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British Corrosion Journal

ISSN: 0007-0599 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:

‘Stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue of

steam-turbine rotor and blade materials’

John G. Parker

To cite this article: John G. Parker (1991) ‘Stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue
of steam-turbine rotor and blade materials’, British Corrosion Journal, 26:3, 170-172, DOI:

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Published online: 20 Nov 2013.

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170 Corrosion news and views

ties of UEG. More than a dozen which describe the practices used in reference electrode is likely to fail by
authors have written a similar number cathodic protection of offshore struc- passivation in hydrogen sulphide
of sections, but there is no key to tures, steel, concrete, and subsea containing environments.
who has written what. The coordin- structures, and pipelines, constitute The lower protective potential in
ating editor was J. N. Wanklyn. the most important part of the guide- anaerobic environments is a require-
The initial chapter on principles of lines. They are well written, obviou·sly ment that is probably carried forward
corrosion and cathodic protection is by authors with considerable experi- from work in the early 1950s by
rather conventional. The description ence, and provide interesting and Farrer and Hoar and which has hardly
of the marine corrosion mechanisms informative reading. They will give been questioned since. Obviously, it
appears to have been based on a the 'cathodic protection non- is not fulfilled in the protection of
rather small selection of references specialist' the required overview with driven piles, which are impossible to
available to the author, resulting in a enough quantitative data to enable monitor, and which must receive their
lack of balance. Estimated corrosion the interested reader to do his or her cathodic protection from anodes on
rates and current densities for own calculations, while the specialist the platform where the requirement
cathodic protection as a function of will find confirmation of established is only that potential be kept at
flowrate and (bulk) oxygen concen- knowledge and beliefs, a good selec- -800 mV(Ag/AgCI). A potential of
trations are given with three signifi- tion of source material, and very few - 900 mV. or lower in active mud
cant digits, but the overriding effect errors or omissions, usually only also produces much more hydrogen
of time, due to polarisation and when the authors were unaware of in the steel than in an aerated
macrofouling, is hardly mentioned very recently published information. environment, and this is certainly a
and certainly not in any quantitative Perhaps one of these (on p. 102) matter for concern.
way. A small paragraph on corrosion should be corrected here and now. The reviewer has himself found the
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 13:32 15 May 2016

in anaerobic mud is based on a single The 90Cu-10Ni alloy Cunifer 10 book useful as a reference source,
private communication and quotes does not provide a 'highly active and its admittedly high price will
some quite unrealistic corrosion fig- galvanic couple' with carbon steel. probably not be a deterrent to people
ures. The fact that should have been An area of copper-nickel is less in the offshore business.
mentioned is that steel corrodes very active as a cathode than the steel it Hans Arup
slowly in sulphide containing mud replaces and takes less current in· Force Institutes
unless it is coupled to large cathodic cathodic protection. Obviously, most 8r{?)ndby, Denmark
areas of steel in aerated water. The people would have expected it to be
important phenomena of weld seam the other way round.
J. B. MARRIOTT (ed.): 8Stress
corrosion and other effects of steel The chapter on concrete structures
corrosion cracking and cor-
composition are not mentioned. is particularly worthy of recommen-
rosion fatigue of steam-turbine
There is a very good chapter on dation and reflects the efforts made
rotor and blade materials'; 1991,
the effect of cathodic protection on during the Concrete in the Oceans
Luxembourg, Office for Official
mechanical properties of steel, a sub- programme, which also went a long
Publications of the European
ject which has been studied intensely way towards providing consensus
Communities8 V (Physical Sci-
in recent years. There is, however, with research centres outside the UK.
ence Series) 65 pp., 162 x 229 mm,
still a scarcity of work done in the There is, however, still a need to
ECU6·25+ VAT, ISBN 92 826
. real marine environment, but it has improve the ways of teaching the
201748 catalogue number CD-
been shown that cathodic protection necessary amount of electrochemistry
of steel with macrofouling or of steel to civil engineers. I do not think the
in active marine mud results in a Evans' diagrams presented in this This slim volume, comprising only 19
hydrogen uptake that is 5-10 times chapter will do the job well enough. pages of text and 41 figures, attempts
higher than that in sterile laboratory The last third of the book contains to summarise the present state of the
sea water, and this has yet to be chapters on operation; monitoring art, mainly based on the results of
taken into account. and surveys; structural aspects; and the international cooperative research
A chapter on organic coatings in legislation and codes. The final chap- programme COST505, recent litera-
conjunction with cathodic protection ter - before the appendices - is a ture, and the authors' own experi-
tends to get lost in detailed refer- unique and very valuable review of ence. The topics of stress corrosion
ences, which makes it harder than experience gained in the North Sea. cracking (SCC) and corrosion fatigue
necessary for the reader to find the The important conclusion is that the (CF), which are predominant failure
advice he or she might be looking simple sacrificial anode systems have modes in low pressure steam tur-
for. One important piece of infor- shown much better performance than bines, are discussed under four main
mation is that modern coatings on most impressed current systems, headings:
subsea pipelines are so good that mostly because the latter have been • 'Stress corrosion crack initiation'
present design rules for cathodic more vulnerable to damage. There is, • 'Stress corrosion crack" propa-
protection result in gross over- however, hope that sufficiently robust gation'
protection. hybrid systems can be developed, • 'Corrosion fatigue crack initiation'
Computer modelling of cathodic with important weight savings. • 'Corrosion fatigue crack propa-
protection systems is now widely The appendix collects a number of gation'
used and has helped to produce useful tables (repeated from the In addition, some comments are
optimal designs. However, I wonder chapters). There are a few printing made on the general topic of SCC
what kind of reader would benefit errors, e.g. in Tables 11 and 24, but and CF including a fracture mech-
from the chapter that attempts to these are so obvious that they are anics analysis of crack initiation
describe this technique. Perhaps it is harmless. Table 25 repeats the gener- and considerations concerning the
an impossible task to explain the ally accepted positive and negative mechanisms of SCC.
mathematical methods, but then it limits for the protected potential in The materials investigated in the
should not have been tried. In aerated and anaerobic sea water. COST505 programme were the rotor
addition, the figures chosen are not Potentials are given with respect to alloys 26NiCrMoV 14 5 (basic-
very helpful. both Ag/ AgCI and zinc, but it should ally a 3·5Ni-Cr-Mo-V steel) and
The three following chapters, have been mentioned that a zinc 23CrNiMo 74 7 (2Cr-1 Ni) together

Br. Corros. J., 1991, Vol. 26, No.3

Corrosion news and views 171

with X3CrMnNiMoN 256" 4 duplex of about 20%. When localised cor- pure hydrogen induced cracking
alloy. The first named rotor alloy is rosion was produced a greater seems not to be applicable. They cite
probably the most widely used for reduction of between 30 and 65% the inhibition of SCC propagation by
steam turbines, While the duplex was found, depending upon the cathodic polarisation as evidence for
material has been recently developed depth and shape of pits. One assumes this view. I suspect that it is the
for steam turbine blading. The test that the results were normalised to definition of 'high strength' which
programme also included some similar cross-sectional areas. needs to be clarified. This section
modifications to these, e.g. high Corrosion fatigue, which is the concludes with some suggested
purity versions. dominant cause of failure of low explanations concerning the apparent
Following some general comments pressure turbine blades, gave rise to differences between the laboratory
upon the relationships between SCC the development of duplex alloy and service experience. Also included
and CF there follows the section X3CrMnNiMoN 2564. This was are actions which may be taken on
dealing with SCC initiation, an found to exhibit a much higher pitting site to reduce the risk of local cor-
initiated crack being considered resistance in electrochemical tests rosion; the majority of these I would
established when it has a surface and the CF properties were signifi- expect to be already practised.
breaking length of about 1 mm. This cantly improved compared with the There are some inconsistencies in
section includes an outline of labora- conventional 12%Cr blade alloy even the book. In section 3, for example,
tory test methods. A discussion on when pitting occurred in both. CF is defined as 'the initiation and
the importance of corrosion pits, With regard to crack growth in CF growth of cracks under the simul-
microcracks, and macrocracks in the (and mechanical fatigue), three sche- taneous effects of an aggressive
initiation process is developed using matic figures are presented to illus- environment and cyclic stresses'
results obtained on the 3·5Ni-Cr- trate the effects of stress intensity, which, in essence, conforms to the
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 13:32 15 May 2016

Mo-V steel for illustration. environment, and stress corrosion on generally held view (see ISO 8044).
Factors affecting the initiation the rate of crack extension. Another However, in the section dealing with
behaviour are considered to be the figure presents quantitative data CF crack initiation in low pressure
inclusion characteristics, the strength relating fatigue crack growth rate to rotor steels, this definition is enlarged
level of the steel, the applied stress, cyclic stress intensity range for to include 'the reduction in fatigue
and the chemistry of the bulk 3·5Ni-Cr-Mo-V. The effects of R strength due to surface damage after
environment. Data are included to ratio and environment are evident. corrosion attack'. I do not believe
support this view. From these obser- A fracture mechanics analysis of this will find much support.
vations it is pointed out that SCC crack initiation is considered and the The title and the abstract of the
initiation may be prevented or at least discussion leads to the conclusion book suggest that the scope includes
delayed by the use of good water that stress corrosion and CF cracks a description of the major influential
chemistry and possibly the use of can develop from small corrosion pits parameters on SCC and CF behaviour
superclean steels, both of which ('" 100 J.!mdeep). Such pits can grow of both steam turbine rotor and blade
should reduce the incidence of in very short times when compared materials in service related environ-
pitting. The second stage, Le. to the expected lifetime of a steam ments. In fact almost no mention of
microcracking, may be minimised by turbine and thus a fracture mechanics blade material is made in the stress
low applied stresses or the introduc- approach is essential once cracks corrosion section although in service
tion of surface compressive stresses, have formed. failures of blades due to SCC has
for example by shot peening. An attempt is made, based upon occurred, albeit very much less often
The section on SCC propagation the COST505 work, to understand than by CF.
presents quantitative crack growth the chemical mechanisms of SCC. The publication includes 41 fig-
rate data for rotor steels and the The importance of localised cor- ures, 34 of which contain quantitative
effect (or in many cases lack of rosion, with the formation of pits, data that will be of value to those
effect) of various parameters. These has been established. Evidence is involved in the design, manufacture,
include material factors, e.g. yield quoted to support the view that and operation of low pressure steam
strength, alloy jimpurity elements (I stagnant conditions are a prerequisite turbines. However, I would recom-
would like to have seen effect of for pitting to develop in high purity mend to anyone applying the data
chromium content included), stress water or steam. Such conditions are to do so with caution. The SCC
intensity, etc., and environmental conducive to the development of growth rates, for example, are
factors, e.g. temperature, dissolved local chemical cells due to the action especially sensitive to alloy strength
gases, etc. of, for example, surface breaking level and operating temperature.
Corrosion fatigue crack initiation non-metallic inclusions or hydrolysis Indeed, I would suggest that the
in rotor steels and blade materials is reactions. The greater aggressivity of original references be obtained to
treated separately. However, the condensing steam, compared with establish the precise experimental
importance of pitting in both cases the bulk environment, is explained details. There are 45 references
is clearly demonstrated. In the case by the fact that condensate films can quoted in all, most of the quantitative
of rotor steels a reduction of fatigue be considered-to be stagnant. data presented arising from the 13
strength in deaerated water at 100°C The importance of pit shape is individual COST505 programme
was about 20% of the air value. mentioned in respect of stress con- reports. These data are quite recent
Testing in aerated water at 20°C, centration effects. The role of tensile as the reports were issued only in
which resulted in pitting corrosion, stresses and repassivation character- 1989.
led to a reduction of 75%. The purely istics in producing cracklike, rather In addition to those involved in
mechanical effect of pitting is shown than the normal hemispherical, pits the-steam turbine field, I believe that
in another test series. The reduction is highlighted. Crack initiation is this book will also be of value to
in fatigue strength of precorrode-d considered to be due to an anodic anyone having an interest in the
specimens is compared with similar, mechanism. general topic of environmentally
though uncorroded, specimens. The authors state that although assisted failure. Much of the infor-
Homogeneous (uniform) attack, pro- SCC propagation in high strength mation on local chemistry, develop-
duced in an acid environment, led to materials is often explained by a ment of pits, and cracks has wider
a reduction in fatigue strength level hydrogen mechanism, the model of relevance than the steam turbine

Br. Corros. J., 1991, Vol. 26, No.3

172 Corrosion news and views

field. In fact, at the unbelievable price can thoroughly recommend this book comprehensive, results is quite
of only about £4 (if my ECU to for the reasons stated. The fact that coincidental!
sterling conversion is sound), it a great deal of the stress corrosion John G. Parker
litera lIy is a stea I. data presented supports my own very National Power
In spite of my minor quibbles, I much earlier, though very much less Swindon

Preliminary Announcement


28 November 1991 The Institute of Metals
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Sponsored and organised by the Alloy Design and Behaviour Group of the Materials Science
Division and the Materials Engineering Committee of the Materials Engineering Division of
The Institute of Metals and cosponsored by The Institute of Ceramics and
The Plastics and Rubber Institute

The selection of the most appropriate material and processing route is of crucial importance
for the success of a product. This applies not only to performance dominated applications
where optimum material properties are required, but also to products destined for the
consumer market where economic considerations are of paramount importance. Although
traditional solutions can be obtained from reference texts and standards, this approach stifles
innovation because it cannot take account of the potential advantages offered by new
materials and manufacturing techniques. The number of materials available to the designer
has increased rapidly in recent years but this has been accompanied by both a greater
availability of materials information through computer databases and major changes in the
philosophy of materials selection with empiricism being replaced by a more analytical

During the meeting speakers from industry, consulting organisations, and universities will
discuss materials selection in product innovation and design and review the selection
procedures and methodologies that are applicable to a variety of engineering problems.
Specific examples are drawn from the automotive industry to illustrate the challenge for
material and process selection in both the volume car market and on the race track. However,
the principles involved are equally applicable to other branches of manufacturing industry.
Particular attention is paid to the present state of computer based information systems and
it is intended that a number of such systems will be available for demonstration during the
course of the meeting.

The meeting aims to attract materials specialists and engineers from industrial and academic
organisations concerned with structural materials. If you wish to obtain further information
about the meeting please contact as soon as possible:
Ms H. Grainger
Conference Department (C147)
The Institute of Metals
1 Carlton. House Terrace
London SW1Y SOB
Tel: 071-839 4071 (direct line 071-976 1339); Fax: 071-839 3576; Telex: 8814813

Dr. Corros. J., 1991, Vol. 26, NO.3

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