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Curriculum vitae 

Rohit Dhankar (Mobile - 9871050873) 

OVERVIEW -​ ​Scored 96% in Predictive Business Analytics at North Western University USA  

Tech stack : -  

Natural Language Processing​​ -NLTK , TextBlob, GENSIM - topic modeling and document 
similarity analysis , spaCy, Stanford Core NLP Python, BeautifulSoup [ Bs4 ] , Scrapy , Pattern , 
WebScraping, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, entity recognition, pattern learning, sentiment 

Computer Vision - ​OpenCV , Numpy , scikit-image , PIL , opencv-python== , 

opencv-contrib-python== , DLIB==19.16.0. 

Geomatics​​ - QGIS , PySAL -

Django and Django REST API ​- djangorestframework , Django.  

Cloud deployments - DigitalOcean [​​Nginx , Gunicorn and Supervisor ​] , Docker , Heroku​​, 

whitenoise, django-heroku , etc.  

Backend / Databases​​ - MySQL , PostgreSql, NoSQL -MongoDB ,  

Hadoop Stack​​ - HBase , Nutch , APACHE SOLR , Solr,   

FrontEnd / Charting - Bokeh , D3.js , ​JavaScript , jQuery , JSPlumb , Highcharts, PlotyJS, Plotly 
Python, HTML5 and CSS3 

General purpose Machine Learning using both R and Python​​ - KERAS, PyTORCH, TensorFlow 
, TensorServing, PySPARK / SPARK ML , Neural Networks - CNN , RNN , LSTM(Long Short Term 
Memory), SVM(Support Vector Machines ), 

Consultant , Python Developer. @ DatAnalyticServices - Apr-18 Till Nov-18 

Developing data products for enterprise clients using R , Python and JavaScript.  

Consultant , Python Developer @ Digital Cognition - Apr-13 Till Apr-18 


1. TensorFlow-​ 
2. OpenCV Computer Vision  

YouTube - ​ 

3. OpenCV Computer Vision - Credit Card Digit Detection :-  

YouTube - ​ 

4. Estimate  ​Building  Geo  Footprint  for  ​Solar  Deployment  using  QGIS  ,  OpenCV  , 
Open Street maps and Google Map images -  

YouTube - ​

Hotel Industry Geo Localization​​ - infoHotels 

Retail Automated Data Dictionary​​ - Aggregating data from , Flipkart, 

Snapdeal, Python stack :- BeautufulSoup bs4 , Scrapy , Requests . Browser 
Automation using - Selenium and PhantomJS as headless browsers. Written 
custom Regular Expressions for scraping Javascript Tables .

5. NLP - NLTK - ​ 

a. Natural Language Processing - using NLTK for tokenization and working with first 
order meaning of words [ Lexical Semantics] 
b. Application of ontologies to ascertain what entities exist and what kinds of 
relations hold between those entities.  
6. GIS – PySAL - ​ 
7. QGIS - ​ 

8. Machine Learning – Decision Tree
9. ChatBot - NLTK , Django ,Heroku-- 
10. Credit Scoring with R Support Vector Machine- 
11. R for Beginners Own Tutorials -  
12. ​ 
13. R for Marketing –Own Tutorials -
14. HR Analytics Churn Prediction – IBM Watson Sample data- 
15. HR Analytics on Kaggle --
16. Market Mix Modeling – ​ 
18. Social Network 

19. Django + GoogleMaps API – UBER Challenge – 
20. Nutch + Hbase + Solr – 
21. Django + Heroku + JavaScript + GoogleMaps API – 

22. PySpark - ​ 

23. Image Processing – ​ 
24. Other  Statistical  Algorithms  /  Methods  -  (R  and  Python  )  ​:–  Sampling  and  Completely 
Random  Sampling  ,Estimation  and  Hypothesis  Testing  ,  Maximum  Likelihood  Estimation 
(MLE),Probability  ,  p-Value,  t-Test,  Welch  Two  Samples  t-Test,  Frank  Wilcoxon  One 
Sample  Sign  Test,  z-Test,  Parametric  and  Non  Parametric  Hypothesis  Testing  (H0)/(H1), 

deducting  Eigen  Values  and  creating  Scree  Plots  ,  Factor  Analysis  with  Maximum 
Likelihood  and  Factor  Analysis  with  Varimax  Rotation  (Python-  SciPy-0.16.0  ,  NumPy-1.11.1 
and  R-psych),  Principal  Component  Analysis  /Factor  Analysis,  Parallel  Processing  , 
sequential Bootstrapping - in R with doParallel and SNOW . 

Predicting  Credit  Card  Spend  ​–  Consumer  spend  modeling  and  prediction  basis  past  spend 
history.  R  ,  Regression  Analysis  ,  SHINY  App.  ​Predicting  Call  /  Incidence  Volume  ​–  R  , 
Regression  Analysis  ,  SHINY  App.  ​Retail  Shelf  Space  Optimization  ​–  Predicting  scenarios  for 
best Shelf Space utilization in retail mega stores. R and Python. 

Twitter  Social  Network  Analysis  ​–  R  SNA  Package  ,  mining  influence  in  networks  for  targeted 
marketing.  Created  automated  PDF  Reports.  R  SNA  ,  Gephi,  Python-Tweepy  and  ReportLab. 
Organization  Network  Influence  Analysis  ​–  Primary  survey  data  analysis  with  R  SNA  to  create 
Social  Network  Influence  Graphs  ,  also  with  Gephi.  R  SNA  and  Gephi.  ​Tweets  Analysis  for 
Marketing  Funnel​​–  Analysing  Client  Brand  presence  across  geographies.  Tweepy  ,  Django  , 
MongoDB , Matplotlib and d3.js.  

DataTable - R - SHINY​​ - ​ 

Own YouTube Tutorials Channel – ​ 

Django – DecoSHOP – eCommerce Portal 

Proof Of Concept Video - ​ 

Talent Analytics and Development - vCustomer [​​MAY 2010 to APRIL 2013] 


● Talent management, Workforce analytics, Org Dev Intervention “MAX One” initiatives.   
● Django Automation – Internal HR projects. Design and deploy PMS and HRIS . 
● Talent Management System - Oracle Taleo. Job Profiling - Hay Group – Job evaluation 
and employee Compensation re-structuring.  
● SPOC for Gallup surveys, SPOC for External Audits – Aon Hewitt, Mercer and Data Quest. 

Consultant [The Strategist]  Sep-09 to May-10   

● HR Analytics and Talent Management Consulting – PEPSICO India 

● Talent Management System - Oracle Taleo. Django Projects POC. 

Strategic Leadership India (Freelancing)  Jul- 07 to Sep-09 

● Talent and Workforce Analytics Consulting   

● HR Analytics – Attrition analysis, Succession planning and HR Automation. 

Assistant Manager HR – AXA Tech India  Mar-06 to Jul- 07 

HR Automation, PCMS , Workforce Analytics , PCMM Level =3 and SAP R3 , Quality SIX Sigma etc 

Snr Exc HR – Mahindra Satyam  Mar-03 to Mar- 06 

Automation PCMS , Learning Management System and SAP R3 – BU HR – VBU TIMES and HCU 


Predictive Business Analytics North Western University 2015 ​Grade Sheets Attached 

PGCHRM - Human Resource Development  XLRI, Jamshedpur  2009-2010 

BA - Sri Venkateshwara College  Delhi University  1993-1996 

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