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Wireless 4 DOF Robotic Arm Using Mega 2560

B.Harshitha1 , P.Amrutha varshini2 , M.kamalahasan3 ,

UG Students, 3Guide
Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering
SITAMS, Chittoor.


This undertaking is for the most part about a pick and place automated arm with a plan of 4 DOF(degree of freedom)
mechanics , it is used in businesses, cars and shipyards to pick and place the awkwardly robust articles starting with
one place then onto the next place through remote correspondence in controlling, verbally communicating with basic
errands, for example, prehending, raising, setting and giving up. In this task arduino mega is used to plan a pick and
place automated arm ,through utilizer charges. The robot is controlled using RF predicated on the orders given by the
utilizer, the robot moves as needs be. At the beneficiary four engines interfaced with the microcontroller, Arduino IDE
application is used for controlling of robot.

KEYWORDS:- Arduino IDE, 4 DOF, RF controller , catching cropper

1. Introduction

The point of this outline is used to pick a protest and place it in the coveted area. Humankind has strived to give life like
characteristics to its antiquities in an undertaking to discover substitutes for himself to complete his requests. The
business is peregrinating from current condition of mechanization to robotation to increase profitability and disseminate
uniform quality. The computerization is assuming considerable part to protect human endeavors in a large portion of the
standard and much of the time conveyed works. A standout amongst the most ordinarily performed works is picking and
setting of occupations from source to goal. Consequently the Robotics is related to gadgets, mechanics and programming.

2. Arduino mega 2560

Fig 1: Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 . It has 54 input/output digital pins ,16
analog inputs, 4 UARTS , a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or
power it with a AC -to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega is good with most shields designed for the
Arduino Uno, Duemilanove or Diecimila.
3. RF Transmitter And Receiver

In generally, the wireless systems designer has two overriding constraints: it must operate over a certain distance and
transfer a certain amount of information within a data rate. The RF modules are very small in dimension and have a wide
operating voltage range i.e. 3V to 12V. The data is sent serially from the transmitter which is received by the tuned
receiver. Transmitter and the receiver are duly interfaced to two microcontrollers for data transfer.

Fig 2: RF Transmitter and RF Receiver

A wireless radio frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver can be easily made using HT12D Decoder, HT12E Encoder
and ASK RF Module. Wireless transmission can be done by using 433MHz or 315MHz ASK RF Transmitter and
Receiver modules. In these modules digital data is represented by different amplitudes of the carrier wave, hence this
modulation is known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).

4. L293D Motor Driver IC

L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which sanctions DC motor to drive on either direction. L293D is a
16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any direction. It signifies that you can control two
DC motors with a single L293D IC. Dual H-bridge Motor Driver integrated circuit (IC). The l293d can drive diminutive
and quiet sizably voluminous motors as well, check the Voltage Designation at the terminus of this page for more info.

It works on the concept of H-bridge. H-bridge is a circuit which sanctions the voltage to be flown in either direction. As
you ken voltage need to transmute its direction for being able to rotate the motor in clockwise or anticlockwise direction,
Hence H-bridge IC are ideal for driving a DC motor.

Fig 3:- L293 Driver Board

5. Gear Motors
Robot is an electromechanical device which is capable of reacting in some way to its environment, and take autonomous
decisions or actions in order to achieve a specific task. Roboticists develop man-made mechanical devices that can move
by themselves, whose motion must be modelled, planned, sensed, actuated and controlled, and whose motion behavior
can be influenced by programming. Motors and actuators convert electrical energy into physical motion. The vast
majority of actuators produce either rotational or linear motion.

Fig 4:- Gear Motor

You already know that electric motors are used to “actuate” something in your robot: its wheels, legs, tracks, arms,
fingers, sensor turrets, camera, or weapon systems. A motor controller is an electronic device that helps microcontroller to
control the motor. Motor controller acts as an intermediate device between a microcontroller, a power supply or batteries,
and the motors.

6. Working Principle of Robotic Arm

Fig 5:-Block Diagram

In this model by utilizing ATmega 2560 can be controlled by the RF transmitter and receiver . The 4 DOF Robotic arm
consists of 4 motors which is an optimal design of a parallel manipulator aiming to perform pick and place operations.
The base motor rotates in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, the standard motor and mid motor avails in distance
moving, where as grip motor can catches the objects and it can place at desired location. Motor driver L293D receive
12V from power supply and drive the motors. Each DC motor is connected to the M1,M2 and M3,M4 of the driver IC.
Kineticism of the robotic conveyance and arm is predicated on the direction of rotation of motors. By giving digital high
or low values to the motor pins we can rotate it to any direction.

The robotic arm can withal be design with fiber, wood, glass and plastic accordance with desired application. The
maximum weight that can be carried by this model is depends on the capacity of DC motors utilized. This board works
with power supply of 5v(DC). The RF transmitter transmits the RF signal to the RF receiver, then Arduino mega receives
the RF signal commands and it passes to the driver motors. Conclusively predicated on the given inputs (Mega 2560) it
transit to motor drivers predicated on conditions and then it controls the sources of motors, which was given in below
Fig 6:- Design Model images

Sl.No. Input Output Function in Robo

1 0000 stop
2 1111 ideal
3 1000 Base motor right rotation
4 0100 Base motor left rotation
5 0010 Stand motor up
6 0001 Stand motor down
7 1100 Mid motor up
8 0011 Mid motor down
9 0110 Grip motor lock
10 1001 Grip motor unlock

Table1:- Table of input given signal

7. Advantage

 It is mainly invented for simplifying the industrial assembly lines and explosive items.
 It gives the smooth operations as well as reduced time consuming process.
 Robots can be programmed to move within strict work envelope limits - leading to even better use of space.
 This robot will eliminate the human works in material and glass handling section.
8. Applications

 This wireless robot can be applicable in the automobile industry.

 When handling the explosive items like bomb it will be handled smoothly.
 This type of robot can also be helpful in the home usage such as picking the needed objects.
 It can also be applicable in building constructions and shopping malls.
 This type of robot is used in the developed multi- national companies and manufacturing industries

9. Conclusion

The effective Design and Implementation of Wireless 4 DOF Robotic Arm has been performed. The robotic arm has
been extensively tested and the required measures were taken. Similar operations on a moving work surface yield an
98% success rate. Hence the objective of designing and manufacturing of Wireless 4 DOF Robotic Arm at low cost was
successful and It’s been proved that running cost of the robot is also very less. This will avail to cut down labor and
ameliorate profits at very low initial investment. By considering the above advantages and additionally by visually
examining sundry benefits, this project can be employed in the assembly industry. I hereby, conclude by saying that this
project can be a factor for engendering an impact on assembly sections.

10. Future Work

Since it is the prototype of this Model, in future can additionally done with the full coerced system i.e., thoroughly
culminated robot. That is consummately culminated robot with micro controller and sensors. This type of the robot
should be kept as robots in assembly line of automobile industry, glass handling industry, material handling industry,
shopping malls, etc., for facile completion of any work with less time consumption


[1] Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoffa, Reza Ezuan Saminb, Babul Salam Kader Ibrahimc, Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm,
International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012), 1072 – 1078.
[2] Sanjay Lakshminarayan, ShwetaPatil, “Position Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm”, Department of Electrical
Engineering MS Ramaiah Technology, Bangalore, India.
[3] RK Mittal and IJ Nagarath “Robotics and Control” BITS Pilani, 2003.
[4] Er. R.K.Rajput, „Robotics and Industrial Automation‟, S. Chand Publications, 2014.
[5] .
[6] SGS Thomson Microelectronics L293D - L293DD [DATASHEET] PUSH-PULLFOUR CHANNEL DRIVER
WITH DIODE .June 1996.
[7] Muhammad Jabir.N.K1, Neetha John2, Muhammad Fayas3, Midhun Mohan4 , Mithun Sajeev5 , Safwan.C.N6
“Wireless Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm Using an Android Application‟ Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015
Remote 4 DOF Robotic Arm Using Mega 2560

B.Harshitha1 , P.Amrutha varshini2 , M.kamalahasan3 ,

1,2UG Students, 3Guide

Bureau Of Electronics and Communication Engineering

SITAMS, Chittoor.


This undertaking is for the most part about a pick and place automated arm with a plan of 4 DOF(degree of freedom)
mechanics , it is used in businesses, cars and shipyards to pick and place the awkwardly robust articles starting with one
place then onto the next place through remote correspondence in controlling, verbally communicating with basic errands,
for example, prehending, raising, setting and giving up. In this task arduino mega is used to plan a pick and place
automated arm ,through utilizer charges. The robot is controlled using RF predicated on the orders given by the utilizer,
the robot moves as needs be. At the beneficiary four engines interfaced with the microcontroller, Arduino IDE
application is used for controlling of robot.

Watchwords:- Arduino IDE, 4 DOF, RF controller , getting cropper

1. Presentation
The point of this outline is used to pick a protest and place it in the coveted area. Humankind has strived to give life like
characteristics to its antiquities in an undertaking to discover substitutes for himself to complete his requests. The
business is peregrinating from current condition of mechanization to robotation to increase profitability and disseminate
uniform quality. The computerization is assuming considerable part to protect human endeavors in a large portion of the
standard and much of the time conveyed works. A standout amongst the most ordinarily performed works is picking and
setting of occupations from source to goal. Consequently the Robotics is related to gadgets, mechanics and programming.

2. Arduino mega 2560

Fig 1: Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board in light of the ATmega2560 . It has 54 input/yield advanced pins ,16
simple information sources, 4 UARTS , a 16 MHz gem oscillator, a USB association, a power jack, an ICSP header, and
a reset catch. It contains everything expected to help the microcontroller; just associate it to a PC with a USB link or
power it with an AC - to-DC connector or battery to begin. The Mega is good with most shields intended for the Arduino
Uno, Duemilanove or Diecimila.

3. RF Transmitter And Receiver

In for the most part, the remote frameworks architect has two abrogating imperatives: it must work over a specific
separation and exchange a specific measure of data inside an information rate. The RF modules are little in measurement
and have a wide working voltage run i.e. 3V to 12V. The information is sent serially from the transmitter which is gotten
by the tuned collector. Transmitter and the collector are appropriately interfaced to two microcontrollers for information

Fig 2: RF Transmitter and RF Receiver

A remote radio recurrence (RF) transmitter and collector can be effortlessly made utilizing HT12D Decoder, HT12E
Encoder and ASK RF Module. Remote transmission should be possible by utilizing 433MHz or 315MHz ASK RF
Transmitter and Receiver modules. In these modules advanced information is spoken to by various amplitudes of the
bearer wave, thus this balance is known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).

4. L293D Motor Driver IC

L293D is a regular Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which sanctions DC engine to drive on either course. L293D is a 16-
stick IC which can control an arrangement of two DC engines at the same time toward any path. It implies that you can
control two DC engines with a solitary L293D IC. Double H-connect Motor Driver coordinated circuit (IC). The l293d
can drive little and calm sizably voluminous engines also, check the Voltage Designation at the end of this page for more
It takes a shot at the idea of H-connect. H-connect is a circuit which endorses the voltage to be flown in either heading.
As you ken voltage need to transmute its course to be ready to turn the engine in clockwise or anticlockwise heading,
Hence H-connect IC are perfect for driving a DC engine.

Fig 3:- L293 Driver Board

5. Apparatus Motors

Robot is an electromechanical gadget which is fit for responding somehow to its condition, and take independent choices
or activities keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish a particular undertaking. Roboticists create man-made
mechanical gadgets that can move without anyone else's input, whose movement must be demonstrated, arranged,
detected, impelled and controlled, and whose movement conduct can be affected by programming. Engines and actuators
change over electrical vitality into physical movement. Most by far of actuators deliver either rotational or straight

Fig 4:- Gear Motor

You definitely realize that electric engines are utilized to "activate" something in your robot: its wheels, legs, tracks,
arms, fingers, sensor turrets, camera, or weapon frameworks. An engine controller is an electronic gadget that causes
microcontroller to control the engine. Engine controller goes about as a middle of the road gadget between a
microcontroller, a power supply or batteries, and the engines.

6. Working Principle of Robotic Arm

Fig 5:- Block Diagram

In this model by using ATmega 2560 can be controlled by the RF transmitter and recipient . The 4 DOF Robotic arm
comprises of 4 engines which is an ideal plan of a parallel controller planning to perform pick and place activities. The
base engine pivots in clockwise and anticlockwise bearings, the standard engine and mid engine profits in remove
moving, where as grasp engine can gets the articles and it can put at wanted area. Engine driver L293D get 12V from
control supply and drive the engines. Every DC engine is associated with the M1,M2 and M3,M4 of the driver IC.
Kineticism of the mechanical transport and arm is predicated on the bearing of revolution of engines. By giving advanced
high or low qualities to the engine pins we can turn it to any course.

The mechanical arm can withal be outline with fiber, wood, glass and plastic understanding with wanted application. The
most extreme weight that can be conveyed by this model is relies upon the limit of DC engines used. This board works
with control supply of 5v(DC). The RF transmitter transmits the RF flag to the RF collector, at that point Arduino mega
gets the RF flag charges and it goes to the driver engines. Definitively predicated on the given data sources (Mega 2560)
it travel to engine drivers predicated on conditions and after that it controls the wellsprings of engines, which was given
in beneath table.
Fig 6:- Design Model pictures

Sl.No. Input Output Function in Robo

1 0000 stop

2 1111 ideal

3 1000 Base engine right pivot

4 0100 Base engine left pivot

5 0010 Stand engine up

6 0001 Stand engine down

7 1100 Mid engine up

8 0011 Mid engine down

9 0110 Grip engine bolt

10 1001 Grip engine open

Table1:- Table of information given flag

7. Preferred standpoint

It is for the most part concocted for improving the modern sequential construction systems and
dangerous things.

It gives the smooth activities and in addition lessened tedious process.

Robots can be customized to move inside strict work envelope limits - prompting far superior
utilization of room.

This robot will dispose of the human works in material and glass taking care of segment.

8. Applications

This remote robot can be material in the vehicle business.

When dealing with the dangerous things like bomb it will be taken care of easily.

This kind of robot can likewise be useful in the home utilization, for example, picking the
required items.

It can likewise be appropriate in building developments and shopping centers.

This kind of robot is utilized as a part of the created multi-national organizations and assembling

9. Conclusion

The viable Design and Implementation of Wireless 4 DOF Robotic Arm has been performed. The automated arm has
been widely tried and the required measures were taken. Comparative activities on a moving work surface yield an

98% achievement rate. Subsequently the goal of outlining and assembling of Wireless 4 DOF Robotic Arm with ease was
effective and It's been demonstrated that running expense of the robot is likewise less. This will benefit to chop down
work and enhance benefits at low beginning speculation. By considering the above preferences and furthermore by
outwardly inspecting sundry advantages, this task can be utilized in the gathering business. I thusly, finish up by saying
that this venture can be a factor for inciting an effect on get together areas.

10. Future Work

Since it is the model of this Model, in future can furthermore finished with the full pressured framework i.e., completely
finished robot. That is perfectly finished robot with smaller scale controller and sensors. This kind of the robot ought to
be kept as robots in sequential construction system of vehicle industry, glass taking care of industry, material taking care
of industry, shopping centers, and so forth., for simple consummation of any work with less time utilization


[1] Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoffa, Reza Ezuan Saminb, Babul Salam Kader Ibrahimc, Wireless Mobile Robotic Arm,
International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012), 1072 – 1078.

[2] Sanjay Lakshminarayan, ShwetaPatil, "Position Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm", Department of Electrical
Engineering MS Ramaiah Technology, Bangalore, India.

[3] RK Mittal and IJ Nagarath "Mechanical autonomy and Control" BITS Pilani, 2003.

[4] Er. R.K.Rajput, „Robotics and Industrial Automation‟, S. Chand Publications, 2014.

[5] .

[6] SGS Thomson Microelectronics L293D - L293DD [DATASHEET] PUSH-PULLFOUR CHANNEL DRIVER
WITH DIODE .June 1996.

[7] Muhammad Jabir.N.K1, Neetha John2, Muhammad Fayas3, Midhun Mohan4 , Mithun Sajeev5 , Safwan.C.N6
"Remote Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm Using an Android Application‟ Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015

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