Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp and Paper in Culture, Education and Industry

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Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp and Paper in Culture,

Education and Industry

Conference Paper · January 2003

2 331

1 author:

Svetozar Katuscak
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


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Keynote lectures WPP 2003

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY OF WOOD, PULP and nature, to increase the environmental qual-
AND PAPER IN CULTURE, EDUCATION AND ity2, 3, 4, 5, to increase the investments to the forest
INDUSTRY products industry1, to improve process and systems
efficiency6, 7, including the efficiency in the use of
papermaking chemicals, fillers and other additives8,
Opening remarks of the Conference Chairman 9
, equipment speed and capacity10, 11 and to im-
prove the competitiveness to the WPP products
SVETO KATUSCAK over unsustainable alternatives.

Department of Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp THE THREE DIMENSIONS

and Paper (WPP Department/ KDCP) OF THE WPP CONFERENCE
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, STU
812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia The three dimensions of the International Con-
e-mail: ference for Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp
and Paper (WPP 2003) are Culture, Industry and
Education. They are identical with the names of the
ABSTRACT three main areas of utilisation of forest products,
with the directions of parallel historical develop-
The WPP 2003 Conference is designed to pro- ment of the forest products in culture, education
mote interdisciplinary cooperation of the forest, and industry and with three areas of education and
pulp and paper Industries, Education and Culture research activities of the main organising body of
through discussion and by highlighting their inevi- this conference – the Department of the Chemical
tably common long history and future development. Technology of Wood, Cellulose and Paper (WPP
The three dimensions of the WPP 2003 Conference Department) STU.
are consistent with the three areas of applications The visualization of the three dimensions (3D) of
and three directions of historical and future devel- the applications of the forest products and chemical
opment of sustainable forest products: Culture, In- technology of wood, pulp and paper (WPP) and 3D of
dustry and Education. With this lecture I will open their common history and future is shown in Fig. 1.
the Conference, introduce the host – the Depart-
ment of WPP, and commemorate its 60th Anniver-
sary, by a brief description of its history, present
situation and future challenges.


During their life cycle, forest products influ-

ence the main areas of society and life, namely
industry, culture and education1. Wood and other
natural lignocellulose polymer materials are gener-
ally recognised for their good compatibility with
man and nature. They are widely-accepted,
biocompatible and are the most-promising prod-
ucts for the era of sustainable development. The
objective of chemical technology is to process these
natural materials with a minimal impact on the
environment while preserving the natural charac-
ter of the finished products. The continuing chal-
lenge for education & science, culture and industry
in the 21st century is to generate forest products in
a manner compatible with a good health of man Fig. 1. Three dimensions of the WPP Conference:
C – Culture, I – Industry, E – Education.

WPP 2003 Keynote lectures

The Industrial dimension of the forest prod- Ministry of Agriculture under the leadership of
ucts include: (1) forest industries and products Dr. V. Hruban and Dr. Rudolf Ille, at the Slovak
such as pulp, paper and board, furniture, com- University of Technology in Bratislava and at the
posite wood panels and 3D products; (2) ligno- Bata Company in Otrokovice.
cellulosic (LC) materials and products used in In 1934, the Committee for the development of
construction, transportation and agriculture, and; the Slovak universities issued a memorandum re-
(3) transformation of the economy to sustainable questing the Czechoslovak Government to found
development based mainly on renewable raw ma- “the University of Chemical Technology and Engi-
terials. neering with a specialization in the research and
The Cultural dimension of the WPP products processing of wood”.
includes: (1) carriers of information, books, news- In 1940, the Wood Research Institute in
papers, documents; (2) artefacts made from wood, Bratislava14 was authorized by Parliament. The
paper, cork, flax, hemp and other cellulose plants in founder of the Institute was the Slovak Govern-
paintings, sculptures and architecture; (3) protec- ment’s Ministry of Economy; the Institute was a
tion of the cultural heritage; (4) furniture and inte- part of STU (SVST) Bratislava and its mission was
rior design; (5) handmade papermaking. “the study of anatomy, physiology, physical and
The competitiveness and quality of the utilisa- chemical properties, and technology of wood, cellu-
tion of the sustainable ex continenti flow of forest lose and paper, synthetic fibres and other wood
products from the industry – paper, packagings, products, fuels and other chemical processing of
documents including carriers of historical informa- wood”15.
tion and cultural heritage in libraries, archives and 1943 is the year of the Foundation of the Insti-
museums – is closely connected with both the qual- tute of the Chemical Technology of Wood by STU
ity of Education and the Cultural niveau of the with Professor Frantisek Kozmal, the first director
society12, 13. It is not technology which is the key of the Institute and general director of the Czecho-
factor of success. It is the Education of people, their slovak pulp and paper industry.
knowledge, the quality of human resources, the con- In 1943, began the focus of specialised higher
tinuing improvement of knowledge resulting from technical education of WPP chemical technology
research and intellectual empowerment which are and engineering at the STU relative to all 3 areas of
the essential ingredients of success. The education WPP utilisation – Culture, Industry and Education.
of research universities such as the STU and its In 1952, the Institute was renamed “The Depart-
faculties and departments contributes to this suc- ment of the Chemical Technology of Wood”
cess. (DWPP).



The mission of the Department in the area of More detailed information about the achievements
chemical technology and engineering is consistent of the Department can be found in the proceedings
with the STU mission – collection, creation and of the periodical conferences16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 in the
spreading of knowledge, in the areas of wood, cellu- Annual Reports of the Faculty of Chemical and
lose and paper. Food Technology, on the CD of WPP 2003 and
Significant Dates. The first Institute of the
Chemical Technology of Wood was founded in Here are a few examples of the activities and the
1943. This is the starting year of the specialised results achieved in the WPP in cooperation with
higher technical education of WPP chemical tech- industrial and research partners:
nology and engineering at the STU for the benefit
of all 3 areas of WPP utilisation – Culture, Industry • 683 Ing. (equivalent of MSc.) and 72 Ph.D.
and Education. alumni with a specialisation in the chemical tech-
Prior to that, from 1920—1945, education and nology of wood, pulp and paper (WPP).
research in wood technology was developed at the • Graduate and postgraduate courses for students
Institute of Forestry and Wood Technology of the and WPP and related industrial partners.

Keynote lectures WPP 2003

1. Melcer I., Blažej 2. Blažej A., Šutý L.: 8. Blažej A. et al.: 9. Blažej A. et al.:
A., Šutý L.: Analyti- Vegetable phenolic Tenzides. Structure and
cal chemistry of compounds. properties of
wood. fibrous proteins.

3., 4. Kozmál F.: 5. Blažej A., Krkoška 10. Buèko J., Šutý 11. Blažej A., Šutý
Papermaking in P.: Technology of L., Košík M.: L., Košík M.,
theory and practice papermaking. Chemical treatment Krkoška P., Golis E.:
I., II. of wood. Chemistry of wood.

6. Blažej A., Košík 7. Blažej A., Košík M.: 12. Šutý L.: 13. Blažej A. et al.:
M.: Phytomass as a Phytomass – a raw Production and Chemical aspects of
chemical raw material for chemistry properties of pulps. wood treatment.
material. and biotechnology.

Fig. 2. Books.
1. Melcer I., Blažej A., Šutý L.: Analytical chemistry of wood (Analytická chémia dreva, in Slovak),
Alfa 1976, Bratislava, 326 pages.

WPP 2003 Keynote lectures

2. Blažej A., Šutý L.: Vegetable phenolic compounds (Rastlinné fenolové zlúèeniny, in Slovak), Alfa
1973, Bratislava, 231 pages.
3. Kozmál F.: Papermaking in theory and practice I. - Wood Sci. and pulping (Výroba papiera v teórii a
praxi I., in Slovak), SVTL 1958, Bratislava, 818 pages.
4. Kozmál F.: Papermaking in theory and practice II. - Papermaking (Výroba papiera v teórii a praxi
II., in Slovak), SVTL 1958, Bratislava, 542 pages.
5. Blažej A., Krkoška P.: Technology of papermaking (Technológia výroby papiera, in Slovak), Alfa
1989, Bratislava, 581 pages.
6. Blažej A., Košík M.: Phytomass as a chemical raw material (Fytomasa ako chemická surovina, in
Slovak), Veda 1985, Bratislava, 402 pages.
7. Blažej A., Košík M.: Phytomass - a raw material for chemistry and biotechnology (in English), Ellis
Horwood 1993, Chichester, 463 pages.
8. Blažej A. et al.: Tenzides (Tenzidy, in Slovak), Alfa 1977, Bratislava, 481 pages.
9. Blažej A. et al.: Structure and properties of fibrous proteins (Štruktúra a vlastnosti vláknitých
bielkovín, in Slovak), Veda 1978, Bratislava, 454 pages.
10. Buèko J., Šutý L., Košík M.: Chemical conversion of wood (Chemické spracovanie dreva, in Slovak),
Alfa 1988, Bratislava, 311 pages.
11. Blažej A., Šutý L., Košík M., Krkoška P. Golis E.: Chemistry of wood (Chémia dreva, in Slovak), Alfa
1975, Bratislava, 221 pages.
12. Šutý L.: Production and properties of pulps (Výroba a vlastnosti bunièín, in Slovak), Alfa 1982,
Bratislava, 486 pages.
13. Blažej A. et al.: Chemical aspects of wood conversion (Chemické aspekty životného prostredia, in
Slovak), Alfa 1981, Bratislava. 596 pages.

• Books and textbooks for polytechnic education mill trials in the Bukocel, a.s., Hencovce and in
in wood, pulp and paper science and technology Kappa, Štúrovo.
(Fig. 2). • Improvements of knowledge on the non-chlorine
• Study of optical properties of LC materials and bleaching technologies (ECF, TCF), and its en-
products and their use for non-destructive evalu- vironmental aspects by the use of oxygen, ozone
ation and testing (NDE, NDT), evaluation and and hydrogen peroxide, stability of hydrogen
sorting of qualitative classes and changes of wood peroxide, development of new additives for the
and LC products23, 24 and the recognition of spe- application of hydrogen peroxide in the bleach-
cies and characteristic features and their trans- ing of pulps in the alkaline and acidic medium,
formations in processes25,26, . study of one-stage and multi-stage bleaching of
• Increasing knowledge on viscoelastic properties wood and pulp by means of hydrogen peroxide
of the different kinds of wood utilized in high and peroxyacetic acid38, 39.
yield pulping27and the papermaking properties • Ageing of paper. The improvement of testing
of fibers28. Research and development of waste methods and their reliability in predicting the
paper treatment, chemical modifications, de- period of service of untreated historical books
inking and using of waste paper in paper produc- and archived documents40, 41. Comparative evalu-
tion, verified in TCF process. ation of deacification and fortifying technolo-
• Studies29, 30 focused on the formulation of origi- gies with respect to end-use properties, such as
nal mixtures of surfactants as additives for kraft strength, folding endurance, optical properties
pulping31, 32, neutral sulfite semichemical pulp- and their preservation in multifactorial aging.42
ing33, 34, pulp washing, oxygen delignification 35, • Description of the papermaking properties of
and deinking 37 conducted in cooperation with pulp fibres using mathematical tools and regional
the Pulp and Paper Research Institute (VUPC) fibre sources.
in Bratislava. The enhanced delignification rate, • The research of colloidal interactions in paper-
decreased pitch formation and significantly re- making suspension focused on the retention of
duced amount of rejects were confirmed also in fibres, fines and filler43, 44.

Keynote lectures WPP 2003

• Increasing the initial strength to improve paper CONCLUSION

machine runnability and decrease the number of
breaks. Latex - pulp fiber interactions led to chang- Wood and other alternative lignocellulose raw
ing the strength and functional properties of the materials present a great resource for the sustain-
paper. The final properties of paper depend on able production of material goods in the 21st Cen-
the properties of the added polymer45, 46. tury. The continuing challenge connected with the
• The investigation of the interaction between ink Chemical Technology of wood, pulp and paper for
and coating, characterisation of base paper and education & science, culture and industry in the 21st
coating, enhancement of printability and smooth- century, is making the forest products industry ever
ness of ink jet papers is in progress (Project no: cleaner and healthier for man and nature, minimiz-
APVT-99-007302). ing its impact on the environment, improving proc-
ess and systems efficiency, speed and capacities of
Wood and other LC materials are permanently equipment, which would lead to increased invest-
renewable through natural CO2 cycling by photosyn- ments, the improved economy of WPP products,
thesis. Lignocellulose materials mainly industrial and their competitiveness with unsustainable alter-
wood presents the far richest resource for the sustain- natives. By providing a forum for information ex-
able production of material goods. The chemical tech- change and the establishment of new scientific and
nology of wood products present a continuing chal- technical cooperations between various organiza-
lenge. Millions of tons of end-use forest products are tions, this conference represents one step towards
made using the chemical processess of pulping, paper- this objective. As a conference President and on
making, gluing, finishing, laminating, printing, pro- behalf of the Organizing Committee and of The
tection, recycling, regeneration, burning and waste Department of the Chemical Technology of Wood,
elimination. The millions of tons of chemically-pro- I would like to welcome you to Bratislava. I hope
duced, multi-life-cycle products, recycled with both that during the conference you will learn something
old and newly-added chemicals, interact with man new or teach something new to other participants,
and nature influencing their health. The objective of make new friendships, and also enjoy your stay in
chemical technology is to process these natural mate- Bratislava and enjoy the slovakian hospitality.
rials in a manner as to only minimally impact the
environment while preserving the natural character REFERENCES
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