A frame

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

QQ. The translate table

RR. A display control field

19. The fields in a page level can write data to ____ tables maximum: E
SS. One
A. Fifteen
UU. Two hundred fifty five
B. There is no limit

20. What is the relationship between pages and components? A

VV. A component can have one or more pages associated with it
WW. A page can have one or more components associated with it
A. Pages and components have a one-to-one relationship

21. Which of the following is not configured in the component definition? B

XX. The search record
YY. Related fields
A. User actions
ZZ.Search page defaults
B. Toolbar buttons

22. In PeopleTools 8.4, menu definitions do not play a part in generating the user
navigation. B
AAA. True
A. False

23. The portal registry Structure & Content area is made up of: B
BBB. Structure and Content Links
CCC. Folders and Content Links
DDD. Folders and Content References
EEE. Trees and Content References
A. None of the above

24. Which three tasks can the Component Registration wizard perform? C

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

FFF. Create a menu definition; create a permission list; create a content

reference in the portal registry
GGG. Associate a component with a menu definition; create a permission
list; create a content reference in the portal registry
HHH. Associate a component with a menu definition; add component to a
permission list; create a content reference in the portal registry
III. Associate a component with a menu definition; add component to a
permission list; associate component with a content reference in the portal
A. None of the above

25. Which of the following is not an element in PeopleSoft user security

configuration? D
JJJ.User Profiles
KKK. Permission Lists
LLL. Roles

26. In PeopleTools 8.4, you must register a component to make it accessible to users;
there is no way to manually perform the tasks. B
NNN. True
OOO. False

27. If you see that a label is spelled incorrectly when testing an application, which
definition should you edit to solve the problem? A
PPP. Field
QQQ. Record
RRR. Page
SSS. Component
A. Menu

28. If you see that a related field contains no data when testing an application, which
definition should you edit to solve the problem? B
TTT. Field
UUU. Record
VVV. Page
WWW. Component
A. Menu

29. If the title on the search page is the name of the component, which definition
should you edit to solve the problem? D

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

XXX. Field
YYY. Record
ZZZ. Page
AAAA. Component

30. If the label on the page tabs is incorrect, which definition should you edit to solve
the problem? D
DDDD. Record
EEEE. Page
FFFF. Component
A. Menu

31. If a prompt table edit field is not working properly, which definition should you
edit to solve the problem? B
GGGG. Field
HHHH. Record
IIII. Page
JJJJ. Component
A. Menu

32. When you delete a folder in the portal registry, all folders and content references
below it in the hierarchy are also deleted. A
KKKK. True
A. False

33. It is possible to use the build utility to alter the structure of an existing application
data table without loss of data. A
LLLL. True
A. False

34. You must alter the underlying table if you make any changes to a record
definition. A
MMMM. True
NNNN. False

35. Which of the following is not included in when you build a registry search index?

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PeopleTools I 8.4 Testout June 3, 2002

OOOO. Author
PPPP. Content reference name
QQQQ. Content reference description
RRRR.Folder name
A. Keywords

36. If you choose to audit data at the field level, all audit data is stored in a single
table, regardless of which record definition the field is associated with. A
SSSS. True
A. False

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