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Bull Volcanol(1986) 48:265-274

Voli ology
© Springer-Verlag 1986

On the growth of maars and diatremes and its relevance to the

formation of tuff rings

V Lorenz

tnstitut ftir Geowissenschaften,Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit/it,Saarstrage21, 6500 Mainz, Federal Republicof Germany

Abstract. Small and large maars exist associated with thus exposed in the crater walls. Maars are surrounded by
small and large diatremes, respectively, their subsurface low rims of ejecta beds which accumulated on the surface
feeder structures. The problem of size and growth of and decrease in thickness very rapidly outward. The dia-
maar-diatreme volcanoes is discussed from a phreatomag- meters of maars vary between less than 100 m and in excess
matic point of view from field data, some geophysical data, of 1500 m, their depths vary between several tens of metres
and short-lived historic maar eruptions. A hydrostatic pres- and in excess of 200 m, and thickness of ejecta beds in the
sure barrier of usually about 20-30 bars is assumed to upper crater wall vary between less than 10 m and in excess
control the maximum depth level of explosive mag- of 40 m.
ma/groundwater interactions. Similar to the situation in Those maars which have been investigated during the
submarine and subglacial volcanism, initial maar-forming last 20 years have been shown to be phreatomagmatic or,
water vapour explosions are therefore assumed to occur at rarely, and not dealt with in this paper, to be phreatic in ori-
shallow depth and to produce a small maar with a shallow gin (for references see Kienle et al. 1980; Lorenz 1973,
diatreme. Because of limited availability of groundwater 1986).
and ejection of groundwater in the form of steam, the con- The numerous (usually several hundred) ejecta beds of
fining pressure barrier is displaced downward. Conse- phreatomagmatic maars are between several millimeters
quently, water vapour explosions can take place at conse- and several decimetres thick, implying multiple eruptions
cutively deeper levels with the result that the diatreme with a small mass production per individual eruption. The
penetrates downward and grows in size. Since maars are pyroclastic material consists of a juvenile fraction of
collapse craters resulting from ejection of wallrocks vesicle-free to vesicle-poor pyroclasts and of a large
fragmented by water vapour explosions at the level of the proportion of country rock clasts [on average 80 % at the
diatreme root zone, downward penetration of a diatreme Westeifel maars (Zimanowski 1986)]. Clast size varies be-
not only results in increase in size of a diatreme but also in tween ash and bomb/block size. Aspects pointing to a
increase in size of the overlying maar. As availability of phreatomagmatic origin of these ejecta and thus of the
groundwater in limited amounts controls formation of dia- respective maars have been dealt with in detail by many
tremes and their downward penetration, lack of ground- authors (e. g. Fisher and Waters 1970; Lorenz 1973, 1974;
water enables magma to rise within a diatreme and to form Lorenz and Bfichel 1980a; Moore 1967; Ollier 1967;
a scoria cone or lava lake within the maar, as is frequently Schmincke 1977; Fisher and Schmincke 1984).
found in volcanic fields such as the Eifel area in Germany. Diatremes, also called pipes or tuff pipes, are the sub-
In contrast, availability of large amounts of water in near surface feeder structures of maars. They are cone-shaped
surface environments such as shallow marine, lake, water- and most of them propably extend into igneous dykes at
rich coastal plains, or water-rich fluviatile gravel beds pre- depth (Fig. 1). Maximum diameters of diatremes vary be-
vents formation of maars and deep diatremes but causes tween several tens of metres and in excess of 1500 m, and
formation of tuff rings. in this respect are similar to the diameters ofmaars. Depths
of diatremes from the Earth's surface at the time of eruption
downward to the diatreme root zones and feeder dykes are
Introduction frequently unknown but may reach 2000-2500 m as, for
example, in the largest South African kimberlite diatremes
Maars are volcanic craters that have been cut into pre- (Clement 1982) or in the Swabian diatremes, southern Ger-
emption surfaces and pre-eruption rocks. Older rocks are many (Lorenz 1979, 1982b).
266 Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes

Maar with posteruptive sediments ~ r a t e r rim

Orapa/Botswana E

Jwaneng/Botswana E
Diatreme with subsided pyroclastic
beds, pyroctastic vents, and late

Kimberley diatremes

Fig. L Schematic drawing of a model maar-

diatreme volcano with post-eruptive crater
Diatreme root zone with sediments and feeder dyke. This model has
wall-rock breccJas been integrated from kimberlitic diatremes in
Botswana (Orapa maar and Jwaneng dia-
treme) and diatremes in the Kimberley area of
Length to height
South Africa. The diatreme root zone has
about 1:1 Feeder dyke
been taken from Clement (1982). Diameter of
feeder dyke and pycroclastic vents is exag-
gerated in scale

Many aspects of maars and diatremes have been stud- from the study of the Montana diatremes that collapse oc-
ied, especially those dealing with their ejecta and curs during eruption and is not a post-eruption phenome-
phreatomagmatic mode of formation, the relationship be- non (Hearn 1968). This is supported by studies of short-
tween maars and diatremes, and their origin by collapse lived historic maars (Miiller and Veyl 1956; Lorenz 1982a;
processes. One problem which has not been adequately ad- Btichel and Lorenz, unpublished data). For example, insta-
dressed concerns the growth ofmaars and diatremes during bility of the subsurface wallrocks caused crater collapse
their eruptive history. and the formation of Ukinrek West Maar, Alaska, during its
It is the purpose of this paper to present some data relat- three days' total activity (Kienle et al. 1980; Biichet and
ed to the growth of maars and diatremes, to present a Lorenz, unpublished data).
model for their growth and to make some comparisons with From the time of initial maar collapse, continued erup-
tuffrings. Tuffrings are phreatomagmatic volcanoes simi- tions will deposit ejecta beds both outside the maar on and
lar to maars (Lorenz et al. 1970). They have wide craters away from the rim as well as inside the maar on the floor
(Fig. 9), which, however, do not penetrate into the older and crater walls. As continued ejection of wallrock clasts
country rocks. Country rock clasts make up only about causes continued subsidence inside the crater, pyroclastic
1%-5% of the ejected pyroclasts within the hundreds of beds accumulate inside the maar in amounts larger than on
their individual ejecta beds. Thus a tuff ring cannot have a the rim and participate in the subsidence processes. With
deep diatreme beneath its crater. continued eruptions, more and more ejecta beds will oc-
cupy the interior of the diatreme. Such ejecta beds are
found in nearly all well-exposed large diatremes (Lorenz
Formation of maars and diatremes !986).
Up to this time it has not been clear what controls the
Fragmentation of wallrocks by explosive magma/ground- diameters and depths of maars and diatremes. In the case
water interaction (phreatomagmatic water vapour explo- of a large maar, does initial collapse cause a large diameter
sions) and ejection of large amounts of these wallrock or does the maar diameter grow with eruption time? Are
c l a s t s - together with juvenile c l a s t s - result in loss of diameters and depths of diatremes stable during eruptive
mass at the level of explosions and consequent wallrock in- activity, or do they grow? Previous models by the present
stability and collapse (Lorenz 1986). The zone of collapse author, for example, were based on the assumption of a
is propagated upward, and at the surface a collapse crater, stable diatreme depth (Lorenz 1975, Fig. 2).
a maar forms. The subsurface collapse structure underly- The study of the volcanological aspects of the numer-
ing the maar is called the diatreme. It has been inferred ous rim ejecta beds of many maars clearly shows that
Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes 267

This relationship implies that the larger the maar and the
diatreme diameter, the greater the depth of the diatreme
root (Bfichel et al., unpublished data) (Fig. 2).
These aspects taken together seem to imply a general
trend: during production of pyroclastic ejecta maars grow
in diameter and depth the longer the eruptions last. The un-
derlying diatremes seem to grow in diameter and depth
likewise and simultaneously.

Volcanoes with an initial m a a r phase

Further support for the model of syn-eruptive growth of

maar diameter and depth comes from the study of a number
of small volcanoes in the Eifel Tertiary (Hocheifel) and
Quaternary (Westeifel) volcanic fields and the Tertiary
Length to height Hegau volcanic field, southern Germany. Many of these
about 1:1
volcanoes went through an initial period of phreatomag-
matic explosions which caused collapse of an initial maar.
Uninterrupted but now nonphreatomagmatic activity in a
Fig. 2. Schematicdrawing for comparisonof dimensions of a small maar
and its associatedshort diameter and small ejectavolumewith dimensions second phase then resulted in formation of either a scoria
of a large maar and its associatedlarge diatreme and large ejecta volume. cone or a lava lake within the initial maar (Fig. 3).
Scale: length to height about 1:1;e. g. small maar 400 m in diameter and Within the ejecta of the initial maar, the outward dip-
large maar 900 m in diameter ping pyroclastic beds are usually cut by a number of anti-
thetic and mainly normal faults close to the crater wall.
Subsequent to faulting, the maar ejecta and their rim faults
phreatomagmatic explosions were responsible not only for are then covered by scoria or lava. The scoria unconforma-
some individual beds but for all or nearly all of the bly overlies the inner crater wall country rocks and overly-
hundreds of maar ejecta beds. This important fact implies ing outward dipping maar ejecta and is draped over the rim
that groundwater had access to the rising magma during the edge to lie conformably on the outward-dipping maar ejec-
entire duration of the eruptive activity of the respective ta (Fig. 3). As this relationship is very common, collapse
maars and must be taken into consideration in any model of the maar at this stage must have caused a cut-off in the
concerning the growth of maars and diatremes. groundwater supply during the volcano's eruptive activity,
In addition to the above processes the following aspects or the available groundwater had been used up when this
are relevant to the formation and growth of maars and dia- collapse occurred. Continued magma rise with its lava
t. Small maars are in general shallower than large maars
(Lorenz et al. 1970), and this is especially evident when ef-
fects of erosion at the rims and sedimentation on the crater
floors are taken into account.
2. Small maars produce smaller volumes of ejecta beds of
both juvenile and country-rock clasts than larger maars Length to height
(e. g. Ukinrek maars, Kienle et al. 1980). about 1•1
3. Magnetic and gravimetric investigations of the floors of
many Eifel maars show that the larger the diameter of a
maar, the larger is the diameter of the underlying diatreme
(Btichel 1984; Lorenz and Biichel 1980b; Bfichel et al., Fig. 3. Schematic drawing showing a small scoria cone with an ini-
unpublished data). tial maar as is typical for many Westeifel scoria cones. In an initial
phreatomagmatic phase, rise of magma and its contact with
4. The Bouguer anomalies of about ten investigated West- groundwater led to water vapour explosions and consequent col-
eifel maars increase systematically with maar diameter and lapse of an initial maar and the underlying diatreme structure. The
diatreme diameter. The small Wallenborn maar, for exam- maar pyroclastic beds and the underlying wallrocks are frequently
ple, with a diatreme diameter of about 430 m, has a Bou- cut by concentric normal faults. In a second phase, magma rose
guer anomaly of --1.2 regal whereas the large Meerfeld without contacting groundwater and consequently a scoria cone
formed within the initial maar. In the Tertiary Hocheifel and
maar, with a diatreme diameter of 1180 m, has a Bouguer Hegau volcanic fields, the second (nonphreatomagmatic) phase
anomaly of about - - 6 mgal (Bfichel 1984; Henk 1984). usually led to formation of a lava lake within the initial maar
268 Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes

fountains then covered and thus sealed the specific stage of implies simultaneous growth of the underlying diatreme
maar formation already reached. both in diameter and depth.
There are scoria cones with an initial maar phase where
this sealing off took place earlier than at others, as can be
judged from the variable thickness of the maar ejecta rims
and number of ejecta beds already deposited prior to col- Historic maar eruptions
lapse. This relationship suggests that collapse is initiated
very early in the eruptive activity of maars. Depending on Historic maar eruptions have been rare, and most have not
the time of sealing off of groundwater supply, the eruptive been documented well and their pyroclastic rocks not been
style changes from phreatomagmatic to lava fountaining, studied in detail. Those studied best are the Ukinrek maars,
ending the stage of maar diameter and depth evolution. Alaska, which erupted in 1977 (Kienle et al. 1980; Self et
Initial maars in the Westeifet and in the Tertiary volca- al. 1980).
nic fields of the Hocheifel and Hegau clearly show diame- The two Ukinrek maars formed within 11 days. West
ters which on average are smaller than those of ordinary Maar formed a crater 170 m in diameter and 35 m deep over
maars that erupted phreatomagmatically during the whole a period of 3 days. East Maar formed a crater 300 m in di-
course of the volcanoes' eruptive activity. Consequently, it ameter and 70 m deep within the following 8 days. As both
can be assumed that ordinary maars grow in diameter and maars formed within the same country rocks, it can be as-
depth because of collapse processes which are active fairly sumed that the longer eruptive activity of East Maar result-
continuously during their eruptive activity. And as crater ed in longer growth of its crater diameter and depth. At the
diameter is related to diatreme diameter and depth (see smaller West Maar, collapse had already occurred during
above), growth of maars during their eruptive history the 3 days of eruptive activity, as is indicated by inward dip-
ping younger ejecta lying unconformably on older ejecta
within the inner crater wall. The ejecta sequence also
demonstrates very clearly that initial eruptions at West
Maar ejected country rocks from close to the surface
Ukinrek W . ~ . ~..~ Phase1 whereas later eruptions ejected country rocks from
progressively deeper stratigraphic levels (Fig. 4). Thus,
Moraines,fluvioglacial not only did the crater grow in size: but the diatreme grew
Sed. Mt. Peulik Lahars in depth as well (Lorenz 1982a).
The larger East Maar has some concentric faults in its
O 0 0 0 0 Jurassic Naknek inner northwest upper crater wall which not only cut the
0 0 0 0 0 Formation: ejecta beds but also the crater wall country rocks. This indi-
cates that collapse also played an important role at East
It" ;B Maar. In the East Maar rim ejectao wood fragments from
the original surface vegetation are found from the base up-
ward to nearly two-thirds of the total thickness. This indi-
cates continuous collapse, and that again and again the near
Permafrost- Lenses surface rocks and the overlying vegetation participated in
the eruption and ejection processes. As the eruption clouds
within a maar crater usually have no or only little erosive
O 0 I0 0 0 power (Lorenz 1973), as can be judged from the pyroclastic
beds deposited, participation of near surface crater wall
rocks in the eruptions is possible by repeated collapse and
(C.'". . . . 7)~ Phase 3+4 transport of the collapsed material to the feeder vent.
In 1875 the small rhyolitic maar Viti erupted at the end
of the 1875 Askja (Iceland) eruptive cycle (Sigurdsson and
Sparks 1978; Sigvaldason, personal communication 1984).
.]100 m The maar has a diameter of 100 m and a depth of 50 m
(Einarsson 1963). Its phreatomagmatic eruptions clearly
o 200m occurred after the major pumice eruptions of Askja caldera
0 0 ~V/'.) 0
/ vents and produced only minor amounts of ejecta. The du-
ration of the eruptions is unknown but could have been one
Fig. 4. Schematiccross-sectionsthroughUkinrekWestMaarandits coun- or a couple of days at most.
try rocks. Duringthe 3 daysof eruptions in 1977,the siteof phreatomag-
maticexplosionspenetrateddownward, as is indicatedby the appearance In 1724, the maar Viti in the Krafla caldera, northern
in the ejectabeds of wallrocks fromprogressivelygreater depth Iceland erupted during a brief period of time (one to a few
Lorenz: On the growthof maars and diatremes 269

days) (Noll 1967). Its diameter is 320 m and its depth be- 2. Larger Bouguer anomalies associated with larger maars
tween 102 and 53 m (average 75 m). Thus this maar is simi- and larger diatreme diameters indicate deeper diatremes in
lar in size to Ukinrek East Maar. the Westeifel. This suggests that during evolution ofa maar-
All these historic maars were short-lived and produced diatreme volcano the diatreme root zone penetrates down-
rather small maars, small in diameter, depth and diatreme ward. It seems logical that downward penetration of a dia-
diameter. They also produced ejecta volumes which corre- treme can account for consecutive enlargement of the col-
late with the crater size as can be judged from the scant field lapse structure and collapse crater because of mechanical
data. The smaller the crater, the smaller the ejecta volume. instability of the diatreme walls.
In contrast, many fossil maars, as in the Eifel, Germany, If downward penetration of diatremes is accepted it
Massif Central, France, and western United States are has important consequences for models of magma/
much larger and produced larger ejecta volumes. groundwater interaction. It implies that explosive interac-
Therefore, from an empirical point of view, they should tion occurs initially at rather shallow depth, giving rise to
have been active much longer than the short-lived historic a small maar and a small shallow diatreme. Later explo-
maars, perhaps for weeks or months. sions may have occurred at progressively greater depth ac-
counting for the increasingly larger structures.
The downward penetration of the level of explosive
magma/goundwater interaction in turn could imply that
Consequences of the growth of maars and diatremes groundwater is restricted to high structural levels and with
continuing eruptions must percolate down the feeder in
Judging from the above data, maars and diatremes seem to order to supply the explosion sites with water. Alternative-
grow in size during their eruptive activity. This growth has ly, the rising magma may penetrate hydraulically active
a number of implications: zones of structural weakness and rise through some
1. During eruptive activity of a maar, its crater walls col- groundwater at depth without explosive interaction, and
lapse again and again, in part subsiding within the dia- only upon further rise interacts explosively with ground-
treme, and in part slumping onto the crater floor. In the water at rather shallow depth. Later explosions should then
ldmberlite maar/diatreme of Orapa and the kimberlite dia- occur consecutively further down to account for the growth
treme of Jwaneng, both in Botswana, the subsided bedded of the maar-diatreme volcano.
pyroclastic rocks (at Orapa, the beds underlying the lake In the Hegau volcanic field, there is evidence that some
beds) which were deposited from eruption clouds contain diatremes did penetrate water-bearing Molasse sediments
interbedded lahars up to several metres thick. These lahars but not the water-bearing underlying Mesozoic sediments
are reworked pyroclastic material which flowed down the which contain several distinct water-rich acquifers (Vii-
inner crater walls. The lahars, which are of relatively large linger 1982; Lorenz, unpublished data). This indicates that
volume, could represent collapsed rim beds which turned the Mesozoic sediments are cut by the feeder dykes of the
into lahars because of their phreatomagmatically derived diatremes and that phreatomagmatic explosions did not oc-
water content. Other diatremes containing lahars interbed- cur at these depths despite the fact that the rising magma
ded in subsided pyroclastic beds are the diatremes of the should have contacted groundwater in sufficient quantities.
Midland Valley, Scotland (Leys 1982) and the Montosa During formation of a volcanic island, explosive inter-
maar/diatreme in New Mexico (Aubele et al. 1978). action between the rising magma and external water (sea
The diameter of the underlying diatreme grows simul- water or glacial meltwater) occurs usually at a depth of less
taneously with the enlargement of the maar. Therefore, the than 200-300 m below sea or lake level (Fisher and
diameter of the ring fault surrounding the diatreme has to Schmincke 1984). Thus, the magma erupts explosively
enlarge or, more likely, new and larger ringfaults are only at pressures below a certain confining pressure, i. e.
established consecutively. Camus (1975) shows maars in approximately 20-30 bars, whereas at greater water depth
cross-section with a series of hypothetical ring faults contact between magma and sea or lake water usually leads
beneath the crater floor. Hearn (1968) shows a series offing to formation of pillow lavas. In experiments on molten salt
faults surrounding the Montana diatremes. In those dia- and metallic melts interacting explosively with water
tremes, a thick sequence of bedded pyroclastic rocks is sur- (Fr6hlich 1978), a confining pressure barrier of about
rounded by a collar of subsided country rocks. Within this 20-30 bars is found (Hohmann et al. 1982; Fr6hlich,
collar rocks from the highest stratigraphic levels are personal communication 1984). Up to this pressure,
nearest to the centre of the diatreme and rocks from in- melt/water interactions leading to water vapour explosions
creasingly deep stratigraphic levels subsided increasingly occur rather easily or can be triggered easily (e. g. by a
less and lie closer to the diatreme wall. The country rocks shock wave). Above this pressure, it is more difficult to
are not present in their original thickness but as a con- achieve explosive interaction, and higher trigger energies
densed section with only part of the original thicknesses must be applied. The reason for this pressure barrier seems
preserved between a series of ring faults. to be that, at pressures below 20-30 bars, water vapour has
270 Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes

a much larger specific volume than at higher pressures surface right from the beginning of their eruptive activity.
(Kennedy and Holser 1966); consequently, hot water at Such a deep original level of explosions is difficult to con-
high temperature and pressure can expand explosively into ceive with phreatomagmatic water vapour explosions, be-
steam only at rather low confining pressures. cause at these depths, assuming normal groundwater con-
If confining pressure controls the level of explosive in- ditions with a water table close to the Earth's surface, the
teraction between magma and water, then downward hydrostatic pressure of the groundwater is close to the criti-
penetration of the diatreme root with time may reflect cal pressure of water. At these depths, no explosive expan-
simultaneous downward migration of the level at which the sion of water of high temperature, and high pressure into
confining pressure is about 20-30 bars. The problem now steam of low density and large volume with resulting large
arises as to how such a migration of the confining pressure transport capacity and velocity will therefore be possible as
from about 200-300 m below the surface down to depths of long as the confining pressure is high.
2000-2500 m is possible. 3. Many diatremes are located on dykes which are cut by
Groundwater is usually available only in limited quan- the diatreme wall (Fig. 6); thus, the diatremes are con-
tities, either as pore water or as joint water on hydraulically sidered younger than these dykes (Clement 1982; Lorenz
active zones of structural weakness. During explosive in- 1986). The close spatial relationship clearly points to a
teraction between rising magma and groundwater, a certain genetic relationship. The frequent location of the diatreme
amount of the groundwater participates in the eruptions, of on the dyke where the dyke intersects a zone of structural
course, and leaves the system as steam. The amount of weakness suggests that the magma in the dyke fissure en-
groundwater lost during the explosions will not always be countered groundwater within the zone of structural weak-
replenished fast enough to keep the confining pressure of ness and thus only locally erupted phreatomagmatically.
20-30 bars at a specific depth below the surface. If ground- As the diatreme cleanly cuts the precursor dyke over a cer-
water is not replenished rapidly, a cone of depression forms tain depth range, it seems highly probable that the diatreme
within the groundwater and the 20-30 bar isobaric surface penetrated downward and, therefore, intersected the dyke
is lowered to slightly greater depth, Magma can then inter- over the given depth range (Fig. 7).
act explosively with groundwater at a slightly greater depth 4. Many diatremes contain a very high proportion of sub-
than previously, and the diatreme root consequently pene- sided bedded pyroclastic rocks in their upper and middle
trates downward by fragmentation and ejection of new wall- levels (e. g. the Montana diatremes (Hearn 1968), the
rocks (Fig. 5). Midland Valley diatremes (Francis 1970: Leys 1982), the
If pressure-controlled downward penetration of dia- Saar-Nahe diatremes of southwest Germany (Lorenz
treme roots could not occur, then deep diatremes would 1971), or the Sydney Basin diatremes (Crawford et al.
have their roots at levels of 2000-2500 m below the original 1980) and the Botswana kimberlite Orapa and Jwaneng

Fig. 5. Schematic drawing showing evo-

1500m lution of a maar-diatreme volcano by
confining pressure control assuming re-
stricted availability of groundwater and
thus formation of a cone of depression
during phreatomagmatic activity. Be-
cause of hydrostatic pressure depen-
Naar with take dance of the water vapour explosions -- a
confining pressure barrier of about
ndwater table 20-30 bars is a s s u m e d - - t h e diatreme
penetrates downward with time, leading
potentially to a diatreme 2000-2500 m
atreme deep. X gives assumed maximum depth
of groundwater column on water vapour
explosion site. After the eruptions cease,
the groundwater table may restore itself
to the original levels, usually leading to
formation of a maar lake
Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes 271

ing relationship could be the result of downward pene-

Fracture zone tration of the diatreme root. The deepest pyroclastic rocks
II might have been closest to the explosion site for the longest
ii period of time and might have subsided furthest. Thus, it is
mber[ite diatreme to be expected that their bedding features are largely lost.
On the other hand, the bedded tuffs in higher levels in many
~ ~ Kimbertite - dyke diatremes would have subsided the smallest amount and
thus would be expected to be less disturbed. The scarcity
of large subsided slabs of wallrocks depends in part on their
rock mechanical parameters (soft rocks, hard rocks:
Lorenz 1986) and probably in part also on the diatreme
penetration process. If a diatreme penetrates by consecu-
1 tive lowering of the level of explosions, then initially not
il very many wallrocks were located above this level of explo-
Fig. 6. Relationship between some kimberlite diatremes (filled with clas- sion. Deepening of the diatreme leads to fragmentation and
tic rocks) and associated igneous kimberlite dykes (called precursor dyke; ejection of the wallrock clasts so that only a relatively small
Clement 1982). The diatreme is located where the dyke intersects a zone volume of large slabs and wallrocks will subside leaving a
of structural weakness. The diatreme is assumed to have formed where collar surrounding the bedded pyroclastic rocks, as in the
magma rising within the dyke fissure intersected groundwater circulating
Montana diatremes (Hearn 1968). This process, however,
within the zone of structural weakness at the time of volcanism. For com-
parison see Fig. 7 is not well understood.
5. Within many diatremes there exist late intrusive dykes
and plugs which may or may not have reached the floor of
diatremes (Fig. 1). Further down, as indicated by the the maar and caused formation of a scoria cone or a lava
South African kimberlite diatremes at and near Kimber- l a k e - - or an extrusive dome or spine in the case of inter-
ley, the diatremes still contain a very large proportion of mediate to acid magmas. The rise of magma within the
pyroclastic rocks but evidence of primary bedding is diatreme is suggestive of lack of sufficient groundwater
scant. In addition, large slabs of subsided wallrocks rarely during the final part of magma rise along the feeder dyke.
make up a small proportion of diatreme rocks. This intrigu- Groundwater influx obviously could not provide the ex-

1. f o r m a t i o n of
scoria c o n e s
J from a fissure
Fig, 7. Schematic vertical and hori-
zontal sections along a volcanic sys-
tem with scoria cones and a maar
fed from the same dyke system. The
Bad Bertrich volcanic system of the
Westeifel volcanic field (Lorenz and
Biichel 1980a) has been taken as ba-
2. f o r m a t i o n of
sis for this diagram. Formation of a
maQr maar followed formation of the sco-
ria cones when magma rose within
the dyke fissure into a hydraulically
active zone of structural weakness
level of (represented at the surface by a val-
-- h o r i z o n t a l cut ley) and contacted groundwater. If
for instance 300 m of surface rocks
were to be eroded, a map would show
the volcanic system as a dyke system
with a diatreme located where the
Jl f r Q c t u r e zone dyke intersects a zone of structural
1 weakness. Thus, in the Eifel, erosion
horizontal cut . .~..~,2 would lead to a dyke-diatreme rela-
through dyke-diatreme tionship as is found in the kimberlite
system diatremes and dykes in South Africa
,I (see Fig. 6)
272 Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes

plosion site within the diatreme root with water fast

enough to keep the eruptions explosive. Continued magma
rise, therefore, occurred without magma/groundwater in-
teraction. Thus the system had "run dry" finally.
At a number of diatreme fields, diatremes penetrated a Root zone
sedimentary sequence which probably provided the
groundwater and then terminated downward within the
rather dry basement. Examples are the kimberlite dia-
tremes of South Africa (Karroo sediments above basement) Fig. 9. Schematicdiagramofa tuffring and its supposedshallowdiatreme.
A shallowdiatreme is assumedbecausetuff ring ejecta usually contain
and the Swabian diatremes (Mesozoic and Permian sedi- less than 5 % of countryrockclastsonly. Diameter(1 kin) and height (150
ments above basement (Lorenz 1982b)). It seems conceiva- m) of the drawntuffring are takenfromthe Hverl]alltuff ring in northern
ble that the diatremes could not be supplied fast enough Iceland
with groundwater from the sedimentary cover of the base-
ment and thus finally "ran dry" after downward penetra-
tion into the dry basement rocks (Fig. 8). amounts of external water participating in their eruptions.
6. The model of confining pressure control on the explo- Camus et al. (1981) suggested that tuff rings form in shallow
sivity of maars can also be used to explain the differences water bodies such as shallows seas or lakes. However, they
between maars and tuff rings as defined above (Fig. 9). As also form in other water-rich environments such as coastal
country rock clasts make up only 1%-5 % of their ejected reefs or alluvial plains and fluviatile gravel beds (Lorenz
pyroclasts, a tuff ring cannot have a deep diatreme beneath 1986). The availability of large amounts of water to replen-
its crater. The occurrence of vesicle-poor juvenile clasts, ish the explosion site probably prevents lowering of the
of frequently many accretionary lapilli and vesiculated confining pressure of water during ongoing eruptions and,
tuffs (Lorenz 1974) points to the availability of large therefore, the diatreme root cannot penetrate far downward
from its initial shallow depth. A typical example is Surtsey,
which erupted very little country rock clasts from the sea
. ' . " . " , " . " . " . ' . " . Cover rocks with aquifer(s) floor which is at a depth of 130 m below sea level. Thus ac-
. . . . . . . . and groundwater table
cording to this model of pressure-controlled diatreme
X X X X X X X X Basement, rather dry
penetration, large quantities of external water prevent dia-
XXXXXXX treme penetration, with the consequence that no deep dia-
tremes should have formed in deep marine or deep lake
_ _ e,2
• . _-'-,, ¢,:-'-.--.--.--
Magma / groundwater interaction
at shatlow depth 7. This growth model for maars and diatremes is based on
Formation of cone of depression
the assumption that a confining pressure barrier of usually
X X X iYi X X X 20-30 bars controls deepening of diatremes and thus con-
x x x/x x x trols the growth of maars. It is suggested that lack of water
causes termination of maar-diatreme formation and intru-
sion of the diatreme by rising magma. On the other hand,
Continued interaction:
further deepening of cone it is also suggested that availability of too much external
of depression water prevents diatreme penetration, but could result in
XxXxXxXI XxXxXxX formation of a tuff ring. Thus, a critical magma/water ratio
is apparently required for the formation of maar-diatreme
volcanoes. (Very high or very low magma/groundwater ra-
tios are likely to suppress phreatomagmatic maar-diatreme
Magma finally "RUNS DRY" construction).
• i ::}'-. ; i• A critical magma/water ratio for the formation of
XxXxX~XxXx X maars is also advocated by Wohletz and McQueen (1984),
who investigated thermite melt/water interactions under
variable melt/water ratios. For maar-type explosions they
,:.-- _ favour a melt/water ratio of 3:1, whereas for explosions lead-
T ~ Without interaction magma rises ing to formation oftuffrings a ratio of 1:1 is favoured. Thus,
and forms lava lake or scoria cone
XxXx x XxXxX Watertable restores itself the experimental studies are suitable for explaining
the different types of phreatomagmatic volcanoes, the criti-
cal magma/water ratio advocated for formation of
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of penetrative diatreme evolution in areas
where sedimentaryrocks with one or severalaquifers overlierather dry maar-diatreme volcanoes, and their growth by diatreme
basement rocks penetration in areas of limited availability of groundwater.
Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes 273

Conclusions phreatomagmatism and related aspects with colleagues and friends from
many institutions. At Mainz the model for the growth of maars and dia-
1. Maars and their subsurface feeder structures, i. e. dia- tremes presented here has been discussed with G. Biichel and B.
tremes, form by water vapour explosions when magma of Zimanowski. G. Fr6hlich, Stuttgart, contributed very much in discus-
sions on water vapour explosions. Kimberlite maars and diatremes were
any chemistry contacts groundwater close to the Earth's
extensively discussed in the field with R. Clement, J. Bristow, B. Haw-
surface. thorne, J. Robey, M. Skinner, and M. de Witt. The Montosa maar/dia-
2. The longer the duration of explosive activity (days to treme in New Mexico was shown to the author by J. C. Aubele and L. S.
months), the larger the diameter and depth of the maar Crumpler. W. Rose, J.T. Gutmann, and Craig B. Smith reviewed the
craters, the thicker their ejecta rims, and the larger the di- manuscript. Their help is gratefully acknowledged. Financial support for
the study on maars, tuff rings and diatremes was granted over the years by
ameter and the depth of the associated diatremes.
the University of Mainz and its Department of Earth Sciences, the Max-
3. The growth of maars and diatremes is related to: (a) ex- Planck-Institute in Mainz, DAAD and DFG, NASA, and DeBeers of
plosive fragmentation of the wallrocks at the level of explo- South Africa.
sions, ejection of these wallrock clasts, and consequent col-
lapse of the overlying wallrocks and already deposited
pyroclastic beds; (b) to lowering of the level of explosive
magma/groundwater interaction and thus downward
penetration of the diatremes.
Aubele JC, Crumpler LS, Loeber KN, Kudo AM (1978) Maars and tuff
4. Similar to the situation in submarine and subglacial vol- rings of New Mexico. New Mexico Geol Soc Spec, 6:109-114
canism, the level of water vapour explosions is restricted to Biichel G (1984) Die Maare im Vulkanfeld der Westeifel, ihr geo-
hydrostatic pressures of usually less than 20-30 bars. physikalischer Nachweis, ihr Alter und ihre Beziehung zur Tektonik
5. Downward penetration of diatremes is possibly only der Erdkruste. Dr rer nat thesis (unpublished), Joh Gutenberg-
Universitht Mainz
when this ambient pressure is displaced downward, i. e.
Camus G (1975) La Chaine des Puys (Massif Central fran~ais). Etude
because of the eruptions a cone of depression forms within structurale et volcanologique. Th~se, Ann l'Univ Clermont-Fd, Sdr
the groundwater. This is typical for the case of ordinary G6ol Min4ral, Fasc 27
groundwater situations. Camus G, Boivin P, Goer de Herv6 A, Gourgaud A, Kieffer G, Mergoil
6. In environments with a low magma/water ratio, e. g. in J, Vincent PM (1981) Le Capelinhos (Faial, Agores) vingt ans apr~s
son 6ruption: le modNe eruptiv "surtseyeff' et les anneanx de tufs
shallow marine, lake, and fluviatile environments, enough
hyaloelastiques. Bull Volcanol 44:31-42
water replenishes the explosion site, so that no cone of Clement CR (1982) A comparative study of some major kimberlite pipes
depression forms. Instead of a maar, a tuff ring volcano in the Northern Cape and Orange Free State. Ph D thesis (unpublish-
forms. ed), University of Cape Town, Cape Town
Crawford E, Herbert C, Taylor G, Helby R, Morgan R, Ferguson J (1980)
Diatremes of the Sydney basin. N S W Geol Surv Bull 26:294-323
Suggested studies Einarsson T (1963) Askja-Ausbruch 1961 and Askja-Caldera in Island.
Naturwiss Rundsch 8:302-306
1. The growth of maars should be studied in future maar Fisher RV, Schmincke H-U (1984) Pyroclastic rocks. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg New York Tokyo
eruptions, as only such syn-eruptive studies will provide Fisher RV, Waters AC 1970, Base surge bed forms in maar volcanoes. Am
undisputable data. J Sci 268:157-180
2. The growth of Quaternary and Tertiary maars should be Francis EH (1970) Bedding in Scottish (Fifeshire) tuffpipes and its rele-
studied especially in such areas where there is a well- vance to maars and calderas. Bull Volcanol 34:697-712
known country-rock stratigraphy with distinct lithological Fr6hlich G (1978) Dampfexplosionen dureh Kontakt zwischen Wasser und
heil3en Schmelzen. Chem Ing Technik 50:861~866
beds. Only then will it be possible to find out if wallrock Hearn BC Jr (1968) Diatremes with kimberlitic affinities in north-central
clasts from deeper and deeper stratigraphic beds only show Montana. Science 159:622-625
up in consecutively later ejecta beds. Henk A (1984) Zur Geologie und Geophysik des Meerfelder Maares und
3. The study of the growth relationships should include in- seiner Umgebung/Westeifel. Dipl thesis (unpublished), Joh
Gutenberg-Universitfit Mainz, Mainz
vestigation of the Bouguer anomaly of the diatremes in
Hohmann H, Kottowsld H, Sehins H, Henry RF (1982) Experimental in-
order to work out the diameter/depth systematics. vestigations of spontaneous and triggered vapour explosions in the
4. Investigations of tuff rings should be initiated as their molten salt/water system. Meeting on Thermal Nuclear Reactor
systematics and diatreme structures are less well known Safety, Chicago, August 29-September 2, 1982. Proc Int 2:962-971
than those of maars. Kennedy GC, Holser WT (1966) Pressure - volume - temperature and
phase relations of water and carbon dioxide. Handbook of Physical
5. Kimberlite and carbonatite maars and diatremes should
Constants. Geol Soc Am Mere 97:372-390
be investigated in order to find out to what extent their Kienle I, Kyle PR, Self S, Motyka RJ, Lorenz V (1980) b3dnrek Maars,
mode of formation is identical to that of other maars and Alaska. I. April 1977 eruption sequence, petrology, and tectonic set-
diatremes. ring. J Volcanol geotherm Res 7:11-37
Leys CA (1982) Volcanic and sedimentary processes in phreatomagmatic
Acknowledgements.This paper is based on studies ofmaars, tuff rings and volcanoes. Ph D thesis (unpublished), University of Leeds, Leeds
diatremes in Britain, France, Germany, Iceland, southern Africa, and the Lorenz V (1971)Collapse structures in the Permian of the Saar-Nahe area,
USA. It has greatly benefited from discussions on the subject of Southwest Germany. Geol Rundsch 60:924-948
274 Lorenz: On the growth of maars and diatremes

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