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Hole Management Developments in 12.0.SP6.


This document describes developments to Hole management functions in PDMS 12.0.SP6.

The new features include:

 Support for managed penetrations through SCTN, GENSEC, STWALL and WALL
elements in PDMS Design. Managed free holes and managed fitting holes are not
supported in these elements.

 Support for cable tray as a penetrating discipline, where the cable tray material forms
a full penetration, as for piping penetrations.

 Support for penetrations through FLOOR elements, including managed free holes and
managed fitting holes.

 Improved presentation of penetration validation errors in the hole management


Also provided with this release are the following bug fixes:

 For Global projects, extract claim management and validation of operations such as
Delete Penetration has been made more rigorous. Previously it was possible for part
of a delete operation to fail because some elements could not be modified, which
could leave inconsistent hole management data in the database.

 Deleting an unnamed hole could cause the Hole Association Manager form to display
incorrect information about holes.

The PDMS Hole Management utility is described in the Design Common Functionality User

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Hole Management System – Application to SCTN , GENSEC , STWALL and
WALL elements
The hole management utility has been extended to allow the creation of managed holes
through SCTN, GENSEC, STWALL and WALL elements in PDMS Design.

The main hole management functionality and workflow have not been modified for this
development. Existing hole creation functions will permit selection of SCTN, GENSEC,
STWALL and WALL elements as penetrated items.

The scope of the changes allows creation, modification and management of penetrations by
PIPE, HVAC, Cable Tray, Cable Way, SCTN and GENSEC elements through SCTN, GENSEC,
STWALL or WALL elements. This development does not include Equipment penetrations or
the creation of non-penetration managed holes (general holes and fitting holes) in the
aforementioned elements.

The virtual hole mechanism is the same as for PANEL elements, however the physical
(approved) hole is represented differently in the database to that of PANEL elements. On
SCTN and STWALL a hole is represented by a compound fitting (CMFI) element. On a GENSEC
and WALL a hole is represented by a JLDATUM hierarchy. See Table 1 for example

The validation checking mechanism has been updated to take into account the new
elements and hierarchy. Validation mechanism are unchanged.

Heirarchy for SCTN and STWALL elements

This example is for a single penetration. The This example is for a multiple penetration
section owns a compound fitting. This in turn hole. Here the compound fitting owns the
owns two sub-fittings. One sub-fitting negative cut, representing the area for the
contains the specification for the hole. The merged hole.
second sub-fitting contains the negative cut
for hole.

Hierarchy for GENSEC and WALL elements

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This example is for a single penetration. The This example is for a multiple penetration
GENSEC owns a justification line datum and a hole. Here the P-line datum owns the
P-line datum. This then owns two fixings. negative cut, representing the area for the
One fixing has the specification for the hole, merged hole.
the other holds the negative cut for the hole.
Table 1 - Example Managed Hole Hierarchies

Known Limitations
If the specification or properties of a penetrated element are changed, it may be necessary
to delete and re-create the penetration, dependent on the severity of the change. For
example changing one I-beam to a slightly different specification may be handled, however
changing an I-beam to an unequal angle will require deletion and re-creation of the hole. In
cases where a change has occurred to ‘break’ the hole, the validation checks will report the
hole as failed.

There are limitations in validation of managed holes in curved surfaces where advanced
checks performed on planar holes are not possible. It is possible for a hole to pass validation
checks where a visual inspection would not approve the hole.

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Hole Management in the Cable Tray Application
The hole management utility has been extended to allow managed holes to be created by
cable tray elements created in the Cable Tray application. A new penetrating discipline called
TRAY has been added.


Cable tray is modelled as pipe data elements that are recognised as cable trays in the cable
tray application.

Straight cable tray elements and implied tube that make a full penetration can be used for
cable tray penetrations. Curved and multi-way components are not supported, and the
result of making penetrations with these elements is unpredictable.

Cable tray penetrations are unlike Cabling System application penetrations that focus on
cable penetrations through cable transits, and not on penetration by the cable tray itself.

All specifications for cable tray used in penetrations must contain penetration ATTAs, and the
catalogue definition of those ATTAs must carry vital information for the hole management
system (see below).

New selection tables and catalogue data are required for extended cable tray penetration
catalogues, i.e. anything beyond the standard penetration shapes provided by the system.
These are identified by the purpose TPEN. Design of cable tray penetrations conforms to the
rules described in the Extended Hole Types section of the Design Common Functionality
User Guide.

Create Penetration in the Cable Tray Application

A cable tray penetration is requested by selecting the menu command Utilities > Cable Tray
Penetration > Create Penetration

This displays the Create Penetration form:

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When you click Pick Penetrated Items, you will be prompted to identify one or more items
to be penetrated with a Managed Hole. If an item already in the Penetrated Items list is
selected, it will be removed from that list.

When you click Pick Penetrating Items, you will be prompted to identify one or more
penetrating items to pass through a Managed Hole. If an item already in the Penetrating
Items list is selected, it will be removed from that list. You should ensure that a straight tray
component or implied tray passes through the penetration.

Clicking on OK will calculate the position of each penetration, and then the Hole
Management Definition form is displayed as described in the Hole Management Piping
section of the Design Common Functionality User Guide.

Hole Management Definition Form

The hole management definition form has been extended to make an intelligent selection of
penetration component for cable tray penetrations. If a cable tray penetration class is
configured in the catalogue as described below, it is possible for the system to select a
suitable component automatically. This only operates when creating a single penetration.
Several penetrations of different sized cable trays can be made in a single operation or

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several penetrating objects can be linked to a single merged penetration, but automatic hole
component selection will not operate in this case.

Modification and Management of Cable Tray Penetrations

Other hole management functions work as described in the Design Common Functionality
User Guide.

Cable Tray Penetration Attachment Points (ATTA)

All cable tray specifications and catalogues must provide a penetration ATTA. It provides
information to the hole management system about the position and minimum size of the
required hole. For cable tray, it is assumed that the minimum requirement for a penetration
is a rectangular shape. The actual penetration can be any shape or size provided that it fully
contains the minimum required rectangular area.

The ATTA must have a P-Point that defines the centre of a rectangular opening with its width
and height. The hole management system finds this P-point by looking for a P-point with
Purpose set to AHRP.

PX, PY, PZ is at centre of opening. PWIDTH is set to the opening width and PHEIGHT is set to
the opening depth/height. PWIDTH and PHEIGHT attributes have to be set on the command
line in PDMS 12.0.SP6.

Cable Tray Penetration Class

A new function has been added to hole shape selection to automatically select an
appropriate penetration fitting provided that:

 The catalogue is configured correctly

 Only one penetration is made using the Hole Definition form

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The answers for Opening Width and Opening Depth must correspond exactly to the PWIDTH and
PHEIGHT values on the P-point. If a clearance is specified, 2 * clearance will be added to the PWIDTH
and PHEIGHT values, and the answers will be matched with these values. If no match is found then a
manual selection must be made from the list of components.

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Width and depth headings in the penetration component selection table must be configured
correctly for automatic selection to take place. Two headings are required; one with the purpose
WIDT and the other with purpose DEPT or HEIG. When working in millimeters the these headings
can have real or text answers. When working in imperial units the situation is slightly different.
Columns with real answers must contain values in millimeters. Columns with text answers can
contain values in inches if lengths are provided with unit qualifier ‘in’ or ‘inch’. A number without
units will be assumed to be a value in millimeters.

Hole Management in Floor Elements

Penetrations can be made in Floor elements. These penetrations have the same behaviour as
penetrations in PANEL elements.

General Hole and Fitting Hole functions have been added to the Walls and Floors application for
Floor elements in menu Utilities>Floor Penetration. In the catalogue, the selection table purpose for
fitting holes in floors must be set to FLOO.

Improved Validation Reporting

Hole validation results are shown as tooltips on the Hole Validation results panel. A new Display
Results command has been added to the right-click pop-up menu that displays the results of all tests.

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