Reflections On Unit Teacher Surveys 1

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Unit Review, including student feedback on unit (1 junior / 1 senior required in

the year)

Unit/Teacher Survey Reflection

9 Social Studies, Term 3, End of Unit Teacher survey:

(Changing Places - Migration) and Teacher Takeaways *ensure those students who
Survey - JUNIOR have been away are caught up on work
they’ve missed *at times ensure a more even balance of
nVg5Y3D4ZLwSH-pCI8hoi2WGQ6wOCSf?t laptop and workbook use
hs=true​ (teacher) *feedback and class climate = good

Unit survey
*technology use - my class good, happy
with my use of technology - something dept
to think about as a whole
*Students feel confident using google
classroom for their assessment and
classroom related tasks - enjoy and event
balance between devices and workbooks.

10 Social Studies, Term 3, End of Unit Teacher survey: Technology use: Good,
(Money-Go-Round - Economics) and Class climate: very good, Feedback:
Teacher Survey - JUNIOR majority very good/good - few improvement
needed *ensure I am providing everyone equal feedback - what they need to improve
nVg5Y3D4ZLwSH-pCI8hoi2WGQ6wOCSf?t and how.
hs=true​ (teacher)
*biggest takeaways: ensure a variety of activities, check in on all students regularly.
hs=true​ (unit) See department meeting review of 10 social
studies unit survey: 03/09/18

Overview pasted here:

MGR unit review survey feedback
HWD- Other things to learn:
-The two most frequent comments were
that they wanted to learn more about
jobs/money/taxes (real-life applications) and
solutions to poverty. In the graph
entrepreneurs ranked high for enjoyment
but there were not many comments on
learning more about this- good amount
already perhaps.
Activities they enjoyed or wanted more of:
-There was not much consensus, to be
honest; some liked class discussions, some
did not, same goes for essays etc. The only
vague patterns were that generally they did
not like inquiries but did enjoy videos and
simulation games.

BA​ - reasons why students are not taking a

senior Social Science (respondents could
select more than one reason): 36% saw
them as unimportant for their future career
path and 36% did not enjoy Social
Sciences. A further 20% said they had run
out of option choices. Comments mostly
repeated these feelings:
· it stresses me out too much and
doesn't allow me to work on other
subjects which i think are more
· The things I have learned in year
9-10 social studies is all I feel I will
need in my future
· It's kind of boring, and makes me
want to sleep
Departmental survey frequency: we seem
to survey more than in most other subjects,
with some not doing any. The comments
seem to appreciate that we ask for their
WA​ - Workload/Engagement
Most comments were positive in
regards to both enjoyment and
workload. Students commented that the
workload is just right and reasonable
compared to their other subjects. Small
number of students commented that
they feel more class time was needed
for assessment and that the workload
around inquiries/essays was heavy.
Two comments were made around too
much homework but I suspect there will
be differences depending on the
teacher so not reflective of the subject
itself. Comments range from the topics
being enjoyable and seeing the value in
doing inquiries and essays. Majority of
the students indicated a positive
experience in SST.
EUG: ​Importance of the content studied
Graph results indicate overall
agreement among students that the
content is important (62.7%) or very
important (33.1%)
- Large proportion of comments
note that the content is important
for their future, economic
decision making, employment
- About half and half in terms of
what area of the content they
viewed as most important e.g.
some leaning towards practical
elements (circular flow model)
and others felt learning about
equality and inequality was
where the importance lay.
- Also interesting was comments
noting the importance of the
community vs nation link -
economic connection/loop.
- One student noted it would be
beneficial to include more current
economic issues/topics. - This
was really the only comment
regarding next
NA​- Combination of workbook and
google classroom.
71.9% says good combination
15.9% says Use more google
Comments are mostly in favour of the
Avoid doubling page numbers in
workbook and google classroom.

9 Social Studies, Term 3, Week 10 during All positive responses, no issues to raise.
unit teacher/unit survey - ​That’s Not Fair
(Human Rights) Requests made for weekly kahoot/current
events quiz - *will be incorporated weekly - aside from weeks dedicated to
j_ZmfEZHRTq6dfoy6ufuf490OhM7FlKkWDI assessments.
General comments for “no homework” -
disregarded as homework only set twice
during the term - to provide useful revision
of important skills, or in preparation for
inquiry students will be starting in term 4.

Effort put in by students - good results all

between very high effort to some effort.

10 Social Studies, Term 3, Week 10 during Generally positive teacher comments

unit teacher/unit survey - ​Hot Topic (Climate overall. LINK to individual student response
Change) and restorative conversation reflection: IRTNMNw29jOwLNMZk-bs5UrgB3IAkfqg6
IT2qZSv4KLV6qvECGBL-5_HhM90mon0p w5OPdI/edit - see ​26/0/09 - 27/09/18
Ms/edit#responses 10SST & ​ 2
​ 8/09/18 10SST

Around 4 - 5 students requested more

group related “choice” activities in the unit.
*Point noted, several group activities have
now been set for term 4 (designing a social
media campaign - as a group, choice
activities, group cartoon analysis). Also
raised in meeting with supervisor where it
was highlighted that the Climate Change
Unit as a whole could benefit from more
engaging and group related activities. See
meeting w/ supervisor (BA) on 2 ​ 8/09/18

Student responses to: “amount of effort put

in” also high.

11 History, Term 4, Week 3, UNIT & UNIT

TEACHER Survey - SENIOR Positives:
- Majority of students viewed topics/units studied as important.
MKfjkTnXPKG7YCVy-T9eA1SM1iraXzZrLF - Units most enjoyed included (WWI
pQ/edit and Ancient Civilisations)
- Majority of students in class will
continue with history in year 12 or
take a social science.

Next Steps:
- Some noted their limited interest in
the Ireland topic due to it having the
least influence/impact on NZ (N.B.
this topic is being changed to
Israel/Palestine in 2019)
- Greater focus on NZ history or
topics with a larger NZ focus - this
could also mean making the link
between international topics and NZ
more explicit for students to see the
connections between two contexts.
- Rather than covering multiple topics
- go over key topics in greater detail
(some students noted some units
felt rushed due to the limited time
spent on them - or their limited
relevance to assessments).
- Internals - more at the beginning of
the year (1.1 moved to term 1)

- Enjoyed whole class activities,
including debates (e.g. T.o.V
negotiation game), class
- Majority felt they understood the
content/skills taught
- 99% of students felt teacher
assisted their learning “really

Next Steps:
- Include more simulations/whole
class activities - students showed
high engagement in such activities.
- Ensure relationship building is a
priority in the first few weeks
(difficult in term 3) - will be a focus in

9 Social Studies, Term 4, End of Unit

Survey (That’s Not Fair: Human Rights),
Teacher Survey, Whole Year SST Survey. -

10 Social Studies, Term 4, End of Unit

Survey (Hot Topic: Climate Change),
Teacher Survey. - JUNIOR

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