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A n I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2015 C e r t i f i e d O r g a n i s a t i o n


Question Paper Code : UN449


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B

11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. Del

21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. B

31. C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. B

41. D 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. B 50. B

51. D 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. D 56. A, D 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. C


1. (D) –27 (16 – 14) = – 27 × 2 = – 54

17 cm F E
\–54 + 54 = 0
2. (B) AB = = 8 cm B
2 16 cm

∴ AE = AB = 8 cm 3. (C) Area of original squarer = x2

Area of shaded region = Area of Area of new rectangle
trapezium ACDE – Area of square ABFE ⎡ 140 ⎤ ⎡ 130 ⎤
= ⎢N × ⎢⎣ N × 100 ⎥⎦
1 ⎣ 100 ⎥⎦
= × 16 (17 + 8) cm2 – (8 cm)2
2 18 x
= 8 × 25 cm2 – 64 cm2 100
= (200 – 64) cm2
= 136 cm2 website :

18 x 8 x 10. (B) Centroid is the point of concurence of
Increased ares = – x2 = medians
100 100
Percentage of increased area %'2.8 kg
11. (C) = 360
⎛8 x ⎞ 4.98kg
⎜ 100 ⎟ 12. (A) The ratio of 1,50 paise and 25 paise
⎝ ⎠
= × 100 = 82%
x =2:3:4

73 = 2x : 3x : 4x
< 4,500× × 10
4. (A) I = PTR = 365 = < 90 ∴ Total amount
100 100 1 1
x + 3 ⎛ 2x − 5 ⎞ ⎛ 2x − 1 ⎞ = 2x × 1 + 3x × + 4x × = 180
−⎜ − =0 2 4
5. (C) ⎝ 3 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 14 ⎟⎠
7 3x
⇒ 2x + + x = 180
6(x + 3) − 14 (2x − 5) − 3 (2x − 1) 2
42 3x
3x + = 180
6x + 18 – 28x + 70 – 6x + 3 = 0 2
91 = 28x 9x
= 180
91 13 1
x= = =3 2
28 4 4 x = 180 × = 40
6. (B) P – Q + R = (3x – 4y – 8z)
Number of 50 paise coins = 3x = 3 × 40
– (–10y + 7x + 11z) + (19z – 6y + 4x) = 120
= 3x – 4y – 8z + 10y – 7x – 11z + 19z
13. (A) In ∆PQT , PQ = PT ⇒ ∠T = ∠Q = 62°
– 6y + 4x = 0
7. (C) Pure lead = 60% of 50 kg = 30 kg ∴ ∠Q + ∠QPT + ∠T = 80°

let ‘x’ kg of lead to be mixed to 50 kg 62° + ∠QPT + 62° = 80°

of mixure to get 75% of lead ∠QPT = 56°
30 + x = 75% of (50 + x) ∴ x + 34° + x = 56°
! 2x = 22°
30 + x = (50 + x)
x = 11°
4(30+x) = 150 + 3x
14. (B) LHS = 1 – 2 + 3 – 4 + 5 – 6 +.....+99 –
4x – 3x = 150 – 120 = 30
100 + 101
8. (A) Let CP = x, SP = y
= – 1 – 1 – 1 ..... – 1 + 101
⇒ Profit = y – x
= – 50 + 101
Given 2y – x = 3 (y – x)
= 51
2y – x = 3y – 3x
51 663 1
2x = y 15. (C) × 26 = = 331 litres
4 2 2
∴ Profit = y–x = 2x – x = x 16. (B) In a quadrilateral ABCD,
Profit percentage = × 100 = 100 ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 360° → ()
9. (C) x+y=a=b In ∆BOC, ∠B + ∠C + ∠BOC = 180°
2 2
[ alternative angles are equal]
∠B + ∠C + 2∠BOC = 360° → (2)

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from (1) & (2)
&FG +  F G − &FG + %G! = $ F!
∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = ∠B + ∠C + 2∠BOC
(OR) use (a3 – b3) + (a3 + b3) = 2a3.
∴ ∠A + ∠D = 2∠BOC
24. (C) Let the number of girls be x & boys be y
17. (C) 4(x2 + 10x + 25) – (4x2 + 4x + 1)
Given y – x = 12% (x+y)
= 3x – 15 + 180
4x2 + 40x + 100 – 4x2 – 4x – 1 = 3x + 165 y–x= (x+y)
36x + 99 = 3x + 165 3
y–x= (x+y)
33x = 66 25
x=2 25y – 25x = 3x + 3y
18. (A) Let fourth proportion be ‘x’ 22y = 28x

13 39 17 O 2& "
∴ , , , x are in proportion = =
3 4 2 N 22 
13x 39 17 25. (B) Given a : b = 5 : 7 = 5x : 7x
= ×
3 4 2 a = 5x & b = 7x
39 17 3 153 ∴ 3a + 5b : 5a – 2b
x= × × =
4 2 13 & = 15x + 35x : 25x – 14x
3x x = 50x : 11x
19. (A) Given + x + = 1&0°
4 2
= 50 : 11
3x + 4x + 2x
= 180°
9x = 180° × 4
26. (B) An electric bell has an electromagnet in
x = 80° it.
20. Deleted 27. (D) An outer polished and shiny surface of
21. (C) CP of rakesh = 11,250 an electric kettle is a poor emitter to
reduce energy loss through radiation.
loss = 4%
28. (C) Speed of car in first hour = 30 km h–1
SP of rakesh = 11,250 × In 30 minutes, it travels 30/2 = 15 km
= 10,800 
Speed of car next  hour = 45 km h–1
22. (B) In ∆ABF 33° + x = 115° 2
x = 115° – 33° = 82° 1 3
Remaining time = 1 h = h
In ∆BCE x = y + 36° 2 2

82° = y + 36° Distance travelled in the remaining 3/2

y = 46° hours = 45 × = 67.5 km
23. (A) (2P – 3q) (4p2 + 6pq + 9q2) + (2p + 3q) ∴ Total distance travelled by the car in 2 hrs
(4p2 – 6pq+9q2) = 15 + 67.5 ⇒ 82.5 km
29. (B) Streaks of bright light are produced
= &F! +  F G + &FG
naturally in the sky during lightning and
emit light.
−  F G − &FG − %G! + &F! −  F G +

website :

30. (B) Melting point and boiling point on 39. (C) Stage III is a combustion reaction and
Celsius scale of given substances is a lot of heat is evolved. Stage IV is
more by 1 o C. So, the change in condensation of steam causing release
temperature is correct as the margin of of heat.
error is cancelled out. 40. (B) An acid always contains the element
31. (C) When the distance time graph of a car hydrogen.
is a straight line parallel to the time Option (A) : Acids are often colourless
axis or X axis, then it is not moving or liquids.
at rest.
Option (C) : Acids have a pH value
32. (A) Only bells 1, 5 and 6 ring when the below 7. The pH value of 7 is for neutral
switch is closed. This shows that substance.
electric current can flow through object
X. Thus, object X is an electrical Option (D) : Most of the acids contain
conductor. As bells 2, 3 and 4 did not the element oxygen but not all. An
ring when the switch is closed, it shows example is hydrochloric acid HCl that
that object Y is not an electrical does not contain oxygen.
conductor. Object Z may be an electrical 41. (D) Salinity is harmful to the plants. During
conductor or insulator. cyclones, the sea waves rise high and
33. (D) A black outer surface is a good absorber flood the land making the soil saline
of thermal radiations. An inner white and unfertile.
and shiny surface is a poor emitter of 42. (C) Magnetisation makes the molecules in
thermal radiations. an iron bar regroup themselves in an
34. (A) In uniform motion, a body travels equal orderly alignment. It does not involve
distances in equal intervals of time. The any increase in mass.
body has covered 2 m in every minute 43. (D) Nitric acid is a strong acid. Citric, acetic
from 1 to 4 minutes. and tartaric are weak acids.
35. (D) Old and frayed wiring, over loaded 44. (C) When we add sugar to water, it
sockets and damaged plugs when used becomes sweet. It is a physical change
have the potential to overheat and because the original substance sugar
cause electric fires in the home. can be recovered by physical methods.
CHEMISTRY 45. (C) When an acid and an alkali are mixed
together, only a soluble salt and water
36. (D) Corrosion is a chemical change and it are formed, with no gas evolved. They
is irreversible. will always form a soluble salt. Hence,
37. (B) When a concentrated acid is dissolved no precipitate is formed. The salt
in water, dilute acid is formed and heat formed is colourless. A neutralisation
is given out (exothermic reaction). For reaction is actually exothermic and
this reason, it is dangerous to add water produces a rise in temperature.Hence,
to acid. To dilute an acid, always add the reaction mixture becomes hot.
acid to water slowly with constant BIOLOGY
38. (D) Following are the precautions to be 46. (C) The male and female parts of the plant
taken during a storm: are found on separate flowers
(i) Do not take shelter under a tree. [The flowers of maize plants are
unisexual, not bisexual].
(ii) Do not lie down on the floor or ground.
(iii) Close all the doors and windows in the Only female flowers or bisexual flowers
house. will develop into fruit after pollination
and fertilization.
website :

Male flowers will not develop into fruit. 54. (A) Physical digestion occurs during chewing
47. (D) When we are exercising our muscles action when the teeth cuts and grinds
need more energy. To produce more food into smaller pieces and mixes them
energy in a process called respiration, with saliva. This process is known as
more food and oxygen are needed. mastication. Chemical digestion occurs
Thus, our heart pumps blood faster so when salivary amylase present in the
that blood rich in oxygen and food can saliva acts on starch in the food and
be circulated faster to the muscles. At breaks them down into maltose.
the same time, carbon dioxide and 55. (D) Deamination of excess amino acids in
waste produced at our muscles have to the liver produces urea which is excreted
be carried away more quickly by the by the kidney.
blood to the excretory organs.
48. (D) When we breathe out, our ribcage
moves in and downwards and our 3
56. (A, D) 9
diaphragm moves upwards. Thus there 2
is less space in our chest and air is
5 4
forced out of our lungs
49. (B) Plants need chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, 7 6
water and light to carry out
photosynthesis. Sugar and oxygen are 57. (C) When A and C are of the same colour,
produced during photosynthesis. 3 ways to colour A and C,
50. (B) Transfer of pollen grains to the stigma 2 ways to colour B,
is called pollination. 2 ways to colour D.
51. (D) Promote public transport and car-pooling 3 × 2 × 2 = 12
will reduce the number of vehicles When A and C are of different colours,
travelling on the roads, and this reduce
the emissions of gases that cause air 3 ways to colour A,
pollution. Air pollutants have caused 2 ways to colour B,
global warming acid rain and thinner 1 way to colour C,
ozone layer. 1 way to colour D.
Using cleaner fuels or green vehicles will 3×2×1×1=6
reduce air pollutants. Growing more 12 + 6 = 18
trees helps to purify air.
There are 18 ways to colour the four
Using natural predators (biological
circles if no two circles connected by a
control) to control pests instead of
spraying pesticides (chemical control) line can have the same colour.
will reduce air, land and water pollution. 58. (B) Mar - 3; April - 2; May - 3; June - 2;
52. (A) Large scale destruction of forest leads July - 3; Aug - 3; Sept - 2; Oct - 3.
to soil erosion, decrease in air humidity, Total 21 odd days.
increase in the risk of flooding and
increase in carbon dioxide content of 21 / 7 = 0.
athe air So November has start with the same
53. (C) Excretion is the removal of harmful day.
waste products of metabolic reactions 59. (C)
and toxic materials from the body of an
organism. Carbon dioxide is a metabolic 60. (C) P/U>P/U>R>Q/T>Q/T>S
waste product of aerobic respiration in
all living tissues which is removed from
the lungs during expiration.
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