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Primavera P6 102 Training Manual

Prepared by

Bill Pepoon, Managing Partner

Construction Science, LLC

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 1

Day I
Setting up a new Project
Activity Types
Activity Durations
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Activity Codes
Activity Logic
Custom Layouts & Views (Formatting)
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 2
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 3
Data Structures in P6
EPS (Enterprise Project

Centralized Management of
multiple projects

Categorizes work in the

Organization: A hierarchy of
projects or a grouping of projects
within departments

Projects represent the lowest

level of the EPS

Every project in the organization

must be included in an EPS

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 4

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6

OBS (Organization Breakdown Structure)

A Separate global hierarchy reflecting the

management structure

One OBS for the entire organization

Used to control access to projects and


An OBS element/person will be

responsible for each node/project within
the EPS

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 5

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6

Work Breakdown Structure (Company Name) EPS

Acts as a continuation for the Project A Project B Project C

individual projects in the EPS

The WBS is a Project-Specific

Structure. Each project has its own
Project B (WBS Level 1)
WBS that further breaks down the
work in that project. WBS Node 1 WBS Node 2 WBS Node 3

Activity 1
The project is the highest level of
the WBS. Activities are the lowest Activity 2
level of the WBS

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 6

Introduction (Cont’d)
Work Breakdown Structure

For a more detailed discussion of Work Breakdown Structures, see

the WBS handbook published by the Department of Defense (MIL-
HDBK-881A, 30 JUL 2005)

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 7

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6


An operation or process consuming time and possibly resources

An element of work that must be performed in order to complete a


The basic component of a schedule

Activities must be measurable and controllable

An activity may include one or more tasks

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 8

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6

Activities (Cont’d)

Any activity has attributes : Schedule-related characteristics and designations

that uniquely describe a network activity. Attributes can include :
Predecessor and successor activities
Early and late start and finish dates
Identification codes (e.g. trade, area, phase, etc.)
Resource assignments (Labor, equipment (“non-labor”), material)
Any other information that places the activity into accurate context

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 9

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6

Resource Hierarchy

Includes the resources

across all projects in the

Could be broken down by

Type: labor, equipment,
Function: design, site..
Skill level

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 10

Introduction (Cont’d)
Data Structures in P6

The EPS categorizes work in the
Projects belong to EPS nodes
Each project has its own WBS that
further breaks down the work in that
project. Activities are the lowest
level of the WBS.
The OBS represents the responsible
managers in your company and can
be assigned at the EPS, project,
and/or WBS level

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 11

Introduction (Cont’d)

Global Data Vs.

Project Specific Data
Global Data
Defined at the EPS level
Applies to all projects across the
e.g. EPS and OBS, and resource and
role information

Project-Level Data
Defined at the project level
Available only to that project
Activities, WBS, and Work Products
& Documents
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 12
Introduction (Cont’d)

Multiple Platforms
Windows Client
Software resides on host computer
Project databases may or may not be located on host computer

Web Client
Software and project databases are hosted on the web (i.e. “cloud
Dashboard organized differently than Windows Client but features
are similar

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 13

Introduction (Cont’d)
New Terminology

Name in P3 Name in P6
Activity Columns Activity Table
Activity Form Activity Details
Activity Logs Notebook
Bar Chart Gantt Chart
Costs (lump sum) Expenses
Custom Data Items User-defined Fields
Estimate at Completion (resource) At Completion Units
Estimate to Complete (resource) Remaining Units
Expedition Contract Management
Fragnets Methodologies

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 14

Introduction (Cont’d)

Name in P3 Name in P6
Hammock (activity type) Level of Effort
Independent (activity type) Resource Dependent
PERT Activity Network
Resource lag Original lag/remaining lag
Resource Profile Resource Usage Profile/
Activity Usage Profile
Resource Table Resource Usage Spreadsheet/
Activity Usage Spreadsheet
Target Baseline
Task (activity type) Task Dependent
WBS (activity type) WBS Summary
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 15
Navigation (Release 7.0)
Command Toolbar


Bottom Layout

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 16

Navigation (Release 7.0 Cont’d)

Click on the
“Directory” Icon
to show/hide the
Directory Toolbar

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 17

Navigation (Release 7.0 Cont’d)
anywhere in the
Bottom Layout to
add/remove tabs

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 18

Navigation (Release 7.0 Cont’d)

Shows all Projects in the


Shows the Activities of

the Current (Active)

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 19

Training Task No. 1
Practice each of the following:
1. Hide the Navigation Bar button text
2. Hide the Navigation Bar
3. Hide the Directory Bar button text
4. Hide the Directory Bar
5. Hide the Command Bar button text
6. Open/close Activity Detail
7. Add all available tabs to Activity Detail

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 20

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 21
Setting up a New Project
Creating a New EPS

1. Enterprise Command Menu 

Enterprise Project Structure

2. Click Add

3. Specify EPS ID & Name

4. Change the EPS position in the

hierarchy using arrows

5. Modify Display Options

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 22

Setting up a New Project (Cont’d)
Creating a New OBS

1. Enterprise Command Menu 


2. Right-click  OBS Details

3. Click on the OBS node that you

want to add a person under, then
click Add

4. Change hierarchical position

using appropriate arrow

5. Go back to the new EPS to

Change the “Responsible
Manager” name

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 23

Creating a New Project
To Create a new Project

 Select the EPS to

which you want to add
the new project
 Click Add OR Right-
Click the EPS  Add
 Type Project Data
 Project ID
 Project Name
 Planned Start Date
 “Must Finish By” :
Contract Finish Date
 Responsible Manager
in the OBS
 Rate Type: Price/Unit

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 24

Creating a New Project (Cont’d)
Also, you can Cut/Copy &
Paste an existing project
into the new EPS

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 25

Creating a New Project (Cont’d)
In the Defaults Tab,
Choose the Auto-
Numbering preferences

Use Smart IDs to

denote activity’s
information. E.g.
PH1F2C001 : Phase 1,
Floor 2, Concrete

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 26

Creating a New Project (Cont’d)

To set Project as
Default : Project Menu
 "Set Default

Display Project Details

by clicking on the
"Show / Hide Bottom
Layout" icon,
Right-Click on the
Project  Project

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 27

Creating a New Project (Cont’d)
To open the Project:

Select the Project in the

Home Page

Click on the
"Activities" tab in the
Directory Toolbar


Right-Click on the
Project  "Open

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 28

Training Task No. 2
Create an EPS Node called “Sample Projects” and place it
under the highest level of the enterprise

Copy Project “CHP_NR” (provided by the instructor) into the

this EPS Node

Create an OBS called “Training Program” and place it under

the name of the organization

Make “CHP_NR” the default project

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 29

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 30
Adding Activities
1. Click on the
“Activities” icon in the
Directory Toolbar
2. Right-Click where you
want to insert the new
activity  "Add"
Click the "Add" icon
and follow the Wizard
Click "Insert"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 31

Adding Activities (Cont’d)
You can also, Cut, Copy,
Paste and Delete activities
using the Command Bar

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 32

Activity Description
The Activity Description should be:
Clear: Spell out the task clearly. Avoid generic descriptions
Complete: Scope adequately covered by the description
Unique: Identify the activity’s specific information


Electric Fixtures X

Light Fixtures X

Install Light Fixtures X

Install Light Fixtures –5th Floor

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 33
Importing Activities From MS Project [File Menu  Import]

I. Importing a Schedule in
a different format:

1. Select the new Project

2. File Menu  Import

3. Choose the format of the file to

be imported

4. Select the type of data to

import as "Project"

5. Enter the destination of the file

to be imported

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 34

Importing Activities From MS Project [File Menu  Import]

I. Importing a Schedule in
a different format
6. Choose the appropriate import
action: either Update / Replace
/ Add into an existing project or
create a new one

7. Select the Project to which the

new data will be imported

8. Choose what to update or keep

only when updating an existing

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 35

Exporting Activities To Excel [File Menu  Export]

II. Exporting/Importing an
Activity List in a
Export a spreadsheet that
will be used as a template
into which you can copy your
Activity List, to do this:
1. Open the new Project

2. Create a “dummy” activity

3. File Menu  Export

4. Choose the format of the file to

be exported as "Spreadsheet"

5. Select the type of data to export

as "Activities"
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 36
Exporting Activities To Excel [File Menu  Export]

II. Exporting/Importing an
Activity List in a
6. Select the Project to be exported

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 37

Exporting Activities To Excel [File Menu  Export]

II. Exporting/Importing an
Activity List in a
6. Select / Modify the Template
7. Choose the data that you already
have available in your Activity
List. The selected fields will
appear in the same order in the
exported spreadsheet.
8. Choose the destination and
name of the spreadsheet to be

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 38

Exporting Activities To Excel [File Menu  Export]

II. Exporting/Importing an
Activity List in a

9. Copy/Paste your Activity List

and enter other activity data into
the exported spreadsheet.

10. Make sure Column headings

and format is maintained

11. Re-import the exported

spreadsheet with the new data
into P6

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 39

Version 7 – New Feature

MS Excel Import Security

Problem: Global dictionaries can be easily modified if all users are

allowed to import data
Previously, users had to be granted “all or none” permission to import
data from other Primavera products, MS Project and MS Excel
Now, administrator can allow importing of MS Excel files while still
denying permission to import other types of data
Available in both Windows and Web clients

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 40

Training Task No. 3
Create a MS Excel export file for schedule “CHP_NR”
Add a new XLS template with the following information in
this order:
Activity ID
Activity Status
Activity Name
WBS Code
Original Duration
Save the XLS template as “Training Template 1”
Export both activities and relationships

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 41

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 42
Activity Types
In P6, an Activity Type can be either:
Task Dependent
Resource Dependent
Level of Effort
Start Milestone / Finish Milestone
WBS Summary

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 43

Activity Types (Task)
Task Dependent Activity

Scheduled only according to the Activity's calendar

When you want to control the Activity's duration yourself

Activity’s Resources are scheduled according to the Activity's


Use this Activity Type for all construction / physical activities

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 44

Activity Types (Resource)
Resource Dependent Activity

Scheduled according to the calendars of assigned resources

Resources are scheduled according to their own calendars

Used when several resources are assigned to the same

activity, but may work separately, or when availability can
affect Activity's duration

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 45

Activity Types (Level of Effort)
Level of Effort Activity
Commonly known as Hammocks
Has a duration which is determined by its dependent
activities, from the earliest start of its predecessors to the
latest finish of its successors
Should be linked to its predecessors with a SS, and to its
successors with a FF
Overhead-type activities are typically Level of Effort, e.g. Site
Can be used for monitoring purposes, e.g. "Project Duration"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 46

Activity Types (Level of Effort, Cont’d)
Level of Effort Activity

Predecessors: 02 & 03

Successors: 04 & 05

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 47

Activity Types (Milestone)
Start Milestone/Finish Milestone

A zero-duration activity with no resources

Used when an activity is intended to signify the

commencement/completion of a significant stage, rather than
a physical work product

Examples : Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, etc.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 48

Activity Types (WBS Summary)
WBS Summary Activity

Has a duration which is determined by a group of activities

that share a common WBS level.

The Activity's duration will equal the overall duration of

activities assigned to the same WBS level.

Resources that drive activity dates cannot be assigned to WBS

summary activities.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 49

Activity Types (Cont’d)
To change the Activity Type:

1. Select the activity & show

activity details

2. Click the "General" tab

3. Choose the appropriate

activity type from the drop
down menu

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 50

Training Task No. 4
What is the default activity type for Project “CHP_NR”?

Where do we assign the Project Leveling Priority?

How do we open two or more projects at the same time?

There are at least 4 different ways to add an activity in P6;

what are they?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 51

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 52
Activity Durations
To enter/modify Activity's
Original Duration

 Select the activity & show

activity details

 Click the "Status" tab

 Enter the Activity's duration

in the "Original Duration"
Enter the Activity's duration
in the original duration

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 53

Training Task No. 5
Create Level of Effort activities in your copy of “CHP_NR”
to represent the length of each of the following stages:
Stage 1 (Activity ID “LOE_S1”)
Stage 2 (Activity ID “LOE_S2”)
Stage 3 (Activity ID “LOE_S3”)
Stage 4 (Activity ID “LOE_S4”)

Place each Level of Effort activity in the appropriate Stage

Assign the same calendar to these Level of Effort activities as
the existing Level of Effort Activity ID 40.
Relationships will be added during Training Task No. 8

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 54

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 55
Creating the WBS
1. Open the new Project

2. Click on the "WBS" tab

in the Directory Toolbar

3. The Project is by default

WBS Level 1

4. Click on the "Columns"

icon to show the WBS
Code, Name & Path

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 56

Creating the WBS (Cont’d)
6. Insert a new WBS element
by selecting the WBS level
under which you want the
new WBS node to exist
then click "Add"
7. Enter the WBS element’s
name & code. Code is
incremented automatically.
8. Change the WBS element’s
level in the hierarchy using
the arrow keys

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 57

Creating the WBS (Cont’d)
Modify the WBS
display using the
"Layout Options"

You can also

Cut/Copy and
Paste WBS

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 58

Assigning WBS Codes
1. Show the new project
activities by clicking on
the "Activities" tab in
the directory toolbar
2. Click on the "Group &
Sort" icon on the
"Layout Options Toolbar
3. Organize the Activities
by the "WBS"
4. Using the Cut & Paste
commands, move
activities into their
appropriate WBS
5. Also, modify the
Activity's WBS location
using the "General" tab

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 59

Assigning WBS Codes (Cont’d)
You can also assign WBS
codes by exporting a
spreadsheet, filling in WBS
codes against activities, then
importing it back to P6.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 60

Assigning WBS Codes

When deleting a WBS

element, make sure you
choose the option “Merge
Elements” to avoid
deleting subordinate
activities together with the
WBS code.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 61

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 62
P6 expands the types of dates that are possible…

Date Field Definition

Start The current start date of the activity.

Set to the remaining start date until the
activity starts, then set to the actual
start date. ‘A’ next to the date indicates
an actual start date; ‘*’ indicates that a
constraint is being used.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 63

Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Finish The current finish date of the activity. Set

to the planned finish date until the
activity starts, becomes the remaining
finish date while the activity is in
progress, and then becomes the actual
finish date upon completion. ‘A’ next to
the date indicates an actual finish date;
‘*’ indicates that a constraint is being

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 64

Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Early Start The earliest date the remaining portion

of the activity can begin. The date is
based on activity relationships, schedule
constraints and resource availability.

Early Finish The earliest date the activity can be

completed. The date is based on activity
relationships, schedule constraints and
resource availability.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 65

Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Late Start The latest date the remaining portion of

the activity can begin. The date is based
on activity relationships, schedule
constraints and resource availability.

Late Finish The latest date the activity can be

completed. The date is based on activity
relationships, schedule constraints and
resource availability.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 66

Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Planned Start The date the activity is scheduled to

begin. Set to the early start date but
can be manually changed by the user.
Does not change once an actual start
date is applied.

Planned Finish The date the activity is scheduled to be

completed. Set to the early finish date
but can be manually changed by the
user. Does not change once an actual
finish date is applied.
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 67
Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Remaining Early Start The date the remaining portion

of the activity is scheduled to
resume. Set to the planned start
date until the activity begins.
Can be manually changed by the

Remaining Early Finish The date the remaining portion

of the activity is scheduled to be
completed. Set to the planned
finish date until the activity
begins. Can be manually
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 68
changed by the user.
Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Remaining Early Start The date the remaining portion of

the activity is scheduled to resume.
Set to the planned start date until
the activity begins. Can be
manually changed by the user.

Remaining Early Finish The date the remaining portion of

the activity is scheduled to be
completed. Set to the planned
finish date until the activity begins.
Can be manually changed by the
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 69
Dates (Cont’d)
Date Field Definition

Suspend Date The date work stopped on the activity for

unexpected, but temporary, reasons. Date
is manually entered by the user.

Resume Date The date that work resumes after a

temporary suspension. Date is manually
entered by the user.

Tip: before an activity has any progress the Early Start,

Planned Start, Current Start and Remaining Early Start dates
are all the same.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 70

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 71
Creating Calendars [Enterprise  Calendars]

1. Enterprise Command Menu 


2. Choose Global

3. Click Add to create a new calendar

or Modify to edit an existing one

4. Choose the Calendar that you want

to use as a template for new Projects

5. Modify the Work Week

6. Double-click to add work/non-work


7. Check in the “Default” Box to make

this the default Calendar for all
future projects
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 72
Creating Calendars (Cont’d) [Enterprise  Calendars]

8. In the main Calendars window,

choose Project

9. Add the Global Calendar that was

created in Step 3 above

10. Holidays will be inherited


11. Go back to the Home Page, Right-

Click on the new project 
Project Details

12. In the “Defaults” Tab, choose the

new Calendar from the drop down

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 73

Creating Calendars (Cont’d)
To Assign a Calendar

1. Select the Activity.

2. From the “General”

tab, select the

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 74

Training Task No. 6
Add a new Project calendar to your copy of “CHP_NR” with
the following attributes:
Calendar Name is “Special 6-Day Calendar”
6-day workweek for all of 2011 and 2012
No work performed during January 2011 or January 2012
Holidays are March 31st, July 4th and November 15th
Workday starts at 7:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm with 30 minutes for lunch

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 75

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 76
Activity Coding Structures

In addition to the WBS, you can group, filter,

summarize and sort activities using Activity Codes
You can use Activity Codes in lieu of, or in
combination with the WBS
E.g.: Phase, Area, Work type, Specification Division,
Subcontractor, etc.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 77

Activity Coding Structures [Enterprise Activity Codes]

Create the Activity Coding

structure :

Enterprise Command Menu 

"Activity Codes"

P6 provides 3 types of Activity

Global: can be assigned to
activities in all projects
EPS: can be assigned to
projects within the EPS
Project: can only be assigned to
activities in the opened project

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 78

Activity Coding Structures [Enterprise  Activity Codes]

Create the Activity Coding

structure (Cont'd):

Note the difference between

the Activity Code and Activity
Code Values

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 79

Activity Coding Structures [Enterprise  Activity Codes]

Create the Activity Coding

structure (Cont'd):

1. In the main Activity Codes

Window select "EPS"
2. Click "Modify"
3. A new window will appear, add
the new code & new code’s name
4. Close the window
5. Select the new code from the drop-
down menu
6. Add new values to the code

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 80

Version 7 – New Feature

Activity Field-Level Security

Previously, access could only be restricted to Global, EPS and Project

levels; any user with Project-level access could change any activity
Each user can be assigned edit privileges to only the activity fields they
are required to update, while all others are read only
Activity-level security gives the flexibility to allow users to update
fields such as actual start and finish, percent completes and remaining
effort, while limiting those same users to read-only access to other
activity-level fields
Available in both Windows and Web clients

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 81

Assigning Activity Codes

1. Show the Project details by

clicking on the "Show/Hide
Bottom Layout" in the
"Layout Options" toolbar

2. Click the "Codes" tab

3. Click "Assign"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 82

Assigning Activity Codes (Cont’d)

4. From the top bar, choose

the coding level from
which you want to assign
codes, whether Global,
EPS or Project
Note: To assign from the
Global codes, make sure
the display Filter is set to
“All values”

5. Select the code you want

to assign

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 83

Assigning Activity Codes (Cont’d)

6. From the top bar, choose

the coding level from
which you want to assign
codes, whether Global,
EPS or Project
Note: To assign from the
Global codes, make sure
the display Filter is set to
“All values”

7. Select the code you want

to assign

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 84

Version 7 – New Feature

Adding Code Values “On the Fly”

Individuals can now add new code values to the dictionary while
assigning codes to activities, without having to navigate to the activity
code dictionary
User will simply be prompted to specify the activity code value and
Available in both Windows and Web clients
Just like P3!

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 85

Training Task No. 7
Add a new Project activity code to your copy of “CHP_NR”
and name it “Responsibility”
Assign the following code values to “Responsibility”
“TC” (description = “Traffic Control”)
“Dirt” (description = “Excavate Sub Base”

Using the Activity Details in the bottom layout, assign code

values to select activities
Assign “TC” to all activities with “Traffic Control” in the Activity Name
Assign “Dirt” to all activities with “Excavate Sub Base” in the Activity Name

What are some other ways to assign Project activity codes?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 86

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 87
Adding Logic Relationships

1. Show the Project details by

clicking on the "Show/Hide
Bottom Layout" in the
"Layout Options" toolbar

2. Click the "Relationships"


3. Click "Assign" to add

Predecessors / Successors

4. Select the Predecessor /

Successor from the list

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 88

Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
New logic relationships are
Finish-to-Start by default.
To change the relationship
type, double click in the
"Relationship Type" field
then choose the appropriate
type from the drop-down

You can only input the

Relationship Type & Lag.
Other fields are
automatically calculated by
the software.

To customize the displayed

columns, Right-Click
anywhere in the Predecessor
or Successor area.
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 89
Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
05/12 05/20

05/22 05/30
FS – Lag 1


FF – Lag 2



SS – Lag 1

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 90
Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
To Add a Predecessor /
Successor to Multiple

1. Highlight all activities to

which you want to add the
predecessor / successor

2. Click on the "Predecessors"

or "Successors" icon on the
"Command Bar", as may be

3. Select the common

predecessor / successor that
you want to add to the
highlighted activities

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 91

Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
To link a Series of Activities

1. Ctrl-Click the activities in

the order you want them in

2. Right-Click  "Link

3. They are now linked in the

order they were selected

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 92

Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
Dissolve Activity
Deletes the activity but joins
its predecessors to its
successors with a Finish-to-
Start Relationship

Select the Activity, open the

Edit Menu  "Dissolve

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 93

Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
Logic Networks

To trace activities
predecessors and successors:

Click on the "Trace Logic"

icon in the Layout options

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 94

Adding Logic Relationships (Cont’d)
Logic Networks (Cont'd)

To view the overall Project's

network, click on the "Activity
Network" icon

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 95

Training Task No. 8
We will now add relationships for the Level of Effort
Activities added during Training Task No. 5:
Stage 1 (Activity ID “LOE_S1”)
Stage 2 (Activity ID “LOE_S2”)
Stage 3 (Activity ID “LOE_S3”)
Stage 4 (Activity ID “LOE_S4”)

Open the Activity Details and click on

“Relationships” (hint: this tab may need to be added)
Assign one predecessor and one successor for each
Level of Effort Activity

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 96

Training Task No. 8 (Cont’d)

There are at least 4 different ways to add

relationships between activities in P6. What are they?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 97

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 98
A Constraint is a restriction imposed on the start or finish date of an activity
It may or may not override logic, depending on the Constraint Type
Should be used sparingly, only to represent external factors that are not
within the control of the organization, e.g. easements, ADOT ROW, etc..…
Should not be used as “Shortcuts”
Always Document the basis for using the constraint

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 99

Constraints (Cont’d)
Constraint Types
Start on : imposes a start date. Can delay an early start or accelerate a late start to
satisfy the imposed date. Unlike the mandatory start constraint, doesn’t violate logic.
Start on or after : Also known as "Start no earlier than". Affects only early dates.
Limits the earliest time an activity can begin so that early start date cannot be earlier
than the constraint date. Logic however, may cause the early start to occur later.
Start on or before : Also known as "Start no later than". Affects only late dates.
Limits the latest date it can start. When calculating a schedule, it is used in the
backward pass only if the calculated late start date will be later than the imposed
date. This constraint may decrease total float.
Start on

Start on or Before Start on or after

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 100
Constraints (Cont’d)
Constraint Types (Cont'd)

Finish on: Similar to the "Start on". Imposes a finish date. The finish on constraint
can delay an early finish or accelerate a late finish to satisfy the imposed date.

Finish on or after : "Finish no earlier than". Limits the earliest time it can finish so
that the finish of an activity is not scheduled before the imposed date.

Finish on or before : "Finish no later than". Limits the latest time it can be finished.
The finish on or before constraint affects only late dates. Reduces Total Float.

Finish on

Finish on or Before Finish on or after

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 101

Constraints (Cont’d)
Constraint Types (Cont'd)
As late as possible : Pushes the activity to start as late as possible without delaying
its successors, if it has available float.
Mandatory start / Mandatory Finish : sets early and late dates equal to the date
you specify. Overrides logic…..Do not Use..!!!!

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 102

Constraints (Cont’d)



Constraint to “Start
on or after” 06/05

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 103
Constraints (Cont’d)
Constraint (Cont'd)
Always re-calculate the schedule after you apply a constraint.
Always document the basis of the constraint.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 104

Training Task No. 9
Assign a “Finish On or Before” constraint to Activity ID 9999
Finish date should be 01/18/12

Change the previous constraint to “Mandatory Finish” with a

Finish date of 12/05/11
What happens?

Is it possible to assign a constraint to an activity so that the

activity will appear to be critical at all times?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 105

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 106
Now it’s time to calculate the Schedule
Click Tools  Schedule
OR click F9

Select the Data date

Schedule the project after

each logic change for it to
take effect

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 107

Scheduling (Cont’d)
Float Calculations

In Primavera P3, relationship lag was determined by the

calendar on the predecessor activity

P6 has multiple options for relationship lag:

Predecessor activity calendar
Successor activity calendar
24-hour calendar
Default calendar

Progress Override vs. Retained Logic

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 108

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 109
Grouping & Sorting

Click on the "Group & Sort"

icon in the Layout Options

Double-click in the "Group

by" field to select the
grouping data item.

Double-Click on the Font &

Color field to modify the
format of the grouping bands

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 110

Grouping & Sorting (Cont’d)
Mark "Show Group Totals"
to display the totals per data
item in the grouping bands
(e.g. total budgeted cost per

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 111

Grouping & Sorting (Cont’d)

Click "Sort" to specify the

order of activities within each

When done, click "Apply" for

changes to take effect

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 112

1. Click on the "Filters"

2. Click:
"New" to create a
new filter,
"Modify" to edit an
existing one, or
Copy/paste a global
filter under the "User
Defined" category to
modify it

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 113

Filters (Cont’d)
3. Enter the Filter criteria; could
be any activity attribute: Code,
WBS or Resource assignment,
a Date, % complete…etc.

4. Choose the Filter Parameter,

whether you want to filter to
show activities complying
with ALL or ANY of the

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 114

Filters (Cont’d)
5. Mark against the
filter(s) that you want
to apply

6. Select "All Selected

Filters" or "Any
Selected Filter" to
display activities that
meet ALL or ANY
criteria specified in the
selected filters

7. To revert to displaying
all activities, mark the
"All Activities"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 115

Activity Table
1. Click on the "Columns
2. Choose from the
available data fields the
columns that you want to
display, use the arrows
keys to add/remove
columns to the current

Click "Edit Column" to

modify the Columns
format and/or title

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 116

Activity Table (Cont’d)

Columns can be useful in

Adding/modifying activity
details, e.g. :Changing
Activity Codes

1. Click on the "Columns"

icon in the Layout Options

2. Choose from the "Activity

Codes" categories the
columns that you want to
display using the arrow

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 117

Activity Table (Cont’d)
3. In the activity row, double-
click on the activity code
you want to add/modify

4. Select the appropriate code

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 118

Activity Table (Cont’d)

To view activity group

summaries, right-click
anywhere in the Activity
Table  Choose either:

"Collapse All" : to
summarize all the schedule
to the project level
"Collapse to": to summarize
the schedule up to certain
level only
"Expand all" to display all

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 119

Fill Down Function

You can quickly copy a certain

activity attribute to many

For example, to assign the same

code to multiple activities:

Highlight the activities,

Right-Click  "Fill Down"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 120

Training Task No. 10
Create a filter to display all Stage 1 and Stage 2 work

Create a filter to display only activities with “traffic control”

in the activity name

What is the difference between longest path and critical path?

Can a schedule have negative float even though there are no

constraints on any activities?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 121

Customizing the Bar Chart
To Customize the Timescale

View Menu  Timescale

Click on the "Timescale“ icon in
the Layout Options toolbar

Enter the Timescale start

Enter the Timescale Interval

Use Timescale Type :Calendar

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 122

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)

Double-Click anywhere in
the Chart area to return to
the Project start

Click on the Zoom

in/Zoom out icons to view
a smaller/larger time

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 123

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
To customize the Bars:

View Menu  Bars

Click on the "Bars" icon in
the Layout Options toolbar

Mark the checkbox next to

bars you want to show

Modify the shape and color

of the selected Bar from the
“Bar Style” tab.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 124

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Under the Bar Labels Tab,
Click "Add" to select a Bar
Label, e.g. Activity Name,
Start & Finish Dates, etc.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 125

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)

You can add a new bar

style for a certain group of
activities, e.g.:
all activities with a certain
Activity code
1. Click "Add" or copy
another Bar
2. Enter the new Bar’s
style and criteria
3. Enter a Filter to
associate a group of
activities with the Bar’s

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 126

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Click on the "Spotlight" icon
and drag it highlight progress
during a certain period

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 127

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Click on the "logic lines"
icon to show logic
relationships in the Bar

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 128

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Careful when clicking in
the Bar Chart area, logic
can be changed…!!

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 129

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Attachment Tools

Add Curtains to
highlight certain
periods of time

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 130

Customizing the Bar Chart (Cont’d)
Attachment Tools

Add text to Activity


©2012 Construction Science, LLC 131

Version 7 – New Feature
Progress Line

A new progress line can be shown on the Gantt chart to

graphically communicate variances in project progress
The progress line can be displayed with activity current bars
and display schedule variance
In addition, the progress line can be drawn on top of baseline
bars, plotting the progress point of each activity on its
baseline bar
The progress line shows where the progress should be relative
to the data date (available in both Windows and Web Clients)

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 132

Training Task No. 11
Using your copy of “CHP_NR”, create a new layout with the
following attributes:
Timescale is dark green and text is white
Timescale should display dotted sight lines every quarter and solid
sight lines at the end of every year
Activity Table should contain the following data in this exact order:
 Activity ID
 Activity Name
 Original Duration
 Duration Type
 Remaining Early Start
 Remaining Early Finish
Center align text in each data column

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 133

Training Task No. 11 (Cont’d)
Group all activities as follows:
Activity Code “Stage” is highest level and should have an orange band
with black text (font size = 14)
Activity Code “Post Mile” is the next highest level and should have a
dark blue band with white text (font size = 12)

Sort activities as follows:

Early Start, then
Early Finish

Filter activities to meet both of the following criteria:

Total Float = 0
Activity Type does not include Level of Effort

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 134

Training Task No. 11 (Cont’d)
Make the following changes to the Gantt Chart
Make critical bars purple
Add float bars on Row 2 and make them yellow
Add a curtain for the month of January in 2011 and 2012 and make the
filter light green in color with “/” fill pattern

Save layout as “Training Layout 1”

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 135

Print Setup [File Menu  Page Setup]

File Menu  Page Setup

In the "Page" tab, make sure to

"Fit Timescale" to 1 page wide

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 136

Print Setup (Cont’d) [File Menu  Page Setup]

In the "Footer" tab specify

Number of sections into
which the footer to be
Which pages to show the
footer on
Data to be included in
each section

To enter Data into the footer Sections, select the section,

Select Data Item form the drop down menu  click Add

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 137

Print Setup (Cont’d) [File Menu  Page Setup]

In the "Options" tab


Timescale Start

Timescale Finish

Data Items to be printed

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 138

Layouts [View Menu  Layout]

To open or save layouts:

Click the View Menu  Layout

To Create a new layout

1. Open an existing layout that

most closely resembles the
format of the new layout you
want to create

2. Choose View, Layout, Save As

3. Type a name for the new layout

4. In the Available To field, select

a user category, then click Save

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 139

Layouts (Cont’d) [View Menu  Layout]

You can transfer layouts

using the import/export

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 140

Day II
Defining Resources
Assigning Resources
Analyzing Resources & Cost Usage
Activity Duration Types
Percent Complete Types
EV calculations
Updating the Schedule
Creating a Baseline
Recommended Scheduling Practices
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 141
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 142
Defining Resources
To Create a new Resource

1. Click on the Resources tab

in the Directory Toolbar

2. Click on the Display

Options toolbar to filter
the displayed Resources to
either all Projects in the
Database or the Current
Project only

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 143

Defining Resources (Cont’d)
3. Click"Add" to add a new
resource and follow the
OR Right-click  Add
OR Click "Insert"
You can also Copy/Paste
Resources from different
Use the arrows to move the
new resource to its appropriate
position in the hierarchy
Right-click on the new
resource  "Details"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 144

Defining Resources (Cont’d)
4. Under the General tab, enter
the Resource ID & Resource

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 145

Defining Resources (Cont’d)
5. Under the Details tab:

Enter the new Resource’s type:

Labor, Non-labor or Material

Select "Auto Compute Actuals"

if you want actual units to be
automatically updated based on
the Activity's % complete

Select "Calculate Costs from

Units" to generate a "Budgeted
Cost" based on the Resource

Select the Resource calendar.

The default project calendar is

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 146

Defining Resources (Cont’d)
6. Under the Units & Prices tab:

Click "Add" to enter resource

Price/Unit for certain time
periods. Example : labor wages

Enter the Maximum Units/Time:

Maximum hours the resource
can work per day

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 147

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 148
Assigning Resources
1. In the Resources tab of the
Activity Details Bottom
Layout, click "Add
Click on the Resources
icon on the Command Bar
2. Select the Resource you
want to add
3. Enter the Resource’s
Budgeted Units (e.g.

By default:
Budgeted Cost = Price/Unit x Budgeted Units
Budgeted Units = Units/Time x Duration
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 149
Assigning Resources Budget/Cost
To Change a Resource

Tools Menu  Recalculate

Resource Assignments

Any changes to Resource

information will then take effect

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 150

Assigning Resources Budget/Cost
By Default:

Budgeted Units = Units/Time x Duration

Budgeted Cost = Budgeted Units x Price/Unit

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 151

Importing Resources from “XER” [File Menu  Import]

Importing Resources from the Estimating Software

To use the resources created in an estimating software:
Import the "XER" file generated by the estimating software into P6
You can choose to import the resources only into the existing new project
All the new resources will be imported into the shared resource pool

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 152

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 153
Resource Assignment Layout
Click on the "Assignment"
tab in the Directory
Toolbar to display
activities per resource
To add/remove columns:
Right-click on the title bar
 Columns  Customize
The Spreadsheet on the
right side shows totals per
time period (Budgeted
Units, Budgeted Cost, etc.)

To customize the Spreadsheet contents : Right Click anywhere 

Spreadsheet Fields  Customize  Select from either cumulative values or
values per time period
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 154
Activity Usage Spreadsheet
Click on the "Activities"
tab in the Directory
Click the "Activity Usage
Spreadsheet" icon
Left pane displays the
Activity Table, same as
current layout
Right pane displays
activity data in a time-
scaled spreadsheet format

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 155

Activity Usage Profile
Resource total Units or
Costs per time period are
represented as a
Choose to display usage
for either "All activities"
or only "Selected
Note that the chart
includes only activities
listed above in the
Activity Table

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 156

Activity Usage Profile (Cont’d)
Mark the "Time period"
checkbox only if you
want to filter the activity
table based on
highlighted periods in the

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 157

Activity Usage Profile (Cont’d)

To customize the chart:

Right-click  "Activity
Usage Profile Options"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 158

Resource Usage Spreadsheet
The left pane lists all
the resources or roles
stored in the hierarchy,
(depending on the
current view).

The middle pane

displays all of the
activity assignments
for the resource or role
currently selected in
the left pane.

The right pane displays the values for the activities assigned to the
resource currently selected in the left pane.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 159

Resource Usage Profile
The left pane lists all the
resources stored in the
hierarchy view.

The right pane displays

the total usage of the
selected resource, in
terms of either units or

To customize the chart,

right-click in the chart
area  "Resource
Usage Profile Options”.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 160

Training Task No. 12
Copy Project “Oracle_R” (provided by the instructor) into
EPS Node “Sample Projects”

Determine the hours in the schedule for the following

Carpenter (“LCARP”) week of 12/13/09
Flatrack (“ETFR”) week of 06/13/10
Link Belt 60T Crane (“EH60T”) week of 04/03/11
Semi Belly Dump (“RT18B”) week of 01/09/11
Equipment Operator (“LO”) week of 07/04/10

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 161

Resource Leveling


A process that helps you assure there are sufficient resources available
to perform the activities as planned and highlight resource over-
allocations or conflicts

The software reschedules an activity, using its available Total Float, to

occur when its resource demands can be met so as the total resource
usage does not exceed its limits

May result in a late Project Finish date if the affected activities were
on the Critical Path

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 162

Resource Leveling (Cont’d)
1. Click on the “Level
Resources” icon

2. Click “Select
Resources” to
choose the
resources you want
to level

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 163

Resource Leveling (Cont’d)
Before Leveling After Leveling

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 164

Resource Leveling
Before Leveling After Leveling

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 165

Training Task No. 13
Select only concrete labor (“LCL”) for leveling

Change the resource usage profile to show only Remaining

Late Dates

Increase the maximum units per day for concrete labor to 16


Level “LCL” with all leveling options turned off

What happens to the Total Float?
Level “LCL” with the “Level resources only within activity Total Float” and
compare results

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 166

Resource Leveling (Cont’d)
Resource leveling requires a different type of logic; “soft” logic is
necessary to allow enough float for activity dates to be adjusted

Level one resource at a time to determine whether any negative float

is created; if everything is okay, add more resources for leveling, one
at a time

All users (including the client) need to understand that resources are
driving activity dates in addition to the logic

Remember to resource level the schedule after each schedule

calculation (or select option to always level when scheduling)

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 167

Resource Leveling (Cont’d)
Guidelines (Cont’d)
Leveling one resource will most likely remove the total float available
for leveling other resources, so even the order in which you level
resources can change the results

Over-allocation of resources can be used to identify the need for a

different workday calendar, higher limits, or the need for selective

Leveling within the activity Total Float (option) will not allow
resource leveling to delay the project

Resource leveling takes a lot of practice to master; start with a few

simple resources and build confidence

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 168

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 169
Activity Duration Types
P6 provides 4 types of Activity Durations.
Fixed Duration Types Fixed Resource Types

1. Fixed Duration & Units/Time 3. Fixed Units

2. Fixed Duration & Units 4. Fixed Units/time

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 170

Activity Duration Types
To change the Activity Duration Type:
1. Show the Activity Details in the Bottom Layout
2. Select the "General" Tab
3. Select from the drop-down menu the appropriate Activity Duration

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 171

Activity Duration Types (Cont’d)

The Duration type only matters when the activity is assigned


The following equation must hold true regardless of which

variable is updated.

Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

The Duration Type enables you to control which variables of

this equation are calculated when you change a value.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 172

Activity Duration Types (Cont’d)
Fixed Duration Types (Duration drives Resources)
1. Fixed Duration & Units /Time
Resource Units = Resource Units/Time x Duration
Task Dependent Activities.
Schedule Drives Resources.
2. Fixed Duration & Units Duration overrides Resources
Resource Units = Resource Units/Time x Duration (Units/Time or Units).

Fixed Resource Types (Resources drive Duration)
3. Fixed Units /Time
Resource Units = Resource Units/Time x Duration Resource Dependent Activities.
Resources Drive the Schedule.
4. Fixed Units Resources (Units/Time or
Resource Units = Resource Units/Time x Duration Units) overrides Duration.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 173

Activity Duration Types (Cont’d)
Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

Resources (Units &
Duration Drives

Resource Units Units/Time Duration


Fixed Duration & Units/Time 3 2 1

Fixed Duration & Units 2 3 1

Fixed Units/Time 2 1 3
Resources Drive

Fixed Units 1 2 3

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 174

Fixed Duration & Units/Time
Duration Overrides Resource Variables (Units & Units/Time)

Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

40 Hrs = 8 Hrs/Day x 5 Days

Units Units/Time Duration

Input Input Input
80 Hrs 16 Hrs/Day 10 Days

Units (Hrs) 80 80 80

Units/Time (Hrs/Day) 16 16 8

Duration (Day) 5 5 10
When Units were Changed, Units/Time were changed to
maintain the equation, Duration is never recalculated with this
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 175
Fixed Duration & Units
Duration Overrides Resource Variables (Units & Units/Time)

Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

40 Hrs = 8 Hrs/Day x 5 Days

Units Units/Time Duration

Input Input Input
80 Hrs 16 Hrs/Day 10 Days

Units (Hrs) 80 80 40

Units/Time (Hrs/Day) 16 16 4

Duration (Day) 5 5 10
When Units/Time were Changed, Units were changed to
maintain the equation, Duration is never recalculated with this
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 176
Fixed Units
Resource Variables (Units & Units/Time) Override Duration

Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

40 Hrs = 8 Hrs/Day x 5 Days

Units Units/Time Duration

Input Input Input
80 Hrs 16 Hrs/Day 10 Days

Units (Hrs) 80 80 80

Units/Time (Hrs/Day) 8 16 8

Duration (Day) 10 5 10
When Units were Changed, Duration changed to maintain the
equation, Units/Time remained Constant. Resource variables
take precedence over Duration.
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 177
Fixed Units/Time
Resource Variables (Units & Units/Time) Override Duration

Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration

40 Hrs = 8 Hrs/Day x 5 Days

Units Units/Time Duration

Input Input Input
80 Hrs 16 Hrs/Day 10 Days

Units (Hrs) 80 80 80

Units/Time (Hrs/Day) 8 16 8

Duration (Day) 10 5 10
When Units/Time were Changed, Duration changed to maintain
the equation, Units remained Constant. Resource variables
take precedence over Duration.
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 178
Activity Duration Types (Cont’d)
Resource Units = Units/Time x Duration
Activity When you When you When you
Duration Type change Units, change change
this value Units/Time, this Duration, this
changes... value value
Resources (Units &

changes... changes...
Duration Drives


Fixed Duration Units/Time Units Units

& Units/time Duration Overrides

Fixed Duration Units

Units/Time Units/Time
& Units Duration Overrides

Fixed Duration
Duration Units
Drive Duration

Units/Time Units Override


Fixed Units Duration Duration Units/Time

Units/Time Override
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 179
Activity Duration Types (Cont’d)

Typically Used:
Task Dependent Activity Type
Fixed Duration & Units/Time Activity
Duration type

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 180

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 181
Percent Complete Types

P6 provides 3 types of Percent Complete

1. Duration
2. Physical
3. Units

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 182

Percent Complete Types (Cont’d)
To select the Activity's Percent Complete Type:
1. Show the Activity Details in the Bottom Layout
2. Select the "General" Tab
3. Select from the drop-down menu the appropriate Activity Percent
Complete Type

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 183

Percent Complete Types (Duration)

1. Duration Percent Complete :

If activity progress can most easily be reported based on original and

remaining duration.

The Activity % Complete will equal Duration % Complete, calculated as :

[(Original Duration – Remaining Duration) / Original Duration] x 100
For example, if you have a 10-day activity that has 4 days remaining, it is
60% complete.

If Remaining Duration becomes greater than or equal to the Original

Duration, Duration Percent complete will equal Zero…

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 184

Percent Complete Types (Units)

2. Units Percent Complete :

Progress is reported based on the accomplished work effort (Units) as

compared to how much work remains.

The Activity % Complete will equal Units % Complete, calculated as :

[(Actual Units ) / (Actual Units + Remaining Units)] x 100

For example, if an activity has a resource assigned 40 Hours, and the

resource has actually completed 30 Hours, the activity is 75% complete.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 185

Percent Complete Types (Physical)

3. Physical Percent Complete :

Progress is manually entered by the User.

Choose this type when you want to remove the link between the reported remaining
duration and the Activity's percent complete i.e. where progress will be reported
separately from the remaining duration.

Recommended, especially with Cost loaded schedules, where payment is based on

schedule’s reported progress.

Provides a better historical record of the schedule’s progress.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 186

Training Task No. 14
Save the existing “Training Layout 1” as “Training Layout 2”
Add columns to the Activity Table for the following percent
complete types:

Find Activity ID b275.2.a10 using <Control-F>

Select current Early Start date as the Actual Start
Change the Duration % Complete to 50%
What happens to the Remaining Duration?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 187

Training Task No. 14 (Cont’d)
Change the Duration % Complete to 50%
What happens to the Remaining Duration?
Did anything else change?

Change the Physical % Complete to 40%

Did anything else change?

Change the % Complete Type to “Physical”

Did anything else change?

Change the % Complete Type to “Units”

Did anything else change?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 188

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 189
Earned Value Calculations

Definition: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

Earned Value = Budgeted Cost x Activity % Complete

Activity % Complete = % Complete of Selected Type

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 190

Earned Value Calculations (Duration)
Example I : Activity 33
Original Duration =3
Remaining Duration =1
Duration % complete = [(OD-RD)/OD] x 100 = (3-1)/3 x 100 = 66.67%
Physical % Complete = 10 % (manually entered)
Percent Complete Type = Duration
Budgeted Cost = $1,000
Activity Percent Complete = Percent Complete Type = Duration % = 66.67%
Earned Value = Activity % x Budgeted Cost
= 66.67% x $1,000 = $667

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 191

Earned Value Calculations (Physical)
Example II : Activity 103
Original Duration =3
Remaining Duration =2
Duration % complete = [(OD-RD)/OD] x 100 = (3-2)/3 x 100 = 33.33%
Physical % Complete = 40 % (manually entered)
Percent Complete Type = Physical
Budgeted Cost = $10,000
Activity Percent Complete = Percent Complete Type = Physical % = 40%
Earned Value = Activity % x Budgeted Cost
= 40% x $10,000 = $4,000

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 192

Earned Value Calculations For Payment
Utilizing Earned Value for
Payment Purposes

1. Create a Resource named


2. Assign the new resource,

"Cost", to all activities that will
be cost-loaded

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 193

Earned Value Calculations For Payment (Cont’d)
3. Assign a Budgeted Cost for each activity so as to distribute the Contract
Price over all schedule activities. You should be able to manually enter

If the "Budgeted Cost" column does not appear, right-click anywhere in the tab
Customize, then add the “Budgeted Cost" Column

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 194

Earned Value Calculations For Payment (Cont’d)

Budgeted Cost of all cost-Loaded Activities should add-up to the Total

Contract Price
Schedule of Values Item No.
Act ID Activity Name Total/Activity
1.1 … 2.1 …
103 Remove Guardrail x
113 Remove Existing Catch Basins x
62 Remove Median Paving x
15 Remove Embankment Curb x
24 Remove AC x

20 Remove and Replace Mail Boxes

39 Clear and Grub x x
48 Remove Fence
27 Saw Cut AC

Total per Schedule of Values Line Item Price

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 195

Earned Value Calculations For Payment (Cont’d)

A SOV line item can be distributed over a number of activities, but each
Activity's amount should be obtained from only one line item

Schedule of Values Item No.

Act ID Activity Name Total/Activity
1.1 … 2.1 …
103 Remove Guardrail x
113 Remove Existing Catch Basins x x
62 Remove Median Paving x
15 Remove Embankment Curb x
24 Remove AC x
20 Remove and Replace Mail Boxes
39 Clear and Grub x x
48 Remove Fence
27 Saw Cut AC

Total per Schedule of Values Line Item Contract Price

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 196

Earned Value Calculations For Payment (Cont’d)

Budgeted Costs of all cost-loaded activities should add-up to the Total Contract

The Earned Budget of all cost-loaded activities should add-up to the total "Pay
Application" amount

Group / Grand
Totals can be
useful for
comparison of the
schedule and pay

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 197

Earned Value Calculations For Payment (Cont’d)

All Cost-Loaded
Activities should
have a "Physical"
Percent complete

To be more
specific, you can
create & assign a
number of
resources, each
representing a
certain Schedule
of Values Line
Item, or possibly
a subcontractor

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 198

Training Task No. 15
Save the existing “Training Layout 2” as “Training Layout 3”
Add columns to the Activity Table for the following:
Labor Units % Complete
Budgeted Labor Cost
Activity % Complete
Physical % Complete

Find Activity ID a70.3.3 using <Control-F>

Select current Early Start date as the Actual Start

Change Activity % Complete to 25%

What happens to the Remaining Labor Units?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 199

Training Task No. 15 (Cont’d)
Change the % Complete Type to “Units”
Does this change remaining hours?
What happens to Labor Units % Complete?

Change Physical % Complete to 70%

Does this change anything?

Change Labor Units % Complete (column) to 50%

What happens to “Units %” in the Activity Detail?

Instructor will explain options for calculations under Project


©2012 Construction Science, LLC 200

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 201
Expenses [Enterprise  Cost Accounts]

You can use expenses to assign

and monitor costs

Go to Enterprise  Cost

Click "Add" or use the

Copy/Paste options to create a
new Cost Account structure
reflecting the Project's Schedule
of Values

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 202

Expenses (Cont’d) [Enterprise  Cost Accounts]

Expenses can be used

to calculate Earned Value in
the same manner as resources

Under the "Expenses" tab of the

Activity Details Bottom Layout,
assign a new "Cost Account"

Enter a Budgeted Cost

Earned Value will be calculated

in the same manner as if the
Expense was a Resource

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 203

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 204
Updating the Schedule
The Data Date:
The current date based on which the schedule is updated to report actual progress
and projects a new completion date.
The calendar date that separates actual (historical) data from scheduled data.
E.g. for Schedule update for period ending March 31, 2008, Data Date should be
March 31, 2008.

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 205

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
To Create a Schedule Update
1. Click the "Projects" tab
2. Create a copy of the Baseline Schedule and rename it
3. Open the new copy of the schedule

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 206

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
In the new Project, open the
"Status" Tab
Update ONLY the following
Actual Start: If Activity has
actually started, mark the
"Started" checkbox and enter
the Actual start Date
Actual Finish
Remaining Duration, if
activity has started but not
finished : the amount of time
remaining to finish the
Physical % Complete, only if
Activity's Percent Complete
type is "Physical"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 207

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
DO NOT Change!

Original Duration

Logic Relationships

Activity ID X X
Activity Description

Budgeted Cost
Do not record any actual
start or finish dates after the
Data Date

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 208

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
1. Tools Menu  Schedule
Click F9
Click on the "Schedule" icon

2. Enter the new Data Date

3. Click "Schedule"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 209

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
Updating Resources
1. Click on the "Resources" tab
2. Enter the actual resource usage in the "Actual this Period" field
3. The "At Completion" units will be updated as Actual Units + Remaining Units

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 210

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
Recording Impacts/Changes in Schedule Updates
All Delay events, Change Orders and any other impacts should be adequately recorded
in Schedule updates…AS NEW ACTIVITIES





Differing Site Conditions

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 211

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
Recording Impacts/Changes in Schedule Updates (Cont'd)



Notice of Differing Site Conditions


Change Order

Additional Work

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 212

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
Schedule Update Checklist
 Has the Project Completion date or any interim milestone dates change?
 Did the Critical Path Change, if yes, why..?
 Any Negative Float?
 Have all approved Change orders been adequately incorporated?
 Have all delay events/impacts been properly recorded?
 Any trends worth watching, e.g. a subcontractor consistently delayed, an
activity or area continuously slipping?
 Have all schedule changes been explained in the accompanying narrative?
 Has the schedule log file been reviewed?

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 213

Updating the Schedule (Cont’d)
To save an electronic copy of the schedule
File Menu  Export
Export the Project in "XER" format to the desired location

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 214

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 215
Creating a Baseline (Target) [Project  Maintain Baseline]

To Create a Project Baseline

Project Menu  Maintain Baseline

Click "Add" to create or

designate a Baseline for the
currently open project

Converts another existing

Project into a Baseline for
Creates a copy of the the current one
current project as it exists
to use it as a Baseline
©2012 Construction Science, LLC 216
Creating a Baseline (Cont’d) [Project  Assign Baselines]

To Create a Project Baseline (Cont'd)

After you designate Baselines in the
"Maintain Baselines" window,

1. Go to Project Menu  Assign


2. Assign the Baseline from the

"Project Baseline" drop-down

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 217

Creating a Baseline (Cont’d)
When you convert a Project into a
Baseline in another project, it no
longer becomes a separate project by

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 218

Creating a Baseline (Cont’d) [Project  Maintain Baselines]

To restore a Project that was converted to a Baseline:

1. Remove it from the "Project Baseline" field in the "Assign Baseline" Window
2. In the "Maintain Baselines" window, select the Baseline you want to restore,
then click "Restore"

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 219

Creating a Baseline (Cont’d)
Comparing Baseline to Current Schedule: …and show Baseline

You can add

columns of
Baseline Data

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 220

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 221
Recommended Scheduling Practices
Schedule’s minimum content:
Engineering: significant submittals & shop-drawings preparation & approval
Procurement, Fabrication & Material Deliveries: especially long lead items
Construction activities: scope adequately covered

Schedule Integrity:
Level of detail appropriate for monitoring
Activity Name unique, clear & complete
Smart Activity IDs
Logic driven
Sequence is realistic, achievable, and based on careful scope review
Durations are reasonable
No activities without successors or predecessors
Constraints justified and documented (in Notebook)
Total Float is meaningful

©2012 Construction Science, LLC 222

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