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11 Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract(1), You ProbablyDont !

no", #ccordin$ to
%nline Herbal &edical 'iterature!yle  *orton
is a woody vines of the genus Vitis, belong to the family Vitaceae,native
to southern Turkey.A. Quoted From The World Most o!ular "erbs
Grape Seed Extract
is the commercial e#tracts from whole gra!e seeds thatcontains many
concentrations, including vitamin $, flavonoids, linoleic
acid,oligomeric !roanthocyanidins%&'s(, etc..The herb has been used
in traditionalmedicine as antio#idant, anti)inflammatory agents and to
treat skin woundswith less scarring, allergies, macular degeneration,
arthritis, enhance circulationof blood vessels, lower cholesterol, etc.
1 +lcer
in the com!arison of effects of *ra!e +eed $#tract %*+$( and vitamins '
and $on as!irin) and ethanol)induced gastric ulcer and associated
increases of li!id !ero#idation in rats, found that *+$ !rotected against
ethanol)induced gastriculcers more effectively than V' or V$, while its !
rotection against as!irinulcers was com!arable for all treatments. *+$ !
roduced the greatest reductionsof gastric MA in both models,
according to- $ffects of gra!e seed e#tract,vitamin ', and vitamin e on
ethanol) and as!irin)induced ulcers- by 'uevasVM, 'alado /0, *uerra /, /era
A&, es!aigne +1, Ferreiro 0M, Quintana'.%2(
 Pul-onary fibrosis
in assessment of gra!e seed e#tract %*+$( or vitamin $ %Vit $( as
antio#idantsin effecting o#idative stress im!lication in the !athogenesis
of silica)inducedlung fibrosis indicated that according to the results of
this study *+$ couldreduce the fibrogenic effect of silica. "owever3
no synergistic effect wasobserved after co)administration of *+$ and Vit
$, according to -Acom!arative study of gra!e seed e#tract and vitamin $
effects on silica)induced !ulmonary fibrosis in rats- by "emmati AA,
4aari 5, +amei M.%6(
. 'i/er protecti/e effect
7n the observation of the efficacy of methotre#ate %MT8(, a widely
usedcytoto#ic chemothera!eutic agent, and its liver !rotective effect
found that *+$was su!!lemented, no significant changes in blood count !
arameters were

noted. 7t a!!ears that *+$ !rotects the rat liver and inhibits
methotre#ate)induced o#idative stress. These data indicate that *+$ may
be of thera!eutic benefit when used with MT8, according to -0ole of gra!
e seed e#tract onmethotre#ate induced o#idative stress in rat liver-
by 'etin A, 9aynar :,9ocyigit 7, "acioglu +9, +araymen 0, &turk A, +ari
7, +agdic &.%;(
0 #ntioxidant #cti/ity
in the assessment of !henolic content, antio#idant activity of White and
redwines s!iked with green tea e#tract and gra!e seed e#tract found that
the greentea e#tract and gra!e seed e#tract increased antio#idant activity
dose)de!endently and the '0Ts varied considerably between the 9orean
andAustralian grou!s, with 9oreans !referring wines s!iked with green
tea e#tractand Australians showing a !reference for wines s!iked with
gra!e seed e#tract,according to -Total henolic 'ontent, Antio#idant
Activity and 'ross)'ultural'onsumer 0e<ection Threshold in White and
0ed Wines Functionally $nhancedwith 'atechin)0ich- by /oo /1, +alibaA,
renler , 0yan M.%=(
 S2in Photoprotection
7n the study of !oly!henols distributed in !lant foods, such
as, fruits,vegetables, nuts, flowers, bark and seeds, etc., found that the
selected !oly!henols include> green tea !oly!henols, !omegranate fruit
e#tract, gra!eseed !roanthocyanidins, resveratrol, silymarin, genistein
and del!hinidin. Thenew information on the mechanisms of action of
these !oly!henols su!!ortstheir !otential use in skin !hoto!rotection and !
revention of !hotocarcinogenesis in humans, according to -oly!
henols> +kinhoto!rotection and 7nhibition of hotocarcinogenesis-
by Afa? F, 9atiyar +9.%@(
3 4enal 5sche-ia64eperfusion 5n7uries
7n the evaluation of gra!e seed !roanthocyanidin e#tract %*+$( !
rotectsagainst renal 70 in<ury found that *+$ significantly reduced
increases inurea, creatinine and cystatin '3 increased kidney su!ero#ide
dismutase activityand glutathione !ero#idase levels and reduced
malondialdehyde levels. *+$reduced histological renal damage and
nuclear factor)BC activity. These resultssuggest that *+$ reduces renal
dysfunction and in<ury caused by renal 70,according to -*ra!e +eed
roanthocyanidin $#tract 0educes 0enal7schemia0e!erfusion 7n<uries in
0ats- by Wei 0, ing 0, Wang /, Tang :.%D(
8 #nticancers
a. 7n the reviews of *ra!es and gra!e)based !roducts as one such class
ofdietary !roducts and its cancer chemo!reventive !otential, indicated

&verall, com!leted studies from various scientific grou!s conclude that

bothgra!es and gra!e)based !roducts are e#cellent sources of various
anticanceragents and their regular consum!tion should thus be beneficial
to the general !o!ulation, according to -Anticancer and cancerchemo!
reventive !otential ofgra!e seed e#tract and other gra!e)based !roducts-
by 9aur M, Agarwal ',Agarwal 0.%Ea( b. 7n the study of the biological
and chemo!reventive activities of gra!eseed !oly!henols and its
inhibition of either initiation or !romotion!rogressionstages of
carcinogenesis found that suggest that the chemo!reventive activity of !
oly!henols e#tracted from seedless gra!ecultivars was as effective as that
ofthe seeded variety and these may have beneficial effects in disease
states,es!ecially cancer, according to -Antitumor)!romoting effects of !
oly!henolice#tracts from seedless and seeded 7ndian gra!es-
by 0amchandani A*,9aribasa!!a *+, akhale ++.%Eb(
9 :olon :ancer
7n the investigation of !oly!henols of gra!e waste and its !rotection
againsthuman diseases related to o#idative stress, such as colorectal
cancer, found thatthe gra!e e#tract has a significant anti!roliferative
effect in a tumor cell line.These data indicate that gra!e e#tract is a !
romising !roduct to be used as ananti)free radical agent and could e#ert a
chemo!reventive action, according to-*ra!e waste e#tract obtained by su!
ercritical fluid e#traction contains bioactive antio#idant molecules and
induces anti!roliferative effects in humancolon adenocarcinoma cells-
by :aM', iala 0, *utiGrre echarromHnF1,
*atIn *arnica , AntolJn 0odrJgue 1M, Fabris 4, Cianchi :.%K(
; Prostate cancer
7n the analying the bioflavonoids from *ra!e seed e#tract %*+$( and
theirseffect on !rostate cancer %'A( found that that *+$ !ossibly
causesmitochondrial damage leading to cytochrome c release in cytosol
and activationof cas!ases resulting in A0 cleavage and e#ecution
of a!o!totic death ofhuman 'A L2=@ cells. Furthermore, *+
$)caused cas!ase ;)mediateda!o!tosis also involves other !athway
%s( including cas!ase  activation,according to -*ra!e seed e#tract
induces a!o!totic death of human !rostatecarcinoma L2=@ cells via
cas!ases activation accom!anied by dissi!ation ofmitochondrial
membrane !otential and cytochrome c release- by Agarwal ',+ingh 0,
Agarwal 0.%(
1< #therosclerosis

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