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Target Student Progress

Class Target Students Progress, Reflections

9SST (TBN) Raynard Afable Beginning of term 3:

● Lack of focus and engagement, distractions around him.
● Poor work ethic.
Action taken:
● Conversation with Raynard about his work ethic - away from his peers, the
steps he can take to improve his learning. Raynard made point of putting in
more effort and completing assigned work.
● Seating plan adapted to ensure Raynard was seated next to hardworking
peers who would not distract his learning and vice versa.
Term 3 update:
● Some improvement in focus, although work ethic still somewhat poor. (e.g.
uncompleted homework).
● Resubmission of an assignment to gain an ACHIEVED result. Demonstrated
Raynard’s willingness to do well.
Term 4:
● Some effort demonstrated in his preparations for end of year SST exam.
● Focused in the lesson.
● Exam results, B, B, D (reflection of poor independent revision prior to
Final comments: instilling in students the importance and capability to
independently revise is an area that needs improvement - an area that will be a
priority for 2019 SST classes.

Blaze Beginning of term 3:

Grace-Housham ● Blaze had low self-efficacy, in one of the fist assessments she relied on help
from a family member to complete her assessments, which meant it was not
in her own words and not a reflection of her true ability.
● Tended to disengage with learning, due to her perception that she was not
doing well in the subject.
Action taken:
● Discussion with Blaze’s caregivers and Blaze during parent-teacher
interviews to determine what would help with Blaze’s learning e.g. regular
check-ins, making myself available through email, keeping in touch with
Blaze’s caregivers re: assessments, homework etc.
● Blaze seated next to high achieving group of girls she felt comfortable with
and who supported her learning.
● Blaze successfully completed all in-class assessments and homework, two x
● Highly engaged in learning, formed positive working relationships with those
around her.
Term 4:
● Blaze showed stress in lead up to exams, caregivers informed me of this
and Blaze spoke to me in class regarding the actions we might take to help
her alleviate her stress.
Actions taken:
● Provided assistance to Blaze during whanau class study sessions at
● Blaze completed her exams to a high standard, gaining 2x MERIT and 1x
● Positive relationship formed with Blaze.

Te Hira Templeton Beginning of term 3:

● Te Hira struggling with the expectations of written assessments
● Declared at the end of one lesson that he could not complete the task,
finding it too difficult. Low self-efficacy.
Action taken:
● Positive conversation with Te Hira highlighting all of the work he had already
done, encouraging him to work with the research he had gathered.
● Availability to Te Hira via email to assist him with finding relevant research
sites and the structure of his essay.
● Submitted assessment on time, gained an ACHIEVED grade, completed
recall of knowledge test on same topic, gaining a MERIT grade.
*Te Hira no longer in 9SST class, taken out for numeracy/literacy support.

Hao Zhang Term 3 & 4:

● Low-level literacy (ESOL student)
Action taken:
● As part of department PLG, created low-level literacy websites intended to
assist students by making the language and learning required to complete
the written assessments in SST more accessible.
● These websites were made accessible to Hao.
● Hao showed significant improvement in his written assessments with use of
the websites, however did not complete all tasks in the assessment and
therefore failed to achieve.
● Websites were also still somewhat too difficult for Hao’s limited English as
they were intended for use by learners with greater English capabilities.
● In year 10, ESOL students will be provided more support to improve their
achievement rates in predominantly reading and writing based subjects.

10SST (HC) Paula Veilofia Term 3:

● Little engagement in learning
● Demonstrated difficulty to complete tasks independently
● Low self-efficacy
Action taken:
● Communicated availability via email
● Positive reinforcement, communicated high expectations each lesson
● Separated from classmates who distracted him and vice versa
● Seated near teacher’s desk to ensure he stayed on task
● Paula gained an ACHIEVED in his written assessment (first of the year)
Term 4:
● Some effort demonstrated in his preparations for end of year SST exam.
● Focused in the lesson.
● Exam results, D, B, B (reflection of poor independent revision prior to
Final comments: instilling in students the importance and capability to
independently revise is an area that needs improvement - an area that will be a
priority for 2019 SST classes.

Bradley Ede Term 3:

● A distraction to those around him
● Lack of independent work ethic
● Keen to do well (achieved/merits)
Action taken:
● Discussion with Bradley and his parents during parent/teacher interviews -
where strategies were put into place with regards to his work ethic and
classroom behaviour, e.g. phone use (to be confiscated etc.).
● Seating plan - seated next to more able students who were willing to help
Update - end of term 3:
● Somewhat more focused, settles to tasks quickly
● Gained an achieved in written assessment
Term 4
● Often late to class
● Shows minimal effort in preparation for end of year exams
Action taken:
● Discussion with Dean regarding his and 2 other boys being late to class after
lunchtime and interval
● Rebecca Kay observed a period 5 lesson, noted it was going well, should
not try to leave Bradley to his own devices rather then give too much
attention (give more focus to the students following instructions and keen to
● Improvement in students arrival to class
● Varying focus, poor outcome in end of year exams (B,D & B)

Clarice Cavanti Beginning of term 3:

● Lacking confidence, particularly with English language
● Low result in written assessment (BEGINNING)
Action taken:
● Seating plan, next to more able and helpful students
● Seated nearer to the front
● Ensure all worksheets/answers etc. put up on google classroom to assist in
independent work at home
● Given access to literacy assisted website (PLG)
● Showing more confidence
● Makes regular contributions to class discussions
● MGR test result: MERIT
Term 4:
● Making good preparations for her SST end of year exam

11HIS Natalia Bryan-Rihari Beginning of term 3:

● Homework completed to a low standard, essay writing skills not evident
● Poor attendance
Action taken:
● Individual feedback given
Term 3, week 8:
● Homework - essay skills improved, but not to expected standard
Action taken:
● Verbal and written feedback given
● Email sent home to enforce the importance of revision in preparation for
senior exams
● Lessons set aside for revision of essay writing skills
End of term 3 Update:
● Good result in mock exams, (merit and an achieved - improvement from
practice exams done in term 2)
● More focus, improved attendance, improved engagement in the lesson
(Natalia noted to me she had completed a lot of revision in preparation for
the exam).
● Making solid progress on her final internal.

Iona Burn Beginning of term 3:

● Homework not completed
● Lack of engagement
Action taken:
● Discussion with parents regarding her achievement and focus in the lesson
● Reinforcing expectations during the lesson
Term 3, week 8 update:
● Homework completed (better standard), increased engagement in the lesson
Term 3, week 10
● Mock exams - improved result (two achieved grades)
● Steady progress on internal assessment
● Emailing parents shown to have improved result on Iona’s engagement and
study habits.
Term 4
● Working diligently
● Final assessment submitted, grade achieved: EXCELLENCE

Harry Wright Beginning of term 3:

● Homework not completed
● Slow to start tasks in class
Action taken:
● Discussion with parents regarding his work ethic, emails sent to all students
when homework/assessments/exams set
● Reminder of expectations
● Encouragement to engage in the lesson
Term 3, week 8 update:
● Homework done on time - low standard
● Greater engagement in lesson - participation in class activity (after constant
encouragement) - raising valid arguments, strong participant - team came
away with winning result
Term 3, Week 10:
● Poor results in mock exams (did not attempt one of the standards and NA for
the other standard)
Action taken:
● Email sent home
● Working steadily towards final internal assessment
● Grade achieved: MERIT

13FSS Hope Jenkins Beginning of term 3:

● Attendance an issue in staying up to date with learning
● Phone use a constant issue
● Struggles to comprehend content after reading
Action taken:
● Introduced “talking-to-the-text” strategy for reading comprehension, class
taught steps and implemented over three lessons, a strategy students are
encouraged to continue to revisit.
● Reminding of expectations (phone use), using out of school time to catch up
with missed work
Week 7, term 3:
● Missed a lot of school time due to illness
● Working to catch up on missed lesson time
● Last day of term - hand in assessment
Week 10, term 3:
● Missed the last day of term - did not hand in assessment
Term 4 focus:
● Stricter deadlines (week 1 - first assessment, week 2 - second assessment)
● Reinforce expectations

Tayla Main Beginning of term 3:

● Good attendance, generally well-focused.
● Struggles to meet deadlines and follow instructions in tasks.
Middle of term 3:
● Working steadily on credit options assessment, regularly asks questions
when stuck
● Struggles to meet deadlines
Week 10, term 3:
● Stricter assessment deadlines enforced
● Assessment handed in (resubmission needed) - Grade achieved: MERIT
Term 4 next steps:
● Encourage Tayla to take notes when I am explaining something to her -
continues to ask the same questions repeatedly.
● Resubmission for assessment, stricter deadlines (week 2 - final)

Andy Liang Beginning of term 3:

● Lack of focus, more interest in his mobile phone. Some difficulty with the
academic language in the subject
Action taken:
● More individual attention given to assist with language in the subject.
● For group activities - placed in a group with more language able students
who assisted Andy when necessary.
● Consistent reminding of classroom expectations (technology use).
● Stricter assessment deadlines enforced.
Term 3, Week 7 progress:
● Assessment submitted (result: achieved)
Term 3, Week 10 update:
● Working steadily on new unit
● Strategy that assists to motivate Andy in his work is highlighting the progress
of another student in the class, reminding him of deadlines and his capability
to meet expectations.

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