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Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243

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Enhancing bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils by controlling nutrient

dispersion using dual characteristics of soil pore structure
Yasushi Mori a,∗ , Atsushi Suetsugu a , Yuko Matsumoto b , Atsushi Fujihara b , Kosuke Suyama b
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, Matsue, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soil structure is heterogeneous with cracks or macropores allowing bypass flow, which may lead to applied
Received 26 April 2012 chemicals avoiding interaction with soil particles or the contaminated area. We investigated the biore-
Received in revised form 26 August 2012 mediation efficiency of oil-contaminated soils by applying suction at the bottom of soil columns during
Accepted 1 December 2012
bioremediation. Unsaturated flow conditions were investigated so as to avoid bypass flow and achieve
Available online 7 January 2013
sufficient dispersion of chemicals in the soil column. The boundary conditions at the bottom of the soil
columns were 0 kPa (saturated flow) and −3 kPa (unsaturated flow), and were applied to a volcanic ash soil
with and without macropores. Unsaturated flow was achieved with −3 kPa and an injection rate of 1/10
Oil contaminated soils
of the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The resultant biological activities of the effluent increased dra-
Unsaturated zone matically in the unsaturated flow with macropores condition. Unsaturated conditions prevented bypass
Bypass flow flow and allowed dispersion of the injected nutrients. Unsaturated flow achieved 60–80% of saturation,
Solute transport which enhanced biological activity in the soil column. Remediation results were better for unsaturated
conditions because of greater biological activity. Also, unsaturated flow with macropores achieved even
remediation efficiency from upper through lower positions in the column. Finally, taking the applied
solution volume into consideration, unsaturated flow with −3 kPa achieved a 10 times higher efficiency
when compared with conventional saturated flow application. These results suggest that effective use of
nutrients or remediation chemicals is possible by avoiding bypass flow and enhancing biological activity
using relatively simple and inexpensive techniques.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction after soil excavation or soil vapor extraction can be applied (U.S.
EPA, 1988). At lower concentrations, many physical/chemical civil
Soils are an important environmental resource, along with air engineering techniques are not cost-effective, because most of the
and water. They affect not only the global hydrologic cycle, but contaminants remain in small micropores. In these cases, biore-
also regional water environments. Environmentally sound water mediation is a promising site treatment tool (Balba et al., 1998),
and solute circulation in watersheds is desirable for conservation, and its application to the removal of pollutants is typically less
protection and recovery of the natural environment in regional expensive than other civil engineering methods (Russell, 1992).
societies. In recent years, various regulations, such as the Soil Con- Bioremediation enhances the degradation process by injecting air
tamination Countermeasures Act (Ministry of the Environment, or nutrients, or even cultured microbes that are specific for cer-
Japan, 2002) and CERCLA (U.S. EPA, 1980) were established to tain degradation processes (Vidali, 2001). It has less impact on the
protect the soil environment and prevent soil contamination by environment and enables degradation of hazardous compounds to
environmentally toxic chemicals. innocuous by-products (Vidali, 2001). In situ bioremediation tech-
If soils are contaminated by oil or volatile organic compounds, niques have major advantages in the remediation of contaminated
effective remediation is sometimes challenging. When the con- soil and groundwater because they do not require site excavation
centration of contaminants is relatively high, ex situ treatment (U.S. EPA, 1990).
The success of bioremediation of contaminated soils depends
on how much chemical solution is conducted into the finer pores
where the contaminants are usually located. However, the soil
∗ Corresponding author at: Graduate School of Environmental Science, Okayama
pore structure is heterogeneous, and macropores or cracks may
University, 3-1-1 Tsushimanaka, Okayama 700-8530, Japan. Tel.: +81 86 251 8875;
fax: +81 86 251 8875. rapidly conduct water flow below the remediation zone (Beven
E-mail address: (Y. Mori). and Germann, 1982), in contrast to Darcy’s law (Darcy, 1856)

0925-8574/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243

and Richards equation (Richards, 1931). Soil macropore networks

establish a dual-domain type of transport in which water and
solutes are preferentially channeled through soil macropores,
while slowly diffusing into and out of the bulk soil matrix (Gerke
and van Genuchten, 1993; Köhne and Mohanty, 2005). There are
reports that elucidate the role of macropores in solute transport
(Natsch et al., 1996; Pivetz and Steenhuis, 1995; Ronkanen and
Klove, 2009). However, generally it is a challenge to control solute
transport in soils so that applied chemicals are delivered into
desired positions.
The motivation for this study was the need for solute transport
control in soils with macropores, where bypass flow is likely to be
dominant, with a consequent high risk of bioremediation failure.
Engineers at remediation sites sometimes inject nutrients into the
ground at high rates. However, most of the injected materials will
not undergo bioremediation because of bypass flow. In this context,
it is fundamental to study and utilize the natural structure of soils
in order to achieve environmentally sound remediation.
Convection and dispersion are fundamental processes under-
pinning solute transport in porous media, which governs the
distribution of solutes in soils (Ishiguro, 1992; Toride et al., 2003). If
dispersion is sufficiently developed in a soil column, solutes will be
well distributed and breakthrough curves will show a normal dis-
tribution. On the contrary, if solute transport in soils is governed by
structure-induced bypass flow, dispersion will not be well devel-
oped in the soil column and bypass flow will deliver the solutes
through the soil without interaction with most of the soil body Fig. 1. Experimental setup for the biostimulation experiments.
(Kutilek and Nielsen, 1994).
In a previous report (Mori and Higashi, 2009), we introduced
solutes to the soil matrix and successfully enhanced dispersion,
even in soils with macropores, while avoiding bypass flow. Bimodal 10.0 cm) to give bulk densities of 0.90 cm3 cm−3 that simulated nat-
distribution in the breakthrough curve (bypass flow dominant) for ural conditions. The columns were placed in pressure cells with
a macroporous soil column was greatly changed to a normal dis- membrane filters at the bottom. The experimental setup is shown
tribution (matrix flow dominant), when a suction of −3 kPa and an in Fig. 1.
infiltration rate of 1/10 of the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) Two columns contained only micropores with no macropores.
were applied. Application of this technique to contaminated soils In the other two soil columns, seven vertical macropores (simulat-
could deliver chemicals to desired locations within the soil profile. ing a natural field soil) were artificially created by gently pushing
Moreover, if control could be achieved by using a simple technique, a stainless steel rod of 1 mm diameter into the soils following the
it would be beneficial for cost effective remediation. technique of Mori and Higashi (2009). The macropores were suffi-
In this study, biostimulation was applied to oil-contaminated ciently small that they were not visible from the surface. Physical
soils to investigate the effect of structural differences on bioreme- properties of the soil columns with and without the macropores
diation. Cutting oil was used as the contaminant as it is frequently are shown in Table 1. Saturated hydraulic conductivities were mea-
used for lubrication in industrial processes (Shashidhara and sured using the constant head method (Klute and Dirksen, 1986).
Jayaram, 2010) and contamination by it is often found in the vadose After saturation with distilled water, samples were drained by
zone (unsaturated zone) (Hillel, 1998). Macropore structure is more applying gravitational pressure to the bottom of the tubes using an
often the rule than the exception in the unsaturated vadose zone outlet tube. Nutrients were then applied to the top of the columns
and thus the effect of soil structure needs to be carefully exam- for 30 days. The applied pressure and infiltration intensity were
ined. The two objectives of this study were to examine differences 0 kPa and 1.4 × 10−4 cm s−1 , respectively, for the saturated infiltra-
in biological activity by changing the soil structure and controlling tion conditions, and −3 kPa and 1.4 × 10−5 cm s−1 , respectively, for
the infiltration process, and to examine how to obtain cost-effective the unsaturated infiltration conditions. The four columns were con-
conditions for biostimulation in structured soils where macropores sidered to represent unsaturated or saturated flow with or without
are predominant. macropores.

2. Materials and methods Table 1

Physical properties of the examined soils.
2.1. Soils
Soil Kuroboku soil (Andisol)

Bioremediation experiments were conducted using four soil Pore structure w/o macropores w/ macropores
Particle density (Mg m−3 ) 2.59 2.59
columns containing a Kuroboku soil (a volcanic ash soil) from Porosity (m3 m−3 ) 0.654 0.654
Shimane, Japan. Soils were sampled from depths of 30–50 cm. Con- Macro-porosity (m3 m−3 ) 0 0.003
taminated soils were prepared by mixing the soil with cutting oil Ks (cm s−1 ) 1.40 × 10−5 1.43 × 10−4
at a concentration of 5000 mg kg−1 to enable effective observation Bulk density (Mg m−3 ) 0.90 0.90
of the bioremediation processes. Four repacked soil columns were Macroporosity: the volume of macropores (d > 75 ␮m) in a soil sample divided by
prepared in small stainless steel columns (diameter 5.0 cm, height the bulk volume of the sample (after Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 1996).
Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243 239

Table 2 emits fluorescence, which was measured by spectrophotometry at

Constituents of injected nutrients.
490 nm.
Anions Concentrations (mg/L) Cations Concentrations (mg/L) Fujihara et al. (2010) developed the FDA hydrolysis method
NO3 −
99.43 NH4 +
134.28 for measuring biological activity in effluent solutions. The effluent
PO4 3− 344.25 K+ 117.56 solution needed to be incubated at 25 ◦ C to obtain clear differ-
SO4 2− 0.61 Mg2+ 0.81 ences in FDA hydrolysis activity, since the bacterial population in
Cl− 4.21 Ca2+ 0.77 the effluent was small and differences were hard to distinguish.
Na+ 3.50
Fujihara et al. (2010) showed that fluorescence linearly increased
with incubation over 48 h. Thus we incubated the solution for 24 h
at 25 ◦ C so that we could obtain sufficient fluorescent intensity at
2.2. Biostimulation experiments 490 nm.
The FDA hydrolysis activity method was also applied to the soil
A micro quantifying pump (AP-2250, Advantec, Tokyo, Japan) sample after the biostimulation experiment as described in Section
was used for nutrient injection. Nutrient solutions with an N:P:K 2.2.
ratio of 1:2:1 were prepared for the biostimulation experiments
(Table 2). To prevent damage to the soil surface from the impact
2.5. EC measurement
of water drops, nylon mesh was placed over the samples. To main-
tain a constant pressure head at the bottom boundary, an outlet
Characteristics of effluent solute transport were observed. If the
tube was placed 5 cm below the bottom (−0.5 kPa) for the satu-
dynamics of solute transport are different, the resultant effluent EC
rated flow condition and 35 cm (−3.5 kPa) below the bottom for
fluctuations will be different. A Wenner array of four-electrode EC
the unsaturated flow condition. Hydraulic resistance at the bottom
sensors was installed at the middle of the drainage tubes to monitor
of the pressure cell was 0.5 kPa, and the resultant suctions at the
effluent EC fluctuations (see Fig. 1 for the detail).
bottom of the soil samples were 0 kPa for saturated flow and −3 kPa
for unsaturated flow, respectively.
Solute transport was carried out under steady state condi- 2.6. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel
tions. Because of the water saturation dependence of hydraulic electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE)
conductivity in soils, the resultant achieved outflow rates were
1.4 × 10−4 cm s−1 for saturated flow and 1.4 × 10−5 cm s−1 for the To understand microbial community shifts in the biostimula-
−3 kPa unsaturated flow conditions. These rates corresponded well tion experiments, PCR-DGGE analysis of soil DNA samples from
with field values of saturated and unsaturated hydraulic con- the oil-contaminated and the uncontaminated soils was conducted.
ductivity values at −3 kPa (Mori and Higashi, 2009). The room Twenty grams of each soil sample was incubated with continuous
temperature was maintained at 25 ◦ C. shaking in 100-mL of the nutrient solution. Samples were dupli-
At the conclusion of the experiments, the experimental systems cated for each treatment. The concentration of the cutting oil in
were taken apart and soil samples were collected by depth from each soil sample was 2.5% (w/w). The soil DNA samples were pre-
the upper, middle, and lower parts of the column. Water content, pared by using an ISOIL for Beads Beating kit (NIPPON GENE Co.,
FDA hydrolysis activity, and residual oil weight were measured. The Ltd). The primer set of the PCR was F338GC and 907r (Huong et al.,
hexane extraction method (Central Environmental Council, 2006) 2008) for amplification of the V3-V5 region of 16S ribosomal RNA
was used for estimating the residual oil weight. All soil volumes genes. Primer F338GC included a GC clamp at the 5 end. Other con-
were used for residual oil weight measurement to avoid uncer- ditions for the PCR followed those described by Huong et al. (2008).
tainty arising from the small sampling volumes. The amplification products were electrophoresed in 6% polyacryl-
amide gel at 65 V and 333 K for 21 h. The denaturing gradient was
from 30% to 75% (7 mol L−1 urea and 40% formamide mixture was
2.3. X-ray radiography of infiltration process standardized as the 100% denaturing solution). TAE buffer (40 mM
Tris–Cl, 20 mM acetic acid, 1 mM Na2 EDTA) was used for the elec-
X-ray radiography was undertaken according to Mori et al. trophoresis. The lanes in DGGE were duplicated for each treatment.
(1999a,b). X-ray images were taken during both the saturated and
unsaturated infiltration experiments for the macropore columns,
3. Results and discussion
which were conducted separately from the bioremediation exper-
iments with the soils packed in low density acrylic columns rather
3.1. X-ray radiography during the infiltration process
than the high density stainless columns to obtain clear images.
Methylene iodide (CH2 I2 ) was used as a contrast agent to obtain
Fig. 2 shows the flow paths highlighted by the contrast agent.
clear images. It was applied drop-wise onto the soil surface during
The two radiographs were obtained from the same soil, and show
the experiments.
the differences in flow domains during saturated flow and −3 kPa
unsaturated flow. Black areas correspond to the imbibed water
2.4. FDA hydrolysis activity method pathways. The vertical, straight flow paths in the left figure (sat-
urated flow) denote the bypass flow induced by the artificial
Effluent was collected each day and biological activity was macropores, while they disappear when unsaturated flow occurred
measured using the FDA hydrolysis activity method. Fluorescein because matrix (micropore) flow was dominant in these condi-
diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis is a non-specific reaction that repre- tions. The same process was successfully achieved here as reported
sents esterase activity, involving proteases, esterases and lipases. by Mori and Higashi (2009), with bypass flow being dominant
These enzymes are usually found in the biodegradation processes in saturated flow conditions, and matrix flow being dominant in
of organic materials. Microbial degradation activity was deter- unsaturated flow conditions. Nutrients would be expected to be
mined by measuring FDA hydrolysis, following the methodology delivered to finer pores in the convection and dispersion process.
described by Schnurer and Rosswall (1982). Fluorescein diacetate Thus contaminants present in the finer pores would be expected to
is hydrolyzed into fluorescein by carboxyl esterase. Fluorescein be effectively degraded by microbes.
240 Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243

Fig. 2. X-ray radiography under different suction controls. White straight lines at the left figure show macropore-induced bypass flow. Photos were taken at soil surface to
5 cm depth.

3.2. Biostimulation experiments with the FDA hydrolysis activity


The results of biostimulation experiments with the FDA hydrol-

ysis activity method for effluent are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3
(upper) shows effluent volume measurements during the bios-
timulation experiments. Flow rates were successfully controlled
for one month during the bioremediation experiment at 240
and 24 ml day−1 corresponding to flow rates of 1.4 × 10−4 and
1.4 × 10−5 cm s−1 , respectively. Nutrient injection was controlled
at about 1/10 of the saturated hydraulic conductivity, which
maintained the unsaturated boundary condition. These rates corre-
sponded well with hydraulic conductivity values for undisturbed
macroporous field soils at 0 (saturated flow) and −3 kPa suction
(unsaturated flow), respectively (Mori and Higashi, 2009).
Most of the columns, except for the case of saturated flow
without macropores, maintained a stable outflow rate during the
experiments. The column corresponding to saturated flow without
macropores showed a decrease in effluent volume (Fig. 3) and sur-
face ponding was observed after several days. It never recovered to
the original drainage rate.
Fig. 3 (lower) shows biological activity in the effluent water
during the biostimulation experiments. Generated fluorescein did
not show significant differences until 16 days had elapsed, after
which fluorescein activity markedly increased day by day under
the condition of unsaturated flow with macropores. Fig. 2 sug-
gests that, under unsaturated flow conditions, nutrients were
successfully delivered into the finer pores by dispersion processes
accompanying matrix flow, while avoiding bypass flow. Even solute
distribution in the soil columns was achieved regardless of the pore
There were clear characteristics of an increasing trend of
biological activity, in which fluctuations were observed. There
was a generally increasing trend for the unsaturated flow with
macropores condition, but biological activity sometimes returned
to base line values during the overall increasing trend. Possi-
Fig. 3. Effluent volume (upper) and biological activity (lower) in the effluent during
ble mechanisms for this are unclear. However, with increased the bioremediation experiments after Fujihara et al. (2010).
microbial biomass, they may develop colonies and biofilms along
the soil pores, which may form and disappear from time to The observed biological activity in the FDA hydrolysis assay was
time. Alternatively, microbes involved in this bio-remediation may confirmed by the nucleotide-based PCR-DGGE analysis. The results
change their family groups, causing fluctuations in microbiological of PCR-DGGE analysis of the oil-contaminated and uncontaminated
activity. soils showed some specific bands induced by the oil-contamination
Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243 241

Fig. 5. EC fluctuations in the effluent solutions.

3.4. Water content distribution and biological activity in the soils

Fig. 6 shows water content distribution and FDA hydrolysis

Fig. 4. DGGE banding pattern of amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments from biostim-
activity in the soil columns at the conclusion of the experiments.
ulated soils. Lanes were duplicated for each sample.
Biological activity is considered to be enhanced at water contents of
0.6–0.8 of saturation (Nishio, 1989). For the saturated column with-
out macropores, water content exceeded saturation (Fig. 6), with
ponding observed at the soil surface during the experiment, and
treatment (Fig. 4). Bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments repre-
Fig. 3 (upper) also showed a trend of decreasing effluent volume per
sented by band (D) and band (E) were selectively amplified in
day, suggesting clogging. On the other hand, the unsaturated flow
the oil-contaminated soil (Fig. 4). This indicated that some oil-
columns showed applicable water contents for bioremediation. For
tolerant bacterial species had increased their population in the
unsaturated flow with macropores, water contents at almost all
oil-contaminated soil. The band (D) had a sequence similarity to
sampled depth positions were appropriate for biological activity.
Rhodococcus erythropolis that has distinctive abilities, including
However, the water content slightly increased toward the surface
hydrocarbon oxidation (Lang and Philp, 1998) and bioflocculant
for unsaturated flow without macropores.
production (Kurane et al., 1995). Hydrocarbon oxidation positively
works for bioremediation while bioflocculant production nega-
tively works for infiltration. In contrast, band (F) and band (G) were
eliminated by the oil contamination (Fig. 4), implying growth inhi-
bition by the oil-contamination treatment. Band (A) and band (B)
were not affected by the oil contamination treatment (Fig. 4). Band
(C) was specifically amplified in the oil-contaminated soil sam-
ples, but the intensity of the bands for duplicated samples was
quite different (Fig. 4). The fluctuation in gene amplification implies
unstable growth conditions for the oil-degrading species in the

3.3. EC measurement

Fig. 5 shows EC fluctuations in the effluent solutions. The satu-

rated flow conditions with and without macropores show different
curves. EC values remained different from the unsaturated flow
conditions even when the horizontal axis was expressed as pore
volume (effluent volume/water content in the soil column). Prob-
ably, bypass flow occurred under saturated flow conditions with
macropores, while clogging occurred under the saturated flow con-
dition without macropores as shown in Fig. 3 (upper). On the other
hand, for unsaturated flow conditions the effluent EC curves were
very similar to each other for the totally different pore structures.
As shown in Fig. 2 and reported by Mori and Higashi (2009), bypass
Fig. 6. Volumetric water content and biological activity in the soil columns after the
flow was effectively prevented and matrix flow successfully con- bioremediation experiments. Vertical lines denote 60, 80 and 100% of soil saturation,
ducted the solutes to the finer pores. while L, M and U denote lower, middle and upper positions in the columns.
242 Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243

Table 3
Amount of nutrients leached out from the column.

NO3 − (mg) PO4 3− (mg)

Unsat. w/o macropore 362 0

Sat. w/o macropore 409 213
Unsat. w/ macropore 290 0
Sat. w/ macropore 2676 526

There was a trend in water content distribution in the

columns, that is, water content increased toward the surface in
the without-macropore column while it decreased in the with-
macropore column. Although the macropore volume (r = 0.05 cm,
length = 10 cm, number = 7, V = 0.55 cm3 ) has minor effects on water
content measurement, the macropore structure affected water
content distribution in the soil profile.
Biological activity in the soil column (Fig. 6 vertical axis) was
relatively high for unsaturated flow compared with saturated flow
conditions. Saturated flow has a risk of bypass flow and resul-
tant nutrient loss, which are shown in Table 3. Unsaturated flow
with macropore conditions showed highest biological activity with
the matrix flow without bypass flow shown in Fig. 2. Unsaturated
Fig. 7. Biological activity in the soil columns after the bioremediation experiments.
flow without macropore conditions probably also had enhanced
L, M and U denote lower, middle and upper positions in the columns.
dispersion, but showed slightly less activity than the unsatu-
rated flow with macropore conditions. Fig. 6 shows an increasing
water content toward the soil surface for unsaturated flow without efficiency for transporting solutes to finer pores, as well as mini-
macropores, which indicates the formation of clogging. mizing clogging.
Bioremediation, which enhances biological activity, also causes Remediation efficiencies were similar under unsaturated con-
increasing microbial numbers with a consequent increased risk of ditions with and without macropores. Macropores sometimes
clogging (Thullner, 2010). Seki et al. (1998) reported rapid bio- seriously affect the bioremediation process because of bypass flow.
clogging formation at the soil surface. If there were macropores However, as long as bypass flow was prevented, similar effective-
through the column, they will avoid clogging, which enables infil- ness was obtained even where there were large differences in
tration over longer times. Also, macropores have advantages for air structure. Also, in this experiment we found that even remedia-
conduction (Pivetz and Steenhuis, 1995). At the beginning of this tion efficiency through the column was achieved with unsaturated
research, we assumed macropores were undesirable because they flow with macropores, and uneven remediation with unsaturated
potentially caused bypass flow and resultant nutrient loss. Thus flow without macropores. We investigated the effect of infiltration
we developed infiltration techniques to avoid bypass flow. When process control on bioremediation over a 1-month period. Tak-
bypass flow was regulated, however, Figs. 3 and 6 suggest that ing into consideration that the soil column without macropores
macroporous structure maintained the designed infiltration rate, showed signs of clogging, while columns containing macropores
kept an appropriate water content without clogging, and probably showed increasing biological activity, it is likely that the observed
worked as pathways for air transport. As long as bypass flow is regu- differences would become more pronounced with longer-term
lated, macropores enhance bioremediation by preventing clogging experiments.
and helping air intrusion. It is easy to imagine that the higher the suction, the less
the chances of bypass flow occurring. Thus it was interesting
and potentially quite beneficial that the simple technique of
3.5. Efficiency of bioremediation

Fig. 7 shows the remediation results for different flow and struc-
ture conditions. As expected from Fig. 6, the unsaturated condition
shows higher remediation results than the saturated flow condi-
tion. Moreover, unsaturated flow with macropores shows even
remediation results throughout the whole column. On the other
hand, soil columns without macropores show uneven remediation
results for each position in the column. This is probably because the
macropore structure avoided clogging, in addition to bypass flow
Finally, bioremediation efficiency was also calculated as the
remediated oil concentration divided by the applied nutrient vol-
ume (Fig. 8). As expected, unsaturated flow conditions showed
higher remediation efficiencies compared with saturated flow con-
ditions. Remediation efficiency was lower under saturated flow
conditions, because large amounts of nutrients leached out from
the column without contributing to biological activation (Table 3).
Also, when saturated flow continued, either bypass flow or risk
of clogging increased. Unsaturated flow therefore provides greater Fig. 8. Remediation efficiency based on applied nutrients.
Y. Mori et al. / Ecological Engineering 51 (2013) 237–243 243

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