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Coltrane - I Hear A Rhapsody Analysis

Spacing in 8 bar sections

1) 12 and 1/2 beats rest total

2) 9 beats
3) 7 beats
4) 4 and ½
5) 7 beats
6) 9 beats
7) 4 and ½
8) 9 and ½
9) 7 and ½
10) 4 and ½
11) 7 and ½
12) 6 and ½
13)10 and ½
14) 5 beats
15) 6 and ½
16) 3 and ½

Uses Harmonic minor over 90% of minor ii – v I’s

Lydian on dominants of the relative major or Dorian mode of Super Tonic

Phrases over cadences ascend or descend to guide tone

In the first 2 choruses Coltrane references and manipulates his first phrase, 2
quavers descending, the top note to a minor 3rd below

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