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Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Adam D Olivant, nhận được học bổng tại University of Lincoln và
Sheffield Hallam University chuyên ngành Computer Science.

Most users see a computer at the front and use the graphical user interfaces. The first
time I used a computer, it intrigued me to know how these interfaces work, the theory behind
computers and the methodology of how they work. I am a keen to further my Computer
Science knowledge. Studying Computing, ICT and Maths at A-Level has increased my desire
to want to know more about this subject.

Furthermore I believe that my two week work experience placement, based in IT

support at ARM Holdings, gave me a great insight into how an international Computing
business works and confirmed that I wanted to go into computing. I am familiar with Python,
which I have learnt to use for programming and have learnt about the theory behind Stored
Program Concept, Fetch-Execute Cycle and also the Internet along with the legal aspects
behind Computing.

I have advanced my programing skills using PyQt to develop my own user interfaces
and further programming techniques including Object and Event orientated programming.
With this knowledge I feel that my problem solving has developed culminating in my project,
which I am currently in the process of completing. I am enjoying the experience of the project,
not only with the programming but the process of the project - from the analysis to the testing.
I feel to study Computer Science you would need to be more scientific in your thinking as
arguments need supporting evidence before they are proved.

To be a successful student you need to be organised, able to communicate and capable

of independent research as an individual to expand your knowledge. In using my Computing
A-Level skills, I have gained a significant level of knowledge of how computers work; the
theory behind them and also why we need Computer Scientists in the world of work. It is
important to be able to analyse problems and work out solutions, as well as to program the
solutions and ensure that if there is a gap in the market you develop these ideas.

Computer scientists' work ensures that current computing programs and processes are
maintained and updated if appropriate. I am always searching for programs or websites to
help me with my studies and programs, such as using GitHub as a version control system for
my project. I am currently Chair of the Student Committee at Long Road Sixth Form College;

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I was elected by the committee to sit on the Board of Governors for the College to represent
student views, values and opinions.

I also oversee and plan the entertainments and charitable events, which has given me
the opportunity to develop my teamwork and people skills. I am committed to the charity
BeatBullying; which involves taking on the responsibility of Young and Media Ambassador. I
also am a mentor for both BeatBullying and its sister charity MindFull helping young people
suffering from bullying and mental health issues. This has helped me understand complex
personal issues and to further enhance my communication skills.

Since July 2013, I have worked part-time at both Cambridge University Hospitals as a
Customer Service Administrator, which has strengthened me as an individual and I had the
responsibility of helping others to ensure patient safety and confidentiality. At Linton Village
College I was awarded the Enterprise Honour for being the Manager of the Technical Team
and a Student Leader of the Library, which involved organising the day to day running of the
Library. At the same time I was nominated for the Business Studies Linton Honour.

The projects will enable me to draw on all my previous knowledge and experience to
enhance at university and further it independently to create a substantial finished product for
an external client. I am looking forward to the excitement and challenge that studying science
will bring at a higher level.

My future aspirations are to leave the university to enter into the world of work to
pursue a career in Computer Science and ultimately, to start my own business in Computer

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Aidan, nhận được học bổng tại King's College London và
University of Exeter chuyên ngành Geography.

Geography is the study of the world, and as geographers we hold the keys to the
world’s problems. Geography encompasses many things from natural disasters, eco-systems,
to globalisation and development, all of which are areas which fascinate me. It is essential for
deciphering and solving the issues that the world is faced with, and by furthering my
geographical knowledge, it will enhance my ability to tackle the imminent problems such as

My studies have inspired me to further my knowledge. I am a member of the Royal

Geographical Society and a regular attendee of their lectures. Sir Crispin Tickell's talk on the
human future and his Malthusian view fascinated me, as it couples my passion for food with
Geography. Due to this I have focused my Extended Project Qualification on agricultural
sustainability. My research has led me to look into agricultural processes, destruction of
ecosystems, and questions related to pesticide usage. Reading Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring'
highlighted the impacts of pesticides, because diseases such as cancer and Down syndrome
are linked with their overuse. As part of my wider research I enjoyed reading periodicals such
as The Geographical Review, The Economist, The Guardian and the Geographical. An article
from the Geographical investigating how sustainable agriculture is implemented in low
income countries intrigued me. A method used was vermicomposting, a procedure which
allows farmers to create compost from waste. This is cost efficient and sustainable,
demonstrating alternatives to current farming techniques.

I have been involved in a range of aspects in my fieldwork, from constructing the trip
to the establishment of the initial hypotheses. These trips have enabled me to reinforce my
geographical skills, particularly in relation to interpreting and analysing information and data.
I was able to see the cross-curricular links my world cities unit had, consolidating my
Economics and History knowledge, allowing me to understand how cities develop historically
and their wider significance to the world economy.

In addition to my studies, I have taken advantage of numerous opportunities to refine

my skills. At my internships at KPMG, Fidelity Worldwide Investments, and Ernst and
Young, I assisted in the completion of reports and proposals under strict deadlines, whilst also
presenting at partner meetings. Also, I have raised over £3,500 for various charities and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

completed my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. This has allowed me to apply both my
navigation and map reading skills learnt in class to navigate the planned route for the

Furthermore, I was selected to represent the UK in the International Space Design

Competition at the Johnston Space Centre in Texas. Competing with Argentine, American
and British students, I was elected president of the international team. During the competition
I was able to apply all the skills I had learnt in my extra-curricular activities. We produced an
in-depth proposal, detailing everything about our space settlement, from the logistics of
building and transporting resources into space, to the costing of the whole structure; all in an
attempt to win the contract in just forty-eight hours.

Geography is constantly evolving and relevant. This drives my passion for the subject;
I believe that the skills I have attained through my outgoing nature alongside my passion for
the subject make me a valued addition to your institution. I am sociable, ambitious and
academically able, but most importantly dedicated.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Ashton, nhận được học bổng của Đại học Queens University
Belfast và London School of Economics, chuyên ngành Actuarial Science.

Mathematics is not just a mere subject but a universal language. Its plethora of Greek
symbols interlaced with numbers makes it seem like a clandestine code, which has to be
deciphered. This aside, I believe the real magic of Mathematics lies not with its method of
execution, but its definite solutions founded on irrefutable proofs, not ignoring the seemingly
endless array of applications.

Having studied Physics my awareness of these applications has increased substantially.

For instance, the laws laid down by Newtonian Mechanics are seen to govern the everyday
world and are difficult not to witness. In Computing, I have explored the logical arm of
Mathematics put into practice: Finite State machines, Boolean equations and the
programming languages themselves. Even Chemistry like my other subjects echoes the
hallmarks of Maths. Through reading Du Sautoy’s “Finding Moonshine” I discovered that
Chemistry, the study of molecular interaction, utilises Mathematics in the form of symmetry.
Overall, it never ceases to amaze me how Mathematics seems to be everywhere at once, even
in places you expect not to find it.

After participating in a stock exchange competition, I was fascinated to learn

mathematical models are used in forecasting something as volatile and stochastic as the stock
market. In fact, to find out more, I attended the PriceWaterhouseCooper Business Insight Day.
There, I was informed about the consultancy role Actuaries play in corporate firms using their
ability of Mathematics as a tool to assess financial risks, and as a result, I started to consider
seriously a career as an Actuary.

The same employability skills that were constantly stressed by my school, I saw
firsthand at my work shadowing placement in a company managed by Viridian Group Plc,
where I observed the most important of these to be communication, especially the ability of a
professional, such as an engineer, to convey difficult technical knowledge to non-specialist

Activities in school have helped me to work towards these professional skills and
further enjoy Mathematics. For example, being the Financial Director of a Young Enterprise
company gave me a valuable insight into running a business and made me more confident in

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

expressing my ideas with clarity. After being selected by interview, I also had a large input as
a team member in the Engineering Education Scheme, where we were assigned a project in
which we had to analyse and solve a real-life problem encountered by a firm. Our agreed
project involved the design of a Six-Way Underground Distribution Board (UDB) lifting
device, and by carefully considering factors such as which handle length would give the
required torque, which structure provided the most equal distribution of forces, we foresaw
the eventual fabrication of a prototype.

This was followed by our delivery of one formal and many informal presentations,
which after each member received a Gold CREST (Creativity in Science and Technology)
Award. Conveniently, the scheme also tied in with my Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award
which I am currently pursuing and hope to complete when I leave Methodist College. The
Award’s physical and mental hurdles have been demanding and require unyielding
determination to strive for goals, a practice which I still hope to employ as a future Actuary.

Having been a rower for three years and now currently pursuing a martial art, the
importance of dedication is not a new concept for me. Even though Maths can be extremely
difficult and at times even impossible, I wish to give it my utmost dedication; it is an ever
expanding subject in which my enjoyment will never cease to diminish.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Askhat, nhận được học bổng Imperial College London chuyên
ngành Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Science.

Nowadays, science and technology play a vital role in people's lives. They have
become a dominant factor in the development of society. Therefore, many countries are
striving to diversify their economies through the development and application of new and
advanced technologies like the ones that operate on nanoscale.

Nanotechnology and applied nanoscience allow people to create innovative

nanostructured materials, devices and mechanisms which will make a contribution to the
improvement of people's lives and development of the country's economics. Thus, the choice
of nanoscience and nanotechnology as my speciality was inspired by both my interest in the
natural phenomena as a physicist, and by the excellent prospects it offers in the labour market.

My interest in science, particularly in physics and maths, developed when I was

studying at school. I enjoyed the challenge of solving different types of mathematical and
physical problems which helped me develop analytical thinking skills and an understanding of
physical processes that take place in nature. Beyond my school interests I played music, and
got involved with dancing and drawing. I played the dombyra (a Kazakh national stringed
instrument) in the school orchestra and sang in the school choir. Through these activities I
became acquainted with and learned the rules and principles of art.

In 2003 I entered the physics department at Al Farabi Kazakh National University

(majoring in radiophysics and electronics). There I received a good fundamental education in
physics, electronics, material science, chemistry, higher mathematics, and the humanities. I
gained a deep understanding of these subjects and learnt how to apply this to real life
situations. I took part in students' scientific conferences, at which on three separate occasions
I got awards for the best research effort. This activity helped me to improve my skills in
report writing and oral presentation.

Since 2005 I have been working at the Institute of Experimental and Theoretical
Physics of Kazakh National University as a scientific researcher. I have experimentally
investigated the structural, dynamical and optical properties of the dusty particles immersed in
plasma environment. What makes this work important is its connection with nuclear fusion,
microelectronics and nonterrestrial investigations. As the result of my work at the Institute I

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

have made several contributions to international conferences and papers in recognized

journals like Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and
Theoretical and Physics of Plasmas. Working at the Institute has enriched my experience in
experimental physics and taught me to work in a team.

Although I completed undergraduate level study at the best local university, I do not
feel that I am in the best position to make any final decisions about my career yet. Thus, I
have decided to proceed with study abroad to get a better understanding and knowledge of
applied nanoscience.

By studying at your university I hope to gain a broad education and professional skills
on my chosen course and to learn how to apply these in practice to improve the world around
me. I feel confident that I will be able to cope with the academic requirements at the
university and successfully conduct research work in the area of nanoscience and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Blackie Chan, nhận được thư mời học Đại học The Manchester
Metropolitan University chuyên ngành Accounting and Finance.

For me Accounting is something that I've been incredibly passionate about for the last
few years. From quite a young age I have always had a passion towards Mathematics and
problem solving; which has led me on towards Accounting and Finance as these subjects
interlink massively.

I have had the pleasure of working in an Accounting Firm (work experience) in which
I was giving the chance to learn and development some of the key skills needed to succeed, I
was able to help look after some of the minor accounts and to use the spreadsheets when

I have just finished my last exam in an Access course at my local college, where I
studied Business Accounts, Psychology, Statistics and Law. Each of these subjects in my
opinion has given me the tools to succeed at university in Accounting and Finance. Law has
given me the knowledge of the legal system to determine what is expected of me when I get
my degree from university, and the implications of my actions within the organisation when
looking and handling people’s accounts.

Studying Statistics has developed my mind logically, the problem solving within the
subject keeps your mind constantly active, even when equations have a higher degree of
difficulty it pushes your boundaries and shows me that anything is capable. Business
Accounts has taught me more than I could ever have imagined, it has given me knowledge of
the different aspects of accounts whether that’s Ratio Analysis or looking after T Accounts.
Studying Business Accounts at my local college has given me a significant advantage over
others as I now have a lot more knowledge within in the chosen subject which will give me a
boost when I start higher education.

Sport is a major impact on my life at the moment as it fills me with an enjoyment not
very many things can match. Playing basketball, football, and chess have made me a more
discipline human. It has provided me with a unique balance with both my studies and my
personal life, none more so than chess. The concentration levels needed for chess and the
ongoing repetition in the mind, re-playing the scenario over and over again has worked
magnificently through my studies. Not only does it help to develop the mind further but it

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

makes you look at things from all perspectives, all the problems needed to succeed and all the
problems needed to avoid failure.

I plan to keep pursing my interests in sport throughout university, but most

importantly I will maintain a healthy balance between my leisure activities and my studies.

Ever since I have studied Mathematics I've always wanted to pursue a career at
university to follow a dream I found available to me during my time at college. The ability to
know I now have a chance to succeed in my endeavour not only motivates me but it greatly
excites me.

University is another important milestone in my life one that I believe that I can pass
with flying colours and to develop new skills added on to the ones I already have.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Bob Fraser, nhận được học The University of York, University of
Southampton chuyên ngành Chemistry.

Chemistry is in my opinion the most important of the sciences today. As a science of

matter and its properties, Chemistry can be applied to almost any situation from forensics
through medicine to environmental sustainability. It is this practical side of Chemistry that has
made me want to study it at university. I am particularly interested in Organic Chemistry and I
enjoy working out the outcomes of various reactions and naming the products with systematic
nomenclature. Another aspect of Chemistry that I am interested in is Quantum Chemistry
which has a strong overlap with some of my favourite modules of Physics. I am drawn to its
often theoretical and experimental nature.

My studies in Geography and World Development have stimulated an interest in

Green Chemistry. I feel that this is very important due to climate change and other
environmental issues that affect us. Research in making processes more sustainable and less
harmful to the environment is crucial to contributing to the future of planet.

I have gained the position of subject ambassador for Chemistry; which involves
representing the Chemistry department during open evenings and helping out fellow
classmates with their work. Within the open days I have demonstrated experiments to future
students and their parents, helping them to understand the content of the course and whether
they should take Chemistry as an A level subject. I have also been nominated by my school
for the Oxford University chemist of the year award, due to my attitude and achievements.
During my ISAs I demonstrated a strong practical ability and achieved full marks for my
practical skills. This reflects my ability to work independently and my competence at
handling lab apparatus. I also volunteer to help out in a chemistry lesson once a week; this is
an excellent opportunity to help others and put my knowledge and expertise to practical use.

I am reading "The Problems of Chemistry" by W. Graham Richards and "The

Consumers Good Chemical Guide" by John Emsley both of which have stimulated my
interest in practical applications of Chemistry. Another book "Chemistry: Facts, Patterns and
Principles" by W.R. Kneen adds to my general knowledge of Chemistry. I have also joined
the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I have excelled at all of my chosen subjects and have demonstrated a commitment and
ability to work above the average level in each one. For example during my GCSEs I was
picked as one of the top ten geographers in my year to take an AS in World Development a
year early. While taking my A2 in World Development last year I researched and wrote a
report on a local wind farm. This project was a good opportunity to work on my own initiative
and helped me develop important communication and analysis skills. I also represented Kenya
in a Model UN General Assembly conference where I learned about other cultures and gained
an insight into world politics.

My studies in Maths and Physics both provide me with subject matter, problem
solving and calculating skills that support my primary interest in Chemistry.

Outside school I have an enthusiasm for the sport of dog agility. My dogs and I have
won many competitions and we have competed at Crufts and other major events. I also train
and work with dogs for other people. This is a considerable responsibility, but one that I enjoy.
I also have experience caring for a disabled child which has made me more mature.

In common with my friends, I enjoy music and travel. I have played the drums in
several bands and have backpacked through a number of countries, including Brazil, Peru and
Thailand. I hope to take advantage of the social opportunities at university as well as the
academic ones.

In summary, my skills and experiences make me well suited to study Chemistry at

university. I intend to tackle the course with the same determination and interest that I have
shown to date and to make a significant contribution during my studies.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Bosse, nhận được học bổng tại The University of Birmingham và
University of Leeds chuyên ngành Natural Sciences.

My perception of the sciences has changed over time as my understanding of them has
developed. Subjects that once appeared isolated and independent now merge into one
coherent field, each interacting with another. How the same laws can apply from the quark
scale to galaxies astounds me and it is the on-going search for patterns to explain these links
that I find particularly fascinating. This notion has driven my pursuit of studying scientific
and mathematical subjects at A Level. Indeed the ability to discover the reasoning behind
these concepts through the process of doubt and investigation is what truly motivates me to
study Natural Science at university.

Throughout my studies I have enjoyed reading; the manner in which this informs and
broadens my understanding has been a key factor in my academic success. Charles Seife's
book 'Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea' discusses in detail concepts like the creation,
banishment and abuse of zero and its counterpart infinity. I was strongly drawn to how the
theories and conclusions made, could again be applied to other branches of science. As a
result of reading this text; I felt compelled to give a presentation based on its ideas to my
fellow Scholars during a recent Symposium. This helped develop my skills of mathematical
analysis, especially in the fields of Complex Numbers and Projectiles. My decision to study
Natural Sciences is driven as much by an appreciation of scientific method, as by content. I
have recently read 'Elegant Solutions' by Philip Ball, and 'The Curious History of Relativity'
by Jean Eisenstaedt, both awarded to me for excellence in Chemistry and Physics. These
books have furthered my knowledge of the fundamental experiments that have allowed
science to develop over time. However of even greater curiosity to me were the new theories
identified that have shaped experimentation in the last century, such as the destruction of the
long-held belief that the noble gases cannot form compounds with other elements. As with all
scientific disciplines, the process of challenging hypotheses enables the field to learn and
improve, and it is this problem based approach to learning that excites me further to pursue
my chosen degree course.

My fascination with the sciences is not restricted to my own understanding; I enjoy

sharing my knowledge and seeing other people reach the same epiphanies I have. To this end,
I initiated a lunchtime help club for Mathematics and Science, for students aged 11 through to
18. I enjoy the challenge of conveying complex ideas to younger students, and find this

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

process helps forge my own knowledge and opinions. To further my applied knowledge of the
sciences I have secured a week long work placement with Nu Instruments, a company
specialising in scientific equipment. Here I will gain first-hand experience of the technology
required to further experimentation and am especially motivated by the prospect of working
with a mass spectrometer.

I have been entrusted with a number of positions of responsibility during Upper Sixth,
demonstrating the work ethic and reliability I strive for. I hold the positions of Prefect and
Head of House, giving me responsibility to organise competitions and weekly assemblies for
a range of age groups. I have also been appointed Captain of the Senior Mathematics Team
Challenge, and furthermore I have been chosen as Captain of Clay Shooting for the last two
years. I have now been part of this team for 3 years, during which we have won the National
Championships twice and individually I am within the top 20 in Great Britain.

I truly aspire to be a student of Natural Science. Whilst I have a strong interest in each
individual subject, it is the connections between these disciplines that fascinate me most
greatly. I strongly believe that it is the people who can connect theories with practical
solutions that establish themselves as the great scientists, and it is these people I seek to

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Boxer, nhận được học bổng Đại học The University of Salford;
Thư mời học The University of Manchester, University of Leeds chuyên ngành
Computing/Computer Science.

My interest in computers and technology started when I was given a computer as a

present, at the age of ten. Because there was nobody to teach me how to use it, I had to teach
myself, experimenting with different options.

The fact that I wanted to learn more about computers was strengthened when I started
AS level computing. What I like about computing is that it covers a broad range of topics-
from computer structure to The Data Protection Act. It covers the applications in society as
well as core components that make up a typical computer. I particularly enjoyed learning
about internal components such as the CPU, and different types of hardware.

Taking physics helped me to increase understanding of the electronic aspects of

technology, and reinforced my knowledge of methods of communication, and the properties
of different waves used. I enjoyed learning about the fundamental aspects of how data is
transmitted - within the computer itself, and over a wider area such as networks. Both physics
and computing are my strongest subjects, and both involve using logic to solve problems,
which I like doing.

At the end of year 12, I was required to undertake a task during 'enrichment week'. I
chose to spend this week working at a computer business, ********. During this week, I had
to assemble computers for a business client, so gained knowledge on different components. I
also had to create and present a slideshow about Office 2007, to teach staff at a community
centre. For short periods I had to deal with customers, and perform common tasks, such as
operating system upgrades. The owner of ******** was a computer science graduate, and
this meant I could question him on course content which is shared with computing. The time I
spent at ******** cemented my desire to study computing at a higher level.

In school, I have helped raise money for charity by taking part in a sponsored walk.
During lunchtimes, I have helped supervise computer use in the library. Throughout high
school, I have taken part in the annual 'interform' football tournament which takes place every

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Outside of school, I play a lot of football during weekends, and have a brown belt in
karate. I am also a very passionate boxing fan, and regularly watch and debate about it.

I have noticed how computers are used all around me, from medical applications to
weather forecasting. E-business, a vital component of today's trade sector, is entirely
dependent on networks. Computers are used extensively in such a diverse range of places and
environments, and I would love to play a part in advancing the already thriving computer
industry. It fascinates me, how quickly technology moves forward. A few decades ago, simple
mailing using computers was out of the question. Nowadays, online shopping, virtual tours,
etc. are common practice on the Internet. It is what lies ahead that I would like to be part of.

In the future, I hope my interest in computers will enable me to become a systems

analyst. Embarking on such a degree would be very beneficial to me in terms of increasing
my knowledge and understanding. I am very enthusiastic and confident when it comes to
computer systems, and I feel that this will play a major part in helping me to fulfil my

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Calbay, nhận được thư mời học của Đại học York University,
chuyên ngành History of Art.

History of Art is the door to artistic, cultural, historical and personal enrichment. With
motivation and effort it can also lead to truly interesting career opportunities, most notably as
far as I am concerned, fine art auctioneer. It is one of the most appealing and diverse subjects
you can work with as it expresses itself through various supports. It allows you to gain access
to cultures throughout the world, their beliefs and history through a single still image, a
sculpture or even a white canvas.

Art is an uncompromised, satirical and beautiful gateway to the world and the history
of mankind. Art is not only beautiful, choking, impressive or esthetical, Art is a testimony of
historical patrimony, and this is one of the main reasons I want to study History of Art.

My interest in the subject started in my school years during which I obtained

outstanding grades in History, Art and Literature. My passion for the subject flowed out into
my social life as I attended weekly cultural seminars organized by "Les Amis des Arts et de la
Culture" in Monaco. For personal reasons I decided not go to university after completing my
Baccalaureat but this did not affect my interest in Art. In my spare time I developed a great
enthusiasm for photography. My grand-father taught me how to develop pictures when I was
13 and I was at once attracted to the mixture of art and information as captured by the
legendary Cartier Bresson. Furthermore, being able to step away from the world and become
more than a spectator was a welcome relief from a hard day's work.

During my professional experience I was fortunate enough to be involved in the "Dali

a Monte-Carlo" exhibition organized in Monaco during the summer of 2005, by contributing
to the research and drafting of the Press Book. This was a challenging and demanding task,
which involved to compiling and summarizing the content of the exhibition/show. I
thoroughly enjoyed carrying out an in-depth study of the artist as revealed by the photographs
exposed to the public, which were taken during the autumn he spent in Monaco. Recently I
have been fortunate enough to work as assistant to Walera Martynchik two nights a week,
which I believe, will greatly expand my artistic horizons.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Outside of Art I very much enjoy music including blues, folk, rock and jazz. During
my professional career I have had the good fortune to be involved in various radio and music
magazine based projects, culminating in an interview with Frank Black over a cup of tea after
the Pixies concert in Six-Fours-les-Bains. I try to attend concerts as often as possible as I
enjoy combination of the enthusiasm and spectacle with the music that create 'the show'. I am
also very much a travel enthusiast and recently traveled around South America. On my travels
I learnt Spanish, giving me a firsthand insight into the various foreign cultures.

All this considered, I would like to make Art a greater part of my life and turn my
passion for the subject into a career. I aim to work in an auction house, as a Fine Art specialist.
As a mature student, I can truly benefit from the cultural background I acquired through my
personal and professional activities and become a successful student.

I realize I still have so much to learn and discover and I believe that an undergraduate
course in History of Art presents me with the perfect opportunity to achieve my goals.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Callum, nhận được học bổng của The University of Durham,
University College London, The University of Warwick, Imperial College London, The
University of Edinburgh; chuyên ngành Mathematics

The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting
from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one
side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject. It is the closest we can ever
get to absolute truth, and therein lies its sheer beauty and the reason it is the only subject for
me. Of course, it's also a good deal of fun.

I have tried to extend my Maths as much as possible beyond the classroom, and
whenever I do so I uncover either some completely new and intriguing area of Mathematics or
a very neat trick I hadn't thought of in more familiar territory. One example of this is my
attendance at weekly lectures given by the department of Mathematics at Bristol University,
covering topics from the Mathematics of juggling to quantum mechanics, although some of
my favourites have been those on the less exotic "inequalities", which taught me a lot about
thinking about problems creatively.

I also attended a summer school run by the National Academy of Gifted and Talented
Youth at the University of Durham, where I spent two weeks being introduced to various
approachable first year undergraduate topics such as proof by induction, Markov chains and
using Maple. This experience not only allowed me to discover areas of Mathematics I would
not otherwise have encountered, but also gave me a small taste of university life, as there was
a large number of us living in one of the colleges.

I am also involved in the UKMT mentoring scheme, whereby each month I am given a
sheet of questions in areas not touched on at A level, such as geometry and number theory,
giving me a good opportunity to explore new mathematical ideas myself, and gain a much
deeper appreciation of the interconnections within Mathematics and the creation of proofs. I
am a member of the school's Maths team and we are regularly successful in competing against
teams from other schools in the area. I also attend STEP sessions at local schools when
available, as I find the questions much more interesting than the standard A level ones, and
thinking about how to solve them has greatly improved my rigour in approaching problems.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Among the mathematical books I have read, I enjoyed "Godel, Escher, Bach", which
gives a good grounding in axiomatic reasoning and formal systems, whilst at the same time
pointing out their major flaw. I also liked "To infinity and beyond" by Eli Maor, which deals
with the concept of infinity, its implications and its paradoxes, both in Maths and elsewhere.

I particularly enjoy the pure side of the A level syllabus, especially trigonometry and
calculus, as they involve a certain degree of proof and introduce new concepts. I believe my
other academic subjects all complement Mathematics as they are about finding ways of
describing reality, be it through language in French or through equations and models in
Physics and Chemistry. I find Critical Thinking especially relevant as it is about the
construction of sound logical arguments, an art lying at the heart of Mathematics in proof. I
have acheived an A grade in all modules across all my subjects.

In my spare time, I practise kickboxing, and have competed in various local

competitions. As a volunteer, I am involved in a year seven Maths mentoring scheme and help
at a homeless shelter. I enjoy travelling, and will be going to Nicaragua for a month after my
A levels to help in a small village, explore the local jungles and volcanoes and practise my
Spanish. I lived in France from the ages of 9 to 12, and learnt to adapt to a new language and

I very much look forward to exploring the new ideas of University level Mathematics,
and playing a full part in University life.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Carrin, nhận được học bổng Đại học The University of
Westminster chuyên ngành Environmental Biotechnology.

How do we fight an environmental crisis? In a country like Pakistan, where concerns

such as fighting terrorism, poverty, and corruption dominate the stage, it is unnerving to see
how this question is often sidelined. I did not always think like this, however.

My inclination towards Science and natural adeptness at it became obvious when, in

fifth grade, I was honoured with an Award for Excellence in General Science. My prize
comprised of two books: one on General Geography, and the other about Volcanoes.
Thereafter, I was drawn towards scientific films and books. I started learning how thousands
of intricate processes work in harmony within and around the Earth to achieve equilibrium.
This fascination escalated over the years. I also noticed how I had a greater aptitude for
Biology than the other natural sciences; beyond doubt, there is no system as elaborately
fashioned as the living organism.

I was introduced to Environmental Sciences through coincidence. My mind was set: I

wanted to choose a field that had room for scientific research, and as I sifted through the
innumerable pages of my chosen university's prospectus, I was exclusively inclined towards it.
The theme sounded intriguing, fresh, and unique; it did not restrict me to any single branch of
science. Then, as I researched the subject further, I began to see the vast width of its
application to my surroundings. My people drink out of rivers contaminated with toxic
effluents, live among solid waste disposal sites labelled 'landfills' by leaders, breathe air so
heavily laden with pollutants that it is difficult to see through. I concluded without hesitation
that this is the field I want to pursue.

I chose this course because it combines my passion for environmental concerns with
my favourite limb of science, topped with the potential for research. Reader's Digest, National
Geographic, Biomass Digest and other scientific websites serve as a rewarding pass-time.
Today, Biotechnology is increasingly being used for the advantage of human beings. Biofuels,
for example, are being developed to replace non-renewable fossil fuels; plants and animals are
being genetically bred to meet the growing population's demand for food; bioremediation is
serving as the ultimate solution to land contamination by oil spills. I believe that it does not
end here. There is a wealth of untapped potential in the application of Biotechnology to

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

counter environmental issues, and I have faith that time dedicated to research in this field will
bear fruit.

In my second year at University, I led my department's team to victory in the country's

biggest Science Olympiad: LUMS PsiFi'10. We participated in three major events, the most
appealing of which was 'Earthophilia'. Each team was given a photograph depicting a real-
time environmental problem in the city and was given 2-3 weeks to devise a scientific and
economically workable solution, requiring thorough research and hours of brainstorming. As
a team lead, I made a conscious effort to treat each member's opinion as equally valuable, and
kept myself open to constructive criticism. During this time, I lost my mother to Brain
Hemorrhage. However, I realized that opportunities like this do not present themselves often,
and so trudged ahead. The week preceding the competition was mostly spent rehearsing and
guiding team fellows through the presentation lay-out, the title of which was 'Integrated
Action Plan to reduce Vehicular Emissions'. We wrapped it up with a Cost-Benefit Analysis
of the proposed strategy to prove its economic feasibility. It was an immensely enjoyable way
of learning how to adjust to a completely different environment, to handle the pressures of a
deadline, and to be a responsible and composed team leader. I believe I will continue to
contribute through similar extra-curricular involvement in the future.

I also interned on-campus with a team for the quantification and formal reporting of
Carbon Sinks. The objective was to take remedial measures for combating the surplus
pollution. We spent entire evenings measuring the surface area of leaves and counting trees
for approximation, simultaneously compiling our work in an Excel spreadsheet. The job was
tedious, but rewarding. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I played some role,
however small, towards making our University 'green'.

I feel even strongly when I think about Pakistan as a whole. I want to contribute
towards a positive change in the country's environment. Ideally, this would be via the next
breakthrough in Environmental Science, but realistically, through a life of hard work
dedicated to my country's development and maturation. I believe that my varied interests and
capabilities will find home in the UK, and I am sure this course will satiate my appetite for
research-oriented learning. I hope to return to Pakistan polished, and equipped with
knowledge that will benefit its environment in a creative, economical and innovative way.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Cortneigh, nhận được học bổng Đại học King's College London,
University College London, The University of Edinburgh chuyên ngành Biotechnology.

The possibilities of biotechnology first intrigued me when I watched Jurassic park. I

ran around my house asking if it was possible to bring back dinosaurs, and spent the rest of
my childhood imagining that it was. My parents sparked my curiousity by taking me to places
like the petrified forest national park in Arizona or skiing in the rocky mountains. This is
where my inherent passion for the sciences came about. An amalgamation of experience and
education made me the person I am today.

After reading Stephen Hawking's 'The Theory of Everything', I was amazed by how
vast our universe is. We only understand a fraction of it. Ever since, I have incorporated my
studies with the world around me. I'm interested by the development of new ways to solve
modern problems. People rejoice when they learn that coal production is declining. However,
sulphur released from coal produces a 'shield' in the atmosphere and is actually responsible for
keeping temperatures somewhat stable; another factor scientists must consider. My passion
for biology has grown immense over the years. It started when a friend and I were inspired to
work out after watching Arnold Schwarzenegger films. Being biology students, we
immediately started researching methods for the fastest gains. We studied various factors like:
the effects of consuming creatine monohydrate and the different types of workouts. Indirectly,
we covered part of our A-level syllabus in the ninth grade. Fascination with the practicalities
of science had manifested the applications of it in our lives.

Every year, my family visits rural villages in Uttar Pradesh. Living in the villages
allows me to appreciate the things I'm blessed with. I've also learned that crude forms of
biotechnology are ubiquitous. In many houses cow dung is piled up in underground chambers.
Pipes from the chambers connect to gas cylinders and provide methane to light gas stoves. My
goal is to make modern biotechnology prominent in these villages.

Succeeding in biotechnology requires knowledge drawn from an eclectic mix of

subjects. I'm currently finishing my A-levels with biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics,
and art. Art has helped me appreciate aesthetics and has taught me the importance of
dedication. I was one of the few students chosen to attend the UNIS-UN conference in New
York. The theme for the conference was 'The Web: Wiring our World'. For the film
competition, we composed a short film focusing on the defects of the internet, and won first

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

place. After returning, I started the school debate club with a friend. Maintaining the club
taught us cooperation and leadership skills. Debating is particularly useful when my friends
and I argue about the ethical issues surrounding modern biotechnology. I can express my
views lucidly, advocating my passion.

One thing that makes me happy is giving. In America, my friends and I ran a service
that provided help to students in the neighbourhood, called 'Homework Helper'. We would
help out younger children with their homework, and in the process finish our own work. In
my current school, I am part of the Interact club. We take time every month to visit
underprivileged children and teach them how to read and write. Other hobbies of mine include
drama and on-stage improvisation. Acting in school plays has shown me the significance of
body language in our everyday interactions. Living in America and India has taught me the
importance of culture in our society. I express culture through my music when I play the
guitar. Meeting people around the world has emphasized the importance of perspective.
Everyone is unique, yet we all share a common goal of happiness.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Dean, nhận được học bổng tại King's College London và The
University of York chuyên ngành Philosophy.

“The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity”. I
believe that when the mind is allowed to think outside the pre-defined constraints of society,
the different directions in which it can travel are infinite.

Philosophy for me is the basis on which our lives are based and after reading
Aristotle‟s Ethics, it is fascinating to find that a lot of the beliefs I hold are so similar to those
held by someone who lived over two thousand years ago. My main inspiration for taking
Philosophy is Socrates and his unapologetic moral compass. Even when confronted with his
own mortality, he refuses to take the easy option that would compromise what he believes in,
for me Socrates incorporates everything I feel a good person should be. I am most interested
in learning about Ancient Greek philosophy because I feel that in this day and age, the
majority of people have lost sight of the basic principles of morals and ethics written by the
likes of Plato and Aristotle all those years ago. I also believe like Descartes that I must forget
everything I think I know about life and start from the beginning and the next step for me is

I have particularly enjoyed studying Dr Carol Dweck‟s theories of Intelligence. I

related to this study because I feel that it summed up my years at school almost perfectly. For
most of my childhood up until the end of my teenage years my view on intelligence was, as
Dr Dweck theorizes, the “Entity theory of intelligence”. Threatened by failure I have shied
away from academic study, because I felt that failure indicated a lack of intelligence and
because of this view I never committed myself to my studies. My views on this have radically
changed over the last 7 years and I now believe that intelligence is interchangeable, that if
curiosity is ignited in the right way, it can be enhanced with the only limitation being yourself.

I am currently a student of Psychology and Politics which I am really enjoying. It is

exciting to be back in a learning environment and I feel that even though I have done a lot of
reading at home, nothing compares to being able to debate a point and question reasoning face
to face. I have always been an enthusiastic reader but my thirst for knowledge and
understanding didn‟t really explode until I was 18. The advancement in available material
through the internet has helped me in my quest to learn and understand anything and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

everything. I have read a huge amount of material on many varying subjects from the
philosophy of war and pacifism to the psychology behind serial killers and the study of love.

My questions are questions not only about the world around me but questions about
myself as a human being, is my moral compass true and just? Or does an era a person lives in
determine what they perceive to be right and wrong and why? For me this is a journey of self-
discovery, analysing myself, what I am and how I have come to be the way I am is just as
important to me as understanding the world around me.

I believe that stimulating the body is just as important as stimulating the mind so next
year I will be taking part in the Virgin London Marathon on behalf of the World Wide Fund
for Nature. I am also fairly well travelled and lived in Australia for 2 years, I also did charity
work in Bolivia and have visited Peru, Thailand and Laos amongst others. Leonardo Da Vinci
was once asked what the key to his genius was; his reply was simple “Sapere Vedere” which
translates as „Knowing how to see‟. For me understanding the mind and combining this with
the basic principles of what it is to be aware, to be human, our interactions and what we think
to be right and wrong is so important.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Demshy, nhận được học bổng của The University of Manchester,
The University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, The University of Nottingham, The
University of Liverpool; chuyên ngành Business & Management

From a very young age, I have been interested in the way businesses are run: how
shops are laid out, how they sell themselves to the customer, asking myself why are video
games so differently priced? My enthusiasm for Business Studies and Management grew from
a visit in my youth to my father's newspaper office at Canary Wharf. I was intrigued by the
amount of work and effort that was put into running a daily newspaper, wondering how it was
possible to manage so many people and run a business that involved such careful delegation
and use of time.

Studying Business Studies at A level strengthened these early interests. I am

particularly interested in the human behaviour side of business, and have been keen to explore
motivation What makes people tick? What drives them forward? The world in which we live
is increasingly dominated by businesses, so what could be more captivating than studying the
most powerful collections of people on the planet? These dynamic organisations not only
reflect but create the values of contemporary societies, shaping our beliefs and lifestyle
choices. Psychology at A level has taught me all about human interaction and how our minds

On a larger scale, Economics A level has shown me the structural role Economics
plays in our lives. It explains how goods are priced, how markets ebb and flow, how the laws
of demand and supply determine so much of what we do, and condition the environment
around us. Economics also supplies knowledge of how business developments work and their
impacts which are likely to succeed and those that will almost certainly fail. All three of these
A levels have also made practical use of my mathematical skills gained at AS level and
IGCSE, in which I achieved an A*.

My voluntary work experience at Google headquarters in London really reinforced my

desire to study Business. It gave me a fascinating insight into how one of the most rapidly
growing, successful global businesses operates. The highlight was organising a YouTube
press meeting, and I gained valuable skills in communication and interaction with others in a
working environment. I was particularly intrigued to know more about the connections
between different teams. I am currently working at ******** department store in ******, as

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

a "mobile" sales assistant, moving around the departments and getting a wide range of views
on how the company gels together. Again, it is interesting being on the inside, seeing and
hearing how the company behaves and thinks.

I am a competitive chess player. I see chess as an exercise of infinite possibilities for

the mind; one which develops mental abilities used throughout life: concentration, thinking
ahead, problem solving, strategic planning and creativity. I was primary school chess
champion, going the whole season undefeated when I was 10 years old. More recently, I was
competent enough to receive a school service tie for my skills and I regularly play in the 1st

Tennis is another major passion. I have played since I was six and play for my school
and for my club. In tennis, mastery of the mind is the crucial factor to win; every time I play I
encounter a wide range of psychological problems. I was the School Captain when I was 15
years old, reached the final of the ******** open tournament and also play for *******
Club's tennis academy. This improved my leadership abilities as I learnt how to organise the
team, motivate players and improve spirit and team morale. These skills would be highly
transferable to a business environment.

I am also a keen footballer, having played for various school teams at all ages, and
was my school's social league top scorer last season with 21 goals in 12 games.

I am looking forward to continuing these past times alongside my degree, and think
my natural business inquisition and drive for success, in any task I set myself, would make me
ideally suited to studying Business or Management at university.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của sinh viên Florence, nhận được học bổng của Đại học University of
Portsmouth, The University of Hull, The University of Liverpool cho chuyên ngành Law
with Business

From an early age, Law has always been number one priority in my vision of the
future. Probably because of my father's profession (he is Head of the Regional Criminal
Police), I have always been intrigued by Criminology and the idea of analyzing and solving
tangled cases. To be a Private Investigator was one of my dreams for a long time. On the
other hand, I am completely aware that the world of criminology is full of risks, sleepless
nights and health hazards. That is the reason why I see Business Law not only as a chance for
prosperity, but also of a life devoid of fears and restlessness. I am confident that the
combination of business and legal studies would enable me to show the best of my intellectual
capacity and prosper in a competitive commercial environment. Having obtained a degree in
Business Law, I will be able to enjoy a successful career in any of the following spheres:
banking and finance, accountancy, local and central government, business and commerce, the
police and prison services etc.

In primary school, Mathematics, Literature and English were always my favourites.

Analytical thinking and problem-solving kept me active and entertained. Later, at high school,
Informatics was my core subject, while my undoubted favorites were Philosophy, Ethics and
Law and Psychology. Thus, along with my Mathematics classes (over 200 per year) and
Informatics, my interest in reading Law at university grew significantly. Last year, my
Geography teacher announced that 25 high school students will have the opportunity to go to
Strasbourg, visit the European Parliament and take part in the Euroscola project. Being
interested in the European institutions, I promised myself to be one of those who get to be
there. To achieve that, I had to take exams in English and European integration. Not only did I
take them, but I ranked 5th among the best 25 students (and 1st of all girls). Winning that
competition gave me more than just a visit at the European Parliament: I improved my social
and teamwork skills, presented in front of a big audience and enhanced my enthusiasm to
work in the sphere of Law. Now, I am hoping to win a competition which will allow me to
visit the Science Parliament in Aachen in March 2010.

Thanks to my participation in the international Comenius Project "From Sky To Tap" I

enjoyed an unforgettable trip to Sicily and developed my communication skills significantly.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Later on I took an apprenticeship at the City Hall, and for a week I acted as a personal
interpreter to councilors from Liverpool and Indonesia.

A number of extracurricular activities have helped me develop important skills: I can

proudly say that my 7-year, successfully accomplished piano education, contributed greatly to
the development of my auditory memory and helped me improve my confidence in front of a
big audience. My long standing tennis practice is the basis of my competitive spirit. Sport
taught me concentration and determination to win. I hope to continue with my favourite sport,
thus keeping fit and healthy, doing something I enjoy and competing for my university.

I choose the UK as my study destination because British universities are renowned for
their well-balanced academic programmes which offer opportunities for professional
development through teamwork and participation in research projects. I will have the chance
to prove that I am capable of understanding and mastering complex information and learn to
express myself and write with the proper confidence in English. Working hard on my
assignments and meeting deadlines will prepare me for the real world of Business. A degree
course at a British university will allow me to live for a few years in a country of rich cultural
traditions and will also enhance my career opportunities in the future.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Gabriel, nhận được học bổng của Đại học Cambridge University,
London School of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of
Bristol, The University of Sheffield, chuyên ngành International Relations

The Middle East has always been a political hot zone, at the center of international
disputes which gain worldwide attention. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the
region has acted as a battlefield for other nations, making stability in the area an impossible
feat. Growing up in the Middle East, I became accustomed to hearing political discussions at
every social gathering. I came to realize that as an Arab, and a Lebanese especially, politics
was an inescapable part of my life.

Since the assassination of Prime Minister Rafic Al-Hariri in 2005, Lebanon has been
thrown into a miasma of pandemonium, venality, and civil unrest. The ongoing international
investigation has generated much controversy in Lebanon as it unveiled the warped political
system and the corruption that seems to have infiltrated the highest ranks of government
officials. However, it became apparent that the incident was bigger than the Lebanese political
arena. It was orchestrated by greater world players and designed to have consequences on an
international scale.

Eager to know more about the event that shook the very foundations of my country, I
became an avid participant in political discussions and followed the news daily. The
complexity of international relations became a fascination. I was intrigued by the way nations
interact with each other in today’s increasingly interdependent world. I am looking forward to
spending the next three years exploring this phenomenon in detail.

My History A-Level course has been an excellent introduction into the multifaceted
world of International Politics. It has equipped me with valuable skills that are undoubtedly
essential for a future diplomat. I have learned to analyze sources thoroughly and synthesize
information to form well-reasoned arguments. I was required to participate in debates as part
of the course. I was voted captain, therefore, it was my responsibility to delegate tasks and
encourage co-operation among my teammates; a task that developed my leadership, teamwork,
and organization skills.

The debates, along with my involvement in the drama club, developed my public
speaking and communication abilities, giving me the confidence that I will need to partake in

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

university discussions and presentations. Last year I was presented with four awards from the
Cambridge International Examinations Board for achieving top results in IGCSEs. The one I
am most proud of is “Top of the World” in English Literature. The skills required to analyze a
work of literature are similar to those needed in evaluating a political excerpt.

The activity I feel has most prepared me for working in the field of politics, however,
is Student Council. My position as Vice-President and this year as President has honed my
diplomatic competency and taught me how to negotiate successfully. The proceedings from
our events went towards various charities. Aside from academia, I have a great passion for
piano. I am currently at Level 5. Eager to impart my love for this beautiful and expressive art,
I gave piano lessons to two young girls. As for athletics, I was part of the swimming team for
three consecutive years and have recently developed an interest in soccer.

I aspire to represent Lebanon in an international organization and take part in shaping

its foreign policy. On the risk of sounding presumptuous, I hope to be able to make a
difference in the world. Studying in the UK will surely put me on the right track towards
achieving my dreams. As a Lebanese-Canadian citizen, I hope that I can reciprocate the favor
and contribute to the diverse and stimulating student body.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Garikai, nhận được học bổng Đại học The University of
Birmingham, Aston University, Cardiff University chuyên ngành Biomedical Science.

To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless
discovery; I am in awe of how much humanity has been shaped by medical advances, paving
the way for new cures and better anatomical understanding. Civilisation itself relies solely
upon such advances, thus the urge to contribute to an ever-changing profession has long since
ignited my interest in a biomedical science course.

Alongside the need to apply Biology based science to medical use, the opportunity to
further study the complexity of the human body has provided the motivation to steer me
towards a well regarded and compelling specialty such as this.

To grasp a practical understanding of what biomedicine entails, I volunteered to assist

at the Wolverhampton Hospital for a week. Under the guidance of a Geriatrician, I observed
ward rounds and often engaged elderly patients in conversation, which only fuelled my desire
to partake in a role that strives to improve the healthcare of the wider community. Most of my
time was spent touring the haematology department were I was introduced to fascinating
clinical concepts such as haemodialysis.

Observing laboratory work was an ideal opportunity to gain a profound awareness of

diagnosis and blood abnormalities like Sickle Cells Anaemia and Leukemia. Alongside the
biomedical experience I also took part in exciting medical procedures, a few of which
involved using a stethoscope to detect heart murmurs and respiratory problems.

Furthermore, I have also helped out at my local hospital and although this second
work experience lacked the biomedical aspects I desired, working with paraplegic patients
opened my eyes to the importance of medicine in general and reinforced my desire to aim for
a future in biomedical science.

My dedication to the course and general love for science is reflected in my A' level
subject choices, where innovative thinking and self motivated study skills are key. Biology
and Chemistry provide an analytic aspect of learning, while Maths and Physics help develop
the logical problem solving skills which are heavily required in any healthcare profession.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I also enjoy absorbing a wide variety of medical related opinions and often yearn for
new ways to nurture my interest in this area. I am enthusiastic to develop my scientific
knowledge; I find reading the works of Roger Watson help promote an already blossoming
fascination with the human anatomy. At school I assist in the organisation of welcome club
sessions for Year 7 students. Teaching Biology and Art to younger pupils has not only
improved my interpersonal and leadership abilities, but helped me mature as a well rounded
person who prides himself in inspiring others.

Moreover, I have been involved in school affairs as Year 10 and 11 Representative,

speaking on behalf of my form group during School Council meetings. The determination I
have displayed throughout my schooling career will prove vital at University were endurance
is most desired.

Beyond the academic field I frequently partake in various sporting activities,

Badminton and Tennis in particular. I have successfully represented my school at a
competitive level during local events and competitions. As a member of the Gifted and
Talented scheme for Art and Music I have always shown an undying interest and natural flair
in the arts, and so regularly take the time to explore this creativity on canvas. I also take
pleasure in playing guitar and though I am self-taught, I find it enjoyable and eminently

Ultimately, I consider myself to be a well rounded, sociable individual driven by the

aspiration to help improve people's lives by contributing to the advancement of healthcare.
My own scientific ideology is based on the notion that society will always depend upon
medical innovations to remedy all illness and bodily complications. Therefore, this is
something I hugely anticipate and hope to achieve through a biomedical course at university

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Haidar E Karrar, nhận được học bổng tại Lancaster University,
The University of Birmingham, University of East Anglia chuyên ngành Maths &
Computer Science.

I believe that Mathematics is a key part of life. Being ambitious and willing to face
challenges, asking questions and exploring problems without quite knowing how the solution
will emerge are the key to my interest in Mathematics. My studies in Mathematics and
Further Mathematics at A level have strengthened my interest in this subject and have shown
me a complete new world of Mathematics. In particular, I have enjoyed studying networks
and calculus. It was exciting to find that Mathematical techniques could be used to solve real
life problems such as differential equations that can be solved to design astonishing buildings.

In addition to retaining a strong interest in Mathematics, my fascination for computers

has also grown. Creating a website as part of my I.C.T coursework allowed me to use
programming language such as „HTML‟ to make an efficient website. It was easy to use and
quite interesting to find out that programming language is an algorithm designed for
computers to carry tasks quickly. My decision to apply for the joint course was confirmed
after I attended two summer schools. After attending a number of lectures I understood what
computer science consists of and its importance in our fast developing world. I found that
there is a “sea of knowledge” to be discovered, and by studying a joint honours at degree level
in such closely related subjects, as Mathematics and Computer Science will give me a broad
range of skills and expertise which I could use to solve multifaceted problems in the future.

As part of my community placement in year 12, I provided Mathematics support for

students with language difficulties. As I am trilingual, it was easy for students to
communicate with me and get the best support. Similarly a work experience at a warehouse in
year 11 gave me a great opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds.
Through these placements, I have improved my communication skills, confidence, teamwork
and independent working skills. Recently I have become a prefect and have joined the Young
Enterprise Group. I am looking forward to taking on the responsibilities involved. In addition,
I have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh „Silver‟ awards, which was very challenging. I
worked as part of a team, which helped me to build up my interpersonal and time
management skills. I believe the skills I have gained will be extremely useful at university to
help me succeed.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Alongside my studies I believe physical fitness is important in life, therefore in my

leisure times I swim and run. Additionally, the opportunity to play in a volleyball team has
enabled me to work as part of a group. Being a member of a team has required regular
commitment to training and a high level of self motivation, and these skills are some of the
skills that I can use at university to help me be on top of my work and to motivate friends and
team members to do well.

I am sure that having a Joint Honours Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science
will give me transferable skills which I could use in a variety of careers. I am currently
investigating a number of areas that appeal to me, including software engineering and further
postgraduate studies. I am proud of my achievements and am open minded. I intend to
approach the future positively and have many aspirations as to what I am going to do at
university. I know that I will encounter new opportunities, make new friends and rise to the
exciting challenge of university life!

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Hajira, nhận được học bổng Đại học Imperial College London,
King's College London, London School of Economics, University College London, Royal
Holloway chuyên ngành Maths.

Mathematical logic and concepts underlie functionality of practically every process

from rocket science to the budget of a household. It is this diversity of application that
intrigues me and makes me want to study it in depth. I feel it will give me logistic and
reasoning abilities that are pivotal for virtually all areas of study, consequently giving a very
strong base for a wide range of careers. My interest in mathematics dates back to primary
school - I have enjoyed the challenge ever since.

Throughout my O'levels in Pakistan, I received merit certificates not only for math but
for all other science subjects as well. I have always marveled at the interrelation between
these and math, and have always sought to explore their common underlying principles.

An opportunity to do that was when I was among the 40 top candidates selected, from
all over Pakistan, by Buraq Planetary Society to participate in a ten day ‘Space Camp’. Here I
was not only exposed to wider prospects of knowledge, but was given an invaluable
experience of interaction with like-minded people. I also gained useful communication skills
and a great confidence boost.

Due to a clash in my timetable during O'Levels, I could not take Additional

Mathematics at school. Nevertheless, I decided to study the course on my own initiative. I
managed to grasp the syllabus’ concepts during year 11 and achieved 96% on the paper. This
was a great sense of achievement for me and encouragement to pursue my interest further.

Having had no formal lessons, I developed an independent, self-reliant approach to

maths which I believe is crucial for university level study. Achieving the maximum number of
A grades ever in my school’s 25 year history, I was offered a full scholarship for A'Levels.
However, I was not able to avail it as I moved to the UK.

I have always been active in extra curricular. Due to my immense interest in singing I
have always been in the school choir and participated in many competitions and festivals
including one in which I performed a solo for an audience of 2000. I also appeared in a
weekly musical program for three years on national television.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

At school, I was elected the house Captain by the entire student body. This required a
high degree of leadership as well as organisational skills and involved an active role in the
student council, which meant coordinating major social events and sport competitions where I
was responsible for pulling together teams for my house. This experience invariably taught
me to strike a sensible balance between academics and extra curricular activities.

Last year I completed a work experience placement in an engineering firm, Enotrac,

that mainly involved computer based investigation reports . Although the work itself was not
directly related to my field, it was useful in giving me an insight to a professional atmosphere.

I'm looking forward to experiencing university life - it will not only give me the
academic grounds to get into careers like actuarial science, research and commerce, but the
social experience in itself is something to look forward to.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Herrik, nhận được thư mời học của Đại học Manchester
University, Liverpool University, Leeds University; Học bổng Đại học Leicester
University, Durham University, Newcastle University chuyên ngành Medicine.

From an early age I have been fascinated by the workings of life. The human body is a
remarkable machine with many diverse systems producing an organism that could never be
artificially reproduced. My love of science is just one of my reasons for choosing medicine. I
enjoy a challenge particularly towards a rewarding objective and although medicine is a tough
career it can be enormously gratifying, highlighted by the doctors I have spoken to during my
experience and on a personal level.

To further my insight into the medical field I participated in a work shadowing week
at a GP surgery. I gained a valuable understanding of the workings of the surgery, with
opportunities to observe and speak to the doctors regarding a medical career.

I arranged another placement week myself at a local hospital, which was a superb
opportunity to observe medicine from another point of view. I observed the ward rounds, an
MRI scan, a skin biopsy and an endosocpy clinic all which I found interesting. I spent the
most time with the haematology team, responsible for patients with diseases such as Chronic
Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML), haematology being one of my interests it was captivating
that I could see the specialty from a more complex side than the AS biology course. For
example I was able to understand how the level of platelets affects blood clotting.

Throughout the week I expanded my confidence and communication skills through

speaking to patients and doctors. Although I enjoyed the week it was at times extremely heart-
rending, I was able to get close to many of the terminally ill patients helping and caring for
them where I could, getting them tea or just talking and empathising with them to build their
spirits. I volunteered at a local home for the elderly which was very rewarding as I built my
caring skills, helping residents by making them tea or playing cards with them. At school I
took part in a paired reading scheme for 6 months where I was able to help young children to
read, speaking and listening to them to help their English. All my experience has made me
more determined to accomplish my ambition to be a doctor.

My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in my A-Level

choices where good time management, self motivated study skills and ability to cope with

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

stress and pressure are essential. Biology and chemistry have helped me further my interest
and develop my analytical skills, maths helps my problem solving skills helping me to work
logically and ICT gives me a valuable insight into the rapidly developing technological world
where computers are crucial.

I believe all the qualities I have developed through my courses are essential for any
good doctor. I have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which enabled me to
achieve a first aid certificate including cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. I also
enhanced my inter-personal, communication and team building abilities, valuable skills for
any medical occupation, as I witnessed during my experience. For 2 years I have volunteered
at a local vet hospital observing and helping out 2 hours per week communicating with the
public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factual books to expand my general

To relax, I enjoy sports including football, and cricket for which I was captain of the
school team and my local team for the past 3 years improving my leadership skills. I also
recently rekindled my childhood passion for golf, another pastime I enjoy even if it is a little

I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the social and
academic challenges of university. I am aware of the demands of a medical career but my
commitment and desire to become a doctor has only been strengthened through my
experience and work in a voluntary capacity.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của sinh viên HiraKay, nhận được học bổng của Đại học Bristol
University và Birmingham University cho chuyên ngành Dentistry.

I have always felt that we, as humans, have an inborn desire to want to help others.
Having been raised amongst doctors, this passion has blossomed into a responsibility I am
beginning to understand, through my choice of studies and extra curricula. I believe dentistry
is my permanent source of satisfaction, providing the best of professional, and personal
aspects of life. Today, dentists do more than drill and fill their patients' teeth; they improve
the quality of life of people through diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oral diseases and
conditions involving teeth and surrounding tissues. The statement, 'as long as people will have
mouths, people will need dentists' highlights how a dentist is an imperative necessity of the
society and has convinced me to pursue dentistry as a means of serving the community.

To gain an insight into the real world of dentistry I joined the dental unit in a private
hospital. Here, I observed many procedures including Root Canal Treatment. Collaboration
with staff and interaction with patients proved fascinating. The idea of how dentists give
patients from all walks of life a confident smile, and forge a close bond with them over time
impressed me. Moreover, shadowing inspirational figures such as my Aunt, who taught me
the fine traits of a dentist; a dentist I worked with; and reading successful dentists' interviews
online has enlightened me to the commitment required, likewise, the challenges which lie
ahead. Knowing I am capable, as reflected by my academic achievements, my fervour to fulfil
my ambition as dentist has intensified - with no trace of doubt in my mind.

I worked in my school canteen as an accountant; I was then promoted to a manager

and was the first student to become one. As manager I had to multitask: train employees,
delegate work, command and monitor my subordinates despite their seniority, tackle pressure,
make quick decisions, accommodate customers and respond to complaints. Handling canteen
matters alongside attending lessons taught me time management which will help me become
an efficient dentist. In addition, I worked at a preschool with children from a myriad of
countries. Among them was a disabled child. This taught me to be unprejudiced, appreciate
diversity and enhanced my interactive skills, which are essential as dentistry is a social
practice. I also volunteered at a charity art exhibition which aided my communication skills,
and ability to follow orders.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

As for extracurricular activities, athletics has played a major role in my life. It has
aided my fitness, stamina, eye to hand co-ordination, reflexes to varied stimuli and ability to
rise up to challenges. Individual activities have promoted my independence, whereas team
sports have enhanced my teamwork and interpersonal skills. In addition, captainship has
boosted my leadership and organisational skills as well as sense of responsibility and

To counter the stress from studies, I engage myself in card games which have
developed my strategic thinking. I also listen to music, watch TV, socialise with my friends,
bake and read. Frequent hand stitching and clay modelling have improved my precision and
manual dexterity considerably, which are vital since dentistry encompasses an artistic flair.

Besides admiring England's education and greenery, completing my studies in the

country where my schooling initially began would be an honour beyond words. Due to my
father's job in Riyadh, I wasn't able to continue; now is my chance. My Irish nationality has
facilitated my annual visits to the UK and familiarity to the country; hence, moving will be a
smooth transition. I believe my dedication to my future career, coupled with my skills and
attributes will help me adapt to university life and guarantee me success in this demanding

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Hong Yu, nhận được học bổng Đại học University of Bath và The
University of Nottingham chuyên ngành Architecture.

My application for your university stems from my desire to study at one of the best
universities in the world and from my internationalist perspective as a world traveller. It also
ensues from my deep passion for art, my appreciation of architecture, and my yearning to be
amongst those who create the changing skylines that form our cities. Christopher Wren once
said, 'Architecture aims at eternity'. I can think of no better way to achieve eternity than to
help create buildings of tomorrow that preserve the ideas of today. Ultimately, we are judged
by what we leave behind.

Art has always been my true passion, and every forms of art has captivated me since I
was a small child. I sought pleasure, for example, in my surroundings during my encounters
with various forms of art-whether it was a building, a person, or a photograph capturing a

I have lived in diverse countries, such as Brazil, Taiwan, China, and presently Macau,
which has allowed me to reflect upon extrinsic lifestyles and fully immerse myself in other
languages and cultures. As I move from one country to another, I capture the images of these
cultures and designs through sketches and photographs which I collect. Time and again these
mementos transport me back to distant lands.

This opportunity to combine my love for art and design with a career is once in a
lifetime. Over the last two years, I have worked at two medium-scale architecture firms across
Asia. Through my work experience as an intern, I've come to realize that architecture is a
special overpass between imagination, reality, creativity, and a world of dreams. I've learned
that no successful project emerges from a singular idea or person. Rather, it requires extensive
communication with a team of engineers, contractors, consultants, and the craftsmen who
work on a building to achieve the greatest possible effect. Learning from the collective
expertise of my team has not only illustrated how each project involves more than simply
designing a building, but it has also demonstrated how creating and managing a construction
project is logical, organized, and defined.

Since childhood, I have been attracted to the distinctive national identity of a building
style. A house, for example, can be indicative of a people, the time it was built, and the way a

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

particular society functions. From my perspective, a home or building is a projection of so

much more than bricks and mortar; it is the capsule in which people live, work, and socialise.
It is also a record of how we organise and live our lives. As a designer, I constantly find
myself pondering ways to make people's lives better, both aesthetically and practically.

I enjoy studying languages, and I have found that being multilingual has given me a
certain advantage. On a study holiday, I attended an English language course at Stafford
House, Imperial College, London. Aside from finding the language study interesting, I
explored London and discovered it to be a fascinating city with its blend of the ancient and
modern. Outside my studies, I enjoy drawing and attend sketch classes every week to refine
my perceptive awareness of still-life subjects.

I am disciplined in my approach. I study hard and I am not afraid to take initiative. In

pursuit to enhance my drafting skills using industry-standard software, I have completed
many AutoCAD drafting courses and have become an Autodesk AutoCAD certified
professional. My commitment, work ethic, and self-motivation allow me to strive for the
highest possible standards.

Considering my life experiences abroad and my determination to be the best at what I

do, I believe I have much to offer your university. My ambition is to contribute to society by
introducing a particular sophistication where harmony and beauty coalesce. Moreover, I am
sociable, personable, and a great asset to any team. Please allow me to move forward and take
my education and career to this next exciting stage.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân giúp Janet Lerner dành được học bổng Fullbright ngành Earthquake
Dynamics (Học bổng Fullbright yêu cầu 2 bài luận)

1. Personal Statement

I decided that I wanted to be a scientist while I was still in elementary school, but even
in high school where I was praised for my academic successes, my relatives were still against
the whole idea. My grandma still asks me every Christmas what my major is and once I start
telling her about earthquakes and mountain formation, she quickly changes the subject.
Coming from a small town in Mythic County and being only the second person on either side
of my family to attend college, it has been an ongoing issue to convince my family that a
person, let alone a woman, can make a living doing geologic research.

As a freshman at Mythic University, I was accepted for a research assistantship

designed for incoming freshman women. Through this program I worked with a Mythic
University geochemistry professor on the sequestration of pollutants in aquifers. Going into
the program, I expected merely to be washing lab equipment and capping bottles, but instead I
got to make solutions, run pH experiments and learn how to use spectroscopy instruments. By
my sophomore year, I was running samples and interpreting data.

The spring of my sophomore year I applied for a research course that required me to
learn to scuba dive. Through this course I was certified as a PADI open water diver and was
able to go to the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. In San Salvador I was part of a team
that conducted research on the island’s coral reefs, which involved surveying them for disease
and damage, through a program called Reef Check. Later that summer I left for a semester
abroad at the University of Western Australia in Perth, Australia. Before returning home, I
visited Thailand for over a month to satisfy my curiosity about Asian cultures and to obtain
my advanced and rescue diver certifications.

To say the least, my study abroad experience dramatically changed my life. I had
never really been away from home for very long at one time other than college, but even there
I was only an hour away from home and had close friends who also attend Mythic University.
Being in Australia taught me the true meaning of independence and gave me a new sense of
confidence. In addition, I gained an international perspective on many issues that I had never

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

considered before. My experience in Thailand opened my eyes to many misconceptions I had

about Asian people, and it gave me a new appreciation for the term “culture.”

The spring semester of my junior year I was accepted into a collaborative research
class in which we began to prepare an online geology course for Mythic University’s world
campus classroom. In the summer we spent three weeks in many of the southwestern US
national parks producing short educational films to be used in the class. This fall we are
editing the films and giving presentations about our experiences with the class. As I write this
I am in the first semester of my senior year and I have just started my thesis research with a
grant from the National Science Foundation. My work investigates uplift in the Himalayan

Finally, I am very excited to learn more about the Asian culture, which I have taken a
special interest in since my short visit to Thailand. I believe I am highly qualified to conduct
my proposed research. Although my research interactions will be done in English, I have
started Chinese lessons this fall at Mythic University to make my experience in Taiwan even
more meaningful. I will have completed Chinese II by the time I graduate and I hope to take
personal language lessons over the summer before traveling to Taiwan. After this experience I
plan to obtain by PhD at a geology school in California, integrating the knowledge I obtained
in Taiwan to studies on fault zones in the United State

2. Statement Of Grant Purpose

At 1:47 in the morning, September 21, 1999, the town of Chi Chi in Nantou County,
Central Taiwan began to shake violently. A release of built-up stress deep in the Earth caused
the eastern side of the Chelongpu Fault to rise, rupturing the surface for an approximate extent
of 86 km and creating a lasting offset upon the surface of the Earth.

The earthquake caused buildings to tumble and triggered landslides in some areas. A
report from the Central Weather Bureau in Taipei reported a death toll of 2,333 and 10,002
injured. Over 46,700 buildings totally collapsed with 100,000 people left homeless. The initial
tremor was followed by over 10,000 aftershocks, five of which were termed moderate
earthquakes which caused minor death and damage. Direct and indirect losses associated with
the Chi Chi earthquake totals 30 billion dollars. The Chi Chi earthquake was a catastrophe for
the Taiwanese people and the largest recorded earthquake ever to hit the island.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I am interested in studying earthquake dynamics, and Taiwan is an excellent place in

which to do so. Taiwan is an area of active mountain building and it lies along the boundary
between the Luzon arc of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Chinese continental margin, where
plate collision is occurring. The Chelongpu Fault in particular offers a special opportunity to
study faults. Not only is it a major event that is geologically recent but the fault is well-
mapped and relatively well-known. The Chi Chi earthquake is unique in that it provided a
multitude of modern digital data for seismologist and earthquake engineers. These data can be
attributed to an extensive seismic instrumentation program that had been successfully
implemented in Taiwan three years prior to the Chi Chi Earthquake. In addition, recent
drilling along the fault is allowing access to fault rocks at depths where rupturing initiates.

By studying the physical characteristics of the rocks, one can gain a better
understanding of fault development and ultimately come one step closer to the earthquake
mechanism. As motion on a fault commences, the rocks can either experience velocity
strengthening, where an increase in slip rate makes further slip less probable, or velocity
weakening, where an increase in slip rate makes the rocks weaker. Velocity strengthening and
weakening are primarily a function of material properties of the rock bodies surrounding the
fault. These properties of the fault zone can mean the difference between a steady creep in
which fault blocks move without seismic slip, or a major earthshaking event like that of the
Chi Chi earthquake. The faulted rocks of the Chelongpu Fault are especially valuable to
geologists in that they record the history and evolution of deformation caused by the Chi Chi

Previous studies have determined the architectural pattern of major thrusting fault
zones as asymmetric, meaning the damaged zone is thicker above the fault core than below. In
addition, the fracture density tends to increase with depth, reaching a maximum at the fault
core and abruptly decreasing thereafter. Observations such as these have been made on
previous fault zones, but solid research on fault dynamics and how it relates to this
architecture is lacking. Consequently, my research will focus on the asymmetric development
of fault zone evolution.

With the help of Mythic University structural geologist Dr. John Teacher, I have been
in contact with Dr. Yue-Gau Chen, Professor of Geosciences at the National Taiwan
University, who organizes Sino-American collaborations in Taiwan, and Dr. En-Chao Yeh
from the Deep Sea Research Department at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Technology (JAMSTEC). JAMSTEC will be receiving drill cores from the Taiwan
Continental Drilling Project (TCDP), an international effort dedicated to drilling the
Chelongpu Fault zone. Dr. EnChao Yeh is responsible for evaluation of drill cores at
JAMSTEC and will be participating in a series of micro-scale and meso-scale analyses that
will be done on the cores. These analyses include structural, physical property, rock mechanic,
and geochemical examinations of the fault zone rocks. Each of these examinations is assigned
to a separate group of researchers, and I have been given an invitation from Dr. En-Chao Yeh
to work with him on the structural examinations and an invitation from Dr. Yue-Gau Chen to
be associated with the National Taiwan University in Taipei, which would culminate in a
master’s degree in geology.

There are five tests that I would be performing on the drill cores, as follows:

1). Core observations will be done to characterize the meso-scale structures and textures on
the cores and on scanned images. These structures can be associated with individual
earthquake events to give an idea of how and to what extent the fault moved during each
event and to decide a development direction: upwards, stationary or downwards.

2). Thin sections will be taken to look at micro-scale structures and textures under an optical
microscope. Micro-structures can be used to develop cross-cutting relationships and allow for
a better understanding of development sequence of the fault zone.

3). The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) will allow for examination of even smaller
features including mineral phases and micro-textures.

4). Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) will be used to identify the detailed atomic
structures and the presence of glass which is only produced under high pressure conditions.

5). Microscopic X-ray Computed Tomography (Micro-XCT) will be used to determine the
porosity, permeability and fluid dynamics across the fault zone.

These analyses would be conducted for a half year of study and would be followed up
by a half year of interpretation of results, comparison to other studies, and linking to the
bigger picture through collaboration with other drill hole examiners. It is expected that this
work will result in a comprehensive overview of the asymmetric architecture of the
Chelongpu Fault. Through characterization of a single fault where earthquake dynamics are

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

well-known, principles will be generated that can be applied to other areas of potential
seismic hazard.

My proposed project (which would start in September 20xx and end in June 20xx) is
an excellent opportunity for geology to serve as a medium whereby intellectual exchange can
be the basis for cultural connection. Earthquakes are an ever-present danger in Taiwan and the
United States (particularly the San Andreas Fault area); a collaboration on research is not only
about technology but about uniting powers to save lives and resources. Although both
countries already have extensive programs that focus on earthquake research, it is only
through combined efforts that the most rapid advances can be made. Furthermore, this
opportunity has the potential to greatly enhance my professional career as a geologist. Not
only is this project at the forefront of structural geology studies, but it will give me an
international perspective on geologic and cultural issues alike. Finally, the project is an
especially unique opportunity for a woman in a male-dominated field.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân giúp John Lerner dành được học bổng Fullbright ngành Economic
Development (Học bổng Fullbright yêu cầu 2 bài luận)

1. Personal Statement

My grandparents have touched many lives: former drug addicts, refugees, neighbors,
and my own. They have an uncommon ability to build relationships; they are a paradigm of
service— where service is more than what you do and is also defined by who you are.

In my own life, I have aspired to affect people in the manner of my grandparents and
others in the Mennonite Church. I still have that aspiration, but my vision has expanded. Prior
to attending Mythic College, I pictured myself living in Mythic County near my family and
my roots. I grew up attached to the local way of life, working at my family’s snack food
business, raising crops to earn money, and leading the local Future Farmers of America.
During high school, I read the international section of the paper but the people and events
seemed a world away. At Mythic College, professors challenged me with realities such as the
fate of 500 million people who are chronically malnourished. I began to ask myself, “Why
will I have thirty food options at breakfast tomorrow while whole populations around the
world will wake up with almost nothing to eat?”

In the summer of 20xx, I traveled to Ecuador, equipped with rudimentary Spanish, a

background in international politics and economics, and a desire to meet people, hear their
stories, and learn from them. In Ecuador, the effects of a devastating financial crisis in 2000
still lingered. Many people had watched helplessly as banks froze savings accounts while the
national currency plummeted, melting the life savings of many Ecuadorians.

Like helplessness, dependency often stems from a lack of opportunities. The children
who begged on the streets of Quito depended upon strangers for money. If they were going to
eat they had to beg. Reflecting on such matters, as part of my studies I had asked myself,
“What is the goal of development?” Through the plight I witnessed among Ecuadorians, I
came to define development as building the productive and institutional capacities that give
people opportunities to lead lives that they value.

After my travels, I returned to Mythic County in December of 20xx and ate Christmas
dinner at my grandparents’ farmhouse. I knew that this area was my home, and that my family
was the source of my inspiration. I also knew that my passion for studying international

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

development would take me away from Mythic County. But my grandparents had taught me
to empathize and act. While aware of problems within Mythic County, I had seen much
greater need in Latin America. Driven by the values instilled in me, I contacted Mennonite
Economic Development Associates (MEDA) to work on a development project.

In June of 20xx, I traveled to Peru to assist with an innovative approach to agriculture

lending pioneered by MEDA. While working for MEDA, I assessed a microcredit project
involving rice farmers. The experience impressed upon me the value of a grassroots
understanding as well as the importance of sound macro-level policies. Tariff rates, financial
regulations, and public infrastructure plans could mean the difference between the project’s
success or failure. I left Peru convinced that sound trade and development policies could
profoundly affect people’s lives. Shaping macro-level policies became my goal.

With this goal in mind, I hope to pursue a law degree and a Master of Public Policy
with an emphasis in international development. These degrees will give me the tools to craft
and analyze development policy. I will use my experiences and education to hope to shape
such policies in Latin America.

2. Statement Of Grant Purpose

Through my Fulbright independent research project I hope to better understand the

production decisions made by Peruvian rice farmers in northern Peru. On what factors do
farmers base their decisions to enter, to continue, or to exit rice farming? On what factors do
farmers base their specific production decisions, i.e. how much rice to plant? Can accepted
microeconomic theory explain these decisions or is another explanation needed? How do
cultural or socioeconomic factors influence the decision-making process of these farmers?
Finally, how should the answers to these questions affect agriculture development policy in
Peru? Should the Peruvian government use the new state-run Agro Banco to subsidize rice
farmers whom the formal capital markets ignore?

Understanding production decisions of small-scale farmers requires an understanding

of the context in which they operate. Therefore, I will focus the first part of my project on
understanding this context. One critical consideration is assessing the current trade,
investment, and agriculture policies, such as the Agriculture Financial Rescue bill (RFA), that
affect smallscale producers. Other important context issues include the production and price

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

trends in the Peruvian rice market and the major international and domestic players in that

Developing a grassroots understanding of small-scale rice farming is both timely and

necessary. It is timely because it complements current development organization trends. The
Bagua Grande microcredit project, which I was involved with this year, is part of a larger shift
in focus of development organizations that has occurred in the last ten years. Popularized by
the success of the Grameen Bank, microcredit lending has boomed. The latest trend within
microcredit lending is small-scale agriculture. This trend is popular among small development
organizations as well as large agencies such as the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID). In fact, USAID funded the Bagua Grande project as part of its multi-
million dollar poverty alleviation project in Peru known as Project PRA.

Understanding small-scale agriculture is crucial in addressing poverty in Peru.

According to the Peruvian Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI), the rural poverty rate
was 35% higher than urban poverty rate in 2002. Child malnutrition and under five mortality
are twice as high in rural areas compared to urban areas. Furthermore, INEI data show that
among rural populations, small-scale farmers are the most vulnerable to rapid changes in
income. The policy context in which small-scale rice farmers operate has changed
dramatically in the last fifteen years. In the early 1990s, Peruvian officials adopted a more
market-oriented agriculture policy, reducing import restrictions on agriculture goods and
dissolving the state-run agriculture commercialization companies. In 1992, Banco Agrario,
which subsidized the agriculture sector, was eliminated. As the Peruvian Ministry of
Agriculture Strategic Plan states, these policy changes should cause a reorientation in the
agriculture sector that reflects the new market conditions. The Strategic Plan confirms,
however, that such reorientation has been slow, if not imperceptible. A 1994 Peruvian census
found that the majority of Peruvian farmers did not consider prices as the most important
signal in deciding what crop to plant. If farmers are not following price signals, what signals
are they following?

My supporting institution, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)

Consulting Group Peru, has a wealth of experience working in the Peruvian rice industry.
MEDA Consulting Group Peru offers both invaluable contacts and industry-specific
knowledge that will facilitate my investigation. I have personally met with Sonia Dominguez,
the MEDA Consulting Group Peru country manager, and she has offered her organization’s

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

support to me. Further, my previous study abroad experiences in Chile and Ecuador and my
ten-week internship in Peru have allowed me to develop my Spanish speaking and writing
skills, making this project feasible from a language and cultural awareness standpoint.

I will conduct most of my research in the coastal city of Chiclayo, the center of the
rice industry in northern Peru. Much of the rice from northern Peru is taken to Chiclayo where
it is milled and distributed to regional or national markets. Farmers from a wide region
accompany their crop to the mill where they oversee its sale. Two of these mills, Molino Las
Delicias and Molino Tropical, have worked directly with my supporting institution in a rice
microcredit project in the region. As a result, Chiclayo offers the most promising
opportunities for me to both research the rice industry and to conduct surveys.

Surveys obtained at mills in Chiclayo will be supported by surveys obtained at local

input suppliers in towns with a large rice industry such as Bagua Grande, Bagua Chica, Jaen,
Moyobamaba, and Picota. MEDA has worked directly with input suppliers in Bagua Grande
and Picota and can offer contacts in those towns. Traveling to smaller towns will permit me to
access more small-scale farmers who sell their rice to intermediaries instead of directly to a
mill, and help me understand how they make these decisions.

Through this Fulbright project I can further develop my ability to engage in cultural
exchange. As I learned while working for MEDA, surveying farmers is difficult. The surveyor
must learn how to earn the cooperation of strangers by starting the conversation appropriately
and by putting the person being surveyed at ease. When someone feels comfortable in a
conversation they will more fully express their opinions, and they will probably also diverge
into other issues as if they were talking to an acquaintance.

Surveying rice farmers in Peru will also give me an invaluable grassroots perspective
on development issues. This understanding of how individuals respond to macro-level
policies is vital to my career goal of working in international development policy. Upon
returning from this Fulbright project, I plan to enroll in a Juris Doctorate and Master in Public
Policy joint degree program. In both the J.D. and M.P.P programs I will focus on trade and
development issues.

This project will also benefit development organizations that operate agriculture
projects in the region. MEDA Consulting Group Peru has expressed interest in my findings. I

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

will also offer my study to the many development organizations working in the region,
including those that operate the Economic Services Centers as part of USAID’s Project PRA.
USAID has plans to continue funding development organizations in the region as part of its
Economic Growth, Alternative Development, and Peru-Ecuador Border Region Development

I plan on leaving for Chiclayo in early August of 20xx. I will spend the first month
researching the rice industry of the region by gathering data from the regional agriculture
offices, mill contacts, and contacts in rural credit institutions. In the following three months, I
will survey farmers at mills in Chiclayo. To supplement those surveys, I will use months 5
and 6 to conduct surveys of farmers who visit agriculture input supply stores in towns such as
Bagua, Jaen, Picota, and Piura in Northern Peru. Finally, I will use months 7 and 8 to analyze
the data obtained from the surveys, finish a formal paper on the entire research project, and
disseminate my findings to interested development organizations.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Kaiyo, nhận được học bổng Đại học California College of the Arts
chuyên ngành Architecture.

I am passionate about art and helping people. I am pursuing architecture as a

profession because I see it as a career path where the two meet. Alvar Aalto said, “Building
art is a synthesis of life in materialised form. We should try to bring in under the same hat not
a splintered way of thinking, but all in harmony together.” The desire to make the world a
better place for people to live in has been the greatest influence in my pursuit of architecture
as a profession.

Compassion has helped in my pursuit of architecture. Last semester I was put on the
Dean’s List for earning a grade point average over 3.50 with 18 units, but my grades haven’t
always been good. When I started architecture classes at El Camino, working to make a living
was the highest priority. Neither of my parents earned a college degree. It was important for
me to learn a trade and support myself. I worked restaurant jobs and eventually became a
server at an upscale restaurant. I earned enough money to pay for rent, groceries and other
living expenses, but I struggled to balance my education with work. My grades were low and
I dropped several classes, but I was still interested in learning. I absolutely loved the
architecture classes. I took pride in my work, but I kept to myself in the campus studio.
Advanced students came to me and mentored me. Without me asking for it, they kept coming
back. Eventually they helped me to feel at home in the studio, and I felt comfortable as an
architecture student. That made all the difference in my educational progress. The character
and determination I built from working restaurant jobs to pay for rent and food could be
focused comfortably on my dream of architecture. I have since committed myself to helping
other students in the architecture studio succeed.

I volunteer to help when I can. Outside of school I volunteer with The Sunshine Kids
non-profit organization, which provides positive group activities and emotional support for
young cancer patients. I participate in Sunshine Kids events and help kids receiving cancer
treatment have a good time. At El Camino this has gone beyond helping classmates with
homework. I have found or made opportunities to help people in other ways. I served a year
as president of El Camino College’s Architecture Club, and I used my leadership to create
programs and activities that take the interest of over one hundred fellow students beyond the

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I led El Camino College’s Design Village teams in 2011. Going into the competition
no team member had participated in Design Village or any extracurricular design/build
competition like it. Our goal was to see our structures, a design we create just like in class,
become a livable structure on a windy hillside in San Luis Obispo. We felt this was a valuable
experience to our education as architecture students, but the school did not sponsor the teams
and instructors were not able to oversee our operations. The project was a challenge with
several risks. We needed to collaborate among ourselves to research a comfortable structure
design that could be built on a very small budget, and we needed to be confident that it would
not tumble down a hill, blow away in the wind, get washed away with rain, or fail us in any
other way. It was a challenge we enjoyed. I met with local businesses to acquire building
materials as donations, local architects to review the design, and a local engineer to check the
design for its structural integrity. We invested weeks into the idea of seeing our design
become a real structure. Every member sacrificed their entire spring break to build the
structures and participate at the Design Village event, and because of all the hard work that
went into the structures, sleeping in the structures didn’t seem like a risk.

I organized a group art show that allowed everyone in the architecture club the
opportunity to display artwork in a professional gallery for one night. I wanted fellow
architecture students at El Camino to feel good embracing their creative interests, and I
wanted art goers to notice that community college students are capable of more than just
computer aided drafting – that there are in fact great minds at El Camino. I collaborated with
professional artists, local musicians, poets, promoters, and a newspaper to put the event
together. I initially funded all the costs of the event with my money. I collected artwork and
hung all the pieces in the gallery. I found club members who took pride in their cooking and
offered to bring in homemade goods. Everything on the night of the event was free.
Admission was free, the music was free, the refreshments were free, and artwork sales were
free of commission. The event gained so much momentum that a man volunteered to print t-
shirts for the event. He printed dozens of t-shirts and gave them away at the event for free. All
the architecture students that took the risk of showing their artwork were celebrated, and
many of them told me they had a great time.

I know my future is in design innovation bringing solutions that improve the local and
global environments. My commitment to improving the lifestyles of people within my
community, country and the planet was evident to my professors, as I was amongst only four

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

students selected to participate on a paid internship program with the State Chancellor Office
of California Community Colleges. The DEEP program is a pilot program that takes a
systems approach to teaching sustainability within a campus setting using buildings as
pedagogical tools for learning about topics like energy efficiency, waste, transportation. I am
working alongside professors and the boards of student clubs to integrate and infuse
sustainability into existing classes, researching topics for new curricula. DEEP programs will
provide me with an opportunity to earn the United States Green Building Council –
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design LEED Green Associate certification. I am also
writing a monthly newsletter to inspire the entire campus community to think critically about
environmental issues.

California College of the Art’s values align perfectly with my personal values. I want
to do well, and I want to be among the best. I want to go to CCA because CCA students do
amazing work and because I believe the college’s values create the perfect environment for
students to help each other succeed. I see a connection between the work students do and the
environment created by the college’s value, and I feel offering wisdom gained through my
experiences could contribute to the creative greatness at CCA.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Keira, nhận được học bổng Đại học University of Sussex, London
South Bank University, University of Greenwich, chuyên ngành Social Work.

Having spent the last four years working in the social care field, I have come to realise
that my passion lies in helping people who are less advantaged. I am currently taking an
access to higher education course to further my ambition to become a social worker.

Until recently I was working in a residential home with adults with learning
disabilities ranging from mild to severe. I worked with individuals who also have bi-polar
disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and challenging behaviour. This gave me great insight
into the role of a social worker as I was attending multi-disciplinary care reviews helping
service users to determine their present needs and wishes and identify future goals and desired
outcomes, on an ongoing basis, whilst promoting empowerment, individuality, rights,
responsibilities, identity and self esteem. I was putting care plans into action by helping
individuals with life skills e.g. developing basic budgeting and money managing skills,
providing information or helping service users to access information relevant to their needs
and wishes, assisting them to develop a higher level of independence and improve their
communication and social skills.

I was also providing continuous emotional support on a daily basis and during
stressful life changes. I learnt how to communicate with clients about sensitive issues in an
appropriate manner, understanding and being prepared for their reactions to the information.
This job significantly improved my communication skills, my patience, and my initiative. As
a result I became more aware of my own values and beliefs whilst showing respect for all
persons and their values, beliefs, cultures, goals, needs and preferences.

I completed the NVQ3 in Health and Social care which enabled me to develop my
practice. I learnt about the laws, legislations and different government policies involved in
social care, about abuse and the different forms it can take and how to help individuals take
control of their lives.

Although I have no experience working with children and families, I have raised my
daughter single handed and feel that I can relate to families who are having troubles. I hope
with my positive attitude and determination to improve my own quality of life I can reflect
this into my practice when helping others.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

At present I am studying Sociology, Psychology, Law and Politics on the access

course. I am learning about the impacts of the industrial revolution and how society is seen
from a Marxist and functionalist point of view, about different types of mental disorders, the
structure of the government and how the criminal justice system works. I am finding it very
interesting and am really enjoying being back in education.

I also read the Community Care magazine each week to keep up to date with social
issues. I find the topics on current social issues very interesting and enjoy reading about the
experiences of qualified social workers I also find the articles on topics such as advocacy
helpful. I hope that studying the degree in social work will give me a greater understanding of
social problems, their causes, their solutions and the impacts these have while allowing me to
obtain the skills I require to be successful in my chosen career path.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của sinh viên Les Raphael, nhận được học bổng của York College

My two passions in life drew me to York College. While some of my fellow high
school classmates looked for a campus close to home, others chose the freedom of being far
away. Some looked for specific programs of study like pharmacy or law enforcement. Others
just followed their friends. I, however, chose York because it is the only school in New York
where a student can play in a jazz band and also fly airplanes, the two overwhelming passions
of my life.

I have been playing the trumpet since I was seven years old. My uncle had an old horn,
which he let me fool around with when I was a child. I still have that trumpet and have
learned to play it pretty well. York’s Jazz program and classes are both strong academically
and allow students to perform with other musicians. I plan to continue following this passion
here at York as a minor and then as a life-long hobby.

My other passion, Aviation, is what I want to major in at York and then find work in
that field. I want to fly but I also want to understand the business and management areas of
Aviation. One day, I hope to manage airport operations at one of New York’s major airports.
Only York College could offer me the chance to fly an airplane, learn about airport operations,
and at the same time make music with my trumpet.

I believe that I would be a worthy recipient of a York Scholarship. I did well in high
school and after one year at York, I have completed 29 credits and have a 3.47 G.P.A. I
belong to the flying club and perform with York Jazz ensemble. Also, with the help of one of
my music professors, I have organized a group of student musicians and we go to nursing
homes in Queens to perform old favorite jazz numbers for the senior residents. Seeing the
smiles and clapping and singing along by people who are my grandmother’s age makes me
feel that I am really helping those people to have a better quality of life.

I am a student who is proud to be at York and will continue to contribute to the quality
of student life. I plan to be a leader in the flying club and the jazz ensemble and eventually in
student government, where one of my main goals would be to increase the number of paid
internships for students. I myself plan to intern at Kennedy airport or with one of the airlines
such as Jet Blue. When the managers there see how hard I work, how focused I am, and how
well educated I have become, they will not only want me to continue working with them, they

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

will also want more interns and full-time workers who study at or have graduated from York

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Livvy, nhận được học bổng tại University of Derby, Kingston
University chuyên ngành Geography.

As our environment is constantly changing, the study of Geography is imperative to

explaining the complex processes and forces behind it, whether they are natural or man made.
We all have a duty to understand the relationship between humans and our environment and
focus on the sustainability of our stewardship of the Earth.

I am currently studying Sociology at A-level, having already completed two of my A-

levels in Biology and Geography. Having not studied Geography at GCSE, I was entirely
unsure of what Geography entailed and how it is a subject that relates to many aspects of my

It was not solely the content of the course which sparked my enthusiasm for
Geography, but the obvious passion of my teacher. He made it current and relevant to my life,
one way he did this was by making us study the geography of Coventry to see how risks and
the vulnerability of people are evident in my own city which can then allow us to develop
strategies to reduce the vulnerability of people in high risk areas. I took part in a residential
trip to Dol-y-moch in Snowdonia which showed me how important fieldwork and research are
to understanding geographical processes, their impact and whether they are human or
physical; for example, the rebranding of Blaenau Ffestiniog which demonstrated how
Geography can show us directions to help out with the economic regeneration of a depressed
area. I am fascinated by natural hazards in particular and through wider reading, such as the
Geography Review and Natural Hazards, 2nd Edition by Steve Frampton, I established a deep
curiosity of how nature can so mercilessly affect the planet and what it takes to monitor and
predict a natural hazard. It is evident there are diverse career pathways I can pursue from
doing this course and I hope to gain direction to which best suits my personality and interests,
not only from the course, but from university life.

I believe I am an extremely sociable person and can get on with range of people from
a variety of backgrounds. I am keen to become an independent individual and to gain life
experience and skills from my time at university. I have completed my Bronze Duke of
Edinburgh award which allowed me to develop teamwork and communication skills which
will be crucial when carrying out fieldwork and group-work at university. I am currently
employed as a Barista, working between 10 to 30 hours a week. Such commitment has helped

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

me with my time management alongside my A level studies. I am able to carry out my job to
my best ability while ensuring my studies are of a consistent high standard. I enjoyed taking
part in extra-curricular activities throughout my time in education, I was part of the yearbook
committee during my GCSE’s and while in sixth form I was involved in the production of a
fashion show which raised £1000 for charity. These activities allowed me to not only use my
teamwork and communication skills but to develop them even further while being an active
member of the school community. I have developed a yearning to use Geography in my future
in a way which will allow me to express my enthusiasm whilst striving to make a difference
and believe higher education is the best way I can begin doing so.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Loghan, nhận được học bổng Đại học Oxford University,
University College London, The University of Essex chuyên ngành Economics.

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the
headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of
economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of
the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behaviour of firms and
organisations from an economic point of view and I have based my A-level coursework in this

During my study, I have come across many real life complexities and while attempting
to explain these theories, I have developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how
the world of business is influenced by economics.

I have created an economics revision website for A-level and GCSE students. It is
primarily intended to help younger students gain an understanding of core economic
principles but has also helped me improve my own computer and presentational skills.

I regularly read newspapers and economic publications to keep up to date with

economic developments and I am able to use my mathematical and analytical skills to apply
different economic theories to a range of real-life economic situations.

Last year, I took part in an economics and business project called Young Enterprise in
which I set up a small company and sold products to students at our school. I enjoyed the
chance to put some of my business economic theory into practice and was able to enhance my
management and communication skills. I also gained a distinction in the associated exam.

To gain practical experience in the workplace, I worked for two weeks at a small
software company specialising in financial software. I currently have a part time job and this
has taught me much about teamwork, responsibility and time management in the workplace.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and logic
problems. I have redesigned and been responsible for the maintenance of my school’s website.

I believe that I will gain a highly marketable set of skills from the study of economics
at university. I have found economics to be a challenging and diverse discipline and I am

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

interested in both macro and micro economics. It is this variation of perspective, combined
with its real world importance, that makes economics an appealing subject to study at

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Matt, nhận được thư mời học của Đại học School of Oriental and
African Studies, The University of Edinburgh; Học bổng Đại học University of Exeter,
University of Newcastle chuyên ngành Political Science.

On a vacation to the Krak des Chevaliers and Palmyra in the Syrian Desert, I
witnessed the rich culture of the Middle Eastern people. This region is generally perceived by
western democracies as a constant source of political and social turmoil. This may be true for
the most part; however, many areas in the region are as modern and peaceful as any western

Further to being raised in a multi-cultural family with a Beirut-born father of

Palestinian, Syrian and Armenian heritage and a Maltese mother, I have developed a strong
interest in foreign cultures. Therefore, I believe that Political Science will be the most
appropriate and applicable course to pursue given both my personal background and interests.

As one of Canada’s most cosmopolitan cities, my native Toronto attracts many

foreigners: some are looking for better living conditions and job opportunities; others are on
exchange to learn English and benefit from higher education. As a child growing up in this
vibrant city, I would look forward to my family housing exchange students. This rewarding
experience prompted me to volunteer at summer camps, where I taught ESL to students from
6 to 18 years of age.

My many encounters and experiences with foreign cultures have nourished my passion
for travel. This was fostered by my parents who, three years ago, decided to move our family
to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a small but rapidly developing country in the Northern
Caribbean. Many deprived nations in the region, such as Haiti, have seen their people
immigrate to the TCI, whose economic stability has been underpinned by many of these
immigrants who have undertaken most of the menial work necessary for a flourishing
economy. However, I have too often witnessed many of these workers being the victims of
exploitation and discrimination.

During an internship at the Magistrate’s Court in the summer of 2008, I personally

marshalled the Court Magistrate and took a particular interest in Immigration Law and the
consequences of working in a country illegally. Further to working at the courts, I interned at

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

a law firm, where I was given the opportunity to shadow lawyers at the Labour Tribunal and
see, first-hand, the exploitation of workers, and their employers' disregard for labour laws.

After successfully completing my IGCSE's, I have enjoyed the challenge of Advanced

level studies in Geography, History, Business Studies and English Literature. As a young
Geographer, I have attended local conferences, such as the symposium, “Fostering a Green
Culture”, with former US vice-president, Al Gore, as the main speaker on the contentious
topic of climate change.

My perception of how environmental issues affect all aspects of human welfare was
reinforced when I was selected to spend a day with the Minister of Natural Resources. Last
September, I was able to further develop my knowledge of local environmental issues, as I
witnessed the impact of hurricane Ike on the welfare of residents and the economy.

At school, I eagerly participate in many social activities. I particularly enjoy being a

mentor to younger students, whom I advise and tutor whenever needed. I have been able to
further develop both my leadership and communication skills, as I was selected as Deputy
Head Boy by the Principal and elected House Captain by my peers.

Being a team player is vital to me. I have tried to do so by being an active member of
the Yorkland swim team, trumpeter in the school orchestral band, Senior Editor of the
yearbook and the Current Events Editor of the school newspaper. As a result, my enthusiasm
and dependability within the school were rewarded when I received the "Top Student in Year
12" award, an achievement that I hope to repeat in my final year of A-Levels.

I hope this presents to you a well-rounded student, equipped with the skills necessary
to succeed at university. I look forward to being introduced to new academic and social
challenges as well as experiencing European culture.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của sinh viên Matthew Howard, nhận được học bổng của Đại học
Michigan State University

I could feel the renewed power of the red-tail hawk pulsing through my leather gloves;
it was as if she knew what was about to happen. After months of feeding, medication, and
rehabilitation for a wing injury, I was both excited and nervous to release my first raptor for
the Wildlife Recovery Association (WRA). I turned away from our group of spectators, took a
deep breath, and counted aloud, One…two…THREE! With an explosion of feathers the red-
tail soared from my opened hands, and I smiled with satisfaction as she circled high overhead
in full health and wild glory. That, I thought, is the best feeling in the world. Through many
such influential experiences, I have gained great appreciation for the challenges,
responsibilities, and personal rewards found in veterinary medicine. Ultimately, they have
helped guide my preparation to become a capable and dedicated member of the veterinary

My enthusiasm for the veterinary profession has been fostered since my childhood by
a deep fascination with animals and their health. From this foundation I developed an
enduring sense of responsibility and pride in providing care for all creatures, even as my
perspectives and aspirations matured. For instance, my understanding of the community role
of veterinarians expanded rapidly when I became a WRA volunteer. I participated first-hand
in the surgery, medication, rehabilitation and release of hawks, owls, eagles, and falcons. I
also eagerly took part in statewide educational programs employing our resident birds and
quickly discovered that I was in my element when sharing my enthusiasm and knowledge of
raptors with the public. Over several years I began to realize that combining my concern for
wildlife with my commitment to community service was an extremely fulfilling endeavor. My
experiences with the WRA sparked my first consideration of a career in veterinary teaching
and encouraged me to further explore this interest.

During the last two summers of high school I was employed as an assistant technician
at Clinic outside of Houston, Texas. There I observed modern veterinary practice
and the application of complex procedures such as endoscopic, orthopedic, and laser surgeries.
Assisting in these operations was both highly educational and maturing, as I encountered
success, failure, and ethical challenges under the guidance of . Interestingly, I now
consider one of the unsuccessful struggles I witnessed there to be amongst my most valuable
lessons. One morning, an aging bulldog named Daisy came in for an exploratory laparoscopy,

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

and the entire staff was eager to employ the new camera equipment. I was intrigued by the
sharp screen images of the bulldog’s viscera and the ability to obtain biopsies without a major
incision. But excitement quickly changed to alarm when Daisy’s heart and breathing suddenly
stopped. Despite direct epinephrine shots and manual palpation, Dr. was unable to revive
Daisy before her life slipped away. When removing the body, I was disheartened, not only for
the dog and her owners, but also for the disappointed veterinarian. However, I came to realize
that for me the experience was as important as the numerous successes achieved through the
same technology; Dr. _ continued to employ innovative techniques and never allowed a
setback to interfere with his commitment to improving his practice. With that same
determination, I am prepared for the responsibilities of continuous self-education in this
constantly advancing profession.

As a result of my experience, I wanted to learn more about the modern procedures,

equipment, and medicines in veterinary practice. Consequently I also shadowed Dr. at
Equine Veterinary Associates in Texas and was introduced to equine rhinoscopies,
arthroscopies, and ultrasound (and also quickly learned that equine practice has come a long
way from the writings of James Herriot). During my stay I was also able to visit the Texas A
& M College of Veterinary Medicine and gained an encouraging first impression of university
animal research and development.

Through these collective experiences in modern animal practice, I soon decided to

pursue a DVM/PhD so that I too could be a part of advancing animal medical knowledge,
developing medicines and procedures, and educating others. I believe a career that combines
my passion for animal health with a dedication to academics and love of interpersonal
interaction will be highly gratifying. Thus my time in Texas encouraged me to continue
achieving scholastically in preparation for future opportunities in veterinary academia. By
setting and achieving educational goals, such as earning top Advanced Placement scores, I
have been able to take advantage of challenging academic opportunities at MSU and explore
my various interests in the field.

As part of my undergraduate planning, I am focusing on a major in biochemistry, a

degree that satisfies my desire to understand disease and medicinal interaction with living
matter at the molecular level. Concurrently, I have enjoyed employment under the guidance of
Dr. in the MSU CVM Aquatic Animal Health Lab (AAHL) and the diagnostic
challenges of performing clinical examinations on aquatic species, such as muskellunge and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

sea lamprey. I have found the research aspects of symptoms of the fish is fascinating work
and highly rewarding. I have come to appreciate the problem-solving and critical-thinking
nature of veterinary medicine, much like assembling the pieces of a biochemical jigsaw
puzzle. With an inquisitive mind and a natural love for learning, I look forward to making a
significant contribution to the understanding of animal health.

Without a doubt, my combined veterinary experiences have reaffirmed that animal

medicine is a highly diverse and rewarding career. Although I have considered wildlife
toxicology, lab animal research, medicinal development, and specializing in avian medicine
or orthopedics as future possibilities, I am still finding opportunities every day that intrigue
me. After thirteen plus years of preparation, I have learned that the fulfillment to be gained
from advancing our knowledge of animals, developing progressive veterinary techniques, or
simply releasing a rehabilitated red-tail hawk can foster a challenging and satisfying vocation.
With a passion for animal welfare, a high interest in the natural sciences, a desire to be
involved in education, and a dedication to life-long learning, my goal is to be a competent and
contributing member of the veterinary profession.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của sinh viên Melissab, nhận được học bổng của 2 Đại học The
University of Sheffield và The University of Warwick

Throughout my travels, studies, and experience in the world, I have been able to attain
what I hope to be a worldly and open-minded perspective. In my efforts to further broaden
and improve this perspective, and fully pursue all of my academic passions, I hope to have the
privilege of attending university in the United Kingdom.

It was only within the past year that I have recognized my passion in the subject of
International Relations. I have always had an interest in almost anything the world has to offer,
obsessed with understanding the way the world works, and why it works that way. But my
diversity of interest has not led me astray in finding my greatest passion; in fact, it has helped
me harness it. By studying and exploring a diverse variety of interests, I found that my true
interest lies in understanding and exploring the way the whole of global society functions,
which has led to my passion in International Relations.

Within academics, I have challenged myself to succeed as much as I have been able,
in efforts to better myself both as a student and as an individual. I have been awarded my
school's Award for Academic Excellence in the Area of Social Studies for my exemplary
work in AP World History, Distinguished Honor Roll for my 4.0+ GPA, and have strived to
challenge myself academically to my upmost capacity by taking 12 Advanced Placement
Courses over my high school years, seven of which I am currently taking this year. The rigor
of my academics has also allowed me to partake in studies that have further enhanced my
knowledge and interest in International Studies: my study of US political relations in AP
Government and Politics and in-depth analysis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
in AP World Literature being areas of study I have particularly enjoyed. This year I was also
elected President of my school's chapter of the US National Honor Society, which is a
program that promotes both academic excellence and community involvement, which has
helped me further hone my skills in both leadership and communications.

Outside of the classroom, I have participated in activities that have lent me a global
perspective. This year, I have been able to join the Model United Nations Club, which has
been an extraordinary experience in learning so closely about an institution that has such an
important and central position in the world of global politics and relations. In addition, two
years ago I was able to journey to Costa Rica, where I was able to complete a Community

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Service Program assisting and rebuilding a rural community. Last summer, I was nominated
to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Washington DC as well as
being accepted as an intern at the Steve Irwin Australia Zoo. These experiences, though their
focuses were broad, have been key in my development of leadership skills and personal
independence, as well as inciting my passion in the international community.

I have strived to excel not only in academics, but in attaining a perspective and point
of view that will allow me to not only understand the world of International Relations, but
also contribute my own theories and understanding of the subject to the world. I sincerely
hope my pursuits in being a well-rounded and globally oriented student and individual has
allowed me enough qualification to attend your university, and hope to further broaden my
perspective by attending such a high standing university in an entirely new country.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Memphis, nhận được học bổng tại The University of Manchester
chuyên ngành Neuroscience.

From a young age I have been fascinated by how biological processes happen and
work. When I went to an exhibition about the brain during my GCSE years I came across
Santiago Ramon y Cajal and my curiosity for Neuroscience expanded. Intrigued by Cajal's
drawings of neurons which first showed that there are individual cells in the brain. I quickly
delved into neuroscience and was captivated by the complexity of a fundamental part of our
body. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease alongside
other injuries fascinate me, as I want to know if there could be a cure for paralysis or
Alzheimer’s disease.

In order to explore neuroscience in greater depth I completed an EPQ 'Is genetics the
most effective indicator of Schizophrenia?'. From the research and development of my essay,
I concluded that environmental factors play a dominant role in the cause of Schizophrenia. As
a result of completing an essay on a neurodegenerative disorder I was inspired to undertake
volunteer work helping people who suffer from dementia. I wanted to gain first-hand
experience with people who suffer from these diseases and to observe the effect it has on
them. I have been volunteering at the Alzheimer's Society day care, providing support and
engaging in a variety of activities with people who live with dementia. Ramachandran's 'The
Tell-Tale Brain' opened my eyes into current research of the brain and how patients who have
suffered from brain damage can develop a range of extraordinary conditions such as 'itchy'
phantom limbs as well as rehabilitating phantoms showing the brains plasticity which Cajal
first made reference to. Oliver Sacks 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat' also shows
that when the brain is affected it can lead to a variety of neurological impairments, although
there may be a shortage of these cases, I began to contemplate what is it that makes us
‘normal’ human beings.

Although Neuroscience is not taught at A-Level, I have developed an interest through

my studies in Chemistry and Biology as to how bonding in carbon and hydrogen are essential
in the structure of molecules such as neurotransmitters and how cells especially in the brain
are vital for essential processes which keep us alive. In order to widen my knowledge I attend.
ed a lecture on 'Brain Sex Differences' at Imperial College which provided me with an
understanding of how differences in brain genders is crucial to treating disorders such as
Parkinson's disease. In addition, I read the Scientific American Mind for an insight into the

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

latest areas of research in this field, and have become the online editor for this area in my
college magazine, keeping students aware of the latest research as well as recommending and
reviewing books.

Outside of school I have been part of the Scouts Association for over ten years and
have completed both the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh and I am currently completing
the Gold Award. As well as being part of the Scouts, I have been volunteering with the 17th
Harrow Scout Beaver unit for eight years which has allowed me to gain experience helping
children. I have also completed 'The Challenge' which enhanced my skills in teamwork and
organisation. Volunteering for Harrow Mencap has also provided me with the skills of
working with people who have disabilities by supporting them and helping them in gaining
confidence, most recently in the theatre group programme as well as being involved in

In my opinion, Neuroscience is more than the brain and nervous system; it is about
being able to improve quality of life, whether by discovering how to rehabilitate phantom
limbs or developing new cures. Neuroscience is an intriguing and exciting field with
tremendous potential, as Cajal stated, "The brain is a world consisting of a number of
unexplored continents and great stretches of unknown territory." I look forward to the
opportunity to explore this unknown territory in my undergraduate studies..

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Mopac, nhận được học bổng của Oxford University, London
School of Economics, The University of Warwick; chuyên ngành Economics

Having been born in the UK, with parents from Delhi and Kenya, I feel my
background has given me an internationally diverse outlook. In my travels, I have met with
both the affluence of Europe and the poverty existing in India. Such contrasts have compelled
me to seek an understanding of the forces that drive the world economy, and why after
centuries of economic theory such inequalities continue to exist.

Over the summer, I have been researching India's economic development, partly
stimulated by the issues above. The Indian economy is a fascinating topic for me, not just due
to my heritage, but because of the juxtaposition between rapid increases in wealth on the one
hand and the Sub-Saharan African levels of poverty on the other. Another part of economics I
find appealing is the use of theories. I have been introduced to the Tragedy of the Commons
and the Coase Theorem's take on externalities. My interest in strategic decision-making has
been boosted by Game Theory, which has developed an understanding of the situations faced
by oligopolies and the implications of Nash equilibrium. Such theoretical models have led me
to Experimental Economics and Charles Holt's 'Markets, Games and Strategic Behaviour', in
an attempt to see if people actually behave in the way theory predicts.

Being awarded the 2007 Kirk Cup for Mathematics at school, encouraged me to take
A-level Further Maths. My problem solving skills and ability to manipulate algebraic
variables have since been enhanced, which is beneficial considering the numerical analysis
involved in economics. Given the problematic nature in conducting controlled experiments, I
am eager to explore the range of statistical tools available to economists.

Presently, I offer tutoring for GCSE Maths students, and have taught an adult how to
use various PC applications in the past. Such an experience has stressed the need for planning,
patience and presenting work coherently for others to follow. I have also used graphical
design software to produce adverts for my Mother's beauty business, and have assisted with
book-keeping for annual tax returns. It has been noticeable how economic factors affect such
a business; for example how demand for different treatments has changed with the credit

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

My internet browser's homepage is set to prompt me with the latest headlines from the
BBC Business website, as it is a priority for me to keep up-to-date with the world around me.
In addition, for different opinions, I also frequently read articles on economics in various
newspapers. Reading books by economists, such as John Kay, has led me to appreciate better
how concepts have developed over time. These include 'The Penguin History of Economics'
by Backhouse and Levitt's 'Freakonomics', which I found entertaining, but thought lacked true
economic substance. Besides reading, my other hobbies include remixing music on the
computer and using, on which I have a virtual portfolio of shares. As a
representative of my college's debating team, my communication skills have greatly improved.
At our next debate, I will be arguing for the wider use of congestion charges.

The recent economic turmoil has reinforced my belief in how economics is truly an
integral part of our lives. University will provide the ideal environment in which to strengthen
and test my understanding of such a discipline, whilst being a place where I can formulate and
contribute my own theories to the subject. After receiving full marks in AS-level Economics,
I have set myself a high standard, and I wish to continue my ambitions in the finance industry.
However, I recognise that my passion for economics will lead me to many more career

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Nahid Islam, nhận được thư mời học Đại học University of
Greenwich chuyên ngành Accounting and Finance.

Since studying Business at GCSE level and Economics at AS level, I have developed
an interest in the role of finance within businesses. Alongside my studies at school, I have
also taken inspiration from my involvement in my father's part-time business. I have helped
deal with some financial aspects of this business, including banking and completing annual
accounts, from which I have developed several skills in working with figures and the ability
to accurately handle, organise and analyse information. From this experience, I am intrigued
to learn more about finance and accounting.

Currently, I am studying A levels in Psychology, Geography and English Literature. I

chose not to continue Economics to A2 level as the specific aspects of my other courses were
much more relevant to my personal interests. Each of these subjects has given me valuable
knowledge and understanding which I can apply to many other general areas. Studying
Psychology has given me an insight into behaviours and attitudes in everyday involvement
with people, both relatives and friends as well as within society in general. The human aspects
of my Geography course have provided me with the ability to better understand important
issues on a global scale. In studying literature I have learnt to communicate ideas more clearly
and confidently, both in speech and in writing.

Outside of school, I enjoy reading both fiction books, mostly classic novels, mysteries,
science fiction and fantasy, and non-fiction texts, generally including information about
natural history and the economy. I read everyday as this is something that I find beneficial to
improve my general knowledge and provides me with an opportunity to spend some time on
my own. In addition to this, I have an enthusiasm for computing. I am familiar with using
spreadsheets, word processors and creative software and I am also learning aspects of web
design. In recent years I have learnt skills from my brother, who is a computer programmer,
and I am always eager to teach myself new things.

As an individual, I have always aspired to higher education at university as I have a

positive and committed attitude to learning new things. The idea of moving on from school
life and taking on the challenge of a degree course provides me with motivation and
determination to succeed. From studying at university, I intend to develop my personal

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

characteristics and skills and learn to apply the knowledge I gain to pursue a career in an
accounting or financial profession.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Ozzi, nhận được học bổng và thư mời học Đại học University of
Bristol, Brunel University, Cardiff University, City University London chuyên ngành
Accounting and Finance.

It was when I earned my first pound at the age of ten washing my mother's car that I
became interested in the power of money. Over time it became clear to me that the people
who understand the monetary and banking system are capable of understanding the decisions
made by governments and the future of society. I want to be one of those people.

To broaden my knowledge of different areas of finance, I have read a number of

different books on the subject - from "How the City of London Works" to "Rich Dad Poor
Dad". I am also a regular reader of the Economist magazine. I believe that reading such books
and magazines has given me insight into topics not covered at school, for example how
Japanese management in Chinese factories caused unrest among the workforce due to the
Chinese workers' dislike of the Japanese management style, and how this affected the share
price of companies such as Honda. Reading about such things has made me realise how the
subject of Finance and the economy affects everybody's lives, and has strengthened my desire
to further study the subject. The A-level subjects I am studying give me a firm foundation for
studying Finance at University. Business Studies at A-level has greatly improved my
analytical and writing skills. I have particularly enjoyed the part of the course which concerns
how a firm selects financial strategies and how managers choose which aspect of a firm needs
the most investment. German has improved my communication skills and self-confidence and
has also made me more appreciative and open to other cultures. Alongside the logical method
of thinking that I have developed from Mathematics at A-level, I believe that I am well
prepared to take on a degree course in Finance at University.

My part-time job as a receptionist at a sports and leisure club has given me some
insight into the demands of working life. Having worked there since May, I now feel I am an
able employee and because of the nature of the job. I have learned how to communicate with
colleagues, my employer and of course, customers. I often have to work alone so I have
learned to use my own initiative and how to be independent - skills which are of paramount
importance if I want to work in the financial industry.

Since the age of eleven, a hobby and a major interest of mine is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
This year I won the Welsh Open under 18 absolute division and in 2010 I won a silver medal

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

in the under 18 lightweight division in the European Championships. My previous successes

include being the team captain for the Indonesian National Children's team, where we won the
Pan Asian team Championships, beating The Philippines in the final. Balancing my academic
life with the rigours of playing a sport at such a level has been very challenging at times. The
weeks and months leading up to a major competition are usually pretty stressful, but, as I have
now been through the experience many times, I have learned how to deal with immense
pressure - and how to enjoy the success which comes afterwards! In addition to this, I have
learned about commitment and dedication as well as honour and how to handle a major loss,
and also how to remain humble in victory. The things I have learned from Jiu-Jitsu will help
me throughout my life; not only during University, but during my career and long afterwards.

I am taking a gap year so I can earn some money in order to travel and to pay for some
of the costs of University. I intend to keep my job as a receptionist and also to take on some
teaching at the sports and leisure club and, when I have enough money, I am planning to
travel around Europe and South America. I believe this experience will be worthwhile as I
will come to University with greater maturity after experiencing other cultures.

A possible career option is to do something involved in banking or investments - I

certainly hope I will never have to wash another car again!

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Paddy, nhận được học bổng Loughborough University, The
University of Sheffield và University of Bath chuyên ngành Chemistry.

My passion for science became apparent when I had a 'light bulb' moment during my
time at college. Throughout school it wasn't really clear which career path I should take as I
have an aptitude for most subjects creative as well as the scientific aspects of the curriculum. I
decided to follow my instincts and opt for the sciences. Studying A level chemistry and
through my subscription to the New Scientist magazine took the subject to a whole new level
and it became clear to me then that I had made the right choice. Chemistry for me is about
discovery and the building blocks to so many aspects of society. All concepts of chemistry
appeal to me, especially the elements of the subject that frequently appear in scientific news
such as nanotechnology. It excites me to think that I could be involved and contribute to new
discoveries and would love to continue my studies at university.

Whilst at college, I have participated in open days as a guide for prospective students
and assisted with chemistry workshops, explaining course content to future students. This
experience highlighted to me the enjoyment I gained from educating others in a subject I love.

I believe that my communication skills have been developed through working at

Waitrose on the fish and meat counter; the interaction I have with an array of customers on a
weekly basis has really boosted my confidence. Teamwork is also important, as giving and
receiving instructions is key to ensuring that shift changes run smoothly. As a result of my
initial interest in the medical profession I took on voluntary work at St Peter's hospital in
Surrey. My time was spent on the respiratory ward helping to provide basic patient care and
talking to the patients. I also had the privilege of liasing with medical staff and understanding
how science impacts on their role on a day-to-day basis. I feel the experience was not only
beneficial for my character but also helped me to realise that medicine wasn't the path I
wanted to pursue as well as opening my eyes to the prospects of a career in chemical research
and industry. This enhanced my understanding of the crucial link between science and
healthcare, making employment in the field of science all the more attractive.

Over the summer I worked at the head office at Sony doing data entry, for most of the
time I was left to work on my own. This highlighted that I needed good time management
skills and that I could work autonomously, which I believe will help me when studying and
working in the chemical industry.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

During my time at school I was involved in a mentoring scheme. As a mentor I was

responsible for 4 first year pupils. I met with them once a week to check that they had settled
in and to discuss any issues they had which I would then help to resolve. I was also involved
in a reading programme, helping those with special needs. This experience has helped me
develop my caring nature and patience with others.

Outside of college and work, I like to keep active by playing football as well as
playing tennis at a local club. Whenever I get the opportunity I love to travel. I have visited
many countries with my family and I am always keen to experience the different cultures and
in particular their local dishes, as I love to cook!

I believe that many of the attributes that I have learnt and developed over the years
will help me in my studies and future career. I am independent, a good communicator, can
work either in a team or on my own, have good time management skills and a caring nature.
My academic ability and dedication to my subject make me an ideal candidate to study
chemistry at university. I look forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities that will be
open to me as a student, both in work and leisure time.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Phạm Hy Hiếu, nhận được học bổng Đại học Stanford cùng với 4
trường Đại học khác ở Mỹ.

In Jin Yong's kung-fu novels, Dugu Qiubai is a sword master who has never lost a
battle and wishes to know the feeling of a loser. On passing away, Dugu builds a maze and
leaves there three swords for his descendents. In the entrance room, he put a sword which can
cut everything.

On my first few weeks at high school, the I fought against Geometry with numerous
theorems I had learnt. Staring at the figures, I could feel my instruments spinning but still
could not see the solution.

A novice trained in Dugu's maze. Finding the weapon, he practiced days after days
and finally advanced to the next level. Despite his expectation for better sword to cause lethal
wounds to his opponents, he found only a wooden one.

The next days with Geometry, I gradually discovered that the art of problem solving
has never lied in theorems. Meanwhile, I had not to simply apply "bazooka" theorems and kill
a problem in five lines but to employ fundamental theorems creatively to cut the knot. I tried
to draw extra elements to link the isolated figures together but I saw just pieces torn away.
Sometimes I tended to return to my loyal "bazookas" but on telling myself how challenging
using a wooden sword to slash a stone should be, I went on.

A month later, I transformed from an amateur who lost in frost with Geometry into a
profession who stay in place with it. Ultimately I got the key of Dugu's training: working with
worse weapons brings more dexterity. Even predicting the next guide in Dugu's maze would
be fighting with bare hands, using palms as shields and fingers as swords, I practiced what I
called "na・e Geometry" with only the simplest theorems. Eventually, in the team selection
test of my country, I was among the only three contestants who solved the Geometry problem
but whose solution was more extraordinary than the official one.

I turned the page over, sticking my eyes to virtually every letter of the novel. "Jin
Yong-you are truly a genius!".

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Rhian Cocker, nhận được học bổng tại Loughborough University,
Swansea University và University of Portsmouth chuyên ngành Product Design

From a young age I have always been interested in how things work, and would often
get told off by my dad for taking things apart around the house! I feel that my strength in
school lies in the more ‘male’ minded subjects such as Maths and Design Technology, and I
feel that engineering is the right route for me to take.

Being part of the Engineering Education Scheme in Wales (EESW) for the past two
years has reinforced my decision for wanting to become an engineer. I enjoy using the skills I
have learnt in my A-Level subjects in the EESW projects I took part in last year and am
undertaking with my team this year. Last year our team worked with Axiom Manufacturing in
coming up with a database that could log, task and identify problems with the company’s
hardware. When we went to the Celtic Manor for the presentation day, we were nominated for
the Best Use of ICT award. This year our team is working with General Dynamics and we are
coming up with a solution to a problem they have in the fields. They need us to design an
integrated GPS system that service personnel can use in the field to help them locate where
they are, and also to show dangers around them. Taking part in this scheme has been
challenging and rewarding and has helped improve my teamwork and problem solving skills
by working with my team for long periods of time overcoming difficulties with our briefs.

I have chosen to do the Year in Industry university course to give me an insight and to
help me understand the problems that engineers face in an everyday situation. I also feel that I
will mature a lot by carrying out the year in industry and it will help me cope with situations
when I enter the world of engineering after gaining my degree. I enjoy Product Design in
school and for my project this year I am going to design and make a product that can
introduce or help people develop their skills in netball. Earlier in my school career I took part
in the Formula 1 in Schools scheme. I found that being part of this scheme was really useful
and interesting because it involved researching, designing and making model cars from balsa
wood to race down a 20m track powered only by compressed CO2.

In other aspects of school, I am a maths buddy to a year 11 pupil, which involves

tutoring them once a week with maths problems, to assist them in the run up to their GCSE’s
in the summer. After an interview with the Headmaster last December I was appointed

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Deputy Head Girl of the school, which requires me to work with the Head Boy and Girl in
organising prefects around the school, and raising money for the various charities we support.
At the end of year 12 I was trained to become a Cybermentor by the charity Beat Bullying.
This involves me logging onto their website and talking to people that are experiencing
bullying in school to help them in what to do.

Music is also a big part of my life and I am involved in many choirs including my
local county youth choir and the National Youth Choir of Wales. I really enjoy being part of
these choirs and I believe they have improved my teamwork and listening skills. I am
currently taking part in a school show this year which is ‘The Sound of Music’ and I have the
part of one of the principal nuns.

Outside of school I volunteer with my local Guide unit as a young adult helper, and
with this unit I am working towards my Adult Leader Qualification, which will mean I will be
able to run unit meetings by myself. I am also a member of the Senior Section, and with them
I have just completed my bronze Duke of Edinburgh and I have started work on my silver

I believe that I am a strong candidate because I have the initiative and problem solving
skills to help me excel in university life. I am passionate about the subject and will embrace
any opportunity to allow me to further my skills to improve and flourish in my chosen career.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Richard, nhận được thư mời học Đại học The Manchester
Metropolitan University chuyên ngành Accounting and Finance.

The art of Mathematics requires a thorough mind-set of logic and practicality; this
same mentality is reciprocated in many corresponding fields such as Economics, Accounting
and Finance. I feel that, with the knowledge of a combination of these subjects, I will be fully
inclined to peruse a career in the world of finance. This is just one of a plethora of
components that captivates me, when I think of studying in confines of Accounting and

Magazines, such as 'The Economist', 'Deloitte' and 'Fortune', allow me to keep up to

date with global economics, as well as broadening my understanding of how International
economies are run. Alongside, these magazines I also enjoy reading books such as 'Rich Dad
Poor Dad' and 'The Undercover Economist', which give great insights into economic
principles, personal finance and financial independence. Reading articles and chapters, such
as the ones in these books and magazines, further motivate me in the area of Finance, as I
strive to be someone, who may, one day, be able to devise solutions for the financial and
economical issues we currently face.

My A-Level subjects have aided me in many aspects of Finance and Economics.

Chemistry has given me a practical way of thinking, alongside the aptitude to apply common
knowledge in experimental work. Mathematics has further engaged my infatuation towards
problem solving and also enhanced my ability to utilise different arithmetical variables, which
is very beneficial considering the analytical ability required in Accounting and Economics.

Studying Economics at A-Level has enabled me to develop the fundamental

proficiency required for a basic understanding of how economies work and has also enabled
me to develop profound opinions on economic theories, such as Keynesian economics, the
idea that, during a recession, economic output and growth is mainly determined by aggregate
demand; and also phenomena such as, the game theory which has given me a more strategic
way of making decisions as it has improved my perception of situations faced by oligopolies
and how they are able to predict the actions of their competitors. Also taking GCSE's in
French and Spanish Has enabled me to grasp the basics of these languages. Which I believe
will prove to be very valuable, as it is becoming increasingly important to speak a variety of

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Outside academic life, I have involved myself in many extra curricular activities.
Recently, I was elected Financial director of the Young enterprise project at my school, this
role consists of a collection of arithmetic calculations, such as income and expenditure,
however, not only is this helping to improve my arithmetic ability, it is also improving my
ability to make decisions, as virtually all decisions have to be approved by me as I also have
to calculate the financial costs, benefits and other opportunity costs of the decisions made by
our team. Accounting also requires a lot of communication skills, which I have also been able
to develop through the young enterprise project.

Other than this, I am also regularly involved in sport; I mostly enjoy Football, as I
regularly attend the weekly activity hosted by the school. I also enjoy rugby and have been a
member of my schools 1st XV rugby squad for the past 2 years. When beginning A-Levels, I
was able to choose from an array of subjects, however due to personal preference at the time,
I was unable to take Spanish. However, I then decided to take it upon myself to learn Spanish.
This is a challenge that I know will be hard, however, with my determination, I know I will be
able see this through and it will benefit me in later life.

All of these activities have vastly improved my ability to work alongside others.
Which is very valuable in the world of finance. I am confident that all of the skills I have
obtained in the past and the skills in will gain from university, will help me fulfil my ambition
for a career in finance.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Richierich, nhận được học bổng của Đại học School of Oriental
and African Studies; nhận được thư mời học của Oxford University chuyên ngành
Japanese & Politics/Religious Studies

England and Japan are two immensely contrasting worlds: this distinctiveness is why
the undeniable magic of Japanese culture has always attracted me to study its oriental
societies and traditions. I have been enthralled by the Japanese language since I was a young
teenager; reading 'Japanese for Busy People' at school and trying to note down homework
reminders in Kanji, anything to incorporate Japanese into my daily life.

As I grew, so did my desire to study Japanese culture and society. Yukio Mishima's
politically aware novel 'Confessions of a Mask' captivated me. I found the contrast between
the effeminate main character Kochan and the uber-masculine male figures present in teenage
Japanese media refreshing. As a student of English I could better understand Mishima's style
and nuance, empathising with Kochan's oppression in an era of Japanese right-wing
militarism. This is where my political interests began; through independent study I became
absorbed in political history, with particular attraction to the way Japan avoided colonisation
by becoming an industrial superpower.

Studying English has helped me to introduce a succinctness into my writing and

speech which has complimented my study of the Japanese language; my natural flair for
creative writing saw me win two regional poetry competitions and a 'Young Black Achiever's'
award for outstanding achievement in English. This has helped me to approach my
independent study of politics with an analytical mind, which is crucial when criticising
political theories. Understanding international relations has become very important to me
through the study of globalisation in Geography. I found the energy module fascinating as it
related to the horrific nuclear disaster Japan faced earlier this year; I enjoyed discussing Naoto
Kan's call for Japan to become a less nuclear dependant country and the response of non-
governmental organisations to the crisis.

I regularly use Japan as a case study to familiarise myself with writing about Asian
politics and economics, which has developed my understanding of Japanese society. My
Religious Studies A-level has helped me to understand how philosophy can influence the
greater world through politics, such as the use of the 'Just War Theory' by politicians during
discussions of the war in Libya. My independent research in Buddhism and Confucianism has

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

helped me to understand how Japanese and Asian civilisation has developed; I am intrigued
that Japan can be so urbanised while retaining such deeply spiritual communities.

Being elected as a Year Representative in year 11 gave me a taste of diplomacy, a

career path I would like to follow; I thoroughly enjoy debating issues which affect the student
body. I was pleased to win the debating competition in my school; ever since I came second
in the regional 'Primary Parliament' competition I have always held an affinity for public
speaking and debating. I volunteered to give tours of Nottingham to foreign visitors, such as
German students from our twin city and a student from Tokyo. Similarly, I have Japanese pen
pals who I email and plan to meet next August in Japan.

In preparation for this and my undergraduate studies, I will be taking a Japanese

language course with a local tutor. Also, I intend to apply to the JET programme to gain
experience teaching in Japan after my degree. I find teaching through playing music a very
enriching experience and every Wednesday afternoon I help teach the violin to year eight
pupils, as well as performing in a chamber choir.

My ambition to work in diplomacy is driven by an unimpeded spirit, thriving on the

idea of increasing stability in a complex and ever-changing global environment; I believe the
key to this stability lies in strong communication between Oriental and Occidental societies.
A Japanese degree would offer me the challenge of studying a beautifully complex language
and a culture which thoroughly fascinates me.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Rikku, nhận được học bổng Đại học King's College London,
School of Oriental and African Studies chuyên ngành International Relations & Politics.

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the constantly changing world that we live
in, wanting to understand and explore the causes and effects of current and future human
interactions. During my teenage years I started listening to the BBC World Service and
reading internationally recognized journals and magazines.

I have become convinced that a third level education relevant to world affairs would
help me gain knowledge that would allow me to pursue a wide range of possibilities. My
current career ambition is to find a suitable role within an international organisation, such as
the UN, ideally with specific focus on assisting people who have been displaced due to civil
unrest, war, famine or other natural disaster.

I was born in Australia to a family of political refugees who had escaped communist
Czechoslovakia. After my country’s Velvet Revolution, my family returned to Prague, the
capital of a then newly formed democracy. This radical change helped to widen my
perspective and see the world from a different point of view. Today I am a bi-national avid
traveler, having visited more than 40 countries. I have attended six exchange programmes
with partner schools: one in Sweden, one in Germany and four in France.

I have also been on two volunteer programmes with Earthwatch, firstly being in Spain,
where we helped gather information to design marine protected areas and then in Tanzania,
helping to determine the impact of forest fragmentation through monitoring rainforest bird

The Tanzanian expedition in particular was an eye opener, not only because of the
local cultural differences and the poverty, but also because of the amount of teamwork and
hardship we had to face living in a remote area like the Usambara Mountains. The experience
also made me aware of how foreign countries and NGOs are helping to alleviate the poverty
in Tanzania.

At school, my position as the only girl in my class has ensured that I have maintained
a somewhat independent approach to my studies. I have chosen a broad range of subjects for
my Final Exams, not only because I like challenges, but also because I believe I will obtain a
lot of all-around knowledge and skills from them: Mathematics and Physics have helped me

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

understand the physical and abstract world around me, while Czech and English have shown
the beauty of literature, which has become a great passion for me, Herman Hesse being my
favourite author. I currently represent my school in the Prague Model of the United Nations,
where I am I delegate for Germany in the Third Committee.

Aside from academia, I have a passion for a number of hobbies. Ever since I first
visited Egypt, as a 12 years old, I have enjoyed egyptology, with all the facts and mysteries
surrounding it. I enjoy the arts in many aspects opera has a special place for me, as my mother
was, in her youth one of Czechoslovakia’s most promising opera singers. I also enjoy
Photography, particularly black and white. I held a small exhibition of my work in Prague last
year. As a child I enjoyed ballet, and even competed in local events.

Now, sports have become more important to me: while being in the Czech Quiksilver
Snowboarding team, I have achieved commendable results in freestyling contests on a
national level. I am looking forward to improve my technique and hope to participate in
international competitions.

Every summer I spend at least one month in France perfecting my French. Apart from
speaking fluent French, English, Czech and Slovak, I have been studying German at school
and have also been trying to self-study Hebrew. I am a active member of Mensa,,
Greenpeace and the Czech–Japanese association.

I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that studying in the UK will present.
I value very greatly the chance to be a part of such a reknowned institution as your college is,
and I believe that in some small way I may add to its whole, through my personality, work
effort and experiences to date.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Robert, nhận được học bổng tại University of Dundee và
University of Essex chuyên ngành Law.

I dedicated my fist two years of high-school to studying mathematics and computer

programming, in order to familiarize myself with progressive logical constructions and to gain
a new type of awareness, one that improved my view towards work in general. Although the
initial results (14th place at the "Oracle Global Data Modeling Competition", and a few more
similar achievements) indicated a possible successful career in programming I have realized
that the "developement platform" in computer programming is almost predictable and isolated
from inter-personal communication. This fact made it clear to me that IT was to become an
asset and motivate me for a future career in law.

As extracurricular activities, in the same period, I have participated in debates and

meetings held by the "Generatia Europeana 21s" ("European Generation 21st"•) foundation. It
is a working group whose aim is to put students and pupils with exceptional results at school,
in contact with the intellectual elite. At these meetings and debates I learned how to sustain
my ideas in front of an audience, and managed to build myself cogent speeches. It was also
the first time that I put myself in front of a blank page and experienced writing essays on
matters such as education and science, but also the first time I was praised for such an activity,
having been awarded "The European Generation XXl's Prize of Excellence" by Emil
Constantinescu (former Romanian president and president of the foundation).

After this two year period, a number of changes started to appear, especially in the
way I thought and viewed my future evolution. I changed my study profile to Social Sciences,
started to attend local council meetings, lectures about discrimination, trainings on different
matters, conferences, went frequently on local TV and radio shows but also helped my
community trough the "Rotaract Club Resita" (of which I am a member). All of these helped
me see what problems our society is confronted with. I also took part in an international
competition named "Aliante 2008" a political and military contest under the aegis of the
NATO Public Diplomacy. This competition helped me improve my writing skills, my
teamwork abilities and my documentation capacity, since I had a good motivation to spend
long hours at the City Library.

In my spare time I enjoy playing sports (basketball and soccer) exploring new places,
photographing landscapes, reading detective novels and meeting new people.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Since 1989 social change has continuously been "applied"•to my country, thus
generating a confused world, where public debates about civil rights are held daily, at a
general level. This is the context in which a countless number of situations, were a ordinary
citizens cases come in contrast with the very basic citizenship standards and human rights,
occur even more often. Therefore, after being an eye-witness to discrimination of all sorts,
corruption, law disobedience, disrespected civil rights, an over-bureaucratized world, I
decided that I wanted to be an actor of this complex environment of social change that we live
in, and help implement the process of social stabilization.The best way of doing that is, from
my point of view, by pursuing a legal career as an attorney. This view was undoubtedly
generated readings in this field, the most important (to me) being Learning About The Law‚
by Constantinos E. Scaros.

I chose to study in the UK, because in my opinion, it has the best universities in
Europe. The United Kingdom has continuously developed its educational system for centuries,
the result of this being important values, such as refinement and modernity. It is the ideal
place for a young and motivated student to study in order to have a shining career. It will
surely give me the chance to trace a clear line between law and morality

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của S.Ashfaq, nhận được học bổng tại University of Central
Lancashire, Edge Hill College of Higher Education và The Manchester Metropolitan
University chuyên ngành Law.

I am deeply committed to a profession in the legal system, as I pay much interest to

issues that affect today's society. Law has many rules for citizens to follow, Law shapes
economics, politics and society and acts like a third party to resolve conflict between
individuals. Law affects everyone, always taking into account what is morally wrong and
what is deemed to be right regardless of who we are and where we are from. My desire to
study law developed from understanding the importance of the legal system, I wanted to know
more about it and how it affected us as citizens, and how it operates out of the public eye.

This interest first started when I was participating in moots at my college, for this
there was the role of the prosecution and the defence. I was given the role of the defence and I
had to argue on behalf of my client in a divorce scenario. For this I was recommended a
family law book by Jonathan Herring from which I researched certain concepts such as
distributing assets and contractual licences. This book introduced me to a whole range of
aspects in family law which I was unaware of.

My combination of A-level subjects have allowed me to develop the skills of

analysing, arguing and evaluating which are critical when studying law. My English course
enables me to write coherently and present my views from various angles. My politics course
teaches me to evaluate sources, analyse any extract effectively and research information
independently. During sixth form, I completed the edexcel BTEC Level 2 award skills in
Improving Learning and Performance. From doing this, I have learnt about using a range of
strategies to help my learning and using feedback to learn and improve, and review how well I
am doing. I am also completing a qualification in learning which looks at study skills, such as
note taking, time management and discussion skills. During college I have been participating
in a moot which has increased my ability to research and analyse different modules

During 2010 I attended Preston Crown Court for two weeks for work experience. For
the duration of this time I was given the chance to work with a secretary who organised the
barrister's daily schedule. I was involved in administration, as in filing paperwork, setting up
appointments and typing up letters. I really enjoyed my time there it gave me an insight to

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

what life is like inside the court room. I then again attended Preston Crown Court where I sat
in the public gallery to have an insight to how a criminal case proceeds. It was interesting
listening to both defence barristers and I picked up on a few techniques, such as how to put
my views across firmly and assertively in a courtroom. As it was my first time in a courtroom
I was amazed at how the judge could issue the sentence instantaneously sentencing those to so
many years in jail. I sat in cases concerning pre-trial work and assault and during this time I
was able to talk to the prosecution and barristers, from whom I was able to get an insight of
their roles. To further develop my knowledge of the working of a law practice, rather than just
experience of the courts side of proceeding, I have sent out numerous requests for work
experience to local firms.

I am a highly independent, hardworking person who throughout my school life has

displayed a very strong work ethic. At high school I achieved the High Achievers Award in
GCSE's. I have the confidence and determination to believe that I will exceed the entry
requirements for the course and will exceed my predicted grades. I have a great passion for
the subject of law. It is the diverse nature of law which affects society and this attracts me to
study the subject at degree level. After exploring different options, I believe that your course
will provide me with the necessary skills and attributes to succeed in law. I look forward to
the challenges ahead, and I have realised my full potential for success.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Simon Bajew, nhận được thư mời học Đại học University of
Glasgow và University of Dundee chuyên ngành Plant Biotechnology.

I have became fascinated with Science in my early childhood. It came from the first
glance through the microscope at Paramecium. Since that time I have shown a pertinacity to
learn about the world imperceptible by human eyes. As I got older I have had keen interest in
Botany and Genetics. I have read many scientific publications from BioMed Central Publisher
within the scope of my interests.

Before High School I had achieved a title of Laureate of Biology Contest at

Voivodeship level and I got to the final of French Contest. I bought a microscope, due to an
award founded by the president of the city as an 'acknowledgment for outstanding and
prosperous scientific accomplishments', so I have started to conduct observations of literally
everything around me. During High School with an academic profile I took part in inspiring
lectures and laboratories at the Universities of Medical Sciences, Technology and Life
Sciences. They brightened up my aims and in result directed my focus on Biotechnology,
Microbiology and Molecular Sciences. The wide range of possibilities that these fields can be
used in daily life astonishes me every day. Set together they allow to develop innovative
drugs, vaccines and modify plants and animals in order to increase their productivity.

The recent benefit I find curious and useful is modification of veggies and fruits, what
enables to produce more phytocompounds, the substances necessary in healthy diet. The
bioactive food is used in treatment of diseases of modern society. There is an enormous
potential in callus induction, tissues cultures and intensification of secondary plant
metabolism. These technologies are used in Pharmacy to obtain the chemical compounds
from medicinal plants with a therapeutic significance for human. Even the agriculture may
profit from Biotechnology by cultivation the plant modified in terms of the resistance to the
adverse environmental factors of pathogens. My curiosity led to to the Department of
Pharmaceutical Botany and Plant Biotechnology at the University of Medical Sciences in
Poznan, where in October I finished a one-month long practice. I had an opportunity to assist
in planning and conducting the research and work in the laboratory.

The internship enabled me the recognition of student and professional life.

Participating in the research was an invaluable experience that gave me a motivation to
further developing my knowledge and skills. I increased my ability to analyze and solve

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

biological problems, formulate and consider scientific theories and critical analyze of research
literature. As a person I am ambitious, organized, solid and inquisitive. During work I think
creatively and strive for the best. The teamwork is the most satisfying and efficient form of
cooperation for me. I like to discuss and compare different points of view. Respecting views
of others makes me suitable for leading the group but also carrying out the tasks assigned only
to me.

Studying at university will be a continuation of my life passion. The progress in

Science is continually proceeding and it would be wonderful to take part in it. After
graduation I have considered career in research institute, biotechnology or microbiology
industry developing vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Beyond my academic interests I am bound
up with sport, which has its own place in my daily agenda. I train long distance running few
times a week since I was 12 years old. My best scores are the proof of my hard training.

The workouts in the gym motivate me to perfecting my body, what gives me physical
and mental strength. I am also interested in languages- I speak English, French and I am
learning Russian. Languages abolish boundaries between people and open myself to the world.
These two sports and fondness for languages strengthen my personality, showing that with a
good attitude, motivation, specified goals and hard work I can achieve my aims in private,
student and professional life.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Sravyaba, nhận được thư mời học Đại học Cardiff University, The
University of Kent chuyên ngành Management.

My greatest achievement to date was when I was appointed head of the 6th form
Management committee. I have turned it from a minor committee to a thriving active part of
my school. Whilst maintaining the balance between academic and extra-curricular pursuits I
have used my initiative in starting and managing the ‘Cafe’ at my school to raise funds for
any 6th form investments. Having planned this project from the outset, I have learnt how to
analyse problems and come up with solutions whilst meeting deadlines and executing a basic
business strategy. These formal positions have taught me vital life skills such as leadership,
planning, working with others in a team, and delegation. It has given me my first taste in
managing a business, and I am eager to learn more.

After a lot of research into many careers and thorough background reading such as
"The Irrational Economist", I realized a career in business is something I would like to pursue.
Having observed the rapid changes in global economics, and the way firms react has inspired
me to take this knowledge further. My enthusiasm for business has always been in its
management: the fine art of ensuring that a set of high quality cogs create a functioning

When choosing my A level subjects I took into consideration which transferable skills
would be of use whilst pursuing a business based degree. I took the highly analytical subject
Economics due to its relevance to the current climate in the business world as well as to train
me in writing focused persuasive essays. Not only has my study of critical thinking supported
this, but it has taught me how to critique the arguments of others. Further Mathematics has
taught me how to analyse problems and to interpret information. My study of Biology
provides me with the logical mindset required to approach any subject which will no doubt be
helpful in studying for my chosen degree. Finally, in studying AS level Religious Studies
during my free time, I learned valuable lessons, in philosophy and ethics as well as working
independently whilst exercising well developed time management.

As well as my schoolwork I take part in many extra-curricular activities; I am

currently head of my local youth group, where I have learnt how to take control and organise
different activities. I have always been interested in the wellbeing of others and have taken
part in voluntary work. I enjoy my volunteer work at Childline, as it gives me a sense of

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

purpose and achievement, whilst enabling me to communicate in an empathic and systematic

manner. Not only has it taught me to be a team player but also some key skills of how to be a
leader, such as how to listen to people’s problems and remain uninvolved, and follow certain
guidelines on how to deal with a situation. My communication skills are further supported by
my work in speech and drama, when I have both delivered and judged speeches and debates,
teaching me how to assess objectively and give constructive and positive feedback.

I understand that a business based degree is a highly demanding course and needs
dedication and hard work. I have taken up activities which involve these attributes; karate is a
sport which I enjoy and its basic principles of motivation and hard work are qualities I value. I
have also taken up ballet and modern dance, Duke of Edinburgh, drama and piano;
reinforcing discipline, dedication and performance skills.

A business based degree is exceptionally diverse and can lead to many opportunities; I
will thrive on studying its many depths and breadths. At present I have only just ventured into
the business world and I am eager to learn more. Potentially I would like to set up my own
business in the future and a business based degree will aid me. I see myself as a very capable
and enthusiastic person who will grasp this challenging degree with both hands to further my
academic potential and become an asset to your university

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Tom Grimes, nhận được thư mời học Đại học Cardiff University
chuyên ngành Management.

Creativity is what first drove me to pursue business and management. New business
ideas fascinate me. The notion of running a business and the risk involved in business has
excited me for years.

Whilst reading the book "How They Started" by David Lester. I came across a quote
from Peter Kindersley, who founded Dorling Kindersley which stated "If you have had an
idea and everyone says it's mad, that's probably the kind of idea to pursue..." Dorling
Kindersley is a hugely successful publishing company that all started with one "mad" idea.
This further encouraged me to produce a few ideas of my own.

Two ideas in particular have stood out to me; firstly, starting up an ice cream van
business in France. When visiting France I noticed that there is a huge gap in the market for
ice cream vans. Secondly, starting up an assault course in Kent. I visited a popular assault
course in Cheshire called "The Crocky trail" and I had never seen anything like it in any other
part of the country. I exchanged emails with Mr James Wally, the director of and son of the
founder of "The Crocky trail" and he offered to meet me. He told me what difficulties he had
had faced running the Crocky trail and that health and safety had been a major problem for
him to overcome.

In order to help me expand my knowledge and understanding of running a business I

obtained two week's work experience at the Bespoke Kitchen Company. Here I observed and
assisted in various areas of the business. They stressed particularly the importance of
communication, image and advertising. I explained my enthusiasm for maths and handling
data so initially they had me filling out spread sheets recording the orders that had been
placed. I also gave clients tours of the show rooms to illustrate the quality of the kitchens
being produced and to persuade the clients to buy the product. To advertise the company I
assisted with a photo shoot of a kitchen which was to be put in the local magazine. My
decision to study a degree in business strengthened due to my enjoyment and success in my
work experience.

Through studying physics and biology at A level I have gained the ability to interpret
data and successfully draw conclusions from it. Consequently this is an aspect of Biology and

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Physics that I particularly enjoy. Although I have always excelled mainly at science based
subjects due to my logical mind I am still a very well rounded person with skills and
knowledge in many fields. This is shown by my eleven A's and A*'s at GCSE. I believe this is
an important trait of a business person as they need to be able to deal with many different
varieties of challenges.

In and out of school I am keen to be involved in extra-curricular activities. I have

learned important speaking and listening skills in debating that help me to portray my point of
view along with the ability to think quickly in high pressure situations. As well as that I play
outside of school for my club rugby team, I have been a member of the school 1st XV rugby
team for two years and I am captain of my house rugby team. These activities have also
strengthened my abilities to lead and communicate within a team. To play in a top team
requires dedication, time management and teamwork. I possess all of these skills. In school I
have been awarded the position of senior supervisor. In addition to this I have been the house
charity representative for the past year. From these roles I have learned the importance of trust
and dependability which are essential for success in business.

I am truly excited and looking forward to furthering my knowledge of Business and

Management. This degree will act as a foundation for future success in the fast moving and
powerful world of business. I am eager to meet new people, explore a new environment and
above all immerse myself in the study of business.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Thomas, nhận được học bổng của Đại học The University of
Edinburgh cho chuyên ngành Economics with Finance.

The subject of economics, which I seek to study in the coming years, was first
introduced to me through the United States Academic Decathlon, a ten-subject team
competition for high schools. Over the past two years I have devoted hundreds of hours to
independent preparation for this competition. Consequently, I took third place in my division
at the national level for an eloquent performance while interviewing. However, the greatest
benefit has been developing a fascination with economics. I now see it as an elegant,
mathematical approach to studying the consequences of human nature in action.

Economics is a subject that demands a great deal of focus, ambition and pragmatism
when studied effectively, characteristics instilled in me during my arduous but fulfilling time
on the Decathlon. When I first began studying economics, I was concurrently attracted to the
material introduced in my Honors Calculus class. There I was encouraged not only to absorb
the information presented, but also to pursue it individually. The allure of the mathematical
tools integral to understanding economics reaffirmed my interest in this field.

Studying economics also appeals to me because it promises the possibility of

leadership. Thus, I have sought to balance my studies with experiences that prepare me for
such possibilities. I have managed the staged productions and finances of a comedic acting
troupe named ALBATROSS. Some of my peers and I founded this organisation during my
freshman year of high school. Running ALBATROSS has taught me how to direct multiple
projects at once, how to motivate people toward a common goal and how to determine when it
is best to delegate work.

Further seeking to gain managerial experience, during the summer of 2009 I worked
for the Chicago Public Schools' Freshman Connection program as a Youth Leader. I learned
to step into a position of authority through both observation and practice as I assisted in
overseeing aspects of the program and aided in teaching incoming high school freshmen
during preparatory courses. There were many opportunities to refine my communications
skills both when lecturing younger pupils on the importance of self-discipline, and when
working to increase efficiency of exchanges between program administrators.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

I have cultivated other interests, as well, during my high school years. In 2008, I
translated Adam Lizakowski's 'Chicago: City of Belief' from Polish into English for a
bilingual edition. Also referred to as 'Chicago: City of Faith', this book of poetry won an
award from the UNESCO Polish Division. As a clarinettist, I have won awards as a member
of large and small ensembles at municipal and state levels. Additionally, I became a National
Merit Semi-Finalist and Illinois Student Assistance Commission 2010-11 State Scholar in
2009. Through my academic and extracurricular endeavours, I have gained knowledge,
discipline and resolve which I will continue to foster in my university studies.

Ultimately, I seek to pursue a PhD in economics. Because economics is a global

phenomenon, I would find it particularly helpful to study in the United Kingdom. I believe
this relocation would expose me to ways of thought that are currently unknown to me yet vital
in an increasingly interrelated world. I would like to take part in strengthening the
relationships that are bred globally and fuelled by cross-cultural professions. As economists
are key players in this process, my attempts to join their ranks are enthusiastic and resolute.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Umar Ramzan, nhận được thư mời học tại University of
Southampton chuyên ngành Pharmacy.

I have become attracted to Pharmacy as it combines Maths and Science together and
shows how these subjects affect lives every day in a positive way. A Pharmacists role is very
vital to ensure the right medicines are supplied in an effective way hence it will allow me to
work with a range of patients to achieve a lifelong career as a Pharmacist.

I have gained valuable knowledge studying Chemistry, Biology and Maths which will
be beneficial for the Pharmacy course. In Chemistry, I have done a series of experiments
which require analytical and evaluative skills such as accurate reading when using burettes. I
find the organic Chemistry module rather interesting as I enjoy studying the different
reactions of aldehydes and ketones and how these reactions and organic products differ due to
the different functional groups present in each compound. Another aspect of chemistry I enjoy
is the purification of organic compounds.

I understand in the purification process the organic compound has to be distilled,

recrystallized and dried. Similarly in industry, when this is done on a larger scale, it has to be
ensured that these steps are done with caution to make sure that impurities are not left behind,
as these impurities can cause certain side effects in medicines.

In my biology course I have really enjoyed learning about the functions of antibiotics
and how they stop bacteria growing, and how horizontal and vertical bacterial resistance can
form in the different and same species of bacteria. This is a very important aspect that will
influence new antibiotic drug development to stop the specific bacteria from multiplying once

As a pharmacist, many mathematical skills are also required. Using maths, I can
investigate and solve different problems that I may have with things such as supplying the
right amount of dosage of a drug and also to calculate the right amount that is needed for a
patient in accordance to his/her problem.

My week of work experience at the local Pharmacy was really inspiring; shadowing
the Pharmacist and dealing with the different prescriptions given, was set to be really
challenging and showed me how difficult the Pharmacists job can be, including giving advice
to the patients and staff management. Other priorities at the Pharmacy included customer

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

service and watching the Pharmacist carefully dispense medicines which I also saw as being
valuable. I will be doing more work experience in the October holidays to really get an insight
on the Pharmacists role in the Pharmacy.

I have also volunteered at my local mosque. This has given me the opportunity to
communicate with all age groups including talking to the elders and getting involved with
teaching the younger children. I have also taken part in work experience at the charity shop
Oxfam. My main role at the Charity shop was to work in the eBay department where I had to
take pictures of clothes and list them on eBay and to help in the warehouse, where I had to
organise the packaging to make sure they were sent to right buyer.

From this, my ICT skills have improved as I have learnt how to create spreadsheets in
excel. Furthermore, I have also taken part in voluntary work at the British Heart Foundation
charity shop where my main responsibility was to move heavy furniture and household goods
around the store and to attend to customer queries.

In my spare time, I have a great interest in sports including cricket and badminton
which provide me with a healthy lifestyle. I also like socialising and having a good time with
family and friends and also like meeting different people with different backgrounds to me. I
am also very interested in cars.

I feel with the different experiences and motivations I have had in life, it has changed
me into a very confident, hard-working and a determined candidate to succeed in my ultimate
goal to become a professional Pharmacist.

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

Bài luận cá nhân của Venera, nhận được học bổng Đại học The University of Edinburgh
và The University of York chuyên ngành Biotechnology.

The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilisation has always
fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in the Sciences. More recently, I
have begun to excel more in Biology than Chemistry or Physics, and this is where I wish to
continue my studies. In my opinion, Biological Technologies are an important resource, and
are fast becoming more important to industry and medicine, as fields like Bio-Materials and
Genetics are developed. I believe that there are still many new and exciting discoveries
waiting to be found, hidden within nature, and of beneficial use to humans and the
environment. I want to be a part of the next discovery

It is possible that the roots of my fascination with science come from my first trip to
the library. As dull and as eccentric as it may seem, the book that I chose in the five minutes
before closing time was one on Fungus of the British Isles. After that, I read a lot of the
Eyewitness Guides series, detailing the advances in technologies from the Stone Age to the
present day. What I enjoy reading now, in magazines like New Scientist, and on other science
websites, is how new innovations can be put to practical use to solve modern problems

For example, how genetic fingerprinting can be used for identification purposes, or
how gene technology could be used to incorporate new characteristics into plants that enable
them to grow in damaged salt farmland. Then there is the possibility that biomass, and other
renewable biological fuels could be used to at least partially replace the fossil fuels that are
beginning to run out, and have been damaging the environment for a long time. Lastly, I find
it amazing how spider silk is stronger than steel cable, weight for weight, and that in countries
like China, bamboo is strong enough to be used for scaffolding that we in the western world
have to use steel for. In facts like this, I believe lies enormous potential. In nature and in
society, where I believe just about everyone and every thing has a place and function, the
possibilities are endless

I have only had two jobs to date. I have worked as lead waiter in a small restaurant,
and now as a cinema employee. Other than skills of handling money, or responsibility to do a
job properly, the most important lesson I think I have learned is the importance of teamwork

Excellent Statement Of Purpose

The thing I have learned is that every single person has different abilities, skills,
tolerances, likes, and dislikes. The trick is seeing where they fit, like the pieces to a puzzle.
After finishing my education, I have considered research as a career. It would be a nice dream
to make a famous discovery and go down in history, but I have not made any plans set in
concrete yet. I would rather consider all of my options before I go ahead, as glory will not put
food on the table

Outside of my studies, I don't read books about fungi any more, but I socialise with
friends and meet new people, I play computer games, use the internet, and apart from my
science reading, I like to read novels - usually of the medieval and fantasy genre. I also have
an interest in film, and working at a cinema, I am able to watch quite a lot of movies. The
strangest of my interests, is that I take medieval martial arts lessons with a group called The
Exiles. They translate manuscripts from the 15th Century, and as a group we interpret what
they mean, and learn how the techniques shown actually work. We work with different
weapons, like long sword, dagger, and spear, but as the basis of the system stems from
unarmed combat, there is a lot of body mechanics involved, and I have learned a lot about the
dynamics of body movement. Even though fighting with medieval weapons might not be the
most often used skill in today's world, it is an interesting experience


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