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(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The questions paper consists of 30 questions divided into four sections. A, B, C,
and D. Section-A comprises of 6 questions of 1 mark each, Section-B comprises of
6 questions of 2 marks each, Section-C comprises of 10 questions of 3 marks
each and Section-D comprises of 8 questions of 4 marks each.
(iii) There is no overall choice in this question paper.
(iv) Use of calculator is not permitted.

1 A number ending in 9 will have the units place of its square as
a) 3 b) 9 c) 1 d) 6
2 Which one of the numbers is a perfect cube?
a) 243 b) 216 c) 392 d) 8640
3 The height of a rectangle in a histogram shows the
a) width of the class b) upper limit of the class
c) lower limit of the class d) frequency of the class
4 The smallest number by which 351 is divided to make it a perfect cube is
a) 2 b) 13 c) 6 d) 9
−2 1
5 Find a rational number between and 4
6 Multiply (7𝑥𝑦 + 5𝑦) 𝑏𝑦 3𝑥𝑦

7 Find the value of Q following multiplication.
8 72% of 25 students are good in Mathematics. How many are not good in Mathematics?
9 By using Euler’s formula find the unknown.
a. Vertices = 12, Faces = 4, Edges =?
b. Faces = 5, Edges = 8, Vertices =?
c. Edges = 2, Vertices = 3, Faces =?
10 By what number should (-12)-1 be divided so that the quotient may be ( 3)-1 ?
11 Express 16−2 as a power with the base 2.

12 The top speed of thirty different land animals have been organised into a frequency table.
Draw a Histogram for the given data
Maximum 10- 20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 5 5 10 8 0 2

13 A shopkeeper buys 80 articles for Rs 2,400 and sells them for a profit of 16%. Find the
selling price of one article?
14 Form a discrete frequency distribution from the following scores:
15 Find the greatest number of seven digits which is perfect square. What is the square root
of this number?
16 Evaluate: ∛1372 × ∛1458
3 2
17 If 𝑥 = (2)2 × (3)−4, find the value of 𝑥 −2
18 Factorize :9𝑎2 − 𝑏 2 + 4𝑏 − 4
19 Two numbers are such that the ratio between them is 3:5.If each is increased by 10, the
ratio between the new numbers formed is 5:7.Find the original numbers.
20 In rectangle PAIR, find ∠ARI, ∠RMI and ∠PMA.

21 Construct the quadrilateral DEAR where DE = 4 cm, EA = 5 cm, AR = 4.5 cm, ∠E = 60°
and ∠A = 90°.
22 Three cubes, each of edge 2 cm. long are placed together. Find the total surface area of the
cuboid so formed.

23 Simplify each of the following : [{( 5 )−2 }2 ]−1

24 In the month of July 2004, a house holder spent his monthly salary amounting to Rs 7200
on different items as given below :
Items Clothing Food House Rent Education Miscellaneous
Amount 600 4000 1200 400 1000
spent (in
Represent the information in the form of a pie chart.
25 i)Using identity, Evaluate:(69.3)2 − (30.7)2
ii) Simplify: (𝑥 + 𝑦)(𝑥 2 − 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦 2 )
26 The volume of a cubical box is 32.768 cubic meters. Find the length of a side of the box.
27 A VCR and TV were bought for Rs 8,000 each. The shopkeeper made a loss of 4% on the
VCR and a profit of 8% on the TV. Find the gain or loss percent on the whole transaction.
28 In parallelogram FIST, find ∠SFT, ∠OST, ∠ISF, ∠ITS and ∠STO

29 The acceleration of a particle is inversely proportional to the square of the time since it was
fired. If the acceleration of the particle 20 seconds after it was fired was 5 m/sec2, what was
its acceleration 5 seconds later?
30 A closed metallic cylindrical box is 1.25 m high and it has a base whose radius is 35 cm. If
the sheet of metal costs Rs 80 per m2, then find the cost of material used in the box.


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