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+Rick Garita
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Human Trafficking: Problem | Solution
Many people are well aware of the topic stated above, what it means and the disgust
behind it. However, there is another name for human trafficking: modern-day slavery. Both
terms describe a horrible reality that many men, women, and children live through daily. This
problem not only occurs within the United States but also internationally and when/where you
least expect it. An epidemic that we as a people must unite together to combat and eradicate.
Within this broad and bleak term are many categories that victims unfortunately may fall
under, such as: sex, labor, and services. Regardless of the many divisions, anyone can fall a
victim to human trafficking. One’s national origin, race, color, disability, religion, age, gender,
sexual orientation, education level, or socioeconomic and citizenship status are not a factor in
determining the ideal characteristic in choosing a victim. The culprits behind this compassionless
way of life do not discriminate. Human trafficking is not only illegal but it negatively affects the
lives of the victims as well as their families and ends the innocence of young children. When
you think of human trafficking, you might think of women from impoverished countries who
have been kidnapped and forced into prostitution. But human trafficking also happens right
here in the United States. Essentially modern-day slavery, human trafficking is the use of
force, fraud, or coercion to make victims take part in commercial sex work or labor against
their will. That can include domestic work, farm work, factory work, or food service labor in
addition to sex work. Victims of human trafficking are usually women and girls, but men and
boys are also affected.
Because this is such a broad and global problem, there is no quick and easy fix to stop
human trafficking. It takes immense manpower, global unification and dedication. There have
been strides in the fight against this issue. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 was
established with the intention to allow the US to combat human trafficking not just domestically
but worldwide. This incredibly important act was a federal statute that was signed by former
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President Bill Clinton in 2000. Since it has been put into action, it has gone through some
changes and improvements so that it may better serve its victims.

According to Giovanna Hernandez Williams an Expert Talks About Human Trafficking

When you think of human trafficking, you might think of women from impoverished
countries who have been kidnapped and forced into prostitution. But human trafficking also
happens right here in the United States. Essentially modern-day slavery, human trafficking is the
use of force, fraud, or coercion to make victims take part in commercial sex work or labor
against their will. That can include domestic work, farm work, factory work, or food service
labor in addition to sex work. Victims of human trafficking are usually women and girls, but men
and boys are also affected.

Foreign Countries: What is being done to help?

All around the world, as well as here in the United States, there are many organizations
and agencies that work around the clock doing their part in combating this widespread nightmare.
A few of these important international organizations are GoodWeave: Focuses on ending child
 Red Carpet Project
 Polaris project

The U.S Department State formulated some steps that anyone can join in the fight
against human trafficking. Here are just a few ideas to consider.

 Learn the indicators of human trafficking so you can help identify a potential trafficking
victim. Human trafficking awareness training is available for individuals, businesses, first
responders, law enforcement, educators, and federal employees, among others. ( U.S
Department State,2018)
 If you are in the United States and believe someone may be a victim of human trafficking,
report your suspicions to law enforcement by calling 911 or the 24-hour.
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Trafficking victims, including undocumented individuals, are eligible for services and
immigration assistance.( U.S Department State,2018)
 Be a conscientious and informed consumer. Discover your slavery footprint, ask who
picked your tomatoes or made your clothes, or check out the Department of Labor’s List
of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. Encourage companies to take steps
to investigate and prevent human trafficking in their supply chains and publish the
information, including supplier or factory lists, for consumer awareness. ( U.S
Department State,2018)
 Host an awareness-raising event to watch and discuss films about human trafficking. For
example, learn how modern slavery exists today; watch an investigative documentary
about sex trafficking; or discover how human trafficking can affect global food supply
chains. Organize a fundraiser and donate the proceeds to an anti-trafficking organization.
( U.S Department State,2018)
 Encourage your local schools to partner with students and include modern slavery in their
curricula. As a parent, educator, or school administrator, be aware of how
traffickers target school-aged children. ( U.S Department State,2018)
 Be well-informed. Set up a web alert to receive current human trafficking news. Become
familiar with public awareness materials available from the Department of Health and
Human Services or the Department of Homeland Security. ( U.S Department State,2018)
 Work with a local religious community or congregation to help stop trafficking by
supporting a victim service provider or spreading awareness of human trafficking.
 Students: Take action on your campus. Join or establish a university club to raise
awareness about human trafficking and initiate action throughout your local community.
Consider doing one of your research papers on a topic concerning human trafficking.
Request that human trafficking be included in university curricula. ( U.S Department
 Health Care Providers: Learn how to identify the indicators of human trafficking and
assist victims. With assistance from anti-trafficking organizations, extend low-cost or free
services to human trafficking victims. ( U.S Department State,2018)
 Journalists: The media plays an enormous role in shaping perceptions and guiding the
public conversation about human trafficking. Here are some media best practices on how
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to effectively and responsibly report stories on human trafficking. ( U.S Department

 Attorneys: Offer human trafficking victims legal services, including support for those
seeking benefits or special immigration status. Resources are available for attorneys
representing victims of human trafficking. ( U.S Department State,2018)


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Works Cited
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LastName, First, Middle. “Article Title.” Journal Title (Year): Pages From - To. Print.

The United States Department of Justice |
Official Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000 |
The Muse | www.themuse/com

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