Principles of Cytocentrifugation: Cytology

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CE update [cytology | generalist]

Principles of Cytocentrifugation
Barry O. Stokes, PhD
Wescor, Logan, UT
DOI: 10.1309/FTT59GWKDWH69FB0

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After reading this article, the reader should be able to identify the principles involved in cytocentrifugation and understand
the potential of the method.
Cytology exam 30401 questions and the corresponding answer form are located after the “Your Lab Focus” section
on p. 441.

왘 The cytocentrifuge can be used to systems were primarily developed for Frictional forces, included in the term
transfer any sedimentable particles the Pap smear market, but have also K, also oppose the centrifugal force.
from liquid suspension onto a been applied to the preparation of body These are a function of the characteris-
microscope slide, but is primarily fluids. As a result of their success in tics of both the particle and the
used to transfer biological cells. the Pap smear market, cytocentrifuga- medium. The relative centrifugal force
왘 It is widely used in clinical medicine tion is, in turn, being explored as a term (RCF), where the radius (r) is in
and biological research. low-cost alternative thin-layer method millimeters, is conveniently expressed
왘 The literature of clinical applications for gynecological analysis.22-24 in gravities as the familiar expression
is extensive and includes such Cytocentrifugation is being involving rotor revolutions per minute
specimens as cerebrospinal fluid, increasingly employed in (RPM):
synovial fluid, urine, fine needle
aspirates, and a variety of body
microbiology25,26 and hematology27
laboratories. The use of direct smears [ ]
RCF (gravities) = 1.118r RPM 2
fluid and lavage samples. is considered by the College of Ameri- Simply stated, particle sedimenta-
can Pathologists (CAP) to produce sub- tion speed increases with the rotational
optimal specimens and is being speed of the centrifuge, and it is faster
Prior to the introduction of cyto- formally discouraged, with cytocen- for large or dense particles and slower
centrifugation nearly 40 years ago,1-4 trifugation recommended as the for small or light particles.
the main methods for transferring cells replacement method for hematology.28
were: making direct smears of cell sed- While cytocentrifugation remains a Cytocentrifugation
iments collected by conventional cen- widely used laboratory method, the Commercially available cytocen-
trifugation, gravity sedimentation onto loss of cells and the production of aber- trifuges fall into 2 categories as illus-
microscope slides, and filter collection rant cell morphology are important trated in F1 (ie, those which remove
techniques. Comparisons to these concerns for technologists. the suspension fluid during cell sedi-
methods indicate that cytocentrifuga- mentation and those which retain it). In
tion is a suitable method for cell prepa- Centrifugation Principles the latter case, the principles are basi-
ration, although it is not always The principles of centrifugation cally the same as those for centrifuga-
superior.5-13 The principle concerns in are well-known and are available at the tion. The cell sediment in response to
such comparisons are that cells are lost textbook level.29 Simply stated, the the applied centrifugal force (B) and
during the cytocentrifugation process, principles involve particles of density the fluid is basically static. Practical
and that the loss can be preferential for (dp), sedimenting at speed (dx/dt) protocols are widespread for centrifug-
small cells.5,14,15 In addition, the forces through the fluid medium of density ing cells in aqueous media, primarily
of cytocentrifugation can produce arti- (dm) when a centrifugal force (F) is expressed in time and g force. Such
factual morphology in the cells of in- applied to the particle mass (density x protocols are applicable to
434 terest, but the effects are not usually volume (V)). It is useful to this discus- cytocentrifugation with fluid retention.
severe, and some can even be benefi- sion to consider the simplified expres- When fluid removal and sedimen-
cial.16,17 Recently, automated thin-layer sion: tation are simultaneous, hydraulic
cell transfer systems have challenged dx/dt = (dp-dm)VF forces (A) on the cells are caused by
the role of cytocentrifugation as the K the flow of the suspension fluid away
standard method for cell transfer in The buoyancy of the medium from the sample area, usually into an
cytology.18-21 They offer high-quality opposes the forward centrifugal force absorbent medium. The hydraulic
specimens without the need for exten- by lowering the effective particle forces are complex. They are greatest at
sive experience, but at a high cost rela- mass. The term (dp-dm) accounts for the edge of the sample area and least at
tive to cytocentrifugation. These the buoyant action of the medium. its center. They also vary throughout the

laboratorymedicine> july 2004> number 7> volume 35 ©

run and between runs. These hydraulic
forces dramatically affect the sedimen- Cytocentrifugation Chambers
tation of cells and render centrifugation
principles inadequate to predict the re- Simultaneous Fluid Removal Fluid Retention
sults of cytocentrifugation.
Chamber Absorbent Chamber
Tunnel Medium Slide Tunnel Slide Seal
Cell Loss Considerations

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Where the fluid is retained during Sample
sedimentation, it must be removed be- Fluid Sample
fore the slide can be further processed. Fluid
Cell loss can occur during manual or
automated fluid removal processes. Seal
Cells collected without fluid removal
experience less force pressing them
against the microscope slide at a given
rotor speed than those with the fluid
removed. This is due to the relative [F1] The above figure illustrates cross sections of cytocentrifuge chambers. In the case of
buoyancy of the surrounding medium, simultaneous sedimentation and fluid removal, it shows a sample which is in contact with a
[ie, effective cell density ≅ (1.05-1.0) microscope slide and an absorbent medium. The arrow A represents hydraulic force on the
for fluid versus (1.05-0) for air]. This cells that tends to move the cells into the absorbent medium and arrow B represents the
produces less flattening against the centrifugal force that causes sedimentation of the cells to the microscope slide. Where fluid is
retained, the only force exerted on the cells is the centrifugal force. The fluid must be removed
slide and therefore less adhesion, after the sedimentation process is completed.
which increases the potential for cell
loss during fluid removal and subse-
quent fixation and staining operations. published on fluid flow rates during principle can also account for the
These losses can be important.30 In cytocentrifugation. Fluid flow is pri- preferential loss of small cells since
principle, cells collected in this manner marily controlled by equipment design they sediment at a slower rate than
should be given greater centrifugal and fluid/sample characteristics, but larger cells. Eliminating preferential
force than those collected with simulta- the fluid removal time also depends on loss of small cells requires nearly
neous fluid removal to promote contact the rotor speed and sample volume.31 quantitative recovery of the cell popu-
with the slide. Manual fluid removal The fluid removal can be observed lation, and this demands attention to
should be carefully done, and fixation with a strobe light, but little attention the fluid removal time. Observation
and staining may need special consid- is generally paid to this variable. The that the least preferential loss of small
eration. primary indication of fluid removal cells occurs in the center of the sample
When fluid removal and sedimen- time for most operators is the presence area14 is consistent with the fact that
tation are simultaneous, hydraulic of residual fluid at the end of a run. If the hydraulic forces are least there.
forces on the cells can cause the no residual is ever observed, the fluid Start-up losses can also occur
process to fail or be suboptimal. When removal time is unknown and may be where cells are lost into an absorbent
the velocity of the fluid being removed short enough to cause cell loss. As the material prior to establishing the cen-
is much greater than the sedimentation fluid removal time goes to 0, the re- trifugal force. This is especially prob-
velocity of the cells, most of the cells covery also goes to 0. As it increases, lematic with very small sample
will be lost with the fluid. Obtaining the recovery increases asymptotically volumes32 and is minimized by
high cell recovery depends on balanc- to 100%. The available data31 indicate increasing the sample volume to 0.1 to
ing the centrifugal and hydraulic that an absorption (fluid removal) time 0.3 mL and/or prewetting the
forces during the run. This is accom- greater than 3 minutes is necessary to absorbent material prior to the run. It
plished by providing an appropriate maintain a high recovery of leukocytes should also be noted that using a slow
centrifugal force while controlling the in a 0.3 mL sample volume at 1,000 rotor acceleration prolongs the period
velocity of the fluid removal at a slow RPM (110 g). Recovery of bacteria, of of absorption of sample prior to estab- 435
enough rate to allow the cells to sedi- course, will be more difficult due to lishing the centrifugal force and can
ment to the microscope slide. It should their small size. Higher speeds and cause minor cell loss at start up.
also be noted that the cell collection longer fluid removal times will be re- Prewetting the absorbent material is a
process is complete once the suspen- quired for high recovery of smaller useful precaution when using a slow
sion fluid has been removed. Running cells. Failure to balance the magnitude rotor acceleration.
the cytocentrifuge beyond the point of of the hydraulic and sedimentation
fluid removal cannot improve the cell forces probably accounts for most of Morphological Considerations
recovery and is probably detrimental the reports of low recovery due to Perhaps the first consideration
to cell morphology. Little has been simultaneous fluid removal. This here is the health of the cells. Once

© laboratorymedicine> july 2004> number 7> volume 35

cells are removed from the body, they determined by the extent of sample number of factors affect cell quality
begin to degrade and eventually characterization and pretreatment. Pos- and stability, including: osmolality,
become worthless in any procedure. sible pretreatments include: available nutrients, and microbial con-
The best morphology will be obtained • Adjusting cell concentration tamination. The presence of proteins in
with fresh cells maintained and run in a • Liquifying or diluting viscous the suspending fluid can also protect
protective environment. The presence samples the cells against degradation during the
of nutrient solutions (balanced saline or • Removing precipitates or debris process of cytocentrifugation. Refriger-

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tissue culture media) and proteins • Lysing erythrocytes ation is useful in preventing cell degra-
(BSA or HSA) will prolong viability • Adding nutrients and/or proteins dation for short periods when
and protect the cells during the cyto- • Adding preservatives processing needs to be delayed. Best
centrifugation process. In general, one needs a fresh (or results are usually obtained when fresh
The force applied to the cells is an well-preserved) sample of healthy cells cells are suspended in a nutrient-con-
important factor in the morphology of at a suitable concentration, an absence taining medium with small amounts of
the preparation, but the force experi- of interfering materials, and a suspen- protein and processed immediately
enced by the cells is more important sion fluid that allows proper cell sedi- after collection. A number of less im-
than the force developed by the rotor. mentation and fluid absorption. portant decisions are necessary to pro-
This distinction is due to the buoyant Achieving these objectives is not al- duce acceptable cytocentrifuge
force of the suspension fluid which ways simple and may require more specimens, including: equipment selec-
counteracts the force developed by the than 1 pretreatment procedure. The tion, sample volume, rotor speed, and
spinning rotor. When the suspension combination of a suitably treated sam- processing time. The question of equip-
fluid has been removed, the cells are ple and appropriate instrument parame- ment selection depends on the objec-
essentially suspended in air which has ter selections determines the final tives of the operator. The major
near 0 density. This change in buoy- quality of the cytocentrifuged speci- determining factors are the desired
ancy increases the force experienced by men. specimen area on the microscope slide
the cells about 20 fold, [ie, (1.05- Perhaps the most important single and the desired sample size to be
0)/(1.05-1.0) ≅ 20]. In normal practice factor in specimen preparation is to processed. Cost, design features, con-
with healthy cells, this force is useful obtain an appropriate number of cells venience, and personal preferences also
to flatten the cells and promote adhe- in the sample applied to the instrument. enter into the equipment selection
sion to the slide, and it produces only If too many cells are applied, the re- process. The speed and time selections
minor cell distortion. The force experi- sulting specimen will be thick, layered, depend on the equipment selected and
enced after the fluid is removed and difficult to read. It may even the sample characteristics. A wide
depends on the g force and hence the slough off during fixation and staining range of choices will yield useable
rotor speed. Decreasing the speed will and be lost. Ideally, one obtains a cell samples for many purposes, even
soften the forces but can adversely af- count and alters the sample concentra- though cell collection may not be
fect the cell recovery by slowing the tion to provide the required cell con- quantitative. In much of clinical prac-
particle sedimentation rate. Prolonging centration. The count need not be tice, optimization of the specimen is
the run time much beyond the point of highly accurate, and a rather wide less important than cost-effective pro-
fluid removal is not useful and can be range will produce acceptable results. duction of specimens.
detrimental to morphology. The gen- Experienced operators can often visu-
tlest procedure for fragile cells is to ally judge the sample concentration Summary and Conclusions
process them in equipment without and get acceptable results. The number Cytocentrifugation has been a
fluid removal or to extend the fluid re- of cells required is primarily a function mainstay in clinical and research labo-
moval time by adding protein to the of the equipment selected and its asso- ratories for decades as a means of
suspension fluid and interrupt the run ciated cell collection area on the micro- preparing microscopic specimens from
prior to removing all of the fluid. At scope slide. cell suspensions. Significant concern
the end of the run, the operator should Another crucial factor is the qual- exists regarding the recovery of cells in
manually remove the fluid carefully to ity of the specimen. Samples should be cytocentrifugation. The role of the hy-
436 avoid dislodging the cells from the mi- processed within a few hours of collec- draulic forces in the process has been
croscope slide. tion or well preserved immediately neglected. When the fluid is removed
upon collection. Since fixation hardens during cell collection and the fluid flow
Cytocentrifugation the cells and prevents flattening against becomes too fast (short fluid removal
Procedures the microscope slide, fresh samples are time), cells are swept away from the
The instrument variables in cyto- preferred. Unfortunately, fresh samples sample area before they are able to sedi-
centrifugation are fairly simple. They are not always available, and cytocen- ment to the microscope slide. Quantita-
are speed, time, and equipment design. trifuged specimens are often prepared tive cell recovery in cytocentrifugation
The main complexity lies in the nature from samples fixed in Saccomano’s or is only possible if the speed of fluid
of the sample, and success is largely other fixatives. In unfixed samples, a removal is controlled at a rate that is

laboratorymedicine> july 2004> number 7> volume 35 ©

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