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9/17/2018 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution - Health Issues - Icopal

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Noxite The Problem Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution

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Nitrogen dioxide is an irritant gas, which at high concentrations
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causes inflammation of the airways.
When nitrogen is released during fuel combustion it combines with 0161 865 4444
oxygen atoms to create nitric oxide (NO). This further combines with Email:
oxygen to create nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitric oxide is not
considered to be hazardous to health at typical ambient Sales Enquiries & Orders
concentrations, but nitrogen dioxide can be. Nitrogen dioxide and
nitric oxide are referred to together as oxides of nitrogen (NOx). See our video on how the 0843 224 7400
Noxite solution depollutes the Fax:
NOx gases react to form smog and acid rain as well as being central built environment 0843 224 7401
to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level ozone, both Email:
of which are associated with adverse health effects..

Sources of NOx Pollution

NOx is produced from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen gases in the air during combustion,
especially at high temperatures. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, such as in large cities, the
amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant. NOx gases
are formed whenever combustion occurs in the presence of nitrogen – e.g. in car engines; they are
also produced naturally by lightning.

NOx emissions in the EU -share of emissions by sector group, 2011

The pie chart below shows that road transport and energy production are the greatest sources of NOx
emissions in the EU during 2011.

Source - European Union emission inventory report 1990–2011 under the UNECE Convention on
Long-range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP)

NOx emitted in the City of London

The anticipated relative proportion of emissions of NOx, from vehicles and gas boilers in the City
during 2011, is shown in the pie chart below. A very similar picture is predicted for 2015.

Source of NOx in the City, 2011 1/2
9/17/2018 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution - Health Issues - Icopal

Source - “City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015”

Health Issues created by NOx

NOx mainly impacts on respiratory conditions causing inflammation of the airways at high levels. Long
term exposure can decrease lung function, increase the risk of respiratory conditions and increases
the response to allergens. NOx also contributes to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level
ozone, both of which are associated with adverse health effects.

The impact of nitrogen dioxide on ecosystems

High levels of NOx can have a negative effect on vegetation, including leaf damage and reduced
growth. It can make vegetation more susceptible to disease and frost damage. A study of the effect of
nitrogen dioxide and ammonia (NH3) on the habitat of Epping Forest has revealed that pollution is
likely to be significantly influencing ecosystem health in the forest. The study demonstrated that local
traffic emissions contribute substantially to exceeding the critical levels and critical loads in the area.
The critical level for the protection of vegetation is 30 µg/m3 measured as an annual average.

NOx also reacts with other pollutants in the presence of sunlight to form ozone which can damage
vegetation at high concentrations.

Notes: Critical Level is the threshold level for the atmospheric concentration of a pollutant above
which harmful direct effects can be shown on a habitat or species. Critical Load is the threshold level
for the deposition of a pollutant above which harmful indirect effects can be shown on a habitat or

NOx Level Objectives

Twelve European Member States exceeded one or more of the emission limits set by the EU National
Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive, according to recent official data for 2010 reported to the European
Environment Agency (EEA). In some instances the limits were exceeded by significant amounts. The
pollutant for which most exceedances were registered was NOx.

The European Union sets Limit Values for a range of pollutants that are considered to be harmful to
health and the environment. The European Commission can take action against any Member State if
the air quality does not meet the Limit Values throughout its territory.

Read more about the NOx Level Objectives....

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