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Project Reporting 

Weekly Report 
(10/06/2018 - 19/06/2018) 
Project Name: Question Set Generator  
Report Prepared By: Bikram Adhikari 

Project Members - Ankit Shrestha, Suyog Singh, Shailesh Mishra

Project Overview of this week: 


Further refinement on the system with the reviews from the mentors. UI Refined, functionality as change password,
download pdf and such added

Major Tasks performed this week: 

● Further refinement on the system

● Extra functionalities added
● UI refined

Plan for next week:  

● Demo in front of seniors

Project Concern, Challenges or Dependencies: 



Important Information or News: 



Scope Change: 

​LIS Nepal (Pvt.) Ltd.  

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​LIS Nepal (Pvt.) Ltd.  

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