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in cooperation with
Capra Press, Santa Barbara

ISBN D-flflM%-MD7-fl
Sgjljipj^ 0 N C E A G A I N I N
m i * (®
^ JUmanac

For the first time combining the mysterious wiccan and arcane
secrets of an old England witch with one from New England

Prepared and edited by


CONTAINING pictorial and explicit delineations of the magical phases of

the Moon together with full and complete information about astrological
portents of the year to come and various aspects of occult knowledge
enabling all who read to improve their lives in the old manner.

The Witches' Almanac, Ltd.

in cooperation with
Capra Press, Santa Barbara
Address all inquiries and information to
How often has magic touched your life? The joy of falling in love,
the warmth of family harmony, or the comfort of a friend's sympa-
thy are treasured moments. And then there's the reality of one starry
P.O. Box 4067 night, or a walk in a pine forest, or the sight of ocean waves surging
Middletown, Rhode Island 02842 toward the shore that leave us breathless and in awe. Some magical
moments are apt to catch us by surprise, like a sneeze — perhaps a
concert when we hear a haunting melody, a painting in a museum
that seems to speak directly to us, a book or theater performance that
leaves us thrilled. The artist created this magic and the world is
A l l rights reserved.
richer for it.
Dancer/ choreographer Martha Graham, for instance, inspired
ISBN: 0-88496-407-8 creativity by her work and her words. In Dance to the Piper, by
colleague Agnes De Mille, Graham stated:
First Printing January 1996 "There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is
translated through you into action and because there is only one of
you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it
Printed in the United States of America
will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world
will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is
nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is
your business to keep it yours clearly and directly."
Later, in her published Notebooks, Graham with a flash of
insight remarked, "I suddenly knew what witchcraft is — in
microcosm. It is the being within each of us — of creative energy,
no matter in what area or direction of activity."

Today and Tomorrow 1
The Tarot Key of Strength 10
Rumpelstiltskin i
Jung and the Theatre II
Moon Gardening HI
The Moon Calendar I
Darkness to Light
Europa and the Bull "
The Tea of Tranquillity
The Moon and the Weather i
Animal Tips
The Fox and the Grapes
Medieval Astrology '
Homage to Hecate
The Wonder of Hope 14
Goat Song "
The Rowan Tree
Earth, Wind, and Sky HI
Spring 1996 to Spring 1997 1
A Cycladic Cruise
Window on the Weather II ODE
March 20 Vernal Equinox Presage 1

April 1 A l l Fools' Day Astrological Keys

April 30 Beltane Eve Goddess of the Spring 1 11

May 1 Rood mas Celtic Tree Calendar 1 We are the music-makers,

May 8 White Lotus Day Alice and the Red Queen And we are the dreamers o f dreams,
May 9,11,13 Lemuria African Magic 1

Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

May 29 Oak Apple Day Moon Miscellany )•••
June 5 Night of The Watchers Random Recollection And sitting by desolate streams;
June 20 Midsummer Night World-losers and world-forsakers,
June 21 Summer Solstice
June 24 St. John's Day
()n whom the pale moon gleams:
July 31 Lughnassad Eve Yet we are the movers and shakers
August 1 Lammas < )f the world for ever, it seems.

August 13 Diana's Day Executive Editors

August 29 Day of Thoth
September 22 Autumnal Equinox JEAN M A R I E W A L S H
October 31 Samhain Eve Associate Editor
1844- 1881
November 1 Hallowmas
November 16 Hecate Night Astrologer Dikki-Jo Mulli It
December 17 Saturnalia Climatologist Tom C". I .Mil
December 21 Winter Solstice Flora and Fauna Kerry Cud
January 9 Feast of Janus Contributing Editor Barbara Sim »
February 1 Oimelc Eve Production Bendigo As:
February 2 Candlemas Circulation Bill M M n . i
March 1 Matronalia Sales & Marketing Kevin Mni|>li|i
that life began as a sort of paradise and, flowers, seeds, and roots, the writer
although it took a wrong turn some- added. Among those which can usu-
where, will eventually find its way ally be found are arnica, which is used
back. When it comes to forecasting

as a poultice for wounds and bruises;
what's going to happen in the year aloe vera for skin disorders; tomillo
2000, it seems as i f everybody has a (thyme) for digestion; berro (water-
theory—UFO groups, psychics, radio cress) applied to the temples to relieve
evangelists, Christian ministries, even headaches; albahaca (basil) inhaled
geologists. "The millenium," says to clear sinuses; and litseaglaucescens
Daniels, "is a hot property." (Mexican laurel) for sore throats.


By Oliver Johnson the National Cancer Institute an-
nounced that it is testing as many as
20,000 extracts o f natural products
APOCALYPSE SOON?: The impend- be Doomsday. Prophecies, prognosti- every year to supplement such suc-
ing millenium has perhaps cations, and dire predictions pour into cessful drugs as vincristine from
unsurprisingly raised the anxiety level Daniels' Philadelphia office by the Madagascar's rosy periwinkle plant
of those who believe that the figure sackload. A n unusually large percent- and taxol derived from the Pacific yew
2000 possesses extraordinary signifi- age of them are from Sedona, Arizona tree. Gordon Cragg, chief of the NCI's
cance; and Ted Daniels, a folklore which he describes as "the Vatican natural products division, says 99.5%
scholar, is busier than he's ever been. City of the New Age movement." of the world's plants have yet to be
Daniels, 57, produces a monthly news- Strangely enough, the missives are investigated for their medical value.
letter, Millenial Prophecy Report, mostly optimistic; focusing on proph- "Nature is still in many cases the most
which tracks the hundreds of groups ecies "in which some sort of divine or economical source for medicines," he
that think the apocalypse is at hand. cosmic power wipes out world evil and AZTEC REMEDIES: South ofthebor-
" I t ' s like when the odometer ticks over ushers in an era of peace and beauty," der, the spiralling cost of manufactured
in your car, but on a global scale," he as one writer put it. Most of these seem medicines is causing a boom in pre-
says, referring to what some think will based upon the fairly common belief Colombian remedies, many o f
which—especially in rural areas—are
still known by their indigenous names,
reports Mexico Now . Revealing that
about 25 percent of today's prescrip-
tion drugs were discovered as natural
plant compounds (most of them modi-
fied versions o f folk remedies), the
bimonthly newsletter said that the Az- LOTSA LUCK: Sometime this year
tecs' pharmaceutical knowledge has England's University of Hertfordshire
been preserved by rural curanderos will be collating the results of its two-
and "has often served as the basis for year study of the psychology of luck
spectacular modern-day scientific dis- which it hopes will explain why some
coveries." Entire sections of every big people are more favored by good for-
city or village market are piled high tune than others. One of the things that
with fragrant grasses, leaves, barks, may be decided is whether "lucky"

people are simply those who selec-
tively remember only the good things
that happen to them. Richard Wiseman,
30, a senior lecturer who is conducting
the research, explains: " I f someone
believes they are lucky to start with,
they are more likely to persist in the
face of failure. Unlucky people do the
opposite: they don't buy lottery tickets
because they 'know'they won'twin so
Lancashire woman around her village
it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."
while a second unit remained at her
Those taking part in the survey first
home filming her dog—which padded
had to fill out a questionnaire estimat-
to the window to sit and wait at the
ing what they believed to be their own
exact moment she began her return.
luck quotient, which was then tested
There had been no contact between the
against such random events as how
two groups, but the times were a per-
often they could correctly predict the
fect match. Commenting on this and
toss of a coin or guessing the shape o f
the innumerable examples he had been
a drawing hidden inside an envelope.
given of similar behavior (including a
cat that bounded to the telephone only
PERCEPTIVE PETS: After investi- when his mistress called), Dr.
gating claims from dozens o f people Sheldrake says, "These observations
that their pets always anticipated their are very intriguing. They appear to pigeon loft in London; his son, in turn, FROM NEAR & FAR: Drivers born
horn ecoming by stationing themselves show that there does exist an invisible ran the World War II pigeon service, under the sign o f Aries are the most
in the window or even the driveway, a bond between pets and their owners carrying messages almost as swiftly likely to have accidents, with Pisces
London biologist maintains that some which may go beyond known forces." and much more safely than radio waves and Virgo in second and third place,
cats and dogs seem to possess a super-
which proved easier to intercept. The according to an insurance company,
natural "sixth sense." Dr. Rupert
PIGEONPOWER: Until lastyearthere French even experimented with send- Zurich Municipal, whose tables show
Sheldrake's research into perceptive
were still 5,000 pigeons working for ing "photographer pigeons" high above Sagittarians as having the least
pets was persuasive enough to earn a
the Swiss regular army, but now—just the enemy trenches with miniature cam- accidents... .A couple who spent almost
grant from New York's Lifebridge
before Switzerland hosts the Interna- eras strapped to their chests. Pigeons $700,000 on an allegedly haunted 13th-
foundation which is financing con-
tional Racing Pigeon Olympiad in relayed the news of Caesar's conquest century house in Lancashire intending
trolled experiments. In the first ofthese,
1997—they have been demobilized, of Gaul to a waiting Roman world and to turn it into a tourist attraction are
an A ustrian television crew followed a
bringing to an end 2,000 years of mil i- flew a regular communications service suing the vendors for misrepresenta-
tary flying. Most ofthepigeons will be- for Genghis Khan between Europe and tion after finding no ghosts....James
taken care of by private fanciers. Asia. Osman believes they could be Gibson, a California planetary scien-
"It's a great irony that this should even more valuable today as a sort of tist who named an asteroid after his cat
happen now," says Rick Osman, editor feathered Federal Express. "Microchip Mr. Spock, has raised the ire o f as-
of Racing Pigeon Weekly. "We had technology means a single pigeon can tronomers who think the name is
hoped to celebrate the Swiss army pi- carry 200 pages o f information on 10 undignified. About a quarter o f the
geon service at the Olympiad." The chips," he explains, "with four chips 6,057 known asteroids are registered
magazine was founded by Rick's great- carried on the leg capsule and a further at the Minor Planetary Center in Cam-
grandfather who ran the World War I six in a neck container." bridge, Massachusetts.

8 9
her in her role as midwife. She is Psyche desire to exert ourselves with a force
The Tarot Key of Strength whose impossible tasks can only be beyond the reach of the conscious mind.
performed by instinct. Strength is our basic survival mecha-

O O She is the Loathly Lady of a myth nism, whether as anger and rage rebel-
in which a handsome knight, in order ling against whatever threatens life, or
to save the life of King Arthur, must as lust leading to the regeneration of
The Enchantress. The Charmer. The prowls and howls just outside the safe answer the question, "What does the species or the expression of our
Witch. Once known as Lady of the walls of culture and consciousness woman want?" A hideous old woman own creativity. The strongest power in
Beasts, Goddess of the Cosmic Lion, Strength knows that all the im gives him the answer in return for his the world is love. Just as we can con-
the Queen of the Animals she stands pulse and anxiety of the individual and marrying her. To his dismay he must quer all through love, we must learn to
between or sits enthroned upon lions. the community must ultimately be sub choose i f she is to be beautiful in the love all parts of our nature — the
She dominates the creatures of the ani- ordinated to the life and purpose of I he- day and ugly at night or vice versa. bestial and the divine.
mal world but does not fight them; species. It is the spiritual order ol I he- Upon leaving the decision to the lady, — M A R Y K. G R E E R
between them there is no hostility or whole that appears as the Lady of I la- the spell is broken, for the answer to Author of the classic Tarot for Your
antagonism. She rules over the uncon- Beasts. She is the strength and vitality "What does woman want?" is to "have Self, Greer's latest work is Women of
scious powers that take animal form in of the life force that manifests through her own sovereignty," that is her own the Golden Dawn.
our dreams. She handles that which the feminine, whose ultimate purpose- choice.
is the continuation of the species, whe>
Yet centuries later we still battle
represents love without division, love
the question of whether woman has the
without judgment. She is the power e>i
right to choose what will happen to her
love to tame the inhuman forces of 1 i fe
own body. I f the wise message of the
through her gentle touch and the direct
myth is heeded, the answer will be yes.
physical contact of human relation-
Meanwhile, witchcraft and enchant-
ment remain the only means of protec-
She is the heroine of Beauty and tion for women and those they love.
the Beast, the Princess and the Frog The Hermetic Order of the Golden
Prince, she is the love that delivers Dawn taught that the dark persona (or
man from his beastly role. Through shadow), could become a strong yet
woman's compassion a hideous mon- trained animal — "a mighty steed, a
ster can reveal itself as lover, god, or powerful beast" — on which a person
savior. could ride, giving greatly added
She is Leda and Europa; humanity strength. This Tarot card represents
penetrated by a god-force that desires the feminine tempering the force of
to move through her. She is Demeter of Nature with love and compassion, em-
the Lions or Cybele, described in an- bracing it with understanding and thus
cient texts as "the Virgin in her heav- giving it a place in the world so that
enly place (who) rides upon the Lion." civilization can emerge.
She is Medusa, the Gorgon, who uses
Strength gives us fortitude, the
Tarot de Marseille Nicolas Conver, 1761 the strength of lions to aid and assist
energy for work and creativity, the Rider Deck Pamela Colman Smith, 1910

10 11
it." The little man said, "What will you
give me i f I spin it for you?" " M y
necklace," said the girl.
The little man took the necklace,
sat down before the spinning wheel,
and whir, whir, whir, in a trice the
bobbin was full. Then he put on an-
RUMPELSTILTSKIN other, and whir, whir, whir, the wheel
went round three times, and the second
Illustrations by Margaret Evans Price, 1921.
was full. And so it went on till morn-
ing, when all the straw was spun and all
the bobbins were full of gold.
As soon as the sun rose the King
came, and when he saw all the gold he
was astonished and delighted, but his
heart lusted all the more after gold. He
THERE was once upon a time a poor stepped a little man who said, "Good
had the miller's daughter taken to an- said, "What will you give me i f I spin
miller who had a beautiful daughter. evening, miller's daughter, why are
other room full of straw, much bigger the straw for you this time?" "I've
Now it happened one day that he had you crying so hard?" "Oh," answered
than the first, and bade her to spin that nothing more to give," answered the
an audience with the King, and in order the girl, " I ' m supposed to spin straw
too, in one night, if she valued her life. girl. "Then promise me your first child
to make himself seem important, he into gold, and I don't know how to do
The girl didn't know what to do, and i f you become Queen."
said, " I have a daughter who can spin
she was weeping when the door opened "Who knows what might happen?"
straw into gold."
as before and the little man appeared thought the miller's daughter, and,
The King said to themiller, "That's and asked, "What will you give me i f I besides, she did not see any other way
an art that interests me. I f your daugh- spin the straw into gold for you?" "The out of her difficulty. She promised the
ter is as skilled as you say, bring her to ring on my finger," answered the girl. little man what he demanded, and in
my castle tomorrow, and I ' l l put her to The little man took the ring, began to return he spun the straw into gold once
the test." whir again at the wheel, and by dawn more. When the King came in the
When the girl was brought to him, he had spun all the straw into glittering morning and found that everything had
the King conducted her to a chamber gold. gone as he desired, he married her, and
full of straw, gave her a spinning wheel
The King was overjoyed at the the m i 1 ler's beaut i fu 1 daughter became
and spindle, and said, "Now set to
sight, but his greed for gold was still a Queen.
work. You have the night, and i f by
not satisfied. So he had the miller's When a year had passed a fine son
tomorrow at dawn you have not spun
daughtertaken to an even larger cham- was born to her, but the Queen had
this straw into gold, you must die."
ber full of straw and said, "You still forgotten all about the little man when
With that, he locked the door o f the
have to spin all of this tonight; but i f he suddenly entered her chamber and
chamber, and left her alone inside.
you succeed you shall become my said, "Now give me what you prom-
There sat the poor miller's daugh-
wife." "She's only a miller's daughter, ised." The Queen was terrified and
ter, and didn't know what in the world
it's true," he thought, "but I'd never offered the little man all the riches o f
she was to do. She had not the least idea
find a richer woman if I were to search the kingdom if he would let her keep
how to spin straw into gold, and she
the whole world over." her child. But the little man said, "No,
became more and more distressed un-
When the girl was alone the little I would rather have a living creature
til at last she began to weep. Then all at
man came for the third time and than all the treasures o f the world."
once the door sprang open, and in

12 13
Then the Queen began to moan and passing the corner o f a wood near a
weep to such an extent that the little high hill, where the fox says good
man was sorry for her. " I will give you night to the hare, I saw a little house,
three days," said he, "and i f within that and in the front of the house burned a
time you can guess my name you may fire, and round the fire an odd little
keep the child." man was hopping about on one leg and
Now the Queen pondered all night singing:
long over all the names she had ever Tomorrow I brew, today I bake,
heard, and sent a messenger all over And then the child away I'll take;
the country to inquire far and wide For little deems my royal dame
what other names there were. When That Rumpelstiltskin is my name!
the little man arrived the following You can imagine the Queen's de-
day, she began with Casper, Melchior, light at hearing the name, and when the
and Balthazar, and all the names she little man arrived shortly afterwards
knew, one after another. But after each and asked, "Now, my lady Queen, what
one,thelittleman said, "That' s not my is my name?" She asked first: "Is your
name." The second day she had inquir- name Conrad?" "No." "Is your name
ies made all round the neighborhood Hal?" "No." "Is your name, perhaps,
for the names of people living there, Rumpelstiltskin?"
and suggested to the little man all the "The fairies told you that, the fair-
most unusual and strange names — ies told you that!" shrieked the little
Cowribs, Spindleshanks, Bootlace — man, and in his rage he stamped his
but his answer was always: "That's not right foot into the ground so hard that
my name." it sank up to his waist; then in a passion
On the third day the messenger he seized his left leg with both hands
returned and announced, "I've not and tore himself in two.
found any new names, but as I was — T H E BROTHERS GRIMM, 1812.

The Theatre, from Terence, Comoediae Lyon, 1493.

This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is

the theatre where the dreamer is at once scene, actor, prompter,
stage manager, author, audience, and critic.

14 15
TheMOON Calendar
Sow, transplant, bud and graft Plow, cultivate, weed and reap


is divided into zodiac signs rather
than the more familiar Gregorian calendar.
Quarter Quarter 1997
Plant Plant Plant Do not
above-ground above- root crops, plant.
crops with ground crops bulbs,
outside seeds, with inside biennials,
flowering seeds. perennials.

Fruitful Signs Barren Signs

Cancer - Most favorable planting time for Leo - Foremost of the Barren Signs, the
all leafy crops bearing fruit above ground. Lion Moon is the best time to effectively
Prune to encourage growth in Cancer. destroy weeds and pests. Cultivate and till
the soil.
Scorpio - Second only to Cancer, a Scor-
pion Moon promises good germination and Gemini - Harvest in the Airy Twins; gather
swift growth. In Scorpio, prune for bud herbs and roots. Reap when the Moon is in
development. a sign of Air or Fire to assure best storage.

Pisces - Planting in the last of the Watery Virgo - Plow, cultivate, and control weeds
Tri ad is especially effective for root growth. and pests when the moon is in Virgo.

Taurus - The best time to plant root crops is Sagittarius - Plow and cultivate the soil or
when the Moon is in the sign of the Bull. harvest under the Archer Moon. Prune now Bear in mind that new projects
to discourage growth. should be initiated when the Moon
Capricorn - The Earthy Goat Moon pro-
is waxing (from dark to full): when
motes the growth of rhizomes, bulbs, roots, Aquarius - This dry sign of Air is perfect for
tubers and stalks. Prune now to strengthen ground cultivation, reaping crops, gather- the Moon is on the wane (from full
branches. ing roots and herbs. It is a good time to to dark), it is a time for storing
destroy weeds and pests. energy and the wise person waits.
Libra Airy Libra may be the least benefi-
cial ol the I ruitful Signs, but is excellent for Aries - Cultivate, weed, and prune to lessen
planting flowers and vines. growth. Gather herbs and roots for storage. Please note that Moons are listed by day of entry into each
sign.Quarters are marked, but as rising and setting times vary
from one region to another, it is advisable to check your local
Consult our Moon Calendar pages for phase and place in the zodiac circle. The Moon
newspaper, library or planetarium.
remains in a sign for about two anda halfdays. Matchyour gardening activity to the day
The Moon's Place is computed for Eastern Standard Time
thatfallowsthe Moon's entry into that zodiac sign.

16 17
T aries March 21-April 20

Mars Cardinal Sign of Fire

s m r w r P s
Mar. 21 22 23
Vernal The wind
Equinox is green

Taurus Gemini
DARKNESS TO LIGHT 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

As early as 1000 B.C., observers of the sky ARIES E C L I P S E - April 3: Sun in Aries,
Measure Trust Walk
in China and Babylon recognized patterns Moon in Libra. The initial phase begins
the odds your heart in the
of solar and lunar eclipses and devised before Moonrise in late afternoon. By the
systems by which to predict their appear- woods
time the Moon appears over the eastern
ances. The knowledge quickly dispersed horizon, it will be in partial shadow. Total- Leo
throughout the ancient world. By classical Cancer
ity, as the Moon passes into the center or
ti mes, most literate cultures knew precisely deepest part of the Earth' s shadow, is from 31 Apr. \ 2 ^ 3 4 5 6
when to expect the Sun or the Moon to 6:27 P.M. to 7:53 P.M., EST. The eclipse Christopher / seed A Bette
vanish from sight briefly and then emerge will be visible in the eastern and central Fools Plan Go back
Walken Vmoon J WANING Davis
as bright as before. Interpretation of the United States and Canada. rush ahead in time
born, 1943 born, 1908
phenomena varied from culture to culture in total lunar
according to particular situations as well as Virgo Libra eclipse Scorpio
L I B R A E C L I P S E - September 26: Sun in
the governing astrological forces. A total Libra, Moon in Aries. Most of North
lunar eclipse was generally considered a America will see the darkened Full Moon. 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13
portent of beneficial change. The interval of totality is from 10:19 P.M. Spring Baffle
Twice during 1996, in April and Sep- to 11:29 P.M., EDST; in the west: 7:19 one hour enemy
tember, the Earth will cast its shadow across P.M. to 8:29 P.M., PDST. Saturn shines ahead with
the Full Moon in total lunar eclipse. The brightly nearby as the shadow of Earth Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius laughter Pisces
Moon will not be obliterated, but will ap- dims the Moon.
pear instead as a dim disk glowing pale red
by light refracted from the Earth's atmo-
14 15 16 18 19 20
A total lunar eclipse is a microcosm of
sphere. The double eclipses of 1996 are a complete Moon cycle—Full to Dark and Resist Seek
Find the
unique, for the Aries Moon falls in the sign back to Full within a space of hours. During negative a hidden WAXING
New Moon
of Libra and the Libra Moon in Aries, twice the periods of totality—when the elements notion path
combining the two Cardinal Signs of Fire of Fire and Air symbolically illuminate the Aries Taurus Gemini
and Air in total eclipse. This particular Moon's mystic darkness—study the illus-
astrological configuration has occurred only tration above. Use it as an object for
nine times in this century, most recently on meditation as the Tibetans employ their
April 12 and October 6 in 1968. The mes- mandalas. It is said that when you give
sage to 1 he world of witches is clear. Nature yourself up to complete and utter concen-
presents us with two magical timespans in tration, the mind will give you information
which to divine that which is hidden. from a source beyond reason. So mote it he

18 19
taurus April 21 - May 21

Venus Fixed Sign of Earth

s m T w r s
22 23 24 25 26 27

April 21
Obey Shirley
Flee Lighten
a Temple
hypocrisy up
whim born, 1928
Cancer Virgo
28 29 30 May \ 2 3 4
Collect Accept
Beltane ROODMAS / hare \
sea a WANING
Eve V moon 1
Europa and the Sacred Bull Saragossa, 1488. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius

5 6 7 8 9 10 u

Sing Willie White Least

EUROPA AND THE B U L L before Mays born, Lotus Lemuria said,
breakfast 1931 Day easiest
Capricorn Aquarius mended
While picking flowers with her maidens along the shore, Europa,
princess of Sidon, saw a beautiful bull, white as untrodden snow. Timid
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Bow Casta Revel
at first, she presently held out a bunch of flowers and the creature licked
to the cold in WAXING
her hand. Then she called to her companions: "Come, dear playmates inevitable eye freedom
... let us mount the bull here and take our pastime, for truly, he will bear Aries Taurus
us on his back, and carry all o f us; and how mild he is, and dear, and Gemini

gentle to behold, and no whit like other bulls!" 19 20 21

She mounted him, but before her companions could follow, the Greet Abide
the by the
bull leaped up and sped toward the sea. The beautiful beast was Zeus
Sunrise rules
in disguise, who had fallen in love with Europa and had assumed this
form to carry her off. He swam to Crete and there Europa became the
mother o f Minos, the great Cretan king, and of Rhadamanthus, the
judge of the dead in the underworld.

—MOSCHUS, Idyls, II, 150 B.C.

20 21
be purchased in herb shops. Rose hips
are said to regulate vital energy, con-
tributing a nourishing boost of vitamin
C to this blend. Collect the ripe hips
when they are red and still firm. It will
take weeks of patient drying to ensure
safe storage of this fleshy fruit.
i Hi Mercury
1 May 22- June 21

Mutable Sign of A ir
German Chamomile - Matricaria s m r w r F s

chamomilla. The flowers of this alien
species are gathered just before they
open, if you choose to grow your own. May 22 23 24 25
Otherwise, this herb is readily avail- Avoid Queen
able in herb shops. Chamomile adds a danger Victoria
relaxing, soothing note to this mixture. Leo born, 1819

Peppermint - Mentha piperita. Often 26 27 28 29 30 31 Virgo

June l

found as an escaped cultivar in wet
Stay Wear Oak Consult Achieve / dyad \
The Tea of Tranquillity areas throughout eastern and central
U.S., peppermint is a delightful, easy- grounded a mask Apple Day a
a \ moon J
Libra Scorpio victory
Here is a delightful tea blend which to-grow companion in any garden. Har- flame
you can easily make yourself. It pro- develop, dryingbefore
vest the leaves flowers begin to
thoroughly before stor- 2 3 4 5 6 Sagittarius
7 8
duces a calming, grounding effect. ing. Peppermint blends and activates
Cast Night Forget Paul
Mix: other herbs within formulas, and will away of the regret Gaugan
also help calm "nervous stomachs." WANING
a Watchers Pisces born, 1848
2 parts Red Clover blossoms burden
2 parts Rose Hips
I part German Chamomile flowers
9 10
11 12 13 14 15
1 part Peppermint leaves wits View Advance
about you with
Red Clover - Trifolium pratense. Red life hope
Aries Taurus from a Gemini
(lover is found abundantly in fields hilltop
throughout eastern and central U.S.
(i;ilher the flowering tops of this herb 16 17 18 19 20 21
when the dew is still on it, then make Weave Spirits Midsummer SUMMER
iiic ihe plant is dried thoroughly be- WAXING a are Night SOLSTICE
fore storing. This delightful herb con- spell Leo high Virgo
n Unites a grounding, purifying influ- Cancer
ence in ihis lea blend.

Rose I lips Rosa rugosa. This Asian

native can be found along the seasides
ol northern U.S. and Canada, or may

22 23
^Z^J ' '—**
1 June 22-July 23

Moon Cardinal Sign of Water

s m r w T F s
June 22

The Moon and the Weather
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Eve Gather Lena Draw
Pale Moon doth rain, Many rings around the Moon of wild Horne down the
Red Moon doth blow, signal a series of severe St. John herbs born, 1917 Blue Moon
White Moon doth neither blasts. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Rain nor snow. 30 St.John'sJulyDayI 2 3 4 5 6

A single ring around the
Clear Moon, frost soon. Moon that quickly vanishes f m e a d \ WANING Venus Seek a Judge Open
heralds fine weather. \moon J smiles message in not your
A dark mist over the Moon Capricorn Aquarius the clouds Pisces heart
is a promise of rain. When the New Moon holds Aries
the Old Moon in its arms 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The heaviest rains fall (ring around the New Moon) The Rejoice Spend
following the New and the disasters at sea occur. wind in being time
Full Moons. Taurus is red Gemini alone
Sharp horns on the Sickle Cancer
The Full Moon eats the
clouds away.
Moon indicate strong winds. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
When the moon's horns point up, Woody Determine Leave Wish
A New Moon and a windy night the weather will be dry. Guthrie WAXING your offering on the
Sweep the cobwebs out of sight. born, 1912 course Virgo at the Moon
When the Moon's horns point Leo well
A Red Moon is a sure sign of
high winds.
down, rain spills forth. 21 22 23

Blunt horns on a Crescent Keep
And should the Moon wear a halo Moon presage a long spell your
of red, a tempest is nigh. of fair weather. word
24 25
pounds of body weight to each feed-
ing. Mix this with a small amount of
ANIMAL TIPS any nut or seed oil into the food. This
When handling sheep or goats, resist will also
help nourish the skin. Bathing is
recommended to provide a quick
July 24- August 23

the temptation to grab onto their horns. relief to the itchy dander which accu-
They will strongly and furiously panic mulates when the coat is dry. Sun Fixed Sign of Fire
if held in this manner.
m w
Man's fascination with the pigeon When always
handling horses it is standard to
begin from the horses' left side.
(family Columbidae) dates back to All grooming
3000 B.C. Pigeons, being as abundant from the left side,
as they are around human dwellings, mounting are also done
procedures are started
and leading and Jul.
24 25 Laugh
26 27
are an easy bird to watch. The habits of This is a very convenientonsafe-guard
this side nothing and be Speak
pigeons are very alike around the world. against unexpectedly spooking your well your
All are monogamous and are attentive Sagittarius mind
to their mates. Both sexes assist in equine companion. Capricorn
constructing their frail nest, which usu-
ally accomodates two eggs. The fe- Goats are not grazing animals, but have
28 29 WANING 31 Aug.
Myrna Allow
Prepare Lughnassad LAMMAS Loy born, for
male attends the nest at night, while the more of a browsing nature. Goats re- to reap
Eve 1905 change
male takes over during daylight hours. quire a portion of twigs, branches, and
The young, which are hatched with the bark of woodland trees along with Aquarius Pisces Aries
their eyes sealed, remain in the nest for their staple diet. An easy way to pro
12 to 18 days.The pigeons' favorite vide this is to drive goats into a wooded 6 8 10
Drift Seize
foods are seeds, fruit, berries and some area for daily foraging. Goats are herd- for a Strength the
insects, but they are wonderfully adap- conscious animals, and are easily driven while is a day
tive garbage collectors in cities and in groups. Taurus virtue Cancer
suburban areas. Gemini

When introducing a new cat or dog to

11 12 13 14 15 16 Robert17
Diana's Dismiss DeNiro
other animals in your home, keep your Wear Day WAXING cares
or carry born, 1943
interference to a cautious minimum.
The aggressive posturings, growlings, silver Virgo Libra
and hissings will rarely escalate be- Leo
18 19 20 21 22 23

yond mere body language. These ac- Trust Bless
tivities may seem threatening, but are your Practice the
very necessary to the reconstruction of instinct sorcery beasts
social hierarchies within the home.
Scorpio Sagittarius
11 your house tends to be dry during the
winter, causing your canine compan-
ions to suffer from dry, itchy skin, you
may take the following steps. Add 1
tablespoon brewer's yeast per 50 Pierre Bonnard, c. I')(><,
26 27
np| vir«o August 24-September 23
* *• •Til'

Mercury Mutable Sign of Earth 5P

s m r w r F s

26 Hope
27 28 WANING
29 30 31
/ barley A Think
your and Day of thrice
poise work
Aquarius Pisces Aries
Sept. 1
2 Return
3 4 5 6 Evil is
Louis XIV Patience
The Fox and the Grapes fallen
a favor born, 1638 rewarded ignorance
A famished fox saw some clusters of ripe black grapes Taurus Gemini Cancer
hanging from a trellised vine. She resorted to all her
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

tricks to get at them, but wearied herself in vain, for she Patsy Wear Face the
could not reach them. At last she turned away beguil- Cline an Guard
privacy WAXTNG unknown
ing herself of her disappointment and saying: "The born, 1932 amulet
grapes are sour, and not ripe as I thought." Leo Virgo Libra

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

MORAL: People who can't get something they were Plan a Fly As above, Find
after decide that they don't really want it. quest by so below perfect
night balance
From AESOP'S FABLES. Literally translated from the Greek by Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
George Fyler Townsend, Belford, Clarke & Co., Chicago, 1882.
Equinox lost is

28 29
libra September 24- October 23

Venus Cardinal Sign of Air

One of the most magical and intriguing
eras in astrology's long history is linked
(o the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Contemporary astrologers tend to be
positive and humanistic in interpreting
the celestial bodies. Not so in earlier
s m T W T F s
Spanning the years from about 1100 times. The horoscope was used as a
through 1680, this time period has left
us a rich legacy of art and literature
tool to prescribe herbal medicines or to
issue dire warnings.
Sept 24 25
26 27 28
Be 1 blood \ WANING not
with astrological themes which still Below is a list of the luminaries
discreet lunar V moonJ this day
enchant us today. The portents and (Sun and Moon) and visible planets eclipse
wisdom of the stars were respected by used by the medieval astrologer along Pisces rv Aries Taurus
everyone and were an integral part of with their applications.
daily life.
A glance at Chaucer's Canter- Sun: Royalty, rank, title, fathers, mas- Force
29 30 Oct.
1 2 Play a
3 4 Greed
bury Tales finds The Wife of Bath culine energy, heat, drought, giver ol the Richard III different digs a
fails born, 1452
referring to her horoscope to indicate life. source tune grave
the Sun in Taurus, while the Ram and Gemini Cancer Leo
Aries reveal the timing for the depar- Moon:Witchcraft, wortcunning, folk
ture of the pilgrims to be in early spring.
Shakespeare makes use of numerous
magic, sailors, mother, commoners,
rainfall, fruitfulness, fertility. 6 Hasten
7 Whistle
8 9 Slay
10 11 12
astrological references; especially in slowly up the a
King Lear, Julius Caesar, and Romeo Mercury: Duality, falsehoods, trick- wind dragon
and Juliet. In 1409 Les Tres Riches sters, scribes and storytellers, travelers,

Heuresdu Due de Berry was begun. It Virgo Libra
small animals, gardens.
is an illumined seasonal calendar show-
ing how the Sun signs guided activities Venus: Jewels, amusements, bards 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
in daily life. The Chartres cathedral in and poets, romance, chivalric love, Gallus Please
WAXING and yourself
France has a zodiacal wheel stained- dances. upward Day
glass window that is breathtaking in its
beauty and detail. When the sun shines Mars: Wars, accidents, fires, dragons Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
through it, visitors see the twelve signs
illuminated in celestial splendor.
and dangerous wild animals, swords
and armor, hunting, jousts, tourna- 20
Habits Ursula
21 22 23
The Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I (a ments, duels. are LeGuin with
Virgo), was a devotee of the stars. The chains born, 1929 caution
brilliant Dr. John Dee was her court Jupiter: The Church, law, pilgrim-
astrologer. His predictions and skillful ages, crusades, treasure, convents, Pisces
use of astrology were credited with monasteries, science, scholarship.
enhancing the memorable Elizabethan
era. Saturn: Sorrows, death, dungeons,
I .i fe was often short and treacher- enemies, outlaws, darkness, secrecy,
ous during the Middle Ages. The losses.
astrology of the times reflects that fact. —DIKKI-JOMULLHN

30 31
where. Here travelers made offerings
of food, invoking the goddess of mys-
tery to send good fortune their way
along the journey.
What food did the ancients choose
nulscorpio 1 October 24-November 22

to honor the goddess? One source says Pluto Fixed Sign of Water -iter
eggs and fish; another, fish eggs, or
roe; still another, goat cheese and bread.
Homage to Hecate
An obscure reference mentions the s m T w r S
Hecate never assumed rank in the hier- trigle, a red mullet, as the kind of fish
archy of Mt. Olympus, that Who's
Who of the greater Greek pantheon.
frequently sacrificed to Hecate. Keep-
ing all these clues in mind, we've cre- oct. 24 25 26
Yet although considered a minor di- ated a modern version of a midnight Refuse / snow \
vinity, she is the most powerful of all supper for three to relish and pay trib- all V moon J
deities in the realm of the supernatural. ute to a worthy deity. favors Taurus
Hecate is the superlative seer, the god- Aries
dess of sorcery and witchcraft. Red Caviar and Cream Cheese Frittata
27 28 29 30 31 Nov. \

The chief symbol of Hecate, oddly 3 large eggs WANING HALLOW-
enough, is the crossroads, and her name 3 teaspoons cold water Bela Wait till Samhain MAS Marie
Daylight Lugosi the tide Eve Antoinette
means "she who works from afar." In 2 tablespoons butter Saving born, 1884 born, 1755
general and for obvious reasons, the 1 package cream cheese (3 oz.) Ends Gemini turns
myth symbology of the ancients dealt 2 AM Cancer Leo
with great natural forces or significant
1 small jar red caviar (salmon roe)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
human concerns—the Sun, the Moon,
A frittata is the Italian version of an A brown Bide Gather Nurture
thunder, the hunt, growth of crops, omelet. Open-faced, it requires no flip- wind your fallen your
love, sex, childbirth, and so on. But ping and folding and is far easier to Virgo sighs time leaves love
here we have a symbol that seems prepare than the traditional French Libra Scorpio
enigmatically abstract, until we con-
sider the implications.
Break the eggs in a bowl, add the
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Crossroads are psychically potent water, and beat until light and foamy. WAXING Rest on Laugh, HECATE
sites, for at this point travelers center in Melt the butter in a seasoned heavy your witch NIGHT
the triumvirate of time: the past, the skillet and when it sizzles, quickly Sagittarius laurels Aquarius
road behind; the present, where they pour in the eggs. Cook over low heat Capricorn
stand; and the future, where the roads
ahead vanish into the horizon. Differ-
until the eggs start to set. Immediately
begin to loosen the edges with a fork
17 18 19 20 21 22

ent directions, different destinies. It is and tilt the pan to let the uncooked top Avoid Treasure Enjoy
Hecate who can see down the road not intrigue the peace
flow underneath. Shake the pan gently moments
yet taken. She is often depicted with a to prevent sticking. This should take Pisces Aries Taurus
flaming torch in each hand, bringing about 5 minutes. Dot the top with dol-
light to darkness and clarifying the lops of cream cheese and scatter the
unknown. roe over all. Slip under a heated broiler
The Romans knew Hecate as for no more than a minute. Cut the
Trivia, Goddess of Three Roads, and frittata in three wedges and serve from
her statues dotted crossroads every- the skillet with a loaf of crusty bread
32 33

1 i
Hope is a waking dream.
Sagittarius November 23-Oecember 21

Nothing is hopeless, Jupiter Mutable Sign of Fire

we must hope for everything.
—EURIPIDES s m r w T s
It is certainly wrong to despair;
and if despair is wrong hope is
right. Nov. 23
The Wonder of Hope Whatever enlarges hope
will also exalt courage. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Confidence of a happy outcome often
makes the difference between success I oak \ Fulfill Jimi Madeleine Face
and failure, even life and death, for V moon J a Hendrix the
duty born, 1942 born, 1918 music
hope is at the heart of every endeavor Hope is the last gift given to man, Gemini
whether it is climbing a mountain, sur- and the only gift not given to youth. Cancer Leo
viving a siege, or winning a game. The power of hoping through
With a realistic goal in mind, you may everything, the knowledge that
2 3 4 5 6 7
add ability, discipline, hard work, sac- the soul survives its adventures, teaches Gather Assume Make
rifice, time, experience to the mix — that great inspiration comes resources command no
Virgo demands
and season with good luck. But with- to the middle-aged. Libra
out hope, you're defeated before you
begin. And hope is as mysterious and —G. K. CHESTERTON
8 9 10 u 12 13
elusive in quality as our sleeping vi- Strive Seek An ill The best
sions, our dreams. Hope springs eternal in for the WAXING the wind blows is yet
best Sagittarius still to come
the human breast: Man never is, point
but always to be blest Capricorn

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Music Eve of Carry Honor Eve of WINTER
heals Saturnalia an the Yule SOLSTICE
We hope vaguely but dread precisely. acorn Sun
True hope is swift and flies with Aries
swallow's wings; Kings it makes
(iods, and meaner creatures kings. Hope is life and life is hope.

34 35
were one — the essence of high spirits
and joyful abandon. The chorus and
dancers wore goatskins and the rites if
GOAT SONG were performed in an orderly manner
until a singer named Thespis broke the
1 1 December 22- January 20 %
rules and began a dispute with the Saturn Cardinal Sign of Earth
choral leader. His action established
dialogue and ever after the religious
Since the dawn of time, the goat has rituals were plays, for the unexpected
held divine significance in many cul- is in the very nature of the god himscl I s m T w r s
tures. The sacred robes of Babylonian Thespian became another word for
priests were made of goatskins. The
zod i acal Capricorn with head and body
actor. The highest form of drama, the
tragedy, means goat song in Greek. Dec. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

of a goat and a fish's tail, was estab- In northern Europe, the goat was Walk / wolf \ WANING Take no Find
lished as early as the 15th century revered for its playful nature, a nature till V moon J extreme a safe
B.C.; the Sea Goat appears engraved firmly ruled by discipline. The love weary Cancer measures harbor
on gems dated to the height of Chaldean goddess of Germanic tribes rode a goat < icmini Leo
rule in Babylon. A cuneiform inscrip-
tion calls the goat "sacred and ex-
to the May Eve revels. She held an
apple to her lips, a hound and a hare ran 29 30 31 Jan. 1- 2 3 4
alted," — and at that time this sign was beside her and a raven flew overhead. Mary Tyler Dare Silence
designated as the "Father of Light." Thor, the red-headed Norse god ol Moore to be has no
Despite the glory the goat enjoyed thunder, drove a chariot drawn by tw( > horn, 1937 yourself pitfalls
among the ancients, its present reputa- fierce goats. Both god and goddess 1997
tion as a symbol of lust and evil is due were in complete control of their ani- Virgo Libra Scorpio
to the devil-lore devised by medieval
mals. Leave ^
6 7 8 9 10 11
The Greeks warn us that when wc Keep the Feast of Love
Perhaps the goat's character as deny the wildness in human nature, wc enough WAXING
loathsome and unclean began when court disaster. The message from the alone channels Janus beckons
the early Hebrews chose it as the ani- North is just as wise: we should ac- Sagittarius open Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
mal to carry away the sins of the com- knowledge the wildness, use it to ad
munity in an annual rite of atonement.
The hapless scapegoat was driven into
vantage, and learn to temper its force
with strength and understanding.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18

the wilderness to perish bearing all the A white Cheer Life is Need not
blame for crimes committed by others. wind aweary a banquet who needs
How wildly different is the an- snows Aries heart not thee
cient Greek symbolism regarding the Gemini
same animal. Associated with the gods
Dionysos and Pan, the goat represented
19 20 Taurus

the pure, spontaneous joy of being Prepare George

al i vc. The great god Zeus was nurtured sabbat Burns
by the she-goat Amalthea. Her name is candles born, 1896
given to the mythical Horn of Plenty, Cancer
the cornucopia promising its possessor
an abundance of all things desired.
We owe the art of drama to the
music and dance celebrations honor-
ing Dionysos. The goat and the god

36 37
THE ROWAN TREE •HIMU^B January 21-February 19
Uranus Fixed Sign of Air \^

So potent is the flower or berry or

s m T W r V s
wood of the rowan or witchwood or
quicken or whicken-tree or mountain Jan. 21 22 23 24 25
ash against the wiles of the elf-folk,
that dairymaids use it for cream-stir- There is / storm \ WANING Observe
world \moon J
rers and cowherds for a switch. enough the
Leo clouds
and time
26 27 28 29 30 31 Virgo
Feb. 1
The bright red berries of the mountain Clear Let WC. Fields Don't Oimelc
ash give this tree its Scottish name the reason born, 1880 make Eve
"rowan" from the Gaelic rudha-an, the Daleschamps Lyons, 1586. decks be your Libra waves Sagittarius
red one. An older and more romantic mals from storm damage. A necklace guide Scorpio
name is luisliu, flame or delight of the
eye. The scarlet berries also account
of rowan beads enlivened the wearer
and twigs were carried as protective
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
for its growing high on mountains along charms. ( ANDLE- Discard Visit a
with the birch, for birds feast on the Rowan figures prominently in MAS the sacred WAXING
berries and drop seeds in crevices at Scottish folklore as a sure means to useless place
altitudes as high as 3000 feet where the counteract evil intent. It was believed Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
tree springs up and flourishes. Although
the most common name for the rowan
that a christened person need only touch 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
a suspected witch with rowan wood in

is mountain ash, it has no botanical order to break a spell as the poet Allan Mia Let Define Don't
relation to the true ash save for a re- Farrow chance your break
Ramsay wrote: born, 1945 Aries guide Taurus limits stride
semblance in its smooth grey bark and you
graceful ascending branches. Other
names for the rowan are whitebeam,
Rowan tree and red thread,
Will put witches to their speed. 16 17 18 19 Gemini
quicken and witch-wood, the later pos- Banish Adventure
sibly derives from the Anglo-Saxon Yet, a century earlier, in the case all is in the
root wic, meaning pliable. of Margaret Barclay, such a charm Cancer fears offing
Scandinavian myths assign the was damning evidence. Brought to Leo
rowan to Thor, god of thunder. All trial for witchcraft in the town of Irvine,
across northern Europe it was the cus- Ayrshire, Scotland in 1618, her con
tom to plant rowan trees near farm viction was assured when a piece of
buildings to gain the favor of Thor and rowan tied with red yarn was found in
insure safety for stored crops and ani- her possession.

38 39
X!pisccs Neptune
February 20 -March 20

Mutable Sign of Water

s m T w T V S
Feb. 20
Strengthen 21 22
your I chaste \
will V moon J
power Virgo

23 24 25 26 27 28 Mar. 1
E A R T H , W I N DSEB wasA theN sonD of Shu,S KandYthe "father ol
The ancient Egyptian conception of the
a mare's
Matronal ia
world is illustrated above. The goddess of the gods," these being Osiris, Isis, Set, and Libra born, 1943 Scorpio nest mind
the heavens, her body decorated with stars, Nephthys. He was originally the god of the
spans the sky vault supported by four pil-
lars and the god of air. The earth god is
earth, but later he became a god of the dead
as representing the earth wherein the de-
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
prone below. Egyptian cosmogony differed ceased was laid. One legend identifies him Maintain Help Kindness
from that of most other cultures in perceiv- with the goose, the bird which in later ti met distance another
ing the earth as male. The Egyptologist, was sacred to him, and he is often called the Capricorn soul pays ^^^^^
E. A. Wallis Budge, described the qualities "Great Cackler," in allusion to the idea that Aquarius dividends
of the deities in Egyptian Religion (Lon-
don, 1899):
he made the primeval egg from which the
world came into being. 9 10 11 12 13 Pisces 14 15
Follow Dismiss Life is
SHU, son of Ra and Hathor, was the per- NUT was the wife of Seb and the mother ol WAXING your all nature's
sonification of sunlight, air, and wind. He Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Originally bliss Taurus doubts Gemini g'ft
it was who made his way between the gods she was the personification of the sky, and Aries
Seb and Nut and raised up the latter to form
the sky, and this belief is commemorated
represented the feminine principle which
was active at the creation of the universe. 16 17 18 19 20
by the figures of this god in which he is According to the old view, Seb and Nut Look to The wild Glenn Plana
represented as a god raising himself up existed in the primeval watery abyss... and the birds Close new
from the earth with the sun's disk on his later Seb became the earth and Nut the sky. future sing born, 1947 garden
S I K >u Iders. Asa power of nature he typified These deities were supposed to unite every Leo
the light, and, standing on the top of a evening, and to remain embraced until the ( ancer
staircase, he rai sed up the sky and held it up morning, when the god Shu separated them,
during each day. To assist him in this work and set the goddess of the sky upon his four
he placed a pillar at each of the cardinal pillars until the evening. Nut was, natu-
points, and the "supports of Shu" are thus rally, regarded as the mother of the gods
the props of the sky. and of all things living.

40 41
was recovered from the temple and is
displayed in the local museum.
Today pilgrims to the island pay
11 ibute to an icon of the Virgin discov-
ered by a now-sainted nun at the site of
I he hilltop Evangelistra church. This
was built atop an earlier temple to
I honysos, partly with stone plundered
from the temple of Apollo on Delos.
Speeded by gentle winds, it is south
to Delos, the most sacred island of the
a 11c ient world, that our ship now heads.
Not only the islands encircling Delos
but all of Greece is cooled by these
l.lysian breezes, a gift from Zeus to
acknowledge the altar built in his honor nally numbering sixteen, they were
1111 he mountains ofChios by Aristaeus, installed by Naxos, the island which
a son of Apollo. originally administered the sacred sanc-
Once capital ofthe Delian League, tuary before the takeover by Athens.
I shipping confederacy, the island was Honored too on Delos—her main
very rich. But power politics ruled temple was at Ephesus—was Artemis,
then as now and Pericles, the ambi- the virgin huntress, who legend credits
tious leader of Athens, looted the with assisting at her brother Apollo's
I reasury to build the Acropolis which birth while herself only nine days old.
became the League's new headquar- In 543 B.C. and again in 420 B.C.,

A Cycladic Cruise
ters. For hundreds ofyears before Christ Athens "purified" Delos with a decree
'11 tierent faiths existed side by side on that nobody could die or be born on the
Delos, the same gods often bearing sacred island. And even today sightse-
* 111 Icrent names. The statues dedicated ers who arrive on the early morning
Three or four times each month, from or two along the coast. Poseidon to them are arrayed in the local mu- boats from Mykonos are obliged to
early spring to late fall, a cruise ship second in rank only to Zeus, was un seum, and the barren island is littered leave before sundown. A handful of
sets sail for the Cyclades, a cluster of disputed ruler of the sea, rivers, and all with reminders of the zeal with which French archaeologists are the only per-
Greek isles where the ancient gods are underground springs. Poseidon w a i tliey were worshipped. Magnificent manent residents.
not forgotten. Poseidon, Apollo, Lord of Horses, Bull-god, and "earth archways and fallen marble columns
Dionysos, Athena—the names beckon shaker."Here he was worshipped U all pay a silent tribute to these ancient
all around from the signs on grand "the great doctor," and the island hi deities.
hotels and humble tavernas to the in- ever since held a reputation for heal Apollo, god of music, symbol of
signia of ocean liners and tiny fishing ing. The lst-century Roman w i n . i light and reason, was born here on
boats. Strabo described the temple as "woi I )clos from a wayward encounter be-
At Tinos, first stop on this cruise thy of a goddess," presumably I tween Zeus and Leto. His temple, with
into the past, blue neon letters beside reference to Poseidon's wil< i altered fragments of a huge statue,
the dock spell out Hotel Poseidona, a Amphitrite who shared h i s honors. I' a 11 •als close to the sacred (now dry) lake
modern-day nod to the god whose ru- of an amphora depicting what's be guarded by an elegant row of stone
ined temple oversees the waves a mile lieved to be Leto giving birth to A pi 111Q lions of which only five remain. Origi-

42 43
It is nightfall as our ship noses into ace of King Minos in Crete. Exiting
the harbor ofNaxos, soft lights against the maze with the aid of Ariadne 'shall
the hillside mark the outlines of the ofthread and fleeing with her, These u I
little port. Just to the west, an im- ungallantly abandoned the lady on
mense, spotlit arch dominates tiny Naxos' shore and sailed away.
Palatio which is connected by a cause- Imprisoned after Theseus' escape
way to the main island. Directly facing the wily Daedalus sought to evade was the rock to which the sacrilegious Apollo, Dionysos, and Hermes, the
Delos, it marks the site of a temple to Minos' patrolling ships and leave Civic A jax of Locri clung when Poseidon god ofboundaries, guardian ofknaves,
Apollo begun in 530 B.C. but never by air, constructing wings for him se 11 wrecked the ship carrying him home and patron deity of shepherds. Often
completed. andhissonfromfeathersandwax. Bui from Troy after the Greeks had sacked used as a messenger and troubleshooter
It was to Naxos that Artemis once despite his father's warning, Icarui thecity. The prophet Cassandra, daugh- by the other Olympians, he advised
fled, pursued by Poseidon's twin sons. flew too close to the sun which melted ter of Troy's King Priam, had warned Odysseus to protect himself from
Changing into a white deer, the virgin the wax. The Icarian Sea became hit 0 f the attack but was discredited; when Circe's spells by adding the herb moly
goddess lured them to a wooded glade tomb. it came, she took refuge in Athena's to his drink. A statue of Hermes is
where, hurling javelins at her from Meanwhile, back on verdant temple from which she was dragged by preserved on Andros, the island once
opposite sides, they killed each other. Naxos, the largest ofthe Cyclades and A jax. Furious, Athena demanded that ruled by Apollo's son Andron.
Brave Theseus came here too after supplier of most of its fruit and veg- amends be made: "Give the Greeks a Circe herself was not above dis-
slaying the monstrous Minotaur in the etables, Dionysos once held sway And bitter homecoming. Stir up the waters pensing advice. She told Odysseus to
maze built by Daedalus under the pal- it was he who rescued the abandoned with wild whirlwinds when they sail. lash himself to the mast of his ship so
Ariadne. Ever licentious, this god ol 1 ,et dead men choke the bays and line that the Sirens' seductive songs would
the vine had his own fan club — the the shore with wreaths." Poseidon not lure him to steer his craft onto the
Maenads, whom he inspired to ecstai i< obliged, and with his trident split the rocks as had happened to so many
frenzy. These divine Bacchantes who rock sheltering the hapless Ajax. others. The Sirens, sea demons men-
performed hectic dances expressni)' Poseidon's son Triton threw a tioned in Homer's Odyssey as half-
"the orgiastic forces of nature" ari lump of magic earth into the sea to women and half-bird, played the lyre
depicted on vase paintings from as form Thera, now Santorini. Origi- or flute as well as crooning their "ce-
early as the 6th century B.C. Euripide. nally, it was called Calliste (the most lestial harmonies." Few who heard
noted in The Bacchae that they repi e beautiful) and its earliest settlers were them remained immune.
sented "complete liberation from I In led by Cadmus, a descendant of Oedi- The Sirens were once ubiquitous
conventions of daily life, awaken me pus. Hundreds ofsteps ascend the steep in these waters, but today they seem to
of primeval instincts, and union with cliffs to Thera, but ancient Thera was be silent. At any rate, the crew of our
nature." higher still. Here, on the slopes of ship never seems to have been tempted
The ship sails onward. Some 1,300-foot Mesa Vouno, extensive and our voyage ends as peacefully as it
where in these waters near Mykonoi ruins mark the sites of temples to began.

44 45
F.I Nino (n.). A warming of the ocean surface off the western coast
and gray, these clouds prevail i n spring
of South America that occurs every 4 to 12 years when up welling
on both coasts when c h i l l winds b l o w
of cold, nutrient-rich water does not occur. Itcauses plankton and
fish to die and affects weather over much of the Pacific Ocean. onshore. Often only several hundred
— T H E A M E R I C A N H E R I T A G E DICTIONARY, Third Edition
feet above ground, such formations
can last for days.
A p r i l is always a volatile, c o m -
plex time. Retreating c o l d air, vigor-
ous winds aloft, and returning w a r m t h
sometimes make the month seem l i k e
all seasons at once. The jet stream, still
strong, bends and spins a wheel o f
SPRING vorticity through the Rockies, blanket-
ing the mountains w i t h snow. Torna-
M A R C H , 1 9 9 6 — C i r r u s Clouds. A l s o does w i l l ravage west Texas and O k l a -
known as M a r e ' s Tails, these clouds homa by the second week. A Noreaster
consist o f ice crystals and occur at high may begin as chill rain i n the N o r t h -
; 111 i i udes of35,000 feet or greater. They cast, but quickly change to snow, and
arc the first indicators o f stormy snow can result even w i t h tempera-
weather, and appear as beautiful wisps tures above freezing. Freak late-sea-
Igainst a deep blue sky. son storms are still likely in southern
An anticipated split i n the j e t California, w h i l e spring w a r m t h and
lb c a m produces varying weather con- two severe thunderstorm outbreaks
Window on the Weather dltions w i t h the pattern favoring late course through Georgia and Florida.
winter snows i n the West and early
Understood holistically, the globe's usual weather c o n d i t i o n s . B u i ili> spring for parts o f the East. Heavy M A Y , 1996 — Cumulus. The b u i l d i n g
weather can be seen as a harmonic warmth o f E l N i n o is retreating to In- • tins w i l l arrive at l o w latitudes on the blocks o f larger cloud complexes re-
pattern dominated b y the j e t stream, replaced by its opposing form, L a Nin.i Pacific Coast. Travelers should be wary sulting i n thunderstorms, cumulus for-
powerful air flows shaped like long Defined by a sudden sea change c< >< >l ol mudslides along the coastal range o f mations are identified b y their puffy,
sine waves. These waves course ing the western Pacific, L a Nin;i i lOUthern California. Farther east, the congested appearance. Variations i n -
through both hemispheres, w i t h val- expected to bring a w a r m i n g trend H Itorm advances to the peaks o f Utah clude stratocumulus, cumulonimbus
leys or "troughs" where storms are the western U n i t e d States and unSOl •mil Colorado, bringing heavy snow- and altocumulus.
born and mountains or "ridges" are sonably c o l d and wet weather to ttN I alls. F r o m the plains to the O h i o V a l - May brings the heart o f the tor-
related to sun and w a r m t h . The waves East. W e may anticipate its effect M ley, (here w i l l be sunshine and a m i l d e r nado season to Oklahoma and Texas.
determine the ebb and flow o f the last through 1997. trend. Then a late-season storm w i l l I f the expected j e t stream's energy is
Earth's climate, transporting heat from arrive, bringing wet snow from the focused i n the mountainous West, nu-
There f o l l o w detailed predici
the tropics to the poles, and polar air Appalachians to the eastern Great merous severe weather outbreaks can
month by m o n t h and region by region
from the A r c t i c to the tropics. B u t I akes. N e w England w i l l receive rain be expected for the Great Plains. H i g h
But y o u can get an indication <>l tM
disruptions such as E l N i n o generate I loin this storm for all but the highest altitude winds w i l l split farther east
immediate weather by simply lookin|
condi l ions that can disturb the patterns peaks in the north. Above-normal rain- w i t h a continued wet pattern i n Florida,
out the w i n d o w and observing cloud
and b r i n g some m a r k e d r e g i o n a l lall can be expected from the G u l f while parts o f the O h i o V a l l e y and
formations. W e offer typical c l o u d l (0
changes. < 'oast as far south as Florida. New England w i l l experience a
watch for each m o n t h o f the year,
drought. Late-season rains w i l l be slow
El Ni no rcsu 1 ts from volcanic erup-
APRIL, 1996 — Stratus Clouds. L o w to ebb on the Pacific Coast.
tions below the ocean that bring un- —TOM CLANG

46 47
sometimes tower to 50,000feet or moil Temperature contrasts through the
July is the month for thunders! ( U.S. reach a m i n i m u m i n the autumn,
nationwide. Storms i n the N o r t h moVI resulting i n few storms and stable
swiftly and are obscured by haze. Look weather patterns. W i n d s are light, and
to the West for signs o f rough weathM w i t h lengthening nights fog becomes
— thunder is the usual warning call widespread. L o n g wave patterns favor
Southern storms move more slowly high pressure i n the East, and l o w
and can erupt overhead. The most likely pressure in the Rocky M o u n t a i n West.
time for thunderstorm genesis is he This could reduce Santa A n a winds i n
tween 3 p . m . and 9 p . m . Campers California. Hurricanes w i l l f o r m late
should be wary. Flash flooding is pos into October i n the Atlantic. One may
sible w i t h these storms i n mountai m >i i brush the Atlantic coast, another may
territory. approach Texas.

J U N E , 1996 — Cumulus mammatus. S1 i P T E M B E R , 1996 — Altocumulus.

A U G U S T , 1996—Nimbostratus. Bi] N O V E M B E R , 1996 — Cirrostratus.
These clouds have a rounded appear- (iray, broken cumulus clouds at m i d
l o w y , dark and l o w hanging. These A thin veil that partially obscures the
ance, and they originate from the un- altitude that develop at approximately
moisture-laden clouds produce rain aiH I Sun and M o o n . Comprised o f ice crys-
derside o f the smooth anvil that forms 10,000 feet. These clouds signal
snow and are often obscured during tals, these clouds arc found on the
at the top o f mature thunderstorms. warmer weather and are commonly
storms. M o s t often present during (lie leading edge o f storm systems and
Because they are associated w i t h de- seen w i t h spiral bands that emanate
mature stage o f cyclones. portend rain and snow w i t h i n 12 hours.
scending cool air, the atmosphere be- from tropical storms and hurricanes.
comes unstable, sometimes presaging Hurricane formation extends fai W h i l e unstable waves are respon-
September 10th is the most likely
tornadoes and hail. ther into the Atlantic during Augusl. sible for the generation o f intense w i n -
I i i ne that a hurricane w i l l slam in some-
w i t h the Cape Verde Islands the mosl ter storms capable o f producing heavy
T o r n a d o genesis is i n i t i a t e d where i n the Atlantic. The second o f a
l i k e l y point o f origin by m i d month. snow, it is the stable waves that gener-
through the interaction o f violent up- (hree-year m a x i m u m o f hurricane ac-
The building N o r t h Atlantic high-pres ally bring the record-breaking early
drafts and downdrafts contained w i t h i n l i v i t y w i l l bring the threat o f violent
sure ridge brings heat and humidity to snowfalls. B u t i f a record early snow
thunderstorms. The jet stream's north- weather to the East. A t this time, it's a
the Eastern Seaboard, w i t h three days occurs i n your town, expect a m i l d ,
ward retreat focuses w i n d energy and p >od idea to check i n w i t h the Weather
i n a heat wave i n excess o f 90 degrees snow-free winter! W a r m t h continues
the threat o f tornadoes from the Great ( hannel and other media outlets to
F. Thunderstorms move slowly in t n in the East, w h i l e record early-season
Lakes to N e w England during June. k e e p informed about current hurricane
South w i t h flash flooding a threat. A n cold continues i n the West. Frost is late
TheCarolinas and Georgiaremain rela- a e i i v i t y . Passing summer heat brings
occasional tornado spins close to t n from N e w England to the Great Lakes,
tively dry before easterly waves from (I u ict weather to the other regions. Santa
Great Lakes. The monsoon s e a s o n and balmy days linger longer than nor-
the tropics bring rain by midsummer. A n a winds freshen i n the West, w i t h
brings afternoon rains along the Contl mal i n the South. Early rainfall can be
Frost is still possible i n western pla- l n e threat r i s i n g . U n u s u a l l y c o l d
nental D i v i d e as far north as Glaciei expected i n southern California w i t h
teaus, while the spring runoff remains weather pushes east into the northern
National Park in Montana. snow visible i n the surrounding m o u n -
sparkling, turning to a summer torrent. Rockies with snow in Montana by Sep-
I'(>g lingers in western harbors as large- tains o f Los Angeles by the 20th.
ie i nber 20th.
scale cyclones beat a hasty retreat past
British Columbia.
< N T O B E R , 1996 — Fog. Fog con-
llltl o f l o w - l y i n g stratus clouds that
J U L Y , 1 9 9 6 — C u m u l o n i m b u s . Popu- have descended to earth, most com-
larly characterized as "thunderclouds," monly during spring and summer across
these arc actually a combination o f the 11 .S. in valley locations.
many cloud types that as a complex

48 49
snowpack slow to form i n the moun-
tains. Fierce early winter storms w i l l
be c o m m o n i n the West w i t h a split jet
stream b r i n g i n g deep snows to south-
ern California, northern A r i z o n a and
southwest Colorado. Residents o f Se-
attle w i l l see snow i n the eastern foot-
hills by m i d month.

F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 9 7 — S u n d o g . This is
a phenomenon creating a p r i s m effect
as the sun's rays pass through the ice
crystals w i t h i n cirrus or cirrostratus
WINTER clouds.

Stormy weather reaches a peak i n
D E C E M B E R , 1 9 9 6 — Virga. Precipi- the West w i t h mudslides a significant
tation emanating from an overcast sky, threat i n California. Early-season tor-
not yet reaching the ground. Virga has nadoes lash the G u l f Coast and slide
a hazy, opaque appearance that begins further east. M u c h o f the Atlantic Coast by Dikki-Jo Mullen
at the cloud base and ends several and Ohio Valley remain m i l d w i t h only
A R I E S 1996 — P I S C E S 1997
thousand feet below that level as the northern N e w England experiencing
p r e c i p i t a t i o n evaporates. C o m m o n normal winter conditions. Snowfall is The world changes and we are each transformed.
during winter, when air masses pre- particularly heavy i n the northern
Exploring the new paths and different places will
ceding storms are dry. Rockies.
bring you to your own unique riches.
W i t h high pressure dominating the
East, the threat o f ice storms runs high 1996 — A L E A P Y E A R
The Sun Sign is the familiar zo- I f y o u were born on the day
this December, especially in the val- diac sign we all k n o w as our o w n . the Sun changes signs, for ex-
leys o f N e w England, Pennsylvania A year's date divisible by 4 excepting It describes the ego and sense o f ample, December 2 1 , y o u are a
and N o r t h Carolina. The West w i l l be those divisible by 100 but not by 400 is identity; i t shows where we shine. cusp personality and w i l l c o m -
unusually stormy w i t h early-season a leap year o f 366 days. M e d i e v a l As Earth makes her yearly journey bine the qualities o f t w o signs.
snows heavy i n Denver and the rest o f c u s t o m became l a w i n S c o t l a n d , around the Sun, she remains i n Y o u r birth year, time, and place
the western Great Plains. W e t weather France, and Italy g i v i n g a w o m a n the each sign for about thirty days. indicate w h i c h birth sign is actu-
is also c o m m o n along the G u l f Coast, right to propose marriage to the man o f The Sun Sign is the best place to ally yours, but you w i l l relate to
w i t h rainfall particularly heavy i n her choice i n a leap year, and, i f not start to understand your birth both forecasts.
Florida, southern Mississippi, Alabama chart's message. I t helps y o u to Please see Astrological Keys
accepted, to c l a i m from h i m a silken
get a feeling about celestial ener- on the next page. The definitions
and Georgia. gown. The next leap year is 2000.
gies and h o w they affect you. I f o f the planets, signs, houses, and
you k n o w your M o o n Sign and aspects w i l l help y o u harmonize
J A N U A R Y , 1997— Arctic Sea Smoke. Thirty days hath September, ascendant, check those forecasts w i t h your cosmic cycles and guide
Wisps o f condensation created by arc- April, June and November; for added depth and detail. you through a successful year.
tic air passing over w a r m water. All the rest have thirty-one,
A r c t i c air is scarce i n the East this Excepting February alone,
January and storms are weak and rainy. And that has twenty-eight days clear
Fog w i l l be common near the coast, the And twenty-nine in each leap year.

50 51

Signs o f the Zodiac Eclipses occur at either a Full or New all sorts are likely. Meditations and magi
Celestial Bodies
Moon when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are cal workings assume added power i f per-
Channels of Expression Generating Energy of the Cosmos
in exact alignment. They exert a strong formed at the time of an eclipse. If your
ARIES: pioneer, leader, competitor magnetic pull on the Earth. Unusual birthday is near an eclipse, prepare for a
Sun: birth sign, ego, identity
TAURUS: earthy, stable, practical weather, significant news, and surprises of year of changes and growth.
Moon: emotions, memories, personality
GEMINI: dual, lively, versatile
Mercury: communication, intellect, skills
CANCER: protective, traditional
Venus: love, pleasures, the fine arts Aries, 1996 - Pisces, 1997 brings five eclipses:
LEO: dramatic, flamboyant, warm
Mars: energy, challenges, sports April 3 Total —Full Moon Lunar in Libra
VIRGO: conscientious, analytical
Jupiter: expansion, religion, happiness April 17 Partial —New Moon Solar in Aries
LIBRA: refined, fair, sociable
Saturn: responsibility, maturity, realities
SCORPIO: intense, secretive, ambitious September 26 Total— Full Moon Lunar in Aries
Uranus: originality, science, progress
SAGITTARIUS: friendly, expansive October 12 Partial—New Moon Solar in Libra
Neptune: dreams, illusions, inspiration
CAPRICORN: cautious, materialistic March 8,1997 Total— New Moon Solar in Pisces
Pluto: rebirth, renewal, resources
AQUARIUS: inquisitive, unpredictable
PISCES: responsive, dependent, fanciful
Glossary o f Aspects RETROGRADE MOTION
Conjunction: two planets within the same This describes a planet that appears to be about three times yearly. It is a time to learn
F I R E : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius sign or less than 10 degrees apart, favorable moving backward through the zodiac signs. from the past, complete old projects, re-
or unfavorable according to the nature of The backward motion is an illusion created
E A R T H : Taurus, V i r g o , Capricorn flect and reconsider. Extra rest can be
the planets.
A I R : G e m i n i , Libra, Aquarius by the changes in orbital speed as the Earth needed, travel delayed, and communica-
W A T E R : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Sextile: a pleasant, harmonious aspect oc- and other planets go around the Sun. A l l of tions diffused under this trend. There will
curring when two planets are two signs or the planets have retrograde cycles. Astro- be three retrograde Mercury cycles this
60 degrees apart.
Qualities logically we interpret this as a time of year:
Square: a major negative effect resulting altered perception. Traditional rules might
CARDINAL FIXED MUTABLE when planets are three signs from one an- not work. We get sidetracked. Station is M a y 3 - M a y 27
Aries Taurus Gemini other or 90 degrees apart. the term describing the time when a planet in Taurus
Cancer Leo Virgo Trine: planets four signs or 120 degrees changes back to direct or regular motion. September 4 - September 26
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius apart, forming a positive and favorable in Libra and Virgo
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces influence. Retrograde Mercury December 23 - January 12, 1997
The most common and easily felt of the
CARDINAL signs mark the beginning of Quincunx: a mildly negative aspect pro- in Capricorn
duced when planets are five signs or 150 retrogrades, Mercury retrograde occurs
each new season — active.
degrees apart.
F I X E D signs represent the season at its
height — steadfast. Opposition: a six sign or 180 degrees sepa-
ration of planets generating positive or nega-
M U T A B L E signs herald a change of season tive forces depending on the planets in-
— variable. volved.

The Houses — Twelve Areas of Life Retrograde Venus

7th house: marriage, partnerships, union This is the rarest of the retrogrades, but its
1st house: appearance, image, identity
impact is deep. Retrograde Venus is a time
2nd house: money, possessions, tools 8th house: passion, death, rebirth, soul
to be cautious and patient with decisions
3rd house: communications, siblings 9th house: travel, philosophy, education
about love and marriage. Conservative I i
4th house: family, domesticity, security 10th house: fame, achievement, mastery
nancial moves and impeccable manners
5th house: romance, creativity, children 11th house: goals, friends, high hopes are essential. Venus will be retrograde May
6th house: daily routine, service, health 12th house: sacrifice, solitude, privacy 20-July 2, 1996 in Gemini.

52 53
with charm and clarity. Write letters and Oil September 26. Accept new conditions at Relax with a favorite hook on I old BV(
ARIES make phone calls. A neighbor is kind and work philosophically. Intuition can help nings. Discuss travels and philosophli .il
helpful. At the New Moon of June 15, Mars you select the best health care. Harvest issues. Those you care about most will
and Mercury move into a favorable sextile season fruits and vegetables such as apples appreciate learning from and with you
aspect lasting until Midsummer's Eve. and squash will work their magic if added Retrograde Mercury affects youi job
Travel is uplifting and educational. Take to yourdiet. Mercury moves out of your 6th through January 12. Cope by analyzing
note of new ideas which leap into your house October 9. Stress lessens and your repeated patterns and verifying instrw
thoughts. They can be invaluable i f devel- vitality improves. Others make plans for tions. It's best to postpone innovations at
oped in the future. you through October 22 while the Sun is in work. Tradition is upheld now. Oklei 01
opposition aspect. Teamwork and compro- more experienced people offer the bell
SUMMER - June 21 to Sept. 22 niise lead to success; it is worthwhile to advice and examples. The Full Moon I >r
SPRING - March 21 to June 20 examine the views voiced by others. Dur- cember 24 reveals how others love and
June 20 - July 2 old friends remember you ing the week before Halloween Venus com- depend upon you. You can experience
A reflective and secretive mood develops with a quite unexpected call or visit. Your pletes a quincunx. It's easier to clear away heightened intuition relaxing at home,
at the equinox. A friend or coworker shares 11 th house is supported with a trine be- debris and get organized. Animals are sup- Mid-January through February 8plan
a confidence. This draws you into a project tween air sign planets. Become more active portive and sensitive companions. Set out ets transiting the cardinal signs create I
requiring discretion. Mercury and Saturn in clubs and organizations. An intriguing food for stray cats or feed wild birds. hectic pace. Mercury is retrograde in youi
in your 12th house are linked to this. You're acquaintance comes from another ethnic or Satum in Aries remains in a tranquil 10th house until January 12. Worki ng hioun
kindly disposed to someone in need and socioeconomic group. sextile aspect with Uranus throughout No- may change; verify directions and sched
will extend help and advice. Make sure July 2-15 Mercury and the Sun are in vember. This strengthens your 1st house. ules. Jupiter begins a sextile in your I I th
your efforts are wanted and appreciated, square aspect from the 4th house. It's easy You can make constructive changes. It's a house on January 22. This starts a year ol
though, before going to a great deal of extra to be distracted; details must be resolved good time to polish your skills. Complete really valuable friendships. You will be
trouble. Meditation is very helpful March before ideas will work. Home life is i m - work requiring analysis, precise measure- able to formulate goals too. At Candlemas
20 - 31. Listen to inner guidance to tap proved i f you use humor and patience in ments, or mathematical aptitude. New tech- Venus joins Jupiter in Aquarius. Ask oth
creativity. The Libra eclipse April 3 ac- communicating with relatives. Saturn goes nologies and gadgets are an asset. Novem- ers for help; friends appreciate your gel
cents partnership and fairness. You will retrograde in Aries the last half of July. ber 15 - December 4 Mercury makes a trine tures of kindness and goodwill.
disrespect those who break rules and prom- You can relax. There is a feeling of re- from the 9th house. Make plans involving Mars, your ruler, goes retrograde Feb-
ises, but try to understand them anyway. prieve from demanding realities and pres- study or travel. You can acquire a deeper ruary 6. This occurs in Libra, the zodiac
Saturn enters your sign April 7 to start sures. A vacation at a health spa or spiritual spiritual understanding i f you look at reli- sign directly opposite yours. Partners are in
a three-year cycle when work and respon- retreat would be worthwhile. Companions gious practices of other lands. This is a a turbulent phase. A mild attitude with I
sibility are rewarding. Security needs come are less critical and more supportive of marvelous time for writing. If you have an competitive type is best. Be aware ol the
first. You will be deeply aware of your own your ideas. They can offer hopeful inspira- idea for a story or a poem put it on paper. past habits of others to quiet difficult is
strengths and weaknesses. Economize on tion. During August a T-square in the car- I lie new vocabulary words and add some sues. You can feel old associations ending
an expenditure of time, effort, and resources. dinal signs accents your 7th house. Follow foreign phrases if you want to be a brilliant and new companions becoming more im
You will be energized by Mars in your own all proprieties. Justice is important in all eonversationalist. Your speaking and teach- portant by the end of February. The eclipse
birth sign from early April through May 2. relationships. Connect first and foremost ing skills are in stellar form. You can change in Pisces March 8 activates your 12th house
Expect to feel more enthusiastic and moti- with people you admire and who support I he lives of others for the better in sharing It conjoins the Sun, Mercury, and Venus
vated. Outdoor exercise invigorates and you. There can be differences in spiritual your knowledge and ideas. Sympathy for the needy heightens. Con
revitalizes you. You assume a new aura of beliefs and values with some associates; From December 5 through Yule Mars sider gathering warm clothes and blankets
authority and can act in a leadership capac- don't try to change them. Acceptance and moves through your 6th house and aspects for the underprivileged and homeless Ol
ity. The April 17 eclipse in Aries heralds empathy can help you avoid confrontation. Neptune. Natural healing techniques, per- visit a friend who has been in a low cycle
the start of a progressive time. Be alert and September finds Venus and Mars moving haps involving herbs and music are help- Dreams are vivid during early March the
flexible. Success is linked to your talent for to make a soothing trine from your 5th ful. Create a wholesome environment at 12th house links to the subconscious mind
adapting to your environment. On May 4 house. Your creative talent earns admira- work. Holiday gifts which offer comfort Try to understand your own inner psyche.
Jupiter turns retrograde in your 10th house. tion. A love affair is sparked, i f you're and healing are appreciated. If you help a Wilderness areas and outdoor beauty can
Sincerity is a must at work, expand cau- receptive. A lighter work load leaves extra eoworker with a confusing situation your enchantyou March 1-15. From March 16
tiously and be certain you can keep prom- time to enjoy music, theater, or a movie. efforts will be remembered later. 20 Mercury transits Aries. You will be
i s e s you make. Don't over extend. Be cau- more expressive. This quickens your wits
tious with gambles and risks, especially i f AUTUMN - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 WINTER - Dec. 21 - Mar. 20,1997 A problem can be solved or a new lubjei I
your employment is affected. June 1-14 mastered. Be certain to follow through
finds Venus and the Sun nicely aspecting Everything seems to be rearranging itself Venus warms your 9th house with acheer- with travel opportunities.
your 3rd house. You will communicate as the Full Moon eclipse in Aries approaches Inl trine for the first two weeks of winter.

54 55
SUMMER - June 21 to Sept. 22 complete repair projects. The lunar eclipse moves into your 6th house as January be-
TAURUS in Aries September 26 activates Saturn in gins. Neatness and organization add to
Y o u r 2nd house is a focus from your 12th house. Through October 12 keep contentment. You're a perfectionist just
Midsummer's Day through Fourth of July. • positive mind-set as moodiness and de- now—do all you can to relax and to release
You will enjoy beautiful possessions and spair threaten to complicate your life. Seek stress. Keep your workload manageable.
will want to hold on to all that you treasure. healing and inspiration from the arts or On January 22 Jupiter begins a long
Shopping sprees result in important acqui- contact with nature. passage through your 10th house. You will
sitions. There is a yearning for more spend- October 13-29 you'll enjoy a trine become highly visible and can assume a
ing power and cash flow. Extra work which from Venus. Partnerships, especially those position of leadership through the rest of
promises to compensate you well is very involving business contacts, are agreeable. the season. Contacts with foreign born and/
attractive. Your persistence and dedication Your genuinely friendly and helpful con- or well-traveled and well-educated people
are rewarded with rapid progress the last cern radiates inner love. Others are respon- provide a broader perspective. February
SPRING - March 21 to June 20 three weeks of July. The Sun makes a sive to you. The Full Moon in your birth finds a stellium of Aquarius placements
friendly sextile from your 3rd house July 1 - sign October 26 brings new vitality into a joining the Jupiter pattern. You'll enjoy
The vernal equinox is welcomed by a gra- 22. A neighbor offers advice and sugges- cherished project. Extra effort on your part exploring ways to make a difference in
cious and supportive conjunction from tions. Telephone calls and letters bring now leads to tangible results. your endeavors. It's a month for freshness
Venus, your ruler, in your own birth sign. insight into relationships. A short outing to From Hallowmas through November and enthusiastic, dynamic expansion. Be
This benevolent pattern is in force until a bookstore or seminar/discussion group 14 Mercury joins the Sun to create an daring about try ing a new interest or type of
April 3. Your charm and agreeable manner provides provocative and inspiring ideas. opposition pattern. Other people have im- work. The Aquarius New Moon February 7
add to the general aura of good luck just The last week of July your 4th and portant news; you can benefit from their can bring specifics to light.
now. Invest in art, jewelry, or collectibles. 10th houses are affected by Mercury, the suggestions and experience. Be sure to March opens with the Sun, Mercury,
Seek favors from those in authority. Ro- Sun, Uranus, and a Full Moon. Family compliment a friend's costume design or and Venus in a favorable aspect from your
mantic involvements can bring adeep hap- members take an interest in your profes- culinary expertise. Analyze messages com- 11 th house. You will find it easier to select
piness. The lunar eclipse April 3 affects sional success. Be open minded about new ing from dreams or the spirit world. They goals. Friends provide encouragement. You
your 6th house and will make a quincunx trends related to your work. are highly symbolic and might not be the will be warmly welcomed into new circles
aspect. Adjust to conditions at work and August opens with Mercury moving easiest to understand. if you seek companionship. The solar
your daily routine. Flexibility is the key to into harmony with your Sun and transit Three planets in earth signs the last eclipse March 8 helps you to discriminate
success. Your health is affected by diet, so Jupiter. Your confidence and trust in others part of November favor showing your love in your choice of associates. March 9-20
resist tempting sweets and rich foods for is rewarded. Companions freely share in- and concern in practical ways. Prepare a Mars retrogrades back into your 5th house.
the remainder of April. formation and skills. It's a good cycle for nourishing dish, make a warm garment, or You will enjoy athletic and adventurous
During the first half of May, Jupiter vacation travel. Select a resort with out- perform a chore for someone you care leisure time activities. An old love remem-
and Neptune support your Sun. It's a per- door activities or a health spa. Social events •bout There is a more settled quality to bers you and could try to rekindle a flame.
fect time for attending a meditation group will be brightened i f games of skill and closest relationships. I f you have pet ani-
and deepening spiritual awareness. A sub- strategy such as chess or even Scrabble are mals nearby, one of them bonds with you.
ject which is hard to understand suddenly is available. Saturn turns direct in your 12th house as
clarified if you study diligently. Mars moves On August 10 Pluto turns direct on December opens. It moves into aspects GEMINI
through your sign during May making you your 8th house cusp. The remainder of the with Uranus and Pluto as the days shorten
energetic and competitive. Because moti- month is good for past life regression stud- Into the winter's solstice. There are new
vation is so high, you can accomplish much. ies. Research goes well too. You will have alliances forming around you. Participa-
However, if anger builds, exercise restraint. new insights into the desires and motiva- tion is healing and balancing. Teamwork
Try music to restore calm. tions of others. During September Sun and now leads to recognition later.
Venus turns retrograde the 3rd week Neptune aspects bring a renewed empathy
of May. This ushers in a cycle when it's with children. I f you take time to teach WINTER - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
easy to be sentimental and nostalgic. Enjoy others, your own learning deepens.
memories, but remember that it's futile to Until January 13 retrograde Mercury in
live in the past. Be tolerant i f someone's AUTUMN - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 your 9th house marks a perfect time to
appearance or manners are a little rough. |tther photos for a keepsake album, make SPRING - March 21 to June 20
Humor is the best defense against vulgarity Mars and Venus move hand in hand through entries in ajournal, or correspond with old
or inconsideration. May 27 - June 13 Mer- your 4th house as the harvest season be- 11icnds. I f you travel, return to a familiar An abundance of forceful energy rains on
cury moves rapidly through your 1 st house. gins. Take time to beautify your home and site haunted by the happy memories of you from the ideas and choices generated
There can be an interest in travel. It also Y ii letides past. This pattern peaks with the by companions all year long. Pluto is in
makes you quite talkative and eloquent. < 'apricorn New Moon January 8. Mars opposition to your Sun from the 7th house.

56 57
This tempts others to want to involve you in win everyone over to your viewpoint with proves, and your renewed vitality has a optimistic and expansive stale ol m i n d aid-,
projects of great magnitude. It is a year of your exceptional persuasive skill. It's a beneficial impact on creative work and in creating marvelous opport u n ities through
oppc >rtuni ly, but do think for yourself. Keep marvelous time to make telephone calls or social life. This is a progressive cycle. February. Teaching, public speaking, and
a balance and perspective. Work on main- write. On July 2 Venus moves out of the Your field of expression broadens. writing can all be pursued successfully late
tain 11lg gi«>d wi 11 and cooperation with oth- retrograde and generates one of the best The last week of October brings a Full January through February.
ers. Consider their feelings and motiva- patterns for your image and appearance Moon in your 12th house. Experiment with A volatile pattern affects your career
tions. You will discover new potentials you've enjoyed for years. Purchase adorn- astral projection and meditation. Deeper during early March. It involves 10th house
within longtime companions. A variety of ments and clothing; commit to a fitness levels of consciousness open up. You may Pisces transits. The solar eclipse on March
people from diverse backgrounds cross your routine. Music, drawing, painting, and other he a bit more quiet because you are espe- 8 makes you aware of the need for growth
path and add sophistication to your life. artistic expression can appeal to you cially impressionable. You are quite psy- and adjustments. Don't attempt to hold on
March 20 - April 6 Saturn completes throughout July. chically aware of the deepest inner feelings to the status quo. Just be conscientious
a square from your 10th house. Hard work August finds Pluto turning direct on of others. November opens with Venus about responsibilities and remain alert as
and effort will be rewarded; put responsi- the cusp of your 7th house while Mercury creating an upbeat aspect which is in force well as flexible. March 9 finds retrograde
bility first and an important person will be enters your 4th house. Your family life until the 22. Your humor and charisma win Mars entering your 4th house where it will
impressed. Some extra sleep is the best gift may be entering a new cycle. Encourage n e w friends. Others want to be closer. I f remain through March 20. Foster peace
you can give yourself. You've been taking loved ones to grow. At Lammas decorate you encourage a relationship, a commit- and patience at home. Ideally, you want
on an ambitious workload and can become your residence with seasonal flowers and ment is offered. You can play games and your residence to feel safe, with the atmo-
quite fatigued. grasses. Make improvements adding to the win; lady luck is smiling i f you want to sphere ofapeaceful sanctuary .Reconsider
The first week of April Venus enters comfort and beauty of your home. Book- consider abit of adventure and speculation. and postpone any major building or home
your birth sign and harmonizes with the shelves for your constantly expanding l i - The Full Moon rises in your birth sign improvement projects in March. March
Libra eclipse. The 1st and 5th houses are brary would be a good place to start. November 24, blending nicely with Sat- 16-20 Mercury moves into a sextile aspect.
highlighted. Younger people are a delight. September 1-12 a Mercury-Uranus urn, Uranus, and Pluto in early degrees of This brings you good judgment as well as
A hobby or creative project could lead to trine uplifts your 5th and 9th houses. At- lire and air signs. Approach others with valuable background information enabling
extra income. Mid-April is very promising tend a class or lecture for valuable hints ideas the last week of the month. Be confi- you to make wise choices concerning pro-
for social contacts. At a party you enchant about problem solving. Television and ra- dent about taking initiative. fessional or residential moves.
a new person with your wit and kindness. dio programs can be unusually inspiring Mars and the Sun are both in strong,
From April 17-30 the combined energies too. Telepathic exchanges with someone angular relationships to you from Decem-
of Saturn and the eclipse path make you close to you demonstrate your strengthen- ber 1 until Yule. Avoid controversy. Exer-
aware of the needs of a friend. Be helpful, ing intuition. cise authority in moderation. Be gentle CANCER
yet realize you really can't take on the woes September 13-22 the Sun and retro- with yourself when it comes to physical
of another. Your circle of friends is begin- grade Mercury in Virgo square you. Post- activity. Venus softens the situation from
ning to shift. pone a residential move. Investigate the the 17th - 21st. Others show that you're
May finds Mercury, your ruler, retro- terms of any new commitment before get- loved and cherished, and you are swept
grade until the 27th of this month. This ting involved. Resist the temptation to ex- Into holiday forays.
makes you quiet. You will prefer not to aggerate. A "tall tale" told now could dam-
externalize your deepest thoughts and de- age your credibility. Be factual about all WINTER - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
sires. Peace and privacy are cherished; communication and be subtle with jokes
quiet hours help you find your balance. Old and humor. Others may be in a serious The 8th house highlighted by a stellium of
memories and news from old contacts are frame of mind. < 'apricorn planets encourages you to be
in your thoughts. discreet and private as the solstice passes.
In June Mars joins the Sun and Venus AUTUMN - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 I hrough January 19 you will tend to inves-
in your birth sign. You will enjoy physical II gate and analyze. There can be a new SPRING - March 21 to June 20
exercise and will suddenly become more The lunar eclipse in Aries during the open- understanding of near-death experiences
confident and assertive. This trend acceler- ing week of the new season aspects Saturn and your own views of the afterlife. Early You are touched and encouraged by the
ates following the New Moon in your birth in your 11 th house. Involvement with orga- l.muary is a wonderful time to gooverjoint goodwill of longtime friends at the vernal
sign on June 15. nizations can bring satisfaction through I mances, also to attend to tax and insurance equinox. The strength of your past reputa-
altruistic and humanitarian activity. You matters. Jupiter enters Aquarius January tion opens the path to new opportunity.
SUMMER - June 21 to Sept. 22 can make real progress with metaphysical and conjoins the transit Sun as well as This trend remains in force through Apri 16
and astrological studies. During the first III anus. You benefit from this pattern with with a trine from Saturn in the 9th h o u s e to
Midsummer's Day finds Mercurial energy three weeks of October the Sun makes a a liiendly trine aspect in your 9th house. your Sun. Your standard of living improves
flowing through your 1st house. Travel supportive trine which peaks with the solar It's a perfect time to plan journeys for and you can acquire possessions y o u ' v e
plans are finalized before July 1. You can eclipse in Libra on the 12th. Health i m - educational and spiritual purposes. Your yearned for. The eclipses in cardinal signs

58 59
during April aspect Jupiter which is in evaluate what you really want. It's a time to exchanged by letter or on the phone. Mer- ence of Venus can add a possessivi . in
opposition to you. April 7-20 is a time to be control impulses and rein in your temper. cury glides in conjunction with the Sun in tense note to love, Share a bit of humor Mid
conscientious and generous. Don't let oth- Use sunscreen and have a supply of cold your 5th house. Accept an invitation to a be understanding with your neaie.t and
ers think for an instant you would take them drinks i f you're outdoors in the summer's movie, play, or concert. Creativity acceler- dearest.
for granted. When it comes to spiritual and heat. ates i f you travel or enjoy other novelty and March 1-9 you will have a /.est loi
philosophical beliefs, allow others to search August 7 - September 6 Venus smiles stimulation. Study a new subject or skill i f adventure and travel. There are Pisces plan
for their own truth. Don't turn a conversa- with a conjunction to your Sun in the 1st boredom threatens. ets in your 9th house elevating youi
tion into a sermon. house. Your charm and beauty are appreci- From November 15-22 Venus in as- thoughts. The Pisces solar eclipse Mai eh X
Late April - May 1 a competitive and ated. It's a perfect time to reach out to a new pect to Neptune can make you rather gen- brings in opportunity for you to be on the
dynamic energy from Mars in the 10th love, plan a party, or express artistic incli- erous. Give what you can afford in terms of go. A visit to a school, library, or spiritual
house makes you visible at work. Use a nations . The week of August 11 Pluto turns time and love as well as tangible support center can illuminate and uplift you. March
subtle approach to those in authority. Gentle direct exactly on your 6th house cusp, .md gifts, but keep enough for yourself. 10-20 imported foods or ethnic clothing
exercise is best for fitness. May 2-27 retro- bringing empathy with animals. A pet shows Hxcess or misplaced generosity can be a are enjoyable. Love assumes an abstract
grade Mercury in your 11th house aspects love and devotion or you can interpret drain. quality. You would appreciate an exciting
Neptune harmoniously. Friendly calls and omens and messages from birds and other November 22 - December 17 is an and imaginative companion with whom to
letters arrive from old friends. Your keen wildlife. ideal time to emphasize diet and perfec- share adventures.
intuition assists in negotiating and sales. September 7-21 Jupiter turns direct in tion. The 6th house is strong. You will find
Those who have resisted your ideas can be your 7th house. Partnerships bring growth. satisfaction in getting organized and devel-
won over to respond more favorably. From Those you're involved closely with open oping good habits. The New Moon on
the end of May through June 20 retrograde I >ecember 10 crystallizes specific steps in
Venus in your 12th house allows you to
up new spheres of experience. Listen to
your own inner guidance i f you have the reaching these goals. As the winter solstice LEO
release regrets concerning a long-lost love. sense of being pulled into investments or approaches Mercury is close to a conjunc-
Kind deeds and charity are fulfilling. The other projects which seem a bit risky. tion with Jupiter and Neptune; all three
gratitude expressed by those to whom planets are in the 7th house. You'll be
you've shown kindness creates an internal AUTUMN - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 intensely curious about others. Psychology
euphoria. The New Moon in Gemini the and social sciences captivate you. You'll
week of June 15 acts as a catalyst bringing There is an accent on contracts, promises, meet a parade of unusual, intriguing people
the specifics of this trend into the open. and agreements the first week of the new at holiday parties or while shopping.
season. Mercury turns direct with a sextile
SUMMER - June 21 to Sept. 22 in your 3rd house. The lunar eclipse Sep- WINTER - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
tember 26 in Aries has a strong flavor of SPRING - March 21 to June 20
Be gentle in evaluating the little shortcom- Saturn as it conjoins that planet in your You're noticed and appreciated the first
ings of those you admire the first week of 10th house. Success depends upon being week of winter. The Full Moon December Personal involvements will be electric,
the new season. Until June 30 the Sun is realistic about what you can do. Prepara- 24 is in Cancer. This makes iteasier foryou exciting, and unpredictable all year long.
square Saturn in Aries showing tension tion and the wise management of time are to enlist help and elicit responses. The last Uranus in opposition aspect to your Sun
with those in positions of authority and a must. Put business first and double check week of December brings spiritual awak- from the 7th house generates this trend, and
leadership. The first two weeks of July details to assure career stability. ening through dreams and meditation. Seek- it is a powerful one. You can meet people
Mercury moves rapidly through your own October finds your 4th house accented ing the perfect home and family life will be who revolutionize your whole life. Allow
birth sign making communication more by the Libra transits and eclipse. You can a locus in January. Mars begins a passage others freedom and recognize when a relfl
pleasant. Offer suggestions, but also be a discover new facts about your family tree. through your4th house. You could redeco- tionship must move and grow. The April 3
good listener. It's a perfect time for travel, Examine old diaries and photos, listen to iaie, remodel, or even sell a home. Rela- eclipse in your 3rd house smooths commu
especially i f you can visit an island or area reminiscences of old times offered by rela- tives can be restless; allow loved ones nications with a pleasant sextile aspect,
of historical interest. tives. You can become more in tune with plenty of freedom. gather information and be a good lisienei
your background and all it offers you. Ura- Positive financial twists are promised Saturn crosses into your 9th house
July 16-25 a grand trine in the fire
nus is poised on your 8th house cusp during January 22 - February 15. Jupiter, entering April 7 where it will trine you through the
signs affects your financial indicators. You
Halloween week. Others can ask you for Aquarius and your 8th house, conjoins the rest of the year. It's a marvelous lime to
can resolve debts and find it easier to add to
financial help and advice. Old conditions iransit Sun and Uranus. An investment or look at educational travel, perhaps to a site
income. The demand for your skills inten-
and stale goals are waning. This is truly a legacy adds to your earnings. You have an of spiritual significance. Progress is made
sifies, and you are aware of new options for
death and rebirth trend. New realities re- awareness of what true wealth really is. with studies. You can master an important
professional growth. July 26 - Lammastide
place old attitudes and priorities October Material values are balanced with arespect subject or complete a degree program. The
Mars moves over the Cancer cusp. You are
28 - November 2. lor the intangible riches such as love and a solar eclipse in Aries April 17 brings tin-
starting a six-week cycle of tremendous
healthy life. Until February 26 the influ- specifics into focus.
energy and enthusiasm. Take some time to November 3-14 words of love are

60 61
You will be ambitious and competi- September begins with Jupiter turn- Sun from the 5th house bring a transcen- vestments, insurance coverage, and taxes
tive as May Eve passes. Mars and Mercury ing direct in your 6th house. Health is dent quality to affections. You can make a can be dealt with efficiently. The eclipse
energize your 1 Oth house throughout May. improving, and you can discover herbal or ' 1111 crence for the better in the lives of those pattern in your 8th house, coupled with
You arc motivated and enthused at work, other natural remedies to enhance well- vmi care for, especially in the case of Mars retrograde in the 2nd, allows you to
but diplomacy and patience are a must to being on the 1-6. On September 7 Venus younger people. purge any old financial debts or dilemmas.
assure success. Near the Full Moon on enters Leo. Summer's end is one of the December finds you applying spiri- A sense of deja vu surrounds you in March.
May 3 separate family and personal issues happiest times all year. September 7-22 tual teachings to daily life situations. Sat- You're deeply aware of interconnections
from professional responsibilities. you can arrange a party to celebrate the urn turns direct in your 9th house; it forms between the present and other lives at other
June is a time to develop nurturing season with your nearest and dearest friends nines with your Sun and the Sagittarius times.
friendships. Venus and the Sun are sextile and family. There is opportunity to pursue planets. The result is a fortunate grand trine
from the 11 th house, adding to your charm cultural, social, and artistic interests. A p.iltcrn in force until Yule. You'll be vital
and popularity. However, Venus' retro- romance becomes more stable. There is a .iiid creative. Your appearance improves,
grade motion makes you responsive to peer deeper sense of intimacy with those you lending strength to your self-esteem. This
pressure, especially from those who are in truly love. results in good fortune affecting personal VIRGO
pursuit of all kinds of pleasure. Enjoy life as well as professional status. The New
yourself as the solstice approaches, but do A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 Moon December 10 marks a week of good
keep your goals and priorities in sight. The social opportunities and cheer. December

New Moon June 15 is supportive of posi- You will extend initiative and assume 15-20 Venus moves into harmony with the
tive resolutions. authority. Mars is in your sign until Octo- whole pattern. Ask others for help and
ber 29. This is a time of powerful accom- express your love openly. You will meet
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 plishment, but you must focus on the high- with deep and loving acceptance.
est values and goals. Mars is like fire,
June20-July 1 brings a rare opportunity to capable of great destruction if mishandled, W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
adjust the decisions and actions linked to but warming and uplifting i f used posi-
the past. Five planets are retrograde in tively. I f you sense you're overbearing or Keep your schedule and environment S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
areas of the chart which tie to the closure of expecting too much, pull back. Exercise wholesome as the solstice passes. Mercury
old relationships. July 2-15 the Sun and adds to your overall well-being. The eclipse turns retrograde in your 6th house and Communication is a delicate matter as the
Mercury polarize Jupiter and Neptune in September 26 awakens you to new values health could need a bit of attention. Use a new season starts. Make every effort to
the 12th and 6th houses. You have an and philosophies. Travel may be compli- I i replace, bright lights, and hot drinks to understand and respect the views of others.
intuitive understanding of animals and na- cated near that date though. I f possible, chase away gloom and chills. A few extra Pisces planets oppose your Sun from the
ture. Spend some time in meditation while stay in familiar territory September 26-30. hours of sleep is the best holiday gift to give 7th house at the vernal equinox. Modera-
sitting on the ground or standing braced October 12-21 the eclipse in Libra com- yourself December 22-31. tion is the best policy to adopt in your
against a tree. Inner healing and a sense of bined with the Sun and Mercury in the 3rd January is a time to be subtle and expectations of others. On April 7 this
peace will be generated. Service to others house makes you restless. New places and ippreciate being in the background. Rec- pattern passes. Mercury and Jupiter in your
and to the planet brings you a profound new ideas would refresh you. Purchase a ognize that there is a power in discretion sister earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn
happiness. Visit an i l l or elderly person or couple of newly published books or vary and silence. Cardinal sign planets create an are favorable April 8-18. They support
clear away debris from a park or seaside. the routes you travel and see the neighbor- aspect pattern which vents into your 12th your 5th and 9th houses. Travel and educa-
From July 16-31 your confident and hood from a different perspective. Variety house. Patience helps with any difficult tional activities are captivating. You can
dramatic way of expressing ideas wins is a must. people. The Full Moon in Leo January 23 learn from leisure time pursuits. A roman-
supporters. Mercury moves rapidly through Halloween finds your4th house high- .liters the mood of the New Year. Vitality is tic tryst with a very sophisticated and tal-
your birth sign. It's a marvelous time to lighted. Decorate your home with seasonal renewed, and you're more positive. Sup- ented individual is likely.
write letters, make calls. Your efforts at motifs. Make repairs and organize the port and recognition come as January ends. On April 17 the eclipse makes you
sales, public speaking, or acting succeed household to generate domestic harmony. As February opens you start to feel the aware of your own deepest needs and de-
far beyond all expectations. During August Acquiring security and generating more i mpact of Jupiter starting a year-long cycle sires. You can sense a past life link to the
your 12th house is highlighted by Venus income will be in your thoughts November in your 7th house. Partnerships are grow- current range of experiences. April con-
and Mars in Cancer. This gives a flair for 1-14. You will be protective of people as ing. Others want commitment from you. cludes with aspects from Mars and Nep-
siiatcgy and subtle action. Your birthday well as possessions you're attached to be- Mercuryjoins Jupiter from February 9-27. tune in force. Dreams are akey to messages
finds you introspective. You are able to cause Mars crosses into your 2nd house Encourage others to communicate; con- from your higher mind. If food or medicine
cherish your secrets and privacy, even those while aspecting Pluto. versations and letters help you explore the is a theme in those dreams, check the envi-
closest to you know only what you want to November 15-30 is a cycle of clarity parameters of important relationships. ronment for chemicals and pollutants. They
reveal. August is a favorable time to work in understanding your deepest loves and March 1 -20 is an ideal time to exam- can affect you.
with affirmations and visualization. attachments. Mercury and Pluto trine your i ne financial documents and decisions. In- May is a wonderful month for making

62 63
adjustments and suggestions at work. A and financial records in order. lation and leadership as the season language to aid in communication D M
mutual reception between Venus and Mer- August brings a fascination with spiri- progresses. season finishes with a Mars retrograde In
cury is nicely supported by the Sun in tual healing or the latest vitamin and nutri- November sees you looking for ways your own birth sign March 9-20, it trinei
Taurus the 1-20. You'll enjoy a new per- tion theories. From August 1-25 Mercury to improve and protect your home. Pluto in Neptune. Strategy and the use of intuition
spective on old puzzles and problems. It is moves through your birth sign making a the 4th house is activated by mutable sign help you to win others to your viewpoint
e a s i e r to view bittersweet memories with trine to Jupiter and Neptune. Travels lead 11 ansits. You can add new members to your Your beloved is easier to understand. You
appreciation and understand why certain to improvement in your quality of life, extended family and have a deepening of can guide the course of a close relationship,
situations occured. The Full Moon on May especially i f the destination is over or near insight into your childhood. November 24
) promises a week of abundant calls and water. The last week of August the Full - December 4 you will look critically at
letters; U affects your 3rd house just as Pisces Moon in your 7th house lets others your residence. A move or a remodeling
Mercury turns retrograde. Timely responses express feelings about you. Partnerships and redecorating plan is almost irresistible.
are appreciated by others. Reassuring words reach a turning point. On December 5 Mercury approaches a LIBRA
from you assure security and goodwill. Financial decisions and choices need friendly conjunction with Neptune and Ju-
May 21 -31 Venus retrograde interacts with attention September 1-12. Mercury in your piter in your 5th house. Until Yule your
four outer planet retrogrades. Keep up with 2nd house turns retrograde oppose Saturn. social life is enlivened by invitations and
prior commitments at work to protect your Don' t try to force your values on those who visits. You can impress an admirer with a
credibility. Complete projects in progress aren't receptive. Associates are rather con- kind word or note. I f you want to make
before considering new directions. servative. Clip coupons and comparison holiday gifts, try penning an original story
June 1-12 music heals and energizes shop for the best prices when making pur- or poem. Vacation travel is relaxing and
you. A Mercury-Neptune pattern shows chases. September 13 through the eve of delightful through December 21.
exceptional sensitivity to sound. Play an the equinox Venus and Mars are gliding
ocharina or drum or dance spontaneously together in your 12th house. Your sincere W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
to a favorite recording. Bird songs and the compassion for another wins you a new
voices of the wind and sea speak volumes friend. You will make kind, generous ges- I 'rotect yourself from chills and confusion S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
to you. June 13-20 four Gemini planets tures toward those less fortunate. Favors by planning a simple schedule until Janu-
including Mars in the 10th house awaken you perform now will be returned later. ai y 13. Your ruling planet Mercury is retro- Invest in purchases which bring you joy
ambitions. You are competitive and can grade until then. Extra rest is amust. Venus and beauty while they appreciate in value.
accomplish much related to career. A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 loins Mercury in the 5th house on January Jewels or art are some good examples.
10. An old love can be fondly remembered Spring begins with Venus well-aspected in
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 You will display a flair for research and OT even rejuvenated. Taurus in your 8th house. Profits as well as
detective work September 22-30. The lu- During January children surprise you pleasures come through the purchases of
Keep the overall goals and perspective in nar eclipse path lights your 8th house near with a display of kindness or creativity, antiques or luxuries. The April 3 eclipse at
mind regarding work June 20-30. You're September 26. It draws a mystery into the lupiter begins a year-long transit through the Full Moon in yourown birth sign ushers
feeling a double quincunx pattern with open. Your desires can be directed toward Aquarius January 22. This benefits your in a time of endings and new cycles. The
Saturn and Uranus. Your own mind-set making a special acquisition or into estab- health as it draws benevolent forces into eclipse is conjunct the Moon's North Node
creates much of what is happening. Notes lishing a personal relationship. your 6th house. You can treat an old illness so it will, according to ancient astrology
of humor and lightness are more effective Venus moves into your own birth sign 01 establish a more wholesome daily rou- traditions, leave you in better condition in
with associates than an overbearing or se- as October opens. This is the time to reach tine. Late January until February 18 pets the end. Keep in mind that change is growth.
vere manner. out to those you love and admire. Purchase lit especially important; they provide a Be receptive to the idea of a new job or
July begins with a cheerful sextile finery in preparation for Hallowmas cel- new level of comfort and companionship. residence this year.
from Mercury and the Sun in your 11th ebrations and experiment with artistic ex- The February 22 Full Moon is in Virgo. The Sun, Mars, and Saturn are all in
house. You' 11 enjoy witty, talkative friends. pression October 1 -29. The solar eclipse on The 22-28 is an emotion-charged week. your 7th house April 7-19. Be alert to the
Accept an opportunity to do public speak- October 12 affects your 2nd house. Your You're expressive and especially sensi- needs and expectations of others. Adapt to
ing or teaching. You'll enjoy involvement overall attitude toward money and material tive. Promising contacts can be made as the trends partners set to avoid friction.
with book clubs or other organizations that values is shifting. There can be a new people notice and respond to you. Social sciences such as psychology fasci
help you to learn July 1-15. Saturn begins demand for your job skills; explore em- March 1-15 others are preoccupied nateyou. As May Eve approaches you will
a retrograde pattern in your 8th house the ployment possibilities during the week fol- and distracted. Be patient i f you have to feel the support of a trine from Venus in
last half of the month. It's aperfect time for lowing the eclipse.October ends with Mars repeat questions or wait for phone calls to your 9th house. Art and music from othei
serious pursuit of metaphysical studies entering Virgo. You'll enjoy outdoor exer- l>e icturned. Mercury is in opposition from lands can create a spiritual climate T i avel
linked to the afterlife and reincarnation. cise and will feel quite competitive from your 7th house, showing associates have to places of cultural diversity would he
Questions about expense accounts and in- October 30 on. Your enthusiasm and added 11111 erent thoughts and conflicting informa- wonderful April 18 - May 2. II that i i
vestments can come up; keep all receipts energy makes others turn to you for inspi- tii iii Observe facial expressions and body impractical, try reading literature or watch

64 65
ing educational films accenting other cus- makes you glamorous and charismatic as perfect time to purchase clothes and take ship may ensue. February culminatei »Ith
toms and countries. you express new abilities. There is friend- care of your appearance. You are radiant others depending upon you to make dallj
After May 3 you may be a little per- ship at work which could transform into a Uld vibrant. Ask others for favors and routine more agreeable The application ol
plexed about the financial decisions and romantic liaison by September 5. develop new contacts. Love and admira- your natural genius for diplomacy helps
attitudes of others. If you feel unsettled or September opens with Mercury in tion are on the upswing. November ends March 1-15 three planets H I youi 6th
disappointed about this, investigate a bit. Libra turning retrograde and moving back with three planets in your 3rd house, in- house are energized by the e c l i p s e in l'i
Understanding can help. Mars and retro- into Virgo. From September 1-11 listen ( hiding Mercury. A neighbor or sibling is sees. Health care options fascinate you
gl ade Mercury quincunx you from the 8th carefully in conversation, reread directions. expressive and would relish a conversation News about spiritual healing, miracle \ Ita
house. Expressing deepestdesires and pas- Clarity of understanding is amust. Septem- with you. You can find newspapers, radio, mins, and alternative therapies is a focus
sions can alter your life now. Think of ber 12-22 Mars and Venus in Leo form a and television especially stimulating; there Stress levels can build now, so laugh al
long-range consequences if you feel swept gentle 11th house sextile. Relationships is a desire to keep up with current events. little problems and take time to relax.
,11 ong by feelings or compulsions. The New are smoothed; it is easier to define your December is a time to be realistic March 16-20 you are newly a w a i c ol
Moon in Taurus May 17 brings a peak to goals. Politics and community activities about relationships and commitments. Sat- how important you are to others. Mercury
the pattern. can captivate you. A progressive and help- urn turns direct in your 7th house the first mo ves to oppose you generati ng a series ol
June finds Venus, your ruler, retro- ful mood develops. week of the month. Pull away from links calls, letters, and suggestions.
grade. A deeper understanding of your that inhibit or discourage you. Strengthen
background and past decisions develops. A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 those which you know have potential for
Brush up on etiquette and social niceties the future. December 8-21 Mercury joins
June 1-13. From June 14-20 a stellium of September 22-26 analyze what is holding Neptune and Jupiter in your 4th house. SCORPIO
the Sun and three planets in your 9th house you back from making your daily life ex- New insights about your heritage surface.
elevates your consciousness. You will be actly as you want. Pluto makes an exact Early photos or old diaries can be reveal-
receptive to learning and new ideas. sextile to Uranus affecting your 3rd house. ing. Seasonal candles and other decora-
You discover the solution to a long-stand- tions create an especially powerful atmo-
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 ing blockage or problem. The lunar eclipse sphere at home. Fragrance is healing and
September 26 starts a two-week pattern enriching. Try aromatherapy with incense
At Midsummer a trend begins at work when people around you are in transit. Or potpourri. Myrrh, bayberry, pine, or
which encourages you to use more author- Openings at work and changes in status eedar are ideal choices.
ity and become more visible. Until July 1 open you to new options. Follow laws and
the Sun and Saturn are in square aspect rules conscientiously. W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
affecting you in a dynamic way. Venus October 9-26 Mercury moves rapidly
moves out of retrograde motion just after through your own sign of Libra. Your men- Patience is a must December 21 - January
the Full Moon the first week of July. Your tal attitude is more positive. Your confi- 2, The solar transit activates cardinal sign S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
vitality improves and the environment is dence and concern inspire others to seek planets in opposition and square to you.
more nurturing. A loved one helps you your advice. A group discussion can be This sparks a competitive mood. I f you There is asteady, secure quality about love
reach a cherished goal. A memorable gath- especially fruitful in providing informa- lense somejealousy or anger coming from as springtime begins. Venus smi les on your
ering with family and friends highlights tion and ideas. The eclipse in your birth a coworker or relative, rise above it. Mars 7th house of marriage and partnerships
July 1-15 happily. sign October 12 outlines your options and enters your birth sign January 3 where it through April 2. The April 3 eclipse in you r
July 16-31 Mercury in your 11th house illustrates what is most important. Health wi 11 remain through the first week of March. 12th house tends to bring secrets out. You
forms trines with retrograde Saturn and and fitness programs are worth exploring. This brings you the gifts of enthusiasm, will have to cope with an exposed, vulner-
Pluto. It's easy to forgive and forget old Add fresh fruits, herbal teas, and stretching energy, and motivation. Accomplishment able feeling early in the month. As April
hurts. This is a time to build healthy rela- exercises to your day to assure the best accelerates early in the New Year. Winter progresses you'll be absorbed in routine
tionships. Call a friend you'd like to get to quality of life. •ports and games are a source of delight work and performing helpful services. A
know better or become more active in clubs From October 13-29 you cherish time and healthful exercise. meticulous approach to details wins you
and groups. August opens with Mars, Jupi- alone. Seclusion brings peace. Venus in You will make leisure hours produc- admiration April 7-20. Saturn, Mars, and
ter, and Saturn forming a dramatic pattern your 12th house aspects Neptune. Subtle tive from January 22 - February 19. First the Sun all form aquincunx from Aries and
in cardinal signs. Your life is very exciting. mystical energies are coming into play. As lupiter and the Sun, then Mercury and the 6th house.
(lei organized and poureffort into the most Halloween approaches you can plan a pil- Venus join Uranus in Aquarius. This is April 21-30 is a perfect time for pro
important priorities. You can discover a grimage to a place of spiritual significance very beneficial for creative and cultural motional and public relations w o i k Y o u
new talent or aptitude and surprise yourself or use color and music to add loveliness to pursuits. News of a friend's nuptials can catch the attention of others with the feel
as well as others. Venus changes signs the environment. bring j o y . Between Candlemas and ings you infuse into conversations and lei
August 7 and intermingles with the other October 30 - November 22 Venus Valentine's Day your own social calendar ters. The exceptional communication tal
transits through the end of the month. This moves through your own sign. It's the Is alive with attractive invitations. A court- ent is generated by Mercury and the Sun in

66 67
Taurus in opposition aspect. That combi- August is a month of accomplish- Ird house. You have self-confidence and end of February. Venus joins thi Sun ind
nation allows you to affect the hearts and ment. Mars supports your Sun with a trine marvelous persuasive talent. Enlist sup- Jupiter on February ) to remain in yOUl Ith
minds of others. giving strength and a sense of purpose. On port and seek information. Word skills are house through February .'(> Plan a gathei
On May 3 the Full Moon is in Scorpio. the 7th Venus joins Mars in Cancer and in lop form. You can produce impressive ing with relatives or purchase art andfurnl
Throughout the first week of May expect underscores the favorable pattern. You can wnting and speak eloquently. Follow ture for your home. T h e r e is a new IUrS " I
some vivid and symbolic dreams. Beltane make friends with foreign-born people. through with travel opportunities. It's one love and contentment coming into youi
rites help you to recognize which people Instinctively you will know what to say and Of the best cycles all year for vacation or residence and family life. N e a r V a l e I
and circumstances are positive. Draw closer do to win support for your views and business trips. The Scorpio New Moon Day you will feel a square from M e n in y
to them. Emotional energy provides projects. Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, leaves a November 10 brings clarity and focus. Be kind and tactful when conversing with
stamina. May 8-28 retrograde Mercury and long retrograde on August 10. Past obliga- November concludes with an aware- loved ones. It's better to speak less " " i
Mars aspect you by opposition. Other tions melt away. It is easier to enjoy the ness of how the meaning of money and listen more.
people are dynamic. They have numerous present and plan for the future. The August security is shifting. Mercury joins your
28 Full Moon brings delight in the com- March begins happily with t u n e u
plans and ideas. Sift through these with i tiling planet Pluto in the 2nd house. You're
pany of younger people. A child you're pects in your 5th house from the S u n .
eare as all of them might not be workable. aware of what money can and can't do and
close to seems very grown up. Mercury, and Venus in Pisces. M . u cli I /
It is a good idea to verify appointments. Of what you value most. November 23 - there is rapport with those y o u c u e foi
Forget adversaries from the past. Refuse to September 1-11 there can be schemes December 16 Venus is in your sign of most. Communicate your deepest desires
give them any more attention. and subtleties involved in communication Scorpio. This promises improvement in and concerns; you will be understood
May 29 - June 14 there is a universal passed your way. Get both sides of all your quality of life. It's the best time to March 8-19 Mars retrogrades o v e i the I i
desire for peace and goodwill. Conflicts stories before making decisions involving make holiday season purchases and sched- bra cusp back to Virgo where it will oppose
are overcome through compromise as you others. From deep inside your subconscious ule parties. You enjoy love and admiration. the Pisces transits. You will feel this W Ith
enjoy beneficial energy from Neptune and comes an array of visions and daydreams. December 17-21 appeals and requests some diided loyalties among friends Re
the Taurus transits. June 15-20 investiga- These can be inspiration for creative work. from others affect you. The Sun is square main impartial i f there are conflil i and
tions give you a new perspective on associ- Mercury turns retrograde in your 12th Mars touching your 2nd and 11 th houses, competitive feelings brewing. A liberal
ates and family members. A quincunx pat- house. t lifer practical assistance to others, but try and tolerant attitude carries you a long Wty
tern involving the Sun and three Gemini September 12-22 you w i l l attract at- to help them help themselves. Include crys- as the winter wanes.
planets could provide more information tention from successful individuals whom tals or favorite stones on your Yule altar to
about others than you want. Karmic issues you admire. These connections are helpful make the most of this fiery, yet earthy
are clearly defined and you can resolve old in seeking career guidance. Venus and Mars pattern.
patterns. link in the 10th house bringing enthusiasm
as well as pleasure to the pursuit of
W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 professsional aspirations.
Making a game out of chores or adding
Love attachments undergo acatharsis from A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 humor to lighten a conversation which is
Midsummer's Eve through July 2 when I H-coming intense will be natural as the new
Venus completes a retrograde in your 8th Closer friendships develop with people you season begins. The Sun and three planets
house. You discover how to rise above meet through vocations or avocations. Plans make a bright sextile in your 3rd house.
jealousy or insecurity to bring a more tran- are discussed for the future with a focus on There is a new alertness and cleverness to
scendent and supportive quality to love. humanitarian, scientific, or metaphysical your perceptions. Review language skills
The Blue Moon June 30 helps you to ex- goals. This continues through October 8 and other studies. Something which seemed S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
press your feelings with special eloquence. with Mercury completing a sextile aspect Ii.ud to grasp before is now less elusive.
It conjoins Jupiter in your 3rd house. in your 11th house.October9-25 the eclipse This trend continues through January 19. The entire year finds you in the midst ol
July 3-15 Mercury dashes quickly along with Sun and Mercury transits high- The Full Moon December 24 is very favor- major changes in self-awareness. Youi will
through your 9th house. It's an ideal time light your 12th house. Prepare for the new ably placed at a trine to your Sun. 1996 power is increasing, you are more daring
for travel. If unable to vacation now, make season carefully. It is better to say too little ends with warmth and harmony on the and purposeful than ever before. In many
plans lor a future journey. You'll be drawn than too much about sensitive topics. Your increase. Add an evening of art, theater, or ways you're going through a renaissance
to leading too and can find pleasure fre- inner spiritual quest is strong— you're music to end-of-the-year celebrations. A l l of this is promised by Pluto as it moves
quent mg your favorite bookstore or library. introspective and reflective. The Full Moon
Comfort factors at home are in your through your birth sign toward a conjunc
July 16-31 be sensitive to messages from in Taurus October 26 brings a shift and you
ilioughts the last ten days of January. tion with your Sun. March 20-24 Mais
your body. Saturn goes retrograde in your will be more inclined to share and express
Aquarius planets are in your 4th house. squares the Sun. Get into shape slowly loi
health sector. This promises an opportu- ideas through Halloween.
You will relish a roomier, improved resi- outdoor exercise or yardwork don'l
nity to correct any physical weaknesses November 1 -14 the Sun and Mercury dence. You could seek a new apartment or overdo. March 25 - April 6 Saturn com
and resolve health issues. in your own birth sign sextile Jupiter in the schedule home improvements before the pletes a square with youi Sun Established

68 69
patterns change slowly; old memories can programs. Your workload is lighter and mind benefits from peace and quiet and in Sagittarius.This can make youawan • ,i
be haunting. Let time be a healer. Patience you resolve problems with grace and ease. simplicity. how you have used tune and resources
with elderly people and authority figures is With Lammastide Mercury crosses November 1-14 a charitable gesture Thoughts center on future wishes and goals
essential. into your 10th house. Much is expected of or two makes you more happy wi thin. Be a Pull away from associates who have com
April's eclipses fall in the houses of you. Others rely on your skills. The role of Hue friend; put the welfare of others first. plicated your life in the past.
love and friendship. You will experience guide and teacher is yours throughout Au- You will be rewarded. Venus in your 11th The first two weeks of March the
sudden meetings and partings. The roles gust. Pluto completes its retrograde August bouse indicates this. November 15 - De- sector o f home and family life is
others play in your life are chameleon-like. 10. You realize that week that a part of the cember 4 Mercury moves through your strenghtened by the Sun, Mercury, a n d
Creative gifts are evident April 7-18. April past must end. You will want to be unen- lign. You will examine and discuss new Venus. You might initiate a family gatlici
19 - May 1 you will enjoy an energizing cumbered. The August 28 Full Moon in ideas. Useful information comes your way. ing or redecorate and improve the house,
Mars trine. Follow fresh ideas and take the your 4th house makes you appreciate your This can tie directly to employment or an The New Moon March 8 brings apprecia
initiative. Games and contests captivate family and home. Relatives respond if you avocation. An impromptu journey provides tion for your family background. Pluto
you; you can compete to win now. Beltane express your love. a welcome break. December 5-21 earthy turns retrograde in your sign that week
through May 19 your 6th house is a focus. The first week of September Jupiter, values come into play with Capricorn and also. You will be able to draw on hidden
Select a healthy menu and create a whole- your ruler, finishes a retrograde in your Virgo planets in your 2nd and 10th houses. reserves of strength and memories to ac
some atmosphere. Be sensitive to factors money house. The financial situation is You will want to acquire and protect pos- quire independence.
that contribute to your wellness and incor- about to brighten considerably. Debts or tessions. Goals selected on the New Moon Winter ends with Mercury joining
porate them into your daily schedule. June other drains on your resources diminish. m your sign December 10 link to security. Saturn in your 5th house March 16-20.
1 brings a Full Moon in your own sign of You would be well paid i f you seek extra ()n the 17th Venus enters your own sign of Practical, constructive use of leisure time-
Sagittarius. This draws vivid dreams and work. September 8-22 there can be marvel- Sagittarius. Saturnalia through Yule holi- will add to your happiness. Working or
insights. Your emotions and desires are ous social prospects with foreign-born or day celebrations abound. You are asought- studying can be satisfying. You're not in a
strong. Maintain balance. You attract at- well-traveled friends. Be friendly i f on a .liter guest. Take special care with your frivolous frame of mind.
tention and can win support for a favorite journey now. There can be meetings with appearance. Seasonal dances and music
project if you reach out to others during the kindly and valuable people. Studies can be especially enjoyable.
first half of June. progress well. Enroll in seminars and
On June 13 Mars begins an opposition classes. Venus and Mars in Leo shine in W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997 CAPRICORN
aspect. The Sun combines forces with this your 9th house. Writing and publishing
through June 20. Other people are dynamic would be favored too. Pleasures and delights brighten the dark,
and forceful. Some associates will carry cold days now. December 21 - January 9
you forward with their warmth and enthu- A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 Venus is still in your sign. You can revel in
siasm. I f you sense aggression, though, holiday greetings and gifts. A new admirer
back away. People offer advice and assistance. Human vou met near your birthday becomes a
interest values such as friendship are worth I loser pal. On January 10 the mood shifts.
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 more than business acumen. A sextile from A stellium of planets in your 2nd house sets
the Sun in your 11th house starts at the tlie pace. Thoughts and conversations re-
Midsummer's Day through July 1 be toler- equinox. On September 26 the eclipse in volve around practical considerations and
ant i f others are inattentive. There is a your 5th house promises a week of sur- I ontributions you can make. During the S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
general air of being preoccupied which prises revolving around love. Use care in last len days of January, three Aquarius
interferes with deep concentration. Divide establishing a new relationship. placements including Jupiter create a Your charisma and charm are blossoming
work hours into small segments to make October 4-27 Venus in Virgo makes a smooth sextile in your 3rd house. It's a with the coming of spring. Through Apri 12
the best of this trend. July 2-22 detective square to your Sun. Resist the temptation to f o o d time for letters, calls, and dealings Venus blesses you with a trine from your
and occult or thriller themes in movies and socialize, play jokes or games at work. Put with the media. Your skills in negotiation 5th house. This brings invitations and makes
books are engrossing. A n 8th house business first. It's not the time to procrasti- I in win needed support. A neighbor may you the recipient of many unexpected
quincunx from the Sun attracts you to sub- nate; protect the reputation you've worked involve you in a community program. kindnesses.
cultures and mysteries. Accept your finan- to establish. The eclipse on October 12 February finds Venus and Mercury On April 3 the lunar eclipse generates
cial situation philosophically. It is essential finds peer pressure strong. Avoid danger. moving to conjunct your ruling planet, surprises in your 10th house of career, Be
that you enjoy what you have and not live Keep good company. lupiter. Through thel2th meditation and flexible at work and look upon new condi
beyond your means. Use caution with October 28-31 create a personal and •pintual circles offer you new philoso- tions with a positive attitude. By Apri I 17
charge cards and avoid borrowing. natural Halloween altar with gourds and phies and insights. You are sensitive to there is a great deal of activity in youi Itli
July 23-31 a grand trine in your ele- seasonal grasses. Add candles for inspira- lound and color and can excel at artistic house of home and family. Mars and Sal
ment, fire, comes into play. It's a perfect tion in meditation. Mercury crosses into expression or musical performance. Feb- urn combine with an eclipse in that sector,
time for vacation travel or to consider study your 12th house, showing your state of i IIary 13-28 retrograde Mars aspects Pluto A new residence can look very attractive

70 71
Family members are moving forward in New Moon July 15 in your opposing sign approaches. October 26 - November 13 a your employment. Be ready to grow, ex-
their lives. Give them support and good of Cancer highlights specifics. sextile from Mercury favors sales and ne- pand, and experiment to assure success. On
wishes as May Eve approaches. July 16-31 Mercury moves rapidly gotiations. Agreements reached are mutu- February 9 Mercury joins the other planets
May opens with Jupiter, the largest, through Leo affecting your 8th house by ally acceptable. The last half of November in Aquarius. This promises you informa-
luckiest planet of all, in the middle of your quincunx. You can enjoy abitof escapism. a strong accent on the three fire signs em- tion about and an understanding of finan-
own sign of Capricorn. The Sun and Mer- Metaphysical literature and spiritual stud- phasizes inner growth. Be introspective cial matters. Conversations revolve around
cury and, after May 3, Mars trine you. Take ies, especially those with a focus on the about your own motivations; act on what business until the end of the month.
a risk or play some games of chance. Your afterlife, can intrigue you. You could also feels comfortable and is supported by your From March 1 -8 you can do a great
horizons are widening. Jupiter turns retro- be drawn to romantic adventure or espio- inner guidance. deal of writing. Cards and letters as well as
grade May 4. This begins a four-month nage thrillers. You will feel power and The first week of December Saturn, stories and poems flow freely. Neighbors
healing trend. You can right old wrongs strength through being a bit discreet, just your ruler, completes a retrograde pattern. are more friendly; accept invitations they
and recover from regrets. Wisdom and smile i f others accuse you of being secre- You will feel more settled with home and extend. Return telephone calls promptly.
benefits gleaned from past experiences help tive. Keep your mystery. family issues. You will realize what your They can be very important near the time of
with present decisions. On May 20 the Sun August promises to be competitive. heritage and family background means. the eclipse March 8. Your 3rd house is
joins Venus in your 6th house. Pets provide Mars is in opposition to your Sun all month. Make the most of your inherited traits and energized by Pisces planets in a sextile
healing and companionship. May 20 - June Cooperate with others but back away from early teachings. December 5-20 Mercury aspect.
12 is a perfect time to adopt a new animal those who are too aggressive. It's best not joins Neptune and Jupiter in your birth March 9-20 time alone in meditation
friend. Get organized—an orderly sched- to make too many demands. September 3 sign. You will feel a sense of hope and and reflection is precious. Pluto turns retro-
ule and neatness enhance your well-being Jupiter turns direct in Capricorn. A time of encouragement. Prophetic insights are re- grade in your 12th house, pulling you away
and productivity. June 12-20 Mercury and great progress and growth begins with the vealing; your optimistic, confident use of from groups and crowds. Mars in your 9th
Mars also enter your 6th house as they harvest season. As September begins, the words will draw others to you. This is a house brings you in touch with those who
cross into Gemini. Look at your diet and Sun affects your 9th house. Well-educated favorable time for either holiday or busi- have different values. Acceptance of those
exercise programs. It is an ideal time to people and travel opportunities are posi- ness travel. who have conflicting attitudes and priori-
implement new health habits. You will feel tive elements in your life. It's a marvelous ties is a must. From March 16-20 listen to
an urge to be productive. Your job and time for writing, public speaking, reading, W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997 others, but don't waste precious time and
projects bring deep satisfaction. or enrollment in classes. energy on argument.
This Yuletide favors following traditional
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 celebrations. Mercury is retrograde in your
sign until January 12. Expect calls and
Cooperation and consideration are a must Late September encourages you to be real- visits from beloved friends. The Full Moon AQUARIUS
June 21-30. The Sun and Saturn are in istic about family dynamics. Saturn is in in Cancer December 24 brings renewal of
square aspect affecting your 4th and 7th your 4th house, the September 26 eclipse in old involvements. Those closest to you
houses. This makes you aware of how Aries is conjunct. New trends and the sta- reveal innermost desires. Be receptive to
important relationships are. Take time to tus quo can be out of balance. Use existing holiday plans a loved one suggests. There
reinforce and maintain them. The Blue supplies and recycle old items to conserve could be a birthday celebration or other
Moon falls late on June 30 in your own on expenses. Elderly and very young rela- serendipitous pleasures in store for you.
birth sign. Spend that evening with medita- tives have new thoughts and needs. Com- The Capricorn New Moon January 8 marks
tions and affirmations. Magical workings municate with them. a week when you can make resolutions and
can take effect in delightful and unex- October brings several transits to the start new projects to unfold during the year
pected ways during the two weeks follow- top of your birth chart spanning the 9th, ahead. Venus sweeps through your own
ing the lunation. Record and interpret 10th, and 11th houses. You will be more birth sign January 10 - February 2. Make
dreams with care during this time as well. visible at work and within organizations wardrobe choices; new finery will be espe- S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
Venus turns direct in your 6th house on and groups. Present programs at gather- cially flattering i f selected now. You have
July 2. You will find coworkers more man- ings, be a leader. New events around you friends and admiration. Put effort into new You are in a time of expanding conscious-
nerly after that. Personal situations at work make an opening for your progress near the iclationships. ness, greater self-expression, and height-
are resolved amicably. July 3-18 the Sun eclipse in Libra October 12. October 13-25 February brings a group of planets in ened awareness. A l l year long Uranus, your
aspects Neptune in Capricorn by opposi- Venus and Neptune are in a trine in earth your 2nd house, including a Jupiter-Ura- ruling planet, will move through your birth
tion. This brings a series of charming but signs. You can express beauty and love nus conjunction in Aquarius. You may sign. It's a perfect time to study astrology
eccentric people your way. Verify infor- through music, color, and poetry. Art ap- have a changing attitude about income and or social sciences. You can do well with
mation you're given. There is an illusional preciation is favored too. Nature's beauty security. There is a new awareness about electronics and aviation too. New inven-
quality to your perceptions of others. Good heals and uplifts you. Take time to focus on what money really does and doesn't mean. tions and technologies can make a differ-
or bad, they might not be accurate. The animals and the outdoors as Hallowmass New technologies and skills can link to ence in your life.

72 73
March 21 - April 3 Venus in your 4th the environment need attention. Pure water nous i f phone calls drift toward contro- Jupiter, and Neptune theic Y o u , m ,|,
house makes a square aspect. You will be and fresh food are essential. Venus stations versy. Use care in what you communicate. velop inner mental ami emotional Stn m i l '
very generous with loved ones and lavish and turns direct in your 5 th house July 1 -7. ()n October 10 your ruling planet Uranus through being sensitive to youi owndi i p
with purchases for the home. A sense of Postpone decisions about love; you may go completes its retrograde cycle. You will no est drives. There is an accenl o n p i y i hi 'I
humor makes all the difference i f a social through a change of heart. Your attitude longer be hampered by deadweight and old ogy and mental health. Dreams and p s v
situation is delicate. April's eclipses affect about clothing styles and recreational or i s s u e s . A fresh, invigorating quality blows chic hunches are plentiful. A bit ol lervii I
education and travel plans. Check weather artistic interests is shifting too. into your life like a fresh autumn breeze. to one who really needs it will he verj
conditions and departure times. Inlaws may July 8-22 is a wonderful time to toss October 11-26 is perfect for journeys satisfying December 21 -January IK flu
voice surprising new ideas. New neighbors out debris, to get neat and organized. M i n i - and solving any transportation problems. Full Moon in Cancer Deccmbei 24 letl you
appear and familiar faces may leave the mize stress with efficiency. The last week Mercury is in harmony. You will find T V know who could use encouragement < >n
neighborhood this month. This is espe- of July Mercury is in opposition. Other and radio broadcasts informative and en- January 3 Mars moves to trine your Sun A
cially true near April 17. You are more people need time to discuss ideas and views; joyable. Take time to read seasonal litera- two-month cycle of increased energy and
relaxed concerning money. Saturn leaves patience and listening will bring you re- lure in preparation for Hallowmas too. On vitality begins.
your 2nd house of finance early in April wards. A Full Moon in your birth sign July October 12 there is an eclipse in your 9th On January 22 Jupiter, the largest and
after a three-year passage which forced 30 is conjunct retrograde Uranus. This ush- house of higher thought which marks a luckiest planet of all, enters y our o w n b i 11 h
you to economize. ers in asentimental, emotional cycle. Keep- peak in this trend. signforayear-long passage. By Candlemas
The first three weeks of May Mer- sakes and memorabilia remind you of ear- October 27 - November 13 ambition its blessings will be felt in the healing ol old
cury, the Sun, and Mars all highlight home lier times. Memories are a gift to remind burns bright with the Sun and Mercury in wounds and opening of opportunities In
and family matters as they transit your 4th you of how much you've grown. your 10th house. You will thrive on a piter favors an I ilevate
house. Visitors may arrive. It's agood time August brings a solar opposition from chance to display and test your gifts. Some your standards and expectations. T h i s is
to plant a garden or initiate a home i m - the 7th house and a Mercury quincunx. recognition comes your way. the start of a whole year of great growth.
provement project. May 20 the Sun and Harmony and balance are a goal in rela- November 14 - December 4 Mercury February 3-26 Venus is in your sign. I GVt
Venus are both in Gemini, your sister air tionships. You will put the security and loins Pluto to create a sextile from your and appreciation surround you. Clothing
sign. You attract love and affection. A new welfare of others as atop priority. Psychol- 11 th house. Friendships and group affilia- selected now will be beautiful and service
hobby, game, or love affair adds delight as ogy, law, and social sciences intrigue you. tion get you involved in an array of new able.
May closes. August 26 - September 11 Mercury interests. Politics and humanitarian values February 27 - March 14 physical com
June 1 the Full Moon shines in your hovers on the cusp of your 9th house then are a focus. Those who lack confidence and fort is important. Fight the cold with warm
11th house. It's time to decide what you turns retrograde. You can complete a par- experience welcome your kind words and clothes, plenty of heat, or possibly a vaca
most wish for; set your goals. Friends in- tially read book, return to unfinished letters courtesy. tion in a tropical climate.
form you about fashion trends and world and writing projects. You express ideas December 5-16 avoid sweet, rich foods March 15-20 Mercury andSaturiicon
news. June 1-12 Mercury and Mars are in eloquently. Sales and promotional skills and late nights. Excesses and indulgences join in the 3rd house. You'd enjoy solving
conjunction, forming a volatile square to can be used with ease to facilitate projects tempt you as Venus completes a square in a riddle, playing a word game, or learning
your Sun. Rise above noise or a tactless you feel are important. your 10th house. Postpone holiday shop- something new. Alert and alive, your mind
remark. Relax and meditate i f tensions September 12-22 you will feel Mars ping. During this time it's easy to spend too relishes a challenge.
build. There can be anxiety to release. Faith in Leo bring attention from others. Their much or settle on an item that isn't quite
strengthens you. expectations and enthusiasms create appropriate.
June 14-20 promises to be joyful. A warmth. Listen to prospects, but don't al- December 17-21 Venus moves for-
soft trine from several Gemini planets in low yourself to be overwhelmed and drawn ward to pull in favorable aspects from PISCES
your 5th house allows you to relax and into projects you feel are too difficult or Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn as it enters your
enjoy simple pleasures. A new friend is risky. Others are rather forceful. 11th house. Accept and issue invitations.
affectionate and caring. The fine arts Make or buy gifts that suggest humor and
brighten leisure hours. Attend a concert, A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 a personal message. Your social life is
the theater, or an art show. A youthful and bright and active. You'll be anxious to get
whimsical mood surrounds you as you pre- There is a sensitivity to subtle energy cur- to know an acquaintance better. A friend-
pare to celebrate Midsummer's Eve. rents and spiritual entities September 22 - ship can propel you toward new spiritual
October 8. Mercury is transiting your 8th awareness or artistic expression.
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 house. You penetrate secrets and know
more about others than they'd ever guess. W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20,1997 S P R I N G - March 21 to June 20
Get into shape gradually i f exercising or The eclipse September 26 affects Saturn
doing strenuous physical work June 21 -30. and your 3rd house. There might be a need A quiet and introspective mood comes in With the coming of spring, brace yoursell
The Sun is quincunx Uranus in your birth to try a different route for daily travel. with Yuletide. Your 12th house is very for a breath of relief and release. Sal urn, I In-
sign from the 6th house. Health factors in Reread letters before mailing and be cau- strong with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, celestial heavyweight, is completing • It mj

74 75
passage through your sign April 6. Many preciative. Try sports and games to brighten October opens with Venus brighten- shops for bargains Decembei ' \\
obstacles and responsibilities are about to leisure hours. July 1 -14 Mercury trines you ing your 7th house. A loved one blossoms will be comforted by a sextile from ( itprl
dissolve. Finish with old commitments and while passing through the 5th house. Cre- with a new beauty or talent. This brings you corn planets in your I I Hi housi ' i
promises March 20 - April 5. Your energy ativity is expressed with words. Try adding joy. Legal matters are concluded success- travel or spiritual activities are a Mil i i
level is at a peak as Mars is in your birth quips and puns to make a point in conver- fully just before Halloween. Your ruling You will cherish friendships ami have op
sign. April's eclipses erupt in your 8th and sation. Creative writing efforts can be a planet, Neptune, turns direct October 6. portunities to deepen them,
2nd houses. New purchases are very i m - spectacular success. A journey is joyful This promises a genuine grasp of meta-
portant. You'll invest in items which add and romantic; don't hesitate i f a travel physical phenomena. October 6-31 is a W I N T E R - Dec. 21 to Mar. 20, l<>«>7
pleasure and comfort. There can be a deep- opportunity arises. perfect time to experiment with ghost track-
ening awareness of the afterlife and a sense July 15-31 Saturn turns retrograde in ing or a seance. The eclipse on October 12 Yule finds you highly visible and crettivi
of unity with loved ones who have passed your 2nd house and applies to squares with in your 8th house intensifies this link with at work. Venus moves with Pluto through
into spirit. Mars and Jupiter. Be conservative with the mystical. the 10th house until January 9 Y o u w i l l
April 18-30 Mercury aspects Nep- purchases. Old financial obligations and November 1-13 the teacher or cru- have opportunities to show w h a t y o u c a n
tune, your ruler. Inspired and creative ideas patterns need attention. It isn't the time to sader within you is apparent. You will try do with your career. Your m a n n e r , a n d
abound. Express yourself through dance, consider a risky investment. Postpone sell- to share alternative ideas and knowledge to appearance can carry you a long Wt) to
song, or with handicraft projects. Neptune ing or giving away possessions you've uplift others. It's a marvelous time for ward realizing a professional aspiration
turns retrograde April 29, beginning sev- treasured—you may regret it later. travel. Foreign foods, customs, and music January 3 aMars transit which begins in the
eral months when you will be reflective August finds Mars moving through can delight you. The Sun and Mercury 8th house heightens analytical s k i l l s Y o u
and can draw on past experiences. Spend your sister water sign of Cancer. You w i l l aspect you nicely in the 9th house. On will enjoy deeper insight into the motivi
May Eve near the waterfront to experience be athletic, strong, and vital. Health i m - November 10 the New Moon in Scorpio tions and needs of others for the next eight
deeper spiritual harmony. proves. A favorable Venus trend starts illustrates the highest potential of this trend. weeks.
May finds Venus in your 4th house. August 6 and draws new social contacts. A November 14-25 a Mercury-Mars as- Jupiter enters Aquarius and moves to
Your residence is of interest. You could try thrilling love affair is possible during A u - pect in mutable signs creates tense squares conjoin Uranus in your 12th house the I I I !
your hand at interior decorating and enter- gust. August 28 brings a Full Moon in and oppositions in your 10th and 7th houses. week of January. This begins a yeai long
taining. On May 3 Mars in Taurus will Pisces. Others notice you and make sug- Keep a good attitude about competition trend when your subconscious m i n d w i l l
begin a sextile to your Sun which will last gestions or offer opportunities. Dreams are and prepare for some extra projects. It's a be active. Dreams and visions c a n m i e n
until June 13. You can heal and help your- lucid and vivid. Psychic perceptions are very busy cycle. Concentrate with delicate sify. Healing is accelerated by peaceful
self with positive thought. It's a time when keen. September 1-6 Venus aspects your tasks or if using tools or machines. Novem- solitude. You'd benefit from time spenl I I
you' 11 be more self-reliant. Others respond ruling planet Neptune by opposition. Check ber ends on a happy note with Venus mov- an ashram or retreat center. Helping a k i n
well to advice and suggestions you offer. to see what commitments others have made ing into Scorpio the last week of the month. doned animals or disadvantaged people
The New Moon May 17 is conjunct Mer- for you. There can be a schedule conflict to A recipe or gift from another part of the can be rewarding. The New M o o n Febl U
cury and Mars; it helps you to focus on straighten out. Be cautious about devoting world would be a delightful addition to a ary 7 is in your 12th house and focuses the
definite goals. precious time and energy to a lost cause or holiday gathering. Friends from diverse parameters of this trend.
June begins with a Full Moon in Sag- you could create futile pain for yourself. ethnic or religious backgrounds are charm- On February 27 Venus enters Pill 61
ittarius widely conjunct Pluto in your 10th September 7-22 planets in all three fire- ing company November 23 - December 1. where it remains through March 20. W i n i e i
house. A two-week period follows when signs promise a healthier working environ- Saturn completes a retrograde cycle concludes with a joyful euphoria. N e w
you will be emotionally attached to your ment. You can accomplish a great deal in the 2nd house as December opens. You love can warm the cold days. The l i n e arts
work. Reform measures will be attractive. because you are energized by wholesome will be able to make a fresh start finan- provide pleasure, especially dance I In-
Your caring and intensity win admiration. surroundings. cially. Look at repeating cycles where solar eclipse in your own sign March 8 is an
June 14-20 square aspects from Mercury, money is concerned and draw on wisdom ideal time to select personal emblems and
Mars, Venus, and the Sun show you must A U T U M N - Sept. 23 to Dec. 20 of experience. The first week of December insignia. You will give much considei ation
get the whole story before making judg- is a good time to search thrift and antique to image and reputation as wintet end',
ments. Keep a sense of humor i f people Recognize the viewpoints of others. From
seem a bit abrupt or preoccupied. In love a the equinox through October 8 Mercury
friendly, casual attitude will make you even will oppose your Sun. There are some
more appealing. conflicting ideas voiced. Be patient, com-
promise. The eclipse in late September
S U M M E R - June 21 to Sept. 22 accents your 2nd house. Good or not so
good, there is an element of the unpredict-
Midsummer's Day through June 30 a fa- able in financial matters. Set aside a little
vorable solar transit softens tension. extra money for an unexpected purchase or
Younger people are affectionate and ap- expense.

76 77

Of all the myths, the concept of the Demeter heard her daughter's fran-
Eternal Return is one of the loveliest. It tic cry for help. "Bitter sorrow seized
accounts for a cycle of seasons as de- her heart," says Homer. "Over her
pendable as gravity, for an apple never shoulders she threw a sombre veil and
falls up. Summer always follows (lew like a bird over land and sea,
spring, winter always succeeds autumn, seeking here, seeking there. For nine
and for this we have Persephone and days the venerable goddess ranged the
her mother Demeter to thank, accord- world, bearing flaming torches in her
ing to the ancients. hands," the torches symbols of her
In the hurly burly of Greek my- dark divinity. It was then revealed to
thology, awash in crimes of deliciously her by Hecate that Zeus himself was
bizarre nature, the story of Persephone guilty, decreeing the flower-clad
is a notorious tale of kidnapping and Persephone as his brother's bride.
ransom. In a rage, Demeter determined to
Demeter is the Earth Mother, pro- avoid Olympus and to wander the world
vider of the harvest and especially until she found her beloved daughter.
identified with corn, although she has When the goddess abandoned her du-
a dark aspect in her underground influ- ties, its effect was disastrous, for a chi 11
ence. The death of the growing season settled on the earth, and nothing grew.
and the autumnal sowing of seeds to Ignoring the approaching famine,
slumber deep in the earth until awak- Demeter wandered the earth disguised
ened in spring defines her powers.
Persephone and Pan Robert Anning Bell, 1894. Homer tells us of the famous ab-
duction of Demeter's daughter, sired
by the mighty Zeus. While Persephone
A n d when, i n springtime, with sweet-smelling flowers gathered wild narcissus, she attracted
O f various kinds the earth doth bloom, thou'It come the attention of Hades, King of the
Underworld and brother of Zeus. The
From gloomy darkness back— a mighty j o y
dark god fell passionately in love with
T o gods and mortal man. the beautiful maiden at first sight, cap-
—Homeric Hymn tured her, and plunged with her in a
gold chariot down to the world below.

78 79
as an old woman and sought refuge at I deusis. "Those mysteries of which no most undivulged rites in rcllgioti hi
Eleusis. Metaneira, who had just been tongue can speak" belong to the height tory.
delivered of a son, welcomed the dis- Of Greek culture and the most potent At the heart of the adoral art
guised goddess under her roof. site of worship. For centuries scholars both Persephone and Demetei W h l l i
Maternal Demeter decided to make the have sought in vain to discover the the mother figure, like most goddi •
child a god, beyond the reach of i l l - secrets revealed at Eleusis, devoted is rich in lore, Persephone Is linked
ness, old age, and death. Shd.did not jointly to Demeter and Persephone. with only the one story but what •
feed the boy, but breathed softly on A few clues have come down to marvelous story. She is known by many
him, anointed him with ambrosia, and US. We do know that the initiation rites names. Before herunwillingbi Ida! role
at night hid him in the fire like a burn- were in two stages, the second follow- the Greeks called her Kore, meaning
ing coal to purify what was mortal. Ing a year's probation. The ceremony "virgin," and named her Persephone
But Metaneira spied the old eat a pomegranate. And since the began with sacred cakes and goblets of after the abduction. I n utmost revel
woman casting the infant into flames jewelbox fruit is the symbol of mar- kvkeon, a drink made of water, barley, ence the goddess is referred to as "the
and screamed with terror. Incensed, riage, Persephone's nibble made the and mint. Then the initiates attended a maiden whose name may not be ipo
the goddess withdrew the child and marriage indissoluble. liturgical drama depicting the love ken." Romans adored her as Pn iserpini
appeared in her radiant form. Demeter Stories of divine creatures thrive union of heaven and earth. But obvi- She is often called Queen of the I lead
demanded that a temple be built on the on complication. Persephone arose to ously more was presented than the and Goddess of the Spring.
site where initiated mortals would cel- earth in radiance, "a wondrous sight II nple mythological commemoration. I n her aspect as ruler ol the I N K lei
ebrate her mysteries. When the sacred for gods and man." She and her mother Scholars conjecture that the ceremony world, Persephone is frequently
building was prepared, there Demeter embraced, overflowing with joy. But i leak with that deepest of enigmas, identified with Hecate. Both goddesses
remained, still mourning for her lost when Demeter questioned her daugh- death and resurrection. Jung consid- share dark-of-the-moon and the w i l
Persephone. ter about whether she had eaten ered the Eleusinian themes a rich source low tree as their symbols. Persephone
Despite the wild abduction we anything during her imprisonment, of illumination into the mysticism of has several other aspects — a s h e d ol
cannot report that Hades was a con- Persephone admitted consuming the the human mind and soul. barley, the batofdarkplaccs, the sweet
stant husband, for he later dallied with fatal pomegranate seeds. smelling narcissus, and of course the
Greater Eleusinia, the most im-
Minthe, a nymph. Persephone, out- Demeter could not bear to lose her portant of all Greek observances, took pomegranate. But the cock, symbol ol
raged, pursued the unfortunate Minthe daughter again, yet the garnetlike seeds place in the autumn in Athens and rebirth and the new day, tells us most
and ferociously stamped her into the had forged unbreakable bonds. As a Fleusis. The ephebi, young men of about the cult of Persephone.
ground. In sorrow Hades changed the compromise, Zeus decreed that the Athens, proceeded to Eleusis to fetch
nymph into a plant, the sacred mint, bride would spend one-third of the the hiera, sacred objects kept in the —BARBARA STACY
which even today witches stamp on in year with her husband and two-thirds temple. The youths returned with great
certain rituals. of the year with her mother. pomp to Athens and placed the hiera
High above the subterranean melo- Demeter agreed and fragrant with all reverence in the Eleusinion at
drama, Zeus thundered his concern spring came to warm the hearts and the foot of the Acropolis.
about the perishing of all mankind. He bones of mankind. Buds in their tender The following day those deemed
sent gods one by one begging Demeter green coats sprang out of branches; worthy to participate in the mysteries
to return and permit the earth to bear wheat in its pale beauty emerged from assembled in Athens at the call of the
fruits. But Demeter was relentless and the soil; black bears blinked their way Inciophant, high priest. The initiates
at last prevailed. Zeus sent his messen- out of caves; flowers spread their sweet purified themselves in the sea, along
ger Hermes to demand the return of rainbows over the earth. with pigs which they bathed for sacri-
Persephone. What appears to be merely an ex- fice. Finally a solemn procession
Hades complied, but in tricky god- quisite seasonal allegory had a deeper i el urned to Eleusis with the hiera. And
like fashion. Before Persephone left significance, one which found expres- 1111 he vast ritual hall there began one of
the dark regions, he persuaded her to sion in the occult rites celebrated at the most intriguing, most enigmatic,


Beth ( B i r c h ) December 24 to January 20

Luis ( R o w a n ) January 21 to February 17

Nion ( A s h ) February 18 to March 17

Fearn (Alder) March 18 to A p r i l 14

Saille (Willow) A p r i l 15 to M a y 12

Uath ( H a w t h o r n ) May 13 to June 9

Duir ( O a k ) June 10 to July 7

Tinne ( H o l l y ) July 8 to August 4

Coll ( H a z e l ) August 5 to September 1

Muin (Vine) September 2 to September 29

Gort (Ivy) September 30 to October 27

Ngetal (Reed) October 28 to November 24

Ruis ( E l d e r ) November 25 to December 22

Apart from the Bible and the works of Shakespeare, the Alice hooks have
probably been quoted more than any other works in the English language The
Red Queen's remark quoted above is one of the most cited passages Ft
December 23 is not ruled by any tree for it is the "day" of the proverbial Through the Looking Glass, and what Alice found there by Lewis Carroll with
"year and day" in the earliest courts of law. illustrations by John Tenniel, 1872.

82 83
Talismans SUKU portal guardian, Congo.

K A M B A , Kenya. TRIBE UNKNOWN, Nigeria.

The art reproduced here is from a remarkable book: African Designs from
Traditional Sources by Geoffrey Williams, published by Dover, 31 East 2nd St.,
Mineola, N.Y. 11501 ($7.95). From 378 illustrations, we've chosen those with
magical significance — protective symbols, ceremonial masks, ritual figures
and tools. May this offering spark the imagination and creative spirit of those
who follow the hidden path.

M A S A I shield, Kenya. IBO water spirit mask, Nigeria.

Life takes on added dimension when you match your activities to
the waxing and waning of the Moon. Observe the sequence of her
phases to learn the wisdom of constant change within complete
A New Moon rises with the Sun,
Her waxing half at midday shows,
The Full Moon climbs at sunset hour,
And waning half the midnight knows.


January 8 January 23 January 28 January 12
February 7 February 22 February 26 February 11
March 8 March 23 March 27 March 12
April 7 April 22 April 26 April 11
May 6 May 22 May 25 May 11
June 5 June 20 June 23 June 9
July 4 July 19 July 23 July 9
August 3 August 18 August 21 August 7
September 1 September 16 September 20 September 6
October 1/31 October 15 October 20 October 5
November 29 November 14 November 18 November 4
December 29 December 13 December 18 December 3

86 87
cleverly disguised folklore and secret prac-
iicc in remote areas where the church's
control was weak. It is this survival that
permits us to feel connected with the an-
cient tradition now that the power of
i liristianity is fading.
Satanism, on the other hand, springs
from Christianity itself and its sources in
the Near East. I f one reads the Bible as a
•i nes of documents produced over time
i .it tier than as eternally true divine revela-
iion, one can see that the nature of Satan
underwent an evolution in ancient Pales-
f 1 ~* line just as that of Jahveh (Jehovah) did.
Devil carries off a witch. Olaus Magnus, Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, 1555. At first Jahveh was one of many gods
Of different tribes and holy places. He re-
warded the worship and sacrifices of the
Israelites with prosperity and victory in
A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY battle and hence earned their allegiance.
I le cared little for other peoples. Satan then
The doctrine of a link between witchcraft and was another god not much different from
Jahveh, perhaps derived from the Baal of
Satanism surfaced over400years ago and persists to
other Canaanite tribes. In the book of Job,
the present day. In a climate of ignorance and fear
for instance, Satan appears as an antagonist
promoted by the mass media, the witch comes under of Jahveh in a rather friendly contest not
attack in a clear case of mistaken identity. The time unlike chess except that it involves a mortal
has come to address a dangerous situation and man and his family.
correct an unfortunate error. Later, however, the Satan who tempts
lesus in the wilderness is clearly the em- pestilence, and famine, and a sliain ol
bodiment of evil. This concept of an evil Manichaeism has persisted even I ins
Followers of witchcraft seldom seek pub- doesn't jibe with your experience there is
force opposed to a wholly good God came the most devout Christians.
licity or press for converts. We are content no way I can convince you or prove you
from the Zoroastrian religion to the east Worship of Satan, who, independent
if we can practice our way free of interfer- wrong.
and is plainly expressed in the Essene writ- of God's willor not, remained in the Si I lp
ence. Neither do any of us seek to impose Nevertheless witchcraft exists in his-
ings recovered in the so-called Dead Sea tures, arose in the Middle Ages asareacl
an orthodoxy on others of our persuasion. tory. It embodies an extremely ancient
scrolls. against Christianity. In its purest form it
Within the broad range of this belief sys- tradition that was known in one form or
another over much of the world. If it repre- As formulated in Manichaeism, this simply reversed everything Christian, Ail)
tem there is room for many paths.
sents a survival of druidism or a cult of the doctrine was denounced as heresy by the thing the church defined as good w.r, evil
Satanism, however, is essentially alien
horned god, as some scholars have said, it lathers of the early church. They opted and vice versa. The ceremonies wen I
to our way of thought and over the centu-
also was known in the mysteries of ancient instead for the doctrine of an all-powerful turning upside down ol the mass and th
ries has caused it much harm. It can do us
Greece, the following of the Moon god- God. This choice meant, however, that other sacraments. As such Satanism I leal I v
no good even today.
dess, and many other forms. (iod must be responsible for evil as well as had nothing to do with true wileln i al i
To explain why this is so I must dis-
good. Since then the church fathers have The two practices werei onfuscdorigl
cuss witchcraft in a flat, objective way. The arrival of Christianity, often im-
had to explain evil as something necessary nally not by followers ol eithei one iiui by
This may seem out of place, for to those posed by the sword and the rack, all but
lor the ultimate working out of God's in- the church, which regarded anything
who can know it at all the craft is revealed extinguished the old ways. But they sur-
scrutable plan for the world, which can be Christian as devilish The unspeakabl
in direct mystical experiences. Our own vived in historical accounts that can be
only good. This position has not been an tures of the witch hunts produii d
perceptions are the touchstone by which interpreted by stripping away the bias, and
easy one to defend through ages of war, confessions that confirmed this view Si n
we judge its truth. I f what I say about it more importantly they survived through
sation-seeking Satanists abetted the confu- senses. It is not a disease that infects us like
sion when it served to their advantage. bacteria, nor is it the gap that appears when
Further confusion arose from essentially a person falls short of meeting some con-
literary traditions like the Faust story, in cept of human nature (for who can say what BOOK OF SHADOWS — A collec
which occult powers were conferred in human nature really is?) Nothing is evil in tion of ancient rituals, chants, spells
return for future consignment of the soul to itself; the evil comes from our judging it so. and enchantments copied down in the
the Christian (but only loosely Biblical) Of course there can be a general con- handwriting of a witch.
hell. Only the advent of an age that can sensus that some action is evil. Most of us BRIDE — Brigit, Bridget, or Brid is
examine church dogma rationally from would say this of wanton murder, for ex- ADEPT — A skilled practitioner of the pre-Celtic goddess of Ireland sym-
without has made it possible to separate ample. But there can be cases where some the occult arts. bolizing the promise of spring.
these strands of un-Christian practice from of us would say a killing was wanton and ALCHEMY—Medieval science dedi- BROCKEN—The highest peak in the
the anti-Christian. others would say it was justified. There can cated to turning base metals into gold. Hartz mountains of Northern Germany
Satanism, then, can be the worship of be cases where unlike a few centuries ago, A M U L E T — A charm worn to avert known as a gathering place for witches.
an ancient Near Eastern god; or it can a killing is considered not wanton because
evil and attract good luck. BY KYNDE — By nature, or instinct.
invoke the name of Satan for unhistorical the killer was insane and not responsible
ARADIA — The legendary daughter C A B A L A — Hebraic system of mys-
purposes, such as glorifying man's animal for his actions. In the final analysis, evil is
of deities Diana and Lucifer destined tical thought; an esoteric doctrine of
nature. In either form i t may be a matter of definition that can change with
to teach witchcraft to mortals. urban medieval society.
unobjectional but it is unrelated to witch- time, place and people.
ARCANE — Secret knowledge. CAIRN — A Gaelic term for a stone
craft. Or it can be a worship of the evil The supernatural agencies in-
principle through a conscious inversion of
ARCHETYPE — The original model pi le accumulating when clearing a field
voked in true witchcraft are neither good
Christian ritual. As such it is not only silly or pattern.
nor evil. They may aid us or harm us or for planting.
but dangerous. ignore us, but we can call these actions ASTRAL BODY — Spirit body. CANDLEMAS — A festival of light
Why silly? Because evil is not some- good and evil only in terms of their effects A T A V I S M — O f or pertaining to a celebrated on the eve of February 2 —
thing that can have an authentic, on us. To someone else they may look quite remote ancestor in instinctive memory. Feast of Bride.
independent existence. Gods are revealed the opposite. The most a witch can hon- A T H A M E — Black-hilted knife used
through the experience of a people with estly say is that he or she believes these CHALICE — A silver cup used in
in the rites of a ceremonial magician.
their physical and spiritual surroundings. agencies are there. Witchcraft really is the sacred ceremonies of witchcraft.
AUGURY — Divination.
Evil is not agod in this sense. Rather it is an search to discover their nature and put CHANGELING — A child secretly
AURA — A halo, or emanation of
idea — that is, a quality we attribute to oneself in harmony with them. Nothing can exchanged for another in infancy.
be further from this spirit than Satanism, light surrounding an individual.
things, not something inherent in things. CONE OF POWER — The collected
and it would behoove us to do everything A V A L O N — The Celtic abode of the
Evil is not a trait of an object, like a force of powerful wills focused on a
color, that we can perceive through our we can to oppose such nonsense. blessed; paradise of Arthurian legend.
single purpose.
BALEFIRE — A great fire blazing in
C O V E N — A congregation of witches.
—CHARLES E. PEPPER the open air; a bonfire.
CULT — A shared system of belief or
1931-1976 BANE — That which destroys life.
BANSHEE—Gaelic spirit whose wail
CUNNING M A N — K n o w n in Eliza
warns of approaching death.
bethan England as one thought able to
BARD—Celtic poet; a singer of tales.
combat the will of witches.
B ELTANE—Celtic name for the fes-
DEA S I L — T o move sunwise or clock
tival celebrated on May Eve.
wise, from left to right. A charm pet
BLOCULA — An Elfdale county es-
formed by going three times around an
tate where Swedish witches attended
object carrying fire in the right band
the sabbat festivals.
DEJA V U — Fleeting personal
BLOODSTONE — A green gem
memory of a previous life.
sprinkled with red spots; the helio-
D E M E T E R ^ Greek goddesi ol the
trope of magic.
earth; known to the Romans us f e n
DIANA — Roman goddess of the a triple goddess of the Moon, earth, the time ol Pythagoras, Greek philoso- SOLITARY — One who practices the
Moon and the hunt; called Artemis by and underworld. pher and mathematician, 6th century art of witchcraft alone.
the Greeks. HERODIAS — Goddess of witches; H C. SOLSTICE — The longest day of the
DIONYSIAN MYSTERIES — Rites Diana as Queen of the Night. I'l RSEPHONE — The daughter of year, Midsummer Day, June 21; the
of worship celebrated to honor the god HEX — A spell or a charm derived 1 Vmeter/ Ceres who was abducted by shortest day, December 21, when the
of the vine and earth. from the German word for witchcraft. the god of the underworld. Her return Sun begins its return and the days
DIRAE — Omen. HIEROPHANT — High priest of the each year symbolizes springtime and lengthen.
DRUID — One of the priestly class of Eleusinian mysteries. rebirth. SOOTH — Truth.
Celtic culture. A modern follower of HUBRIS — Man's exasperation with I'HILTRE — A potion prepared to SWAN-ROAD —The sea.
ancient ways. fate and life's limitations. pi ocluce a magical effect, especially a TALISMAN — An object marked
DUALISM — A philosophical con- ICHING—Chinese Book of Changes; love charm. under certain conditions of the heav-
cept of opposing principles which form collected wisdom used for divination. PSYCHE—The human soul; the mind; ens to act as a charm against evil.
the ultimate nature of the universe as, I N C A N T A T I O N — Chant spoken the inner thought. TRADITK )NAl S A term used to
for example, good and evil. slowly with firm intent. RITES OFPASSAGE—Human tran- designate members of the witch-cult
D Y A D — Two units; a pair. JANUS — Roman solar god who sitions celebrated at birth, puberty, who practice riles handed down through
ELEUSINIANMYSTERIES—Rites watched both the rising and setting marriage and death. the generations; hereditary wilches.
dedicated to the worship of Demeter suns. ROODM AS—Anglo-Saxon name for VATES — Prophets.
and Persephone. L A TENE — The Iron Age in Europe the May Eve festival. WALPURGISNACHT — Germanic
EQUINOX—The time when day and dating from 500 B.C. to A.D. 100. RUNES—Germanic alphabet deri ved name for the May live festival.
night are of equal length. L A M M A S — Festival of witchcraft in large measure from the Greek and WATCHERS — The sleepless ones or
ESB AT—Weekly meeting of witches. held on August eve to insure good Roman and formed with straight lines "fallen angels" of Hebrew legend who
E V I L EYE — A baleful glance ca- harvest. to facilitate carving on stone and wood. mated with the daughters of men to
pable of causing harm. LIGATURE — A binding. SABBAT — Feast. Major sabbats are whom they taught the forbidden arts.
EXORCISM—A Christian ritual prac- L O K I — Nordic god of fire. November Eve, February 1, May Eve, W A R L O C K — A n Anglo-Saxon term
ticed to expel evil spirits. LUGHNASSAD — Celtic name for and August Eve. The lesser sabbats are of derision, i.e., a liar and betrayer of
F A M I L I A R — Animal helper of a the August Eve celebration. celebrated at winter and summer sol- trust.
witch in casting enchantments and MACROCOSM / MICROCOSM — stices; spring (vernal) and autumnal WIDDERSHINS — Backward, or in a
working spells. The universe as contrasted to man. equinoxes. direction contrary to the apparent mo-
FETCH — Apparition. What is equal above, is equal below. S A M H A I N — T h e Celtic name for the tion of the Sun. To move counter-
FOX FIRE — A mysterious light hov- MAGUS — Wise man. November Eve celebration; clockwise.
ering over marshy ground at night; the NEED-FIRE — A flame produced by Hallowmas. WITCH — From the Anglo-Saxon
ignis fatuus or will-o-the-wisp. friction in ceremony used to ignite the
SATANISM — Christian devil wor- "wiccan" or wise. One blessed with
FREYA — Nordic goddess of love for bonfires of May Eve.
ship; an inversion or parody of Chris- supernatural gifts.
whom Friday is named. ODIN — Nordic god of wisdom and tian faith. WITCH BALLS — Spheres of col-
GNOSTICISM — The system of poetry.
SCRY — To divine by means of crys- ored glass intended to thwart evil spir-
thought, philosophy, and religion OIMELC — Celtic name for the cel- tal ball, mirror or other reflective sur- its and protect the home.
which holds mankind may possess in- ebration held on the eve of February 2. face. WORT — Any plant or herb.
ner knowledge by direct revelation. OVERLOOK — To cast a glance of SHAMAN — Sorcerer of primitive WYRD — Anglo-Saxon goddess of
GRIMOIRE — A text of magical rites power for good or i l l . tribes. A medium between the visible destiny.
and spells. OWL TIME—Between midnight and and the spirit world. YULE—Norse feast celebrating win-
H A L L O W M A S — November Eve fes- one o'clock; the 13th hour. SIGNATURES, DOCTRINE OF — ter solstice.
PENTACLE — Five-pointed star, an The belief that each plant bears a vis-
tival of witchcraft. ZOROASTER — Prophet who flour-
HECATE — Patroness of witchcraft; ancient symbol of perfection used from ible key to its use. ished in Persia about 1000 B.C.
Publication Date: /Way 1996
The tradition of naming the year's Full
Moons began during the early centu-
ries of the Christian era in rural En-
gland. A few reflect the influence of
the Roman occupation, but the major-
ity relate to farm activity.

Aries -— SEED. Sowing season and sym- Scorpio — SNOW. Scorpio heralds the
bol of the start of the new year. dark season when the Sun is at its lowest
Taurus — HARE. The sacred animal was and the first snow flies.
associated in Roman legends with spring- Sagittarius—OAK. The sacred tree of the
time and fertility. Druids and the Roman god Jupiter is most
Gemini — D Y A D . The Latin word for a noble as it withstands winter's blasts.
pair refers to the twin stars of the constel- Capricorn — WOLF. The fearsome noc-
lation Castor and Pollux. turnal animal represents the "night" of the
Cancer — M E A D . During late June and year. Wolves were rarely seen in England
most of July the meadows, or meads, were after the 12th century.
mowed for hay. Aquarius — STORM. A storm is said to
Leo — WORT. When the sun was in Leo rage most fiercely just before it ends, and
the worts (from the Anglo-Saxon wyrt - the year usually follows suit.
plant) were gathered to be dried and stored. Pisces — CHASTE. The antiquated word
Virgo — BARLEY. Persephone, virgin for pure reflects the custom of greeting the
goddess of rebirth, carries a sheaf of barley new year with a clear soul.
as symbol of the harvest.
Libra — BLOOD. Marking the season Libra's Full Moon occasionally became
when domestic animals were sacrificed for the WINE moon when a grape harvest was
winter provisions. expected to produce a superior vintage.

TO: The Witches' Almanac, P.O. Box 4067, Middletown, RI, 02842


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