Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the implications of Senior High School students in Tanauan

School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries. Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the

following question.

1. What is the implication of DepEd Order no. 13 s. 2017 on the SHS students?

2. How does DepEd Order 13 s. 2017 influence the students snack choice?

3. How does DepEd Order 13 s. 2017 being managed and monitor by the school ensure

the appropriate food being served in the school?

Interview Questions.
1. How does the implementation of DepEd order 13, s 2017 change the way you choose
your snack consumption?
2. Why do you think DepEd implemented this policy?
3. What are your thoughts on the action taken by your school regarding the implementation
of DepEd order 13 s 2017?
4. How does this policy beneficial to you as a student?
5. What suggestion you can give to further improve DepEd order 13 s 2017 implementation
by your school?

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